The Signal, 1893-12-14, Page 4Stu cifigu
iiAPT WEEK AN !/'!'UKT W All
made t• leases neyestrikers Hes he woes
es gemelliwo forma 1 a. • caw"' kw tele mapesel►y.
NAM =p1J11j;pAY mous, LNG but owing to pressure of bueisese. peke -
R „yt1 uoT• 1 •weal and otherwise, that geetlenas wvs
Oof Pubs,
hoioa s aa,f to, h•o
Nimrttreat `usable to aotede w the wishes of his bs.-
Qeirried►, Owe"- deeds of friends in town. and was forced to
Terms el �esetsat•e 1 `decUne the pr stirred honor.
mmnth, u ad. ..v. .... - • . '.......
.... *y 1 I ortua•tely. Mr. HOLT N sot the only
100 1 ellipse in town who could till the posia►oO
year, •gee ,hetes pee rear
with credit to himself and satisfaction to
,srAitteeM-Mem• 1 o I
ad.0vt/at prole* the rwiJoats, tired public optofoa at oar
, mete M • lit sad
centred u C. A li
(,e��' and miler : a.tteal aAccril•rmeate. ion• �
'sr ar Ir. ,r tint &n.•1 .e.•u'r'•a.3) eaati d br proper person to represent the town a'Tk►t
/41f art ,tr.ww+ siding pre
utti:•ar at the t: ll board.
a sseP aril sayfe. .. i i,aav and seder, Per waited spat.
Msgerueerii, 4eeticmen was immediately
2=tteRl••Vipia of Iseti Ioond, crated•( weeded to the
1, t.*,,in,, .,t,tatior. YCsuted sad And atter slut: doi,bcratioo, awl placed
tree•• terse nut exceeding a request of his Arany frtead., Pt
nese „mapisa k1 per month.
��Psa hes .rue enJ "erten on este. not s I himself is Lues hands, in the interest of the
exceed t ilea a, it : r gut inosti 307 Mr 1 0( muofcipal ( V
. It ntostn, lrreterr a tyle Ito 1PC.TrtiOn, own awl tate cease good
jsy spall t*I n.rt lne t h , A Kat ni wb1. h i. y {
'roseate the masuwl•r) h.•aefit of any lad(I ernutcut.. orals tt►adi•
vtdar1 or aims a$r• to be musitiered an ad- I 1 batirc srtc tion fora ruaY Y
vartt.r.n• ret at chane'( arceettnetty•
int mi►de.
Lewitt settees In nonpareil l e. sus >'"T ,jets than Mr. Ht siege could trot be
were e,nattiew lees lbs lac ad'ni t Pe ;too town. Ile bis
1,n,,,• n,•Wu to we fur tem ow. ;go. He le su old resident of the H.
renis per word.Matinee ter itiiieybors other reli,tions and riot been •failure to hie cheers calling.
WfltTolca• tenant*dSae halt este,
Iare hie date 111 showing tb solid Owl
AN OUTRAGE IN PARISIt.177,7,===ehtsbal,'Itt
ouch a dastaa3ly
A Dyualmtter Herb a Bomb late the
Midst of }reeA Deputies.
feermeretal rslarlitll Adterll.►tserls.
A hewed number of hOIIO**edwins, rates:
=Ow.., ill he resected at the itollo
Per in. L. tote insert too
•• four loserttana 100
" threem,wtlle. ,aO.
ell ,n•te,tha .. ...._...... a k1
•' tree. ` ni ler. than two iseh"• to
No length *81 hien+ 3
orecet.dlles eel*itnawed for cosh payrnenta
err cent. dt)1o'�n` these
e/t Ohre. 4MAI ' h� eTr ni.t 410 1 'vex e, t>e es
con▪ di12
4MAI ' , se s . *'*reed.
oeod/t ion. w iii tie sari,* ly
Al beet "VW aesall '• Pelt %I.(r•
Subscriber who Mil 11 ries iv by Tilt
an• te? • . tI byther M • ctf us o! the fast st
inmate. •tar by sc'ltt,it to
as early • P
Dosik N ease label.
101*' label is a atiteestipit ratter of the dale
to which you an pileup. telae that it b oott
• cto hase. ll into
warreren :a :t.,slred. both
the old and the nc ' a.t.: sboold begirt*.
e t mansion lets Camel be rc1 greed.
n•le*se wast be written on one side
et paper only.
roblhker s al•tlrt.
