HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-12-7, Page 2t- =yrew.111ns Oufde. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Tyle *nada* ace doses Mleh as lith Witted R ......... •a. s.a Mall sad sajrM.............•,,.,••.r1.s0 p.es. Wised ,....,.,., .....p..10 p.m. Hats and clip.' •.,,,,,....,••••• yMtasinl and Immo stream.. ..........7.O0w. Ides . end fed a .... ........... IAA p.a 1 Ila o a DentisttT7 �rr _-� 111. rotors Is I`ort L. t1'•at, �Iy snider:rho All .land• -.t a•' apero %ed 1.081 aaee+lh.l.c. oat heed for painless extra., t w ..1 •, •th. >bld•Iy NICHOL6ON, LD�-DENTAL DK E. E'll'HAlelnel1N, L D. 8.. s,rr,rcu n dents%. (las and itt•Ld •u •deeeetcred tar yomIce. es:ratting ot task. local uteurioe �.:. n to the pratv.rat.o� tie cat,.ril tr•.:1 . trines. -Cy anal e. lino, 11.-a Ilo•,se 11,.., e,a.etee on nt•1 res. 8t.. love, . L. Med DeiOwalrELY s 1.C.NFKR. gp„-_Grand Op IsHol % ()ode tin. DRi. sIIA'NON t SHANNON, Ph •degas. Surgeon Aocouche-c, $47., 361. J.t R %, is vir,t i., Ne+: toad` spier -et . Opp. Model :4. boo:. l C1 n ti JOHNSTON. :co. Sanction,`•rieaj... Oededh. ,0111,e,-ov.r J.imeas Inca Steles. 1L CA II PION. g. ('.. ft. O. JtNNyTUN, Massy to nae. rese LOFrUS L DANCEY, BARRIbTeR theleeiter.l'oors.0. . a;e.. eta 81..s, t• leen at oom's Xdoels. Op Colborne raise.est e 110 1. boder b. Oat. stn( -u ton•.: p, {,gwis, BARRISTER, PR. 00 £ . tar la Maritime Courts of Ontario db Celb.rwe Loot. deli 0. RAYS, SOLICITOR he. R. (k8oe, censer of Squareane West etre t, Goderich, ogee telegraph elks. PM- yat, Fnnde to lend at lowest rata" meter oat. 1 ARROW t I'ROU'DFOOT, RAR- kx rioters. .horn.)", Solicitors. a:c.. Gods rich, J. 1'. (•.. W. Prowl foot. CAMEH _iN, HOLT % HOLNSS. 8ar7urerw, Solicitors in Chancery, go. Dederick MCameron.. CCameron. Q.C. ; P. holt : Dudley Holme. G. WARD, CONVEYANCE It, J . etc., sad esmmlesioear ter takl and re staving recognizance* of hail, ani�tits ei .lar ...bona depositions or ro:emn dectara- tioee in or concerning arty action. stilt cr pro- sseding to toe High Court of Justice. the 04,0rt 01 Appal for Ontario. or in any Count) e* Ihguioyo Court.executed.All transactions carefully •daresi-'m uDtnesenaeOt wte and P.O. A•elail111 &SO 111•111011a411116 11ONEY TO LOAN. -- Vt,000.O0 1 Private Foods to ls..d at Si per asst. an imply.. LO F T C n l . DAN( EY. Norton's block. opposite t •uibarnr Hotr.. 1. dericb. 10: -tt Le J. T. NAirrKL, FIRE, LIFE AND C • acr'dent ,nano.-* atom • at lowest rats. OOce-Cor. North.•t. and Square. God - 71. 600000 TV LOAN. APPLY TO 7 CAY=I3ON uobrt IIOLMZS, Oode- rick. 1730 MONEY TO LEND. -A LA R O I amount of Private reads for Investment •t lowest rats onYxtaaaes. Apply toOARROW a PROI: Pp RADCLIFFE, GENERAL [N- ilo. Real Ramie and Mosey Loaning Agent. Only Cry -clime companies rspresaated. Mosey to Lend on etrrigk loans, at the lowest re:e of Interestsring to se way to suit 1i, OOTTuwer. SSC road door from -Square. West hire , ti .. CSErisk AGEIt, AGENT FOR THE 14, Do\ ARV sas.-E Coves:cr. of Lon- don. England. One of the oldest and strongest ?ire losuraace t'umwaaw to the world. In- corporated A b. 1:10 Aaet, over eiebtean m!I ion do'Inre. A share of business le le- epeet(ully *elicited on benalt of eke above Company. I am pretre•ed t s retake las.. ar or. -r Or, geed noiser or rnorrgages at lowest •urn•.. ,at a (I.a •r Opp-,�.•rr Martin's Hotel. Ooderieb . "r AUKS. A uotloneerintc. THOMASI:LNDRY . Al CTIONEKR sad i..araece Agent. Ooderich. Ont. Agent Loedun and latish re Fir. Ins. Co.. sad dote District Mutual Ins. Co. fuses al waded tots any part of the county. 10-17 TORN KNOX, GENERAL AVC- • dowser and Land Valuator. Oederleb• Oct. flaring had coeeide.-stile experience la Ms:auctioneer:aytrade. be is la a position to dlaokaroe with thorough satisfaction an corn sttmiona entrusted to him. Orders lett et Memel" Hotel. or rat by trail to hie add eederleb P. 0.. carefully attended to. JOH., KNOX Count, Auctioneer. IM7t? Boceette.. CANADIAN ORDER UI HOME • N.1 Cirnlse-Ooderick Circle. Re HIL Meese third Meed*) of each mouth la the hall over Tan Ross. odes. Special lad la ouoraecs sed enak era. D. C♦ Siwad.r ; R. .1 . A .stem . 