HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-12-7, Page 5MAIMEenne THE SIGNAL: GODER1OH, ONT., THIJR.SDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1.818, 1 it. c,ANAD1AN BANK OF COMMERCE ESTAIII.rneste.0 Km) OFFICE. TORONTO. We OP) 011 situson DOLLARS -•1141.000.0006 111 100,000. N EIG H BORHOOD NOTES. Prom our OW n COf roe pond en la N oss *kg dims I OH seer have • ha • id treed sat& Rens. IS. L WALKER, GthtlIAL MANAIMID Timm Ile talleinattee Mere That t sinned Ifesad Any Sere I ise - is • ef I be Cooney Viper la I I: Deperw! tow Ike atitual. W. ACHESON & SON -- " Math Chills and Jaciel Clois GODERICH BRANCH. g OSKAAL SAnitin0 WORM TIWISACTED. FAFNIR, NOM DISEOUNTED Mote 1011DED PAYADLA AT POINT* IIN CANADA, ANO TWA PRINCiPSA. CITIES IN Hill UNITED STATUS, GMAT pitiTAirt. FRANCE. atiteauDia. s. SAVINGS SAM DEPARTNIENT. DEPOSITS Of OLOO ANO UIPTIOADS WLIVtD. AnD CURRANT IRATE* OF INTIM-ST moan. ISITIIDDIT AMOS TO TM PIDINDIPAL AT TWA Imo or MAY AND De. lean ID IMOD TOAD. SpetISI Attoottoo gINtSIlbe Oo11,et4nv ••• "- awl f sinters' Soles NOTINIls R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. Ur efbielt wee wit ' l, stet. )•m own.• down.. maYs 1. is it haytheuish balloon rails stopped sto •k tool ; end there I lalY heed And sin going up to tles Just added to Stock a Large Assortment The Latost Novolties in Christmas Goods. Ladies using Knitting Silk will save money by buying our 25c spools of Brainerd & Armstrong Crotchet and Knitting Silk. at passe I psaoefully iruine, Nov. 22. He Itii at the the past coafised to but hid 1 • kiwi sad to leg I one of the loot at -- la MILLINERY and FANt....N GoOlis STI rt iMptErt. ,t1,24raf:: KW. R. B. SICITE, C3istagovir House. JAMES ROBINSON errom= WE SELL FOR CASE. In our last announcement we invited you to compare our prices with others. A great many have done so, and admit they have saved money. Those who have not called we again ast you to do so, and you will be money ahead. s st!..• ',•"" FUR. rhum lg. sox,i king tobacco supplied the .nd for a cool, loke like the The name x)1c1 word and :kage has be. • the family. er cover ats. im men, m -boys They're tsme- days. - We've e twenty bination Imy also rom US : are clearire, a line of 1)ouble Fold Dress Goods for 2:k. See them SPA, our Grey Flannel at 15e. Our 9e. line of Flannel is having n great run. See our 17c. Wool Hose We have it line of BoysRibbed Hose, sp5esid knee, double heel and toe. G0111) VALUE. See our Table Linen at 15r.. per yard. Flannelettes from Se. per yard up. We have a line of Men's Rubber Coats for We have received another shipuient of Storm Wiwi and Muffs, which will be sold at the same price as the last lot. OUR STPCI COMPRISE' BARG11/13 ALL THROUGH. v JAMES ROBINSON. JOEL DAN'S 331.40 C E X TRAORDINARY HAPPENINGS. there. a man is Botta, Mos., who, when he waists gooney. just kilis • chicken and M"ct• Inc small -musts in it. gureard. geriisod is so rich in gold that it collecta ia the chicksae. craws in • very short time. Thirty one Ch'ek..lei assayed 1387.55. The beet chaste= to tho oniony live at " Mar .'evilie. Mo., where a half holiday is awarded to the ream with the best Ave ge. deper0Theat. 11 • boy misbehaves him- 1 telt tome, the others '• take it out of his tide,- an 1 the tuaohers grow fat for laek of ; exercise. Waterton, N bad twine. William and i.grarge Wieseg•il they looked alike, dress- ei alike, Ind baste itnJ rum alike. went de .ing at just the same time and b oh sim- ultaneously and mysteriously died, inch oraing bolt, upright in his Meat with bis hande cm the oars. Sone of the plop's of Wooster, 0., SWINK 'hat the thing which rushed out of • nave and soared W. H. Da Long out of • *100 iron is a gorilla, • sort of Sockeye Alining ha.k; while others atter that it is • " man " who killed t vo people 30 years ago aad has Moos swore off tie human wenn/ and soar. A tam had • canary which le Ai time of its leatikers Ile dmovered