J. l'. 1.e T*nese:. of t;,.l• r:, L. by a tip
p emtad 1 oral'Trs%eatett AKrot for th t '
01ip• 01 0ode•rtcL, C,.ibo,r0e. AsGAe:d
Local postmasters oars. the 3utr:l t aro *Mit
empowered t0 reeeise .'ttecr:prions to TII►
14iooAL .., A.iiteaat'1 to
AP comm'tetcati1). iLLIC('11 tot T.
Tess etwvstL.
hoot Call 7*. °adore:h, t
$0URItlI 111. THVIIIgDA1. NOV. 11, IP.
notice d hot week, that ..'ser )lea'. 13, oar
Premium ode! _of " The _ltonal to ad-
vance e„ becriters would be withdrawn. no
copies of The -1 email wdl Ile tailed from
other than 10 ,aleettbers who
the, °tliex,
Ordered pretwus to the,. lite.
tin november ith sp..,ul Instructions
ware tient out by the Dominion, author
ides whieo ptscticelly prohibit the mailing
of The .isatin is tonere-ma with Int: Vit. -
x.w., art as TNC •e. it. has no power to
have the order ria inde•i, we have decided
to withdraw the peewee,.
We regret the shape the matter bee as-
sumed, but we ,asset help the one, even
if we undertook to kick teal hard.
I). Ma t:ILt.h t tents.
Mae helped in his own way to impros 0 the
toe by inrestiug his release in w ItautbO, I
hewis.,.lte and :orn�na.ltoue .twrll.og•,
other directions. tie * fairly three tax'
payer, and has e,nirlbnted personally to-
wards making the waterworks c I the
etocn steen
whet every self rash mg
eildeevor to do 1 pit Jug concern.
In man)- other directions he has alae
shown bimeeit to be pu'1)lic spirited and
euterpruieg. w hist Iiia private lite has been
abate the shadow of reprosoh. }leo:copes
a respeemble p11411oe socially in the town,
and. in the event of his election to tis p'r41L-
tton ..( )blot. p,,eteases a suavity f
tier ..r.l gentlern*sly demeanor' though
firm, withal which wield eel* 'for the
.,p.,'. A respect whica has slot of late Years
been *coo del te A-
tte 11'41.10 in no a0V1te to nnaaw:IpsJ
ol:_.r a seat at the town
n: of arts, as b I»('d
1 b Wow WI. Threw the 14.03b (1is•.•ar-
ed by tar relive. and C.mrefisr.
Ne rr..r. 1. 1.s s 11101"04
Aaara•b1 4 Ths Ezell*.
warat intimae.
mime. In his
1 ni i .•g . c
w""' +•t tette l'ba4ubes after the e1,k' these
Premier oaelmit Perko closed wP
w.•rJs _'.$o,'i•ty b•. lam stilt which to
defend itself against eucb edema as the
Mall pot hesi-
one just cowu.ittd seri we
tate to woe teem to. protect our testilu-
It N's. tainted. Wath alalle.
The bomb to hese been loaded
mostly pith nails. having p•.••uliarl) large
bead■ • rhe nails hese been found in Story
part of the Chamber ourwrJ • small
Ilefore the Chamber: d, lana as rived.ll
:into/ of unrs••a and physicians
i hist took posies$l0I of the +e m latitee
resin.:•ltd.peidtlt trau*tor's d them tutu
hospitals. where the woundsot the i j r
were raaraiued for wraps 1't
wets then bandaged that the petite('
euig4: be removed safely to their home*.
Th. Meas in the t Laeeb•r•
As euorwa•ti• crowd gathered a stride
tb ('alai* Botubos I,eror• oighif$ll end
clamored badly for senge*11 0 upon the
Ausrehtsts. The who'• neighborhood W*$
serest. •1 with artillery and pollee -
t•hamber looks so if it bad been swept by
a riot. may desks and chairs lie where
they fest In severallace•a the floes and
fnuutnr-e are .p*tte-•c'( with blood. alts
t in -ewe in the committee room a
eiod".est rtra and tLaMdoor w'If. Hooked re
smeared with blood
if brought from *battle field when be was
retried tlewt the Cliember. His face wee
Ida: keaeei and streaked w ith rad and the
bhl.rl $owed In .t reams from
hibeen wuleft
Twos a hist Sugars bad
f, end
hie ars had been b.J1) torn.
