The Signal, 1893-12-14, Page 2TINkveillingr 01111110 s= _.= OKAPI)A OKAPI) TNVNII RAIL AT. Dabs arrive sed depart eedertea a. M- dbows: inn : axis. E lr Iltepsees .:". TA...t+. L Eirlead prom uarert*. Wall sad It• phew •.. .. .. .. JJM a.m. )(Oland • • Pete• ..... Ali Pea . .. li p a . Mimi `- D♦Mttatri. M. xmemeH`LKOto Pe mU.i -DEWee .deme., .til standard and approved ioaal es, tread ;..r paMlees extras* acaestheuoa Mm of teat/ __ `RICHARDSON, L. IL L. D Mr.0.a d.artg. Bei sad 'f" Teener atteeth admuiatered fu- paining tO te, rets Mtatal �� Hoo n Nouns Itltt(ewam Jr Medical. A NitfrELY a SORTER. p-Urwa4 Opera Hotya. Sad Pleb. �M(,r WO SHANNON & SHANNON D Oraiel.... $erase•. Aoeonoba . tc 1.. P. ttlta*Nov.-Rsaeatdl.rn e. heeler -se agar Gaol. J.It. i4teu'ON. It.r,wem.., Neth-ot LaktaL ``tAMPI0N-s JirHN•TtIN BARKI* ‘J saes. aatMsers, Noodles &c.. ludericb. Oiees rhe ds*. In ea .sora L cm" MON, t). C„ Y. U. JUtl\oTUN. adz to leas 1 It)F'r1'SE. DAIhBY.IttRRIbTER Solicitor, ('..eveseaeer, ta. ate. Mom) peon nColt boloi blu e?. t1. drt,ch. Oat.•w t E. LEM'IS, BAK%I;TER, Pit. 00 . toe in Mealtime Courts of ' ltton° 01111th- BSmyth Colborneloon. WU C. HAI -'S, RIS, SOLiCITOR. ac. . timewarner of Square and Wes sheet. Godexh. ones telegraph tiro. Pr• vate Fonds to lend at !,.anal rates ofinter est. 1 ARROW & PROUDF($)T, HAK. ki rWers, tttefne)a. &abettors. Re... Gods melt. J. T. Garr'>,a. (Lc.. U. Prondfoot. CAMMItON, HOLT A HOI.IISS Bar/mere. Solicitors to Chancery, ta. Bsdaeiah. M. C. Camerae. 1,1A..; P. Dolt ; Dudley poises. T 0. WARD, CONVEYANCER, LP . t.. sad oomm...toast ler taldpg sed re esivtag reoogntaa•es of ball. vita in airmatJooe deposit tons or solemn declara- tions in and action. salt it two - or coaoerntuw,t� seeding I. the High court of Justice, the Cosner Appeal fur Muria, or :n any Count+ All ean•a. tions carefyly or Uivuloa ( own. and promptly expected. Nerde.es and P.O. address--Dungaanoe OaL 1110e- t f _ LOM s KIM WfillfiiM.• , MONEY TO LOAN. - $2.,000.011 Private ragas a fete at Si per cent. an- wrTUS,. D4!(K%. tleeten's block. .asay. ('olb.las Mash t:odlrs:R 107 if appat/a LV J. T. NAIPTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND C • secid•at imeurvice anent ; at lowest rates. Once -Cor honl:sit. .1,1 Square. (iod- artab. 74- ,000 TOLOAN. APPLY TO CAERON HOLT t llOLYtn. Oode- M rteh. 17MI &IONEY TO LEND. -A LA R U II rands for investment XL'. enema' of Private allowing roam etst-cLes Mortgages. Appb on so0ARIIOW At POW: DIVOT ADOLIFFE, GENERAL IN. R. RENsurasReal Lease sadecreM teasing natesn. yap first -eking naresested. Moos; to Lead on loans. at M. lowest rent of utters* 1a ss. way to salt th, ourrower. Ooe-ise• rentedLal Nome. deer from West Street. lede- Gi SEAER, AGENT FOR THE . Lown, Lest railer co1IPANT. of LOG - 460. goateed. Om of the oldest and strongest PIPS In.nraaoe ('onle..es in the world. In• A D. 1710. Ansett over eight... ,.t Ion dollars. A .hare of business u to- :MIT gsyyeesstfn;ll sodlr,ted us benalt of the above Coop.ay.1 am -el to loses press snake a lower' Gael ea good ao.e�ei or m„rtggges at eminent rates. I11'5 * upppp mit.- Martin's Itut el, Bsder.cb C. ?MAUER Auctioneer's.. rirHOMASIII,NDRY. AUCTIOiEER 1 and lesuraooe agent. Ooderich. Out. Agrat Leaden sad Lancashire Fire lea Co.. sad (inlet District Mateal las. Co. Balsa at tendon a la as; 'setae the musty. t0 - t; TOUN KNOX, GENERAL AUC - 0 Smear sad lead Vahu•or, Ond.rteb. Ont. Having had (a euasideraOe expertness the aoetioaeeriagliade, ha It ,0 a poelties to Mecham, the with o.gh mtisfaotfon all cam left attaIone enarand to him. tlydere at Martt.: ithigl. at Nat y mail to his address. Sodertea F 0.. JOHN tushes attended to. KNOX Qe'mtr A-MMnr. Hitt CANADIAN ORDER OF HOME Cole►- Dederick circle, No 101. meets third Monday of each mouth is the hall over TWO SagaI. edamm. Special ladueemante le sad yak bsssats. U. CALRICK. PR J. ACHESON. Truurer R. es: MIAIRDS0P1 bamlan. stabs Dental £nnOunoement. TEETH EITMCTEI WITHOUT PAIN ev yes rim Or 1 ! \ \. rz E Q/ aT D8. B. BMHABDBON'S aitSTaL Penman. 