HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-12-7, Page 4spy++>.•,..., THE SIGNAL: GO1)ERIOH, 4)NT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1. 1893. She (* anal, is re at iwsILL, KVILRY TIIUR.E).AY MORNING ST S. leenttletTPNT. Oise of puWloatioa Dud to, Norls•etrest, Oodcrieb. Ontario. Ters..5 od 41 e 1 Qns tacit►, in ad. owe .... $ If none months. � t!a i. ..rely • yueet►w .t eventime eventwheal, es eea..lesil bee win would Mau dine, in iM oeelt$ge as the lively ►.& el ea malm- sey everyday, doeile looking ta.M. We give it up. One year. 1 00 11 want 1.1 aunt. tbe least Fehr id. eromMin lbw* 1401141 40 ,:4..• r °Arial ailverthomenta tee. per !At, for drat tracc,,n. laid a nests pee Ube ewli sulne ,i1.14.1 Iwo -felon. Measured by Moises et.:mos sot eseeeding Ilse. ?emperor 01 tor month. segoeht n.„,,ok !Aver Otis. la 'repo( tacit. (moat notices tionneeil pe one en. per weed. ow 04/ices:es. has tic cents • vel. fo• nolice lose Onto !Mt benevolent i aft :fusions Wolf ra:c. •• lourineertiote 1 06. tow• n wtll be CA2C111110,1 ON 411.01• 14,01. 5 11110111116". awl 1.;.rir cent. is• • YOWL These Meldillons or br 0:1•,:? Salweriber eh, rail to pewit e Tux does •11. resterly. either to or bi goatee a floor by winatt•vtnit ns of t fact at es early a date."' possible. toed M. leer label. Your label is .1 11100E10 ereeipt Osis deo- to *biro yeti are rni.1 en. Oat, that it is not allowed to fall in,o at -nar \Tip? nban....e of address :a denrobt both Rejeet manure -ern, menet he returned. Curtneponterwe anus/ he writlen on 0, s side Of leper Oureassbe-see settee. 1`, Tousel. of (Milerich. less beer sp potateti 'Aral Traretling Also for the *owls 'hips of floderten, Colborne. askfletd and Ws Lend postmasters erer the district ere also empowered to receive sebacriptions to Tar. Sloe a, A SHAKING UP OF DRY SONE& THE ItE4t'1.T t►F' •'111'. F:LF:Q- tIno to X.n11, 1::ux looks like a Imre% away from the moorings of old parties, sad the bettering trite Fink of • mow mid preview, ly tint e:n; u+. •.1 fetes in pole h.'a 1'G W tl:• closing of the poll in North Bruce no idea of the strength of the voting power of :be t'at• roes of 1•tdustry coul,1 be formed, although the in ovine Gamin both of the old point a: g amts had ‘tome t•, the t onrlusiou that it I,...ea..el clement* of strength not pre iowgT credited 10 it. r.;' •l; axion a:: he pulls has torn an eye .ops Ott n, ul.l time politicians, mod to use a• espro.atoa of lite tunas, up to date they do mit It:uw .!tether they air a foot or a h .rsb.tcl, eud fear they are (lathed. 1'h:. •.i.o,ion :+ not cou.iee.l to either .we of the uW parties, for halt have been smitten, hip and thigh. as it were, with little to hv.t ..f by ..::her. 1..r the. gust weal ur two the Prower that c1ipof ligneous woull be fill terereewing on election night. Rut it watio'L date-Goob.e. -there 00.10111w silver toned ie.i.ites1 warbler. Pr. M '11. Pe., with Oat 1..wisen soloist, Dt, 111.4 holding the masie, Mkt the l'enserv lb: 4:1411 tbe ambient air, te call upon the feithful to di an I dart to get I,f:, al the Anil they got left. justry hal toesvol his jazket onto the rail fence anti get down to business the sharps of piling up majorities. Whilst the other eandelatea tried to run in the pates leathers and " spats the cite mem had brought to help them in the cauipaign and thereby got "erne:what 141/1C -be ot the Patrons hong on to his shoe -packs where there 04.1 room for movement and the mot and freedom of actien neconary to a sue - intend rilitioal race. As a result he woe, handa dawn. And now there is a weeping anil wailing ea the part of both of the old feceious whilst the caultaitt Pistrou &its on the rail (met and leughs on both sides of hi, face FK4.11, led o'er with the pale est of thought, and Ceneervetiym have also been knocked out in the first round by the P. of I. The :arnier in politico has evidently come to stay n ooses. Call 311. Gout:men. THVHSDAT. Nov. et. D. Mt OILLWI'DDY. THE SIGNAL "ANNUAL." MR THE RUN FININ -THE SIG- m*t. Amsted " bas bees so great dirks, the past week that only a limited number re. maia es band. The work. which is a hewlsome one of some 104 large paces, cum•-• h-. duplicated, and sotiez here g;von that atter the 11th mit no orders ran be Sole -rulers wishing to oi•tain the " An- nael must leave their oelers at Tel: Sm. *I. ecnint:n4 1,10111 tint lotel than Thitha day„ Ike:. 