HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-11-23, Page 88 THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1893. FEAR pUARM Aoi. felly agii Aped w ,I tate•no !setas_ •1 the om ,saauerrtu.ee MMs+agJ t� the steads of He a`y Mtn* You to vs them neem and we cM443lt7 la Our Immo%ed���� PRU Tt SAO C'OIOH ItYlt_bly Il_ ploasrnt to trot* nae tt nnot- w1.-- ila•P''i l'hiA3t B a *aned t ands and 31 rmeghat� tIe C thin. - F'LAI:- leo I;1 -Ie. tot the Won: - !FEM.,. e11:h 261-vLo duly t:•c R , .thee yo aro a Chit • Mt • Farmer ere can s,erti u I as mast • first class tried roiu._ : Ot 1* Pat111G POWDER is ti r hie. sad rh096,4 V.. earn? • Io:e15 Inas( pur.r*- Petecrtptwas KW *lana? for ratr. asgv .oltclwa rasp. Your GEt), A. FEAR, 11: UoU18T. (SH'.N'•E lI}' R('LUEttii .3y II!!! _ MEDICAL HALL 04 I1)ERICH. Tire ander.igtuti liezv to inform the peol•le of l:oderids sad vicinity that h' Iras purrh.ae•i tar ltrug Rusin( ss carried on at ti,• Medical Hali, Dodo - for the past thin; -fir yrtro by Air F. Jordau, al.ti t now maim ar- r;ruffei'^ntc lot gitint former patrons And new friends tie best iverrice in tho Brut limo that cepit*1 and cxpet'y- eer_e wilt make po-•ibk. A full 'antiOUt.(cot-Lt will be MIMIC Info- on. J. E. DAVIS, Phm. B. e Tot vf- I.NIvERsITY. C,tkrieln, Nov. '_l. 1' Tin People's Column ►IIF: INJOT3IENT 'llosolor Waa$sd. rrte.WANTSD.--YOM S. S. Ji f wnakla ofor ale+Whores d oor�ff ie - Dudes te Jae. .J. eV spa 'Elected. to JOtt. ERINO'1'ON. Nil. P.O. MK 8trsy sd ANIMALS. vsTRAI STEER -8TRAl' ED NO 151 L the J. C. Nanta, &tam, l' lineae. ou or atom the tat of October telae Malditalte stens 3 mare old. aawre ametl7 rod. • grey or ream Tsv• blash Me$*1im5l. cut1alibi marOoYg�m resa�tatr w7 1U p,solt•Wr row lerILal.- (IAME ON THE PREMISES OF V w*sHMr. let U. LR.. West. Otdbsr.s. so sr Mont Ott. 1. two.wesaud a leash. The owe Y oesied to prow* preasst7. 1.Ft them ■way, 17+• ii P O. (`CAME INTtt THE PREMISES OF eke wadsselgaed about the Ink of Ner- omber. two ewes. med. andel a white ooidr. The swear eau hare them by Imo log pupsrt_) sad poles enemies. Wi •M iYlT14 lot 1N. ma. 3. Woo Wawvteeb. NI it kJMF ON TH8PREMI8E8OF8UB- Sember. het 3. ora. 9. Gilberto. W.l.. •bout the begfanlagd October. • rain Walt. em . owner (a requested to prot • pzups r. pay rearms sad take it away. JOi N TIIYIN. Nils P.O. talc_ OAKS ON THE PRE.NI8Ei (FSI 11 '. scriber. tors U and R. con 1. (-osborae. W.U.. about LLC '31t of October, four cattle. year olds -two steers sad two heifers. The owners m,umtrd to pr'om peoparty. pay abs..; s sad take them •way. HRS. A. M.- NEIL. :antral P.O. a It 'JAME I PON THE PR,•y.Ni81E8 OF lJ subscriber in Mar last tike sad lank. The owner is "nine's : I To pro - . rtpal cargos and lake them away. k. N. thaw, Lake Show head. ('oeborse. :in 1t 1('STit JY HSI}EItS. STRAYED IA from the premise" et ruin. rater about nuc tint week in October. two heifers wisher w years old. Oce is a dark rod or briodl•- Wit* short bores. the other is a roan with oboe: horns Inlurmattoe leading to their mooterr will besuiaWyrewarded by WILLIS DELL, let 3 car.. t. 00 erich township. nit QTRAYED FROM TUE PhEMISEL I. of Weil. Fower.lot 6. cos G, l utborae. two red steer. notes t wo years old. One el a tight- er rod than the other with a white spot iu d and some wh,te entad the flanks two lambs and one We. The ewe has a cat through lett ear. Anyone rdrittgace lofortuattan of same will b•.u.taWy rewarded by addressing W •t. tOWLI' *1 Sanford WP.O. Proper 71br Sane or tor IMnt. 1301 BALL -N. } LOT 31,1ND N- J: �q•p�p�pn�, Mast Wswaaosh. Sae sore. This le • AstoM00 farm, Alto town lot 4:3, Oona hob. Apply to PHILIP I4OL't. ISM. FARMS FOR SALE OR TO MINT. - The property of the late David FWer. hese pieta of lots 3 and L eon. 2. co.tala40N t.30 &ems. Also south half of lot :, eon. 3. N . D. Colborne, containing* acres Three loco will be sold either separately or ea Wer. For particulars apply l9 the eaw:utors. J. H. 3414 LI N. J. B. `t'HITI EY. or to MARY t Fib HER. executrix. or to N.C. HAYS. Uederich P.O. I1m7.1• UO ACRE FARM POR SALL-THE old homestead of the late James Cassa- day. of the townet ip of Knit Wasasoab. be ins last halt of tot !6, cesestelon 1. os the mare! ,sad that lead. from (fader h to Wtug- boat. gbam. It is striated about M rods from Aub- urn. a thriving village with four churches and a school sear at bind