11( 1111( ROCI• MST-ST11EfT oODI , Orf. it afibrds -s en IIOd •nsfaalsa. ager • ba a•wa 10 ; meet ,etawm► a ef pestles, le submit heal I bevrrtthe 'toy a�.d •tduMvi stats amp la borinnolti 0tela.. sasdesG.ilrJpl:r aw•Wt.ry..shish li warseniW sever se Moots the haat pall Merin* the astealtlaa af moth or whoops of say kind. to measly emask sea try 11W, psis M the *opt Yllr alae. A.114Tx- ra Env- a POAlla' IL le •lose& tieaasmhetle the, meas slit,. the palest ger to rWmaiaOlbawe via earth tee}are.4rr. 1Y teeth .e.+aeraar. a ysal.. i'atienls mem Itae'tmlea, A Me Mods. Mmersk�illPIL 11. ASi. itwaf THE NUNNFHB GALE $..day's Sterna t'reatre derbies Hayes t Brats the Riot Croat. LOSSES BY ROCK AND WAVE. Ork.r.eNfM1 ort Asher. sad Wrecked - Terrible natal/lop Frets Caresser ..r the crew .f the 111 -Fated td. retorts Tee Mace Perished. lieu►' ix 1's., 5 A Lunn her of Nieto/JIM,' are eserine, as a tilt of Sunday's stoma wi tie ...est Tito high winds emitted • heavy sea to run in the harbor an•i vessels at thv wharves. got ...u.iderable Iemieg, bet none of them were injured seriously. The .temper San Domingo, bound to New York fruit I'a•pebiac, which put in yester- day f.4 coal is ..t11 ill port. The gale did not d.. nth,, h dansag.• about the city beyond levelling fen, -es snit rarwns street wires and p •:ran rI.r gals seems to have been telt all ,vet th.. eastern coast. lw•.oNnsu I It ik'.- .i. --A heavy Booth gale tome,. tc. at s o , loci, Sunday night. with rain. During tit• night the schooner J. R. Washington. rapt. Campbell. with a Jul. load of general cameo from Il:difax. drove ashore at,Seil's harbor. She is full of water and i, ',ported a tire! wreck. The crew were wtyr.l. ;'H.%auihrrToa'c, P Y.I., Ilse. S. -Tae erb.swrr Adventure,. *`apt. James Rick - anis, was driven shore at Souris Sunday evening during the storm and is a total welt. She was leaped with potato*. at Annandale for Ila!ifait' market. Two of those on board perished from exposure, the others w. re raicued in a very exhausted condition alma: is v. n o'clock ymtetday morning by 'sane seen from another schooner. Thom" ergo perished were a • atiot named Ugly. and a woman named Richards. a cu -sin of the captain. The wum'iu was fu.m.l lashed to a windlass, d.:.d. and Dal, .l rel is .loot time after be tug taken off the wr k. The captain's sister was oleo on batel. and was greatly eat/Listed. The seas broke over ilea vee ..I. and the sufferings of thaw on board erre very greet. Two of the rescued are r p-•rted to be in a catic.tl condition, the result of their .expoenre. 1'M -re oaks little insurance os the trowel. 'rhe cargo was tti.nred for $1.111,', I. resoserl of Marshal terMabw. Mooing AO, Dee. S. -The French society IA France will have a *oilmen reaniem W OO chanted in the chapel of the Sacred Heart, Church of Notre Damm, on Thurs- day next, forth* repose of the tool of the late Marshal McMahon. Special invite. IH1. Leal. s.ReH.i.i 116•CAH,S. tions will be sent to the May, and alder- men ldermen of Montreal and $t, Hyacinthe. to tits French. French I'anadian, English, scotch and Irish national societies, to the survivors of the 108th Regiment. the veterans of the Crimean war and the war of Italy, to ori -era of the fifth military trict, to the et Pentifioal /.otmvea, W E1tAhs ,f French honors and Froelich military tn•dals, and to es members o: the French army residing here. Fatal tatlway Arcades*. T. qv 14.