HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-11-30, Page 2T THE SIGNAL: GODRRI('H, O"T., THTTRSDAY, NOVEMBER 40. 1893. TP..efl a t;» uKAMD TRUNg IL _ r tat natr ...t.. arra drprt Iwa t tutu SLIM ase. .......... tis wa . K>, press ................ .. t.N a.m. sun .:.'Y yea: ::::........... . a,ls p.m. ;wart. .1. pts. 0c. MNICHOsLuSnOdaNrd, LRS•-DENNraTs •AetL .si.eesmAlcppo.1Is PMstdOOae. anasethesies os bed tot Maeks*etree.- ties o mere.17. DR.i RICHARDSON, L D. 8., ee�w��s�sp dentist. ( mid vitalised Ir adwnsfeseeasfor Mucthe ./f atsonthr glveo w th.e prosery tie Ytird Igosh rwm.e Ca tjdOprw tjotras Hlott. corse .ceMt- J Medical. DRS. WHITELY a HUNT&. 011assedOrand ttpr s Howse. OodsrlI ,. DRS. SHANNON r SHANNON, gaga *enema Accoochers. ac. ts. r, guasYtrs.-Ite.ideo.e. Napier -et neer. gaol. J. It jnt•\]eN.-r.sideisce \eerie. opp. Model Schad Leta. (1AMPI('N .t JOHNSTON, BARRIS- lJ tors. Soialtass, Nutersea a... Uoderieb. Oaltoee-Over Jordan s !armoire- H. CAM tN►N. U. C.. M. O. JULDIer1'O5• Monet to 23- wn. _ LOFT lS K DANCEY, B.IItRiSTER ebliciter, Cuwre) soder, ac-. etc. Moe 57 to lean a. lowest rats. Home Hleoit, ills Lmei Cops -roc Hotel. bedrock. Oat. --•It EN. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PRt►C- . toe In Maritime Olerts of 'Jarario O Ice -South Colborne Low. C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, .tc. R. Office, coiner of Spare and Wee street Ooderich. over cc-wraithmee.inPr' van Funds to lend at "es: t`+ ter eatPOO- - ARROW •6if etARROW & PKOUDFOOT, BAI1- riMen, Attorneys, &Meter5. kr.. (lode doh. J. T. Garrow, Q.C.. R. Proodtoot. OAMER;)N, HOLT & HOLMEs UVJ Dar -W are. Soltettun le Ciaae.ry, he, Goliath*. M. C. Camerae. 4C. ; P. Bolt ; Dudley Holmes. 0. WARD, CONVEYANCER, el. tc., and oomtniadenerfar%eking rind re tan wiring reonitniese of b•+1, ado a. it. of Srrmntioru, depositiona or solemn declare - Om in or concerning any atop. suit . r pro yin the Hytb Caput of Justice. for of Appeal for Oman.. et to any tomo, a[ vtdue (conn. All iramettwns modulo odic empaly ezeca:ed. alliNts OOne . en matt 1.01!1111 illia IVIONaEY TO LOAN. I*01* -sSl $23 O()1.o.00 t roads to per c u- •oney. 141:41.18 fit DANI'LT. button's block. oppo.tte Coib c.. Hotel. 4ederieb. e0: it FJ. T. NAFTKL, FIRE, Lura AND • •ecide•t insurance tot ; at lowest rule.. 010oe-Cor. North..ttad rlpnare. God - snob. 11- ¢b00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO e'PP CAMERON )loLr a DOLNY9. Oode- rich. 1755 MONEY TO LEND. -A L A It a 1 amount of Private rad[ ter Isvenne•t at Iowan rates on 'retc1mnsetgyes. held) to OARRO W A PROIJ DPOOT RRADCLIFFE, ODERAL IN - Ay. . surance, Real Hama and Mosey Loaning Asyut. Osly Ancien oswpariee Segmented. Mosey to lad os sars4 Isaas, at t Ise lowest tate 0110.5101 joint, 1a wy to reit t .5 emcee. Oioe-1.. deer bee Swam Was Htrati .tode- SEAt)ER, AGENT FOR THE V. LONDON ADD 'DAN. x ly. ' AXt, Of Loo - Ma. Ked.isd. One of the ahs[ and strongest Ike insurance a •oOttta:.is :s Ike world. In - red rd A.D. 17111. Amu over elahteeo mHliow dollars. A share of business Is ts- spe.tfully solicited on Moll of the above Company. 1 am prepared b .hake loans at ogee w Good i,o st or ,utrtseetet at loweesett colica[ •area. Odioe opposite .tlrrti. s Hotel. Oadcaick C. t1I4►UKK. Amason...me % THOMAS ell NDRY, AI-CTIONEER and insurance .Meat. Uoderich, Oat. Anent London and bent -mitre Fin tss Co.. sed (hOre District >tul .al Is. Co. Sable at- araded fp in any part of the county. pry TOH1 KNOX, GENERAL AUC- tbsaer sad Land r►•Wor, Ooderleh, m�aai. Haws had emotion* e[pellenoe to f•eattet serift toad erough so�M coshia all s 141 entrusted to his, erases left at 's Hotel. sr mat b rW M Us oddree�, X Comae A ai m t MattHp Meet>Mhs. IYANADIAN ORM OF HOME l.1 Clnles.-aodrlch Lti* p* tett meets Wed Monday of each TIM gorge�t[ dek ik10 Dental' Aafkor1M01.IIt. TEETH ENTRACTE!) WITHOUT PAIN mT ewe: . s• o► •r DR. E. RICHARDSON'S 840,TaL r•rtdmot Grum Noun MAW MIT STREET CIODIELICI, olri'. wlt,4 satire., rlon. .her a In tee mnet e•tatrwe• hthil an 1 •e.e.irsd I lay.. , he slaty anti I�1 ro la eter,e4 oke latest i11� [Fisc idaf►.rr.�•aahi, trtei .ever rreiv wed OM lisle jys' jmmast DTZ-1Rl1RP1eP0 ik113./Wsa w rain. 1111011100 UM +w THE CHILDREN'S ROOM. Row pese-efel .l tight TI. Lii••s.l•ea children I* garb pestle bast r . light E.sapiss Iib • wLs www tru»Ni ream the nevem. how tab, i Vo,,ee I. sotnl) vetoes Mend VI Lice ...sad. ars these .roses 1' I at vet -tooth POI h HMS had? 11 l..... 1.5.1,5 wn .less that leer t)rerescl,'01! .wed Lead? r1-..•11111• lips can.. it.. boy sad girl.? %11...o ansrrw stn.►. thegualva curl0 arc tow )esraleg eyes. An.l obese the temeddirg tear? rant i. this (hat cries. new., Mott loud 10 hear? N•',rr bet the mos h. r'e, is it hose Lace L..v el.•.w• it •.+.vtoy t dw riling ;.:ac.t lass h..t.. h. Iw:uly biome. -tad Leaves *eats duty n Its Ilabt. It•7ti.•h lingers to the nose • W t.ene 0* 1.her Nays, "Uu.d nlgl.l." N.)" reusing* by the dr.:vets thee.. lire ser) mamma seeing • pro)er. -Buffalo Cusnuwrelat WILL AND I • 1 I•a.i iwtii sitting at ray desk for a full hour, engaged in the lau.lable.x-cu- pation of doinig nothing. In spite of my trouble. what wonder then that 1 drifted 7s into reverie, ami my thoughts re- ver►wl Ra sd•lly pleasant e•truspw.•t? Qucti aures it was winter -the sunny New Orleans winter -and Will and I were together. t recalled the hours passed in rea:Iine aud ..riling and Inu- itf; the drives and walks and theaters. Thr tt:"st minute and trivial incidents r cte r••d t., my mind, and 1 found ray- v.•l.r smiling at tine r."collect ou of a o'er• t21111 1.m;:. narrow•, Oen. /lewdly dark pa -sage or alleyway .41 Hoyal street, up which we.gLins-d one tight. and which Will, with his !.right stud quick sense of humor. immediately christened "Jack the !tipper's court." TI'i. is not a sen.ttinnal story that 1 nut i.'• tut to te11. 1 warn my readers ID advance that there is nothing star- ting or wildly marantic in it. From start te finish it ie a rimjle "ti.•rtrue tale." And yet it was romantic t.sn. There was a tinge of romance, after all, when 1111 asktd rue to become his wife, to merry him in seen 1. We had berg betrothed for a year, and he was far feast strong. His health was under - tensed, and a horrible fear oppressed him that he would be taken away. In the prime of bis manhood, with life and hope and happiness all his, it was an aw- ful tboughtee "Constance," he said one uight as we stood on the moonlit gallery. with its luxuriant rose cines and the great yel- low roses clambering up to shake down Uttar showers of fragrauee in our face.., "toy darling, be my wife now! Why sh••uld we wait, dear nue? There isnoth- ing betwe•u our liver and happiness but the bugbear of poverty. and I shall have a fortune when 1 am 30. 1 shall lee 30 next September, Constance, if -if I live." l- .mefhing in the sweet, tender voice twele me glance rip swiftly into the brave, dark eyes. Beautiful, tendereyes, where are you now? Where are you tielay, 0 Will? Hidden away forever from the sight of my (-ve., from beyond the despot my arms -sone, gone -I feel it, believe it -to that Beautitui, veiled. 1:rLtht world. Where the glad glue-ls meet. Something in his voice *nude any heart ache. Why do you speak so sadly?" I asked "� y him. "Never er mind the fortune, Rill. 1 care nothing for that, if you are only spared to me." "I know it. dear, tender little heart,' hu answered softly. "You are the only trite w an in the wort'', Constance. Bet 1 wanted to tell you ll am supersti- tione I admit it) it was prophesied that 1 e hall die before I am 30." • • N onseuse!-' I cried sturdily, "that is tie er superstition, and it is very wrong W believe in it, dear. No one knows the future. 1 would never think of that again if i were yon." 1 tried to guineas 1 spoke -to shake off the strange feeling that world oppress me, try as I might -but all in vain. Die before 301 My true hearted. noble Will, with his sonny smile and tender dark eyes' I would not !,rlieve it. It w1, absurd. So I laughed at his fears as fadishness and tried to make him for- get. But he was far from strong. and that ono glimpse of what might be in store for us -the awful parting that might come -made me decide. 8o 1 promised that night to become his wife at once and "in secret and silence," as the old song says. Everything was made ready, and on the following night -the night before his departure -we were quietly marries! in a quaint little old church in one of the retired streets of New Orleans. And Will and 1 belonged to each other for time and eternity. The sad farting came next day -and he vent tack to his northern home, while 1 returned tomy work, brightened only by the hope of meeting in the sum- mer at quiet Long Beach. 1 am not a sap er titioos woman. 1 haul laterite(' at Will for his own dread of the snpertatnral and his belief in a prophecy. hat we !tad not been parted a whole month when something very cu- rious happened. Will had written to me every day, such dear, sweet letters that they did my begirt good -kept it alive, in fact. Rut for those lettere 1 would have given op my hold Dpyn hops and would have succumbed to despair. Hut one day no letter came. 1 felt a strange sinking at the heart -an awful peruse of depression; darkness gathered over my life. Swipense-hope deferred; thew. are the two emotions which serve to kill the human heart, to darken and blight existence. That night 1 went oat on the little gallery where we had pace ed so many happy hours. The melon watt bright, and one star shoos in the bps vault above my head -ane that Will had long ago denigrated "oar star." My heart arm eruebed and heavy. 1 stood leaning against ens of the col- • 11, which eeppneted the galley, the ensipt qt tie rw that ha tarsi egad ' _ _skied air 911110"41111%Pah: 11, mounds/. A cola brave crept over ray check, like a breath friar the grave. i turned my eye's, and [ben be:ore me in the cad mounitght stood Will -my husband. With a wild incredulous cry ce delight and rapture. 1 flung my arms about hha only to grasp empty airl No one was there! Will was gone! 1 tell to the gallery fluor and lay then like a dead woman. Rhes 1 opened any r+ew, the 1110011 wah -hiuing .town upon Itae, just as vain[ umd veld and imperial as ever. I struggl.sl to a sitting posture and gazed wildly ,tarot me. What did it moon? I was not at all superetitietis, yet 1 felt that i hail *cm uis husband that night. Just es truly es 1 had ever beheld but face in my life. The next day -no letter, and the next, still no letter. Ob. Cie anguish of hope deferred! The time had come mow for rue ?et go to Lung Beach, as I had promteed hila 1 would beep my word- no nutter bow hard it might 1"•, ! would go there. if lie -if that hideous prophecy hand r• t l + come true -at all events, 1 we01,1 my promise -my last promise to him. Sat 1 went. Oh, the long. dreary, inter- minable days, with only the monotonous waters before me. the bine, blue ekv and g.ddeu sunshine always the sante. 11 made my heart faint and sick. 1 had written and written letter after letter. titin (10 rrapotu+e. I felt that he was dead. And 110 1,110 could tell me, be- cause low could his friends in the tar distant north know aught of the south- ern woman whom he hail secretly wed- dtel? And so the dreary, endleits days dragged by, and I still lived. heartbroken sod helpless. I will nerer more laugh at superatitioo. steres. Last Welt 1 saw him again. 1 hail gene down to the !teach i1, the moonlight stud walked .lowly and sadly up and down the white stretch of and at the water's edge. All at once I saw another shadow mingle with n.v own upon the ut.,onlit beach. 1 came to a halt and sawAtt my side --W111. With a wild cry I attempted to grasp his area, but there was no one there. I went lack to the house and passed the night in pacing up and down the Phew like a mad woman. Today is his thirtieth birthday, or would have been, but : feel that my darling is no more: that the visions 1 bare seen were warnings sent me of his fate. Would Will have ceased to write me -me -his beloved one -if be were alive? I believe that I shall see the phantom once again., and then -then -1 shall go. too, for I feel that it is his spirit that has come back for me. e • • • • • So i have been sittiug herein the morn- ing sunlight thinking of the past. Can one wonder greatly that uty- pen lies idle and utterly refuses to produce the love tales of others? Is not my own lore story as sad a oue as I can ever write? 1 hear the 'sound of wheels and glance listlessly from the open window at my side. A carriage has stopped before the gate. Two men are assisting a third to alight. They are bringing him slowly up the walk to the house. He is evi- dently very ill. Why does my heart throb so weakly? I am too weak to stand -to take a step forward. Olt, i will not allow myself to be deceived by mad, vain hopes! . They reach the house at last and as- sist the feeble forms up the steps of the broad gallery into my presence. Oh, pitying heaven! It is Rill -Wall, pale and spectral, a weak, frail invalid, but Will all the same. It i, some time before I fully reevover from this tian.•e of happi- ness, and then the truth is made known He had been very ill with brain fever. Ne one coned write tome because they knew nothing of me or my address, and he was rating in delirium. As soon a, he was able to attempt the journey he had acct ont to return to me. It was all ended now -that dreary separation. Upon his thirtieth birth- day, oh, se happy and hopeful, my Will heel come back to me, never to (rave fns again! "1 shall never more laugh at any one for being superstitious." 1 said the next day. gazing into the deep, dark eyes of the loved one so happily restored to me. -Thank heaven that my superstitious fears were not realized." 1 have never been able to account for that strange illusion. To this day 1 can- not snake op my mind what it was that i had seen. But it waa not Will's ghost. and that is all 1 care to know, after all. -Toronto Mail. Tie Ite.f Tea Yallaey. Ono 0f the hardest notions for the nn - trained nurse to give up is that beef tea is a valuable nate iment_ The recent as- sertion of a writer in The American Lancet that thousands of sick persons have been starved to death on beef tea is only a summing up of what physicians and expert nares have been trying to impress upon the minds of the laity for some time. Beef tea is a stimulant, slight and evanescent, bot to "live on beef tea," which has been the shibboleth of tetany a sickroom, is impassible. And The Lancet further cunnsels that if it moat still be made and trsed to perform its very limited .ertioe, to remember that, like plain tea. it abonid never be boiled. That iluthma of making contributes a positive Wo. -that of indigestibility. �Y0m11md pmrttewh.'s meteor. 1 MMM Lorre became the recognised -w1lgbse of sardonic humor, and the obtained mown than his share of questionable notoriety. Many of his imputed stories are obvionaly adapta- tions. A former friend who met him in Lon- don is said to have accosted him with the remark: "Don't you remember me? i need to know yon in Australia," and to have met with the rebuff, '.Yes, and when i meet you again in Australia i shall he happy to know you " Rut this b a mem echo of George Selwyn's rave ,nark under like elecnmstanswe, "1 Merl be pleased to wkaa tads impli1041. RY Goff0aidE lilt fllre best Shorfietiiwp for al 1Cookie, peiArpo.h• • RUE _ .E rogy. 0110 «NE is tits tz ei_i 1 S AwtR matte . Pkysiciduul ftpublarelt An QLD O Mat uric ret/otifitt+/ef..li� of 'too rrti ch richness.. front fool eoekeai its. lard. rRY Tqd cooked in. CQTToLItNs IS delicate, delicious, hesithko1,comforfi 5. DOYOU use COTTOLtM.; Dade .sly by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO.. W eilington and Ann Streets, MONTREAL. b'.tnr b7. Heil a splendid fellow. Still, you can not Lely .oufeseing that half a doom girls are Lot -ling to manage w hen compared with that small object in the Lluewtlor suit, who rattles a stick against the railings as he cornea dos n the street from school, stopper to throw a spit ball at the parlor w•asdow• of Mrs. Jones, a brick at Mise Tabbs'a pet cat, and an apple, which has not [,used out S s t r exterior promised, at the obedrged, yelluw backed part,: on l:aptaia Cumfry's front porch. l ou have tried to give him pretty tuna tars, hat in spite .f ail your efforts, be be have so rudely that may ooe who did not Mew hint as well as you do night fol to as abut he is the Sliest boy to the world. in fact. neighbors *omentum complain of hun oheu be wa•ches their little girl's dolls away, or climb their garueo fences to pick the fruit from none pat tree which has borne too crooked peaches with wormholes in the odea this year, and has so excelled it self. (1h ' bow you try to keep him tidy how you dress him like a chrlsttttaa doll in a Nee fork chow window' Look at him now white on huelbow, wihe too his knees, black on his tinger..brown oa hu nose, and yellow on his toes. The white is from thenew build trig : the black is from the smith's at the eros sing ;t he brown comes from flattening his nose araioat the panes at the popper factory and the yellow pro, ea that when they spilt the box of yellow ochre at the paint shop he found it necessary to walk through it %rhea you get nearer you wilt find that he is also lilac, green and orange, for he perch- ed on the paint store counter, and set there ten minu:os. 11'here is his hat! ;one • He threw it et the tipsy num on the hotel steps, whe kept it. 1'ou will have to patch him ex terulvely, and scour him with turpentine to night, although that suit is just one week old, for he has poked among the old casks at the cooper's, and climbed the ladder at the carpenter's, and had a tight with th- La:cher's son --that is blood on his oollar and done a thousand forbidden things since he left school. His atlas is torn, his slate cracked, " the place' torn out of his history, and lamps of chewing gum fasten the pages of his copy book together. R'heu you are mending h s clothes tmnight, you willfind in the pockets a variety of things that will pisses you. You will tine a piece of cheese he asked the grocer for a *ample for you x dead mouse, some tafty. a duck's egg of last month's nest, sane but for fishing, a little yah, some books, a paper of gunpowder and fipe matches And as you work he will go into the store room, eat sugar from te basin with a spoon, "snoop" preserve., burn has shoes by putting them on the hack of the stove to dry, put the kitten in the oven to scare her, and throw the new arri.al in the kitchen into spasms by putting on one of the weedy ironed sheets and playing ghost in tt in the coal bin in the cellar. He is sure to smash a window pane, and to break a goblet, and you are glad when he talk asleep oo the parlor sofa and can be conveyed up stain in a bewildered coo ninon, to he induced into his cantos flannel n ight gown, and oared to say his prayers n early hall way through before he is so far gone that uttera•os fails him. Then you tuck him in and kiss him where his curb grow thick upon his forehead as his father's did in the "old onartnng days ;" and though you know that there are people in the world who might call him a dreadful boy, he is the apple at veer eye. s:paeAeM. " I've beep riding On the elevated for five years, and i've sever rind a lady a seat. " Then you've sats bad any mascara ' "That hal it. I've mover hada seat." TIE SET TO MEWL 17nliwks all the el&spa avennes of the Bow,la. Kidneys and Liver, carrying off g.sdually sMMO weakening the sys- tem. all the i...44Ys and fool humors sighs secretion[ at the same tins Corti AOi the Soo Armo WLER'5 VXToF WILD i �TRAWBErt _1_ cu''' RA CHOLERA- ORBV S� D,ARR,10E A DYSENTERY G . ../'J " .e� EVERY DAY MAXIMS. steep Simar•d's LAslseesal 1n the 10.sse. Time te not a weed to kill, but a flower to cultivate. Nothing is so hard to forgi3e as the injury done to the other fellow. The man who Muni, kisses wi' b interest doesn't .rumble at the usurer. November is April to a jolly man. A sonny heart oarries its spring with it. The Eastern fable fits Ametieaa polities : better a wise enemy tine a foolish frieed. The man who whistles " t►ysy Bell " is a nuisance, bot he isn't apt to be a murderer. Ituet mistake softness for tenderness. The former is an the head, the latter i1, the heart. Most (dks see the time when a miller lotlsre w .akin'[ look as big as a lack of the baby's hair. Prompt, potent and permanent, results always ooee from the use of lUilburn's Aro- „ &tie Quinine. Wine. 1m The tut of tell.og the truth in business transactions, i. not as thriving as imdwtry, •. • With eiviliration demands. WINTER COODS The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the atest and beat Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times prices at The Toroolo Cash Store P. O'DEA, Manager. MOLEOD'S >YSTEd REONVATOR •ND OTnaa TNA D RZY.Dtga. SPecifiu and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dys Perm, slesplewnew, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, loss of memory, bronchitis, oosenmption, gall stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary diseases, St. Vitus' dance, female irreg- ularities and general debility. LABORATORY, (OOBRIAN, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Ma0ataeturer. McLean?* 81-11T101 RavovATen can lie dab from all dtown. as well as from an the drugs leta bet wee Owen Sound and Seatortk, Kronen, Derham [rand Tnewels 1ta7 Le. PLANING MILL ISTAIILISIRO MSS. Buchanan & Son, U• NU/ ArT1-1111:1111 SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers 1s all kinds of LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES Aad baitder'se material et every description School Farnitare a Specialty. TYRO IS YOUR TAILOR ? This te • pertinent question and one to which cos should gip thought. DOES RE SUIT YOU ? 1f am, you can easily gm eat iefaotien by collies at DI}NLOPS 1IfOkllM WEST STREET. A i�eg. gea•tity of SRAMAD CL( it em bend will tr d10p•sisa d at whatever they wfa hi.g. an early *ad so %row H. DUNLOP. nip GEM BOUM trill►.. , LOAN NERVINE TONIC StomachlLiver Cure The Most Astonishing Medical Discovery of the Last One Hundred Years. It is Pleasant to the Taste u the Sweetest Nectar. It Is Safe and Harmless as the Purest >tilk. This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introdu,.ed into this country by the proprietors and u:anufacturere of the (:rest South American Nervine Tonic, and yet it* great value as a curable agent has long been known by a few of the most learned pb)sieirns, who have not brought its merits and value to the knowledge a the general public. This medicine has completely solved the problem of the core of inti. gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system. It is also of the greatest value in the euro of all forms of failing health from this whatever cause. It performs by the great rvine tonqualities its which it possesses, and by great cnratile powener. upon thice,ligtstite organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No ret.''edly eompal'es with this wonderfbllly valuable Nervine Tonic as a built:se and strength_ ever of the life forces of the human body, and ns a great renewer of a broken-down constitution. It is also of more real pennatent value in the treatment and sire of diseases of the lungs than any consumption remedy ever used on this continent. It is a marvelous cure for nerv- ousness of females of all ages. Ladies who are appmaching the critical period known as change in life, should not fail to use this great Nervime Tonto, almost constantly, for the space of two or three years. It will (carry thein safely over the danger. This great strengthener and curs- tive is of inestimable vshle to the aged an.l infirm, because its great energizing properties will give them a new hold on life. It will add ten or fifteen years to the lives of many of those who will use a half dote' bottles of the remedy each year. IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Broken (•onatitut ton, Debility of Old Age, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, Weight and Tenderness in Stoma,. it, Loss of Appetite, Frightful Dreas, Dizziness anm ti Ringing in the Ears, Weakness of EJltremitiwa arid Fainting. Impure and Impoverished Blood, Boils and Carbuncles, Scrofula, hcrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, Consumption of the Lungs, Catarrh of the Lungs, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Liver Complaint, Chronic I)iarrhtea, Delicate and Se'rofulous ('hihlrcn, Sommer Complaint of Infants. All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nervine Tonic. Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous 1leadaebe, Sick Headache, Female Weakness, Nervous Chills, Paralysis, Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous Choking, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of the Heart, Mental Despondency, Sleeplessness, St. Vitus' Dance, Nervousness of Female', Nervousness of Old Age, Neuralgia, Paine in the Heart, Pains in the Back, Failing Health, NERVOUS DISEASES. As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, wbi,.h its very pleasant aad harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest anti meet delicate individual. Nine tenths of all the ailments to which the huwaa family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood. a general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when oke right kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all the power t which h the vital fn tree of the body are carried on, it is the first to suffer fur want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment neeessary to repair the wear our pr*ae'nt monde of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- rangement Can erste w•r.•ae TSP.. Aug fe . 'et Rnavva ern meow. r.f browssvaae7. !rid. To sir Q...r Swat; A o.e*s1.a Msdsr,., Co. .ay • : • • 1 bad bees In a distressed condition for Du. Utters: -I „die to sal to 70. alar 1 these fro. !reeve miscue= of the case *.*red fete asu7 7r0r..Itb a v�7 eretoYs 7.,,. genre•. dir0ss at tee stoma b rad tsar rs 1 t AM *sw7 aweaeb. D7.pryrts. sad tas/=tba, *5107 [.rives i IotaM hear of. bot ao*My doss oo issue ass g'o... 1 1104 ices deeto.bg so.- sta0tl7, .Ili eo relief. I ',ought o a booth of bate American 7i rviae• wkleb dose nos con good Mae Y7 tee worth of dodor..g 1 ever rd to my tee. 1 would advise every .setly per. sou 10 tree oba valuable and lovely remedy : a /•w bottles or It eau cared me r.=passsly. 1 eambletto the grandma _adeno in tis woA4." nay appreciable gond mil 1 row adr,rd to try your Oast South American Nervine Toast and aroma* and Liver line. Yd dare unlet Normal button of It 1 meet sal that 1 am sae• pried at It. .00drrf.l powers 10 rare the moul- ted" and gresral aereou• system 1f er.ryem 11 -ow rbc ranee of *hie remedy s. 1 du y um amid not be able to mei; las dammed. J. A. sines, bau s... Montgomery Ow A SWORN .CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE ON CHOREA. •('RAWYORDOvILI.n, LSD., June My daughter, eleven yearn old, was severely affllettld with 111. Vitus' !lanes er Chorea. We gave her three end one-half bottle* of South Atnerksn `Cer- vine and she is completely restored. i believe It «111 cure every ease of St. Vitus' Dance. I have kept It in my family for two years, and am sure it is the greatest reined y in the world for indlgeetlen and Dyspepsia, and for all forms of Nervous Dboeders and Falling Health, from whatever (sum. Stene of lisdlana Jose T. ![Sas. Montgomery t ounty, } .0 Subscribed and sworn to before me this June Cues.. W. Watosn, Notary Publke INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Tonic Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility of the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of incal- culable value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ex- perience and testimony of many fro to prove that this is the tins and ONLY Owl great cure in the world for this universal destroyer. Then is no case of unmlignant disease of the stomach which esa resist the wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. Hat It BALL. of Waystrie e. fad. .a7e: .. 1 ass. my NM to the great astb American Nerds, I W bees le bad tar ass maths ham the egrets et as sebausted stomach. 1 Mem Pretas, *teMog10 sad a general 1SIMmeet TheMew& Had Owe* dnad tried tits* ttle et the m n h s.. 1 Ise 7tsala Improved mem emelt that 1 er Mayes Ima sot itr lytta A $tango. eM law sae hoe's aye: "1 onset s[prsss bow wM 1 orae te1M Ilervlee Teak. Y7 .yAsw w.e esmpbaeV art - Wad, appetite ger. was etwaghr* sad *Med p Mead: sea gnat I ear b for nest dye e1001.�eeT..rsimpone. r is*MN.•ar emodeel ens: team oboist. w .bow bottles mired e= - "- M a�•tr- shoot ah me•grs and r wlmub -er hs n r gra bMs�tas' Ahs Ig the wesld t r Ib. �a sem neemmagt It awe tagsit 1 base t t•• w riwsm. ifo ea• awes si areas ifs• r •ewe ter tie 0.',,.- H. rrm1�a0* Maar Mob eelelaa Nsyslnr es • wondrous ewe brine Ms.'ssm N. It army •w is e esrpass rpm Mer Americas MegvW r s ores M ea bre d �,� hmaslb. It eeve. MIs ewe Islimeeloo .ad Dpapopels Ta Senn to sun Chorea or sat v0•e' buss ire t bu • a�ep the D"M/epeysetMe•ss/ to ess is ems estrum*. It .w Os MS. w roeo01.. 4 am thee V res d., rte taerristaee�eer the soy .Ma . Me aged asd Mara. i wwnw y.� besbealdb Fegr Aarkoe great ettteat 1101,1100 w M wst�net eery Merica[ to M• iasis Mira I•Ata do wit sM eo • 'ad mambo delve seas peer dwwmi WOO d seem Ormliamo sad beater nM roue M ••d w sew Large 16 ounce Bottle, $1.00. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. JNO_ smet.ww a... JS A1. WholwQo leiHob ! m sad s a A 1 r 1. h n 41.