The Signal, 1893-11-23, Page 2Travelling O OltA1D I WA+ Y MF Senses Nslw and /maim Semen • oar e. d t- RamM • •:. Bxsssss ..... tam EMat F'_ _ i1t1HOL10lliLOi mass. EENT Aes An brae- heedIle •u tloa of a LettL em he - - DR, $. RICHARDSONcIta1f.NeirD. , r= dentist. Or and .ipeteM ter sem» ti lied of teeth. tion Oa Otf00C• p stain, Od yazraaa era Waet- 1111-1v Deg. wnITE & HUNTER. pSoe-Onnd Open House, Coterieb. CicalRa. BRANNON d SHANNON, a.. Surgeons Atmosphere. gum. mos .-Rerdsscr. N•gier-et near. 811401Tu%.-aeevie•Ce Norther, Scheel Lela AMI. ON e J ,IIS$TOS. BARRIS- toers a iso.. Uoderiei. ese 'e tNw. Fall N. Q. C.. M. 0. J 13.9 Moto sey LOFTUS&. DANCIIY, BARRISTER Solmbirm. (7saveyss.ss ten. Men. Mosey leWen M tt towels mesa german Block, uv pair( 0obto .rse Hotel. SsWwicb. oat. _Efrisens-tr IR. LSNIB p;AIIIlhTER, PRc)C- V Mae lgsa Mau of milts uth Callow ma. RQ. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Ac. . Oalce, corner of home and Weer street tioderiei.. user tdeptapi oaks. t'rl- Ate rands to feed at toren rata of inter- est. fl ARROW a PROUD/1)0T, BAR- ki dream, ,t•Code eIltM. J. T. Gamow. leRProud' CAMERON, HULT dt HOLMES, Barristers, Sol'olba to Mammy.as Oodertoi. M. C. Camera, Q.C. ; P. olt ; Dudley Holmes TG. WARD, CONVEYANCER, e. ten. and eesunteses.r for taking and re. seised remernisaaom d tril.aMitatita a asrmattoo., depositions er alma declare - boas in or ooacerning aa/.Uos colt or pro- seeding tsseeding to the High Court et Juan" the Overt of Appeal for Onus or 1a •ay coma, or IMvletoo Court, All essesct►o.s careful* sad promyLb executed. Bwtdesce aid P.O. address- nom Out tl ui-tf Loans MIS IIIIIIPM11111111. HOMEY TO LQ1J. -'38,(00.00 Pidirgai Fria ainsmei pee0001.an- nsam y. LOIThS S DAS('XY. U ton e block. ess.•1• Colborne Hotel bsdeeisb. P37-tt FJ. T. NAIrFEL, VDLE, LIFE AND • taiuz•ea stoat ; at Menet les . Noma sod Mears TO LOAS. APPLY TV p C. MSRO' MOLT t HULMEB. OO.deNeb - MONEY TO LEND. -A LAR G k amount of Private/Me tee lnv.stmr.t %dowels rates on trmelmXortayee. Appb to GA RRO W t PROUINOOT RADCLIFFE, MINERAL 1N• messes. Real Mae and Mosey Lo trigs Mem. ONy »'chest companies meneseated. Mousy is Lend as stealth boas. st tae lowest rate d interesttot to army way to salt the sr,ower. Oalos-- Meo- NMI door from Square. Sem Otreet, Oode- deb fOCS-tf C. BEAGER, AGENT FOR THE foo,terox Aden nar•r 0,.aicavv. ot Loo- dra. One of tteident and aroma eft /ire n.ursna romps:as to the world. la- arprssed A D. 1 -am. Asa ti oureighteenmillion dollars A sign of i.sioese is re- spectfully .olieited a Walt of the above toaWy. I Me preened t, make loans at once o. Wail .... If BartM lowest current rases. Mlles setiam ]lapin'. Hotel. Uudert.b. c'. SNAG'S Auouo wt: rrHOMAS (ANDRE, AUCTIONEER 1 and Ite.uraaor AIM. Godertoi. Out. Agent Lesbos and Laats►ire Piro ins Co.. esti Gere Drtrlct Menstt las. Ce. 8alga at tended to la any part re al corny. 00.17 TOIIN HNOX, GDERAL AUC - * mom sad land remoter. Oeberbh, Oat. Having led emiieseie expenses, k tie suetlososrdtrade. b is p. 1a 0 .Mie. to dbp ohatwitiet ero mtbteetlsu az cess missies. entreated rue. mows tole et sM.bfiarail to k1a E110X Ossv attended to OB1 mu rein. CMBEANAMBEOF HONK are*. -Gadget* Anise No ids, nesse third Mammy of each MN is the mol ever Tse Smut Mlles Simi lad Marsha sed risk hada pO laugH RICK RDSSON. ser +eery.. Maly' Dental A.111Mnosmsnt. TEETH EIITMCTEflIT$OUT PAIN R Ilea la or AT DR. 1. RICHARDSON'S NNW. P_____ „ eP[ad OMNI MCP IEIT-STREET m ONT. D enerda tee enUeehtl mtidaeth.. •fl.r e sainsebmg tbw tie Nedra t o mora ..t = poems oems ie Mee e • tris 10 ba v. w t end asked" dbrwer7. wkkb i w.p,a.yb » ..gam 00 least pais notes ttMb.. exraetb. .f MU It Ramp et ear fly, le suer emery Berea rare rear psisr ten. mast eltIOININD♦I!o<TI-lw>11111V 11 po113141tl be Meet spelt swear searte ftp files karmtor wade, M is Immo vI.. min. it sber reeM.s 1s Ms tlillew.. s1 the wnilartil we now R. arWiAAnaON. ALtNta. I 11=that 1 am lune almost that tazayst sleet, the aired lhat lay reaatrs mw ser mors to tress, wham alae OWL Thins Aw short words arose tress Mart M taag And M uu w hlsprrell deem lite clamed M be dsmethln• rept. glorified, *abhor, tons. Toa soft