The Signal, 1893-12-14, Page 7kiets X Cards Prices, Saturday LY and Plush ular prices, d Saturday e -third off Goods for pecial low rfume Bot- izers, Rose obes, Hya- stal Dinner ilk Bound on Volumes. rames, bol- rling Silver Wirt Foun- and Ladies' ases ORTER, ellers and Stationers. maslhde ! 01111111141111111 efl•MN. r mini hie tram Ala allter ne Mier syle. 1111 OF NI WS times. •l.asa.w res. se meMMm. t• and ere. We will he attractive goad. Chemist ist ED FIBRE Wil' they are mistake& gest and atron I pe without seas s e it by a patent pr Ins to heat, cold and L WARE imparts so and is the lightest, durable ware ovor DDY'S. is. riEr4. EON I. Nash's LBttAt 8 ea t•rtalii»tp in the woo* r Ja el0• she, in years, W a 16.4. l hope to shore sa raw ,Ffby MI�W PP' r & BON. TRI SIGNAL: a'}nFRI('ii, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER Isle lets 7 White Blankets, Grey Blankets, Horse Blankets. SPECIAL VALUE IN SHAPED HORSE BLANKETS I Unlined Blankets, 85c., worth 85c. Lined Blankets, $1.25, $1.50 JOHN T. ACHESON. AT THE DRAPERY AND HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE + + + + + + + A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. ffir 50c. Not Cannot be Beaten. Lanes' and Children's Underwear, erna vale. Hail and Black Sion Series, th int ll TON for the ine1. DTS7IOTIOLt =IDLY SOLICSTSD. 5 PBR CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. 70.4 1\ACCTNRO, Drover sad Haberd 1.Ir. - - Asewetnag al/tress willing is gratify its desire for knowledge Many oder people forget that the things but who perhaps are unable to distinguish whop m are perfectly simple to theare • f between what is � what M moi, good for w • ill losehild to know itBow ptu:le to children, and that the esquire%matey, sad to tears to look GaWed ed is attracted to every strange upon open Ile in a dull, spiritless waY. without ,•bjea, and that it seeks to settle in itv owe interest or curiosity. Weave, however, mad the phdusophy of the object which than not. answering a child's •Issetioes is to naw its cariesiy. Not able to account ridicule them Nothing wound. • child so :or the strangeness of the objects it sees as finding it. Iasi parlance abused .r how they become so, it (tile to asking and its earnestly meant 'tuestioes made the lestions. To the mature mind Rimy of subject of mockery. How common a thing these questions are absurd, but shellbe it is to bear • child's ,luestioa immediately u'elully and thoughtfully wwerei, sad. if I soh *ow conteotptuoualy (aHtdemned as brtedy etcptai••d bow the object meats he I ".illy'" Vet, in most cars of the kind, the its presser medium, it will add 1,111 M the militates is not with the child, but with the rile opeaiug mind. Do sot .0 -lie oke alder person who fails to un4erstand how kild to misses trough year in. • man- t the child's mind works. r want of INereet la its tstriae. The Is early years the perceptive faculties are sickest we, to stop the attest• of • child, kesaesi. The child hears, sees, and his i that is what you are star) is to satisfy soul is tilled wish delight ; but soon be its curiosity by a retiousl auewer. The ask "Why '" and "How 'bill may sot be able to gainsay an Mooed Everything in nature attract him, and cm answer, yet there is every rearms to believe askt'sg who is the maker and titer, he in- :.. sot *untied variably receives one answer. Thus the Ms following conversation overheard hearts of the little ones are filled with rev. betweena child and it. aunt illueuates the mews for the being whom with natural •hougbt. eyes they cannot see, bat whose works are One day, says the writer, I eat in a car all &boat them in the form of manifold seat oe the Saugus branch of the Easters bssmties and blessings, Rad behind • pale eareworn lady who was Some cbildreu seem naturally spiritually talking to • little boy from Roston to MAI- minded. They live in a� �atoos� deo. Ai the little boy was of a very isysir- sod sites surprise their f Ing mind sad everything se ndel to eraser able of thought. We owoe'heard of • his imitation, I could not help listening to flay gisi who astonished her friends by say- some M - some of the questions. Leg, " Why' I "hottest I was gang straight "What is that, miner the little buy t themes !" The life of that child has been • inimised, pointing to • stack of hay .,i a mouttment in itself. For more than thirty the msreh. yeses she has been engaged in missionary "Oh, that's bay, dear,.' answered the work in Turkey. mower. The faith of) ebildhoo l is simple yet "What is (lay, ensue ett�a�. si.ttall and great desires are pre - Why, hay a hay, dear." ccBtM M the Hsavealy father with a trust 'But what w it made of W simelieity which older people would do ' why, hayis made of dirt, and water tai yea is Gtr. "Whir makes it " "God makes it, dear." "Dose be maks it in the day time or is the sti6t!" "Ill both, dear." "Yea, all the time." "Afa't it wicked to make bay on Sunday, auntie f "Oh, i don't know. I'd keep still. Willis hat's a dear." Auntie is tired." Meer remising quiet • moment little "• iitlis broke out : "Whim *asters come from, auntie ' "I der't hew ; nobely knew.," -nos the sees lay 'em " Ye, i gums so," repiiai the wicked Can the mho• 1•y too haetk,dine si whoa Willie broke IlritmtebW baa involuntarily a feeling of w- hirthrough trust grown peep)., which is only er- At, love al ases. Thise•osle s.eidsalyita abu W shakes may perhaps error be restored to its enema parity sad strength : and who could have W heart deliberately to impair such sweet confidence A rsslsl ht wast& Fr rm the Man FrassUoo granites, 1.n4 Aei.m.re, Nor, 25 -Four noes and • joker killed • tough, hearty Yana ladies roamed Omar.% Qualms in the cent, jail this miming. rdmis is sot the Bret use that lour aeon have brought shoat a remeedy, but probably the first time that it Lisa_ been caused jest yips way. gashes was cue of Chief Miguel'• bead of rebellious Iodises who, with their leader, have bass Is the county jail fora month or out: se awaiting their trial eon charge of assault- " Semis says miss is au owl, suet', : is lag • school teseher on the reservation. tbe.+^ Quahog wee a pretty Ilia. sad sad was • Oh, whops tin." allowed oeselderolaM liberty. He Immo " I think • whale could lay eggs denl apuaiated with the turnkey an,), being a you,•wde lolly fellow, was made a sort of comrade Ay " kph, yes, i gams so, said the •base. stthe petty o1Rd•ta woman. This emoningQtabue was playing a pwe Did yen ever sees whale en his west'" of poker with Walter Scott, a fellow pa- •' On, I guess se '" er. Som. dealt the eats sad Was* pink " Won!" ed up his head. tt was a pet me. rashes I NESS se. Willie you must keep quiet ; Melted at his cards and stretched out his tis 6,0,4, only." band to raise the auto. whom Some was What makes you oral?, auntie • ' startle.) at eeeieg his fellow player's fees "I St, des. ' yes ask en mammy aueMieaa" shames is • ghastly my. He swayed I. i, I you seer see • lit' le By eat suer !" his Asir a few secede, and tell ever an 1 ea, dear." the sees flntw deed. A. attempt was made Where 1" to give him medical oars. bet It was sa- WWillie, sit dews ea the seat and he availing. and the dooter premien:ra it • It^r ill shake yen. New set acether as aorta.cam a blood vessel 1Mdimg to Md • And the la iy pointed her lager eh erply A Bost• or entice i that the ladies, .. tit little key, an If she woo is dead, still cletohd M. earde r hie "'la it Nasgh him. There area , y eE rtNtir/ Mesa her boy meittea ik• little hoyt��YltysyW.iple is the V 1�w ▪ • g� �ber WOO* b polars wM sora to When she omittedsm awl jay iu MIM told tis mrd sus slgt/ SULU IN NOUN CULTURE. toilettes That Alfred. wesr,ttr of rues and Celer—The neared UI). Bulbous plants, properly managed, will give ail abundant supply of flowers it the wueeb,w garden tram daunary• to May. Thome, therefore, who hate 'rely the window to depend upon fur the win- ker Sewers canned afford to ttegl..