HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-11-30, Page 5kesWesk."a Isle by Willi.. Me- lo .la tie Nittati." hh.h iotrol eeee $he M& -Aske The bay ta er ever Mir Lard Venetia Giewsaa I�aiss' time Mrs. Proems es to tell **How while Mr. lush;tor, actuates* s. nimit•ble picture gives us book bi. r "Pwnoaa," std it this gimlet girl b.. bar former mistress Leg her of her tsesiu husband avoid the William Gain y antobio`rapby 1. "My Literary the reading of his Itesrge W. lost is • brief as a R•?,,, Be who noes beak to -ibes 'A Pioneer illustrates. Th. s ant "Mashattae eaolasivuIy is this has all the spirit heal Cadets ' sad bra Mn. A. P. ret of a swiss of y Girl Fr►ead•. " us whetiv'es fat serial, "A fou b tI1ustratioas by biegrsphical ..ries Fames Pastore" I.. Payton. with "Bob Burdett*" *Mee of " My i1.v. T. Ib W to is i'hristrmaa i. present financial di W eniell'. most re. Mallon's pre- Dressing,- while este etisad WEAK MEN ere.. •se oldl, suffertaa tram t•s.W overwork stoma M4 Mese esoM•ss os Wt•e Theo sen losswedes. t both & l moil restar •UFFERINO WOMEN alas al aseM neft ohoh as p ala toe.* hews oe4 p•t.eak d sad lases pale se e1R, e PALE MO ;Mete Mu should wise flame Pols. 'nor ears.►, the bawd, m=1:40Leses to the sleeks sae see MMmark ori.lers° ,ss-� are e easel or will be ky dost D- esremise erPrise-Mesaba bee erter THE DR. WILLIAMS MED. CO.. • nee kerns. OM. or lltesinswa rI L other writes give unites* practical ad- vice as every point toochiag the Rinne, tusks./ tad emadtag of holiday gifts. .tltogetb.r the t'hrwttnu ladiesfame Journal u tLo best this Insgarttu hu ever salt out, sad ems ridiculously cheap .t ice pries of tea saute. It is certainly as ideal le maa'a utagnatne, and this parti.ulsr ire stamps it as being without • peer. The Journal is pabtitbed in Philadelphia at use dollar pm year by the Cutty PuLhelneg Company. 4 TME ANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE 11;sTAeasa/Ne lass. MAD OFFICE, TORONTO. ova oar en fear awes SOLLAas • Olt L WAU(ER, (ii*uul mut. ' :y OODERICH BRANCH. s(p/aLRAI BANKING Bt*,,us TRANSACTED. FARutRW NOM Dtat)oUNTao. jpteren t1 1)tD PAYA1LE AT Al, POINTS IN CANADA, AND TMA PRN►C/PAL coin IN TIM LMITSD STATE& GREAT BOUTS'N, FRANCA, BERMUDA. aa EAMES RANK IMPARTMENT. A,pstts or SLOO MO UPWARDS REOEIVID, AND (SURRLNT RATA OF NITERgaT ra„to. IRTaawr &Doan TO Taal rttwlsIMi AT ME MO til awn ane r• ISLN 1.11 SADtt !/IAR af,l000 a /peels. Aftteafien gives to tis Oett,etlon sed Fasaesrs' Sales Notes. of '...�..._...: . R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. Just added to Stock s Large Assortment --OF - filo Late Christmas Goods.)4_ Ladies using Knitting Silk will save money by buying our 25c. spools of Brainerd & Armstrong Crotchet and Knitting Silk. itiLLISSISY and FANCY G(P ►I)$ our STI iCK is COMPLETE. MRS. R. B. SXITE t Glasgow House. JAMES ROBINSON CASA IcTOR� WE SELL FOR CASE. In our last annou .cement we invited you to compare our prices with others. A great many have done so, and admit they have saved money. Those who have not galled we again ask yon to do so, and you will be money ahead. THIS -w-E 31 d'•: are clearing a line of 1)onble Fold Dress Goods for 2.