Thew hours after the explosion it wee
leiteresible to learn whetber or not the
bomb thrower lied been Arrested. Some
went in the galleries said that he hail time
to 111.11(, beton the gate. Were cloned.
others nrr !,positive that the arm with
who h lis threw the bomb was torn off by
the raplotho. and that be wee earned
with other wounds l Into a committee
I'er,on. who ray they saw him
tutees the bomb, demerit)/ him as tall. fair
enJ 'bruins a beard.
Ail trail. tea I'a.ltetmemt.
the ex.itenha&t threeighotut the -1t. hose
WA teen N •• than le the immediate neigh.
ate . ,-1 of the PWed
lug resorts packed
ate • r •wale'1 sn 1 pub.
The e, wepapea have, eubleated seven or
eight 'dittoes reek a•al *very copy has
been rustled up eagerly. The telegraph
and telephone odtees are tilled to the doers
with ;40.)ill* sendir.g and ata•eivinit de -
watcher ewacernwg the erplaiue. tate
.4uturley, night it was innune.•*1 that as
far as known 30 deputies -sod :10 onlookers
had been injured by the explosion. Marty
of thew,
l*pu••are said to have made tbirtt
arrests. -
veiniest 1. Daaaet-
1'Apt., nee. 12. -Among the versions
tuba of the rt*aiiaatiwl of Valliant is one
too the ede'•t flint he laogbiogly told the
examining magistrate that he " Would'
like to mats • (theme* of those d--3
alepattea" pause dot+'
What harm have the del
you *!- asked the magistt ate have done no ..
1•aillant replied
harm to me personally. brit they are the
nett of people it is welt to qct rid of."
" And you did the deed
tug that you have telwife and
1Sy wife and daughter will do as well
'without toe." Caillant replied.
Vafllant's trial will tske place during ti.e
first fottnigbt in Januar 'Three h r
Wren, who base been arrested.
PA*ue, lkc 11 -Artiste i aslant alias
Marshal. • resident of rho suburb ('holey
1.0 Hodb ie the Amin -bite 111•• threw the
bomb to the Chamber of Peyote* Oster
da7 lie wade • eotife'•+ion yesterday.
.411 Saturday evening tate *bleu& of the
Prefecture of Poli a were verifying the
statements anal exawtuiag the names at
steps The Bret nems to • •eallesge
their attention was that of t'aillautsole
ral deo-arrest retstaree,TOt4t this utas had
long le en known es an .tualcht.t of the
extrema.. type -a •-rani. who bed sariere•4I
all o1 his • 'tura le. in the v:oltence •.f his
language. l• you .also-bing the record. the
utticiat. found • lull bi,..rephy et Vainest,
abuse , .a(rese Justine) all that the dotes -
tires (.+.1 said of• him. Four detectives
then .1e1'1 to the Hotel Iluu and 1411(1ht
the bed o'a w'ht b 1 sill.ut la ..4Vt re
iron& many wenu,l•. hi reply t
„'brie lee Midi hie elm* woe Marched
end that he lived in 4'hotey le Rol
seise for wore infern:main he grew angry
refused to speak .ntcurewr of the
1 c.terlay morning the corset o1 pollee, awl M. 1 slain, p
erns ..1at the lintel leen. Alae onfetr;
tet tele detecteree they
catn•.il based
fat some eleven
representative from St-
where he til et and u a pro
isurin� his long
always looked
toot peectical
(fast in
rami, ale a
s ward
rt, owner.
era he btu lines
pis ore • man of sound settee
eowlc.gc, honest end stead -
convictions, yet teleraut of all
*visions s a+'deves though they ♦ est
coincide wtth` iiia own.
Cutler three eti nd&tions the election :4 air.
itt'AP O, we.:d, bCeond question, be a boos
to the tows, which, i wt11 be admitted by
all, hat, not been remarible for the exec!•
levee of its municipal goy meat for some
years back. What (:odsrie wants b.411y
is that the chief executive of\the town
Maed1 lx * decent ratan aa• ; ons' wlk,m the
electors woaid sot feel ashamed to mens ice
hie name to outaiden. lue.h an one they
will have in C. A. HI nes•.
rung ��rrtet ureur *tilt
1 dlhrit'a ,yd*fJe The trap•
tet are roti
arepositively as You
t t *tatted, hb .hated
are t wllant.