11 Atter :tat date the premium hag m• ighty Isere proret at as a figure is polities at -the present time WHAT 1•4 1A A sTLIt N111,1 1, nisi .101 tit Patrols of Industry to mop the firer with eland have again loGrued up, lout up to date the former bee the I member of casuel- itiee ea its list. _ M ay Salty a Toronto the light will very likely prove fa be very lively from .07.0,er they w:11 make the teriff juggling party a thing ef shreds and patches on tl* first appeal te the polla TOE 1. %REV blitAPPEAltAlok I: Of SIR Jo11N 'Neer.), teem Canadian politics can he looked for at any rhowset, if the °pitiless of the workers nf his pert,/ are of any vas. was laid on tbs. shelf, so far as the mayor- pickusgs in the job why is he to anxious for • life lease of it exposure while drunk at f harlottotowe, P. F. I , last week If ihis Young F1-0011 had been true to name end stuck to water he would not have heel Tee Tokl V/1,1"11 11111',5 1 51 1.001 nearly 1,000 howl what it was is 1801, with the sante candotate running, and yet The Emp re is endeavoring to I happy. MAIM T %min is at 'discount TIM AI T111 ..1 Isol.srity rr in Krace lamnint the listrt out of both of ties old lino part..1 was caution, and would lead oo• to that Iseeoefor ward Patrols candidate* will he se thick as leaves in Vallombrom NOW T111T II till Tt Praia TNT ea the matter of the French Treaty, this isnot of public options rooms to remark. .. what ahem that Treaty loth Spate that we used to hear so meek shout in the sweet Ur NO* 41.1.01111/ - THAT JATC411T01.11.- 111•Fatxo, of TM &Nom doggie his Me tense Haim -Jed' swing twevesiguas is so • Itingloliotas sr s Comedies, beit that Ye is ▪ holltbrood from Moses a mart of mese smemmas kr the fail Um he ems blow bet sed odd moo brook. TIM odor 1,1114rstr oravvor ks as irspritrersist as flit old asis BUTLER SHOULD RETIRE mayor of 1 tcderich, sad during that time. although tens of thousends it dollars have been frittered away, MU* or no inarked 'Regress has been made by the :owe. Whoa he was first elected it was thought by many that he although • coarse, uncultured man pessasseed a rugged hoeesty and an anatety to see the town pronper that would make him • tralumi occupant of the mayor's chair, but from the day of his election to the present time his every effort bas been put forward towards introducing into the municipal arms the meanest and most de• basing features of the American ' • rule Ly caucus," and arrogating to himself the pos. We seed not toll MT readers that al- though he proved a failure so far as the interest& of the town were (*seemed, Ise him been • marked soots as • "bons" ha+) hese shaped by his hand, and whim his whip cracked his wish was obeyed by them whom he had wrought to his methods. The result has been that for the past fiye years he haa been an autoorat, big weed hes bees law, arid his beheet bee bees mute the will of the town, whether the people wished it or not. Another peculiar feature has also been oleserved, and that is, that, whereas, • few not looked upon as particularly bright, to• day it is etiolated on every hand that he is what is oriennionly knows OA " W1711 fitted." Tni Sic it bee no issue of Mooning the evict financiel standing of Mayor 14.