A comparatively new frame house with seven large roma end artier with other eonvealencee, •&d gad bank barn and abut RIO terve beannit fruit tree, are on the premi.es. About 90 acres are cleared. The soil Is of the beet, Further information from x11 8. CA48ADAY. Auburn I'. U. d1.0 L'0R BAIT ATA LAIN. -Tli AT L seamesa has en El&g-&. Brea- eho 0.0 l�tllOrem& ss. 0.111. .111 • paint "Piz ps tie t In food furo.turt .. l.fpe!f ! a t0 whatetar en' Aleut* its up'.Winerg cantinas. That aa' :he spring- R `e tie comfort. That is r' the rum haat- tK:ear1: deceived, too. l a•s�se it's all below :Le nese( . WeRuaran- *er .ver? article 0 .'i. iioistere4 stock. sed t'^ Ione is an imn.e.k oar too, We hate a h•.:•• line of fun..are cerer:.ge in stock. the lase.: patterns aa''. caters. i.; the yard or made 1. • t.' order. 1 pholatenag a .pedal:y. Finest wr 1. and moderate !news. SMITH S A7 F' IMMURE NTOR1. ( -.bbi Block. To 1'I HOM IT E,1- CO}iCERN.- P1,0 W POINTE um REPAiU, have bees redone. la pike. comma W pe.r chased cheaper per atu wine VERITY. 313O1IILLER and other Pewit away Mea, RYDRACIAPANS for molls winter trestle smart ec Ib( t0 the Mote and bare. PIPS AND FiTT1Na. BR Ata (300[1((. eta. ('ASH vett (Abi farm exp Rol'61r: mall AL Uon't forget the ewe. New Victoria -et ebarch. 21 Int (' A. RVMBR)L TTIDD'8 PLANING MIL^L- OAai1 AND 110011 FACTORY,- ° iv EAR O. T. RT. ITATION, - �1vtEti 1111WI*i C)*s.iRPHiNOLi0. llr• re. Clean. Ike Tad class rheum. 111,stlei Ne. I. I) a Clens cat, bene *Ise, . ' FLOORING iso MttIV(i is a per )L DOORS_ gran as:- nLIN11a equally low. 'KAPUT WM BMW riteintN*, hila dried. Dia 1' IIRMyO('K. hr1roilMngs LAIR Pies. d OATS. sac.. (te. DRAIN 'FILM ring nits 1;. 111-17 Anthill : KIDD. £!thio. Sap. jut - . _ NORTH-WEST LANDS FOR SAIF. 5000 ACRES OF VALUABLE l Vl� Improved and 'IL .mproved farm lands at distances venire from 1 to 1: Tulles from llu'Appelle Station. N. 31 . T.. for o.:e very cheap. No better lade for mixed 'arm- ing aro to be found in tamale. For full particulars apply to A. D. DICKSON, Banister. Witt Vu' Appellc. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, The undersigned will receive tenders for su opium up to .mom 00 , .1111X1).41-, _'I , t -. ,, Td, ler'', For the supply d ,de h. • a Urnf, Rrfrer. trier, Uwtieral, Potato's. (brrfwood, rt.-. For the following institutions darker the year 1.!11, til -At the Asylums for the Insane in Toronto. London, Kingston. Hamilton, Mini - leo and Orlin& ; Oa.. Central Prison and Mer car Reformatory. Toronto: the Refernutay for Boys Penetaagoksh••e . the I..tltatlons for the Deaf and Dumb, and the Blind at nrantfond. Teo sufficient sureties will be required for the due fulfilment of each contract. specifics - Boos and hems of tender ran Qtly be had on malting application to the Bursars of the re- spective Institution, KB -Tenders are sot required for the sup ply et meat to the whims in remelt*, Lon Kingston. *tamikma aad Mimics. nor to the Central Prison and Reformatory for Fe males Toronto. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac Meed. R. ICIIRl8TIb:. ��apc� 3pAY3CHttOX ON, LAI` ties, lrmAMme ed>mSaaRs, 'llewmta. uldlc (medx '10. meet Nov. t3. HRM OW A FAIR OAR CLEAN ANY 811D DRAIN THORO( MILi, AND WITH WHAT TO DO IT. Mammy. Potter. Ooldaa Vine or other peas Is.& bees all Witte. oats. Kr.. taken from them. or small peas separated from large mm at ane clean! Fbrnnken and broken barle wine oats, mustard seed. wild itemised all fooats,al seed. can he thoroughly aepar.ted from geed Harley. Cockle. chess w1M peak weld oat*. mustard seed, a, _ e.. h. thoron blr separated hem Wheal. Fox (AIL mustetd, lambs quarter, Hight oats, and other thieve obi•,ct*o sole In Bead Outs estar•ted from them Clever need. timothy seed. flee seed. cleans sop.raaMy .re mpYwtod other. from each oer. y kh.! of pass er need ase M cleaned se it should be for Seed. R�{ee Mal seeds Mows Into the (-halt ThIa me all M dome wht1 the IMPROVED Argila *RAIN AND a nitrite, mill a' -'.--t Isle sew min re orbitflat tq•.p shin, ane or sew. without (bo mn elsmsem.gl.g It Mr the w do the writ L GrwiliMbeills p d wan eta gensemsisi i. rnri m1Imly .t'•'ii� to. Rant oar s tar r 1'I•sii he 13.t or rooted. M l' FF L(JBT.-ABOUT THREV •strasks/ yr t5 s rrduratag 1 M R [. Albert 4111-11 te WHIP FOUND.- 4. WHIP WA$ Monti oe the Blear* oo tirod.