• m0mrut, then blrrte3 out poet :* stillest
• o0 1 n. Yee, I ata A Ogwuite t
and I threw the bomb
bowies ( have had
an'nih •,f this rstacking Bourgeoise
.o 1.-t,
A best( ,: iah1, rerow• Nera Nsee wled.
Ova V.0 Y■ally.
('tr.n l'ec tem -A b•it:b was t: r a 11 in
t,,c ('handier ,.f 1 iete 4ttea t' or ole).
happily without fatal results The usual
number of le 'usher* Present a Its ti no
inatt••r 4,1 great iarp'e'rten'e is to he e0111-
30' rel were in their .eats fwd the 1µ1i
new of the 1l,.nsit was prax,eedine alreplly.
The galleries contained a number of visi-
tors, in.•laJing some ladies. who was bed
the proceedings with little inter -rat. In the
gallery above the benches *•curled by the
1u.tubers of the Right were • number of
strangers, none of whom bad attracted
w*v attealliee who (i.ot entered the blab
hey and lad seats a..igs/d to (beau
the, cowrie of the Lupines of lbs Roue*
the election of M. Mirnian 'awe 01. for
discuesiow- M birmwn had been speak-
ing from the tribane and had just de-
scended to resume his Beet, when a man
in the gallery above mentioned throw a
bomb towards rho floor of the lfe•Itse.
The bomb must hare hail • time floe at
torched to it, qr a it railed the heed ot
M [Arnie*,ty for 11a:obenck. hewn
ploded with • terrific report
,loud 01 amok. and do -t ar,eoutud, ebut-
tin,; Ont from view for • time those sittinig
in the body of the Honor,. Fora single
instant the Hones w perfectly
entredt anal
\t6'en the member' ann,p
what hid occurred, there was the wildcat
ee,'itement- Tbe.ofko"r* detailed to guard
the 'Insulter were the tint to regain their
:ewes,. They ret ouce ,.hut the greet doors
1erpiug to the Chamber to prevent the
twat* oftbomb thrower. Ills people
in the gallon And, fearing that other
bombs would thrown. They were in a
stet* bordering olA henry. and atmos( tell
over web other is -their bi wild
but fett(►ralee
haste to get Ont o
lady. who it was said, ea an Alueriean,
bed been hit in the forth by a piece of
the caring of the bomb. an sloe (1.4 with
blood ,streaming over her face. Twolrlin
sitting belittle her were injured.
hucflon Szle 1
We bate decided lis wind alp our
bueinees in Uaierich, and to Actona-
pliab t*o at outs we have instructed
Mit. JOHN KNOX to our on -
Fancy goods, Qilrerware,
Mann, Toys, GaIDBB,
Dolls, China, Stationery, etc,
withont reserve,
Tut • it%o• Is rxaoa ••t }(lisle• t•.,.
Mayor w last staking a record.
Arrn4t.wouv. l• DEN 11. aytteTlnt sT
tis earner of Wee -et. std the Stemma
Mews /Yes lkar t These little hates
WeidaR end
oe ` w/ ase w L
Gevernmens .stat and distribute. swab
w Northwest ladles sheds who desalt este•
plata whets elssweet41se give them reties
until every dollar is sold.
This ill be the chance of
to kitty
after the expee'iel100 .1 %ME. MIT' 11(13., elf
The 'tar, had in the matter of libel 'suits,
acid after the •Meet apology which
he male • 10 as to '•ape the impritwo-
ruent whish his deserved cost•iction as •
common felon entitled him to, he would be
a little chary *bloat talking or writing o0
ttie • uestion of libel *nits. but it seers
that ae well u beteg a convicted felon he is
a coafoundeel luol, and does not know that
it ie beet to let well enough abotir.
The history of this criminal's conviction
is too fresh in the n.inds of the people of
this.e:t100 to need repeutiud at this time,
farther than to say that o11y for signing the
most able^_t apoloip' that a cenvi••ted libeller
could possibly tiro, he would sow be "doing
time" at hard labor. on • diet of akllly. for hie
crime. And vet this tallow has sne
audacity to print deliberate felsehood* to
his last issue regerdi0g a suit for alleged
Libel against Tits".•.xAI,. whiollthis journal
is at presest debarred from diecutring
owing to the natter being nob indica.
