The Signal, 1893-11-30, Page 4Slut $nal, e o avatarna. !VERY THURSDAY MI►RNIYO Ir'' t ST D. rsIULIMtSiT. Oars of PsklyslttMaa-+ cel 10. Nos1kotseet, � �'t Ytttlttli Oat•rto. remit M sMewlptes t, Evews itk 1. advaao&.w........... N".Al m�aly tt :Mete wiled. the price Por Hear 1 la PP Amansitatfeatiesa n. um be addressed 1 Advert Mesa Pales !<se •ad talkeru+.cal nlvenlsemMs. s. Tor int lug., t i"o, .sand a ort a per Use sena esb.e.qucat lure Ion. Measured by • conic seeds el six l:nri and ender, $3 per "I,lv'er'tteemmita of Lori, Iruu•... strayed. Vacant. stt.tathsas Wanted sed Chanes Wanted, .01 exceeding a !face aennarell, r tu.•ttth. Mao.,. on 14.1" .v:,d Forme on Rale, ■u1 40 sttceed r L iter, ti for Ile.( .just!* ler. per sub. OeSttwt manila. Larger .tris. 1• properties. Any speotal notice. the n*tyeet of . Lich u to := 0e the pecuniary !sweet of any t.>.:i- or 0smppaaenr. to he considered so ad- "�11sow"n etatMefar.re.: vcunl,n¢'T. iAleal notate to so.p+aril type one cent per wlsi, _e a Meares Ices t fun etc. aeries* is o.dinary reed.as (IPe two Eliermword. No sones for lees than silt:. lsa�swayther ehurehes and other religious aid t Institut:am half rate essserelu t'eateart Adrera(eeea..t.. A ilwitr.t nambe, of displayed averting wear will be tnaertnl al the efenow1Og rates : neer lock, one iaserties Ile id four Insertions " three mnontha a 00 414 six ntootbs t 00 one year Illi adver:taen.rot less tl:es two lacks@ in fitlsgth will be calculated an shore halls 4 yet cant, discount allele -4 fur cash memento QS three muni hi noet,set 10 pear ri.•wt. on 1:1 ed 11 per neat. oo • years. These ltinws w W be a rt.-' 1, r afurce 1. +t Mout ••The *lanai" bells err. Oatt.cr.her who fit' to re.•e,rc Tur. 810NAL ruglarly, either by ceerier or t.; mall, will tester • favor by s.-queerttag to of the tact at se early • date as posslele. Leos at Tear islet. Year label is a standing rneelpt of the dal. 10 whltb you are ,rid an. dee that it te not allover , to foil into arrear When a chaste of address la des!nd, both the old and the new •ddrees sLoeld be given. ltaieetr. manuscripts es000t he returned. Correepon.euce must be written u i 000 tilde of paper only. r.Ml•heet. %entre, J. C. Le Toner!. of Godr•nrh. 1,4 been ap pointed Loral Travelling Amer n.r the town- ships of Oodericb, Colborne, .1s1.0eld and Wa Ls Asl postma.tors over tee dim net are also empowered to receive Elba rptioce to Tea Mom AI_ 1). $cGIL.LIt'!'UDT. relheee Call FA ep. Ont. (:OIIAICR. T7USADAT, $OV. fA ow OUR PREMIUM MINCE SD88CBIBE&4, THE %u.N.vl. has secured a L•n';ted num- ber of copies of The Callathan Ailullal * handsomely illustrated work of liters- Lkre and useful knowledge, worth 50c. • copy, which will be given fee.• to all sib - & willows Oho pay for THE .:1. u to Dec. 31, 1894. To get this valuable Plen.:um and Tile Sol% Al. FOR ONE DOLLAR e ll orders and rash a :.r I. left at this oftce not later than THURSDAY. DEC 7th, 98 .Subscribers aito have already pad for the owning year will receive the %trauma by uotifyiog this office trait you lerire it, said totifreatiou to Le made not fat. -r than Dec. 1, 1893. After the number of Annuals now iu the hand. of Ter Si.:. it are doomed of, they cannot he duplicated. Send in your names at ogee. D. M.-I;iLLiCI DDY. IT 1.00115 A9 Ir THE C. 1'. R. a A. "OCT or politics" up in Wiaripee. Now l.rt TH Luca,!. carr* 5); OTTAWA. The Government is es the telsop. olid.. THE ( ,' :Oaf AT1 y [ kno51' t "AA A LITrt . hoarse kat week and di'r't eras ever the Winnipeg election Tet tailor n' a+rIRLT ITS termed's,. boson will be a rood a%er.ae this year. tf ererythisg we b.•ar goes Ir Hoa. SIR JOHN Tio.e...,N It to Rise -Air 10 the ground Wednesday evrolog d lest week he could have heard enrnrthing drop at «•iemireg. Hoa. Gate. F: F•rTra'- Tlcn r., wireeira: and the Northwest Territones dao set ap- pear to ha.