gloom Lung about us like • veil. Os1y the glimmer to the western skies •'rept 1n to show pour lips were peel* pale, To read ted rapture In your half dosed eyes. Aad then time words were spoken. uA tis Mt %Tao hushed to happy silence on your Unset. `horning wad da, light swept away the dream. Life clasped Ler fetters sad reamed ha sway, ,nly a soft. sweet knowledge, like • team, Lingers' around each hour of all the day. end e'en the hitter ring of the tprewwll With a gentler note upon the at And since. my darling, those' trued kaQues of spar. Are spread between as, though dim, dull • ei mute Ie life u'thou' the sunshine of thy face. Is lite without the echo of your toot. 0 all encompassed b7 your bre am l That nay blank ways an trod contentedly. 'Since to all evil 'Maas 1 think how you Would moths them -In all tappy things 1 Mink How you would prize tbem--wt to ms•acrw true, There is no discord 1a our perfect Ilnk. With thought. faith. hope, with lite and love your ow n. Ilow cue your chosen ever feel "alone?' -A11 the Tear Hood. HOW HE ESCAPED. During the middle ages the con .try now called Belgium was known by the name of Flanders, or perhaps it would lie letter l., say that Flanders war the largest of the several feudal provinces include .1 in that territory. Latterly, how- ever. Flanders comprised not only what is known as modern Belgium, but also a large part of Holland and northern rrauce. The ruler of the couutry wan called an earl. and in the latter part of the fourtecuth ccutnry Loris de Malatin wore the coronet, which he had inherited fre'w a long line r.t earls, all of whom lay sleeping in glory in the abbey of Illandigni. The proud and wealthy burghers chafed under the sovereignty of the feudal lords, and in Ghent particularly this feeling of independence was very stung. The earl, who noted the popu- lar disaReetion, male haste therefore to depart from Ghent and removed his residence to the city of Bruges, where he had a strong cantle. Now, Earl Loris was neither a wise statesman nor a brave general, and he foolishly augmented the public ill will by endeavoring to rob Ghent of its en- perior advantages.. Four noble riven supplied the city with its commercial and manufacturing facilities. Bruges bad no river, and eo a body of dike» were sent to construct a canal by which the waters of Ghent might be conveyed to Bruges. But the moan of Ghent fell upon them and put them to death. Earl Loris then dispatched another company-, which met with the same fate. These were decided acts of rebellion, but the men of Ghent were in the right, and the earl was in the wrong. Kings and princes very 'chitin] stop, however, tq think about the justice of anything. They care only toeecnre their own pleas- ure. The earl of Flanders was very angry with the men of Ghent, and he sum- tnouerl an army by which he hoped to conquer his rebellious subjects. He overeawe them in one battle. but in the nett he met with defeat and was forced to retreat to Bruges. Here be was be- sieged by the enemy, led by the brae. and energetic Philip of Arteveld, a young man of great promise. Earl Louis did not feel rhea' alarmed st the success 4 -Binges the enemy - for the strong TBnges teemed to laugh to scorn all attacks of a besieger. But then were traitors within, and one night the earl was aroused from deep with the tidings that the city gates were opened. He instantly summoned his soldiers. and mounting his warhorse rode forth to meet the fee, shouting the warcry of his race: "Flanders for the lion! Flanders for the earl!" He was preceded by torchbearers and trumpeters, and a man bearing • ban- ner on which was the famous Flemish lion thought in gold. Antr now up the streets marched the men of Ghent, shouting: "Death to the earl! Down with feudal tyranny!" "My lord," said Robert deMare.chant, a near and loyal friend, "march not against them -they outnumber ns 10 to 1." "Flanders for the lion rcried the earl. But when be maw the numerous and well appointed boat and heard the mar - derma cries his heart miagave him. "What shall I do. Sir Roberti" he asked. "Order your torches out. then ex- change clothes with me and get out of the city if you can." replied the faithful