We an, however, inform our convicted
contemporary, that there has been no shirk •
ing oo the part of TntL 'n:• u., that the
owe was oot poatp0e*d twice at the trance
of Tits Sweat., sad that at the Spring
Assize,there•will brnnattempt cm the part of
Tate Sm., 81. to evade a debt to • finish, ee
far as the alleged libel is concerned.
The ame of the editor of SI, 'An.
u lot "JAslrr )Ittcmn.l.," sad he is oot
• oouvict*J f%ba, a coward. • character
thief, • party tool, or a Iowvdewn sneak.
ltntr tel• nal, a %la• • It mom vo 1 •'WIT"
• leaf is thaws, oe as to oiliest Itself to
the price et wheat,
WHAT 1• 0 ,' 1, t ,'1 10;• 1',3 x 1' t • is •4
my sad were progrenite methods. Roth
ofalieltsd by the elect(,m'o too m•yor•Ity
et C A. H,
411.1 tet
ppeectkk Tb Pitt+•( bade" i* L
)IOlber lw1 dtr. s/tbNg �"ut 141U..
the 1lrititih iil-linneat the leaders are Mr.
Quebec tally Tele,tn •ph : Tb. "•
sult of Ibis long lirwt"uted trial will be •
subplot of surprise and pais to mom l '
t?xbec sad In the country at large•
pprrise at the utter dast*rdliseee el the
Ottawa Minister* is seeridetug the Wstre-
meets ot their rseealIly iia ovale( to try to
save their uwrt 0saetwbl. skis.. atm) pain at
the spectacle preetaled to the world by the
degradation trod punishment of num who
have pilled so large sad easpIau.,w a poai-
tises la the puhhc eye for so many yew.
and whose loyalty to their party *...iersap3
sooteepliess deserved a (slim tote thee to
larking their grey hairs t o .haute to wards the
*ad of their day.
(:i.d•4oe. Mr. Hallow, Mr. t'basiberWs.
M Ma«rbey, Oto.
your life
riatfeerth : U rear.. ilroadtoot a Boa re-
wired • ='AY) order from (:alt the oilier
day for the finishing of a private reef
Bromfield 'Pb corner r store owed sad
occupied fur the peat dusty throe years lir
tis Mcloloeh tamely, Ilea p asesol tato the
family of the late Re:. .1. 11. eimpeon sad
will e4Durt1Y be occupied by 1:eorge Simplon
as • general store.
1h7te t ih', tate, this is a genuine sin.
tug oak : tore it to your
own aolteetaue.
Fa, I TM I 11:• ', 1--') n /171111I,TIL *11.44
which The Star - typograph refers to per
sops whoa, i1 d.rfin'1 *4134', ooe would
think that "It' wee nrr•l by • reel live
•• deed'," and that the maternal end of the
,•oeshinauon was • dowager. its as awful
thine to be born a fool sod to tbiok the
neighbor, do: t know of it.
Tres l;toaa: Toe r"t,I&l. n SY.%41.
Ira hoes improved 5(844 enlatg.d. Mr. M,
011ie-runt punts one of the meet rigorous-
ly written papers in lobe country. He is •
kala critic nI all public meatuses. end pur-
ges, without Sunshine, the course he be
Beres to he in the pabh•- interest. Awl
Tet Stowat. is a first rate local newspaper,
ltd a widow ehemptetn et all local in
Tae Preeidemt Wee Cool.
tan *6. Sour of the llonee the excise
was fully as great as that in the guile
Manrt er the l
�Kfymnletbeanother ex
photon. 11. Ihtptny. the pr"'t)dent of the
Chamber. was apparently the c00lest (nal,
in the Chamber The deptittee
wounded 1
were -Pref. Abbe 1..mien..
Henri 1..njoinai• and y. !allot. Prof.
1.•rniers is a Catholic Sori*tiat. Hs was
elected to represent the forst distriet tit
llexebrnek and this is the first terns of
Novice In the Chamber of Depatisn. He
i* professor of rh*thorie at the College of
St. Francois d'Amize at H.zebreck. He
is red the""Cauthorrdinalf Manionn in i
His Social In
The Dteewsa(oa Was Cr•e.eded With.
cell. _ _
A lhstw of P:•1Aear•• Wo.e• Ar.e0d the
Acetified reasoner.