tbet s 1 Wags tend moms was in the habit of c trilbies W Mit cage by • lace °erten and pulling out some f the bird's feathers. Then, hading Mein in parachute fashion, he eveld drop slowly to the floor with every manifsetat of delight Why, ti was • atm is Meadville, Ill., eh* sat by • brook to eat lace'. • ,d saw is trout fairly awarse;ag in the water. • SENMILLER. Ra.o.o LI.Theo lice, of the Meitlaud hos removal to Goo". orb, vi her he and his family are going to reeele. lie sae setrchased • nme It tie property teat South Blue or Brown Extra Heavy Serge Mantlings, $1.19, teal et. He has rented hie tann to hue son (louden. value $1.65. FAKi Pritistis..to Tia old 1.;...ra Iler Heavy Blue Curl Cloths, 1.10, worth 1 50. "'"*"`e•`"" bee" PI" Extea Heavy 54 inch Tweeds, Pure Wool, chased by due. Edward., of the Durum Road, OF ALL KINDS Our Stock was never before half to large, an.1 y,. comtnenee day tO- om• 1110tIth efiritOr than ever before a great reduction in prices to dear out our big stock of these goods. I BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITA L, $1 2,000,000. REST', - - 6,000,00ci A Saving Delartmenr has. been ()pried in con- vection Mis ranch. Interest allowed at current rates. H. LOCKIVOOD, Manager Goderich Branch. wbo is cow in polacaeloa. Joe is a hustler 1.40. and we tospeot gloat thine trt in him to make Black Astrakans, 1.50, marked from 2.00. that tine old historical homestead look like whet it mould be the 1.ait stuck farm in that towaship. Tut." " ia the name (if • new club alerted at tbe is.mbly roe.nI over Cdadhill's sure. Last ra eek they hed an o vs. ter supper and say amount of speechifying said mamas to inaugurate the new cohoarn. W• are gives to uudeintaild that the coo- sui.ution of the neW society proscribes the presence ot amber and hence we prortiet that each a selfish wears will not last long. Tux TOW 9 The proposed change in thc U. S. will is looked upon here as being the very thing to help our agriculturalists. None look upon the change better than our old It i.e.!, the woihen emu, Nilo, when he looks &mind and sem his stock of 10 or 15 tons of Lear*. thinks that the eapor tor should have at leas: • share of the 10c. duty now imposed, but whaoh will be free by the proposed change. Tea-werrist: Z14" Cut ••••-g tea. meeting will be held seder the auspice, of Zion church osi Wednesday, Oec 20. Tea *erred from 5 to 7.30 i. Addressee will he delivered by Pev. Messrs W. H. Mom, of Nile, E Oliphant, of Hayfield, D. Rog- ers, of Dungannon, and the pastor, Hey. A Thiliadeauklueic by the choir. .1n auto - 'mph quilt will &leo be dlisposed of on tbe ormasion by the Ladies' Aid society. RG, MILLER Ni-lottot3. For the past few days • staff ot men have bean erecting a witod-mill, laying pipes and building • mam- moth tank ma the premises of the abo.e well known nursery inc wood -motor (they des't coll titian wind-miila sow) is • power- ful ono. ma& catirely of iron and rises to the bright of 60 ft. above the ground. It is destined to pump water for the use of tbe green bowies end for irrigation purposes. Whim riorrod from Lb° ytliage it liou gm ill'. peeing appearasee and adds beauty and life to the &desirably kepi grounds of that pros- perous and well- mat arid concern, Ws helir that the proprietor is *visa to immediately erect a large packing house to meet the re- quirenseuta of Ins increasing trade. He is oostemplating about losing into the cut dower business, white will necessitate more extensive glans hews Haring so ter** he looked about and notion! • black atilake also .ring the fish T be snake gave him a wink and held up its tale sugrestively. Ti. Meadville meh took the snake hy the tail sad hold him over the waiter. The snake picked op • fish to kis jaws. The man pulled in, took out the fish sod reprint 1 the operation several times. Then bc divided tlie fish half and hall; this saake, with • low courtesy, arid - lowed his portion aod