The Signal, 1893-12-14, Page 3PURE
ftfliST s'TlOMfDisT
ses. •
p• .. a Mere sed nreepeta
ge me. ts.+.7sierer. z• enemeem
& h.,eugalere Aimern as C.. p NMS as
ted MMwsg.
rive, the 'an Frastesee fadilmiaeg•
\,,w, el yea stand in the abed of East
street sad ghe0e up Pacific stseshwsstware
tvu ,sea then eenlemplete fres of drug' a
�hiselo l Motor/ .•f see Freeeieco
st�heath• a irst the bamhkuslsee with
the tget,.iv seam aesit is Wee a
shop end a ranIamion sad palmated ted by tee
Waft earl h•seq smeller or Nsemaradv, the
t.ol; aliorenosi, er the anal heaver.
It is ao old ramshackle district K.en
the dulling pea brew el the "Sashimi of
no" mime, with its white dietitp'weeds
sue its hospitable -looking beet kegs on the
.rlewa.k. meant makN�M�placeete tot
her -
wise than gees to
hat the wretched little two story frame
.trecteree steed ea is tan krtiiomlwlist was
hat Does
es. built at goodtws Y
sc that time whim Keen) street was sway
et up loan. on the corner u the
eight agrees the way
spot wheats the Oakland ferry sailed in
early flay- an'i fltsao"elly across from that
again to the old "Rip Vas Winkle ' salons.
with Ir..., ate Lath n• 4 -warped by the
weight of years -and its dingy windows, its
beer kegs slid its history.
Riess us, but hew things whooped in the
heft ruined Rap Van Winkle is those early
,lays, wbe• Lea Rattler ran it sad drub
net two bite apiece arra fortunes dkis•
read. every a•gbt aeras the greys tohMe
up stairs. Aad how all that sad of Davis
"ream, as well .0 the cores of Paeigc street
std ben ' the vegetable
Atilt higher up and oppositeKe
r,.srket cid new F reeklin sits in the ane
-utaids his sailers' store dust as he did a
warier of • osatury back. There is sedgeg
o earth that old man Franklin won't boy
•rout a sailor man. an" ec•rcely anything be
ed. t nodi him. He site outside his gore,
- rather is the doorway thereof, all day,
with old .esf.kiu coats and tishskin boots
Jangling over he head and around him
and he miles a smile of costest:neat, which
•hoe • that philosophy obeaur even ea lower
Pacific street, for old man Franklin's life
Mai been seemed up • bit, and hie family
attain but they have °.:thing to do with
Pacific street.
how, if you trace the street up from the
mmer of barn street there, or from the
Idle of the block where old man Frenkhu
,its in his doorway, sad follow it away up
the aril to )'Ilk, when she street gets too
mportss% for itself mad heists apes Ming
..ailed Pacific *remise, you drill me kid est
step by s;ep by step and block by block
+most every era and incident in the city's
First you fall aster* tie :pedes and
\unssnes and other $oasdinai lea t, who
mil m ship+ from their move land and lire
aloog the water front in alien towns used
they hare • chance to ship for again.
Theo them • Doane mamma, °•boos, saloons,
and more iaboos ; and in every saloon is
music and sang ; sad there is not sough
noralit in the whole lot of them to save
the soul of as oyster. This is the section
prime, at whether the sturdy adventurer.
sailor man or pathfinder of the plain., drift.
in•tiuctively womediately upon arriving in
town. These saloons, or their like, were
thriving when the first blast of the gold
fever sweet east from the Pacific Ocean
They form the teentopolis of a cosmopolitan
tows, and ale» faro the more solid founds.
tom, as it were, that the more ornate yens
and mote gilded saloons of sin are built
upon : and yet but a block above is the neat
and thrifty colony of our French follow
citizens. and beside them the equally thrifty
sad lade.' tines swiss -Italia*.