* been prod,Active of good to the (:overamest ap to date. 1) ar OE.r. Id rat Ire r5.1 I tea LD take 111.1. Ho'onl. home and give him a mesad spanking for etrtktag matclees os iat.w.e'. monument The idea of epoins( real geod metchss that way. H.... T. 11. DALT, ..r. Tisa ,atAn;eT ..r Winnipeg war an emetiesalsee. 411 right, Mister D.Ly. hot • few mon..n.,tion.l ver dicta is the Northwest weld probably caner yea to rdm.isish $,000 sad pi. kings, assetber with • essin.•1 Hideosity earth year. Tit Plummy 11I.1NTEa oe I ..DA .Ag diet mesad snare lima get teeth tellies the Newspapers that there were very few paths flu M.hiwr sad the Northwest diw•tilided with the mamba' tans who the Wielding elmetismi'Pre • very dtrided, t'm•nbette sod well-sennsia/si " Yee IM " is his stuns s& Wio. the .wlarws were sant heard y Rea. Ono. A. irsorm be west have errp.,r..A emethne "rent el wearer,- sad gate • Mao Any. sesintiglandls[ W dame THANKSGIVING DAY PARADES - THA NI►elO1NG DAY iN TORAH - to was celebrated is that city by ss exhibi- tion of tomfoolery knows as • rsm-figSti ueder the persoael rapsrriaiw of (reseal Heiser tar, id that lit. The may news papers weut lute elaborate di.ortpttoes of the alleged tactics ut the coutoudi.g •'armies," and • let of twaddle filtered through their column. upon their uoulfettld- i.t readers. The effort to arouses spirit of militarism In 1 oxide is shoe of the wont things that eau be doue N; t;te pr.•reat day. It is aa attempt to foist upon Candid. the greatest ware of wretchedness' that at present prevr,a in F:.u•opean countries, sed the sue - owes of the teethed. sow adopted by Cosa - dab jingoes to popularize the system would contribute not only to the increase of lbs Lases but the lowering of the morals of the people of this land. It ix a'natter for congratulation that all efforts thus tar to perpetuate the parasite of militarism in Canada have proved un- availing. Except in one or two cities the ids of young then wasting their time by playa" et soldiering is (rowuc.l down, and in the smaller towns •ud r',rel districts volun• teer battalion! cameo be held together be- cause the hard comn.on sense of the people is opposed to the useless waste of time and money in•:olved in keep,ng up the mock heroic in:r.t:•:iun. If General Ilrk•::'i,' Ned his stet} started for England tomorrow they " never would be missal;" and 1f his military high mighti- ness for ('.nada, our own Hen. .1. C. }'AT TReso., retired from the pceltloD of Minis- ter of V •!ilia and became Minister of Any- thing Lite, he would be ;n better business than the work he teas engaged in last year duriat' compeer time when he took upon himself the posl;ion of Fleet Buyer t•enenl to the Forces ou their way from Lhe London camp. ( &nada at the present time a throwtog swev a tut of good moocy uselessly in the effort to keep up the ghostly appearance of militarism which at present prevail.. In ease c.f war the force It now wastes its mos. ey upAn would be useless for deleuoe, an 1 le time of peace it is sot re.tuired. it is n either ornamental nor .'metal and shemli be abolished. The whole system is • humbug from start to finish, and is only intended to give fat office. to a number of men who, if tbey were not alleged officers of the •'''•median Army," would have no visible mases of sup. port. Lot the bellow mockery sense. THE INTERESTS NOT COMPATIBLE. \VIIEN ()XLISLirOKINGFOR A E tr•ighout expremiou of opisica it is re - (redline to get the ideas of S. H. BLI•t. the well known lawyer, evangelical worker and philanthropist. He has the faculty of putting • great deal to short, meaty sen - truces, and his latest utterance has refereoce t, the c' Rev." MACDONEl 1.-t, A. H. Baur e t.