1 E. ('H AMNION gsmverv. Dental Answ1eS>asesit. TEETH RTINCTEO BITNSST MIN •T tea rasa or •T DR. R. RIMARDSON'S lea\Tat •talOna, 01E111 MOUSE atOC*• IEST-STIEET GODZSIR$, ONT. 1t affords me talimved asteeietbs, atter a, t3srowp tem leseniog is 5.114 MOW satamelek w apP•i•tiu at delighttnl owl esseelebel pain**, se sakma 411.1 I have t►s eats nae sztehnlvs d n1 to nee ler tiod.rtek, the latest nuesedde es Asthe ice'' Which b reunited some taw w as or •e eg ors. del very 11tuaeat psis eyries die eirseseirs 'yg�s a me ✓ .46,21lf rI-MI♦IiIPHt Pe011114fAL r gamma r `e wvR g�SIS gm baeeaiati Sty= ge,tt�l g�em� te I ...d11.. ;soon. t'sfti=M es"M NI. rvtretm usea•+later� ..•.. ay lel t..".. •re t.s az dpi. DR 8. eintsafSQS. ..ria UMW 1 f NO Of A NBART. Dear heart. I lose Tout All that ear I woodier if .►k -+air rkb elth blue Or headiest back * Ith tempset sad with tem- 4.- r. k .d.•r. Dear Mart. dear heart, o'er Tot: Dear Mori. 1 Ie.o sou! Wbea pale biases are Qle, n:.r:,(- 4... 1 :1.515, 1•• me and few- ! w ."t, -r if (,..d'. i•nr!k•r Ilgbtroa eetreasds0. 1 •..r t cart. dear 1,4-1 et. u'rr suet Ih•.r heart.I1 We had .•nly one bright blessed l)t.y Ives t.. ,....-i 11.. .i. -w. IY k!-• 11. enlist:one e 1,• 55/11T restful boa.,.. Aad e5 s r i t. (Euro. f.. r you: -ErtLeese. :1 LITTLE; HEROINE. Tee spring sun w..s sliming brightly on t'.c leaks and se.pes of theAndala- s:au Sierras and on the white hamlet that snugly mete .1 in Ilie fertile %alley be- low. It was a pretty sight -this little villege with its small whitew•aohed hour" shining in the morning sun, sur- rounded on every side by the binemoan- t.un. an.] t1:i,•k. green forst. The coun- try is very p.iteureteine and wild in this mountainous p.artof Andalusia. and His very thinly p.'.pnl:.ted, but the little vil- lage of : *Heti• nestled there coutettcd- ly, as if wl•iting to, 1,e shielded from the bot sighs of Afri. a in Anguct or the cold Mira coming fr nu the Pyrenees in Jimaary. . Sehlaue people were in general very cheerful, pkdi1.e awl retable to any stranger who by chance strayed among their wills, but u,..W the village wear" a mournful aspect. The street, are de- sert.d, the houref, clean and neat as -little silt.•r cups," have their ever leis- piteble doors c tetel. (ace in awhile a wonnau is sten on the street gttingquick- ly on same errand, and returniH: imme- diately with all po.erible speed to her -home. The r••:teen f,•r 1.154 depression was that the Carlin war was waging hotly in Spain. and the clay before ureas bad treec•hed Saldana tliat s Carlist detach - meet compos+e.1 a fierce northern Basques, followers of Don Carlos, was approaching the little town. .111 the able men of Saltlaua had joined a small company of the renal army and were concealed abort in the mountains, frau whence they expected to surprise the ('aryl.+ts, to whom this raft Of the eo,autry was unknown. About noon of the day after the Hews was received, Petrone, wife of Juan Alvarez, the carpenter of the village, called Gloria, her eldeet daughter, a pretty 13 -year-old girl with dark early hair and big, black eyes, and putting in her hands a large basket, said: "Go, child, to La Quebrada and carry something to eat to your poor father enol brother and take care that no reprobate Carlist sees you." Gloria took the basket and briskly went on her way without misgivings, for no Csrliat had as yet been seeu near Saldana. She had walked about a mils Dem her home by a path cut into the rock when the song that cane so merrily from her lips stopped soddenly, for on reaching a big rock which marked the half way between Saldana and La Que- brada an unseen person cried to her: "Balt!" Mechanically Gkurie palmed on Ler way and looked around her. A. if by magic she saw hereelf snrronnded by many soldiers on horseback, and this was not the worst -she