The Signal, 1893-11-30, Page 3LOAN NIC Cure very of it Nectar. k. been introduced yrs of the 1: resit le as a connote reed ph) slew ns, aowledgt: of the the cure of in4k. e system. It is ling health from t tonic qualities ion the digestive E'elIy eompares 'r and strength - :'at renewer of a natant value ID ny consumption I cure for llerr- h.ing the critit•al is great Nervi0e Yearn. It will better and curs - cause its great It will add ten Ile a half dozes CURE OF 'peps ix, Stomach, leas in Stomal ag in the Fere, attics and ishetl Blood, 0. and Ulcers, Lungs, iw• sic Cough, Gus Children, e wonderful 'ES. seedy has bests P pleasant and oldest and motet 'hick the human impaired diger 1 in the blood. a ad nerves is the trong when the es and ailments mast supply all ried on, it is the xi does not con - emery to repair )pun the nerve& od be supplied. s to contain the This accounts of nervous de- Brewsmvsaey. fed. ars.sed eoeditloa for e ra. Weakness of the Iadimsstbn. stall my tees doctoring r..- t•met ov bottle of Melt Inn me moss of •oetodutg I evtr 1ss every weakly pan` ad lovely remedy : • I me er.mpirsdy. I airfoils tk. wilt CHOREA. June 2", 157. St. Vitus' Danes 1 American Ner- every case of tet Ind am sure it V !pale, and for all ever MIMIC )191• T. Mmla. Notary Atblfa 'EPSIA. Fonio ig remedy ever he vast train of and (debility of s jewel of iacal- because the ex is the own and stroyer. There can resist the e Tonic. fare Ross. Whom w Wena I O.* tot e nes tesep$,t.Iy slat. s OS* sod spot*, r Ms 111.1 M Senn IImmi m s 1 boom snag ▪ iami Rs ow see t emsl •� n ews, � m 1. Ie ods wr M Ib- It.,,.or r& r ojm* two clot' mK roam* bee.. Ude w.rsesm.ar . see a,fi.s.flsl Yoga r sag I■ yenew"'• TRH SIGNAL: OODLRICA, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1893. orefe .mA1�■liw■r Coirl:RLEE Targ PCNIDERED prgfgT IRROMQYTcs1�s T• g cyst ie TAPS e was item 014 as As •moors sad amgl58aas AN OLD LADY'S STORY. AN EXPERIENCE IN HURON 0.11.:101T1 OF INTEREST K KRl WHKRE. ex- *orator btt+ETT w.►I• d7UF1'L*I WITU Itll Et'MATt•el rua :NISI TRAINS-tiS ITE Ant cede YEA* Ilam mese Krung/ - -its SZLATIN Mae txe1alan.'a TART .•TIIa*`• SAT rgtrrIT Di IT. From the Oeasriok Star. For upwards of tare. years " The Star " tan been r.p.bllshise articles been various papers to ('aosd. and the United States re- cewsurgg tetrades in healing wrought often in forlorn own, by the use of the two known as 1)r. Williams' Pink Pill. for Pale People. A more or leas t1timaa 0O .1010140 "vi with the publietten of several of the aewsyapen warranted us in behevise that the cases reported by them were an overdra•u or exaggerated advertiaetneta, but aero published as truthful statements of remarkable cures from human ills wonky of the wt lest publicity, that other sufferers might be 1.•aefitted also. For mine time cast we h.• c heard the name of Mrs. Robert Kissett, 01 Colborne township, nta/3osed as roe who h.id experienced much benefit from the ore of Dr. t1'llliams' Pink Pills after years o' p anhil suffering. Cadmus to kosw the particulars • representative of " The star called upon her mm at his flour shit teed st' r: on Heed:w street, and asked how far the story was true. Without hast - mum oe reserve Mr. Burnett launched into praise of Pink Pills, which he rid bad • most wonderful effect In relie%lag bis n 0.her from the sufferings of • bedridden ,,valid, crippled by rbrumatum, and re- storing her to the ajeyinest of . fair Le- rattan, d n p arse of health and activity for a perms of make: tltrir growth now and msst be COMA of mild InAneura m the borough of .event years of cgs. .sum re• yo.tI y Blackburn, Laneabire he sum " 1 •m sun ase will freely all vas encuuragel by free feeding, plenty room all •boot bee Orae, and you eau judge bow mad suitable quarters to make good The earp.lga I'rartic.uy Over. much she owes to Ptak Pala. 1 am sure growth. But the large majority of per- I .o•troa. Nov. !3.-A despatch from that it L owing to them that she is alt o e ennial gr,.