officer. So the torches were extiugttished, and harrying to a darkened stable the earl and the esquire exchanged clothing. I While this was occurring the rebels, who had seen the flash of the golden cor- onet on the earl's helmet and the .bee of his velvet mantle under the glow of the torches, were rnshing In swift pur- suit. "Hasten for your lifer whispered Sir Robert "1 am the earl and you De Mareschant." But this deceit wail quickly discov- ered, and wishing for no man's lits save the earl's the rebels hastened in all di- rections after the illustrious fugitive. Hard preened, for he esw hitt enemies before and behind him, be rapped at the door of a low cottage. His knock was responded to by a poorly deeded woo an, who held a babe in bar arms. "I •m Louis, tby sovereign, *ad est, men seek my life," cried Use earl "Give ins shelter sad riegs, old k Mary will ,award you.' 'I ant Daly a poor widow, but web Y i hive T leis fol. H7 lard, enter.• It was a pawn. rel/ -bed nari^ 1004 with only est ream. ?be Ido alum MIR reached by a ladder. Newer Wore led the powerful &Ari of Manders entered so moi er•4e as abode. The woman con- ducted nits to the loft and showed Min six children asleep on • bed of straw. • (buccal thyself, and quickly, for 1 bear thy perenere already at the door," ,Ire said, psintutg to the straw. The earl hastily crept in among the slumbering children, taking the young- est oue in lila arras. There was no little quarreling at first. "How big brother Max has grown," said one little girl as she snuggled clone betide the mighty potentate who hap taken refuge in that rude bed. "Why can he not conte to bed earlier and not awake its:°' grumbled a fluxes haired boy. But they soon became quiet, and the earl lay still with Gretchen slumbering beside him and flaxen haired Hans snor- ing fearleealy. Meanwhile a loud (Mounding had sum- moned Ilse widen to the door again. "Where is the man who has just en-. tered thy but?" demanded aaavage Gan- tois. "Art thou not wiotakeu( she answer- ed. "I am a widow and live her alone with my children" "Nay, but we saw the light upon the way as it glared forth from the open don." "I did but open It to throw something into the street. if there be a meta with- in, search and Hud him." The man casts a quick glance within He saw the ladder leading to the btt, and taking the light from the widow's hands he hurriedly ascended. A row of children huddled together was all that he saw, and he deeceuded again. "The woman is right," he muttered to the crowd. "There is only a nest of chil- dren sleeping together like pigs iu a sty, and then isn't room enough for an ant to bide, much less the Earl of Flanders." Uttering cries of balked vengeance, the throng of White Hoods, as they were called, pushed un, while the earl. with a thankful heart for his wonderful pres- ervation, went to deep in the company of the young children. Sorely wearied by fatigue, he slept es soundly in the mrd hovel of the poor widow as though be had lain iu one of his owu palace chamber. Tho next morning was the Sabbath, and the great earl was awakened by the wondering cries of the children. "How fanny: Brother Max has come to bed with his clothes on," cried the lit- tle girl, who had slept all night in the arms of her illustrious bedfellow. "Hitch, Minna," cried Max hiwaelf. "1t is some friend of mother's. 1 heard hire last night when Ise came in." "Nay, but I am a friend to you all," said Easl Lome. "Fr,e n this hour coma the Earl of Flanders your protector." The children were hushed to silence at the mention of that great name, and the earl presently descended to the lower room, where Ire fond the pions widow singing her Sunday morning hymn. "And wbo art •hon• to whom Louis of Flanders owes his life?" asked the earl. I aui the widow of Dolph the Diker, whom the wicked omen of Ghent slew when he was at work for his lawful soy er•ign." "I cannot restore to thee toy hus- band," ueband," said the earl, "hut 1 never shall forget thy generous kindness in risking your own life to shelter me. Here ie ■ mimeo( gold crowns, all that I can give thee now, but" - "God forbid that I should take it when thou needest the gold more than I," in- terrupted the