the nian started home with hit Ethel • Ethel has the advantage of three Mail, to Torouto tech day, a closed mai' on the noon traia being the extra accommoda- ties. Brussels Wm. Mooney, who had one of his legs fractured is the hay pima, is mov- ing about this week with the aid of •cristch. Ileefryn The October and baleen of this season • make of the Silver Corner's (theme fo•tory has Wee sold Inc 1 I lc. per ponod. Hensel) : The trustee' of our school are advertising Inc • teacher Inc the Pinkie de - -Won tor 1894 at the resunierative salary of ki00. Blyth Mies Campbell, of Elytb, has been engaged by the school trustee, to take °hams of Use Intermediate department of tie public school Inc 1804. Belgravia: fla We Isesday evening, Nov. 2dod, Hoist. Geddes and Miss 11. .1. Clark were married at the resideece of the bride's argots, Thew Ckrk, 5th oon., Morris. Tim bridesmaid was Mise Annie Clark, dieter et the beide, sad the groomsman, D Geddes, brothsr el the groom. The knot was stiouroly Ised ia begonia' style, hy Rev. J. H. Dyke, of Selmage. - CHRISTMAS FRUITS at 1.00, were Opened to -day 15 doz. Ladies' Fur Trimmed Kid Lined Mits, all sizes, price 87c., worth $1.25. INSPECTION INVITED. • W. ACHESON 8: SON. C A. HUMBER &SON Jewellers, eSz 0 . New Goods and Latest Styles FROM CHICAGO, ciwkoo and Fancy Clocks. FROM BOSTON, Our Stock is now complete, and we are rea ly 7-qr your orders. Our CURR A TS and RAISINS are exceptionally fine this year. Besides, we clean every pound we sell. Inspect our CHI A and LAMP GOODS Depart- ment if you are looking for anything in that line we can suit you. 0. A. NAIRN. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. • In thanking the Ladies for theic patronage during the past seas' .n. I would solic.: a .ontinuance of the same, and invite their inspection of 'thy Fall and Winter Stock of Millinery. New Shaded Ribbons, Fancy Feather Effects, &c. Tuft's Celebratal Siker-Plated Ware. FROM E GLAD, rrou Derby floods in China with Silver Moutitingm. rine Watches, (locks and Jewellery, spectacle. sad Eye Claim@ to suit everybody. Repairing a specialty. a . .o`k .1i .t!. SO I•T, H. M. PITCHER, "THE EMPCRI t: M, Wt,test., POST. OFFICE FANCY GOODS STORE LIEDUNN. Teter) iv, Nov. 28. Levy ra.- Lest week after • residence of it quarter el a agatury Mr. and Mrs. James Strachan, whe game in the later pioneer days of Ineleare, removed to hoderich. Mr. Strachan cleared up the corner farm famog the form of the late Hillary Horton. now owned by Jobe Horton. His first dwelling house on the slope of the hill waa transformed into • meeting house, and the Word was preached sod • Sunday school was started by the late Wm. 4 'hates and A. Macdonald, of Dunlop, at premien the veteran superintendent of the Presbyterian church Sandsy school, with John T. Link - later secretary- treaaurer- -the Letter naming dm school" 1-acburn.- Of this we spoke in on historic account of Lecher° in Tor. St..• a if. item. of 188. from the old meetiag hones site a Preebyterian church was built, but was burnt in 1078, three years after. The kirk waa not rebuilt there. In chinch matters for some years Mr. Strachan was treasurer, which post he resigned, and f.,r the poet fifteen years took up the collection on the south side of ths. church, and ably bited the doh... of elder. Nearly nineteen am be gave up the active life of the faerniti ni'd lived quietly on his farm. Some years ago with the Donlop architect he played WSW interesting .natekes, Colborne verses 4.oderich, still in renal's°. ties, as well es some penonal snatches, which were recorded in the local prose at the time. We, with • large circle of (mods, wish him and Mrs. Strachan y happy years before them. it NOV is your time and HERE is your chance to secure HOLIDAY PRESENTS at Half Price. WE FEAR NO FOE" in competing in FANCY GOODS, TOYS, &c. Musical Instruments and sheet Music. Druggist. Sundries at it shank above Cost, viz.: Hair Brushes, Combe:, Fancy Perfumes, Says, ,ke. J. W. WE.A.THE.ZALD, • Next door to oft ..treet. Tilasofis anivxzwrs, PAACTICAL covasz, r.rvs T22.011:2115. =OW= VOZE, ender the raiding hand of the PRIPOIPAL of the Next dear to "Star' Office. NICE ASSORTMENT tot' F.1XCY FE.1THERS, FELT El TS REIF- ER H.1TS, TOURIST JUTS', ALL MEM LAMEST RIBBOXS and NOTIOXSt all at Greatly Re- duced Prices. /UR PATRONS CAN SAVF: MONEY DV TRADING WITH US. MISSES YATES. Fall Iffilline I have returned from the e. THE LATEST AND BEST STYLES PORT RT. NIoNotir. • & oesph sad Joha McMillan erit the tillsue at primmest How is our Dunlop brother journalist! We hope to bear of lue early recovery. Min Eva Delong returned on Tuesday from • three weeks' visit to Clinton friends. Randall t;ratism is still suffering irons in. panes tectived in the runaway socidsat of four mouths aro. Mr. Henning mid family, after a sojourn of om year among us, retuned to their home in (laetrile last week. A souther of oar youeg people held a fleecing party at the resideoce of Mr. Has slings on Thursday evening lost. Still mother, oesibly the len •notiosi ane at 14. Otway's store on Saturday even- ing esti. A WU bee of goods sr"! be or od Inc -tele. Everybody wanting harpies should at teed. Messrs. Platt and Rum:imam en*.erad into inn of the mill property os Friday C.They have leased the property Inc • term of eighteen months Mrs. Platt, wife tbe inner, arrived her. om Toronto on Ti:urerlay. - - - -- BRUCEF.ELD. Tyrant., Doc la. "bit tirippe" 15 heeeleillg prettalest armed hers rt. .3 l'offt-k is GO/feria, teem ite mina 01 broechiti& mrs. H. smith h.. To; orhal f min tie, funeral of bet father lir. Foster, who workod Inc Mot :sniper. hee left an • trip to Eat/11204 firibh tleinteek has, we ua,feretand. bis store, els, 4. George Simpson, who is to take pommies ie Mare. organivatine for the p shersite camping% Inc the municipalities el Manley sisa erwieith is Wier rapidly earned ea. FOREST CITY SU_ !NESS AND SHORT4AND COLLEAL OF LONDON. who baa had epeeist provenance for his chosen prokeetoo. annum meows to student. Recur, speot Irtrieire leer. In the Clams Room and Styr lears in iniessamenod eater Preetlee he 'honk, know boss to prepare young people Inc bushman 11 ears to at tend • school that has • standing aumair business mes. 4 laelte reopens on Tuesday. J Oitalogue free. Good board, $.!.Sil per neck. J. W. WEBTERVBLT, Principal. ut from it lines have of anythinS ays welcome DUNLOP. Treauriv , Dem 5th. Putoorat. Mies Potta, oho has taught our school with such success for its fifth year Moos it has been opened, has been re - 'sieved tor the year 1891 by our Board of Educetios, and is the first teacher that has been obsess for • wowed year here. Jobn D. Cumming is visiting at Belfast. Greet lieeellee fins Seed, A *tory is told of Cierhardt, • 03-ennso Grand OiSera House, shepherd boy, illustrates the fact that he mate the ruler over many. AM who is faithful over • few things will be- saturclay, Doc. 9th .IFF. vs P.M. was feeding is • valley oo the borders of a ETIVII/S4A. e OVIeti k. forest, when a hunter came ant of the woods and waked Twelfth year a unproofidanted swam "dew far is it to the nearest village ST 0 "VC.7 MC 00 'S " Six toiler, sir," answered the boy, "but INCOMPARABLE the good is ohly sheep track, and very early The hunter looked at the crooked track, and gaid : "My lad, I am very hungry sod thirsty ; I have lest my teen=ione said missed sty the way. Leave your and skew me rend ; I will pay you well" - "1 asset leave my sheep, air," rejoined terbardt. " They would stray into the weeds, and they may be ..tem by wolves or steles by robbers.