recognized by the unib,rms nod colors that they were followers of I)on Carlos the Pretender. Our. of the mea, who seemed to be their leader, approached her and asked: "Where are yon going ' The poor child was so frightened that tare burnt.. into tears. The officer dismounted. "poet me see what you have in that basket," he said. • .1 h, food! That is good. We have not had anything so good for a long time - eggs, bread, neat, fruit. Now, my dear, you were taking these provisions to some royalists concealed shout these mountains, were you not? Now, tell me where they are." Poor Gloria knew that if she told him the place of their concealment all the soldiers would be slain, including her fa- ther and brother. for the number of Carl- iats was so much larger than the roysl- ists. In her fright she thought their number reached many thoneand.. On the other hand, if she refused to toll where the royalist soldiers were, abs was sure these monsters would kill her. The commanding officer took the bas- ket from her arm and gays it to one of the soldiers. then said in his strong, harsh northern accent: "Look here, girl. you weretaking food to some soldiers around here. 1 know that. It you lead us to where they are, 1 will give you these two shining gold ounces. If you renew, I will shoot yon with this mnaket. Do yon understand? Now go ahead?' A desperate resolve was forming itself in Gloria's brain, the undaunted cour- age of her ancestors began to rise in her soe. She turned to the captain and said: '.Yes, 1 know where they are. but they are very tar away. If you wish, 1 will take you to them." "That is right." The captain ordered a soldier to give her ons of the extra horses captured in the morning. and. tying a rope, which be kept in his hand, to the neck of the ani mal, he told her to lead oa. Everybody followed her. Across clear streams and roaring torrents she tool( them. They walked by dangsrons paths Geoid* deep precipice& Here and then they caromed a piers s.yee valley After Dearly four boursof iaoresent marching, incl when the enn was In hie descent toward the horizon, Gloria stopped, and turning to the captain acid: "i am too turd and can go no far- ther." Tlw Hamm• eyed bon engicisApb caul inked: "Are we near their ramie '•1 do sot Instr. 1 have loot my way." "Ton lir, girlr- *hoatod tin am* tat•t- yealy. ehaklag her reagWy by the tater n* Yon have yt,yngglir m111*ns hs� tied. NOWfa W OW Jo. the lass ti.., ten yes was mars TETE s'(t1 %!, ('feI)ER'oTT, tr 'r •rltl'iLs:[AY. fl.'('F 4ttrit 7 9., chino*. Will you load as to when the t 'yalfst solders are?' Gloria raised her beautiful eyes to the wn's fare, eyes that at this w.,ttteut were more melee than haarsa. and • itlwut faltering said w a low vale*: No, as or." '.You little deet1!" roared the wan, uow puesrwed of eta umeautrolleble fury, "ell teach you to feed we like this. Pull 11.r down from the horse, bring ohne etrttug rope and beet her bands and feet'" 11e ehout..d to barmen. There are no crueler or blao•lier wars then tborewaged between brothers. and n1 this Carlist war both parties vont- Witted some sets that make those .oho hear of thew w.mder if the wit:, hes who were guilty of inter atrocities wrio hoauu hating* or wild helves. Pale as death and trelubhug lay mice (coria at too tact • f this human tiger. U. -r lips *roved. Perhaps she was re- leasing the prayers tangle her by her ituulic r. Still u..t &tear divatued tin euf0 Iii -ter of her eyes. ' 11 t non see that ptecipk e? It 1. very J.rpm If you do not tell sur, 1 will throw you over there. tial hand and foot es you are now. Yon will die a horrible death. 4 elly one thing will save yon. Now tell ono whore the ....Any is :sniped." "•I cannot, senor." There way a wild cry that the c'rrlt-t officer would hear until the day "f his death. and then. after u few mime. s of complete silence, the. captain gave the order to march forward to find a cutup for the night. N.