&c. See them. See our Grey Flannel at 15c. Onr 9c. line of Flannel is having a ;-.rest run See our 17e. Wool Hose. We have a line of Boys' Ribbed Hose, spidee 1 knee, double heel and toe. GIN)D VALUE Six our Table Linen at 150, per yard. • Flannelettes froni 5c. per yard up, We have a line of Men's Dubber Coats for $1.50, We. have receiv.l another ghiptnent of Storni Collars atttl Multi, whish will be gold at the same price as the last lot. 01111 STACK COIPRISKS BARGAINS ALL THROUGH. l � r JAMES ROBINSON. JORDAN'S BLOCs$_ nder er. ou'll find no better cover Isters and Overcoats. made to fit slim men, all sorts of men—boys r i c es fit also. They're keeping with the times-- ortant point these days. Man, •e: the proper thing. We've ;st, the tailor-made twenty , a judicious combination I comfort; economy also rt when bought from us: ced them at CO. ody l to can fit you out from ►r e. 1 full of Bargains. Many lines have )w original cost. us s look when in need of anything e1. Remember, you're always welcome lompare, SMA. x fore'eftce HRISTMAS IS COMING e trot, in view of the feasting sad rejoicing of the Wien we call attention to our FFIAVOPINl3 FXTRACTB •'•ala tame--al.rraated pan sad extra strews, Madam cheaper than the ordinary battled .menses The def owasg assess is 15c, bottles or is bulk . LEMIC. TAlt/Lni, terasilito In WWI a kteaNAel ernes.. ,., reach ey, I li•IlAttelt. trgasaitett. AlMel& NM SOL watt.. 5IYev. Is br Don't choose your!Xmas Goodalbefore you eoe our Stock. 4 TRY OUR RAKING POWDER A FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE. FREE SAMPLE. W. C. GOODE. CHRISTMAS FRU! F Our Stock is now complete, and we are ready for your orders. Our CURRANTS and RAISINS are exceptionally fine this year. Besides, we clean every pound we sell. Inspect our CHINA and LAMP 000DS Depart- ment if you are looking for anything in that line we can suit you. C. A. POST OFFICE FANCY GOODS STORE NOW it your time and HERE is your chance to Mon HOLIDAY PRESENTS at Half Price. ' WE FEAR NO FOE" in competing in FANCY GOODS, TOYS, &c. Musical Instruments anti Sheet Music. Druggists' Sundries at a Slue;. ., COO, fir_ _ (lair Brushes, Coml.., Fancy Perfume., Moap•., Ac. J. W. WEATHEReAaLD, IfW Wert door t. Pest Gale., Went,lsws. t'derislt Tr.: Levi TSAI h..a tares trtMes el the mssffem 3 '. fir.' sill sltrtfl�t We hinny ' .4bielisli utereklp • D.p,tst•aerre Sea "es loss .aaried e. Wednesday. Nes. 43. ^•trt++k. of Leedom lawadtip, • iasthie► of .sec at the 1n.athlest sal oda wielder w . Hat nee eio. ,moo sh l' : E. anal.', era eti W. Ile peat year. oma, wipe be. best try ■ ter RN. abaft I P,. ort lalisaiep. Rim Mg Ilene soar anna.ea, /1 ala 611111li iitaims a oast, i.dnetriena ye semss,sad his berth will he regretted very as by Ms old friald% ani srRhhas e listen • Mr. Palmist t w. NM N Esser Y. Asi,uws. Hne ed sae quarts sees of hod lying etM et the Lombok, Hem & ansa Theadjoins Er. Nearest lees The prisej.i eft fttb Nader 1111 r Mrs ()spa Wef►s.aM..s sit► a ,. t s alkee ass 6., reoseNp. Ms one eft ever Ibe hoa ihre.gh, M,th Mt w slet)rias lowed, Neg i ea its of batt sables foie THE SIGIIAL : GOD11011, ONT,, IW11T91+I)AY. NOVEMBER 30. 1893.' PALLADIO ABOUT ALCOHOL, aolosoa Proves That It Neither Watr-a rte..geasae Ices Aide DIneeet.e, The ordinary twat; ..ys alcohol warm him io cold weather. T111". is a self d. csptiww. He feels simply the warm blood streaming out to the skin in greater quantities. Aa a matter of fact be hare Twat. The deception cornea perhaps in this way: The brain center., which medi- ate the feeling of cold, are stupefied by paralysis. In general it can be provx that all effects of alcohol. which are gen- erally designated excitation, are in real- ity only paralytic phenomena. The psychical effects are especially so. The brain (auction winch to nrst weakened is the char judgment or critical tae:ulty. In couseQucnce the emotional life pre- vails; treed from the a beim' of criticism, the man becomes (pee hearted and care- lbr. But shorn all the paralytic effect of alcohol shows itself in this, that every feeliug ut discomfort and pain is be- numbed. and eeperially the bitterest of pains, the psychical otter, as sorrow and anxiety, wherefore tate merry feeling in a dunking cuutptauy. A man never be- comes clever through