•, Dralori i.*., INNI"r•., et hoc genes omai, who hare undertaken to become the apologists with or without salary for the drink traffic Of this country. At the tint plebiscite meeting in Toronto, held Friday last, this is what Mr. Bet., z said, according to The Toronto World : •'l take no stock in men who occupy a pulpit once • week, and who oppnse pro- hibition because it will interfere with their sherry and sandwiches. I take no sock in your sherry and port parson. 1 take no stock in what they tell us about it. I take no stook in • parson who has under his pulpit • fat brewer or a fat distiller., 1 re- gret to soy we have in our church parsons who wonkt not give up their port, and sherry for the sake of the welfare of their fellow- men and fellow women. We know where they stead. lot them stand there till trod converts them." Mr. BLAtr. is right. When • preacher feels that kit opinion on the liquor traffic is fay.rable to the perpetuation of it, he should get out of the pulpit and get behind the bar to be consistent. This was what Rev. "Adirondack" M;:aaAv did, and we would recommend the preoedest to every panne who thinks as Mr. 11 Unite. thought. Because a Iran considers that he is called of Guo to work is His vineyard is no reason why the sante man should think it • divine right to work for a brewery or distillery also And yet then are preachers who get the idea of the vineyard and the distillery so joieed together that they t.aoot yes their way mut. THE COUNTRY IS SAFE. THERE AitE SOME PEOPLE who, if they had their owe way, would hers no imagine that the whole social fabric of this blonmiug ('oefedentscs is on the verge of • grand collapse bemuse three silly French Comedian lads recast -1y eon spired to blow up Nc...res mosoneest, is Montreal, with dynamite. The fools aren't all dead yet : and as long as there are fools who will waste gond mosey in potting up mnnurnesta to caval or military men killers then will be other loots equally e osins. to tear 'mellows. >r A. we ge is press we w net able to dslesmli.e which wen the greater feels the porde who subscribed le Greet N steneen eeet_eat is Montreal, .r the three •chid." who ..dertt.k M tans tare .meaure eilaws. Wirt did Naaov ever g. for Ms&1wa1, sarway, that • resasteat le bbl ossrry dude Its weeted la that day t Te Gar id, tae word\ .leaylN r slew • �A;.srleen- r j,rr ,i;' a THR SIGNAL: OODBRIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1893. te the whale seek. The swswt wee probably originally 'heed where It is le • spirit el bragea 0sere by admirers of Naito*, and sew the dart to tabs it dews is hies made by • trio of nave -braised youths, more belluw.»d W 'absinthe thee patristic Inouye.. No harts has been dons to the monessest, and • limited term on jail diet will probably rive the yews' medals • chance to get the hiRkwwee out of their system. That's all there is hi n It. ielatter. I.,.T •ata, FOS TSB men Tint IN rot it• teen years, Ti.. Swaim missed s oorres- pondence from the genial "J.,. MstwRau, " of Lest'ura. Oa angniry, we learned that our good adored co.worker was on the broad of his took on the had of affliction, and unable to roll up his budget with his accustomed ease and energy. If the joist.' of Tux Si':N u. prea..:ould have t•keo on some of the rheumatic twinges that of flictel".fol,"and thus have relieved him, we would gladly have had It so. We, and all our realer, join in the hoot for tbe speedy restoration of Mr. ".'I to*cis a .lanae" poodemt with lots of fun and no varus in him ; a writer who prefer' to use the sugar bow! to the vinegar bottle when esasooiod hu items: sad withal, a goal all round fellow. - - Nee THAT 1'H*INT,.rIlrt; HAM Nwe%,t C., bas been knighted we would like to see some tangible acknowledgment accorded calm o. R. I►.1xt;, the eminent heavy tag• tidy lawyer who caused Messrs. Mel; IMEer and CoNN"I.1.1 to look at the cold world from the inside of prison ban To our mind, he has done more for Canada thea ('u ku.t'a,i•u.:k K"*IN-.n, I;. (-' ; and if 1t. 1t. wen to take • shy at CAAo. and LIN,."