Nothing shott 01
miysele-csw .stn I)r. Henry Meyerfront
the executioner's chair,'" said Major
Akers, a the New York Mutual Life lee.
tau.. yeeteoiwy. " 11'e have woven a chain
of evidence about him that is nmassil
able. Nor are we rtlying entirely upon
the evidence of hie accomplice, 1:bailee
Mullet. We lave Matto* proof to b*.•k
)'Hier'* statements a. to the i 1e0tity „f
1 '.*wig Wendt.
Major Akers is the attorney and
t of(e Meyer
rlt 'fork
art. 1501
everting lie sent to New York two witaentsee
sed art affidavit. The wine -sees were 11.
(O. 4 7pbedale, s newspaper advertising
ge•nt. and Ire. Doe Both the men knew
tttt twig Brandt intimately doting his mi -
.t site t.$o..t:. tot
C. B. SRAM &
.re .liolriD4 a lull ratite of
lt.,wrn Hoodoo motile Curiae New
F:r•, ie likely to be the sett ensper of cite -
ton, boat why he should get elthe editettisl
tripod to accept • .wadtdatwre is orae of
these things past boding out. 114* demos
of Ambition mut surely have entered bis
hitherto placid pool. 1t he mate. es good a
mayor ss b 111 • urea -ape/ mat, be will
give the people of Hob aid• a lot of pork
for the shilling.
N'r ar..itrT tte't(1•1 1 ,1117
Cie wht0b appeared recently is Tse SW', at,
referrals to tine absurdity of eedniveria) to
htredtsoe militarism intr. 1 seuL, lie gloss
pais to a few (17therhead editors *ad
freer-isdinsliww.t.,tot .otwitbt ndiay
that Mair aef1rlews aro apyaaatly es mete
that else been etriar, have ba await
wrs.eltd, we sWl tether. to the atatrmeat
WOO* 0.411.111. "su•m of railitariem is s
bwtd.g fares. • delesi'a sad s eases, sed a
Ismer lg gram best te helmet lisp. without
a 14111(101 redrig Seater& tat cwt (1ta-
eiites lade In Mansel for the tritimmhe41f
wase. tread 01 Wiwi Wel ler perry
tine M the WSW el war.
The a= ht t Ime
as didnotthemembers,
long. bThe
wild thong
wounded were taken to committee roome
and medical wietanee was hastily won
moned tend
. While thin was
being lone atsome aa the reporter. picked
on the Soar of the Hone bits of metol
Late Pur Ca111
;0 in (*Wage, _ -_--
relate ?*ktag • Deterslaed
Agalasa Mr•u.,
Dee. 12. -The Navy De
}} ived • cablegram from
.1.netro that t teams preparations by
President Poirot° for • big battle between
his foyers and tboee t Admiral Mello.
The despatch is Iron L Picking. corn -
minding the 'United S navel fore at
Rio and in substance is as follow* Las r.
ted" The Brasil Oovernmetll easels to mole horn their
ppremie anchorage
and has draws a Use
within( anchorage te Ven-
tura This will prweswhich it will he t dangerous te
nalesdi0$ et cargoes"
rvea sten
La weasel. eu.
=. WOWnIkrodurldilew
1*{ -aMn bet
` W Ot
Wieseaxe •bf)i anl.rtrw tram 1Watal eerr7o
w�A, 11.0 •111*. eases.►e. er M11 at*ra.
1d tab these PILL' Ito/ will rets.
lost seethe•. bath phyolsal and .0•0111.
alk' ell uta toe ee ee��r� .. wW
sett, •ash as etc
Ikruflub NLE * �.�m�r
▪ er11(, a 1'itki. tbi .b ze alit
✓ ▪ em ow mese) ttiort ~ ire osw
��,cc•.�w_ afrtlllr Mµt iii:ba
b ser
s 11
oe receipt d
THE DaR�W AMft M[ )'.T.
They won't smoke any other while they can get OLD Cum' even if they
have to beg of borrow it, for there is as WM tobacco which troves
that cool, mild, stteeeaoke • !. fatwM. A lies ataraisotosefa, aitaiw bat•
"S A =or:
ertment hes
foul lines in viers 1p.p.rtteest.
Pecan sod examine goods and prices.
Moen* sale !Wads.
Laverne Deo 11.--1 wedded ataiess-at
up ' tus.4
and a number of horse-shoothe
teat !o the evidently farmed part of this gallery
contents m pnb regard
the home. Opposite the gallery from *ted U eds trees ,
which the bombwas thrown te situated the moats *i •a. ■�, lir tis
gallery for tis ens of the foreign press en octgbM �a eases ilei fsttse OkNtl41k
representatives As itooe es the smoke g1 ibbl f 1*s
tit dela had sheered away the members it egg, M Ocesam
C. H. SHIM & CO.,
Kt Leash Bleck. Dor. rewire art Mostrosits.
