HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-12-7, Page 71 White Blankets, Grey Blankets, Horse Blankets. CHRiBTIIA8 0001)8 EW. BROWN BY er Only B �D STONES' tas Lam. A ;LING OASE8, ERLIG IES. SPECIAL VALUE 'ion Sheet Fru ORTER, ksellers and Stationers, lmastide of rUartrsee teen. ower %alts better than this. , supply. .asss. is usque cellulot4 cd bisame dad ether etyma. ACCNTUU W ell SIFTS (ONO. alesa.ess t'•s,.. .Wer• ee N eaeNas.. ap an a•d .ea. W. wal be h attractive gouda Chemist. SHAPED HORSE BLANKETS 1 Unlined Blankets, esu. worth 86c Lined Blankets, $1.25, It $1.50 JOHN T. ACHESON. AT THE DRAPERY AND HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. t __ Our 50c. Corset Cannot be Beaten. Lades' and Children's Uider1ear, erna rake. Nary aid Black Scor® Series, tk kg lo Town far the mi'1. UCH R INTERESTS. ust TED FIBRE WAIL it they are mistaken. )sagest and strongest rape without awn Of AS it by a patent pro - ions to heat, cold and 1.2 WARS imparts so A and is the lighted, 1 durable ware es EDDY'S. R maim ag s027 J. Naab'a Walt Bryk r fftlrwitMatgs is the 1 Itrlla reypasbbe Um elm William, too/ am yam, bet ea bars le Tv is Baal PPIye re ►.•7Se1wt/' Y It s3ON. nalIMICTION =IDLY' COLdcTTE>D. 5 PER CHNT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH - 2014 Draper and Haberdasher. A VERY ORDINARY LOOKING MULE, ✓ et fir ('.aid g.regart ugly emit. red tent wristlet ver Me Comedies re.. rim The Galveston 1*117 News. Mastitis. Tex., Nov. lb. -.t horse tcad• natned W. A. Neal, who cease here late- ly with • lot of mules, bee • Mack mule- - a very ordinary male -which goes by the •tame of Pete Vestarday afternoon 'Neal • rued to sell Pete to T. H. Dwyer, but the l:da't trade, Dwyer saying at the mule :ma not big metnor streag enough for As purpose. Neal ia.i.ted dirt Pete was .m stems as my ordinary nub, sed made 'be •maroon that he oou'd drag 500 pousda of +nit a daytimes of twenty fact on the .'rood at the gni of • rope 500 feet lo•g. Dwyer laughed at the idea of such • this' Then they weighed Pete and found he ttpp e 1 the beam at lass then 900 pounds. It w s evident to Dwyer that Neel was joke ng, and he offered to bet it 60 that. the mule -quid not do what the bores trader limed. rhe bet was taken and Neal oilseed to louble the bet, end dually they aimed ep- o lbs terms, and Neal pat up 11160 to I iwyer's e7.6. There was much specuiMloa among horsemen sad the citizens generally as to what would be the outcome of the 'hiigg, some syisg that Dwyer had a good het, others that Neal would win..red still .then believed it impotetble for the mole to .Ing mush • weight att•oi•d to mach • hon. rope. }tut they wine net prepared to hat no another man's trek. N rertheM►•, mem money wasput up, en 1 everybody was ou lbs lookout for the test, which wise set for this .iterMw. { 2 o'oisek quite • crow, 1 .t Dwyer'. store M t se the fan. cyapa of •* 1T.. tasks were procured and filled with mad beth pampas agreeing to s.hstit.te sand ter art Thea s.ck.,aft.r berg tilled, were pleaden the Beales and Mad to wain eel dad not object to the este Ess penala Then they sent to sig task and newsreel elf 600 Met of now htslblaeb gra rope. This and the mad were placed in • wagon, to width Pets wee hitched, and earns, down Seedy street to • point directly iz front of the Cantel school badiee. A big procession of chi. '.ms tollowed the wagger. The was el send were tied to the nice end the rope was . trstchd out fall length. Pete was un- hitched freer the wages and the trends fast- ened to a eiegfetres, hitched to the other ad of the rope. The distance of twenty teat wag eseefully measured in front of make, amid • stake driven down. All brag ready, Neal took the retie and Irove Pete down moil the rope was taut, and then, after aroertaining