drink. This wide- spread prejudice is also a deception. It is likewise a symptom of brain paralyets. where. as hell criticism sinks, sell suffi- ciency rises and self control is last. He who become accustomed to take alcohol regularly is in fact better cape - We of working titan if alcohol was sud- denly taken away from him. But this is the carr also with other penton.. When morphine ie taken away from the mor- phine eater, he e.wuot work, sleep, nor eat Her is "strengthened" through mor- phine. But be who in not aceastonrecl to narcotic's is not made more capable of work through uarcotics. But of still 'ter. weight are the thousands et ex- periments that occur in the rase of sol- dier"; that in war, in peace, in all eh - nudes, all hardships of the moat wean. Nome tuarehe s are beet endured when the soldier abstains wholly from all al- coholic drinks. These facts are verified itt the Eugli.h annus in Kafraria, West .Arita, Canada and Iudia. And addi- tienal verification is the fact that thou- sands' of sailors aro not allowed to touch a drop of alcohol on bowel, and this in tr.pdval temperatnre, and especially in polar regime. Mea whale fishers are total abstainers. That which is true cd bodily exertion is as true of mental. Al- , ohol strengthens no osie--it simply be- unmbe the feeding of fatigue. The error of poor people in this regard is mapec'fally nnfortanate, as they epcnd much for alcoholic djinks to strengthen them instead of buying rich and salu- tary food The advocate of beer clams that it is nutritious. Trite, beer con- tains a con.iderable quantity of hydro- carbons, ydrocarbons, dextrin and sugar. But There is a earplug of this in food already, and there is so reason, also, why it should be taken in a more costly form. It is clamed that beer and Wine aid diges- tion. igesttion. but many experiments bane leen made on animals and mu, and espe.•ial- ly on /ten with the aid of the 'tuntach pnmp, which ,chow that moderate doses of beer and wine lengthen the time of digesti.,:t and disturb it. Direct obxeerea- tions ou persona with etoutach fistula likewise indicate the same effects.— 'Washington Star. tax.ge..f the brisk Plass*. The evil is the drink plague. Plague I will call it. not irdfng a better name to express its inhuman hideousness; and its denu>nlike power to hart men. It is ubiquitous. It has shot through the is pole land its poison bearing arrows. It holds in cities p tnpons court, riots amid wild revelry in burg and village, breaks in with savage howl ups tate (inkiness of rural bomee. It obtains do wi:Eon among all classes in the social wade. The poor moos garret, the mar- ble palace of the wealthy open equally their doors. Peasant and prince, mer- chant and laborer, utas and wutnap, child and adult are in tarn stricken down. Not the ignorant alone feel its deadly touch. Over brigbtet minds it casts its stygiau sluulee. Wherever it enters, the plague debaw•s and degrtules, It scatters broadcast disease and 'death. Poverty and vice fon' its retinae. It demolishes boniest, blasts lite happiness o[ •wire and child, laughs at the purest *Seething, delights in the ruin ut virtue and intut- cense- It 611s jails and asylums. carts victims to morgues and gibbeta. It eats into the very foundation of civil society and defies strong governments, whose art it peralyxes. It annnle the mfule- tratiome of religion by locking against them the minds and hearts of men. All forme of evil and misery ere its allies and starch in its track. Worre, 10,000 tine% worse, than all othor platens that ever,talkerl the earth, it transmits ie. yowl the grave its fatal mese. Having racked and 'mocked Its victim in this life, it casts Ieitn. while to is without rearm and ineeprldc of '- ee•ivittgCoda' pardon, sin