Fa -acted Tenants fund. thesauri of .0.5,091
• ,9suttted to the i0 tothe Ewietedt Tenantaormer f ' and
Increased grants *mounting to £6,1140 were
voted to the Irish Parliamentary party.
The amount sahecribai in Ireland was over
1420,01)0, in oriel Britain 711,000. in the
United States newly !"•blip), and in can,
•de• 1:.000.
esti patesuffse bsa MM
w.aad • Ie.ees nab resrt.
moat tis Hosrttorl Trnia
Dr. ot Moridan bee received •
letter fern H. W. :lawyer 01 Nasesn, New
Provrdeaoe one of the p;ahema Islands, tel-
ling of the finches of • pink pearl in • conch
shell there that to the first ever heoneht to
light. This pearl w nearly •e large se •
pl*p a egg sad e( the w elute. bovine
so flaw or bte.t' . amid of perfect coke sod
ra7rkiag. It use mild b the 1.aa1 •gent of a
Patio town for 4:101, K suer KIM. the
.0o., 1* h 1efls114. received for •
port 11tat- the Xw mesh fh►eri,tl
gtnls se Me • "SNl(e a Meow.
dad 'beatnae* proceed
resumed their
�a ed ekaMMn• sad _. ___r----
na er sMetIy .t ady yoke took op tbs'
dison'.irm of the gestation before the Howes
as tboe(h omitting oat of the ordinary had
occurred. When the diaena.bos bad
finished, M. Casimir Perko. the Prime
Minister, *aid that be did not wish to in
ternipt the 14101(ws of the Chamber. bot
he felt Compelled to weer* the Hone' that
the (government would do its duty. M.
Dopey said that he and the atDe tire
that their sympathy
(0 the wounded.
nd 95 •' 4solivbt -, Soap wrappers 1
R_bearia tee. wee*( Why lima a Women
Look Amara Thu a Mae "1 to loom
Arent.. Let, as lietott-rt Tweets, sad yea
wi1) reostw !ry _pit' a prow Piet`"' fret
frost ad+severi. sed well mirth Iesenintyt.
This is as easy way to dermwte year haae'
The soap t le sesta. teal emit an is the eyrie* h tit
�w�p-, it yea lave spew
of sits neer m .ar•etally. 0 11
A elsoke less shit*
M 1<iN7 ear ii•
M. Dwpay Applies/ed.
After the chis( wee waded the snessb.ts
,f the Omaha?. barman' and visitors
inapt 1s tie lobbies lard et
1eigathered jIs yransa4 the satrap. It wee ise
posepnls ter these te leave the
aN1aslel&lag. -e*
owiei le dodoes hum the atw
was allowed egress anti) daypeatMx
: shako sad aloe thea lbw were set per-
mitted to leave swill the) gave malefactor,
proof of their t isMl17 Whin
peesidet et she Chamber. d.sesedid freer
the shale ad er mead the Belle de 1a Pais.
he was gime as ovation. *wins to e ee
nosed whoa tins heath beret
.lob mr ve el the 17.44.4 lues• la
ter.hs'wd )L W+nierk where steles 1.
mmr�m�ei1� Ossemre- es same asMs
goassol L eta sad eaway asiest=
lfe vii b waft se he did ge Illi end`
is oftentimes absolutely
cured in its earli: st stages
by the use of that won-
Fold Me6ane,
which is now in high
repute the world over.
iis�ll•�ieer ""
A Pair
of Gloves.
A Pretty Tie
or Muffler.
The ride .r the whit. City.
elm AGO, Dec. 11 -The World's Fair
bendier and 1200,000 In money were
given to the Strath Perk commissioners on
Friday by the Espc,ition directors. Th.
buildings and •eoeaoori0' of landscape
gardening. water Milne, bonbsards and
etateary represent about itp,000,000 in
aleph, tut they ars regarded as se stony
white 'depicter 'a now. ,red the $^00.()00 that
went tit for gtit was intended to pay the
park Weenies for tetn04 tag or caring
for thea is seeeptiee the gift the Park
Hoard int the directors that it would
proofed to the toweling palaces for
the money there in them.