- " Well, what of that r" geeried the hunt- er, "they ate not ymir sheep. The to o• .ter two wooldn't be much loss to you/ owieter, and I'll fere you more than pie have weed the whole year." "1 esettot to, sir," rejoined Gernhardt, very Aneh. "My master peys me Inc my time and be trusts. ire with hie sheep. If I were sell my time, which does mit betties to me, and the sheep shoold get Inst. it *staid be the same as if I had stoke in all branches of FALL MILLI ERT, and solicit the patronage of the Ladies of Cloderich and vicinity. .411X, 2•41:=S3 C...A.M:=201NT- tIrand Duk.:, who owned all the country arottail. The Duke was so pleased with the boy'. honesty that he sent for him shortly after that and had him educated. In after yeer• 1:ernhardt became a very great and power- ful man, but be remained hooemt and true to his dying day. -Christian common- weaith. ASHMILLD- Nowtotv. Deo. 4 There 15 (104 eleiritios OA now, and it will Nobs heehesee wrest 411111 Mr. Sewer, Mb see.. bee pet a mew en. gime In estroial. Re le now prepered 10 is Oretolese eeettaii. "wiP 1. tb• °U. "It" " am* VA settled tie nek We ere very Derry to Mere that W. Rit- ate the gleAly. Premed, bie at - deo. 1116 sea. Is vary IL We baps te moo opt sod that Oirehodt. to; J. J. KOMI 1 00., sena beer el lie reirwary. sett& torprlea. leen' thM the bestar tree W Coed Meese Near% enderigh. the ...en., 'WM, nr 1‘111E2 •••11111110-1".74,....rniatekrIllIC4 .911ettarketcreinnWiTherlA5114 OfteNder"12111404., ,t994.04 41, Owe day he was watching his flock, which CHRISTMAS IS CortaiN9 wen," sad the hunter, "will Tee *Mk year sheep with me while you g0 to the eillace sod ret seen food, drink and • geNe I will take oare of them Inc Toe." The boy shook his head. " The sheep," maid he, "4. not loam ytrar voice, sad " He stopped epititlE •• A ud whet Inlet yes treat se Do i loot tib. a Mehemet* owe asked the homer, angrily. boom that yea wai kap•er of Business. Inc" Sir " said the bey " yea trial to make Going sae fake to or trees. eel tried to evoke mebreak sty weed to ay ~tor • bow is I The boater yliod. he felt that the WI feisty *emend aim. 11. sold " I oak my kW, that yeii are • peell.1 jeum..„ sow* or peels Amp (*Wife' buy. I win set forget yes. ant ribilff till Shaw Teem oe *trimly clbov- we the reed awl I will try end bag It say.. 1." ,,,,,_ Don't Pewee Did el eTetIll WOOD A/AD f ..roberat them eared the esoloote , Eno iggiraguseig nwsun sor ississes 00. Lode Tom's Cabill Co. The grandest perdu:tun of this ii:rand Old Play ever presented. An entirely sew dramatfration by Miss Marko.. I.:laborete &mak effecui Nova Parade footers§ An elegaat uniformed brass bead and classic orchsitta-- Finset street parade ever seen with any similar orgentetion Senalleet posy awl ears with any coompany A pack e t Siberiae blood hounds A oatepany of 20 Artiste heeded by the World's Greatest Throw. DAISY MARKOR. Weer b oar grand Stessiday Shreet rewsille ADM:SEIM 25 an& 35 0211111. 312113101710D WM, 00 caws. Inc sale at Fraser A Perter's A Grand Matinee at 2p m. tbr Ladies and Children, admis- sion 25 and 35c JOHN F. STOWE. Magrom. 3.3. MOORE & CO. Out and, in view of the feasting and rejoicing of dirt holidays, we call attention to our FLAVORING EXTRACTS mrs, our own mese warranted pure and este& strong, therefore cheaper than the ordinary bottled enesom The following enema. in 150. bottles or in bulk t ILIUM iTirss. 4 Allebellido %I TIM. • IMAIPIOT. nem. ellebere itss he added. Don't choose your Xmas Goods:before you see our Stock. TRY OUR BAKING POWDER A FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE. FREE SAMPLE. W. C. GOODE. AMILILA. ttettisei Pitr?itiI*i IT CIAISMIL wt • renck et a. Oa sasin. .tst 4?)(PF1'1,WLER- & CO. THE woNDzartn. CHEAP MEN. Hold For The floliday Seam All persons ae‘irou‘ of purehaAing XlMO GIFTS should call and nee the LAM AND ELEGANT srocK 0I FANCYSLIPPERS&SHOES tpot After the Ball Uwe is always a greeA rush for a DAVIS 6 SOWS Cipra AT FOWLER & CO'S. The Wonderful ( lietp Mani ("ley are %hewing all kinds of W I N TER iloODS ricer' that will aurprise you. Call and inapset their stock of Warm Felt Roo& s:Z T. FOWLEit• 84 00. Thu Wowintatut caw max. IMMO SW el erimft BOOTS. SHOES,: