HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-11-23, Page 14111. "THE SIGNAL" ygoM NOW TO JANUARY lar, 181ik, FOR $1.00 el V41AIMIZ. VOL. XLV. 1440 •i Zbe t 7. r y \ , A • 1 •` 1 11 .416 THD OPFIOIAI,' 1•711EWBPAP3ElR OP HURON OOV ITY_ nat. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY NOV. 23, 1893. YOUR Txxs sEE THAT YUUTb ('1' IN D. l[cOILL I THE NEWS OF THE WEED. ° T`;. Cbl; ` er:'e a`; p has THE TALK OF THE TOWN Vye item• from Ilrverywhere. Ib' utr.l Record 'Ube eMnas of floe Week aerially rre.enled IM Mr Item - .r Name matter. .r Wrest Ispestaare. devilled to hold the neat •nnoal meads( In Toronto. Clara Park wee granted • divo, . from From the Reporter', Notebook. Richard Park, the siculpltor, and wee also awarded the meta In the suit. The American yacht Navaho*, which eu 1a',. a mete 1n s Ter twat.. t rase wont to England and was defeated la the greet races then, bee returned to this side. � Plaimaiscs.a& hl be , t l kis '114116"i" IHOW THEY ALL WORSHIPo . I1 aboaa Pfeport:on .l.o rem.,.. OVER T • PORKlGN POLITIC*. In the British House of (Ammon. Jamas Kier Heidi., Socialist, introduced a till 1e teat 11; a Maul's Animas tie Takla' Rale., an' Ialth me'U Treat It." -mares. • I' I 1 A NC* AND TRADE. + pruvldiug for the naMuoa11zM un of mines It you want • pretty. odd. real good ..r ubes. Aa oyster trust has bees leant in Cha- I Etnia-evr William opened the Reichstag ponts'.,isct tram the inewtieettua a r'ear's mrticut to elate in Iter:ie, and outlined the (iov- Always use Fear's Baking Powder. 1t is ! g rainrut s .h.. in his address from the reoommsd.d .B who len It. The price and Inde ,.,dent lass manitrtarera forma w.Pauly both tell. out...lu fu fight the Fliut slam treat. t r.,na The break November wind. are whistling. fh. slopping firm of Troop A Son at St ash Tet WATE and the man who can afford an oyerooat and Jot.o \ it., a said to be la financial , The Baltimore schooner Oliver St Booth doe.at get ewe N terribly foolish. The beet Melee ban 8wted ashore off south Carultnn. ca. i 104. to e�paannd material at Y. J. Purl Her crow 01 twetre i re w to bare MINI TAILORING. - Fall ..d Winter The American Arociatioa of plate glassppttead at:u+fn furan ho decided to reduce the pertahrd olatb Lt est rudely rest to Fowler'. boot Mice of plata glume andeks tie the Square You can bare TEE /Nit �ECOMD. • big sad ret, on good style •ret fit at IL. Kentucky Halting lSempsuy, of The Page dour mills at Fur me Fans. racy .edrate Price.. IL 11s.(1,rm•c, mist. laarill.. Las aide an a'sigtast Lia' Ria, , with a cap•eity of 600 barrvb • Have roe seen tis novelties in photo work bi+• . 41:d -tial: meets ;1 We. da were destroyed bre. los. for the Fall mad hdndey trade of 1 It oa. It a Tutu ,Ted in lundutt, Fagg., that the y' b7 don't tail to oil at tree mmioof tt K *:allows. $100 United -.Libel Uuvernmeat h•abtot to spa 'W0 ca. Mfoatn.lst. and the Squats and auk. lull eoeuiry. He will gine you all Infortnal t.rn. neget+ate :•s tiers fora loan. RAILWAYDATALIT1r!y. JACK -I:NIt'Kt!-are very candy thing. in Tie hail. of England 1. i. criticised by the their place. but when • man or woman u took - 1 .:::.1 •u papers. which charge bad than ' low g for watches. they d't want to be u,ttn- c . r.ug and call for as t Ja explanation. • ed wilck-knives Oar mock of watches is ter ou a 1N. all tae newest *salsas in gold, Nit Courtney, Deputy Minister of Pin poid Om, silver and nickel and nesthe r sail th at,. e. has gorse to i a.Diagton. It is kmower u •t rock bottom prices. W. T. Wet.mowerported that trade weight).* s will occupyand optician. kis attention while there. lie REMarenrl. THE. OLD Sellout. We 1c,. banking hon ei of filobick in RDIJOIOCe. understand that lir. C. J. Hamilton, of V' 'rutty. use w. los. failed. with Nobilities Pope o dwLrel in an address to 4,000 Coawafm , a f6rer pupil of lioderich l'ol- se• "flog to ,00.000 roubles -The chief Italian pilgrims that he was not an enemy legate Institut t, has kindly offered • model n -i,;her of the km firm habsconded to (o Nay, to the pupil obtaining the highest peresnt- n.