The French e a persistent people sad
originally started in residing at the lower
nor d of the bill, is pleasing proximity to
Menggostery street and on the fringes of
what was awe the 'wettest quarter of the
city. Thee the Chines came. Their lives
depended ea their proximity to the old ('ity
Ball i• these mays, sad they keen it ; so
they cams in Wm a "ledge shore Kearny
street ad nipped for • while the upward
teatimey of the French. Now as the Chiang,
spread west they drew oat tee aristocratic
residents pram the adjacent blocks, and the
French noted this alnumetaine-
Yes iusb•lets nederstsad the move in
demaghts. whereby you ourrad your spree
ewes ebeekar by jemmies eras it. Well,tie
Tread' corralled oke EN., is jest snob a
masse'. They jumped Chinatown with a
boned sad preweded to eemapy the mow mated ensenue that the wealthy
bed led (rim after the Chimes invaios.
A few colored families sought to start a
colony i• jest about the same latitude, bet
were drives back a Mosh sloth to Jackson
by the ssdasive Freheb, who }sited forces
The soaking minis poertsg slew a -
Hew It would OE suer cup.
With bitterness If 5o day ItSWAMSslu mart to paring eel
e.beeuas % eg weave be ao
Ama et ,
ad a IA ribber beets
Wand hire colts, while W the girls
Weald pt estbslhlss whit
You'd have a fuuntala en year fess
NMI* sash Wanei mem
Te seam tan
your seds sued dry
Yoe* used a iew et Maes.
If yea were canopies Ise teat.
You'd have to steepest tel.
stud all . ''the t •w d be prpraying that
Thkeerssd rain umleiat step.
la fart, great Imroevealracee
Too re
ouerosa to sty.. .
Would follow it the tailing refs
bboakl wean to preritate.
'u kat es hope there'll be no champ,
At least le oar town,
And that Instead of pouring up
The rain will still pour down.
- h ue.srrill. Jornal
Med at the bark aad en OM a rata, was I
turned up at the alMtea ever two dight
wrists, mad by its flrmun mads him
mid still younger d mosisa4se.
Tbere was escileinest to his long, bete- I
limit cysts -Arab eyes, iatesel*ed by
Spanish Lune.. Awl this rased Same
a•tnvyed oke Cabecilla.
"What do you wool?" &masked of hist.
"Nothing. I sin waiting foe you to
decide on my tate."
"Your fate will be that of ted others.
TM I named no one. Tpardon was fur
all." 1
"The others are traitors and cowards:
I aloha did out shout anything!"
The teal/twills gave a Nnrt and looked
him full in the face.
"What's your moue"
"Tonto Vidal.'
"Whence some your
"From Pnycerda."
"What ago'"
"Het enteen."
"The republic. then, has no more
since she is reduced to enrolliug
"I was me enrolled, padre.
"You know, fellow, that I have wore
than one means of making you shout
'Long live the king" "
The youth stemmed a superb look.
"I defy you to d., sur retorted lie.
"tio you would rather die?"
"A hundred tiutee:"
"Very well, you shall flier
Then the cure made an, and the ex-
ecution platoon calve and ranged itself
around the condemned, who diel nut
This subuelucourage touched the
chief with pity. lie demanded:
"Have you nothing to ask of me first?
Dunt euu want uuiwthing to eat? Don't
you want something to drink?"
"No," answered the youth; ebnt I am
a good Catholic, end I don't want to go
before God without confession."
The ('abecilla still wore his surplice
art.) his stole.
"Kneel." said he, seating himself upon
a rock, and the sol.liers hating a tth-
drawn a short distance, the condemned
began in a low voice:
"Bless me, my father, because I have
But in the mid..t of the confeeaion a
terrible fusillade burst forth at the en-
trance of the defile.
"To armor cried the sentinels.
The Cabecilla gave a bound, issued
his order.. distributed the poets and
scattered his soldiers. He himself had
seized a carbine without taking the
time to remove his surplice. when, hap-
pening to turn around, he perceived the
yout It still on his knees.