•t fur the w•ur1.1 would 1144 have pose* the night then. Five hundred feet below the setting *nu ligbtid • Jerk, tnutienless dna.s h) the side of a little m..uutain strea•u f1 tw- ini and utnrnun'ig over the .tiltretb pebbles. as if rinsing a hymn in les n01 of the heroic Gloria. hi the little village church of Sa1laul there is a small marble stone with the name of Gloria .1 teurer. on whirl. i- tc conlea the dyed by which she saved the royalist detachment. And when telt etcmger exclaims, in admiration of het courage, -She war a wendrrfnl chi1L1' the old sext01,, who delights to tell bet story to the vivitora. interrupts with c.,u• 4 ietion, "She eras no child, feet.ol• sh. was one of God's own sugele!"-An.•tli: 13olano in Short Stories. Lite Withh Tear Mena.. An American capitalist, who i.* a keen. observer, is reported to have said that lu did not believe that there was an Amcri can citizen whose income represented a salary who was not living beyond hi. means- An.l he added that. if the mar had a fat oily, he was bringing cap Hee family to standard* and wants that he could not honestly gratify. Our own ob servation does not bear witness to this assertion. But if the alleged fact be true to any considerable extent it want bt regarded as among the ceases of the many embezzlements and other pecnn- tarp delingnenciea which hare become so I -ow -ton of late years. - '•Playing the races" has been the ruin of a mnititnde, but living beyond one, means must bear part of the blame. And it is more serious than is commonly im- agined. It involves false pretenses and fraud. It is a mean species of crime, and yet often committed without any compunction. Men are afraid or ashamed to ray, '•I can't afford it." and yet art not afraid or ashamed to contract debts which they know that they cannot hon- estly pay.-C'briatian Intelligencer. Stage Love Venus Real Lege. Does stage love impair real love? -Hotton Glob. We cannot say for sure, but we gn.ss not, or anyhow not always. .Perhaps. in truth, real lore and stage love are often of the same elraence, of like subst•uc., of similar quality, and cloeely akin to each other. Indeed, for all we can say, tie re,eemidance between them may he market, er even very marked. Ask the younger Dumas or M. Pierre Loti or Mr. Robert L. Stevenson or, in case all those persons have gone ont, ask the well in- formed Mr. William D. Howells of this place, who rarely ever goes out. except to collect the proceeds of his copyright from the publishers of his novels. We are unable to say whether Professor Helmholtz, the German chemist now in this country, who is a man of analysis and apprehension, could throw any light cm the subject. But we can tell the Bos- ton Globe that it is very foolish in put- ting its question about stage love and real love to stage lovers and real lovers, as it has vainly done. The gneetion is of the gallipot.-New York Sun. Tose reedy Gates AJar. An ancient legend says that the angel on guard at the door of heaven was once aaked by an inquisitive panther if mon married or more single women passed through. "More married ones," he promptly an- swered. "Indeed!" said the(pettioner, who was a mar, and who immediately began to plume himself. "Their husbands' vir- tnew of cone admitted them. That was right. The stronger should aid the weaker." "N..." replied the angel, '.that is not the reason." "Then what is it'" "Well. ,f you meet know," said the angel confidentially, "we peon them first on their own tnerita. Lots of 'em get through that way. Then. when wecau't 8n.1 any other reomatet.dation for a married woman, It is written against her name, 'These ars they which have comae ap out of great tribulation,' and the gates Sy open." ■s.tI. heath. Among the Arabs, wars bunted with saeee., the his beast bsdsea traipsing he 1s wiry tat, theta le pot .hot& 1T he d. leen Son is ter studies battle. If danger am. the Arab will maneuver for a (Vern of van- tage from which he can p oil to three or tour shote before minting to Sloes quar- ters. uaytees. -Radiants. mfr Me ve.sgos M easho`-,Do les linear N (* de pr Y quick In kappos 1 -1 think as. Vein hers MN* rC1111. sea. I know."