•t bulb nature or to give it indifferent atten- tion, says Veit, who give. tide informa- tion on the subject in hi. illustrated Irobthly: Beseiming with the Routuu White Irya- -inth seal the Paler uantie,us, tlwre may follow a cunt' bloom of hya- riuths and narcissus cit many kinds, of tulips and trans and snowdrrgie, of freesias and lilies and starred. and chide nodule, and etillnettu.l allinnr, and be - CHINESE SA('RED 1.ILIES. sides the truly hellions planta there are thou which have rhizomes that are treated nearly the some at the lull's. such as the anemones and winter aconite and the small growing kinds of iris. All that is needed is to place the bulbs iu some light soil in poet and stand them away in a cool, dark place for a few w••eks, and then they are ready to show their handsome forms Or the hyacinth bulbs may only he set no that the bass of the bulbs will be close to water in vases, and this will be all that they ask. Or almost any bulb will grow and bloom well in some damp MOAN. By preference a sunny window should be chosen, but if not at command give theta the full light of a north window, and they will canoe no .hsapp'rintment. Not much heat is needed, and in fart the lower the temperature can be kept above 50 degrees" the better will be the develop- ment of the flowers. The Chinese or sacred lily is pro perly a narcissus of the polyanthus type. The bulbs ere large, and each one sends up a n umber of Bower spikes. Theeeyraw in puts, but a proper method is to fill a bowl or some similar vessel with peb- bles, in which place the bulb, setting it about one-half its depth, so that it will be held firmly; then fill with water to the top of the pebbles and place in 'a warm, sunny window. !alms and Rubber Pleats. Some palms like warm quarters, others rather a cool place, but the ordinary temperature of a dwelling hones in win- ter is good for them. Rubber plants, t,io, will thrive well in the common waters temperature of our dwellings, hut they don't like cold. Both are capital house plants, thriving well in sunken window., and, in tact, fore week, in the hall, dining room or elsewhere on a aide table or bracket and not near a window at all. Don't use big pots. One of the beau- ties of these and other house plants is healthy. leefyepecimens in comparative- ly small pots. At all times the soil should be moist and Dever very dry Don't give them stimulantsin the house. if the pot, are rather small and the planta root bound, stimulants would be useful. Use stimulants when the plants are in full growth in summer. Hauls• SesSete. Whether in the greenhouse or ordinary room, these will be found to take • liber- al iberal supply of water where a good growth has been made. Nonattention to this is ▪ frequent source of failure, the plants, whatever they may be, own asts'tming a sickly appearance if not regularly attend- ed to, In the case of any which are found to dry up rapidly it is a good plan to wa- ter them in the evening and then again in the morning. If the soil has heel part- ly washed away, a slight top dressing would be a considerable assistance. All decaying foliage and Bowers should be kept removed, the potdtiou occupied by the plants being one when snc't things ore brought into prominent notice. The Hest Country Ter Angles. The apple is a native of cool and t eel iteratively northern regions it ha. r.. hem able to adapt itself to wane , ,nn- trfeA. Even in the eastern Mahe t ire am pis I. not a particularly wm•e'tsfol fruit south og the Potomac