"What are you doing there" he
t h u ndere'L
"I am awaiting absolution," was the
"That's true." mail the priest. "I had
The good father wss finishing his mass
when they brought him the prisoners.
It was a wild spot among the Arichule-
gnimt(untains. A fallen rock in which
• lig tree haul plunged its twister) trunk
formed a sort of altar, covered lit guise
of a cloth with a silver fringed ('artist
standard. Two cracked water coolers
took the place of vases, and where the
sacristan Niguel, who was assisting the
priedat the matt, arose in order to
obange tthee�position of the holy books,
the cartridges were heard jingling in his
cartridge box. All around the withers
of Carlos were silently ranged, their
gnus slung scrim their backs and one
knee on the ground twat the white
The bright sun was concentrating its
dazzling heat in this bunting sadsouor-
duir rocky hollow, where the flight of a
blackbird alone, from time to time, dis-
turbed the pealruowly of the priest and
the servant. Higher up on the jagged
peak sentta°la were standing, forming
motionless silhouettes against the sky.
What a singular sight it was -the
priestly commander officiating in the
midst of his soldier*: And how plainly
the doable existence of the l'abecilla
showed itself upon his countenance -
the ci static air, the bard feptpree,
turtle r accentuated by the bronzed
the cdm-
plexiou of. e soldier in the field, and
aacetisui w hoot pallor, in which was
lacking the slow of the cloister; smaII
black, very brilliant eyes, this forehead
traversed by enormous veins which
whitedwted to bind the thought as with
nope., to fix it in an inextricable obstin-
Every time he turned toward the spec-
tatore with open arms to read the
Dominus Vobiscum. one saw the uni-
form beneath the stole, and the butt of
a pistol,the haft of a Catalonian knife up•
lifting the rumpled surplice. "What is
he going to de, with nee' the prisoners
asked themselves in terror, and while
awaiting the end of the mass they re-
called all the act. of ferocity which Rad
been related of the Cabecilla and which
had won him a special renown in the
royalist army.
By a miracle that morning the father
was in a clement mood. The mass in the
open air, his success of the previous day,
and also the cheerfulness of Easter, yet
felt by this strange priest. cast upon his
face a ray of joy and kindliest.. As Sono
as the service was over, while the e-
cristan cleared oft the altar, fastening
up the sacred vases in a huge box, which
was borne on the back of a mule in thens
reof the expedition, the care ad-
rancetl toward the prisoners. They were
a deem of republican carbineers. ex-
hausted by a day of battle and a night
of anguish in the straw of the sheepfold,
where they had been penned up after the
settee. Yellow with fear, wan with
hunger, thirst and fatigue, they clus-
tered together like a flock of sheep in the
courtyard of an abattoir.
Their uniforms full of hay, their belts
in disorder, pushed up in the flight and
in sleep, the dust which wholly covered
them from the tufts of their cape to the Meister of their yellow shoes, all con-
tributed well to give them that eister
look of the vanquished in which moral
discouragement is betrayed by physical
The ('abecilla glanced at them for an
instant with a little laugh of triumph. se
He was not mere to e the soldiers of
the republic humble, wan and ragged
amid well fed, well equipped Carnets.
Navarre and Basque mountaineers as
brown and hard as carob beans.
"Viva Diosl my ca
bildrr said he to
them with a good natured air. "lie re•
wish the ]risk dell native Americans • FUL M
public nourishes her defeatism very ill.
Weislime aphist the oam.t. enemy. Why, you are all as thin •s the wolves
I ant a
• of the whim the mountains are
Oda fee this tact Peelle sliest would have Pyremeea
bleak bat stretebiag from Chinatown to
Massa ; bet me mob some new exists.