that everytbiag was reedy, said, "GM upVets," sod Pete ' got ep " in a burry. le Just walked off . easily as if he were seeds. thin kind d work. Neal gave him a little tap with • whip and Pete casae near running away. Finally he was sped and it was foxed that the seeks had been moved not milt twenty feet but about fifty yards, end 1'08 mild arenrently have gene a tads or more ,1 it had. loose L additive' to the, • half dere. tarot .wheel boys, unable to contain their wthal e s wham 'trey saw tha dead be bogie a twNr, ram nand jammed o t Whew on rode there Ill i'et. mrd •d didn't this - ale wrest of two er three he ndred paned* ; he didi t haw it wee there .lust before the tat there we re inen who said that yen Watt pet • brand of owe live het re frost e( Psb's Mee when he was hitched to that rad send he would starve •0 deet}, bit after it wee all ova every befit sed, '• OA, mal, i Mew he wsnM pall it ." reellei Neal peeketed hie sad he weer hsu thatYpa rt be erasIdo �til hm Ow *misfit sed IMMO M py, blit ebe eson hail, teak the Ma Sedhae emery, bet %boa Sete emakialr Apy ease Is me me OM Mbar A ret•Ieaed Pah. .t lawyer defendtat • prootisory mote went to .uach, leaving his books and oit•- lieoe on the table in the court room. The armies counsel sneaked back into the room sad changed places of all his book marks. In the afternoon the lawyer refer- red the court to his authorities. His lord. ship noted every volume sad pare carefully and took the case under conaideratos. In rendering his opinion, he said . " I was lo- dged, after hearing the argument of cons- o rt for defendant, to nen wit plaintiff, bat I dad, atter referring to the authorities quot- ed by camel, none of them bar oo this case, and I .m led to think that the gentle- man hes wilfully been tryi.g to isalt the Door t. He hs referred me to an action of an Irishman who sued the proprietor of • monkey tor damages for biting him, to a c es of •nor, one of burglary, two of petty larce.y aid three divorce cases, now of which bear o0 an action to reoover • preemie - t ory mote. Perhaps the grossest insult to the court is referring to Duckworth v. Boozyus•a,' an action charring def. 1a.t with brach of promise. .1udgm..t for paiotia with :woe" The lawyer never knew what the matter was ad to this day Wake the lades wee eat of iabllai.d. •e a res e'wee. (:RNTt use. For a number of years I suffered from dealers, and last winter I could marccely bear at a11. I applied He - yard's Yellow Oil sad I cam bear as well as a.yese mow. Mrs. Trrrts Coos. 2 Wsyeseeti, 7. & Aa ttrhneaar SMah MM. Ciriney Tam , (awakeutng at 2 A. w )-L. that Mr. yes, \"Gahm of the dower -viral. promisees the name you're gut on. --Champ Rec. sed Vat VeW.ad atts tllemames, DgAR Sias. -I have Mee .slag B. B. B. hr bails •ed skirt d .same, amid �W it good s • curt. A. • di spepesa ours 1 h*.. .ism feed it eoetga•lled. MR". Sot to H.t ulthms, Me.Wsi, t/...2 A aro messy. .loess Ukiah the oedema paeyle of the South have bees basely saniersd Smith What (maks yam *Mk as! Joe Hen is • (Margie paper that says that a tram dawn there W • hen 20 years eld.-Exchange. As Se sod AMeted. PhyaieWee. travellers, pioneers, settler., invalids and all Masses of pimple of wvf rye degree, testify to the medicinal and tomie virtues of Rurdock (hood Bitten', the moo popnkar and &Recti)e medians extent. it ewes all diseases of the steesch, Bver, .rd blood. 2 RPM. (e.re.N.t. Mier tVonldn't lee odd if all Boa's thoughts meld be road on one's forehead! 1 radian -tithing d the wart i. • st. ry the ether day. Mamie i Umiak it ward/ M lost l v.ly. 0.. could W1 thtr jet MOM apses nut's Mesa our --IelhiIpelh it- . • Sews eates- Kase. Osa., who vviiA�alady ..sed Idle T. a M. _ h.tlilslael MwblM . K*0..J' .sad Lioar Awe, bee rewetitd a •luslswt to the alba that it aampM•ly dead hat at M- lhommoillay vMs'-st:.-+. Merry ad Ewen Weeliese. disseess Salami seegue a t>rmgw;Wd* Wilde :� amdd IRWORITarer i�sr fie am Mea •atltel IMere,eb a ltals•rt als•11m or elm `e THE SIGNAL : OODERIOH, ONT., TH(TU D %Y. DECEMBER 7. 1893. A BUSINESS GIRL SPaCIMEN OF Petite ILK'S Pit. tiller ('sn'lerrd wee PWSW, Mem Le.arellee flew Tear Aviaris w/desy et embitter Ree •weenweilsse•• Mead ep " Father, I would like to tee you in the literary ew a matter of aroma " 1 wry well, l Iola corse Along. Now, then, what is 1t " Father. you are aware that Merry Noodeahainmet has been paying me lois at- tentions fur the last year '' " has, and I'te fe:t like kicking hint The idea of • \uodeuhammer oasis• le as- pire to the hand ui a t:rafters "' " He has asked me to be bit wife." " The .coundrel ' tt' hy, 1'11 maul the tar out of him. " And I have Mutual. proposed,- she play idly Coot inert tt'het' WYbet' Sly daughter marry A delicious pieta of waiter • " p:e wt• rawly bate served up to the readers of • Litmepoel paper um Tuesday d ornug. sibs preview eveuiu6 its rrport.r 11*4 to •tread • e seisag •' • Wee:cyan chapel for tate con veewta of the Hebrews to 1'hrutiauity, alter which be toporltd the address' guru by General 11 1. 11."welt to the l'ulytach- ale doom un the cooversinn of sewage tutu thea. minterntut Is the pewter'. band. ' IM folio* got muted up, &ad the report . when they are buying Moves to go to dealers who handle read �h The Chlorinate, afar the meeting 1.4 1 otenupeoal with/refer, pea Aimed that thee STARTLING! At ROYAL APPOINTMENT 7 The enormous waste of fuel which might be saved IF PEOPLE WOULD THINK tweyersion u1 the errs was oar of the gr.. a Jloodarksmn.ar watwg far arli, • week' set works that could engage the :tteattouo air .mutt prfcct autbnciNs Filtration n Nath' Cu to yow route while 1 seek th'r the mot u,ot lwd that o.iuld be. ado 6a�,e 'Avow" tett fur ,uriti::.tion, but a filter hes it Father, 1 watt r calk straight you tate mit.. rj,,.,.,, i, a Do ular notion that the with yt .," she itterrupted. " A. you err p wws contain • vast amount of weal( aware, thin i the .tate of Massachusetts."'.art t4 alu.l a must be liken out of it to • "Have you seem the vital s+auetiw of he purp•.stt of itrigath.n, as it otherwlt the state for the last year i'' .hok,d the pores art the fwd, and they ween " No, of course not. The idea of that Jim Noodeohammer akulLing amend here alter my"- - " Wait' .►atordicg to the stat iatiW, thea state has 811.240 more females than males. There aro 225, 890 more marrtajteable girls than csa tied husbands. to say notbiog of 182,391 widows antiow for a N.I. 2. The ausber of yoga? men in the state ~auto over 815 a week and in the market is only 22,107. Theta are camped on the trail of ihe.e young nae exactly 230,000 young amass and 150.000 widows. Three out of .eery 6ve children born are girl*. heath removes two young men to one married man er oh) bacbeh. - " The old new t.trnel pale and grasped • ebur for support, and after • pause she000- taled . " k rom June to October over 80,000 mar- riageable young women visit our watering places, and it u urinated that 31.0.42 of of theist catch hasesnol., thus further rednc. nag the chances of a reel..,4t Father, tape the pencil and tiiure oe your Viola's calmer of catcht•g another man if she lets Jame. Needeabammer canter away." " (:rest loott'" he gasped, after tiguriug for • monomt. " Wby, your chances are rely 1 1. 22.87o.?47 Jest as i figured it out myself. R'h:; .hall I say to him this ermine " Say ' Say ' Why, tell him you'll have Wei and he m' lily glad of the chance, and t• as•l h• e e a wandering race over the whisk few of th habitable glut*. They were denied ►lee in im:;able hiessinis of Christianity, whit might rte counted by thousands of tom pe annum allowed t ' rue to waste when by judicious mi:titre of lime and clay, toe be nettled Hebrew who sat in darkener( migh esaily be converted into lithe and tenon for building purposes, and if (hies deodor- ise.(, after being first dried and burned in • kiln, the ardent ram would .rain take its proud pnr(i14 0 among the nations of the world. Suhecriptiooa were earnestly ioiicit• ed for the purpose, though het the spathe. ) declaimed soy idea of making a profit oat of the process, and in conclusion he urged increased etlort. 1n the good work, %bowleg that, thus deodorised by • very novel lwr- ores of evengeliratioa in large tank* coe- .tructed for the mutt -lie, the grateful He - berme might flow over the land witboati ,.jury to vegetation, while the expense of ooevereion, which was progreming as rapid. ly as the beat friends of ('brucould cold wish would be more than repaid by the sale •.f the phosphate of bine and valuable cement for building purposes. We w*.lied the ■N bog. The nun 1111,31111.3sat 10 the seat with me had •o many 'lueer-looking •can on his face and 'seek that I finally decided to ask him how they had been received. 1 pot the.tuattio• h e Don't don't let him draw a ktag breath before you ea delicately as I could and he modDeter add teat the cseem sy on take place right t .dry . replied " I got 'em by whistling.'. after breakfast tomorrow morniog, and t I'm to siva you a w.ddieg peanut of 45,000 u malt !'-f 'triage Tame. ('gid sl �evrmsl•s tieetlewsa.. Semewkere to bit writings (:ardt0al New- man thea describes his idea of • gentleman. •' He has his eys on .11 ale company. He is trader toward We basbtul, etae toward the distant and merciful toward the aboard." In LM coevei.auto tbe gentle man will remember to whom he is speaking, have thought for all the company and avoid .Missions that would give pain to any of them, steering away from topic* that irri• tate. When be dos • favor to •anther sad he does many--tbegentlelnao will make it appear that be is receiving instead of con- ferring 1t. " He ie never mesa or little to his die peter Morever, be shows that be has an •atellectfa above the averse. in the t.c' that he never mistakes pet.o.alities and sayings fur arguments. Most of moa k do. Wham grief, illness and loose. comae to him ' bet enbmiu to pain bemuse it is inevitable.' Bere•vementa he taker with heroic philosophy because it is irreparable He goes to death without • murmur bi adds 1t i. bis destiny." As Carless ea edema .ad Fee. There is • local tab told of the Earl of File, the boon comp.aion of 1;e3. IV., says the Leedom Sea, which, now that his sue• esssor, the Duke, r .t his IlaaAshire home Duff bones is appropriate, and as the story has not yet appeared in print it may, pet baps. rove iotere.tiog The old earl, when out walking one day, came acres • poor pun braking stops by the road -side. " Oh ' Adam : .kdam !" was his reiterated complaint. " What is the cause of your out cry against poor Adam ,' was the quo), of the F.srL , To think t la t had it not been for Adam's sad Eves curiosity, dun would not have been forced to earn ba bread by the sweat of bio brow," was the reply. " Welt, my man," rejotnd the Earl, "intoe •p to my house ; 1 will undertake to give you a good dieser every day so long se Tot can refrain from inquiring what may be in a certain dish, over which • cover shall be Maimed." " That's easy enough,' was the reply. The man ate his dinner, in accord .nee with the age etm..t, for warm weeks, bat o.e day the fatal curiosity which tempt- ed our father and another is the (laden of Eden overeating the Earl's protege -just to have ore peep ander the dish. But no Boner was the thought serried into execu- tion than • mouse jumped from nada the Dover. The dinners, of oourse, were dieser dead, awl the tean returned to him steer - breaking not quite eo ready to rail at tbe folly of Mother Eves hefare the tempjgtatalioe had Mee ptaoed in his way by the Pari of Fife. Ur. elln'mMwe • WWr.s.el gm••.►. Among W old heads .. the Treasury Bench, Mr. (:hailers% has, of course. more than maintained his •aksowledged mire - may -% supremacy by brad sed shoulders. It baa, indeed, bees a "Madrona motion " L 000ductia. the Home Rale bill through committee, he displayed alms,' • spirit of s•eeopoly in regard to the speech -making. Then was orrery a rase. • line, a word whose entire defence be would Estreat to bas retreats. Nigkt after night be tent threngh leg hours, answering every •asesd- trent in strtap of little d•rzltng .p..eohlets, soon breaking Um the doctors rule .1 retiring from the dakate at eine o'deek, a..d at the sed of the teniae more poreletent in att.eia.oe thea asy of it oolle'igoes. Never -we ens say tvith.et ;ear of •, nitre - dimities -baa M reached to a higher 1, -rot of wt•Med dog ewes than darks' this .eadmt. Whether em tate hie ruaf, speeches oe the gem, Reseed sad third reading* ni the Hems Role bill, hie hundred s",) .me bole can- d itutioaal deoourses in ou.smitts, his iw- nmoterable deploys of fait dad arJnment le the personal on.ibate .ith Ila. Chisedrr lain, and, last but not %est his many im- portant speeches "e epee g•stiots like the ("iota l natio adl the eight hoar day. he has ,horn ' 1. taint m, irailled sed unchal- lenged tee-emh sees This, indeed, M the great Material entre of the aeries the perfor arae at Mr. Madame .n the great Naar .t Wef>sinintar.-Woranks- (1•s- etr. - Tin teas thoolnit IMnty. " Did you whistle for • burr saw or a threshing machine " No fur so old dog net wutb powder to blow him rep. I as Hein' out in IVvoming. tine afternoon the d'tg walked off, sod he hadn't showed up at ebv.n o'clock at night. A leetle after that hoar the old woman woke me up and arid, ' Juni the old dog hain't Wath shucks, as 111 admit ; but he's a sort o' link which binds us to the old 'tome to New H•mpsbire. Hadn't you better eo oat on the bluff sad whist:. for him , Mebbe he's been took paralyzed with old ate sonewbor', and it el cheer him up to hear your what'. ' Wall, that kinder wept to my heart dad 1 tamed out. I was staodioabout thirty test from the door when 1 seen samthio' movie' in the darknes and 1 begun to whistle. The critter cum. It wasn't the dog, but • prime likely -looking penther,and be didn't waste no time in gettin' to hive IS. H. couldn't stay over a mint and a halt, Bain' pressed fur time, but be bit me in fourteen plass and left sixty snatcher snatcb AO tokens of bit regard." . It'd a wonder be didn't kill you. " I cost think he wanted to go gaits that far. Ere adds fig- gered that his ides wag to sorter warn me .tin brio' tool 'duff to whistle for a domed old maize which was Weep in the *table all the time' Leastwise, I haia't been oo no wheelie' excursions atmos, add I aver pucker my mouth in daylirht without jompio' on one side and drawin' my knife. Yes, them scratches Fee rayther *piled my beauty, but I'm powerful Tato of bein' the first man in America to diakirer that a panther could be whutled up like a deg. ('. C. }:1. II 4N.1.4 & Co. I Piave used your MINARETS LINT hIENT successfully in a serious Daae of croup in family. I consider it a remedy no Mose should be without. J. F. (rreeiSOHAN. (leaps Island. That string on my finer meas "Bring boat a bottle of MINARD't1 LINIMENT. WOMEN. The eye that laughs is the eye that weep es.ily. A rink is not to be rue whoa it sen be run away from. The woman who neglects bee appea ands oegfee1s her duty. When a dreastmaker'a prime dad aryls are 00 Ismer modest, she calls herself a mediate The fewest women in proportion are found in Wyoming, Kansas .ad Coloreds, where women vote. Nine women out of tea will few about • trifle and meet calamity with • calm -eyed and fearless smile. A goatee of as inch leen of shoe heel add and four inches more of waistbelt meta five and fifty years more of life. The Kassa modest who stole the girl .tedaat'a aklrta from the yry mna.i.ro is now said be have acted in r•etaliatios rel Ba- der similar circumstances taste of the heyi *lothfag had previosly Moen bares away by fair taper finger.. Lave N Rxrvlarere. Wherever 1 5.d • man despising the fates estimate. of the vulgar, and daisy to empire i. antiwar, 'mama and ooduet, to what the highest Madre threu'i d1 ages Adm ssoctiesed em neat smallest, to him i aria marl by a art of neesmsary attach meat ; and, if am ea leAeeee.d by nature Of &menta*, that by mo easetian or 1•bove of niy owe 1 aha attire to this commit of worth and hones, yet w powers et haven er earth will hinder me frost reties with afeetise and remm s. spte Nese who have tai remehLy aNsirad Yr grimy or appear em. gaged in the .e.s .fel peraelt of it. DIM wserame . " Whra eases the greatest member et Arse ie Imelda• bseres. aeserdis' sp gems musrinne. !" asked a parses el •a mynas, tura of mind of an imrara.e. %dimmer. RAn bare er Etat -I tll[tii "lath Mss sling Marne assess sheets meek es way - Dan Mss," refand Me isemesee adjustor (ladWigwam. bet y the use eMS*0. Y ,epsMd the other r. rird a. k R I guts sew restored to to health. ' Yes, hietiw, retained the ia.wram ee 1 ....w rt1ias al.hsci Bird Bitters toe amass.►• at ..t mere highly Y Ie O. emir ug. heat tweedy tall Jag Wb5.$ 1 IMO 111. Ills& Reim Arum J. Lamm it yrsemwb d stosidittVies tat • a ITagnsylle,OM IfliM hems "-it :mmmraikaA. Y ere's Nothing none but the best, and guarantee them perfect. Like 40 ! SAUNDERS & CO. L' sb� - have had the best Stoves for years, IL SOAP 1 IT DOES AWAY WITH BOILING HARD RUBBING BACKACHES SORE HANDS LET ANOTH.R Day GO SY WITHOUT TNYINO 3uolight REFUSE CHIMP IMITATIONS Why rhe Me/H. During the wedding ocr. m my •1 a Leh. losable church at Harlem, Bi die Md:inni., one of the b idesmaide, wapt bitterly. After the c. re Deny Dudley Can,*ucker. who was present, said to 1 irdie : " What were you ening about, Mice Birdie` You were not the ride." " I know it," replied Birdie with • lump in her throat, "Th.t'. what broke me tight up. "--Texas Sittings. COAL AND WOOD satza. Broil .NaNisr Share to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD, SOFT & BLACKSMITH COAL. Coal weighted a either market or my Scales. Diet my Pr[oes beton going elsewhere, TZARS CUM. Tetlegaeme Cesutertlea. JOHN 8. PLATT, Prop. t11a-y. CGODURJOH Steam - Boiler Works. MST ABUSE= '15504 A. S. C H RY STA L, thsecessorto Cenral & Marla Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Uptight tit Tubular 3:3012.rE1SS, Salt Pans, Stnoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve Regimes. Automatic Cut -Off it seines • peolalty, All sizes or pl • sod pipe-tlttlsa constabort R tl . hand. g p Retaliates tattesel on short tHa� Repairing pn„nppUa1y is. !L5!-ly P. O. Boz 37, Ohderiah. Works-Oope ite a. T. R. Marler.. edarlsh GRAT EFUL-COMFORT ING. EPPS'S COCOA • BREAKFAST -SUPPER. "Bylefige ol the 911119,111 taws wahich erre thermalW Meaawa* et die .sad .atrftioe..ad by • rarer sppIioitties of the gas.repertt,. elf welleelscted ('oeor Mr. Epee hoe pr.ildrd few our breakfast and yap, per edelicately *seus many' harremed demon,esto' 11111*.• which may saveit Is by tin Judlatems ass of each artluls of diet that aces ettleatta may be grsdwalty built p matt stream to resist every tendon', to *Maw. Hrelle et Able maladies rro tsetse .rowed r ready um attack wherever there M • weak part. W. may escape ma, a Wei shaft by keeping oarr,slvee welt Mused with we Wood .add •proGpwr properly .ouriebsd trans."