--ankago later Oeste, "Shorter" Pastry and "Shorter " Bills. \\'e are tailing .t.out a " shorter. fig" whick w,11 not cause indi- g estion. Those . hu "know a thing or two" alo::t fooling (Marion flatland aruung a hose; of others) ate using COTTOLENE instead of Lod. Nous but the paten, healti.est and cleaned ingredients go to nuke up Cob idea*. I std lee healthy, and ie not always titan. Those who tee Cotwlene v i'1 be he.kbier and wealthier than three who use lard healthier because they will get "shorter" Lteed; wealthier because they wail get "shorter • g rocery l•ilu.--for Ccituleae cotta no more than land and goes twice as far -so is 1 ut half as expensive. Dyspeptics delight In It! Physicians endorse It! Choh proles itl Cooks eatel It I Hone.wlvea woloont• it Alt lino Grocers sail Itl blade roll) by ti. K. FAIRBANK Wellington and Ann Streets, MONTREAL. CRISP AND CASUAL. \hard'. Lia/,seal rellete. sraralgla. Tbarc is a pet rooster with a wooden leg is Ilncyrou', 11. A horse ha. Leen treated to pick up rats and ley tarry e0 the tense. A 300 pound minister preaches to • con gr.:datioe of 100 to London. Papel the worms by using the safe and reliable and anthelm,utic Freen.an's Worn. Powders. 4 .l lady in Sao Diego, ('ol., who has preO• feet, does b•ref..ot ail the time "for h. r he.lth.' Within one recent week 3b people semi grated from Kuodolph county, N. C'., to Indiana. To inv.gorate both the body and die brain nee the reloads took, Mtlburn's Aromatic Quinine t1 doe. 4 George (; odloe, who oonibioed in Te'a- the ministry and burglary, has given up both ane u rsuol in the prison. Alaska is atchiog up with eiviliz•tino \ breach of promise rust was entered for trial in Alaska last month. Victoria C'artosllc vial+e a a ;great aid to %{sepal medicios in the treatment of sere alone sores, 01x,5 and abscesses of •l kinds. 4 1. Nevada, Mo., two bad young men went Into a revival meeting with a yonog kitten to help the singinv. Both of 'erre were converted before they could get away During the recent funeral of Fireman dohs Peralta, ot Sao Francisco, the fire alarm bell rang the alarm 182, the same that all. d Peralta to the fire where he met his death. George Routs, a Shelbina, Mo., lad, is i11 and hu parents rather suspect that the knife blades he swallowed trying to be • juggler. may have something to do with it. Elder Ellis, of Stanford, Ky., talked out is meeting to his flock. He said there were people before him who h•du't paid their grocery bill. for • year, their doctors tor two years, or the pew rent for five. Massachusetts has received 2,063,the in - west sad prioc.pal of • deppacert of t110 la • Ro.tom beak, made by William Doyle, • •,opvict, who died in 1824 without heirs. His bank bo,.k has been in the hands of the authorities since his arrest. A mon in Kansas named Hayes raised nine boy•, No. 1, .1. R. Hayes, jumped into a well an.l drowned himself. No 2, drank .,oison. No. 3, used a rope. No. 4, esu • frowned in a tank in the state prison. No. 5 did himself cap with • sharp knife. Two footpads al North Darlington, N. C., s tew days ago. waylaid and tried to hold up a negro preacher. The parses pounded th m both into insensibility, left them in th, road, and west back and notified the po'ice where they mi•bt stark. • ase Three young girls of Chestertown. Md. went hunting put week, and totheirdumay were successful to the extent of • big bear ewe of the vies beat the world's woman's record for tree climbing. bat the other emptied her gun at the animal, disabling it, then loaded and fired again, until the bear was dead. taeyesd aMpee. There is no better, safer or more pleasant cough remedy made than Hagyard s Pec- toral Relearn. It cures horrs.es, sore threat, coughs, colas, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. 