-nsta, but we do know that friends 4 has has.. at ' different tomes snd plass estimated kiosk! cash etendseg at front eis.octo to eao,o00. As we have said, THE 7.111.NAI. has me imam 4 estimating along this His, hat. if the opinions ot Mayor Hoe ee's Irish' are to be relied epee, the busimms stead at the Wiener of West st. and the Fiquare Ss been • perks hosamea,disriag the past fear poem at elm rate bermes • tows es 1 city "Vie morellos, . Im• o is speeiskilectp Imatieme review No naltswn ; his form brooms •Mak tied hes .saw Wits ayes • t►otgead a►ii ; whit ever he Meshes tunae le gel, and • tat wallet aad large bask account anbiaporthea. 1t makes no dndens a whether b. salt statissory or debits in bucket shop mar - gine. whether ha teaches alter ll.vera.sat oantrscts or .male tanbark. riches= News kis way and rashes high water mark. We Might say right here that Mayor 111'T• ss,'+ sass has been co eiueptio$ to the rule, mad that scoording to popular optima and they say, what everybody says mutat be true the Lea four years of his lee bare bozo strewn with the roses of success ; nelk and honey has been his, rayety sad l07 herewith hun,uel tvsuut' lusbocuh,Jeto dull can, hard luck and the "chasing u1 the devil ..oaa.t the stump,- ierbleat to former years, c.,Wor financial seasons and more class.,:.� social cuuJitions Having rea:he i this pinnacle of proem! o nce this height of ambition, so to speak and laving eu,yed to the full all the good thiugs that c..uld poanibly Come to a main, of four yearn s:andingg.woulJ it nut be well for "Honest JOHN • to gracefully step Grade before • reveres coins and turas his apples of gold in pictures of silver to Just tut.1 ash.:a • Every dog has his day, is an old saying that catches on to the mayors just es it dor. to ordinary mortals,_ and atter a man reaches the top of • hill be has to go down again voluntarily or some one nay push him down. Mayor 11 is Dow at the top, mod if he does slot want Le experience the sensation of a tobegoan slide et. New Year•s, he hal better hunt up his little oled and get gut of the way while yet there is tune. Alielion Sale 1 We have decided to wind up our bu.ipo4. in 1loderich, and to at'anf�- plialt this at once we has inmtructod Mit. JOHN KNOX to sell our en tire Stock of Fancy Goods, Silverware, Albums, Toys, Games, Dolls, China, Stationery, etc without reserve, Every Afternoon and Evening, until _very dol!ar is sold. Yes, but feed 4* e oh Scott's F.m Wsion. reedits( the :old kills it, and no one an afford to have a cough a told,aesite and leading M csmRunptiou, lurking Ai vatu41 bun. SCOTT'S ERIULS1011 f pare Norwegian Cod LAver Oil and II ypojohorpisifes ,irrnv.1:11eLiS Weak Lunge, sheik. an flesh Producer. Almost as Palatable .7.3 • hI sys43ae11e16. IMastt Of the Oes1aMa he Ma* limes emit Sete Lembeem The b e sisel/oae is North Immo .IC? Nast IaMNon on Se$srday resulted 1n the return .t the Petra is lbs former sorest • sae, sill the P.P.A. .andMiate lu Ib. alter. Followingsre the latest returns. Pony &omen. Dee. 4. -The fiction demote vents obtained by )f.Naughton (Patras ; rt..... (Idb.rall, George it'unservatdve rem au rely. Arran Township, 100. 11 116, finite township, 512, 83, di; bean.* township, 110 43, ; Haagen tiaaweithi , I$2, 197, 57 ; Port 1[Igtn, 13, 174, 1A. g.wthamptou, 11. 130, Nal, Tars, 13, 57, 65, Tiverteu, 11, ti), 31 Nlartots. 21, 118, 197 The *toe. - Mise M..'iaugtbt..n About 330 Majority over (oortge an.l about S:a (rest Pierson Other townships to he hear! troru The Ssatt In East t.awsatwa. \1 ATtn.tu, I►.o. 1. --1.'0111 0.1• returns are uuw io from all the polling sub dirt aloes. They show the 1. 1' A. candidate, Mr. 1'. 