•nhonste plants, such as palms, Capetown says that eltbu.igh reefs of gold azal•as, acacias and fetus, are now at are visible near Bulawayo, tate the head - comparative rent and by coolness of tem- gnarterr of the Matabel. king. IA.betngula, perature should be kept .ot111 February. but now in possession of the forces of the There is uotbiug gained, but much lost, British South Africa (bm}rsy, nu prus- in starting a phut into growth prelim- p ectiug is allowed. The forces at Fort tnrrly, eays Ounlruiug, authority for the Salisbury are being disbanded. and the foregoing Omit met ions. breaking up of the forces at the other forts is Imminent. The remainder of the ram tb reign ag•idat the Matabsles will be ceroid The wealthy Apple. on by the Matabeleland police force, which The Wealthy apple, whit h originated to now bring uritanirnd. near 1. Paul, is at aAxgaisitiun of value -- - on account of its great hardiness and - a Ka* Mary Troubles, (tri rASna°et.l.tiny. 24. - gotta quality. from Armenia show that the weather now prevailing aggravates the famine existing in that a,uutry The lerveroum, Bitll. and Van districts and the Vdayet of Aidin bays skate suffered a trate decrease of ' $15.000.000. owing to the cholera quaran tine. in Albania great trouble is experi- enced in collecting taxes. In many places where the officials have attempted to form payment riots bare occurred. A Rase*-Tarklsk Antoine. I annoy, NOT. -The St. Petersburg correspundeut or the Daily Telegraph nye: -" The visit of the Russian squadron to Constantinople will be an important step awards • Rima -Turkish alliance, which WLaI.Tttl Aell E-f5J,c(T.D SIZE. M. Nelidoff has been instructed to pooh The fruit is it -tedium in.izeand round- home. Thneg basis of treaty will be thin e guf1st in form. The skin is smooth, oily, wwa r coo on led mtwitthn absoluterightno of way meetly covered with dark red: the Beak for Roselle warships through the teeda- white , juicy and sobered; the tree is belles for all time. hardy, a free grower and productive. M THII ORUNHOUOL; * rt..a.t-••• .f tike fiesta•-Tba Temporo tars to r ma dalsede 1f you bare several greenhouses, you will have one for cool loving plants, as azaleas, geraniums and the tike, and an- other tor more tropical owes, a. dracaenas and many palmy. II you have true home iivided Into several compartments, the arrangement will be 1b. sante. Hat U you have only one &snail house, undivid- ed into compartments, arrange it •o that the heat loving planta shall 5e at the wast end, which is generally the end next the heater, and the crud loving IN THE BRITISH HOUSE. /ret. Talk es Mamas 5.t.ase - !re - Lan .. Modes Wtthdrawa. 14)50.4. No. 22 -la the Hoorn of Commune yesterday H. W. Koster (Coa- srvauve,, member for West Lout brought tip the queatutu of dr.lict.. He asked the'1orernwent if the Admiralty would detach • wet vowel to co operate with the American war,dup Ke.rsarge 111 destroylag these enemies W sal navigation of the Attitude. The (tight (lou. A. K Mua- della, Presldeut of the Board of Trade. pp1,�ato�mleed to enquire as to what the United Mate Government was doing In the matter !Sydney Boston, Parliamentary Beene• tary of the Colonial (tAice, said that Lo- Walnuts. obeuguts. the Matabele king. had hem in- formed that his safe ooadm t would be secured, and that he would be treated with uteotiderati.m if he surrendered. Mr Walter McLaren. who is • Radical in favor of political and reltgioas equality lama at the other end. Geraniums, withou�ltstiurtiuu of sea or creed. moved Vto Webs a among the electors mentioned boavardias, dram and most other fres in the Parish Councils Bill married women blooming plants love full light anti sub- who would be retitled to vole if they were shine in winter. Ferns, palms, club single mosses, dracaenas, crams, screw pinto The Right Hon. Henry Fowler, pruul and the like are benefited by shade and dent of the Isocal Government Board, should have it made a counter proposal to disqualify A temperature orf 50 degrees at night married women except when they are duly is a safe one 4or most all greenhouse qualifi«t as ratepsyr.. t., except tropical ease. in which I The Might Hon. leotard E ('oertney planp i'M (Unionist). m.uhr for the Kudimen died MOO 00 degrees is a safe minimum. But stun of Cornwall. said he thought Iter. anything above freezing. ay over 33 de- Fowkr'r proposal ouwlne0L•We for its grecs, is safe 1n the cam of cool house Ilmplicity, plants, but nothing lea. than 40 or 43 The Right lieu. A. J. Ilalfoar,t'unasrva- &graew L deeirabk•. In the same way tire leader in the House, held that the tropical plants may annuli' to 30 de- change proteesed -was au impxutant de- grees at night, but S degrees u fax Wrturo. f the Ileum assented to the Ix•tter. 1lovernment'e proposal it would give up Iu the daytime. with sum heat, it{ the temperature run up13 or 20 ole all hope of drawing • distinction between n 1't married and single women; not only in grews higher, and in the event of cold, relation to muntciq.al and local franchises, dull weather, when sun beat L hardly but in relation to parry. perceptible, run it up 10 degrees more Mr. McLaren withdrew hni motion than the night temperature by artificial - Mut. L• Grippe. Inventibtting your greenhouses open CEkLIN, Nov. 22. -stn epiderm of in• thew a little at a time and not until fluent& u prevailing in l'p{ser Silesia they begin to warm up, and shat up Tweuty-seven steatite from the disease bars earl • in the afternoon, and a little ata occurred at upgxtln. At %iegenhsl., :K miles from (tpp.tln, the seminary Inas been time. Catch nod abut in the sun heat. It closed •seventy of the pupils are suffer - is far better for your plants than L fire ing with tugaetna in its severest form. beat. Beeidles. it in a matter of coned - arable economy in the line of furl. Ten Thousand Eases t. Esta.d. Some greenhouse plant.. as carnations, Lo.uo*. Noy. 22. -Within the prat Sue se trimron's and so OD, are three weeks there have been ten thousand today. Acting on that cordial invitation, the re- porter drove oat to the well known Ioot homestead in Colborne (ltownship, about tfive Mre. mites from odenth. but found It i.stt had, only aa hour or so hefor.,drira told wee in cowpony with • daughter todo some .lop tong. But here, as on nu fiat enquiry, those to the homestead told the reporter there was *o doubt about the bene- fit experienced by Mrs. Borneo since she began sang that Pills, and that obs her- self would cberfuUy testify to the feet.' if • The !Sar " would again take the trouble to cell upon her. A es coed call was made • tow days after sed lire. Sinnott was thm time touod enjoying as uftereoon'o visit at the r.etdetsoe 4 • neighbor, lira Robertros- �he laughingly greeted the reporter with the assurance that she knew what b. had .•ume for as her son bad told her the day she was is town what was wanted, aid although ens had no wish to figure in the newspapers, .he was unite willing to tell the facts to her ease. "It is about sins years,' she said, "since I was first mhos down w th rheumatism sad for seven ire et he I My he pkee in dad usable to raise or tare myself. i doctored with local physician and I .uppoes the tr.atstat 1 received mud have belpe l me for I was able to go around again 1.r quit* a long wbd., *aril .nothet attack came on and for two years l was agate Lid up, never being able to pat • foot under me, or help myself in • 7 way. i tried everything, bless you --doctors, baths, Wilmette and medicii, Dour.. masted • great dent being troubled also with asthma But although I fluidly got on my feet again I was not able to do any thing and could get across the root only with the help of corneous and leasing os • chair which they would push before see. By sed by I wee advised to try Dr. Wil- lman' Pak Pdl., ..d though of course I had so faith in anything. 1ghts m at Wilson's Prescriptlo. Dreg more AIM thee. use. aid woes I had tabs two boxes I felt that they were belpiig nen. 1 coatinud them quite • while, improving gradually until sow i am as yon see tan, al- though I have not taken them for • couple of m nth'. i cam now go around sl.ie, and although I always keep my suck with tie to guard against an accident or • mmstep I ma safely say 1 am woodertufly isptw►ed from the use of i'iuh Pill.. IN mune I am not altogether well again, and portiere at my age i might sot to expect complete re- steratioa, bat I am no longer • Naples bur- den and car 1 w any children that 1 was. •ad Pink Pose did it, Mrs. Ilisett has bees • moms* of great activity and industry, and is psseesd of As unusuallybright •fad rather vivacious 85 mind ; 85. • great reader sod talks with all the ohereniag interest of Gene et the old- ien. n•Otheee in Irael. in bit teem tee dem oe of 48 years in this musty she hoe set ■ m sly cand to her patient toil 0.1 untiring Lk... may be attnbaad mock of ticst of the old homestead. r. Jas. Mils,., druggist, repos • very large sale of Pink ('ills and gays that they give general stills«lea to hie cuatemnrs. is fact they seem to surreal •11 other n- sdw is popularity. Williams' An atsalvoi 85 s that Dr. P Pille mashie& is • modemed form all the dsrie.ta inesssary to give sew life and Seisms M the bleed and restore shattered sweet. They areas coling speedo for shah dimme. as LeemM.r atox, lsssir•es, suMtioa. rhe*mmtism. St. Vitus Oases, the after effects .t la grippe, all domes. de upon up • vitiated aesditiei of the such as eerd.la, chromic, ryegpMs. Ste - Thy are elm • sped& for the troubles ir- regularities, • cities, iar tte the and all d sale weakness,- 6aildiag new dee Nand end resits:•.-• the Flow d lesslta M pale aid gal low & Oka. ls oke elm of mem they seam • rrtmm•l sir. M WI oases aridig Mem mow tat 'nervy, overwork or ezossees of my Mtn • Bear (a Wed Dr. Williams' Pisk Pine are twine sold is balk, or by the dome or Mis- deed and ay dealer who offers .M.itetes is ale form in trying to ddr%sd yes sad �t he avoids & Ask year O&aise ter Dr. wYR•wi nab Palls ler PGM People mad refuse all wistaria and mbetitam. Dr Wilma' Pink Pills may b. W all erlt 1 .., r &net Icy midi from 1k. Mediabis Cowmen from ether tblirme, .t Smalls •�1 hems six hes for The s pries .1 wish aisle _•ase+ midmidmakes s •.(sees sf t..Monlin o - 11•11111 Mespendm en simpered with easy lum eHm et amAliel treatsM. /EFO11E THE JURY. o.napisaee Cam 1. Ibm wads of TwSI.. Geed iron wad Tra.. (ITrawe, Nov. 21.--ln hie spoil for the d.fene, in the conspiracy trial � day. Mr Slake weal into the peiMnlara of the ones, carefully reviewing end ata. y. tug cash point as he went along. iM good °heraeler of t'uunolly he preempted. and !educed to it in Sttiug ouatreat to the material wltn.•s of the Crown. Robert H. M.Sir.evy, who msec from jail to Notify agalust his brother and was releseed by the Crows fur 15*1 purpose " Why,- meld Mr Blake, " Is nut Sir Hector iangerin a llel in to say what he knows of the matter ! Why are Perky, Rowell, Peaty, 1'agtrail, 1'handler. Larkin, Macre, Peters and -awsoto not called f Because their statetoc:.t• would out cor- roborate th... of Robert Mei irrev, Why was Nicholas I'onnollt to be rma.tl a soaps- guat of ! Are the welt who are the so called nubility of ('alta.la to be left out of the charge while they sit and retain their °Igor* by virtue of this money ! 1 deny any wrouµ on the part of my client, but if there has beau, than a nobleman should sit beside say client. Nicholas Connolly.ught of to be wade suffer for the sins of .dh.rs. Mr. Blake closed with an eloquent p•ro ration, aekiug but justice for his client. and if he got intake he would be found innocent a the charges against him. lir Gisler foilowed ou behalf of the Crown and finished his •ddrese to the jury at • quarter to fire o'clock. Hu presenta- tion of the ease was a str,njt and masterly one. He anul)zd all the ..iffercut puiuts and carefully reviewed the whole ease from beginning to nude Justice Rosie commenced his charge to the jury immediately After intit . 01 to the jury their duties. h. commend I at the begtneing of the charges, which t•.•I*t as far beck ■• 1146*). and carefully revi. ed the different parte one by one. H..: • l e strongly &gaitest the action* of Th.: rias McGreevy, tooth as a harbor (xommissi .:ler and • member of Paraament, in havh .t so clone relations with public controcuev the DeparltueLt of Public Works He also spoke strongly against contractors coutributing to election funds with the view of bring reimbursed afterwards. If that was pruTen in this case an unlawful act was committed As regards Nicholas •'onuolly. if they believed his evidence then the frown case fatted. The jury retir,d t.• their room at tau minutes to eight o'clock. At twenty Mit- toes to eleven, having failed to bring in a verdict, the jury was lacked up for the night. Sir Jolla Thee.psen Dtoed. MosTttgat., Noy 12 -Sir John Thomp- son was tendered a crampliruentary ban- quet by • number of members of the 5t. lames Club, the swell Montreal club, at their club house last evening. The dinner was intended as a personal compliment to the Premier and was irresp[ective of poli- tics. The guests included both- Conserva- tives and Liberate. Sir DortaM Smith presided and over a hundred guests par- ticipated. In addition to the Premier, Sir A. Caron. Sir Cbarles H. Tupper. Hon A. R. Angers and Hon. Mr Onitnet were present. Adidas About Camellias. The camellia L a plant of Tigosers growth, often forming a large head on a wood •• suburb of London Among those comparatively small sized stem. bat its .present were M Ids Sisal, Rnteiaa Arnicas by no means a plant patting teeth such *odor to great Britain and 'speaker Peel groes roots as one .might suppose. It L a bad practice to overpot camellias, and Hisses w Msaameass 1). A. Campbell. North writes : 1 mama pram Dr. AflYalas Pick PUL tee kidty. My dseghter was • terrible satires with eke baiseb hr twelve loat % and so medical aid meld relieve her, bat, by the tnof two ham d your PIBk sic l. esspleM1/ owed." Fres all Molise ot by man at 50.' a boa oe sir boxes for 119.60. Beware of tritatioas. Dr. Williams' Med. Co., Brookville, ilei. 1894. Buyer's Magazine. ILL U'8TRtrTH2D. Haae•gi a Mw tiring for 1.91 will esus the character that W made it the favorite 11 Inst rued periodical for the home. Asung We recoils et enterprises uadertekes br the pals bshers, then .i11 appear during the )'ear suyrblr Illustrated papers ou India by Raw 1. Lotto WSage. o• a •sere eos.oss le at co taP011u 4e.. es Germany by Int LTPIllit itwgtow, a Paris by Rm. 11.151 Hasidim Davis, aid on Melte* le Kw.Irgal( RaMlvo- Toa, Amos. the other 'sable fca: unit of ton year will be novels by Osnl*K ou MALWAIII and CHA15e to 1).111.01 tYul' lilt. 11 u perooa•I renealsoence* of W. U. How 'mut. and eight short stories of Western frostier life by ()watt %Vi.TL*. dhoti Norms w•11 also M ooslrlbut d by DAMMAw Marurwa Rlcaaan HAIDIMO Davos Maar E. WILs.xe. RCVS Mcix*aY art' ANT. Mtge LAt•OR..yea AI.wa Tatyana. Oaelnl A. Hisiasu. qe ten•T nu W.1e.111- 1AIOR Teoxas N4LOOS PAu& end others. Artlde. oa tupi. s of curt rat lute. est will be contributed by dlsemsguiel.ed .pcetellma fitarbl sof Mr Hobert Moder. Loxbo!. Nov '2'2. -The body of Sir Robert Rorie % late British Ambassador to Russia, was interred yesterday at North - of the lion of t'umluon+. The Prince of Wales and Lord Reethery sent reprseenta- that L wbyit appears strange such large rives. planta occupy apparently &Mall pots It I MOCarthea Appeal iad.rs.d. M quite true that small sired plants am! Loxons. Nov. 19.-Jnatin McCarthy best potted every second year, but large ;availed yesterday over a meeting of Irish plants in pots and tubs require attention member. held in room 15 of the Hoes of of this kind Once in five or six years, se- Commons. Fifty four members, among cording to size, and some have been them all the conspicuous Nationalists'. were known to grow and produce fine blooms present. They strongly endorsed Mr. Mc- tbaatwere not repotted for a much longer earthy's appeal on the subject of the period. ' ,,t evicted Pears roar &sera caltivattes. w Tenth** Tire. According to the last proceedings of, BRAVER P•. Nov. 2! -A fngbtfulholo- theAxaericau Pomological society. Anjou east occurred at the 1 invernment dam, stands fourth in the lint as being the 1 two miles below this city yesterday. by r best lotted for genital cultivation burned watch six mess were bsnd to death and all gn all over the country. Bartlett coma( several badly injured fader-A seventh body has been re first, glen Angouleme (Duchenne d'Aa conned from the rains a e. irerri1 hotel gonleme) and Heckel. and fourth, Aajoa. Are, and it 45 believed to be that of R J. The Anjou succeeds bothas a dwati and Miller, a lmabeset. an a standard, making aide. thrifty hone and beano' heavy •sops of very iia. fruit What the Vle'IMs say. A New York florist syn that his beet gnomes in winterinu tender roses bas been attained when the earth has been M■rdered fan Me Sioo.v. drawn tip around, not over, the plant. its„ Morins. la. Nov SA. -Miles Mark, before the ground freezes. When frees- aged fifty years. was dee m.rad sad nabbed ing seta in, the bonbon are given a thick and his hod burned is IoM boom here mover Of fallen leaves, which ere held in yIesterday. Hark was known to have • plans wick evergreen brascbe•, corn or lag, atm of tummy ie hie possedoa. canestalks, if the grain is all removed, ter any coarse litter which the wind will not easily displace. Professor Massey, in Garden and For- est, advisee all who want a really band- it -one pleat to add to their bedding of tropical foliage to try oessava, G, T, M. Meep D•ieseeed• CaecAoo. Nov IN -!ire destroyed the Chiago and Grand Trunk repair, oil and blacksmith shops at 49th and Johnoon atreese about mine o'clock last night Los $50.000. Seated. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. 1iA1VPKiCS AMII .VI,I ..Per rear. .44 ea HARPICKY 11 ICPK/f 1'. 1 to fd I, kI'Et S I OUNA I'NOPLI. (ep Post,r,a *Yoe 111 s!{ awl.rrif.rrs i a CU t-nited Males. a woad* trail Merin.. Thr Foote mss e r the Maxnllmtn hc,(lu with the !s 1.•e. for Jane mord Urwen•twr or .••rh year. It lean noh.r. le sac itio:.e•,aubre•e pt lees .. dl oft, with the Number current ,.t 1.1.e .doe or n .-eipt . t voter. Sousa t'oin.no..4 ,hal per's .t,ye Mager �.o lo- tkr.c ars ba. clot t, • Dial s••. n i t be .• est br mall. post - „a id. .n t. ceipe of Sues r. r robins°. ('loth Case., for b.adma..Saents each -by mail. poat- eaid. !remittances should be made by Post•.t1cS Money Order or Draft, to avoid chamois of loan. Newspapers are not to ropy One ulrertiar stent wet,,oat the erprrss order of Harper,. Brothers. Address: HARPER & BIU)TIlKRS. New York. That tlawlug Doty. errrawa. Nov. 21. -Deputy Minister of Finance Courtney will visit Washington for the purpose of rioting the Way and Means Committee reba1dIng the Canadian tariff, probably in the hope of preventing any hostile tariff legi.iation that rimy be contemplated by the committee against the Dominion. The fact that the a:mounee ment of Miuister Foster "that the Govern ment is considering the question of re Imposing se export duty on sawlogs" is made simultaneous with the departure of Mr Courtney fur Washington is nut with out Oa significance. Trolley torsos Jail Vara. Tomo0To, Nov. 21.-P. 1'. Bloodworth. dnver of •,jail van, white on hie rouuda collecting primmer,. got in the way of a trolley on 'floor street west. The *wagon was overturned and smashed. Blood worth was very badly injured in the back. and Fireman Harry Leach, who was with him, received injnries which will probably result in the ba. of • leg. Both men are in the hospital. Some plants, such as the Cella or Afri- can lily, which require water constantly while making growth and blooming. mss time be served by piecing the weber to dee sasoer, reaming it frequently be asp op a rontinnoms supply. I. begoiias, Paul Brttsat le wines tib king of all the flowing meta The Qsndida is now the sod, plro14111r mat da...trak er Wachs. W 4 stusi - mg more attention. both [rose the grsw- WM tasd tbo psblto, thea say otast Mort T.1apapha TMke. w..f le 5twRsss gl1lls� 1•urt.AnnuJ' *, Nov. IS. - Treasurer Hayes, of the Knights of Labor, has with- draws kis elignoss agnate General Master W orks's . 1MsderIy rd Weirs Wright and Davila, of the Executive Committee. Or Jumps Grant the Choice. OTTAWA, Nov. 9:'. -Sir James Grant was elected at a Conservative convention last night to be • candidate in the ap- proaching bye election here. The first boot stood : Sir James, gni: R. (1. Cede, 39: Mcleod Stewart. 24. The next ballot was i9 for fair James and 23 for Code, Stewart dropping out. IIld r.etaea Mao Fi.s.rwoos Pants, N.J., Nov. 19.-L the Dlnetnm-A11t ram. yesterday, Mow ties won it.. first asst in1f lot. the steed heat is 9 lei sad the died heat in 1.01 189.1. Iiarper'a Weekly. ILLLTBTR &TIC _ I)Ael sa's W.RRLY 45 beyond al1 qusstiea Ise leadingjoartnl 1. America. In its splendid illustration*. in Its corps of dutiasuiened caa- tribntors and la its rut army of readers. 10 -ptcle liner, it draws on the highest order of .stem• the men best fitted to potties sad training to treat the Ie.dite topics of the day. le action. the most popular .torr -writers iron. tribute to its d Inas tluprb drawings by •be foremost .mails Illustrate its special artle- 5., its stork., and even not hie et est of pub• tic interest: it contains portraits of the dl► tinguiabed nes and woolen who arm making 'he history of tic flan. while sfetW att..tivo i. flren to the Army and Navy, Amateur Sown. sod Muaio at ' Abe Drama, by do- u.gaWnd expltta In • word, Kans.'s *MOLLY oomb1ttes the saws features of the doily paper awl the artistic sod literary quail - 'es of the a.eg•dae with the .0414 critical ehsr.cter of Use review. HARPER'S PERIODICALS • Per Wear* NdRPERS WEEKLY ......... . ....fit ss tIARPZR•S JIIOIZINE 4 to HAKPi' R'S BAZAR ............ . 0 HARPER'S YOUYO PZOPLL. 1 an Postage free anal sobterAsro in at Unita stales. Canada sad Mezloo. 'tire Volumes of thy W4acurT begin with the ant Number for Jasuan of each year. When ••me ie men' ±-'ced. subscription will h. gla with the Number current est the time of re - .•r y. of °rare. hound Volumes of Halu•stis Wr.EKI.Y fr three years back. In neat cloth bin lingwill os se.t by mall. passage mid, or by extortion. free of exprl.se More Idol he knob' d• os not exceed ate dolor per volume', for til 00 per volume. Cloth Cass for each volume, suitable tor binding will be sent by mail, post paid, on re• oslpptt oI 51.00 each. Itemittaacea should be made by Post -office Nosey Order or Draft. tv avoid chance of lose Nerspapres .re .of fo copy this advertise meat without Me express orderHeart= ft I$.Writaas, Address: HARPER & BROTHKRS, New York. NES'" Fall Goods.` BARGAINS. 987 yards of Fall Dress Goods, Tess than manufac- turers prices. A REAL SNAP ! 10 Ladies' Mantles at exactly half price. A small lot of Fancy Plush, $1.20, for 60 cents. DRESS GOODS Hopsacking's, Octogon Cloth, Whip Cords, Serges, Tweeds and other new lines for Fall. We have the finest line of VELVETEENS and VEL. VETTAS in 28 shades and colors, ever shown in Goderlch. is now complet::, and sur pa!).ses any forester year. Wa will cut and flt all Mantle Cloths ovar $1.00, bought from us, free of charge. Our 85c., $1.00, $1 20 and $1.50 Mantlings are great value. 3.25, 450 and Black Astrachans, $2.25, 2.50, 5.00. Blue, Brown and Grey do., $2.25 and 2 50. Ready made Mantles, direct from the mak- ers. Just see our prices. TWEEDS, 30, 35. 45, 50 AND 60 CTS. GREAT VALUE. A big stock of New Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Lace and Chenille Curtains, Rugs and Mats. Highest market price paid for Butter and Mggi.. 5% discount for Cash on close cut regular prices. t WrA first-class Drexs and Mantle Maker up -stairs. On Y3..aee Department nnsla•se. OTTAWA, Nov. 22 -Hon. George Fet- ter was shown • despatch stating that the visit of Mr. Courtney, Deputy Minister of Finance, to Wwbingto nese In coaneotion with the trade question. The Minicar said that Mr. Cosrtiey was at Washington as badness connected with the Depart - meet of Finance. The CreasIng Clow. Analw.1ac110, Out., Nov. 92. - The etesmer C. B. I..ekwood. which was weak Opt at the Lime Kiln crossing on the eve- ning of Nov. 11 by colliding with „the schooner FJisabeth A. Nlebobon, was re ls. sd at i o'clock this morning and pro - seeded at once to Detroit for repairs. COMMENT 114 ENGLAND. Pesch-Caandtaoe M.t gapeet a Wrest slow el Tootling Against Thees, Loewe', Nov. 12 --The Daily News, to areakiag of the attempt to blow ep the Nelson monnaaent in Montreal, says that this is one of the 00011. of the agitation for ..paratios If there is a strong revul- sion of feeling in Canada evilest the French Canadians the re.p1nd5ility NEM epee the ungrateful citizens who profit by England's probotion to Insult all that batmen chains It ie stated se • polities fst that oto of the Rostra] enlpria le • eon a .z -Premier Mercier. This L sig ntlioant is the view of the braised rela- tion. that have (sag existed between the P e•oh and Bridal) 10 Canada rs.ar.este ..*'.ores. Mecum CerT N.v. 1R -Oe. Ys1W14 the &Me et Moshe. tele- graphs that the hienie8 in (Semens sairremdered rgs-All/ sally to General Drava TTM Qotk of (Soli M a deny Old ram. (hsm4sioser Franey. of the NMB Out ft le Aosbttlll le It r trrp•tlll1 lM MtalWa depsesss■t te is whoa calor M Yr otiose. Ing se Alert to effort a setttotemat t.akigb Valley Write. Ar m rike- *1m of the . i ,J j a1m.es Withdraw. in,.noe, Nov 12. --The Rt.anderd's .°r- respondeet in Madrid mays it is reported in political aid military Girds there that the Riffs have withdrawn to the interim in obedience to the eossYa of the Sul tan's brother 1894. Harper's Bazar. ZLLUBTR A.TED. HANrga's Hisao Its • journal for the lama It gives the Wino and Iats•et fa/ort•atlw about raobbsa...d !tis sonorous Ina.tratbsa. Ostia dealgms. and patters -sheet espptotae&N .re Indiapettesble alike a the hoar _lies maker and the professimal sotllr. oto... pense is spared to nuke It tractive• nese of the highest order. its beide 40.1450 asuMsg comedies. sed thssgSthd sways est - wry all tartest. and its test page Is fawns as • boned of wit sad humor. 1a its weekly lame•s merrthiegs laetriles which Lof Micron to women. 77n modals for 56 win be written by Witt UN Burg and WALT= BM*.v. ghort aeries w1U be write's N Mane 5. Wit. tient Mara• LOUISE Pool. ROTA MciwllaT *rosier. Matsow Haar.a)rq and ethers. trot - door Sports sad le -door Bases. Social rater- talottentt, Embendry sad Weir 5aterwatiag tepees wdl11wt1Nveessrant.tt.ato•. A now .arils is ... ask e es oowe sad Rspsrtss.' HARPER'S PERIODICALS P.r Tet' t HA RPM'S GAZA R at 00 114 RPNIllt 1741 RPRRS YO�t PNOPLS.. ' I a py8op Pres N .n ..some w.r. fa sine Med t#dss. iJ.sedd - mad MerFva The Velma, of the (taut begin wit► the Mat Iftsembar ter Jams, me rteachne Woe it moistened. est roar- Whh l with the ntsbir sorrow .t t*s maid Ieempt «wrier p .t Haargre's BARAM Mr tSr. t peIneatsnegeat dash nudist. �w+isgl, five' eftespous• pre.lded Tr&n rhht'do.s sat emend wee espouse per vowlegwsmta. tar R.In pe ire=. the Msl45et mat by matt poatew� for recall* « *amok • Ramidembe Mend be made by Pest -ens* Kam Order or Drag to avant Amer «rasa N .,v um adeeeesr ewer nt M ow Oda impose one swine of HAaraa k Rrsyresem. AMree : HARPIR t 11ROTtH TR . w 5.0458104 ar eeesm. Lonny,, Nov. M. -The 1D.i2y !taws ear respondent is Park war ne deplanes ham *Meted the $o 404 .8 Calviobn user.- tory of the l'balber. toe first Mentos, of the kind an r.eald at the Palate Bitarbos." J.b. lioness /ll Lotions. Mew flitChler �*e-�l.'k. yeondltNs 0f Jobs who 5..aferteg wish • Will. bl weal& Rin Myren' my Fever, Ilia his Ai sees le not serious. FOREST 6ITY BUSINESS AND SHuRTHAND 6ULIALi 1. ut t1uNDON, DOIeB N CDT need to hold oat such Indnormenu as the psi anent of raitroa•l fare, guar- anteeing noaitkon•, &e.. is order to secure your patronage. WE DC) otter re.tt the most practical and thorough drilling in all business *objects which it is po ssib• ' to obtain. We have the largest att.•daace and the most cou.plete School in Canada We lollop soar patronage leder upon the grouted of our superior training. '.4.10.. m guaranteed or comes refunded. Inborn. got sa per wink., tatalogttc fire. J. W. WHSTORV1ij1LT, Prinoipal. Walt a Bit Z LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP! Facts are so scarce in this world that it is possible to live a good many years without becoming acquainted with one. Here is owe : THEY A R E PLEASANT TO TAKE YET POWERFUL TO CURE 111111NITIMIIIII LM MO. iii 5111711 A NIL tugantiel s mmeee r reek sed emirs the epees lbellassed Meg mi thr lows ielal4,work 14 orsbto sm� ' s��i .skmtt aa. r soma Amt Tae Mee We've been busy as bees ever since we started business. The reason is obvious: We have made your needs our study, and are keeping up a feast of good styles and good values, and in buying your Boots and Shoes from no you get better value for your money than you can get elsewhere. You will be delighted ' with the good. qualities of our goods. We have a choice se- lection of Ladies', Mutes and Chil•iren's Oxford Tie Shoes. Thousandsto choose from All other lines complete and guaranteed to fit, to wear well, taxi give entire malefaction. Our prices aro the lowest. Save money while yon can by buying your Boots and Shoes from T T. FOWLER it OO /Tint San Rat el J. Wileen'e Dry ' Stere. It is not Sawdust 5 5 t We use in making INDURATED FIBRE WARE. Some people think it is, but they are mistaken. We use nothing but the longest and strongest Wood Fibre, pressed into shape without sham or joint of any kind, and Indurate it by a patent pro- cess which renders it impervious to heat, cold and liquids. INDURATED FIBRE WAR imparts no taste or smell to its contents` and Ls the test, tightest, sweetest and most durable lare ever made. Ask for EDDY'S. "r1