•. 1. -.t man was found on the Omit Trunk track near Mimieo yes terday with both legs cut off. lie was brought w 1'or•.tto and taken to St. Miehsel s Hospital where he tiled an hour later Ile, hal fallen from a freight train. Iia name was .lames *buffy. and recently h.• had been working it, Indiana. Daffy tall his wife a folks lived at Napense, and he was tryiug to go there He acid he had a wife and four children, but he did not know where they were. He thought per- haps *hey might be at Bahama.. lia.trrrov, Dec. 1. -Thomas ('•rlton, • young malt abut 'al years of age, aces al- nicnt instantly killed at • railway creasing of the r P.K near Inglewood yesterday. He was accompanied by • young man driving a spirited horse, which became unmanageable at the approach of • train, and pleng.d right in front of We engine. The conveyance was demolished. the horse killed, and young Carlton was struck He lived for only half aa hoar. His ostm- panion escaped by jneapiag. They were both from I)rangeville, aid painters. Feared With MIs Threat Cut. ST. Tnuwen, Ileo. 1.-n. coroner's jary em{{ann•td in the Allen case viewed the body and adjourned to the court bones The evidence of two sons and a daughter. in law of the deceased was taken, best fall - ed to throw any more light on the tragedy. The e•.,ronlr and chief of police claim that suicide was imposa.ble under the circam- stances The inquest was adjourned for one week. her•.ased leaves a wits and nine children He was insured for 06,000. The body „f Roger A lien was found yes- terday lying near the Grand Trunk track, in the north eastern part of the city. His throat was cut from ear to ear, and eel deucem of a severe struggle were fouled. it is supposed he was murdered by some party or parties unknown. t eehoy Tsrd,at 5 .Ilpew Raor wenAik Dee. I--Lnckey, who I. confined In the county jail here, has taken quite a religions turn. Dr SawuHten hag made daily visits to the jail and see+ time had • very hong cosmologies with the prisoner on religiose twitters, and it Y said that i.neksy bee beams* a ehttiagsd man altogether sine* his essvfstlo.. He mill morns his Innocenti* oldie clime. Will Molars to Jeerwallea. Motrritset.. Dee- R. A rumor V in elr ewlatioa that Ron..loswph Mill, the es - tient. Governor of the Northwst Terri toric is to Miura to as. ttaWm is Moalleal. Mt. Royal eon M -la'fa>h e 11a THE SIGNAL: GiODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 143, 90 PEOPLE KILLED- .• 1111eX •r C.IIN1ee Haar Milt► owed Were Terrible by rim. Ross. NOV. S0 - has reached tats cite of a terrible railroad a..adeat at Melee, a tows in Lombardy. twelve mile moth -east of Milan. Twe trams, au ex press frees Milan and a goods train lades with ialammable material, collided Peel outside Melba The wreckage wee set us lire bythe light. on the trains and a most horrile sense followed. The accident oo curred about the Rad * .d the night. A number of pa sengers were instantly killed, while others were pinioned by the maims of wreckage lying upon them. Thole who were uninjured worked heroically to re leo.* the imprisoned men and outworn, and slitrerded in many came iu doing so. The dentes spread rapidly, however, and it was only a short Wile b.