‘ IN we would admire him still more. T. Steil., Tut rIUAI1 Nt.nsrll'ii. man tattled the dig -waver so badly in hie lecture io Toronto the other night that .1.1%- 1' ‘,TEIJ. 1.It1't•TEu. More. n:, rose right up 00 his hind legs and walked oat. The fool kilter must have stone on a journey or J A1 wouldn't be getting up and "booting" meeting's alter this fashion. l'ot•N.: Trrr.*SAS oor A •NutlrTue"H., Sir JOHN ToornoN a "Right Honorable,' (llLt.Tornte Rost:.o s a tat retainer and the oCer of • knighthood -all out of the Behring Sea Arbltrauoo but what has the Canadian taxpayer got out of the blooming businees` We passe fora reply. Tut DavIL-Tat 1'uuNTcas 011 n., w• WOW -will have a crow to pick with some of our gentle advertisers if the aforesaid gentle advertisers don't carry out the n- gulatioes to be found on the 8th page re- g. -ding the changinPle contract advertiae- menta. 'Null sed. I.N'T IT Aro& r flee THAT WILLIAM K41.1 -H 3tektu,T,1 hal something to say about " the common enemy," as be design owed a certain section of his countrymen at the last election ' MAItTCR and 11140 "4.&t - ling t:no" t'aanttll. shouldn't have all the say so this time. THE "BROAD 1TATLve4XVH11• " "r SIA JOHN THorr-'ov will be gauged by his girth measurement instead of the " measure of his mind " if he doesn't sidetrack nacres and (1. IRI:C WALLA. t. On their tariff lunacy. !Wilt. JoH•: BUTLER cote THC MANTLE of oblivion around him and retires from the Mayor's chair in Godencb there will be • sigh of relief from the overburdened tax- payer of this overwrought municipality. IT A 1-.'caleTtgAT MS CHANT 1• . LANA IT the Conservative oeawllaties for the Romia •tion of Mayor Benda, as Reeve IILAev,s., of 1.oderich owsrif, as. Ise ••other oen- atitnency last wash and get easted. THE TIL,.tr'o!r trenraitea*T 011.1. 000. be affected with strabismus if it deemed. quit trying to keep one eye on the \ortkweet and the other on the Washington tariff n• form, at pieseot under way. Tin. Eerier. row tONTENin. THAI Mtk TI election election i. Winnipeg is the wont thio4 that could have happened LAritica. Then, The Empire should hot have opposed MAR- TIN'• election. See ' Sia JOHN '17IovvP.UN 1e Nno C "RI..nT Ho.orabls," and we all feel correspondingly elated at the benefits that are likely to ac erne to this country in consequence thereof. W hoopla' AND Now Mo:ITaaAI, tan• /IAD . AVM., lire earthquake. Toronto "isn't in it' with Montreal, as matters of moment an reeling off at the present time. Is Ma. W. T. R. Pitzer'ns TAYltt,: TNE.AA tripe to Iowa and Nebraska " for hie health ! " - - BOOKS AND PERIODICALS THE CANADIAN AL**AtAt . We FISTS been favored by the publishers. the Copp, Clark Co , Ltd., Toronto, with • copy of The Comedian Akares° for 1894. Amoapt the interesting features are : A list of .11 the pest Aloes s ('•.ad•, with the ✓ ailroad on which located or nearest railway station, thee forming a (luetteer of the Dominion ; the Homes of ' politic- ally divided, will be found •v. bk.to every one t.tereeted s Dons affairs the ell el Cluny, Barristers, Ranks, Monioipaabtlea, Oevee.lseet of8oaals, eo- a rra, he., hos bees carefully revised up to data. Articles have alae bora oentributed by Dr. Daniel (lark en Insanity and Crier, and * R I.uoidee on The Soler System. 