-.day a.oralaR-a he minter �dorr itdbal it 111 b0 %OI7t U.g VitrilwwAtli'mp. Ml _ Dray (Wien DRAY S*(:RVICE.-1 NCO IN Aral the people of Ssdssieb that I bay* Me=t the Werra of Mr. K Hopper to the hips, sad will be prepared to servo l politic et .0 tomo •t removable rept orders tett at Mr.J. Drephey's faralt.re bp�eeote will be promptly at teed iI to. W11.1.11.31 IMIYUM. an "IOW Moslems Ntl?1CI.- The Council of the Municipality of Tan berry at their ant elastins to be held In Mc- ItsnaMti Hall. fltstvate, o0 the Pith day of November ant, bathed = ease • B7 -law. rim jar up that portion of Duncan Street a- river bask. bet ween lath 111 sod 112la • Survey: of the Vii of Blue lbw peeing of tae mid portico of ( . JOHN Hl'll811111* Ton '.erry. Oct. 33rd. lt0M. teat TM Ort. Tondos* Wanted. OTI(,E.-TENDEn WILL DE RE- Leeeit ed by t l.+ undersigned up to tie Feh Mal.. far t.nimbi org,e-tn kersl wool. tit. lees. W .p:'t .1..1 o..e halt. at lea•'. matt ba &.yle. Tb• •cera! to 1* tis! In trot) and in ••.;.ntltice of no: loss itun IIs r nr 1. a mwrtb.nor.,•, •u. -tag 1551) 1st. vett. Parties any tes4er for !U cards or upwards. The loses: of on7 lender not not -warily accepted. Lee••teltyyr required tor n:npletloo lig cann-act. t1-. L!!ff: Co. Clerk. 3. Nor. 1, I*f0 Shorth.ad Institute. (ts1l 0 1.: T 11 £ 11)-ELICMEK TA KI ►� ..nd adraad classes la ~band and prwrctiog, e••ndueird by Meg CUemsu. •». a been tweed is the Perrin Igo -L. Clinton. 1:. a .a -min is to la an expense. cd reacher end practical •teeog:'a;rhcr. will d,•3 oto her wP, ..• tote •*gimes instruction '. Ib -se uqe- Ht: 1r,ecbe.. and her pupil* will be no ougt.! propend Iocledilably 611 fraud pose .O0 ,wbicb arc constantly costri :taro i boo• tLc c. -on t nr..n !snots liar is howl. )'':piss from. Orsi• nil. and vleAr.ity 1.11 be accommodated with kesct . se ', lure enaL!iag them to come to !lion. • os.: ; and 1e:nrn Lon.. by train- leer rain- leerfurttcl•r. afashins. MILS. EDITH E. t'OLEMAiI. P.O. Rua late('Melon. Um. M-31 •anklet and Loan Co. 1 BORON AND BItICCE LOAN A5(0 IXI KStU0NT COMPANY are prepared 10 receive deposits fern me dol- lar upward. and to pal teat per coot. interest on all detoo':s not withdraw. for 10 lays. TO TIIE STOCKHOLDERS The a or parry will, at their meeting in Ile- cember. declare a dividend for the current ball year at the rate of rix per cent. pet aa - "um. parable Gth Jan.. 91. NORA(•K HORTON. !lase ger, (:odorkh, Nov. 140. I?F:; 3418 Notice to Creditors. Ll XECCTOWS NOTICE T(i CREDIT. £4 ORB. 1. fir Mali. -r ,r the 0afwre or (•hrlidy.4rr (rah., La(e or the Too-sofGedrrkh, Me.ckaar. Pnetio rd. Notice is hereby Riven ppeerstaut to R.8.0. 1a:. Chewer 110. Section 16. that ail parties having claims &saloet the mate of the said ('hriwophar Crabb, deceased. who died on or about the Toth day of October A.D. INV to deliver to Ib. undersigned Solicitor for the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, their t brist.an names, surnames. addresses and descriptions with fell particulars and proofs of their claims and the nature of the security Welty, held by than. after which date the seed exncutors will pro- ceed to distribute the mets of the said de- ceased amount the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claim of "(bleb the red iucators shall then have notice . and that tbey will not be IleWe for the mid assets, or ao7 parr thereof. to any penes or sersona of whose claims they shall Dot have sell*r at the time of such dhrtributioa. Doted this tet4 days( NOVAll . LaIt 1'SrLiP HOLT. 000,f- ch ,elicitor for M. C. CAMERON sed W 1 L LIAM I.R; Rammer& /psolal $st ass. Ns•v CHOPPING DII.I.. I r Napped M 4ma11 kiwis a pain chop MIR Is meths at MI `ata/ d bmf tmmeorod gritiftkm meirmipleams with yea. lily It 1lalmmmla*t• �`1ODERICH FOUNDRY AND T MACHIN° WOREP. To the pubIle :- Bay Runciman Nos 9 and 1 plows. Hanoi man land rollers and root cotters. Watford Nos 7 and t plows.hoards. Watford twin plow. =IIWatford wafflers. the leaders plkoa. Al so other imple .nta, elfl= In order �b for ki - main to Sadly J. B. RIIX(1MAN. SALTP'ORD TANNERY -TO TDB 'abbr.-Having the manufacter- =WireMg d w Ta&0er7 formerly thtined w kp A. 01.1. Reek. b7 the emcees* or W Llrkp.Weask stone 7000017. 1 intend tom Mad =kin M *�e►e*rr�y b�reach. and: ant now prepared lithe. dile tthal price for y. of Ne dmiLto geometry. JOBiPH BECK. Oh Baltfon . Proprietor. affeglaa leer Institute. (lODEKIOH MIIQHAN11U8' INSTI- NJrr TUTI LIBRARY AND RLSDtNN- MM, tor. of Let serest std Square lap Naha Opo*fres 1to10u Msadfrom7teIt►.r. ABOUT !1100 VOL' IN LIBRARY. Lediry Deity, Weekly end Rlwsdr.t.d Papers, Y.s•wi.a, .te., on rile. MR11B1CROHIP TICKET, ONLY I..Nee, ereati.s fres ass Library .ad 0.04 AmN*astlr.s Ow steal resolved by i4=11 a li rs•m. H. BMiTIL 000. ITITHII, prasedo.l, a•taesary. Sea•11or Msreh 11th 1llth 0ONDITION pOWDERB- Westin mel the es••tas Ptak Pills. ent Moth& Lee a fel • d see therm le par perfume eds. Mem thee/ l olin'i Retie. oe .CrritRRY RARK for Calla age. . a bMete J. Mildew% Fi. --m.s• Deem Rasta, Teleubses ONO = viOY® Both the method and results when Syrupof Fir is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet prernptly on the kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, !dispels colds, bead - aches and fevers and cues habitual Constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kiad ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ao- eeptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects., pr. pared only from the moat healthy andagree abtesubatunced, its man vex eLlelttIdualitiesa,1ur..audit to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup .If rigs is f )r sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any rolial, : druKzi.=t who may not have it on :Lead will procure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. aA:: PRAM OILL0, CIAI.. voIII3$VILLE'. KY'. St W home. M. E: UNDERWEAR DERWEAR N -e are showing the largest stock and best value in Fall underwear that has ever been offeree! in (lode - rich. Note a few of our prices - Ladies' Hvgeian Vests, 25e., worth 40c.: 500 , worth 6:ic.: 75c., all pure wool, worth 31.00: $11.00, worth $1.23. Ladies' Blank Cashmere Hose, Seamless, with Grey heels and toes, !Oe.• per pair. ' Sold in other stores at 25c. and 50e. Our ' Oc. Cashmere Hose is worth 75e. Men's Underwear, all Wool, Double Breasted Shirts and Drawers. A special line, FineWool, for 55c. each, regular price, 75c.: also at 67c. each, worth 31.00. 2 pair good Heavy Wool Socks with ribbed tops, fist 231;-'3 pair, plain tops, for 25c. Our Fall stock is now eomplete in every Department. (food, reliable goods at turpris. ingly low prices. A pleasure to show goods whether you wish to purchase or not. JAMES A. REID. Jordan'. MM. Ooderich. Rept 1X NIL 1400. WSavl1R WEAVI N(: •-RAO CARPETS, wtC.. woven la 5 areta:l.me neater at memo rum. Apply to DAVID BILI. WINO street. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs I.eo. W. Thomson has returned from • lengthy visit to Ch.calo. Mrs S. Kays, of Seaf.oth, is the guest of hire. Hays, St. Patrick'rat. Mrs. .1. W. Vomiter . spending Thanks- giving Day with friends and relatives .t W ingh•n.. J. T. (:arrow, lr.( „ and 1' Holt, bar rater were attending to legal business is Toronto this week. Ree 1clr. Dyke, of Relgnve, officiated in North ,t Methodist church Sunday teat loth morning and evening very acceptably. 1.00. Acheson met with sq accident Mon- day last by being struck on Me knee with an axe helve which cat almost in to the bone. Mb. Ella limn, who is attending the Collegiate Institute here, a spending Thanksgiving week at the home of her par- ents, t'. Ingham. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. !'tom our owroCerrospoadonta Satre Y laMmMlew *0..s That Kamm be read Any whore sena-news of the teems mpet&lty as•oW tar The sytaaL LANES MATtat.A1, Nor. 17. Mom Knuth Reed is visiting friends in Sea - fort h. Mime Mejone Finley, who is attending the Model School at (.oderich, sprat Saturday rod Sunday .t home. R. Finley, of Hawthorne Hoak, has tom to Ptsuonntag, Mich., to visit fneeds ..d eojoy the hustles there for a No days. ASHFIELD. Mo.u.at. Nov. 20. The Sabbath School ('oevettion of the A•hheld circuit, will be held at 'Lion on Thursday, Thaakagiving day, commenciag at9A.m. Robert Hunter, 13th caw., had • pony wbicb dropped dead • few days ago. quite a another of horses have died in this district this year. Mr. Rower, 12th eon., bis put a new en gine in his mill, and is now prepared to fill all orders with despatch. All kinds of saw- logs wanted, for which the highest price will be given. • A. Macgregor, general travelling isnot of the San Assurance Co., of Montreal, was in town this week. Mac. is a rustler in his own particular line. Mrs.. Bedford and daughter, Liuie, re- turned home last week from an extended visit to Detroit, ('levelead, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. ('apt. Wm. M c Lean'• yoangest daughter, Audra, accompanied Mrs Bedford home from Detroit. J.. 1. Walsh wbo has been .toward os. Dredge No. 9 for the past two season. aid w also atew•rd on the Challenge for two aeatoe• previous to that time, has leased Keats'. !hotel, Aobsra, for 5 years and las takeo up his .bode in that village. AUCTION SALE REGISTER. All parties ratting their Salo bills printed at Is Bees w111 bares free melee ,dated 1a this theists to the time of sols Wenvttepa3, Nov. 29 Farm stock on lot 5, take Roar, Ashfield, ootnnoineiO4 at 1 .:clock. .Sohn Keef, proprietor, R..1. H. iWW!ong, suctioneer DUNGANNON. Ti 0.1.33, Nov. 21st. V 01(3 lis. - We regret to state that Mrs. David Sproule, of our village, is very ill with in0ammat.ioa. We hope that her m- emory may be speedy. Woo nT Home. -On Thanksgiving Day, Thursday 23rd, then will be • harvest home Supper in the aericultutal hall. For further particulars see hand bills. J. G. Ward would feel..much obliged to the perms whom he accommodated with the use of • lantern one dark night list Winter or during the Spnag, if he would recurs it at his earliest opportunity. 1111'.103 t5... 11. sill be pleasing to the many relatives, friends, acquaintances and others to learn that Richard m Treleaven, of this village, to whom ref.rsace was mode to our out as being very 111, Is rapidly recover- ing and able to be about as usual. I-ITI'.. -t1 ni. Kilpatrick, formerly d Ashfield township, and now of Chicago, U. S., where he has • lucrative position as baker • •.d wife, are visiting relatives frindt std acquaintances in this vicinity. 11e is ens of the nun) of our Comedians who are wootteding well. No Motor To..r-ruor .os. 1&193. - We pee same that the steam threshers are land - till the crop of 1894 comas in: they *spar ed the grain from the straw in this neighbor- hood. The engineers, Messrs E. Begley sad 1.. Westbrook stole that they have had • good meson a work. 111 ... 1x:o. STII.1- Boa.wt... (a Wed- ne•day of last week Newton Campbell and family, of Westfield, F:. Waw&nceh, coved to our village and hate become re•admata N'e, •ioeg with rue citizens, et tend dimi Marty welcome. Mr. 1' , we are informal. has *stared a position with his brother -in - Mw, John Hiles, merchant. itareovew►:.rs. favid Iden iserect anga new sad commodious stable on his promisee. John (,ay is the cou.ractor. 1te might here state, by the way, that Ihtnga.no. con- tractors and carpenters have been very busy this season. having had a larva number of contracts, the greater number of which an about completed and we presume to the satisfaction of all concerned, as the con- tractors are first class mechanics and do good work 1'. 5 F.. 3311. 3TIo>. - l). Thursday of list week, .1. E. Tom, P. S. 1. of W. Huron officially visited Ilunganson i'ublic school, it being his second semi annual visit for 1893 After having put the pupils through the multiplicity of exercises in the i'. S. curriculum be expressed himself in terms very complimeslary to the teachers and pupils, M to •'esdy p: yens, thorough pro- ficiency is We various subtecu taught and studied. He was especally pleased with the expert ((canner in which the pupils •i- .wered questions in physiology and for which he gave credit to the principal and pupils Alan, he very highly recommended the as- sistant, Miss Wilma, especially for the ef• 80100*y and progrer the pupils have blade particularly the second book pupils who ex• hibited thoroughness and smartness : order excellent. hiss 3V. u • No. 1 teacher, sad is much esteemed. It was pleasing to no- tice, through the friendly, gasial and attractive crooner in which the inspector conducted the examination. that instead of the pupils being timid they were lively and pleassnt,•od the more they bscome•cgnaint ed with him the more will they look upon ham as their friend who wishes to do them The Ronald Are eagles which was awarded the medal . the World'. -Fair, urs elated at Chime*, has bete purchased the town of Regina, the capital of the Northwest Territonee, to which place it will be forwarded at sum- They had • 500,000 fire these ea Tuesday. (Ruta • The frie.sd. of Robert Beton (who lamly had h.e foot ampetemd) ars az• eeediagly 511310 s about