-f.lre the heat was s„ ,ntenes that nu one , ,old approach the hurtling coaches and g.s,ls segues. The ries of the dying and of lie wounded. who saw • h,ntble death staring them in the face, were heartrending and it was Iml..eaible to render them any assistance A number of the m nite ra of the *'lint her of it --puttee erre on the eti.ress trait, and dispatches frau them are arriving at the Chamber. r.ls.rtusg their saf••ty and briefly describing the fearful s'-cus* at tenduni the dtaas:er. Runs. NOT. :10 - Further detailt of the accident show that the deaths will eicre,t :111. Must of the killed were emigrants oe the way to the steaster that was to convey them acmes the ocean. It will be nope* ' ibis to identify ttauv of the dealt, their holies having been banned to a crisp. Half the train was kin, I but the postal wagon was Meed. PROF. TYNDALL DEAD. • The celebrated ficins► selesltat Paseo rearefelly Away. IArs rsos, Deo. 5. -Prof. 'Tyndall ii deed. Several week. aX, Prof Tyndall began t., suffer setercly (rut. inm.mnua,and rheu tuition. Ile ratlic,l , a:ly lett week and seemed to be nneudiug. 'fliers was no slat ming change until this manning. when he suddenly hr. ams very ill. Dr. Win - etatiley anti Dr. Ilutcltitoou. local practit- ioner.. ,•ailed at once. They found Prof. Tyndel! unconscious and pronounced his ,critical. His friends and family were -nn,uoned to his bedside. and to wards non be rallied snf i-•iently to re.-og nil them all. In the aft, moon he became cniniues.- He did not regain full con sriowmw. but grew ,:.,why w+Aker until 8. s1 o'clock, when he died peacefully and paiules..ly. His physicians are unable to certify the canna of his death and an in - (pest has been ordered. Dr Bnz •arl. a lundcn ape, iatist who was called to Has- lemere only to find Prof. Tyndall dying when be arrived, will have charge of the at anti nab ion. Anarrht.ts Arraigned. - I.eixnoN, Dec. J --McKnight and her nth* two of the anar.:hi+h arrested here Sektriey fee Meiling to disorder in 'b falgar square. were arraigned to -day in the Bony street Police Coast. McKnight was fined LI, with the sl:.rnatire of two weeks imprisonment. Kerzoga was ordered to dad security in £20 for his good behavior for three months. Ih strN, Dec 3.._Shcr,dan. the cum poeitor who is au.fer arrest on suspicion of being connected with the dynamite con- spiracy, was sera -tried before a pollee meg iterate to -day and was again remanded on bait. tdte Misers In aeettaad. Si Lesalw, Dee. 3. -Delegates rspreeeLt- ing the striking Scotch coal minera met here yesterday and made an offer to the roasters to hold a conference with a view to ending the deadlock. The masters de .•lined to entertain the 'Proposition and delegates therefore de ided to call out from the mines 1'000 nen. who have been workiug since the strike began This will make a total of II /OW idle miners iu Scotland. es. feted Tans■t: Fund. I ‘,!• Wt. Dec. S. -In response to a chess non asked in the Hour of l'ommons by Mr. Thomas Sett ,n, Mr Wo-.edall, finan- cial -secretary of the War Office. in the ab nonce of Mr. Morley, said that the Irish constables had been iu,tructed not to in terfere directly or indirectly with the eollectiot of funds for the benefit of evict- ed tenants K.'sl Eahibilers Tike Prises. f.oxln.N. pee. S. --The annual ,attic show of the Smithfield club 'Trued with as unwonted number of excellent exhibits The Prince of Waits took the first prise for Sontbdown wetherw, and the Queen was awarded several prizes for exhibits Prime were also awarded to the Doke est Hamilton, the Duke of Richmond anti Baron Rothschild. A Novel Taa. _-- 14)1005. Dec. 5. ---it is reported that Sir William Vernon Har'ourt, Chancellor of the F.eboquer, is considering among other expedients a proposal to place a tax of one penny on the shilling on theatre admis dons Attacked Wilk Paralysis, l.owtxos, Dee. 4. -The Queen of Rol mania is again developing symptoms of paralysis and the symqptoms bah Mery severe this they were i1 the perfloMi at- tach. Me Teat fib Me. Part" Dec. 5.