woman as she put the purse buck into his Lunda "Thou art not yet out of danger, and it has core ne n othing to give the shelter." "When I have wy rights again, the widow of Dolph the Diker will not re- gret that she entertained her sovarsign.". replied thaearl_ He staid all that day with the widow and her family, keeping • better Sab- bath, abbath, I dare say, than he had for s long time before, and the following night hi succeeded in snaking his escape out of the city disguised in the, jerkin and marsh boots in which poor Dolph need to work at the canals. He reached Luk, one of his loyal towns, in safety, and an army soon gathered around him quite large enough to enable him to take tax field against the rebellious White Hoods. In a great battle he completely dm tested the Gantois, and Philip of Arta veld, their leader, was slain. Ghent was delivered up to him. and Flanders once more passed under the sway of its rightful lord. When Earl Louis returned to Bruges, he richly rewarded his faithful preserver, the widow Mechie, who was enabled ti pass her last days in comfort and luxury Max became • page in the great castle, and all the other children, from Haus to the laughing prattler, Gretchen, became tbs proteges of the earl who owed hit life to their mother's generous protec- bon. -Clinton Montague in Philadelphia Times. Prices rot lerss•aa. Much has been said of the practice of buying and gelling semneus, a practice, by the way, of no very special novelty. Jost before Toplady was about to be or- dained, Osborne, the bookseller, the friend of Johnson, offered to supply him with a 'stock of original sound sermons for • bilk. "1 world sooner boy see ondhand clothes," wY the tart reply "Don't be offended," said Osborne. "I have sold many to a bishop." The pries of sermons, Y of all eke, has varied with the times. In 1:40 • bishop of Iolanda}[ received froom the cbnrchwar dens of St. Margaret's, Weatminater, for a sermon on the Annunciation, a pile's, pries In. 4d., a cellos of wine, d peso., and boat hire -in all as. 44. In the seventeenth century .ar1son. seem k MAI Dees Tallied es about 6 shilling' .51.1.-Excbasem ver febmoeve' merit Mrs. Sophia Little who died recently at Newport R. L. mops Loewy Y the "prisoners' friend." She kpow aIle bar whets life to visiting=sols ting is Neer r -^moianee mid km their a▪ ft% 'fly (nisi rsgbr Weds D ram 111• A ta1t Mrlism1 tttttttt,t" ECO7OLENEI Mt NMI -411 -4111 --gyp -40 -4111 w. - w+ --4110 1--k is the new sbeirtaidaff Maki_ the place of IaN d10.--er cooking butter. dp_both. Costs leas. goes_+ 1-•-tarther. and Is easily 410- dpo,..-digested by aeries. -. 111101"-- f AT ALL GROCERS. - --11 4IP• .- Rade o•ly by ^r ▪ II. K. FAIRIAIK & CO., ter Wellington sad Ano Ms., --- MONTREAL. 1101.1 l p Husband My dear, don't you think we aro living rather eon extravagantly ' Couldn't, you practice a little economy Wife --good gracious, Jobs, 1 do. Thew hasn't been a bargain sale for the put six months which 1 have not attended. R K. & t'o.'. Monthly. weeeeb sr1. water In MM. l'. McDonald, Serpent River, gays: --'•I used Nmol Balm for • bad ase of catarrh, and it It.s done me more good than all the remedies I ever tried before. It is worth its weight in gold." From dealers or ! y mail, post paid. at 50c small or 11 large bottle. Address Faltord A ('o., Brockville, Oat. fesWapM»a steered. Csxrt Toes, I suffered for a long time with oonntipatiou and tried many med - cines without moms. i then tried Bur doch Bloat Hitters and very soon had great relief, so 1 continued its use and am now completely cured. e juebec, •; ue 2 M Was o>•Ns.. A good old Indy said to her nephew, • poor preacher wheal oobody wanted to bear -.lama, why did you enter the ministry'" "Became 1 was called,- he answered 'Janne.," said the old lady anxiously as she bokeu up from wiping her spectacles, "are you sure it wean t some other noise you heard San Fr•nsisco Argonaut. A Keene tad7. A lady named Mrs T. ('. M. Humphries, luno` is Keene, •tot., who used only two bottles of Membcsy's Kidney and Liter Core, has forwarded a statement to the effect that it completely cored her of in- tlammatory rheumatism, kidney and liver troubles. ',itch • complication