2 10M .glad Was am Mdssea . " Paw," see Tommy Iloddls, baby has swallowed 25 coats." , Vou don't ley so " Yes, air.,' "Great Soots' Why can't people resins that the tins for hoarding uneasy is pest'" -Washington Star. -- eared Sark Memearbe Mrs. D. A. Campbell, North .Megrim, Ont., , writs : - "1 ancon. praise Dr. Wil- liams' Pink fills too highly. My daughter was a terrible sufferer with sick headache for twelve .eat.b, cap no medical aid could rebeve her, but, by the w of two bases of year pills, elm is enmpW.wly cured." From on dm.k.e orb mail at 50e. • box or sit boxes for 1260. diners al imitation Dr. Williams' lied. (h., 1e.ekvile, (lot. The est of living mail, no to money is to pitch your sale d living site doges below czmmsesemaa Guard eeriest the natio. that pissinie can he purskasd with asoma % lathescais% be 'pen witheredwitht eajgmoet. Whet a this' code . mom is ea tree Maumee of what it is eisrtk to his ; amid et hew eft*r as Ids rmole tis gwrmrt ley no other standard the 11 then waw • pleasure in mlrp.sehrmn per est Peel a wast bo/ss yin provide .gal.* it. You ere non amours, that it is a real smelt and it M worth while w tee1 it • Rials d *soler M Nal the rant tier M. aeries all stietramiena Dr. Fowler's I:atra•t of Wild Silas lo io a reliable ressasly that ran always be depurated on to euro choler:., • bolero infringer'', colic, cramps, diarrhoea, dysentery. wed aY hxrk•iv+• 4 the Neve,* 1t Is s para Extract ro.tain.ugail lyse'.inial,+of Wild Straw- berry, ole, lit the .•feat Sud surest curs for all summer complaints, oanbitied with oth• r harmless' yet protupt tomtit• •,rut., well lusowa to medial seietroe The leave.. of Wild strawberry sero Lnuwu by the Indians to be au excellent remedy fe dierrh.ta, .lywutery wed looseness of the boil.; lout utwlkal .cicna,) bas plooesI before the public in D:• FonInr'x P.3.1 of N•ild Strawberry • auuplrtr and effectual cure for SII those distressing and (flee dangernua complaints so common to this change able climate. it hiss stool the test fax aO years, and hundreds of lire. hatet bete sated by its iwowpt case. No other anted) always Cures summer complaints so promptly, quiets the pain so effectually and allays irrita- tion s.1 aietesdmlly se this unrivalled 'prescription of 1)r Fowler. If you .re going to travel this Summer he burs sod take a bottle with you. It overcomes safely and quickly the du- trtotaiug summer complaint so often caused by change of air and water. and is also • specific •gaunt sea sickness', and all bowel Complaints. Price *Sc. net. are •,f mutations aid snhetitutee sold by unscrupulous dealers fur the sake of greater profits. WINTER c000s The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will bs my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and beat market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and bast Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times prices at The Ton10 Cash Slone P. O'DEA, Manager. MoLFOID'S �YSTE I REONVATOR •41:111T,ICS Tal D aa]rCWti. Specific and Anridole for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye peps's, eleeple•snees, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, loss of meeory, broochiti., consumption, gall stoma, jaundice, kidney and urinary dims**, St. Vitus' dance. female irreg- ularities and reneral debility. LABORATORY, f10o6RIQB, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Prwprlot.r sad Meanfietarer. Mcl.aot.. emirs= Raaovyoa es be deb from all dry la tows. s n wenitres all ths sad Inntutk. Runnel., Durham tween bsm •ad Trw.•wes �.sna OD Ir. PLANING MILL ESTllllf11Eu if I. Buchanan & Son, le • ra►svmmsas BABB, DOOR and BLIND Dealer@ is all Made of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aad benders• material of every description School Fnnniture a Specialty. 111110 IS TOUR TAILOR ? This u a pertinent pinnies a.d en to which you .bald 0,e thought. MS HI SUI? YOU ? if not, Ton etas easily gat sat- iafotion by sating at DNNUM'S fttjOI(11JM WEST STREET. A gaaa11s7 .4 RICADi' MAIM » gdwWwaraypdaefa � ir+1b sal H. DUNLOP. • rammer I •I IOU 4)4.a.