1 he Alone may he ek4ai.ed tram an booheel.n or from the publishers. Pries, s paper °oven, 20o., in cloth coven, 30e. you "'astir Alan. ''The Yearned, • j.sesal of n"w.l refers," is tit. title .f a aim, se.tnty, • eop7 of wlslek we have M- eshed. Ag e ed. It It edited ar T. 8. Spree. Tamar .Nl the prsssst ague is Aerated tteddy le the pe.iibitimi quashes, Thiel bee se prominent • piss a the 'Made .1 Oreadia. people jate stew. The Va.rs rd Is le nestaiee fern. kook Wreath* la its wupT ~ ido. ifevember Mabey, white we here resolved, ar aien a eta roma. d I gmsdi.n, *Mid omit he pnMWly led..'d& to d sd•.le el the hawsers surities. Mush Auction Sali! We have decided to wind up our business in uotlerich, 011,1 to accom- plish thin at mos we lave instructed MR. JOHN KNOX to sell our en- tire Steck of Fancy Goods, Silverware, Albums, Toys, Games, Dolls, China, Stationery, etc., - AT AUCTION - without reserve, commen- cing on The Evening of MONDAY, A DEC. and continue every evening until :very dollar is sold. This wit) be the chance of your life to buy Elegant Xmas Presents - - AT YOUII OWN PRICE l ion t hesitate, this id a genuine do- ing wile : use it to your owti :.Iv'ar THE7CENT FAIR lteiA*A..A T.* CADDY & TOM. of it is prepared for them u mon e.•e- veniest form than any in which It kis be- fore been presented to the pubis The titles of some of the articles are "Canada's Liquor Recetue and Drink Bill,' "Muni- cipal Revenue and Prohibition,' ,'1 ratan.• Provincial Revenue," "The history of the Prohibition i'lebiscie Movement," The Scott Act and Ihankenoeo," "The Stuped. does Failure of High Lioeose," '•Canada'. per capita Consumption of Liquor,'- "Tavern and shop lionises a Ontario," "(aria,. is Canada," ••What the Beer Basins• does for the (Country," "Canada's Finance Ministers and tbi'Liquor }revenue." A copy will he seat by the publisher to any •ddrem for fifteen cents. Tut: "MtTuout.. AI At...itit roe Deus -A- MR - Among the notable articles in this number are, "Round About Jern *dem," with eighteen cote, a capitol I-bri.tmas story by flugh feeler, a vigorous pl • kr Prohibition, by the Rev. J. S. hates, • clever illustrated paper on ".Among the News -boys," by Mn. }felts Campbell, ••T e Siick it SI mister," and other articles. Tse announcement of the thirty-ninth a.'d fortieth volumes for 1894, its twentieth year, of this oldest and most snesesefnl Magazine ever published in Canada. is a very strong nae. Special prominence is given to social reform, articles by Hon. .1. M. (..boon, Dr. Lovell, warden of the King- ston l'eoiteotiary, the tr•in.iog of tb. Blind and deaf mur.. in ('sada, "Hard Times, Their I'atsr and (ore," "Profit Sktring,' and the like. A number of articles on popular science, including "Electricity up to Date," "The New Astronomy," etc.. will be treated. Three serials, and a nambe- of short stories and sketches by popular on' TO will also be given, as well as article on Missionary and Religions topin, by 1)r. ('arm*., 1)r. Sutherland, Dr. Rose and others. The editors splendidly illustrated papers on '•Tent Life in Palestine" will de- scribe the scenes in the life of Christ oh ch forst the ashject of the Saod.y school lemon* for 1894. Other articles will de- ucribe "Greater C..&d*," "Grand Massa," ".The Monad Builder," "Round About England," sed other popular topica. This Magazine will be of interest, not only to Methodist households, but to .11 intrligs.st readen. Twenty omits a ntmber, two dollars a year. William Brien, W..ley iloildingt, Toronto, and 8. F. Mos*, Ilalifaz. 