Mm, as the last ward r.asived from him iniewsifoil tie uo- plaa••at 'ottoman -in that bleed pois=es 13.d est in sad it wain be weeesteery is make another amputate°, above the Irma S•aforth : The Strstitrd Beams of Wed. sualay says : "11 bee hese wweaMad that Lae 1.y1a, the gird .510.104 M aruma- nerd tee empathy, is i, reality Meath Km- seedy, l sod ether plates. elm hs a mord .f Nnekmsilhig rad ether esespai0 . trod, although r(aw bas widow* pet ` . linty Mk. modus was gives y the blies el the cs.rofe. *hot whish the Rev. Mr. Hewell ad Roe. J. H. tyke, of tlalgreve p=re ad drama Mes10 wee teruisbed by the Mott a the Wingate= Methodist& claim► is Iheir very beat style. HAY. Waur•.Dav, Nov. M The Meows Pollock, el Brewster, were v4$Mg their sitter, M re. J ohs MuMahom, jr., this week. Mks °oldies el Had Ase, Meohipa, l• nviaitt(5.4g the scams sod friends of feet childhood. John Northostt, jr., hes returned keen* after a twenty mouths' sojourn is Uncle Same dominions. Mime MO;rogor is away on as extended trip, visiting friesd. is Loadou, St. T *was and other places. John O'lkim and family, of Ltodesboto, ars visiting friends in the aeighborbood. We are pleased to learn of his and Mrs. O'Beisn s recovery tram an attack d hoer. Mr. HUUard, .rater of public schools for Waterloo, p$eaaoiad the enimeionary ser mo - ns a the 'snail circuit on the hath. Mgt. His sensors were thoughtful and a- ,trwctirs. A teaamoetin/g u to be held oo the eveaipg of Thask.tivang Stay u `e:smith dweltRon. Messrs t``'alker and Headsrsoo, of Raman, and Acheson. of Kippers, are u- pwind to speak on the occasion. A good time r expected. James Henderson and wife, of Plover, Iowa, have returned home after visiting many prints in (stars*. They left (tarda twenty mem years ago end after edanmg maty hardships in the early years of their life in lowa are now prospering there, being the possessors of over out hundred acro. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. Plod - 010.4 i, l NI. risk i'LCRI*. TT1 % ore oS P/et- xtarrios. -lb Thnrsd.y ova.us of Let week. Nov. 16th, . union meeting of some residents of the township of Ashbeld *tad W LVaw1Oah, was held in Erskine church hen. it was opened with devotional seer. cams by staging an appropriate byes.. Rey. R Fairbairn read some rate mamma of Scripture. Rev. 1). conducted prayer. attar which Tltos�*derso., Ash - 8.101 was appointed elairmaa of the meet- ing. After laving stated the object of the meeting hsgave • short • 'dram a the ab- ject of prohibitive. I:er. D. Rodgers was called upon and pre •a address refeorrrwitn.g priacipally to the statistical ad S=a=chet asasppaett d the anest.ne, which was well re- ooired. Rev. R. Fairbairn woe nest nitro- duood to the audience. His n=arke beim ea the moral and metal Mose of the subject were practical •ied worthy of sate. Com- mittees were appointed by them prosiest to take charge of ..d conduct the proliananary dittm prior to voting is their respective polli.v diri•iom. The •ttod• see of the mseti.g was not en late as it might have bee.. There was however, ammo those present, great unanimity on the subject of pr*hibitime. The meting was closed by eke be.adictia bei.g preseason& BLUEVALE. TreeDeT. Nov. 7. Mrs. J.s Orr, of Missouri, r .t prese=t vatting old ammoniasom hero. Main C. McDmald, of Waitress, is nett hag at Mrs. W. Stowe's at pelmet. Tles Calm Ths.keglviar service will he held i. the Motheda 1 March es Thursday eear.img esumseseisig at 10.30 A. w. Rev. A. V. Heetley will preach. Rev. i ifiM{{me�� Presbyteries Marsh katPlat t of 104 1 miSeiaee i. Ymsbeica ps*.ehed h a y. Mr.presided hers sheet2 years OWL Th. Anniversary •sone of Who Metibiist aura were bad e. d.aday hat. Rev. Yr. Newell, of Golorl h pneebed two ''' wemm Teas arr. Mr. tm..l. esr.eusalmwa t .:rW6Gm 11 13.33.11111'. Tfa11.AY, NOT, 13. l menet* today pursuant to ad' tti ruest. Members all pre•sot. Minutes of 1•at meat- ier( read and passed. Moved by ,tie. Cos Dolly, se.oad.d by Jolla I'.eacom, fiat by- law No. 4, now read, be passed. 'dosed by Samuel Sturdy, .00aded by Geo A Cooper. that the following accounts be paid, via: l.wsoa Moore, gravel, $2.58 ; H. Me- Cartaey, for gravel, 924 19 ; .1. Holmes, gravel, 1C.40 : T. Potter, gravel, 1.29 58 ; Wm. Lawson, 69 38 : Joh■ Porter, f .r gravel, *27.90: T. Murch. 113 76 : iatere3t on money .dvasosi by treasurer, *1.96 selecting of jcrors. 210.00; registrars search by clerk, 75c. Moved by Jag. Comaoa/, seconded by Samuel Sturdy, that the noun - Motion for reeve, deputy neve, and coua oallore be held in Holmes%ille in the plats known as Packard'. Hall. oo Friday, the 22.d day of Deose.ber, 1893, .ad • vote to be taken for or twine, the Plebiscite, .Los vote on the House of Refuge. The polo g places to be as follows Na 1. Osman Hail, 4th coo.; No. 2, house of Nixon Stonily, 7th con.: No. 3, house ..f Thomas Harrison, 4th ooa.: No. 4, boom of Hoary W. Elliott, Hayfield ma: No,5,hooe of Richard Baker, 15th con.: No. 6, hoose of Win. ('rooks, 11th con. That the Deputy Returatng Of- ficers he as follow. No. 1, Simnel .Joh*• .too, : ,No. 2, ,Sohn Sturdy : No. 3. Thomas Harn.oc: No. 4, John t lull : No.5, Richard baker : No. 6, Wm. Crooks. Adjourned to nowt *Dent Monday in I*o.mbe•. Nn, iv art-anr, Clerk. A11411i:1.1tL Council met Thursday Nov. 2.4. Mien• bets ill present. Cheques were issued for the following amounts Jon. I.tithn, Ismailia Sullivan, W. Stothen for selecting jnrora, each 24 : 11•. J. Irwin, ditch on S. R., 15 ; John T. Andrew, for gravel. 23 28 ; A. Hem•ett, gravelling on S. R, *36 15 : Wm. MctVbinsey, for *tom work an.1 timber at lacrimal bridg., $31 ; Westbrook, timber and work at I)uavaaaow Hill, 75.40: A. Taylor, repairing bridge at his mill, 815 ; (baa. Robinson, for timber, $3.90; Wm. McKnight, rapaitiag culvert, *1 ; S. Pentland. repairing culvert con. 1, *1.50 ; Thos. 1 *ung, timber, 212 ; Jas. McKnight, gravelling S. R. 9&edl0.218.98; 8. B. Smithy, wow and d for use deviation road, *15 ; John Murdock, gravel, *1 04 Jacob Miller, cutting hill, S. I:. 9 rod 10, con 9, F:. D., *78 : W. Miner, home at bride. at his mill, 27 32 : Thee, !anon, grayer', *1.64: ,lathes (tierce, insp job coo. 6, 31.87 ; S. Burke, grading and gravelliog ma. 6, $14 71 ; Jas fall, work on Miener'e hill, 99.22 ; i). K. Alton, insp. gravel, S. K 6 std 7, 33.75: Patrick Wallace, rep. cul- vert coo. 10, *1 ; Jacob Miller, gravelling o0 N. 11. 27.50; for &tome •.d repairing culvert N. B. $4 ; 0. Campbell, driving pike for I). L bridge, 270: Donald Mc- (:regor for rooming and rap. to C•rriek's bridge, 28 : H. McLecd, gravelling ooa. 12, 4, 714.95: K. McLean, rep. culvert S. R. 9 and 10 12 : John (own., rep. two culverts S. R. 9 and 10, *11, lepairmg culvert 1Mxke Road, 26.50, and for stoma at Silver ('reek 515 ; D. Rutherford, rep. culverts nom. 12. $4,75; Donald McLennan for three cul- verts, two on eon 14, and owe a N. R , $12; Jas Donnas for culvert ova. 12, lot 10.114; Wm. Beckett, for imp. gravel and stoma at Silver ('reek, $310 ; D. McLeod for gravel- ing at Silver Croak, *30 15 : Donald Mc - Kane. insp. gravel ea N. R., $1 26 : Dem- ean McRae, asp. gravel S. R. 6 and 7, $1.25 ; A. McIarmot, gravelling con. 12, 330 56 and 52: D. Stroud insp. 11150: Jas. Irwin, insp 33:.100. Dreams., for spikes, 60 carat. ; Frauoia Scott for culvert. cos. 10 $1.50 ; (''kat. Hawkis., for goods to the Cern. family. Comfy wards, 130 ; Geo. Thorley, stem•, sad rep. at Port Allier, $13: ,1•Blinn, imap. 1). L bridge, $3; R. Dressed 7 - repairs ta Noble's B. R.6 and 7 52 ; deka Kilpatrick, oov bridge cos. 6, 216.60 and cutting timber, . R. 6 and 7, E. D. $3 : ('hones Stewart, gravelliog S. R. 12 ad 13, °0., 11, 11e2.10, Juba ggtnsvaWklg, A. R. 3 rod 4, TtyAer work ¥143.15 ; C'hor1u (antsy ►siting, asIv t, oe ode. 4 and 5, and attar RasrIee's 11111, cos 2, *2 60: obs Whitley. Map. 5275 R. J. Finegan, rep. to bridge, on. 6, 75 ante : Thome Lemmas, rep calvawt, R R. 3 sod 4, cow. 8, 50 coats ; Hank McLeod, sravellhe nam. 12, lot 4, W. 1). 219 ; Lama Fial&yuow, gnv0lies us. N. H . 512: A. Moiety's, insp. gravel f3. R. 12 sad 13,4E; Donald McIntyre, imp, rem. 12, SIi email tees •diseased to most vas *e - steno, rasa 15th. Wu. eterwsnn, Mw se Ons • "awlime ristie e. Seed M " S..Uvtet Soap wrappers beerMg the words f" Why Dees • Rome Leek Old Renew Than a Mae') t• Levee Rrua., I.M., 43 MOit..t Terse* mod you will restive by peel a pretty plater% her from adverthisg. ed wail worth froakig. This ` an say way to tMweses yew beam. TM seep r tie beet is the sarbt sod it will eely cwt la seems to seed M 1 h wrapper., H you leave the ends epos. Write your trim eanhb. ly (trey n Jai. Cylert hos odd his 50 =woo, flewth hall let 16, ea the 1101 os. M. C4 Tynems r far the eel 50.500' lir. Gish hes perda.sl a1smap term r MemTlaMs- ship. Adam Terafts1 bas else dhioneed el hi 80 we hirer 111h am.. lyre the being 11,118. JM Mel is theme pr.p labia. It's r(ttAer bo oaaseAoe goy - -tie ordinary, bulky pill. Too big to take, and too much disturbance for your poor system. The smallest, easiest to take, and best, are Dr. Pieroe's Pleasant Pellets. They have out all the disturbance, but yet do you more good. Their hell, Mita. Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious Headaches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels are presented, relieved, and permanently cured. They're guaranteed to givo satisfac- tion, or your money is retunle.L A "COLD IX Tis BRAD" ie quickly cured by Dr, `age , di Catarrh Remedy, leo is Catarrhal headache, and every trouble that is causes by Catarrh. So is l'atarrb nsrlf. The proprietors offer **zoo in cash for any case which they cannot cure. &old by all .druggists. TOWN SUBSCRIBERS Are rhttwted to nerdy this oebee of say wevlect on the part of the Carrier Ito) to deliver TH1 Slug Al regularly and prompth CAUTION. Tia public aro cautioned against pareb.s mg papers from Carrier Boyo. The Carrier boys of Tor. S,:NAI. have *'tSITIt'KL3 NO PAPERS FOR SALE. NOTICE. Champs at advertiaemeats to ensure Unties mast be sent in to this other Wit thee Monday sem el each week. a: •o: BORN. COX -la Leaml1gt... os. lrldaj. Nev. 1:.1. Ulla the wife of W. Le. Cox. of • daughter. DIED. ELLIOTT -- 1a °reedla Oak., on the Bo ins. Mary iHm daagbter of ate hate Uwe Melees. (aodorich towlishly, and wife et Joh& Enatt, formerly of 0 demi tees dup. The remains lett On.nd,s os. the Mid for hop 005.1 at Oedench. Aaaouao, meat of Dismal at Yoderle4 vial be atu by eard. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. sedwSeh Priem oaamaNa, November :!. ttRi !=tint w-LML standard 040 to t tr FiU Wheat o + to a a flour. Nem 4000 o.W Cbe easelMheat 0 t.... Cb Peas. • bush.... .. ,......,. Barley. awe rowed. 9 bwk -.. Hann. seem= Hay. • tom Potatoes. a both. Rutter. Cheese i impacted, V W..- ..... Weed Hides. PeteLive Bea ......._....... ••Ots64 •aids • gqe.r ata• • a.td•• afecos te trios, *Oa/n Vier. Suis $4010 Steer/ ua1 itmelt Miele MMei !Ele38 mil• Meld LOCAL LOCAL BREVITIES. If the weather is favorable, I,odawlei' Cit&,,n's Rand will play oat to day .Than day i. Service will be head is Knot church es Tivialiegivaig 13.y at 11 3 w. The eons - Lion will be on he -half of tie poor fend sf the °smpegation. Ilei a human and bones and all aaistah eared in 30 minutes by W ooIford'e Salary [.them. Thu sever fads. Cold by F. Jet - dm dsod all drsg�0ta. The Godotish Ore. has bete cheers is proforma to all oast competitors a tie neatest st "Crowe" osrcb, Aab6eld, Geo - Thomson is the local meet. F.ss1ith Spavin Unimiat removes all kali sat or calloused i.ampa and blewta►+ (� bones, hood spavin, curbs, splints, nag boss, swam /0y, vtints, wane, ser• sa males throat, coughs, eta. Save 150 b use d ams bads. W.rT.sted the r.IR wonderful bismire owe* ever fellow. hid by F. Jades sad all druggists. 30.11 Rhoumrtmm tared a • fay. -Snell A=eries tibamamb Case, tar l3Mtesadre .d Neuralgia. rodimalkg sea'sli Y 1 le 3 dila Ila maim os tie spehO ls remarkallio mysterious 11 sta=rs at ewes the arm mad tb. diem« I._s '4y Tine Inia doom l/luadM. 75 *mets Reid by F. amissmn a all in tat. 3017 Rerprida8 lmmy- is Who .paper tens a •o* lelhedslaty, .turceive e•t-pl'V !w team tar We year *soli beide M a leie/ Hale bps. 1a toilet oases, stn , sok, ala time aid !infield pw th• P." mai ars she magus ..1 pretty. • Gems is sealviit i aria .auerorket 11 all three Iles and will be visaed to stow the to all who fav hies with . sell. Relict in 84z Bo.m-Dkt*r1mt&g 10 nay .ad bladder diseases relieved ie o bourn by the " Nrlw (Haar Sown Amor- COX mor *east =aphisami eM OS es phy ^ss. assent se :to .wsee, ell et s -l='= boi sed ev P•ia M rt el may. kidneys.is ads fail.. It relieves retrofire d Is prides It sheers WINO stay.' If If meg gash relief sell earl dads � gista remedy. • Sold by F. J eralo &.d all The Imran MIMhord• The p-'--1 abet sad the perfect f Will with whisk ladies say use tbe HOW lit hada, Myo a Fly, maw d e tioderho weaka it tbia bwrlt5 reratay. 11_,1 tIV elt se as elhasel lseeing emod a the War howtis Wiselleat Tows tar oaMoMr 1/6.14,11 Mn kip *.iii .slids Ina. le a r� r ap - flag. the wlof Doris" ims • ■