rivet, ex,rpl in the mountains and cool melee. All along the Allegheny range they thrive admir- ably—quite as well as in the fanso••awi• regions of western New Tdek-11•ttir�. we get into the lower y l.. *him • loot and romlparatively wet 101I•Mtrr temperature prevails, the swill would never be looked upon as a daWr or- chard trait by those who art illl>I�11Ilt be ay profit from fruit culture, ss 'ti Monthly. T1s Ooswmles oaesMeray. Rural New Yorker adrisse a few plants of the Columbus gooseberry, of wild* I: mart Takes •11 toall, IN Is the half vu riety yet raved to 0111 ew,try, .r Per those Arts et it whine the ,NNrlbeigy Mtge& The leduelff ,tlEI.«. wflt••I the Columba is mildew p•d WHAT THE TOWN PUMP SAID. I Mawurwel •'•N1 from Me yews Pm.' A bond Teneer,sre teeters.. (Ise et the mem cleanness end elective mew apse Temp ra..s liRibosome "met our eye" is [further mob "Rill tae. s Teta Pump." Take the fsbewhig M • el•SM "semen." "Herd they ems t A has day, gentia- n's .1 , my (rind ; you will seed •nether to wash the dust out of your direat, if it this- es thiek there, from your travel In the eeentry, sem it is upon tour cow hide skew I see that though you have trudged hall -a score of (rile• to day, like a wise •us, you have passel by the averss, use stepped at the running brooks and well -kerbs Hut drink, sae make room for that ether fellow, who seeks my aid to es rech the dory fever of last aight's pots ti'..., which he drained from ao :up of MID*. •• Welcome. most rudicuod sir ' 1 ou and I nave been too groat, *treaters, hitherto ; nor will my nose be afamee for s closer in• tinucy till the fumes of your breath be- come • little less potent. Mercy un you, mean' the water absolutely hisses down your red hot gullet, and is .luito converted into steam is that boiler which you call your stomach. Fill ag.iu, man, and tell me, on he word of an honest toper, did you ever, in cellar, tavern, or any kind of dram shop, -pend the price of yew children's toed for a swig half so delicious Now fur the first lime them tau years you know the flavor of cold water. Coal by ' and whenever you ere thirsty. remember that I keep a con- stant supply at tis., old stand. "Who nett Oil, my little friend, you are let loose from school, and ante hither to 'crier your blooming face, and drown the memory of certain taps of the fertile, and •cher scheel-iay trouble., in • draught from th 'own -Pump. Take it, pure as the cur- rent of your young life ' Take it, and may v.wr heart and tongue never be scorched with a fiercer thirst than now' ' •There, .ny dear child, pot down the cur. an 1 y old it and your place to this elderly gentleman, who treads so tenderly over the ,,.. og stones that he seems afraid of break t hem. '-"i hat he limps by without so much as thanking me, for my hospitable otters were meant only fa. pe..ple who have no wipe -eller.. Well, sir we have done, I hope- eo draw the cork : tip the decanter ; but when year great foe shall set you a -roaring, at will be no affair of mine. If gentlemen hove the pleasant titillation of the gout, it is di one to Town -Pump." PHILOSOPHY OF' BALSAC. Soassed'• Urtret relieve. aenrslale. Too often vice and genius produce similar -fleets, and this deceit es the common •rind.wry. ur A girl who is stupid, ugly, poor and rood, possesses the four cardinal points of To rise above men simply to command 'hais only magnifying the role of school miss m (ser. Nett to the pleasure of admiring the woman we love is that of seeing her admired by others - When a caecal is loved by an holiest roam she either bseomd criminal or he as honest man. Later we love the woman in a woman : rat the first woman we love u the whole of womankind. There are two kinds of silliness — the silent and the talkative. Silent silliness is eapiGetable In a weleorgaaired man pessooma born it rhe brain always survive those that emanatr from the Mart. i do not know which is the more coward- ly, the one who is always hoping, or he who 'mo len ger hopes. National rills are a mild pnrgatire ailing ea the stomach. Liver and !ewe's, removtu, all obstruction. 4 Women only make themselves implacabl, e ' as to render their pardon charming -- the) have i•terpreted (cod. No sea i.e.yet been abbe to discover the means el giving friendly advice to a woman. n ot eves to his own wife. etnard's Usinsrsa Ar nate Everywhere Lev is a counterfeiter who is constantly passing off opper ...es turn goldfor iintocopper.p ut who some It is natural to deettoy what we ounce omeessa, to deny what we cannot under. stood, and insult what we envy. .t young lawyer without cases a young tooter without palatial., are the two ea - rem., expression of decent despair. I have spent my life in seeing people die. or of their albums, bat of that great and incurable disease, t he want of mosey. The moral world has gutters where die honored persons try to splash the mud to -h they are wallowing up on men of bowie, to an observer there is sos ithiag sad tuning in the spectacle of poverty mads up 'ike an old woman trying to give the lie to her face. In political If. men [removtly turn their haracters inside out, and it often happens •--• the public dosses not know which is the tight side. i. me heart of the woman who loves t here is each a wealth of hope ! It require savvy a dagger thrust to kill them ; they love aid blend to the very last. HapylBam has no history. Story -tellers .l all semen.s eads,etaad this es well that M ltd baggily ler ..'w (flee wee aH s(va•N..a a1 ism I'. f'. RENAME & Co. I .ave seed your MINARIYY 1.151 M F: so eo...fm 1 in • seriesg ease of (roup a Noe ly. I easily it • remedy Do house should he without. J. F. Cu'ettl!rnnAN. I ape Island. That . r ring on my meas. home • heeds of M[V AR '81.1NIMEN�T POWAffsaIwO Mr ATENTS saes ificientific American APPOINTMENT A Wash Day AND No Steam IN THE House AND am soil so vat dun L that a young cel oe dullest• „•Wgi4 ran .111 • fasttly a s1: ills without I.. Inv Orel NS Nutty OEM re lot You lay: HOW 7 BY USINC hg/it SOAP leecgving• to EasY Directions rut ul,ie yens own ,.les. neat we,1,.lay and try the eon, r:a cn, "Sul /0NT • • way. DoN, t tee aaotber eta:heay l', Remit 1 trying vetoes" ALL TIM SLOGS!, .ON• or r.,t •Dun's, RTC/NITS San LIVER. cattily tune +++++ ou&i.tY, w.ThouTie .au THE r. Au IMPeeirlta AND FOOL huaoas. AT Tet /Art Tint CORRECT. 1140 ACIDITY or Tht STOMACH, Cua.se • IltOUSNtas, DYSPEPSIA, HEAD - ACNE•, DIZZINESS. HCART•UNH, CON•TIPATION, RHEUMATISM, DROPSY. SKIN DI . JAUNDICE. 411.7 mecum, reys.Pcuts, scoter. ruts. FLUTTERING OF THE MEANT, NENYouaNE•s, AND GEM DEBILITY. These gine as s.a.u Coae.A.ars sweaty T.tLO To Tat CV.a- T.ve .n sec or •umooca stoop • ITTER*. COAL nxo wood Y82ZD. Special attendee given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD, SOFT A BLACKSMITH COAL. coal weighed on either market or ms Scales. Get ml Prices before going elsewhere. TERES CASE. resepbsse Centrales. JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. till-ly. GODERIOR Steam Boiler Works. 1[Ilyf ABLt81[St)'1550,1 A. S. CH RY STAL, Bweoe nor to Caryatid e! Blaotc,f Manufacturers of all kinds of Station. ary Marine, Upright k Tubular Salt Pats, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron �g,atl.,,,.Workss,,eetetc.,, etc. valvvee Madam AsMieWOM Leiaamis y mai hannad. S ef el e skeet P. O. Bos It. Werkt—Oovaslts O. T. R. Statlw Sadmioh ORATEPUL—OOMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST -SUPPER. laws • whisk rh PrbarsTi •lpessdaaats o�fe tM and maritime sad br a eaeaferl or sloe SasRoos •• baa ire am kssas�if•aasew sup- per him msseagy Miliesew ...► of4it tow this 1.1tint as etltutta mar bath up eutil sewn te te +r•�•�, ya ski .�.., ,�e 1. a eh' ami I�fiei mw+�'T'w•e. Clod Made▪ l slush with bailIns water or �- awl sate Is sae ustithy Itreessa, labelled IMLs : JAIME arts wmy.eire fellow PATINTS! CAVEATS. TtWE RAM IIM CBJDMINTS gi.. afl sled to at'a'MORK i'TN Aria Oar Plea le U. fs PoteN OI- Ma deadP•OD{T ! • . 1i�1 _dwt. y. 7�wY• wt. vWja11�•Itto , r ,, '- ti n JI"' . 1 Oa �yggwe m,si. Me, a the Pentameter the tcss. ty� m mag eisa awe NSW et ,v 'HMO to • a rwswia eat,.. 'apedWtin O herwhi4/Isa. A o STARTLING ! amamorawr The enormous waste of fuel which might be saved IF PEOPLE WOULD THINK when they Pre buying Stoves to go to dealers who hand i 9 none hut the best, and guarantee them perfect. SAUNDERS & CO. have had the best Stoves for years. SEE THE NEW STOVES FOR THIS SEASON. DOUBLE HEATERS FOR COAL: THE SOUVENIR THE ART COUNTESS THE OXFORD. COOKING RANGES FON CCAL: THE KITCHEN WITCH, THE DUCHESS OF OXFORD, THE HAPPY THOUGHT. A full stock of Coal and Wood Cook- ing and Heating Stoves. THEIR RAND -MADE RE -DIPPED TINWARE is telling its own story in increased sales. WAST S Carriage Meersa-.fact-LZrer, t3a jyg pw hued tlr lyrtjng s of ' ' 1 icCRE:A T8 & WALKER I have now arr••ged, not only to continuo the Carriage Trade, int hays decides to do all clsases of work in H0Bt3E-3H0EIJU AID UlEBIL BLACKSIITHIIUt NONE:BUT THE BEST OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. 31W..Ag W a L.T 11, 2396-1y. PROPRIETOR. SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. ply virtue of a warrant under the tad of the Warden sad IOW of the Corporation et th.^ County of Asses, dated the into day of August. 1'tl. commaadtet MI to Vern the lands bereisafter described. for the arrears of taus respectively due theca, with s ; notice is herein givos that unless rush lazes and costa are aousera�fg, I to eon with the Amusement .1st, Chap. 173• R. S. O.. proceed to sell by l'ubMo A� s prop meed thereof • may be to dle+harge the same, at tae Daub is tis Tows of OODKRiCH. eu FRIDAY. the PI BERTH day of 1►Et'YMBCR, oda, at O. o'clock in the afternoon. TONS. nu' OF IO% lel;. 140,01, Lot PAT'D Answer Caereatn i've !prime. on PAs. No. or Cow. No.or on or Taxes. Coinstasolr or LOT. ow STnanr. A, ass utteavu $ CRS. B till. Part et N It I Pat'd 1 ig 1 it ,a. metes Or THILDWlCH IN 110. "K. I victoria st, $. a •' II Louisa -•t.8. pub•DIT.f MW Iteservs M ; to Toru. I'Te. e0 Uupat'd 9. at : W fr 42 3 40 N az _ W SI /f : an Pat's ; u a S1 1 90 vt1.LACE OF aELnOltt IN HOW!. A. W. part of ! ! I'at'd TOWN01111. Of NORMI. N lei S N Pat'd O 12 5 i15 90 114 2 i N 1 a !! 711 1 71 21 ILLAt:t OF •ATeIELt. INS i Para 1 !t I I! 230 RS i I to I I! ! t0 MoCasgh y Ilarysy Lai is tot •1e• tress river. Part 414 .2nd slop trim chert u.LAai of a1.TTIr. Mack BI IC Pat d 11M Ip 21 I; tea or sneerer.% Para sM iI it It ii 41 27 '• tt.t_u:E De ENI Ma. r,suceeewe.Sarver repII141Pst'd 30 -lit ` 6�ldervoh. t flu. 11M. WHY Does CEO. BARRY, the Goderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertaker'. supplies 1 And how Is i. that he can sell so cheap I BECAUSE Ife'flnds that it pays in the long run. Hie motto is " Small Profits and Quick R. tures." He also makes • trolling y of pictureframing (Give hia call before cparieho • ing elsewhere. Rio Fluid always on hand lUS1', DUNN'S BAKING POWDER IXiWdCSBFBTiRIFMU 11M 1 0 1922 WM HOWLER. Treasurer. "lash., A. easyo the kid - et ors •r. fa Skimp Ms gkra PT • 1 per twit. dimes o Is tNaorlr's1 Al1- by• light woN t.Wive s healthy city witheaht sour. muse geed whom the tiler we the .emueNpwa .f lb. ayel w. "Dur. y I. f•e •e' A11� Noy - troubles result Ie tad flood, thew fat end the meat I.w- •r.o• ••if•S::i •l•bit.. end 11F')Tk. sh•o• atswasss sanest Islet whore .dos'• kid..; Pas int soot 1grrtedialtirk W I, ad datwaret__r