1). Mt Callum, to be returned by • majority of 210 over I)r lfeKinnou, the Reform candidate. C. E. SHANE & are (Mewing a fen range or Ladies'ForCoa have formed a P.P. A. Protective Protest nnt AnsOciatt•vn Ontario to protect the rights. properties, public offices •od other things tot. minim -ens to inention, whieh were in danger of lying stolcu from them by the Catholic one stxth of the populetion of this Previte*, it will he in order tor the fiftissosixtbs who complete the Catholtc nue ierity in Quebec to wage e similar war on the Protestant one 'path of that Province. la this way will the iota -eats of till/ COWS - try be surely advanced and the people of the lloritiv- delights to refer to as " hair inesuaua to give • list of 323 Federal C•th die offioe- holders as ageism' 313 Protestauita is the de- partniental offices in Ottawa, hie egos ap peered. It was in this 'echos elms years ago and was distribut II by • preacher from Niagara named Remit, and it is now doiag service again. THE Al. editor exposed the scheme at the time, and is' prepared to do it again, for although we believe the pre- sent Government should not be continued in power. we want to see them defeated on their policy, end not on sneaky. fraudulent lend " so lees than eight constitulecies,. and three or four of them by acsclainatton,- as his organ, The Windsor Review, aaserts, wouldn't he be • first -clime fool to take shames us West Huron at • acneral eke 'ion Another way of looking at. tee as sertion : That local men of very ordin- ary ability are scarce when eight oosetitu- escies go chiming after .1, f'. PirrcuswiN- " tliree or four of them by acclamation," as it were. Tins P.P.A. IDLA HAS ILA IlteNTIA REACH el OrOt.`00 and the Marabouts tit that in- teresting locality have decided that the Christians over there moat get ont of the country altogether. We rather prefer the Marabout idea to the imperted scheme. If this country ien t big enough to allow every man to worship iinder his own rine and fig tree. none daring to make hien &frail, it would he far better to adopt the extermination plan which is about to be put ia force in Mormeo. "Rapeticyr " AT OTTAWA MCAT et A /.1. 17 liar sort of get up. Nome tins ago it - the Karl of Aberdeen and lin amiable and affectionate better half bemuse he was "in trade,- through cemsection with • cannery, or sane such enterprise in Rritieh Columbia now it the same "Saasiety- is hotter than pine -knot blazes against the aforesaid Ansa news because he won't act ea spools to 0011 of its song and dance entertainment& HON. HA, 411.7/7.11 Boom. 11A11 GOT 110Vt to bard pen sad is talking to the Austra- lians about the " unificatioo of the empire " whioh is • fairly large mouthful of ver- biage, by the way. What Mr. Howie". is most interestedin, after Fell, is a nnificatios of the misty and incidentals esteemed with Ins Quixotic trip is search of trade with the WR Rio NAT TO "AAUP THAT Kntron Totio, of the Chats Newe.Reeord, had roomette to undergo • severe operation, owing to 50 affectinn of the head, eased by the after e ffects of la grippe. We hope to learn of the epeedy recovery of sr osafren. Tlik a ill he the chance of your life Elegant Xmas Presents IN WOOL, SEAL, GREENLAND MINK, BEAVER, ASTRA- CHAN and 'POSSUM. GENTS' FililNISIIIN6S, Y011fl OWN PRICE Don't liositate, this a genuine Are. THE 7CENT FAIR St reEIPOOKII Yen lines in every Department. ortrsu sae manatee feels prices. C. SLIM k C019 Mclames Meek, Coe. A oisie ant Montreal -et. IItIdNN. fesfsat dM>�i ��1 c... Psibrw / ..� waye Many soaalled d t7 es as a�j lisile0al breath. b. t k g S. Sew& feeling otos MI 7.0 are taouhN.4tii I y say limos er Catarrh, ysad s! o. n tisoiti .U. [tesseYenoktd tuUuw 4 een..a.pttus and 1. at1 strwesw, or pisssash i.ssS it l $1 iddrm..lns Op 100.51 sUN./.t. WIII not Opposes Ur J01111110. Corsairs. Dec. 5. --Hou. Wilfrid Laurier arrived in the elty yesterday on legal buoi nese. IlearinA that Mr. Laurier was com lag to the city, the meeting of the caeca tire of the Reform Alsoriation. held on election fur the Home of Commons, was adjourned till yesterday, so that Mr Leer her might be prevent. It Wee arelatea at fbe meeting not to place • candidate iu the field and to embody the resevons for the wenn and imbues them to • full meeting of the liberal Association nst CADDY at TOM. with her eon Roy, has bees visiting lot parents, Mr. and Thee. Pentlaed aud other relati•to Deugaution and vicinity kft here on Thursday of 1st week