of diseases yielding so quickly to this remedy should eoonurage ester sufferers to give it an honest trial. Mew Tor I:araneee.ens Mej0U. She Oh, Willie, do you really, truly love tie' He-- :'es. dearest. By the way, have y ou that memorandum book 1 gave you She- Yee, love. He-- Well, then, lust make a note ot a so you won't need to auk me about two dcien times a day. Truth. Well adapted. The effective action on the glandular system and the blood, and the general re- gulating tonic and purifying action of B. R. B. especially adapt it for the bilious, nervous, costive or scrofulous. From three to six bottles will cure all blood diseases from a oommoe pimple to the worst scro- fulous sore. 2 M liege Me Awabr. Hot Rows -int tired set this morning I was up half of the eight with the tooth- ache. Mrs. .1 ones ( sympathetically t That's too had. i hope you've seas • dentist this morning. Hes Brown Ob, it was my husband's tooth that oohed !-- New York Times. t'. 1.. R. ,taenia. & Co. My roe George hes suffered with neural gia rested ti. Mart *ism 1882• but by the application of MINARD'S LINIMENT is 1889 it completely dieapp.sred and has not troubled him amine .1a• %IcK,z, Linwood, (let. Granidmabeirs Miele Apte t. pa.Y.e. The old fashioned elude, Bleeder sod ase, that oar gra.dmotbrs wrm we are weather sow, says a New York exoh•rege ; at least these ei es fortunate moues to have had • grandmother of such elapse room Asd we wear them jot se she did, pared twice sword the rob, fie that they dipiay a Apert &spot loam at the target .ad ss- ether at die ways. The womb is sat were s thew eMls., wbMA hem hese ekrmtssad by the .apsatigal tram et " but posed an tae .hes1Mr, se, WWI wrinkle, 'penned in the left bed elem. as /sanely It wed gat isle the purse eft .sed vasa An assesses" *lesuep. 0sinp.awss,-W. bass mod Nasya d s Rests sl Saban l■ ..e bona for ener toes feast old Ila Ib on erteotnt remoiy fie as brow d sag& kid earn 1a themes sad Mag ersiseW M silbstb tb<m.t nett Jsa a, C towel Ook f Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry L • reliable remedy that out always be depended on to cure cholera, cholera 'titanium. outer, cramps, diarrhoea, dysentery. and all tuuseuests of the bowels 1t 1s • pars Extract continuing all the virtue of Wild Straw- berry, use of the safest and surae mares ger all osmamr complaints, combi•sd with otiose barmier yet prompt curative wed known to medical or renal. e ^ of Wild Strawberry were known by the Indians to be as elaealient remedy }'tr dMnbot+, •lyseotery and looseness of the bowels; bat tnwlic.l science has platted beturs the public no 1)r Fowler's Ext. ot Wild Strawberry • complete and effectual cure for all those distreming and often dangerotl. complaints 0o conintou in this change- able climate. It has stool tie test for 40 years, and hundreds of ht,,, bloc been sated by its prompt U.O. No other remedy always Cures summer com``laint.. w prompt y, quiets the pain so effectually and allays irrita- tion set successfully as this unrivalled prescription of 1)r. Fowler. If you are going to travel this Summer be sore aud take a bottle with you. It overcomes safely sod quickly the dis- tressing summer complaint eo often caused by dwell ad air ,oaf water, mod is also • aghast sten-sickness, ani ail bowel Complaints. Priv :ins. Beware of itttitatiole and substitutes Noll by unscrupulous dealer's for the sake of greater profits. VVINTER COODS The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times prices at The Ton10 Cash Sio P. ODEA, Manager. MoL EQD'B SYSTEII RE V •Xo OMEN Tena n 'smaitxwaa Specific;. and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye pepeu slsepkgaoega, palpatatios of the heart, liver coatplaiat, searalgia, lose of memory, broachitu, consumption, gall stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary disease., St. Vitus' dance, female irreg- ularities and general debility. LABORATORY. LODERI(B, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. McL cotes 8y.T*0 Renovaron ea0 be dab from .H a in town, r well alarm .H the di 1etwees Owe. Saud .ad Menton'. Durham .ad Triremes. fm7 le. PLANING MILL EITAKIIJIEll IIN. Buchanan & Son, mAtrUF.crca OS BABE, DOOR and BLIND Dealers le W klub of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Ad ►elder e1 material of ever? desetiptb• School Furniture a Specialty. JHO IS YOUR TAILOR ? This is a perNss.t question and see to wbhosh you should give thought. DOS HB 3UIT YOU ? if moa, yes nee ewsiay get eat Is*alsliss by mgt.( ai DUNLOP'S fMPOIt1 WEST STREET. A lune gtu.Yty d RRADY MAD Il n .a head win b. d at =her er win brise- QlE .say w ggl Earaa/*a. H. DUNLOP. 6tLT tODla _ iNERVINE TOC Stomacht'Liver Cure The Most Aston Medical Dleoovery of the Last One Hundred Years. It is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar, It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest HUk. This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introduced iby lrropriero and c:rars of tho Routhntothis Americancountry Nervinethe Tunic, andtoyet iia manufagreat Taduetuas at cu%tia agent has long been known b3 a few of the west learned phtsieirtas. who have not brought its z ..erits and value to the keowledgt; vi then general public. 'Phis medicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of jlxli- gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system. It is also of the greatest value in the euro of all forms of failing health Bole whatever cause. It performs this by the great nervine tonic qualitie* which it possesses, and by its great curative powers upon the digestive organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No retoedy coop, with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a buil 'r and strength. ener of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer of a broken-down constitution. It is also of more real permanent value ffi the treatment and etre of diseases of the lungs than any cinsumptios remedy ever used on this continent. It is a marvelous euro fur nerv- ousness of fernlike of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical period known as change in life, should not fail to use this great Neriine Tonic, almost cost-Lantly, for the space of two or three years. It will carry them safely over the danger. This great strengthener and cura- tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its gfeet energizing properties will give them a new hold on life. It will add ten or fifteen years to the lives of many of thins who will use a half dam bottles of the remedy each year. IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Ileadache, Sick Headache, Female Weakness, Nervous Chills, Paralysis, Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous Choking, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of the Ileart, Mental Despondency, Sleeplessness, St. Vitus' Dance, Nervousness of Females, Nervousness of Old Age, Neuralgia, Pains in the Heart, Pains in the Back, Failing Health, Broken Constitution, Debility of Old Age, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, Weight and Tenderness In Steeled, Loss of Appetite, Frightful Dreams, Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears, Weakness of Extremities aged Fainting, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Boils and Carbuncles, Scrofula, Scmfutous Swellings and Ulcers, Consumption of the Lungs, Catarrh of the Lungs, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Liver Complaint, Chronic I)iarrheea, Delicate and Scrofulous ('hild."ea, Sommer Complaint of Infanta All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nervine Tonic. NERVOUS DISEASES. As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has bees able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which 1.a very p ant gad harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and mtyt delicate individuaL Nine tenths of all the ailments to which the hums family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired dig tion. When there is an iasullleie nt supply of nerve food in the blood, $ general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result. Starved nerves, like starl-td muscles, become strong •rhe' W right kind of foal is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and admits disappear as the nerves recover As the nervous system mast supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body arc carried on, it is tke first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not eas- tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to f4psir the wear our present modo of living and labor imposes upon the Deno, For this reabton it bee•omem necessary that a nerve food be supplied. This South American Nervine has been found by aaalysis to contain the essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accouW for its universal adaptability to •lbs curs of all Persia of bermes is. rangement. - - Guwroan..n.t.a. 1xs.. A. sA 111. hit. I ttaar+ea Waimeaof I awtq, new n Kr greet Soar* 4 swiss.. r dir;r Ce.: eye 1 W tee. k 11.1411.11.4.4"."191 Deas Use -AE -1 Mee to env to 700 that I have e.pwed for may years with • very mime ; tiros 7'ar' tress !irryowmaa, weeaaeer of obs dims, et the stoma sad armee. 1 t red every medicine I mild bear el. bat sonatas dose me •a7 appreciable rood nein I was Wvtese to try leer Greet Synth Americas Ile -vi.. Took sad Mimi aid Liver tone. and Motu Meg *1omrb. D7gepd•. sad ladigne: , aero .7 Malta was Beal. I had bed b.eteet•s t+ seemly. wttb 50' reteet. Ieatbeet e bathe Mouth Aneenewa Nernst. wy .ea ave seine several bottles of It I must oar fiat I am mor- good ti•a say M worth of bertdwta1 1 mon priest at Its wo.de,ful powers to tune lbs etom- did 1. my lar. 1 would styli. weokt7 t>•' sea sad mural memos sjystem. If eyer7eae ' 0 kme the valor d tib rwmee7 ave 1 du yes wogW Ona to Ae this valuable and lovely mob sot be able to supply the demand. Irmo bottle r4 11 boo awed M rempbM7. 1 J. A. Haaaax• as -Teas. Montgomery Co. 1 e"MMr 1t ted geaaarA msAltae la is would' A SWORN CURE FOR $T. VITAS' DANCE 011 CHOREA. (,'RAwrORDsvILLR, I1(I,., 1000 !"-'. 1567. My daughter, eleven yews 014, was eeverel aMk ted with tit. Vitus' Ibtaer sr Chorea. We rive her three and one-half bottles of South American Net - vine and she ie completely restored. I believe it will cure every case of r Vitus' Dance. i have kept it It my Gunny for two 50030, and am sure It the greatest remedy lo the world for indigestion igestion and Dyape dee, and 0111 Monier* of Nervous onier* and Fath Health from wVinever mime. Jos' T. Mart. State of Indiana, Montgorn pry (booty, Subscribed and sworn to before me this Jonas It 1187. CRAB. W. wnloT, Notary Pnb*: INDIGESTION AND DYSaPEPSI&' The Great South American lervine Tonic Which we now offer you is the only absolutely unfailing remedy e7er discovered for the cure of %digeyuon, byspepsia, and the vast train of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility elf the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of isal- eulablec v►lue who is affected by disease of the stomach. because the ex' perienee and testimony of many tngo to prove that thin 1s the Oasad 001.7 001 great care m the world for this nniversall destroyer• Theis tbe is no ease of unalignant disease of the stomach which can resist ted wonderful curative powers of the South American Nerds. Temic. a sasas7 a. Sm. of w ladtr.- ..... ....mow- at Iasw nen NOM Aeswrb•i 1 are m7 me » tits OastSea► s Mer.bs i w trey• la bed for he sswW Orem the se.•mheurbd ses•sasb. •-- '50 •dat de neral s abal es whole ima. Mad as bona M atiOnes I. Sate MI. e !05i 1 MI5 TM *tet rte i1 W1 1bgeeve w rvste .e. Nese mob that 1 te eeb1es; walk street. sae a law betties mod me salla I tube. M Is ted best medlelm es tip .urea L w net neemm,y le tee btal7 " rave: "1 vts.see mom' M mod N..10. Tonle. ley Nyasa was essab tt7 al* MA appewb area woe Maw awe 11.001 amp .M .s4. one ..w i woe r nth d ,•ftber.reeleee et MeV Y emosens ..m.U'-tam _ it abVI els sesoilbs,mall an lb us 1yr Wm. tease 1randme bass mor ems." ser Betew Attwpmtg Nrvme fie • ssse fir tgr Igwees fro - es- tt.w. magusatdeal ti mr r..0!re.l.. ga . weaiep ..e r w woos' rwar hr, ,ssi •lk .snp7.ss NerasettgaNiaeve ourw1eeada reewee 11t. w Ns.1► IA;tvabr et»mzz » as .•.ids envie ted ws.. ls •s7pre ase see sae swam toe eek. • Ar.rw w : npenortly .t psdt eerTb.mso eft es the w SsraMe 1.»rmse M .e° _ sw es W e sesaesm wow seen ear ops eMda Bbb Mr eve•/ fe!' mssbeape aN woaLie.ma Large 16 ounce Bottle, 111.00. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. F. JORD A •7",Ilhaa:rtor aral dotT•