1'-eaucT Hannay hes again apt eared with its admirably arranged sore of valu- able information for lousy readers. The high onmenendation given this unique work by the intelligent reeding public since ita iso.ptien three years ago, is well earned. Its reviews of the great questions of the day, its estimates of the I./dative vain. and bearing of events, and its snmmariee.o( im- portant facts are most admirable for their clearness, comp ehensivenehs, and imparti- ality. The sueceseive numbers of this orae atria*, form • murex. of informationof revel t happenings, which on oollerties of sews - Ofiles or clippings, no index to periodi- ilsratore, eon supply. It is meet oea- vesiett in from and arTangrtn*nt. Even the earefsl student of the daily) or weekof pees, will lied it a most valnalde library meat information, needed as a eupplemeit M ell other wowk0 of reference From the asseeary 'nation in the 1'nited States to the similar none, in mels and Australia, horn the Chinese question ea the Peelle (mot 1s the Newfon.dl..d fisheries, free Arctic ez.)oratios to Mouth Americas aid Soot\ Afroaa .phsarale, from ptlftieal de- v*itp.sents ie rho. rated Statue sad (,Le- st. to Home Rule in itel.d sad the mitt isms is Fromm *ad Germany, Italy, Amnia, and Russia : free B1r(ng Men to the diplomatic squabbles ever `1* Ha- w, and Central Africa. from the l Ha- man, eek* misfoeenee of 9..'••154s to the : erl'e•Par Bwd oee a hemi * tmdI f l Yr day el gro s! isrese.A le ie bslnAlsd. Nems ewn .e r and ere gives. i.ei.� • tre.apieee 01 . Wed. mdse alae es .fele r rwary of hit 'anew. D. 1 At the Bank. This is to notify you thatour sc- count at the bank of health is over- drawn; at this rate you win soon be bankrupt, unless you lake SCOTT'S EMULSIOI Of Pure Nocitabghin Cod liver 011 tai ,tt / hosphite. to yea wp. It win STOP 4 Cl l *Ill, anti A ('OLD, bold nook t'OkhumrritGX weed Na /.fora et WASTING JILIN A*Jtis.A I- mes! .. pianist,. e. NUL Prepared 1.7 R;vtt , Bower. Belleville. For sale by all el nunrbta. C. R. SIIANE & CO.'Y arc elleNiau • full range of Lad!es'Fllr Gapes 1)1 WOOL, SEAL, GREENLAND MINK, BEAVER, ASTRA• C80N and 'POSSUM. GNTS' FURNISHINGS. Full limes in c 'cry Cwprteeat. Le', all sad exanCee roods and prices C. R. SHANE k CO., McLane s Bieck. Cer. &inane and Montreal at. SBuffalo, N. V. • (;arretsoa, lox sad ('o., p iblubers, e1 50 • tear.. TUE t HRl+rtiA. H 11..rttl; comes .:Iotleed more handsomely than Iutu:, in a Dover of white and gold, which eNtrwrdiswy &taw► lion hes beet given to the illustratios of it. mutants. Note pictures by Edwin A. Abbey, three by A 11. Frost, sixteen by Howard Pyle. sieves by C. S. l!.ishert, tet by Frederic Remington, three Ly W. T. *milky, nice by .4. E. Sterner, two by Clifford ('arieto., tee by W 1f. Hyde, sad one each by F. V. la M .1, George 110 Miseries, Guy Rose, Fater Newell, sad (1 Herford, are among the attract -iota of the Number. Nine short stories represent the moot vigorous mnremeut in .stneri°en let- ter.. and these tales aro vaned saniftestly to ..elude all bra-wbw "f the art whish has retched so high an excellence within recent pare. They ere : " A Thoak.giv irg lhauer," as episode of 'I ew 1'r.rk pile, byBrander Matthews " The Witstagof tBiscuit-Shooter,"a rousse* of • Wyom- ing ranch, by Owen Wiser ; •' Bud %nobs Nail," a lore story of "t'mpkinsctlie, by Ruth M.tinery Stuart ; "The Pain' otos of the Foot bridge," a mystical and tragic tale of the Tennessee mountain', by t'harks Er• pert ('1aJdock ; " A :lold.er of Fortune," • bi seraphical sketch reciting the advrntotes of • seventeenth century iotr,gwrr, by Now and }'y4. : " A Second Sprier, • story of Rural New Fnglaod, try !arab '/me .iswett: " Sweet I'uneh :.a Monologue, by J. 1.s elfin glli I " A 1f a cepa!," • tab of the Tretar Aertt s, 1E mows Mo- Ipp...e7ya••• sill " A Malar d. lie Ilius" • Spofford. these Ma short tilled.e may be added a tea* "Ushers l wrees." by Thomas Nelms Pap. which introduces the , Editor's Mower A WoMAn'a Cnassptes Menem NIL --lis most popular little bey shor o(er seer created s • st.ey, Lillie Lord Faasils roy " lives win is the Christmas ladies' Home lemma fiat lbw time Mrs. realness Hodges Barnett betties to tau"How Fausik oy Real/y Oea.rv.d," whams Mr. Binh, the original dsstrator, sketches FauoUoroy agate to his iaimitabl. pictures Frank R. Stockton, too, gives as look his mart deligbltful c►areoter "Posses&,"sad is • deliciously foray way this yeast girl be - gine • series d lettere to her former mietrees et "Rudder t :r.nge.