-ries. -- Roman 1'a:iolic Bishops strongly sea. I. seat mattar. un.t in attar the second or Mira the Hungarian bill to compel a third chew rooms- it a *mood to ase that DEATH IN ]ZANY FORMA fanner pupils take such an teresOmer t in d hi little girls pareha fire which marriage. The ((rand 'hook Railway ePompy has been .aifromslsd from s11 blame for the Bottle Creek deaths,. l',atlsctor Scott is da to be tried fur masoyhtmr. and Engineer Wooley is resented for rambled web- geom. ag - genc*. - old "tool. d.,truyed St. Franctr Academy. near Medi TMD LABOR WOULD. I A Nam MA+ AT Tut 11euw'AI. HALL -- D AL N'tee oust n. An order limiting the mal output In the !John E. Davis. favorably known to the Kis Rhodes was killed and times Tilt• Lehigh region of Pennsylvania has ren , people of this lissom, has bought oat the Tel eerioasly iujured ).y a fall of slats in dared 13.1100 men idl•. the laylerl tile. III. , coal minerson. is fhillol 4 Reim(drug baseness formerly earned on by F. Time an 46,`i i9 ' a tt the T1At House. Buffalo, Mary Me PI Jordan at the Medical Hall with much 'se - [eremite • laundress, was caught ip the lanidry msebinsry and m•aglsd to death. Patrick J. Conley, of Wouaetcket, R. I., y,l..riotendent of the Wuaarrcket Robber 1'. orks. at that dace, was killed by • cable al 111 New York. Al Met:ninnew. • Davenport. lows. s:/ eta keeper, was killed by his horse •ngrng down • steep hill against a rail - r:,.•1 crossing gate. :he ellta a sobool at i'0op«nville, N A. ' (aught tire, and idles Porter. the ar her. perished in the t1•ms while rem the children. two of whom were alar, burned to death. AMARCmY• r.rnor Altgeid says there is not a al:.4',e anarchist in the state of AUnoia. i Anarrhtst Neebe says Anarchist Lingg was killed by • loaded cigar, and was ,..t • suicide. The police of Barrelotta, Spain, are hunt- down the Anarchies Md bore made several arrests. 1 dynamite bomb was fatted by dots t: yes in the cellar of • house on Emit Third street, New York. The bons* of (len. Mathelin in Maud - lee was damaged by • bomb append to tare been tired by soareti.ts. The Italian Government has intimated that it Is ready to co-operate with Spain in measures against the Anarchists. Laughter, the young man who attempted 1<il! M. (ieorgevicb, Serviette .loot.• d'•dfairea. pretends that le is a Anarchist and that hie attack upon M. (seorgevich was the result of an Aaarebist • b+t. A.00T CRIMINAL. Phil V. Taylor, a St. Lot& g.��prri.7 in dkted for forgery, dled of alcoholism. Dill Carpenter, who escaped from jail in Edgddd County, 8. C , while ander son Macs of death, was recaptured. William O. Parish 1. in jail .t Dallas, Tex., on a charge of hiring • negro to kill his psrtener. He tried to commit suicide. Four prisoners made • bold attempt to escape from the county jail at Dayton. •alto, but wen overpowered by the jailors. Again it is reported that Mrs Maybrick 1s dying in Woking prison, )tnglend,where she is serving • mordents for pnieontng her e � nebaasi. Milo T. Bogard. who promoted and ',rocked the Western Union Building As- •eiation In Bt. Louis, has been indicted for forgery. TALL* OV MVRDPI< AIM Birdie Baugh Wal asaanited and murdered at Alliance, O. by KatlfavM ran, who cuts his own throat Thomas Thai', • Deadwood miner, killed 1114 wife. wbo had left him, her cousin and los was. who heti befriended her. •ad than himself. The jury in She erne of James Howten Hill, charged with the murder of Mrs. Weider in Phttsbur= lad March, returned • vrdkt of guilty of murder in the first degree Mr. Trask Wheeler, formerly of Toren M whom tmath.r•b-law was mnrdorod by batglars is a suburb of Chicago, beams the subject od..sMidsrdsle gossip with the nook t1M se tavewigadee was mde by The poles, .early vtadisthng him. who generally have employment, bat who are at present out of work. Ileor r" el•:ideittally .imsdlr in Hawkins . onnty, Tea. nen his body was picked up his heart was fogad in his left hand WARE* Or TSN WORLD. Th. Tulle of Morose* has .sat IgM brother with • force of svalry to parity the RltBans Nietheroy has offrand esv.esly trout the homMrdteent by the Rr aide robot. N1 the people haw. shown groat bravery. Mail *deices from Cuba Indicate them las hen • spmtaeoes oohing of wad kends of rewolutiomi•ta all over this Waal. Admiral Moho, leader of the 40011 a robots, hasPet .. PINrw tit. lata Dam eie• ggeedleth. I teetst d lesail Holglam have othesalleallad thole Cage krette at tenghl, where they have .rod - el .teat They Ove al a a • __. tribe ores. )4r. Davis has not onlypaasad the as by e ✓ ecular eaamioatioe, but baeal molly succeeded in obtaining from Termite University the degree of Plint. K. la our advertising column' he makes hie bow to the public of this 'action. Tnr. 1.1.0t 1. 