The Signal, 1893-11-23, Page 5� t• g Arsenio Taw TARIF- F a • pity that t be wt be sdroed to site phonies aid is as geed .. he sees to try t• gift e sproclty. Aberdeen's 9.S4eb our to the im ser hie iia reit their hese tableau is woes by is au Imported Society of Illi. - arse supply from rd by customs old per colt. Here is the effect d the u. sal oil of the beat uls per calico in gsalsty cauaot I,r icy menta • gallon Inference between • somewhat stiff uldiag of Petrol's,' kibble over the e difference were PAIL ('e..da wishes the country has It is .boat time tee taking • torn. stage it .sold Le their living from 1 as aarmlty tbaa trnettaNerily high isle for the t Wawa aril bears lightly is poorer petiole. 1s • neotsslty W moderate circum clothiog. How is no us:•itus sow 10 rte imported tart $232.000. t'oau. • etceteras to the NASAL BALM fQ.Mer R +aaeest Cure. Friar* 1 Mary so.aRed y Y THE RADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE E•T*Oaaares0 INr. • 'MAD OFFICE. TORONTO. 01119 Oft MB lissampa NirLAR$ • ae.000.000, . st,loo,000. tsdlh :air oflrilswoss siki _•b EA�ay Mt{ttstoke In bead lli01444,4041b. fow.d by ail Epee:: es 411401 4 az) lei IS. kee C/\TARRH a E. WALXER, GaNLRAL McmeAti- THE SIGNAL : GODRRUM, ONT., TA [l RSDAY. NOV EM BER 23. 18*3. OVH ATIIOtSAND DAD DeirdelW1 Calmed by an Earthquake and Fiolld i. Pemba. A WH - LE CITY OVERWHELMED. 5 W. ACHESON& SONS M2uhle Clot and Jactel Cloths • QODERICH BRANCH. «IE1Al OMINUNII BUSINESS TRANSACTED. FA awes NOTE[ ther'.OUNTLO. MOTS MM. PATAILI AT Al, POINTS IN CANADA. AND Taft PRUICIPAL CITIES Ili 7140 UNITL0 STATES. GMAT BRITAIN. FRANC[. BLRIAUOA. as SAVIORS .AMR KPARTMEI T. pEppeli[ OP $LOO ANO UPWARD, REOLIYEO, AND CURRENT RATED OF INTEREST µ0o,, t p ,s, T *DOM TO TM[ PRINCIPAL AT TM[ [110 OP SIAM AMO pe •UR IN [AOM TSAR. Special AMIMMI• t giros. to ills► (,'blleotlon n* ►ar""re• $1.. Nets. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. C. R. SIIANE & CO.'Y arc sbowtaq a roll rare .•r Ladies FurCapes IV WOOL, SEAL, GREENLAND MINK, BEAVER, ASTRA. CHAN and 'POSSUM. Milluner and F ail Goods 1 Let Materials for Fancy Work, Slipper Soles, Art Sateens, Eider -down Pillows, Linen Goods, Fur Trim- mings, Greatest Variety of Wools in Goderich. In MILLINERY there is nothing you could wish for we haven't in Stock. `'y�' GENTS' FORNISI1INGS. raised at 4E4,000ctatome taxation to e121,000. The and dyed cations 1, and the tarif ta- totall. d MES.OI$ dbvit.pumas ell 1 over &Isom eke onsu ed asset paid to the Dentildem city a ,treat deal ,anuf•cturen. Te e facts, that the poor man is to in• who has bees in nth., has iemored n.ta., nisei e he has le more to the otte- 1 in kratarls trete Full Uses is •very Da,srtmeat. r:an sad a s•mis g code tad twine. C. B, CO., >tl►'iAa■'. Block. Coe. +snare sad Ileatessiel, MRS. R. B. SMITH, Ci-laalgow House. ONE PRICE CASH STORE JAS. ROBINSON. COMPARISON HELPS US Seafortb : o. Wednesday meraiag,S.. 1S, at the rediesee of D. Johnson. oilmen et rest. Mass IDmwa Jobs.tma,on• ni S.•brthi most repine residents, was meted in we riage to Harry F. Williams, of Harden, Casseetie.t. Mr. Williem. was e1 ar time • tenobse to the Institute for the Bind at Brantford, anti became acs waif wee Mies Joba•os a lith she. she, was a mender of the stash of that iastiatioi. Full Valens of the tleesa$e Not Yet As- eerlr{ewLle t ears fur Daisy \ II- Isee. M Weepreed Destruc- tion Faulr•tricher luhal.ltarle. luxlw,%, \ov. s -'!11 --A ape.:Fal d.wp teh tLt Titoes fn.m 'ebbed hrio,ry funhrr lentils of tLe earthquake that orour Friday at Kaebam, in the northern 1..xt the Province of Khorasan 'the town was completely destroyed and the Las of life was immense. vervain.* verve were open id iu the earth, through which water flowed in torrents, causing the Atrrk river to overflow tis banks. The fertile region atoned the city was inuudatel and the lane gardens and extrusive vine; anis were swept out of existence. The p.es ply 01 Knelled had no chance to •. save anything. The shock was ,'severe that the largest booms in the 4„ rn, iuclud- ing the re.ideuee of the Ihsvernor, were almost instantly toppled over, crushing hundreds of people to death. The town ►sed a 1opnlatton of between :0,000 and 25,O00 pets n., and it is 0101101 that at least 1,0110 perished. Many persons were flood carried away by the that flowed down the valley. it is not known yet whet damagewas dune in the valley, but it is e. te-wl that many of the tillages below Kneban have been destroyed. -1 short time after the disturbance the entire water supply of the town disappear ed The people who were not injured fled panic stricken to Ala !Ugh Mountains, !raving the injured to care for themselves as best they amid. The district in which Kilobits is.110.1ed is very populous, and it is feared that it baa where suffered from, the earthquake and the flood. OPIUM SMUGGLERS CAUGHT. to Dont fail to price our Goods. All we ask / you is to compare other prices with ours, r:ul r f you can not sora l'e fnoncy by doing so, !'ren dont buy from us. THE MUT-- WE SELL FOR OASE. The credit system brings loss ---loss from money withdraw from use, loss from bard debts, loss from slow paying customers remain- ing away from the store ---an ohi saying, " To lose a jfu'nd lend him 'nonny." I don't want to lose cosy triads but Want to make more, and that is what we are doing e ziery day by selling Goods away down in prices. oUa nom 1s HOW COMPLETE. MAIMS OWN cur FBKE of CHARGE. AUDIO, AND WOVE'AI+N AT MARKET VALI I.. any other while they w get OLD CHvtt even if Ciel grow i1, fir there is no other tabus, which aa- 1ed eat smoke a S. Ia telde 1 Ca.. >r[MO1011lasa Mood, s HRISTMAS IS COMING MirtDnroSat OF most of Overcoats keep. Mantles Fur Coats Fur Sets ;Dress Goods Under- wear Boots and Shoes Ie ih re only Gel a Price Lisl Wt."CM a s%9coreveivot and, iu view of the feasting and rejoicing of the holi.iays, w r call attention G, on r _FLAVORING EXTRAMTC ,,,,......t• -w.traated pare and elites strew, therefore cheaper than the ordl.a y bellied 481...{• The following creat., 1015e. bottles or in bulk a[1/011. YAYlIL('t..OYra[i. tm.1 KATIF1A, I.tlnsemdlo wiezwaaiRKPp[RDs1IT. 1stTD n ic�• ones NF. mow ,,spar.. rMM[O. ethers to he adder. Don't choose your Xmas Goods before .you see our Stock. A Dar, ur smart Crbalaala Arrested as the Valle. NI Se *IA FALIR, IInt.. Nov. .—cm, togas officers bagged • gna.-tette of opium tsmn.giers hast evening. They gave their names as Charlet Mille, Mr and Mrs. Pat- rick Rurkeand William t'armichaei. The chain sof incidents that led up to the ar- rest k/ interesting. It Neeius that Inape�Gor Lewis lies sus- pected Wills for some time past. What twat bothered the o}fl, er was that he could always see the m-tn returning from the United States but neve: could locate him going until yesterday eneman. when he stepped from the ':rand Trunk train with apackage soder one aria and a pet dog nnder the other Lewis shadowed the man. when be took a street car towards Uramwondville. Lewis then pot officer Sealey un his track. Lewis walked across to the American side and took a trolley ear for the Falls, to be ou the watrh at the American end of the upper suspension bridge. Seeley, in the meantime, shadowed Mills to the Park- side lnn,.nearthe park, where he entered, aid a few initiates afterwards cane out without the package. • description of which Seeley took while in the street car. Mills walked across the bridge to the Ameriean side and wend to Tierney & Maho ney's saloon. W hen he Fame .out he was acc.aupauied by Mr. and Mrs. Rorke Together they walksi .Lown the street to a point near the Mu.enm, where they held a consultation. When it ended Rnrk came eros to this side. Mills and Mn. Burk went to Wil itaas saloon, where in a rear room they awaited the retnm of Burk. Not long afterward • gig drove up, in it were Burk and Carmichael, a resident sof this place. No sooner hati,ibe quartette met in the beck of the salon than they were ton fronted by the oficere. The gig was searched and the package seen on this side of the river wee found secreted under the seat. It contained 20 half pound cans of opium. The wrests followeda.. afttta iw erell known n theAmerican side. where be ran • saloon set summer. He admitted that, the package was the same he was seen to hare when slighting from the train at the I i.7'. R dept here. . link, Carmichael and Mills were turned ov. r to the United States authorities and taken to Lockport by Deputy Marshal Weaver. Mrs. Burk was released. TRY OUR WING POWDER A FIRST -CUSS ARTICLE. FREE SAMPLE. W. C. GOODE. CURRENCY. Merritt : WJlian McCall, 7th Fee., has ph.ss� • 100 acre farm is Bruce ('ouaty, 6 Wien frog Ripley, for his eldest SM. The pies paid was said to be $3,800. (•req • The " Hanks" farm, 7th es., was oRetwl for sale on Wednesday of loot week, by m$ ,tg+s+ . s 1., •t LiatoesL It wbid 's att $66O. There 150 acres is the farm. Hallett : Matthias 4.1an bus bought 60 a res, on tae 3rd of Hallett, from Wm. Miller, fes the sum of 51665. The property adjoins bis owe feral, earl has no buildings on it. Hey : A years daerhter of Wm. Meg, Ick. Read, Hay, whilst eeturriag nnets from Models wheel, ea Friday lam. .SI bad!) hart. lam. Down, jr., wee earn As - s oat the Lake Reed with a bail et woed, aid the�ettag la trying to get en 04e 'ofd, felltrd hied wheel at the wager OF ALL KINDS Our Stock wa" never before half so large, and we commonee to- day one month earlier than ever before a great reduction in prices to clear out our big stuck of these good- Blue or Brown Extra Heavy Serge Mantlings. $1.19, real I value $1.65. Heavy Blue Curl Cloths, 1.10, worth 150. Extra Heavy 54 inch Tweeds, Pure Wool, at 1.00, were FRESH AND RELIABLE. � 1.40. �B�E AND FRITS.Black Astrakans, 1.50, marked from 2.00' CANNED MEkTS \BET S Opened to -day 15 doz. Ladies' Fur, i, GENERAL GROCERIES BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, REST, $ 12,000; ^C 0. 6,000, 000. A Saving De a rt most has bees eHear in COM - 'section with this branch. Interest allowed at current rales. H. LOCKWOOD, Manager Gpjyrith Brame& SEASONABLE C000S Trimmed Kid Lined Mits, all sizes,! price 87c., worth $1.25. we can suit you in •,tuh'y and pen:e, ami invite • trial order from you. R. W. RUNCI3AN INSPECTION INVITED. Sudor to E. c.mphi W. BCHESON & SON. C. A. NUMBER & SON Jewellers, c. New Goods and Latest Styles FROM CHICAGO, Cuckoo and Fancy Clocks. FROM BOSTON, .lar. W. Tuft. Cclt'hnttetl Silver -Plateal Warr. FALL MILLINERY FROM ENGLAND, t 'row n Dery 1;was in China with Silver Mountings Fine Watches, Clocks aid Jewellery, Spectacles and Eye lassoes to suit everybody. Repairing a specialty. C. A. HUMBER & SON, passed ever her lee, breaking it badly. Dr. Amos, of Forster, happwed M M at the ttime awl took let bens set the fractured limb. &orris : The 100 acre farm, knowe se 'the Seedy Foreytb place, 11 miles north of Bressd0 ad awed lot west, has been sold to Mr. Davis, of !Whitby, for P.360. Tb. purchaeer is • half-bretber to Jaws bem- oan, a well known resident of the sass Ilea Cai.tes : The hones sad lot. on Wiottris- et, owned by Mn. -Soo. Williams, has bees e,ld to Wm. Webb for $630. We believe it i• the intestine of Mrs. Williams to remade with her eon, Rey. A. H. Drumm, of AIRS tea, She hes ban • highly esteemed reel• dent of Chides for abesteemedirty years. mid it is • ewers wrench M taster assoeiatismm sad materies to sever 1bsle, bit she carries with her the Seed trill std sten s Glad who havek.owe her s WitI The Men You Know. ♦W _`,;!P1u,.e.«.:f.s.®a..r.. at^..__... -..Lllnras, ,. LAI)\\\%`\\ \\\\:';$��1 \\.11\a\av, FALL AND WINTER THE MISSES YATES Ileo to announce to the public that they have. • large .t'.aa talent of The Latest Styles in Hats, Bonnets, :Yang Ribbons, ,Feathers. LADIES ARE CORDIALLY INVITF,D TO COME AT ANY TIME AND SsL. NO OPENING THIS FALL MISwES YATES. Fall MIIIInsry! I have returned from the city sail MILLINERY. season, m THE LATEST ANO BEET STYLES In thanking the Iadies for their patronage during the past season, I would solicit a continuance of the sable, and invit,t their inspection of my Fall and Winter Stock of Millinery. _ New Shaded Ribbons, Fancy Feather Effect.,, &c. H. M. PITCHER A PALACE CAR FOR BABY. It Day [eadlls [e Darr Owl of a t'.swen uneaten Teale. " Take • piac kitchen table," says the , Baton Traveller, adding the retie. :Le clause that it needn't be gilded, •• turn n upside down and pot citatory on the under side : and strips of wood two lochs wide, I the first eight, the second twelve inches from the deer, and there is your box. Nett pad the stripe and the legs, and cover with gay cretouoe ; then with a mitten of rot ton, in • cheese cloth slip, aid you have • Pullman palace car for • baby. Tie the all y s toys to the slats with lung tap, sad you have to do is to pot the baby inside and keep him there without crying. Were Iedlaee the 1ardeeer.? \AaAIao, 14. ('.. NOT. 22 -Two men sawed Omen aid Taylor were murdered c. Revery Island, and ■ companion named Lynn has dinnpeared. Search has been made for Lynn, be be- im suspected of the crime, but up to the present time no trace of his whereabouts bas berms found. A theory that now of taius credence here is this I levee and Taylor met their death at the lands of the Indians, and that Lynn was taken away in a canoe and drowned. The Indians are known to be unite capable of such cunning. Those who know I.ynn ridicule the idea of him being the mnnleter, and further say he eoald not have got away without being seen by throe who know Dint A Chatham leesttea. ('RATRI Aa, Nov. 22 —Dr. William Rallis, of Dresden, was committed f 'r trial try the police magistrate in this city on • harge :,f having furnished medicine and in.bn• onsets to Mary Jam iaetrott with criminal intent. The ehrtge as made invoices that of betrayal as well. Altbongh r' , cjvl? retial has been Leed ated the girl admit that she was led sst111y by the doctor, t, whom she had gone as a patient, and that be furnished her with the MOMS to avoid the eonsegnt tie a The mom intens feeling has 1 e. -n e x Icited ever the rase, both in ti t• , its end ►n 1hislben. where the yoaug i o • octant is well kaown. Ile is 7k year• •.i age, un- married and has a low A:'.1 ',wrapv Forties. rrynantee et It.,t ti nem I h. HAU,A1. Nov. Ler:.- Sts dynamite cart ,lisps sold sarereil hot of fore w.re found la the new petnfce a1 Itartnereth vee %reds,. Thi bedding hes joss h.rn is►•n ovIf by the Dominion •,verament. The pollee are investigating the ltaet.r. &wisher pr.babtII/e•. 4 wszewi to0T. TosmriO, Nov. 11, 11 p.m. —TM dapitskl• whieb wee over the sststlweet elates last eight Ina developed hate as lsapnrtant stern, the metre of eo. I,ileb Is as ever I�be illebIpa• sed snow love Nam Mae& waftdreissi Osisrlola the Madame erev it *'el mrad ie the 1r -1110 fair *lei end Om, !r► Ilea Irma* Jim's, COUNTY --- l 49 t. "THE EMPORIUM," West -set., in all branches of FALL MILLINERY, and solicit the patronage of the 'Ladies of Goderich and vicinity. HISS C ASZERON_ Next door to "Star" Ottios. - .. Clinton : The veungest sopa \Wild.',hip- ley, of the Huron road, met with • painful accident reoentl,. He was playing with • tit, pea shooter, having it in hie rnietb, and falling forward, the tin was drit.n :nIr Uy' Into ini. throat_ It was necese.ry a Ice" the wound up. Londeaboro : We are very w1 ry an- 1, pounce the unexpected death of Yrs. 1 lams wife of J. C. Adams, of this village, which mad event oo urre 1 on Wednesday morning Nov. 1a She had been feeling .I1 only for • couple of days, and totemic 1 awing to , Blyth on Saturday, but took a .ill "Inc' was the eldest daughter of John Rninsdon, 1 • faithful member of the Methodist church and teacher in the Sabbath school. and was held in yory high esteem. She leaves two obildrea. Mr. Adams, who is himself some- what disabled, baa the deep sympathy of all in hie affliction. Hallett : Richard t iovier has sold his 4 i sers in the llsitsnd block, to'amuelt or, for the sum of $10(0. There are no build- ings whatever on the place and the bush is also removed. Mr. 1:ovier moved this week to the farm be lately bought on the 'lid of Mullett. Commence . A lively hunting match took place on Tuesday Nov. 14. Sides of twenty were chosen. Sam -...el 1)orrance and .'ohs Smith captained the respective tents. Mr. Dormice was the envy of all, taring spa lured • coon. Dr. Cole came in ahead \ritb 2,700 points and Dr. Cooper by 2,130 point.. The oysters were put up in the erecting by the defeated team. .-, Tea yeaage 5,000 mea were employ•] at the Edgar Thompson Steel Works is Pittsburg, L, bat owing to the iatrod.W- tbu of improvd maobinery, only 2,000 are seated at the meant time. • JAMES ROBINSON.• mime Brunswick ime sbinyles at h;isd'e. *LBO sq. . tis A greed, heavy . cut !whir shingle at ii idd's for $1.80. Ha rper's Bazar. ILLAT BTR A.TED. HARIKR 11 BAZAR I. a journal for UN bate. It glees the tidiest end latest teferm.tlaa about llasbisns. sad *1..wtmrees inteteatiene. Perla aestOte. and 1stMAissI sup. ase aessaW s1ke to the hews dress. waterseedless We es poem eNM a�Ib artMtla attreethe asses of ills =and the ttel emss w- ear' its last pep r baelie oe a elf wtt and beater. la its weeb17 WOO everrttlfog u iaoladed which 'sof taterete to !�_ ., 7'bs :kebab ter 1M will be written rsyy WILLIAM Rises a atld Wins* B.aART. tmcet •es$.. wi11 be le _00 by 1 AST iL IFIL KM. MANIA Iinusm picot. Runt McltxstaT etrt'ARr, MARIO'S HAMA^ awl ethers. Out- door Sperm sad Is -deer Oamsa. Seetal Rster- talam•Rt, kmbteiee y sod ether oseweoUsg espies will receive constant atteatien. A mew aeries Is ersmiced ea Cease asst Repartee.' THE HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PALACE STORE. Per Tear1 HI RPXR'8 BAZAR ++ oD HARPKR'8 MI04Z1N& i M XI RRBtO.tor YOUNG PNPLR r P• ot ( Prot to al oerieserthere f a ter Molted The volumes of ten BALs bspia with the first Needier tor Jaeger; of eseb year. Wham as tree mwtiemsd. sabot ripttos .111 b..1. with the Number cermet at M tf>.eat,soot$ e lorder. ed Volumes of HARTIMA s Raman fir bras yeast by ses la sett eleth Median. wet am wowed Bins de pper vena seh sir VS pus ter emelt valsete. offish.* Os tsa5Pt p mall. pu•MV. - et • shoeld he made b, PMIMe. er Draft. te avoid = me of toes are wee temp,mets Menelat westtr oaf Uteeafrrw woo r 011:101111111111. • Mania t RAMP= R The Great Overstocked Sale now going on at A. P. McLEAN'S has been most phenomenal. Mer- ahants generally talk of dull trade and scarcity of money. Our selling experience leads us to an ad- verse opinion. The great quantity of Goods sold, and the large Cash receipts up to date, show there is still plenty of money for Bargains. Notwithstanding the great s u c o e s s already achieved, we are determined to double our sales during the next two weeks by adding to the sale of Overcoats and Suits our entire stock of Gents' Fur- nishings, Hats, Caps, &c. We will make up any piece of Panting in the store for $3.75. This is for two weeks only. Now is the time for Bargains. J. J. MOORE & CO. Going Out of Business. Oso sari�r� mew week Air Yews. es +tetb exp,.� ��.t jM w[Taa tRalj� A10 ile : trill est[ r sautes ww greewssla meet be earned b, Ilea 1014. Went elle Pert liesselletWeb9114101rtsh A. P. McLEA tT