- ma airway 001.10 lade easy with belling water or IUk. Sold s%ly in aeeketrby Grooms. Whetted thua 2421-311w PATENTS! CHEAT& TRIM M hill ALP ppFIIINITS ho ot�i�art all at MODER%TNPRII Oer idles M e,ttri the 1).8. Peteet of - bbsal wt a ebWn Palmate is kr time e sethere 'Mete from WARRINGTON. Riad ROwe matoWEL OR DRAWING. tirerase •6 TON 116.117:442.1011=" qPA �i1flVtppe Wee, bare. �;; � 11111410`c tree �°RR►1!iPmatmaelsr the laot�a um= send reders'N.t to oral Meas la goer sera Mas. ter Oe .ty, writes. O A slew la cr.. flwslldese own W ttIn. e. D. 0 SEE THE N'Ew STOVES FOR THIS SEASON. DOUBLE HEATERS FOR COAL : THE SOUVENIR, THE ART CCUITTESS THE OXFORD. COOKING RANGES FOk CGAL: THE KITCHEN WITCH, THE DUCHESS OF OXFORD, THE HAPPY THOUGHT. A full stock of Coal and Wood Cook- ing and Heating Stoves. TREIR IIANIIMAfl RE-IILPFEII T1NLIIE is telling its own story in increased saps. X77. -EST STREET_ J-_A_W DaJR 7' Carriage Mazzufacturer, Having pars based the britlese std McCREATH 61 WAIdIA F:R 1 have mow arranged, not only to continue the carriage Trade, but hare decided :o do all clammy of work to HORSE-8110EI!U LID GENERAL BLACKSMITHINgt NONE!BUT THE BEST OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. NO..& WAiiailij'R, 2396-ly. PROPRIETOR. "� 4 3 y, 4 SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. By virtue of • warrant under the bard of the Warden and Reale tart Caveat' ion of U,e County of Rama. dated the Itch day of/Locust. tier oommaoding me to bey upon Ib. Wale hereinafter deeeribed. for the arrears of teem respectively due thereon, together with Deet, ; 0110e M hereby Rhe. that tinterr sorb taxes and oasts are sooner t ale. I .ball. In compliance with the Aseresate.t Aot. Chap. Mi. et. 8. 0., proceed town by Pubtto Ameba the meld lands or so much thereof se may be to dig"karge the at tie Court Beate, in the Town of OODERICH, on ?RUDAY, the FIFriSVTH air DSC/ aft,"1tM, at ()NM o'clock :n the afternoon. No.or I.oT DC•C*IPT4OX. OR PART or 2.or. Part of RI tow:11111r or NOM 1011. PAT *0 AMOUNT COSTS •s No. or Coe. Noor OIL OP TARag. Comettastu.r Tafel . oR $110 111T. AI'Ria tar .Y'D • 071. • t tai $ cwa. 12 i Pat'd 1 Id i 41 2 40 1 I1.1_*05 Or r.a»w'iCa 1 Victoria -m.8. + 1 ` t .. l • bowls• -et. 8. laelHv. a Nit Reserve I.10 Una" lent i• tit ls Plied 1.. ; i t 61 %I1.4U.R OF R111.MO0L 11 11001.'5. W. part of 2 N 1f• B1tr :Ito dee Mccsaghiy Surrey 33 fart It Oat drop from river) Part of • (Rad .hep treat river) rraasstewa survey 11 1 l'ai'd TOR N61111• of MOtikil. .1 30 l'at'd S 1M T1LLAAR OF IAYTIFJ.l. Pat'd N 114.21.r or MATH. 1 42 1 42 1 M 9 1 42 1 42 er .s�tia; 112 Meek E 1 Patel le » » IR 167 1 11.1.0.s or •RUaaal/t. 1 12 1 f• 240 2 60 2 le t♦ St 1113 1 2124 1 12 1 112 1 12 t n.yt� 7hs.eerer'. °toe, s.11t tasd.r(leA, Sept gob. lilt, Pet'd 616 sr(• RIRTLR. lA Para 1 42 1 11 1 32 2 S6 4133 t•'7 • ;7 17 11 1 a 1. 1 WM H01.3111p. Yrueottrer. WHY Docs UFO. BARRY, eie Ooderich furniture dealer sed undertaker, keep the beat stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies t And how is h that he can sell so cheap i BECAUSE He finds that it pays IR the long run. His motto lei " Small Profits and Quick Re turns." He also makes • specialty of picture framing Oive him a call before pureiss ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand 23571 BAKINCDUNN P TxLEMIc2n:Y.�1° BACK -ACHE 00005 KIDNF_Y P111,9w WILL CURE YOU "t..A.•be maw Me Ail• .•p• ere Is beetle Rigaay NI pe • 1 par of Worm, Olt{le riateihreit ankh/ • o Aare we/ •ithe t tester. :zoos pH/ MIS .MIS (erten h/I••/• ars shop , tAq case the tte "Delay Is Mop / //w•p� tr etbles re•r!t In 9.4 Shred. • lifer Dostril=end the meetdee- •re(fle • •Jl. Ol.bet•e sett 5