- •••• ERVINEJONIC w�ieeseAN Stomach#Liver Cure The Most Astonishing Medical Discovery of the Last One Hundred Years. It is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar. It is Safe and Harmless u tho Purest Illk. This wonderhll Nervine 'Tonle has only recently been introduced into this country by the proprietors at..l manufacturers of tho Great South American 'Ken ine Tonic, and yet its great value as a curative agent has long been known L, a few of the moat Iearutxl y,h�aicizta4 who hose not brought its merits and value to tho knowledge of the general publie. 'Ilia medicine has completely solved the problem of the care of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system, h is also of the greatest value in the cure of all forme of failing health from whatever cause. It performs this by the great nervine tonic qualities which it possesses, and by Its great curative powers upon the digestive organs. the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No reL- dy ('otnpany with this wondcrtillly valuable Nervine Tonic as a builCe r and strength- ener of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer of a broken-down constitution. It is oleo of more real permanent value is the treatment and rare of diseases of the lung. than any consumption remedy ever used on this continent. It is a marvelous cure for neer ousaess of females of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical u eriod known as change in life. should not fail to use this great Nervine Tonic, altntst tx)nstantly, for the space of two or three years. It will carry them safely over the danger. This great strengtb.•uer and cura- tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its great energizing properties will give them a new hold on life. It will add ten or fifteen years to the lives of new of thaw why will use a half dozen bottles of the remedy each yeas. - - IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache, Sick Headache, Female Weakness, Nervous Chills, Paralysis, Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous Choking, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of the Iieart, Mental Despondency, Sleeplessness, Si. Vitus' Dance, Nervousness of Females, Nervousness of 0111 Age, Neuralgia, Pains in the Heart, Pains in the Back, Failing Health, Broken ('onatitution, Debility of Old Age, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, Weight and Tenderness in Stoma, It, Loss of Appetite, Fright NI Dreams, Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears, Weakness of Extremities and Fainting, impure and impoverished Bloo.1, Boll. and Carbuncles, Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, Consumption of the Lungs, Catarrh of the Lungs, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Liver Complaint, Chronic Diarrhoea. Delicate and Scrofulous Children, Summer Complaint of Infanta. All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Neevine Tonic. NERVOUS DISEASES. As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, whit h is very pleasant and harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individual. Nine tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhalation and impaired diges tion. When there is an issuflicient supply of nerve food in the blood. a general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result. Started nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of food is supplied; anti a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves rceot'er. As the nervous system most supply all the row* by rwhich the tical p forces of that i)ociy aro carried on, it is the first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not Cos- tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of. nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upod the nerves. For this reason it beeomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied. This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts for its universal adaptability to tbo cure of all forms of nervous de- rangement. Caawromssyttti. Tee., Ang. 55. It Rimer. wn.ztyeow, of Srowsgalley. tad . To she Brow SwlA A..ekeo A/ederine Co.: says : "1 bad hers is • dammed eoeditk.s ler Dant Glueur-1 Mein to ear to you that 1 beeves/reed for maty yeas with • very rebs thee. teen fr"m Nr***oaesm. Wesal." c• ter 4Yreae of Its •tom• r sad seers. 