for dome at Holstein, after having • pleasant •iatt. Iturati et; riton FAR/1110s. -AS H11411 Moreland, West Wesrasoah, te about to re - Aire from farmisg, • sae of his stock, Lad farming implements will be held on the premises, lot 20, ems. 3, West Wawanoth, ou Tuesday, December 12a, 1993, cone smacks% at 12 o'clock, neon. Noveniter DOM numbered with its prede- cessors and throughout was very favorable weather, which wag very much enjoyed y ail and sundry. December thus tat has been wintry, and excellent sleighiug, which is being iadulged in, is now in order. Arlafield and now of Manitoba, was, during last week, the guest of his cousin, R. .1. merchant of this village. J. C. rep wow tames at preeent ss very dull in the Prame Province. We understated that he Li of the opinion that Onteno is the idace to re- side be. ANNUM. MINVIONAILY STA% hart. -(10 next ealshath morning, 10th lust , Rev. Jaa. Xueest, of Palmerston circuit, will preach an the blethodist church here, the minuet niissimary reemon Keening service will Le conducted by the pastor, Revs. II RORCTO and Nugent, when the mous of missions will be enlarged upon. Oa Moseley evening, Dee. llth, Rev. J. Nugent, will delayer it lecture iu the Methodist church, OD 000111 interestane theme under the swept oes of the Epworth League. Doors open at balt-paat seven. Lecture commences at 8 o'clock. A good attendance is retpect- fully 'elicited. 13:Tritlelter. -The remains of the late dames McCaig, (to whom reference was made in our last week's correspondenos) were interred in Dunganson cemetery oa Tuesday thc 28th. Rev. R. Fairborn con- ducted the 01/0010101 10 a very inipreesi•e oer. As the deceased wait • member of 1)range moiety, he was oommitted to 11111 t resting place by the solemn rites of the order. There was quite a Number of the brethren preeeat. Belfast., Nile soil Duo - a mark of the groat esteem ia which he wt.' held, • large concourse of sympathizing friends sad isoquainuisioes were pressut. reseed the demise ot Miss RlixaLeth Aun Finnigan, of Went Wawscish, who haviug bees afflicted with heart disease for some time pant sad for whichever, possible effort at rester -Isis of Melt h was make bat all to ao avail, died on Friday the 14 Demember, aged 36 yews. Her retsina were interred is Demmesou cemetery cm Moeda, the 4th. Rev. I). Roston, in a very admonitory sad sympathsk manner eooduited the obse- quies. Th. deceased wee highly emeovied by all with omen ahe was acquainted, as was evinced by nos 4 this krgyet oriecourees of sorrowing relat vee, fries& earl neighbors that hos been for some time in attendaree ea such an occasion. As the deceased was pomemibi of • gees! enal kind disposition, and very nesessimiag Ai her demeans, she will he much missed ht the family circle, as also anion, aoluaintasses. KIN T AIL. WIttrerniniir, Ileo. 6. Mrs. Bella Mathes., of Deletb, esesd- Shiba UM Rolla MeKay, of Mania Ste. Marie Mich.. arrived in Iliselerieh Tuesday ems ieig 1st and left Welooaday atones fer W1101011 she Mies& speeding the Witt - ice at the Immo el her perm** Sirnianno. -We se haviag steeliest etaisitims is thin oeighberhood. W 11.11 Tit KA /11011.1111T. -Cher M ems I lotes predime morobille, Ism or mere, ler shoot seamy days. HMIs A4/4171.....-001. oilers and enterprisiag beoeemss,1PTt.r Dania, re. tesed hems daring the week teem an erit- Nous An•te -Rise Anse Feeder, haa ham is as emended wiett beroebrottuneor, hareatevisicathalsZerellativellee4 Week" 141411,411 with Ormagores.-lis She thaeltegivisig ism in year INA Iwo% you wore roods to owe, 1 NW It PAWN"' loolood lbw Bortio Peedesol. Please ewes' is this week's I Viemor erbium hewer Is lime le ' Ethel E-lol M. ewes' Istituto has 6100 in hand. Ttley nom i reacting night opea reguhrly to conform ith the law. soft or calloused Lun pm and Llsruishes frees horses, blood , carte, splints, ring lane, seeemey, stilles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, et. Sore IMO by ege one bride. Werrented the moot bknosh cure ever known. Sold F. Jordan mid 0.11 druggists. ly Tockennsith : The hum cp-i-the 4th eon - c• so. vs a I at:keratin: it, kaolin as toe Nese too Loodaboturtgli fares. Mt tog of 100 Sow so Get • "14101104 nesse. Send 25 "Ssedielit :LAT wrappers bearing the words (" Does • Woman Look 01.I flesneer Than a Man ") to Levet Brae Ltd. , 43 Nero t at Tutouto, and you will re-eisi by post a pro. c Meta!". free front advertieiug, and well worth framing. This is an easy way to defecate your home. The sosp ts the best in the musket and tt will onty cost L.-. onstage to send in tia wrappers, if ou leave the earls 'pea Write your metric carefully. ly A grand, beery clean cut ce lar &laser at liktile i•11 ba oonvention for east Welliugton held ben yesterday John Craig, of Um Fergus News• Recerd. re•-eivel the nomination, A :Petition foe 1111011140:- l'Il4NA lie,. 1 -- petition to hie Fa los gra. biois consideration en behalf of Moser. Mclineery end Coiesolly. 110W COO , fined in the t &Orton comity jail„, is being exteineively *ivied et Br•eitville anti Pres colt. 111r. I- 11. Daniel*, of thie ids*, lass the matter in hand end untiring iu his efforts to ec.lire the 1040.140 to the ie Foreman, of thine dietrict. John If. t pinged., ..mogil tonoito. and Col A. F. Roger% ices in outset:alive yesterday ores the tostinastenisop. au old feud bi;tween the eeneul and Regent brute one Th• COOtlt1 struel Roger* in the eye and Rogan floored the cense! with a cline. The eon restrain bho, sleet Rogers in the thigh. Tb• wound is severe The belligerents wsre erre wheel by an Espleatea. standing on Us siding here wee allowed pert of tee bear mischief -Ty falli 30 or 40 feet away. the emplanes. - - wens d Skillet sad Use childer wIdelt was bit 'Kaye the seise -se man. ' aim. sir : '11 be all right when yet mime down.' " Aad with that the walls stopped sto still and he opetied the dem ; sad there 1 yrs aid the roof jut over my heed *. And that's what saved MO from going up to tlie Kipple Robert list passe I peacefully bed been in siwor health a I the tbe past Summer, sad hail been confined to he" bad for two sreelfs. He was • and ing husband sod father, said one of the Lest of Old Chum Plug. 'HICAGO, Dee 3. -Juhn Dunlap. of eV, Vioit Laker street. shot end killed hie sof • this afterniton and thsti shot and killstl 11111041 hy Slumbers. Cesium N J Dec 5. William Kaiser, a baker, was shot and at his plat* of babies; by burglar* earls this mornir yez step •5.1.10nt he pulls at a rope. loot - it'e the truth I' tellin ye the • a 's el the begin runniu• down the s liar. No other smoking tobacco seems to have supplied the universal demand for a cool, mild, sweet smoke like the " OLD CHUM." The name is now a household word and the familiar package has be- come a memberof the family. Get Under Cover. You'll find no better cover than our Ulsters and Overcoats. They're made to fit slim men, stout men, all sorts of men -boys in dealing at this Store the cus- tomer doe+ not have to " beat down" the price in order to get value. We do not mark an avticle 11115 with the idea of getting what we can for it down to $10, accord- ing to how "hard the customer We mark it at the loweet pan - fable welling price, and in every esee the maiiked price goat." The prices fit also. They re strictly in keeping with the timez a very important point these days. Young Man, an Ulster's the proper thing. We've got the latest, the tailor-made twenty dollar kind, a judicious combination of style and comfort ; economy also forms a part when bought from us: We've marked them at $10. Everybody 1 We can fit you out from Our Store is fall of Bargains. Many lines have been marked below original cost. Always give us a look when in need of anything wexaminearinge aapnir colm. plterem. ember, you're always welcome he The Mai .05 Felt I hit est 1 .41 hes aad gtu Hiak 401 101 Ida of 10 rftWOW UtiV`owt'hikti ilk