laden end nimbi ivenbefore the dread tribnnal of eternal joatice,—Arebhishop !Mewl. Wbbkr PlIwww d.... Est -mire ruse of alcohol Ent began with the art of distillati.en and with the uletaining of strong concemtrtted . ':ir.;:c from corn. potatoes anal the like. W i•11 the nnivoteelising of the nae of • 1,:..ky a terries of pheue,mena have r i ..sed which ars designated by the a er.1 ' alco holism." The climate is as impnrt•nt factor. Drunkeamens is more ft.'t ;. lit in a .1 than in warm rimier -We se.l in n. re brutal avid injurious in its effects Rs we go north. Yet this a not shwa} N . t::.•, for within the last 10 years ah•ob.liet.s bas greatly decreased in Sweden snot tn- eroaR..I in sowtheru France and north - am Italy. in trnptral rrgkma is fiat t eps,.ding fast sad with gewallh- mettles *ow • lAsf of toms Itlx young men of Shelbyville, ay.. pot into a !sloe qusrrsl oiler Mak- • s big d hewn sail one of Om int two d Ilia otamponi m. TM fi►attlw ors. Om abet la tits Wet& Re Mal eros Meet tt.a M. /ltd Inca its& Rtn.alao Wally wNl - -__ _ W. ACHESQN & SJ! BANK OF MONTREAL. ....,. •- KN- __ *I . i CAPITAL, ,,.. • . .. $12,000,000. SA Saving D,iartnfent has •--- 0.ened in cot- _. Iodic branch. vec on rw.. Mmilie Cia Ihs and Jaclel Cid REST, 6,000,000. - OF ALL KINDSInterest allowed at current rates. ►M `� 11 LOCKWOOD Our Stuck eras never lh•fUre half so large, and we !'Vin lit 9.999 .: to- ' Doti `� �`" '"' �x °� x r 'y Manager Goderich Branch, day one month earlier than Bier before a great re.iuctivii in prices to clear out cur big stock of th,•-t good,. Blue B n extra Heavy Serge Mantlings value= 1.66. $1.19eI SEASONABLE GOODS Heavy Blue Curl Cloths, 1.10, worth 1.50. �� Elena Heavy 54 inch Tweeds, Pure Wool, at 1.00, were FRESH AND RELIABLE. 1.40. Black Aatrakane, 1.50, marked from 2.00. 4 Opened to -day 15 doz. Ladies' Fur Trimmed Kid Lined Mit*, all sizes, price 87c., worth $1.25. X -; --N--N—'t— INSPECTION INVITED. W. ACHESON Ss 1110N. C. A. HUMBER & SON Jewellers, &c,c. New Goods and Latest Styles FROM CHICAGO, cuckoo and Fancy Clocks. FROM BOSTON, .I,._. W. Tuft's Celebrated rilver-Ilateel Ware. FROM ENGLAND, Crown Derby Goode in China with Silver 3lountingv. Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewellery, Spectacles and Frye a;lasses to suit everybody. itepairing a specsalty. Q. A. HUMBER 8L SON, CANNED MIS, VEGETiBLES AND FRUITS. 1. IN GENERAL GROCERIES we can suit yon in quality and price, at•d invite • trial order from you. R. W. RUNCIDIAN Suoues.or to K. campaign°. sI WIE HAVE A. NICE ASSORTMENT _ Or F. IXC Y FE 4 THERS, FELT HITS BJ . ER He4TS, TOURIST HATS, ALL TWO LATEST RIBBONS and NOTIONS, all at Qreatip Re- duced Prides. OCR PATRONS Ct?. 8AVK I''/REY BY TRADING WITH CS, WISED YATES. in IN FALL ANS WINTER ; i Fall Mllflnery! -' MILLINERY. • In thanking the Ladies for their patronage during the past season, I would solicit a continuance of the same, and invite their inspection of my Fall and Winter Stock of Millinery. New Shaded Ribbons, Fancy Feather Effects, &c. H. M. PITCHER, I Jove returned from the city with THE LATEST AND BEST STYLES in all branches of FALL MILLI ERY, and solicit the patronage of the Ladies of Goderich and vicinity. iV2.CSS C a T ?" r'RON. "THE EMPORIUM,- West-mt., – - —� Next door to •' Star " Office. -tepben : George Floyd, who had his leg broken some two n•onths ago, whilst working in his bosh is Stephen township, is still confined to his home. Morris . %Vex Weal, 7 li concession, has purohaaed • 100 sore farm in Brum county, six miles from Ripley, for his eldest son. The prim paid was said to be $3,800. Cbatoo S. S. Cooper met with • pain- ful accident on Monday. A pima of wood flew from time of the machines and struck him is the groin, entering several inches. axd regcired considerable strengte to re- move .move it. Stanley : Last week Jobs McEwen, spas of Mrs. 11. lMcKie's. bitched up • lores is the barn. 1l'bie backing out, the t'are's foot went through • hole a the approach, and her leg was broken. The injury was so severe that the •n►m.l lad to be shot.. Goderich Tp. Sylvester Hibbert, wbo has been living oe the 11411 farm, Maitland cos., for some time, has rented the farm of Mrs. Thea McIlveen, in East Wawanost, cm sad a -half miles north of Blyth. He scared it at $200 • year fee either three or five yeah. Ts tNpet feease. Headaches and fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or hilioue, or wben the Mood is impure or sluggish, to p•rm•a•atly cure habitual age stipauoa, to awakes the kidneys hod liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening Nes. Sao Syrup of Figs. New Branwisk oder singles at Kidd'., $1.80 sq. A greed heavy cleancut Mar shingle at Kidd's Ifor $1.80. ALL SORTS and e:onslitaom. of men stroke the famous Cigars KL PADRE and [.A CADENA. 4. Dams a sew. J. J. MOORE & CO. oing Out iM�rxe� of Business. A Loser's 111.eatesl.f4... " I'll take this 75 neat bottle of perfume I it you will take off this cost mark and put ,n ooe with M.5C on it, said • young ma. to the clerk in • drag store. ' All right." It was done. " Great head," soliloquized the young man. " Minnie will notioe that cast mark sad love me for spending my substance so liberally for ber. it never hurt. a yy'oonr wren '• chances for the object of his admira- tion to think he regards her worth getting the very beat for. ' The bottle of perfume was sent, and an We man .01 oar steak er tans Aar AT Mtn' 1111 Now Yaars, es denial, i Dietw/ a Vast grew Want Ase awls tont se meted es. areaseents skeet be.IHiM W Doe MIL vii. MOMS i as, .roue de Ow% pleas apes•, .asst. evening or two later the donor .called to per- son and casually proposed merriest*. ",amen" said the girl. Mut is it, Minnie, dear „ Yoe salt me • beide of perfumer " Yee. Did you like it' " It was gooi perfume, James, but it wasn't worth any dollar and • halt. Seven- ty -flys meta is the regular price tor that parttime, and I oan't say that I have much one for a young feces who td to careless a his money as to pay for an article twice what it in worth.' " Kut Minnie---' James was gong to explain, but eta ,mend thought he refrained. It ocenrred to him that • rirl might like bbn lees for deoaiviag her than for extravagant. dots neea W hat and departed, ... 1..J is different tactics when beNotEatggsat her than for extravagant. Soi New 1soMear. He This is the int opportunity 1 have had of being akin with you. Now, what ought • (allow to do whop^aa opportunity like this present. itself ' She Iprotnptly I think he should em- brace it. New fork Herald. Tim Sea: 41. is only one doUar a year. Have it sent to your friends. A billygoat broke into the city hall of Ar. ratios, Kan.. and ate up the muaicipal re- tards. ALACE STORE:' The Great . Overstocked Sale now going on at A. P. McLEAN'S has been most phenomenal. Mer- chants generally talk of' dull trade and scaroity of money. Our selling experience leads us to an ad- verse opinion. The great quantity of Goods sold, and the large Cash receipts up to date, show there is still plenty of money for Bargains. a.. .t Notwithstanding the great s u c o e s s already achieved, we are determined to double our sales during the next two weeks by adding to the sale of Overcoats and Suits our entire stock of Gents' Fur- nishings, Hats, Caps, &c x' 'T VrallOrp,lk albalr We will make up any piece of Panting in the store for $3.76. This is for two weeks only. Now is the time for Bargains. P. McLEAN 9 Merchant Tailor.