114.4 *awry sto.eeh. DypepM, sol iad/stlw, w W .7 .W d.. 1 eotld her sl. bat sotalag dos sr he n11 was ffn••. 1 ked hues dnrtslsg era stilly. with no weld. I bought ma bottle d S mith Aimele•a R•rr.e, whkh lbs M stew good lima any M" worth of dostorlsg 1 sew Md 1a my tae 1 would advice every weedy per. sue to ton tisk valuable sad lovely named, ; • au, appreciable gond seta 1 eau advised to try your Great gout \ Amr4a. Nerving Twig and Stomach sad Liver (lea. sad dace ram several bottles of It 1 gest sat teat 1 •m tan prised at 1to weed*,fal power torero the.tom- ach and ereeeal .revom • . If et styes knew the •sis of this rewrdy as I doyuu would cot he aids to wooly the demand. 1•w boti. of It has owed me templed). 1 J. A. n . Ex -Tres. Ho•tgomrry Co. coeddseit th. greedmt minim la tie wadi." A SWORN CURE FOR NT. VITAS' RANCE OR CHOREA. t wsestDsv t 1.1.*, i s D., June '21, 1M7, My daughter, eleven years di, wee severe) amlleted with Bt. Vitus' Dance er Chorea. We fete her three and one-half bottles of South American Ner- vine and she is eompletely restored. i believe it will euro every case of Hca. Vitus' lance. I hare kept It In my family for two years, and am sure itis the greatest remedy In the world for Indlgention and Dyspepsia, and for all forms of Nervous Disorders and Falling Health, from whatever cause. Berate of haliowa, Judex T. Mum.ioe!gowsery (blue,,, Subscribed and sworn to bebl's me tide June M, 1RR7. CHAR. W. Walour, Notary Pubiki }a: INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American cervine Tonin Which we now offer you, is the only abeolately unfailing remedy ever discovered for the erre of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility of the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of incal- culable value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ex- perience and testimony of many go to prove that this Is the oss and oXLT oars great cure In the world for this universal destroyer. There is no case of unmalignant disease of the stomach which can resist the wonderful curative lowers of the South American Nervine Tonic. Hager R. t... 01 Way artswe fad.. syr: "1 owe say ale r the Orval 5sutk Anew** aer,ee. 1 W lbws le bed ter en mouths hem the eeerew at ea erhaei asd stomach. t.dlnstloa, Mammo Pred.eiM_. and • s•srai of wsrwwd .•n. s off plug M Mad fried tMes dee tem WO se nil. Toon ant bottle a Nue pl0v. IonToon Ingrend rases rani that 1 was siisrto I Sibs t. ale Me/•w • Irettleo o awood M won 7i one tae lwwsmsond k too " Ms law A Scarves. d new Ikon inns ear : "1 *siert spews now sal i eon to no Il rvfs Teak My kps.m eon o"mp..dl sot' tont appear gun was •-liens sad,phtile u p Wed; we wise I wan Is no nint wont of fu�eseesptI0i mss. 10 Mtsam Mead dem 1pbkwpp<�<irc,4..-v-YTweli. sod ...:.ls:.w.`�y+t . w er r tlr rearrestmen�ieak.ej I.rrkklevsa► e� to •ateI ha tie remeey atspues Sin gong Aiwa sae llasvala as • ems for tan Mrwee w'r' 'sr'�i11 . perm 4511 flown Asan.•a lNrvrr on • wM~Sew ere. S ew the gtsasz. So I55'7 esnp•re .Mb *nolle /tsarinas asrete' s • ruse tar d Innen baa 11.1wlt _ " spat 1•Mtlw mea7 argils It nays line to wn ��w w M %lies 11• ~ 5. •1 Ht isol• oktw to 5 a• tlr.rrtresa ermm fM •tt w yeseg. db epi n r • are w ledrm. N w .amt to w We bees. / low to. lou n•rpedwily sa••Msere* tM t�twosryswe�rttdy trMA wM w�� y� M 11tsldL Zitgroat oIllsrdnow ft en pot the Lye��w�� of to the ar ale. stly spaillesta yaw athsM east rem w gldslIy drive away your dims lYts •• ►esswi fir epee 7w ~s Large 16 ounce Bottle, SIAM EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. DAV"Is, sate*+.... M 11, aasralar �RAteill Men 12' ' d vidlitty r ,p 1