Psem Masses street asst, Poetic evert,
ma&staies an air of irreproachable
tecta respeembilite meta Polk sweet is 'seek
e d,�st
whom it Memos* to oppressively rsel•
awed fee a mere mem: or oewtw M.
sad blossom out s as awed fell
is, game Aims sod Mary Amu a,eYRspIare•
The dews -Iowa memb.e still eelMdl-that
is, the bood'sth follow eseeseslvely as
though there were ea dietimoti•m beiwees
street tied amuse. But • distillation- M
eeer.emm nae -ashes, sod it is a stall and •
theta Is the side of the avemusts that the
first people are eseaested with them even
by a member. Is fain, Peeiie avenue is Ute
• eetlyeer is the promo of trammmots-
t ies. First it was only 1, with se eye
in it, them a body grew en oke tail, man
plied the eyes, but still had to depend ep-
os the tail. Presently use tone enema when
the wiggles
fohoe no issuer to epeethe
tail for lsewsM•iem UKwiggIsm Mewled very ap-
pendage H s l�letl
ems emit-
self;;them, lest e1 an, it drops the tail elm -
!ether and premeds it veva had sae. Pa-
eiie avenue bee met boss able te drop the
tail yet.
Ai mese SOW
A lady aemai Idris. T. 0. If. $mm?briee.
Ivimm is Kamm, Ont, wed timed anti two
hMtL al wiled Kidney mod liver
Owe, hes Newardei a stansmamt b the
dgst that te eemelesely .cored hr- d is-
ismmMgq iseeNha leek s ttilmm► aid Meer
yields,.. Meiie
bassi tremayeellial. N �'1fi1 tram taege
eta netwar..a-silhe i
A Little Daughter
Of i Chun•h of England minister
cured of a distressing rash, by
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Mr. RICHARD
BIRKS, the well-known Druggist, 907
McGill at., Montreal, I'. Q., says:
I have e'l'l Ayer's Family Media Ines
for e0 years, and batM mini nothing tart
good vial of them. I know of MAW"
Wonderful Cures
performed 1.)- Ayer's biarraparilla, one
in parte-leer beteg th:.t of a Ilttlu
daughter of *Chun it of Englatul mien -
ter. Thr rhlki was lit. rally covered
from head to foot with a red and ex-
ceedingly trouble...erne nth, from wile is
she had angered for two or three ye :..,
is spite of the best medical treats.. t
available. )ler lusher was in greet
distress about the case, and, at e. t
yecommeadation, at last h-ggun M 1 -
minister Ayerza Hnreapurilla, two 1,
this of whk k ePect'tl a cosntylete care,
much W her tele f and Ler Lather'.
delight. I am sure, were be here today.
be would testify in the strongest terms
as to the merits of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
?tepaeed by Dr. J. C. A vera Co., Lewett Kaes.
Cures others, will cure you
We Wad mese WNW
..Zy� Maw j, a anew% I OW
di. • mimeos it, • -nor
minded Teas I "Yee've e'er I. -tomo day.
tees Sm•ij lidololoo411.
Mrs Reeks beery Aum, them balusters
seem always Away. I was at Mrs. Prism's
mad her stale- ells are cleat and as
monk as gteer•I4 poV.�. l'5 •
Suet -Yip, mt1r has tree hole
The aewtarkablle aert
Reda& mad se
From t ie,ud u4,atch.
\VHrrit..., West V.., Nov. 27. The
appearance ul the astral or spirit Moses
went of a town who lied been dead more
than • 3 ear, in a peot,wralll!) mule with a
kodak, ass the estate fur the most toted imus
pension of anrmau• n ser Lht. part of Mr. A
Allan t% best ,.i th a uta. 'lit had m a
lot of photographs of po 'p a amid things
about the hoose of his s ale near Danville,
\'is, and had sent item to the kodak lac
tory to be titvelepu, and recanted them
beck to -day ,
forgotten you." einem. the lot was a group com,poeed of
Gravely he raised his hand and blessed his aife, his father in -i... )'apt. Hasse,
that bowed young hoed- Then, before go- bion blue Hdla•in., sad hu *other -In'law
Harper's Magazine.
Haw gotta Magma a, tee Is. wilt a/a.siam
the eharao'er that has made It the favorite a-
base ells of enterprises s ertthe �e. br the moues
Bleu, theses will appear dura;. the year
waarbtr iliwlretedpapersea tadiaby Kuwlw
Load. W mala. on sJaase rasa•• by • L
Vain I'attausa. tai tterawwuy by rv,t'L1sav
Nieuwe.. ea Paris ty Het Haat. Maiwtsi.
Us% is, and on M, sieve by 11431.0 •1411: Minium
Among Ike other eolabio Neiman of the
year wit' be nor. r bl oiwwa ue dauataa
and ('Haat ase De nest Wan •its. the t.erwuuwe
remiateo, n ee eN W U. ItuwsLla, and en*
sats*- d#10011d#10011ostreatise
t ere Will be auiiribu•e"
In Batas mat Mar iiawtt, Kst Hake. Hammen
Da%as Maas C. Si 'iniv., Hutu Mt:Ketutr
net' 111.Y. Mesa Lacserca wt sea yra�t.atla.
Usurps A. V.niaai. (d, Ino
.A1 Plc ,)nava."
rets. a', TH0leals HsLrus 1 -ate.. and others.
Artkdes on tops- • of , uhe•t Interest will he
contributed ey dna insnabbed specs, list,.
114YI'IIRS M40.1%I t K ,.Per leer IL ea'
rI4NPMLS N'KAN1 t.. ... L"
HARPklO( It 4Y.Ait t e.
h_ irr'!'at'8 1 0 J %I, PE'IPLI' r •,
Puertale Pt've to ail oshereiter. , ,a tete t'e(frd
8fato t trued • nod Mexico.
The Volumes in the Me •astir begin Irbil
the Nuwt•.•re lot Janne and l)etrnlbrr ..f oath
year. When no' nine I. mestine ed,sube:rptlose
.v.ti beg... will, the Newt,.r eurrout ..t u,,
time of r. eeipt of ander. Mould ld Volumes of
.fla,eazi o. for thyme )ran beck. la
neat cloth bindles. sill be mut by mail paas-
pald. on reoet of SIN err velem* C'MKa
Canes, for binding, Al cents each -by mail, pen-
"iiternittsnoes should be made by rout omre
Money Diner or Dratr, to avoid chance of
Attettygsae�p.ra arc wog to copy this wdrretise
weal .rifhout the ,uprraa order of Harper&
- - - ---- _ -_ New Turk.
lug away, after glancing around him for Master (hark. H.a-e. The picture as.
the platoon of execution, dispersed in taken at the home .•f Capt. ligase, chosi
the disorder of the attack, be drew of a ten miles. (rout Ite"vills, awl was made by
step, took aim at his penitent and shot tee iisc el Kremer. u, the hecto,' about three
him. -Alphonse Dandet.weeks aro. II I.e..t ow. take" the party
t were ranged abut I he veranda of
)lose'. re.tdruee , the eon shining brightly
Faelog (*eats
Death. and Mr. Wheat, eh,. opeisted •,,m women,Wits his coot caught and Srmly held wasl.tat ont-e1 soot furtt feet away. Mir
in a frog on the Reveling railroad track Halcolno, who Item . in -sr ('apt. Hames se-
at West Fells. .lohn Duffy met death in =deuce, and shy is a friend of Mrs. Wheat,
fearful form. Duffy wee employed as a salted sit, the .1st u, grle.uoi, sad an It war
brakeman by the Reading company, and the first time '''he ono Mr.. "'best had ate'
otos the• death „1 thea Hsio-Im's brothertrain
That duty performed. ha signaled his coseiderably. Al',, !kneel. tin parte re-
engineer to bring on the titin. ,air.•' to lee vrra,,.tals to cake tee picture.
His signal was observed, and ms the Nothiwg u•.o.n.,l was Hushed by any one,
train carne toward him Duffy tome' anal no teethe' thought of the picture wee
that bin foot was caught firmly in a given byMr. .',►•�ae t t.all ton the o- key, whene;weary
frog. He shouted for help and made ws oodt1 h...erg a ret, h t.kol • perfect
frantic efforts to release himself, but in
vain. The noise of the puling engine bksm• s of CMrM- "'loin', standing mm-
e,edi•t, l) Lock of its sister of she veranda.
drowned his crimeand when the engi-The finer, of Mt Halc,.ins sits! his heed
neer saw the struggling utas in the full , are four limes s ling- as those of the of het
glare of the headlight it was too late to' moons is, tb• pee et, . LI,h..ugh be is fur
save his life. ober away from the comers, being in thee:
Swiftly the great engine bore down on teens* heck.r,uo't Ile sears the clothing
of aB ha tilted
the rter,
the lever was reversed and the brake put hack to show los f.oe.h.ed, as elm his cue
-over troU.r, with • .mall black
and be was literally cut in two. Death , pears to he comng and of the double door.
was instautaneous, but the ezFen sion at the heck of the , ,.mads, although the
os the deed face showed plainly the ter- I pctaro chows the .1..,. a to be cloned. He M
covered with snow and they come Into
the plain to sniff the odor of the table
by the lights which shine trader lbsdoore
of the houses. One is treated otherwise
is the service of the good canes. Would
you like to make a trial of it, hers•aaf
(last off those infammtw cape and put on
the white beret. As truly as this is the
holy day of Feaster, to those who will
shout, 'Long live the king? i will give
their lives and the seine campaign food
I give my other eoldiersr
Before the good father bed finished all
the caps were in the air, and shouts of
"Long live King ('arbor "Long live
the cabecillar resounded on the moue-
tatn. Poor devils! They bed bees is
each great fear of death, and so tempt -
big were all those good viotaale winch
they smelled close to them. about to be
broiled to the shelter of reeks before the
bivouac fires, pink and faint in the bright
sunlight. I believe that never wee the
pretender acclaimed with sock good wit
"Give them something to eat at mice;
said the cure. taoghing. "Whoa wolves
with sharp
sstrrength. it's bgoat they
The earl nes a went cit
is tent of
end veselted MtltMw
franticand though the width be wore a life ; •
down hard the locomotive struck Duffy' torp • •'urn
I low Work Oral. t hose shore He ap
Harper's Weekly.
Har i -[n s w Gait v is beyond allueetIoe
'he leading journal an America. in its splendid
iil.,Nrat fans. la its corps of distinguished con-
tributors, and is he vast army of readers. La
epee's tine[, U draws sa the highest order ef
talent, the men bene Sited by position said
maiming to treat the iend•ng topics of the day.
la motion. the moat popular stotT-writes ewe
tribute to its c, lamas Superb by
the foremast artiste ijlterrale stn special antic
we, Its stores, and evert *tilde event of pub-
lic interest; it oe••alas peroral s ut the dis-
ti"gulebed men and woasee who are making
the Wilton) of the time, will. emetics
is elven to the Army and Navy. Amateur
npurt, and Mutsu and the !tram•, by dis-
tinguished repeats. la • word.[sis
WEEKLY cumb.aes the news features of the
dally paper and for artistic sad literati quail
ties of ted magazine with the solid crake/
character of the review.
rible agony the man had endured for a
few seconds. -Philadelphia Record.
A Heating aeh,me.
A plan of heating mills has bete in-
troduced by which heated air is deliv-
ered from • large faa into Saes #a tie
walla, registers trees sambas Aelfweriflg
the air into the different Issas, file if
being heated by the waste one frena
the boiler. The prMsel' or.emb ttoa
pass from the boilers tlisengh gesso-
�re for
,'e� heating st r� reheafeed ting seat
steam exisasMd tees the high pressure
cylinder algid w its way to tib low prep-
pipes, where
and tares peagesMM�aasg
sir when it Ytlste sat
besting the buildings, thea pewee to the
cbissy. If heated air is mot wanted,
but only cool air for ventilation. the gases
from the boiler are turned by a damper
into the chimney without entering the
beater, and if the gases are not sni e:asrt
to heat the air as desired additional
best is supplied by radiators of steam in
tide heater. The temperature of the air
lo raised about 110 degrees by Its contact
with the hot game. -New York Hua.
swing. and appear be in the best o
Mr. Melanin, mind of typhoid fees. • little
more than • year at... He was not esprit
mahatma belie% ere .iter wss he ii.terstrd in
each things. His iso II% were sot spiritual
"sero people, n.r n M. Wheel or others wbt•
were present at the min,« the picture w. s
taken Mr. Recedes as. well knows is
Wied(sg, mewl wail, ail les acgealetiaee.
have seen his picture •onlay, and all reeng•
Plead it. Hstdre,li «f of hers have seen the
wee* real picture use several photograph
en who have Men eel vel in are amble to
give soy.egpla eatese et the phenomenon.
Mr. Wheat, who no .le the pietureeis the
head of the firm •-f Wheat A Heather,
jewellers of the clay, snit a emus of stability
and merit. A. is not • photographer, sed
merely teak the osier.. along t s hue resent
visit to get some of hi. wife's hem -
deed. The nor fSuv. piste is In his
thee. having hems) east leek by the
who leve b j'ii the re Tires
same Spas as the phoePaph.
teed/tag by deal* [last
Mtheinveigh," saes oculisteoe the Red of ilebepaleume.
candle as aeight nadir*
adingb a the meow .4 woes istesimary
light. It is quite a mass, I find, dor w
berm wrist In r with now three min-
el.epins folks to keep • caulk at their masa. • M strati the 1.4sehe• 1 artiste of the
bedside slid rely epos it for light during kind I even drwek H" truss haveb•lms sed
wakeful hears that are pained in read- to the Is.e*hall tease, "
ing' As-
the flame *takers with the I
The we -s Itsretwt Ues•dr.
slightest cermet of air, the tight lo tae p)saa ilea. --i ha" ..*arse f greatly frs'ra
awhile and waylays sad moat tryttag to sweets red Lw,thrs•i•+. het y ted w
the *yea A email roadie( trap tabu a wf IL ;111.1r1 an "..a r...t..eval to to health.
few ssooads langur is light• but n 1. I etoawet pease Bart•.rk Rhwed lettere tan
snob te he pu.tu..ed.w ,IIlttibli ; it is is. steams meatiest randy I
- *pie mete Mos Mein .1 Lapeuw.
Siege )hied•• I Hyweeille, Oat
°Did yes aver hem singe
riled the tasrvtwer.
rev Tenet
ftARPM'S WSILK LF . et p
HARPER'S MAO/ZING. ........... i ee
U4k.l'KK3 Rd EAR en
hwfcr ffMe YUUsO PEOPLL, s e e seon
Posturpee from to elf subscribers he the Uarfed
States, Canada aid Mesion.
The Volumes of ih: WUSN LY beefs with the
ant Number for January of reel. year. When
n.. r me is mentioned. subscriptions will Molls
with the Number current at the time of re-
vel pi a yr./vv.
Hound Volumes of li•Rrsies Warty for
three ye.err back. in neat cloth Waling. will
be Beat hi milli. postage paid, or by exarees,
fire of (provided the freight does net
exceed one dollar per tolume). for 07.00 per
Cloth ('eves for each toluasc, suitable for
leading w ill be sent by mill, post-paid, a re-
ceipt of'PLw each.
Remittances should be made by Pretefice
Money Order or (haft. itavoid abases of
Newspaper/ are Not /o Bopp th(s edserfise'
without the regress order of Ranrot A
Address: HARPER A BROTHERbw York.
g remiss. -For • =washer el years i
w(e,ed from ds•ree e, sad last winter i
•osld entreaty hear a, .11. I applied Hag.
yard% YeNew Olt and I ens hear an well as
awes* mow. Mr.. Terme (boae
tt illayseth, b. Et.
fled Seas Senor*.teen
Harper's Bazar.
Ladies' EltirOoafts
4AW 23 00
$a:i.00 for $29 M7
29.00 2300
Astrachan Cu2'18 I
$5 00 for $4.00
4.50 " 350
123 " 2.50
2.50 " 1.90
223 " 1.73
Cloth Mantles
$1000 for $ 7.15
11 UO
6 :35
Cloth Mantlings
$2.25 for 91.75
1.75 " 1.25
1.60 " 1.10
1.25 .97
Note these Sweep-
ing Reductions.
Oar whole Stock
of these Goods must
go, regardless of
The Greatest Bar-
gains ever offered
SLAu 14rr
is what we Itle'ath Call and see us, and get Goods
Less than wholesale prices.
A big stock of New Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleuws,
Lace and Chenille Curtains, Rugs and Mata
highest market price paid for Butter ami.
5% discount for Cash ex, clime eat regular prises.
gar first-class Dream and Mantle Maker upattaira.
Great Carpet Warehouse}
of the County.
It gives the fullest and • ' for the hems.
iMest ba
ahem FshMea. and Ns uummmus is
ere I•m..wbte alikeeto i s e A am
maker read the No es•
mime la seared tom make
e et the by ereeye e "Il1
loty alllttttastee. taaildll M!s le se a
heelgee otf�wit and la its weekly isee e
Tb. aeries s sffee ten which � 'bterese l written
o tWa�hLWt,
Awl seeee will wHs Mawr
area lemma Looms a 0000l. aRent
eer • I. went Ba YMr-
rA.eser�Smeit• mad Indoor classes Ilesbal
tepees we. seestsa_ fbabsoldem mise new
series Is premised ea " use• and Rasarvse
NPer orae t
04 00
,W R Mr J )PLR . ow
i' /►,et k 1:10.••• Sc tae trotted
ammesaas solum
We. Weighting Hinise row suet -Int
"Ones." ,ew,.dw moles set • mem deal '`Ida Ilk
Rhea was {batt" I'm lees.. Seel, right ales )lot miasma is
I "whoa fast um read 'gess woo seq your �inow....• • t • Mames�a
imam IR 1ba agog Ue .---elaa 1••hehr
ashinglen gist." 1411111 _-maser e..
Alissa. end as.
Where you will get good, boniest omit and everything iterranted to be as represented_
The Tamers of the Rolan heeds with the
net Number Ow Jewry ere&rrear. Whoa
Wes 'latM
re= aalo.e tt sWm.1
v elems et HAap..i Boum ter
beytech ews mei steak Matins.ill
sea by sesI•lesr
eommos mere r met
velsmst. mer
Cess fore•eb velarwa eeitable Ow
iasp wftl ba seat br Basil, pess-yitd. of
reeaipt ef en a sash.
ytbasssitassearaaw Amid r auroawe set lera by Pemeel s
a••• eriMaf chs order rIf
slay MIllrey Order or MA. M avoid abeam et' k
Now Terk.
We have a larger stock and greater variety thga all the ether Moe dealers in
town combined. We keep the most stylish and lashieembie seeds made in Canada.
Prix are Lover than the Lowest, aid Ell 141 Ft there.
N.R. -Leather and Findings in say quantity at lowest prise.
Safety BI'Cyoles
PNEUMATIO TIRES, . • - . from 560.00 up
' 20,00 •
GOSHEN CARPET SWEEPERS, 'be sa'i'l°' itlYaT.
HOSE. Osr use ie aemplole.
• Thie rears patters W Fr*we s.
ild The Fnest Quality of Christmas
i�.w.m..ear►e� �••yy-�a Fruits, Nuts and Confectionery.
osnoae� w ti•'ipet]
22 bop.,thejethisa
INN. "mow F