-11111a04e.., who is said to have arranged the TMMei a Pavilion at Chicago Fair, killed Mame at a hotel here yesterday:- Ps the Melt et flew Toaowro, Dec. b. --The grandchild of Mrs Frderluk Knibbs of Toronto, oar ruwly escaped death yesterday. She look • burning stick out of the fire in the kit eben and the taut.. caught her clothing. Mrs Knlbba, who wee out of the room, happened to arrive in the nick of time and wrapped a cloak around the child, thereby saving its life. The bels.. Wesess.wt Co... MowTasat, Dee E. --Gaston Hugh... a In of the Chief of Polies of Montreal. and principal wltn.es In the case against the three yonag mea charged with an attempt to blow op the Nelms monumaul has bet a seat off to New York. His alma'-•• may resale la the dismie■al of the saes, Medeettea y samlaaat I.deenday. WOW. Deo. I.-ia the Hogan of As *nobly ymtaria Mr. De�srdin's reale liens to e.dMbp. . 1h ssaaal ladad of n umber. from * to S pix wtbe hoist on motion Nen. is.. ureter- The badge' "asci w01 be delivered this after MOM. HA lot �N M Mgsretteen•e D.beatar e, O. -Thud new oars eft d,bestawa yofte hilet .. n lb* "A Word To the Wives Is Sufficient." For Rendering Pastry Short or Friable. t CtroLENE Is Better than Lard Because It has none of it. disagrees able and indigestible features. Endorsed by leading food and cooking e.perta. Ask your (iroxer for it. 0 0 Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Ann Streets. MONTREAL. JURISDICTION ONLY ON EARTH. W ow a ledge e.o.m.. Ni. 1110.1 Ter,. MIs• posed .1 a Perplvxlsg tame. From !LC Detroit Free Pres. The t'mot Ilonre of a *mall country town in Illinois was I:hled with a curious throng gathered t-, witness the proceedings of a di yore. case begun by • young woman alone husband was loan marshal of the place A string est legal lights supported the rust on both sides, which gave evidence of a lung ani'. tedious light. The .lodge to whom the mase bad been as- signed was enjoying his tint term, and his cous;itntioua face showed that he would discharge the detiee , f his cities with the greatest care ; but the town marshal's suit was one of universal interest so the com- munity, and the worn look around his Honor's eyes revealed eateries' nights, which he had seen: in pondering over law honks to hit upon a decision that would make a lasttng impression upon the peep',. and to show them that he was ally c•tuipped w ith the neexwry knowledge and sence of justice for the office to which he had been elected. The complainant's aide rested. The de- 'etdant was then milled to the stand. sad_ hr opposing counsel began to eros.-exemise h em. •• Where were you married he was asked. . Chicago," the defendant answered bluntly. " How long ha, a you been married " About four weeks." •• Very well," said the lawter. •• Now, Mr. Blank, where did you go after the ceremony "• We came down had visited the Fair." •• Came down from when'" •' From the air," he s.nswered, with a chuckle. ': How did you manage to get in the iii " the lawyer asked, surprised, '• We were married 258 feet above the earth " " How did • hat happen.' •• You see," he explained, " I went -to Chicago to meet my wife, and we both de- cided that it would be a novel and inespen- .ire wedding tour to take a ride on the Ferris wheel, and, to improve on the ides, .be afterwards suggested that the ceremony be performed on the trip. I consented, and . minister came with es, and we were mar- ried arrieed at the hithc_t point in the revolution of