• t.1L•g her of her social boom abroad with her husband amid the aristocracy of England. William 1►Nan How.•Ila begins Ilia Merely autobieigr.phy which he happily calls "My Litany Passions," end tells of the reading of kis boyhood is his father's house. throrge W. Ilial u likewise autobiographical i• • brief uarrative of "My Christmas as a Bev," se too, is Hamlin (;viand, who cwt book to his boyhood .ad describes "A Pioneer C .1 btmas,' which Reinhart illustrates. The full piano score of Soma's sew "Manhatten Basch Mar,:A" is given exclusively is this issue of the Journal, and has all the spirit 14 his famous "Hies School Codes sed "Waabt.gtoo I'st ' nun:bre Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney wriere the first of a sense of "Frie..11y letters to My Girl Friedl." Jens Magruder begins what gives p.•omi.e of being • powerful weal, "A Beau uful►line," with superb illuatratiow by A. 11. Wenrell. A new bsggraphical series is started, "Wives of Famous Pastors." which sketches Mis John R. Payton, with portrait. The bttsnewns "Bob Burdett*" is very funny in his d.scriptios of " MT CbrlRsas Shopping "; the Rev. T. !)s W k Talmage prophesies "This Christmas is America- based epos the present fi.aaieial stringency ; three of A. B. WesasU's moat stylish girls portray Mrs. Mallos's pro- phesies "The Art of Street I)rewiig," it hilt B R Wi L 11 A M 8' P INK ILLS FOR EPLEMeLerdarelerathe �+- feeling that lb'emet�-a�a-late. hoemo men mid wog aha, iWu NM � .'tam WEAK MEN (yotm'(54014),0104* Prem zee= mom hake ld kid emmake, bMb hisA *whs`yasrw Re BUFFERING WOMEN afflicted with theere Metltler to aWr diae ddoveespain& omit tugs, had them 1.111. PALE AIM SALLOW MILLS .ioald take thew PUIa They enrich the a to the sheers .a4 ��B�>^.� or am tr.., Dart by all ow U beeline only by nail. poolerr 0o reedyt el prlee-Meseta • boa sista pus T148 DR. WILLIAMS MED. CO., . llassekyi)s (Jet. or MGerasoww. N.Y. other writers give practical •d vice os every point toockiag the giving, nakiag and asedisg of holiday gifts. .altogether the Christmas Ladies' Ilosts Joura•1 is ate best this magazine has ever stet out, tad rem ridiculously cheap at its pries of tea eeuta. It is certainly an ideal wotm..'s utagaz.ne, and this particular issue stamps it as being without • peer. The Journal is published in Philadelphia at tar dollar pea year by the Curtis PuLlubuag Company. 14 yl our min call the In dealing at this Store the cus- tomer does not have to " heat down " the prise in order to get vsina We do not mark an article $15 with the idea of getting what we sin for it down to $10, accord- ing to how " hard the customer k We mark it at the iowes! pos- sible selling price, and in every ase tM marked pries "gels." Get Under Cover. You'll find no better cover than our Ulsters and Overcoats. They're made to fit slim men, stout men, all sorts of men -boys too. The prices fit also. They're strictlyin keeping with the times important- a very point these days. ,Young Man, an Ulster's the proper thing. We've got the latest, the tailor-made twenty dollar kind, a judicious combination of style and comfort ; economy also forms a part when bought from us : We've marked them at $10. Everybody 1 We can fit you out from It Top to Toe." Our Store is full of Bargains. Many lines have been marked below original cost. Always give us s look when in need of anything in wearing apparel. Remember, you're always ',samosa to examine and compare. T R1 ICIU1 toiklAtfoAtVviti Ntr. A.. al