• Cabinet.
Crimea es
]�. hes. S.-KtRumbart beat night
sleet a decree wpprt;t)ttpding ex Presley
( to forst* t'abinet. I'ritgd. atter
lly acespttng the teak, called upos
gon•1oe Sarsoe0, a 141wister Of Finance.
EAA rose of the foremast Dallas
en finance, with whom ha reefer/ad for
art hoer.
A Pair
of Slippers.
Material for
a Dress.
in Fur.
Noboeiy had tan Appropnate for then or wout.ut.
I,,4 or girl, 11ott can't go astray in giving one. Me to
.t01 them in C ,tion, n Linen and $ilk, reatii.o r hest
... to 1x1.39, alurfrtJher the bigger r rarieath
*1011 in the County. Stiocisi prime* in Japan e. Purr
milk, Mod Euthroirllend, 3 for 25c. and for ?Toe. Pere
milk Ilton Stitch initial et
In Littler Kid (.103ee we keep Perrin Freres Goode
the b•a.t in the World. Liming Glove, from up
-3 arils : Heel Frracb Kill (101eal (every pair warranttdi
for $ I.On. i n plea'* / :loves we've a leg ramble- 10r. to
tr2.3ll. We sate you from 10 to yU per tat. ea thew
We've a special selection for (;hridtntaA Trade, both to
Itatii•'a' anti tientlemu•u)•_
'a. 4'ashmore 31 littler., from 1c.
'Tyrant*. Ca•b Store Prise all through.
• d enough to h'm•l •,)• t'
We've got thetas frau ,,nal
the kind for special use. We can ;Site you a mm''
for a surprisingly reasonable price.
No nicer gift for a t*entlenten• µ'rte got 1U00 ser)
pretty •pecitm•r3A at Itrieee witbiu the reach of 1, . r4
Although the i.atliem generally prefer t1,•u
own, still, even a ratan rant easily go wrong In makins
*election from our *bock. We've everything t tat'
new. Mark llenriettas are always semonable. (Alt
terioca range from ':3c. to 41.25. Coming from the mw41-
facturen direct they are positively tis beat value le ow
a :Story Collor, a Boa, t Nutt, a ('aper e
t Cape We'll perm -
kaolin Fur.
We the anti t qr 4e
rhild than a `White Hoe with Muff to match.
the dilferent lengths and sites.
Wr a havr'e't an o1.l Mantle or Coat in the Stare. N r
lora want to ,•7.11 to you if we cont rave you mon: `'
1�'e 11 le plenst••l to bare you examine end °Delp"^'
No 'acre acceptable present for • Houeewifr. N'
In nnfa+•W large in Whist.
bought In ('.•1l, Jilt.' and t'herti& we hit's 4Dm *Ir wrr�
•le•igrts at priers mach below' what they for p1nki'
ill new Rhodes in Felt, 3 yards wide,
.l rapes, ke.
A Mantle or
an Overcoat.
A Dozen
a rhydetar Namely Alae with wbetm.
Weed polkaed.* had yet 110-0.+
te idspeentieOn Mem worts
Poem 11x0, (hT., (lel 11(14. 11110. Ilr.
practitioner intro, Ies1d ie 115the*e* he
elisbetee Ile exhausted the ,wadies
tsetse to himself end ot�t•d 117 dab"
looters far the disam, �w,i(�amlorlt helmg bee
fitted. 1. AnrU Let. M lay lm the lest
steres et the Maitre 84044 pr"alog Itrd
set h t. sed • et fit• fleeter" d•elued
he would die "MO a Mil/ iaye. We began
ones Doers Itlikarlogia. bed is three
wseb lie wee erne& el a'
,reties hes si mirebi . dies. rel •
Rase •antis Wears te
tie hit Math is 's K by
Mesa ler lble be.11se1ti
A Fancy
Table Cover.
(;oat we can furnish 1n any (Ito fur. a
Quids Iti Ile Price Nothing *tart
here, are many ocher thin !melt as Purees, Sleeve Buttons.Scan )'t
der., which night •:insist themselves to you. Don't do your Christmas .
ing without giving as a look. We'll give you
the biggest vend beat dolly,
us a ale to tree's l
worth its poseihk for ready money to buy.
.A neat mut pretty Calendar free to customers.
W. (leek - tills MOW r ass fain.
WNW bveltli to bop M 1M tta(1s.
•seeks all ibis weft