the wheel. -- At this this point the rustic maidens look- ed longingly at one another in anticipation of such • glorious wedding trip, while the ...Aye. with • long breath, arose to give his first decision t ientlemra." he mid. •' J. find by the testimony that this one is bey e d by juris- diction and I sin wholly without power to decide, In the evidence it appears that the couple were married 258 feet above the level of the ground, and there is no authority rested in me or this office by which I am oven jurisdiction over events traapiring in the air. "The patties thee," he continued, aa he thew his head hack, with an air of great importance, " will have to appear at the court of the district is which the ceremony was performed, oe else remarry no solid and substantial earth instead of in mid-air, and try their cane over again. At Nesse sad *breed. Physicians, ci, travellers, pioneers, settlers, 'ova& and all clause, of people of every Iegres, testify I. the medicinal and tonic metes. eel Burdock Blood Bitters, the most Iwpdar sad aballve aediciae extant. it -cave. all Unlaces of the stomach, liver, and rF DWLER'S EXT OF WILp 1f STRAWBE RRR �f= CURE s ,�` ,‘ COL IC A CHOLERA CHOLERA- MORBUS j�A S DIARRHOEA /ITERY INPL *MALL c AINTs SUMMER Goof TS CHILDREN°rADUL Price s5cT epJ NI ' CRISP AND CASUAL. laensad: Li-esalss rent. N.sdr.t. Raglans, hes an mlJer Meat Mated staken weed.. bottles. Alesand.r had fear kinds of artillery. 000 's royal crown is worth 16,600. A • teasposafsl of baking mode, dry, will cure hieoseg/ Tfim aseame l valwtios of the States is 1890 was g91.549,586,80-1. A Phll•delphis hat dealer says there to least profit in ssll:ag ilk hats. Germany prohibits the employment of unto. men no reveratteut work*. 'rhe most rsteastre muses are thee, of `taxo.y. The rotaries have 120 miles of length. knagration from Europese Ramis to Siberia is in the ism ease, and reached I03,- 000 i. 18112. To inv.gaate both hie body sad the brain use the r-uabis tome, /Where'. Aromatic 1)u.ios N tae. 4 More than 11,000.000 is invested its club houses and davit sbuouue facilities along the Chesapeake Hay. The oberstory on Mount Blanc alrredy reports proof that there u nu oxygen to the atmosphere of the sou. Th. largest private house the Drtusl, kingdom is Wentworth it ood H..uae, which belongs to Fad Fttcwillatu. Selman fishing is prohibited in the State est \t'ashinetun hewe.s us. p. m. on Satur- day atwrday and the same hour en Sunday. In manufacturing occupation the average life of srapboilers le the highest, and that of grind stone makers the lowest. Victoria l'arbo'ic Silts is a great aid to internal medici•e is the treatment of scro- fulous sore,, taws lad aaaam.ee of .l knit,. - y 4 Is the Orwin. Star Boarder -Here is another dy that has met • watery grave. ' Landlaty Where is it ' Star Ssaeder- In tins pitcher of milk." tlttsefidrd Ohedleaee. "I've made • mortal eurn,y of Mn. l'ar- v.y noon She told me that her diamond brooch cast 510,000, but begged me not to tell slyest." "Ak. I me. And you told." -No. I dida't." WINTER GOODS The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and but Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times prices at The Tonto Cash S11ft P. O'DEA, Manazer. >YSTP, ILREOYVATOB AnMoTts ma TO o .twtottt . Specific and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye papa., skepless,em, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, low of memory, bronchitis, omsomptacm stomas, jaundice, kidney and urinary disowns, St. Vita: dance, female irreg- ularities and general debility. LIBORATORT, (ODERI(Rr ONTARIO J. M. McL EO D, Proprietor as? liaawitastarse. McLaopb BTrrnin RlntovaTt. eon M,asb hoe esd to tows, as weS eabees W the eragtl to between Owen mows bid ae•Mh. Onassis. Durham and Toronto. est Ir, PLANING MILL UTAMKlIE1 aii. Buchanan &. Son, reawvraortrotg„e BASH, DOOR and BLIND Denten la W kinds et LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES. Aad builders( material of every de offptioe School ?initial a Specialty VHO IS IOUR TAILOR ? This is • t .ltiestieo sad tens M whish yea should gigs DORS RISlIITYOU ? If net, yachts os.. easily get sat isfastties by roiling at IMP'S 111111, WEST STREET. /:�Adrr. n eh LWwill be hep T ddo es�mttevaOnlyhill beiag. (kll ..~It and H. DUNLOP. A Trull Wondortu Statomont! Investigate it, by Writing to the Mayor, Postmaster, any Minister or Citizen of Hartford City, Indiana, RAayroat errs, Blackford County, Indiana, Jane 8th, 1808. Soul le Ameriran .Iluiir•iue Co. Gentlemen : I received a letter from yen May 49th, stating that you hail heard of my wonderful recov- ery from a spell of sickness of six years duration, through the use of Sot Ta AMEr,CAN NEnt INF, and asking for my testimonial. I was near thirty-five years old when I took down with nervous prostration. Oar family physician treated me, but with not benefiting me in the least. My nervous system seemed to be entirely shattered, and I constantly had very severe shaking spells. In addition to this I would have vomiting spells. During the years I lay sick, my folks I•aai an eminent physician from Day. t.:t, Ohio, and two from Columbus, Ohio, to come and examine me. The; all said I could not live. I got to having spells like spasmus, and would lie cold and staff for • time after each. At last I lost the use of my hod - - eaantd not rise from my bed 3-1\1-0. E_ at walk a step, and hail to be lifted like a child. Part of the time I could read a little, and one day raw an advertisement of year medicine and concluded to try one bottle. By the time I had taken one and one• half bottles i could rile up and take a step or two by being helped. and after i had taken fee bottles in all I felt real well. The shaking went away gradually, and I could eat and sleep good, and my friends could :.careely believe it was I. I am sure this medicine is the best in the world. I belive it saved my life. I give buy ' name and address, so that if anyone doubts my statement they can writs me, or our postmaster or any citizen. as all are acquainted with my case. i am now forty-one years of age. and expect to live as long as this Lord has nee for me and do all the good I can in helping the suffer:nit. _. Miss ELLAN Siu1.17. Will a remedy which can effect such a marvellous cure as the above, cure you ? DAMS, *screamer I. P. JteM.An, WholPeale and Retail A�ggent fo Godelrfch and vicinity (45s. 4?)- FOWLER & CO. % THE WONQEatFGL CHEAP MEN. 11urah For The holiday Ss&on .1ll pernena desirous of purchasing X RAS (iiFTB should call and see the LABDF AID EMIT STOOL OF FANCY SLIPPERS&SHOES AT FOWLER & CO'S., The Wonderful Cheap Mem they are showing all kin•ls of WINTER GOODS at price.; that will surprise you. Call and inspect their stock of Warm Felt Goods. T. PQWLZA & CO. Ms WoroiawtL Caste Ma• St North gide of %guar& BOOTS. SHOES: FORST (ITT W INU$ AND AIWURT"AN�D�IslikAUL Oi 110111. who y had tyee/st prwsrla her Ills �bewa preAmlga bsemen Miaee►���hem *Orr se wail Via•sa* Ravine h Mem p •oleo Ile the `a.n„ Rewm mtp`r P.amSee he .haste limey bee N auld Twilparer stated a • tm.eaent ori. (dime essa " l/Ws. i aa,y 1, IIK M most. -J. W. WINTI'DRVILT. PrledPil• St PIC SIP fa at the rep Wt tem til l:r an n al wi th Stl w/ e t oil op w M w b he da co ha up res dt m or s 11 t