1'oMcPt ('u1e1'AiII. -"Inst E. O. Acery, mi]]ioaain lumberman of Party," by Arthur Lloyd and his E.glish Alpena, Mich accidentally- shot bimasl[ Company. had highly •ppr.oiative •u - in the abdomen whits cut gunning His thews in the l :rand Opera Howe es Monday condition is totted. 1VI DEL Richard Crum, w. • .a :imwlf at Osh- kosh, the heart b •i>• Mattered against his forehead, died of •ecesion of the brain. Don Carlos Diaz, Con for Spain in Kaltir.nrs. Md., committ«I suicide by jueii•ing from tit. fourth storey of his re silence in that city. fdhie McDonald took poison at Pitts- burg according to her promise to hr dy- ing friend. who committed suicide because she was molded for truant TUE DDA D. Sir Robert Murier, British Ambassador to Russia, is dead. Prince Alexander of Batteoberg, former ly Prince of Bulgaria, died at Brat:. Frank A. Johnston, United States Con- sul al Chihuahua, Mex.co, died on the way to his poet. ,lobe W. Hogg, chief clerk of the United States Story D epartm.nt. and for 39 years an employs of the (iovernment. dropped dead .a Washington. rR ttiWNAI_ 11 11. Bard. Q. C master in eh•aory, at Woodelook, has suffered • stroke of paralysis'. Hoo. Warner Miller has resigned the pre- sidency of the Nicaragua (:anal Cometrue- tics Company. Mr. Hector Fabre. Canadianftigh Cum missioner at Paris, who las been on a visit to Canada, hs returned to Pans it is reported that George (held has written • latter to Chsiris•n Wilson, of the Ways and Mamie Committee. 'Avocet Ing aa income tax. CANADIAN TOPICS. Natural gas has been streak at Ham Ilton. The quarantine station at Grow Isla bas boon closed The Ottawa & Parry Sound Railway has been completed from Ottawa to Barrow. ()n an aut.ndm•ot to the Parish Coun- cil'. Bill the British Ministry was defeated in Committee by 21 votes. London City Cnstneil aee.pted the Lake Frei & Detroit River Comps • oder for es the legof theen Tdon & Port Staley Railway. IN TRU OLD WOULD. M..psra William km decided that the next maprnven of the German army shall he held in Silesia The Landon Drily Graphia publishes ab mirtkle which la intended to prows that England's naval supremacy in the Nadi- Wrramoah Stas been wrested from Mr by Teaam. The ei•►eatb lstern•tioual Mediad Coe - gram which was to boos mast at Seise es S.parmbs, M. but wbiteh ems postpaid on acenunt of the rimers opid.mis ties prevailing la Italy. will Oaks pew from hre\ le to April , i11$4. OVRR TIM LIBU• lirsaowtrk. Oa. hes bees visited by fast mid the optimise Is partially med- ia e vaior. The trend of the play is p•rtieu- larly English, you know, and u • atmos satire on the moneyed nobodies who en- deavor to court the eristocrecy. The piece was well psecd, with a number of striking .ivatioos and some good singing and sever - a! laughable dances the meg of " Rune foori• rum-te-gay " being of particularly fumy commit. i►r.ATH ..r 1111.. EbtioTr ve DAKOTA. -. 1Cdoeeday morning the mews was received by R. McLean, that his sister, Mrs Join Elliott, lad died is Gremlin, D.A. on the us previoday. The telegram eine, stated that her remains would be shipped by rail from that point tor interment in Maitland cemetery, (:derich. Mrs. Elliott was well and favorably known in this eectioo, having lived in this section from childhood up to .3rne Devon years ago, when she went WDet with bar husband. ('4.1.1dn:,ATI ,''Tilt Ti. LIT*KAI.1 ENTRR- TAt1mR.rT. - The following program was masted at the ops stating ot the 1,.11- tegiste I..ait.t. Literary Jl•et•ty .e Frady evaisg, vie : Pharos, (:I.. Club : reading, Mr. Gommoll ; radiog, Miss McConnell radial, Miss Str..g ; solo, Mas Wilkie ss : ro•diag, Mr. Gregory : omission draw r, 11. I. Strang. B. A. ; chorus, Glee Club ; readier. Mi.. LeTo.aat ; recitation, Lin Williams : instrumental dad, Milan Camp- bell and Sharman : .duras.' sotectiips, Miss Williams B.,Ti,.R D•MANI.A ON CANADA.- The Star Al..asas of Montreal quickly.d•bli•h• d its repatatioo, and its fame spread rapidly to tnr•ign countries. The Star Al- d msao for 1894, just bels published. has hems ordered for such wed k.ows istit.- tio.s s the library of the British Masao •.d parliamentary libraries .t Westminster, Leede., Reglad, the Cos grsesi•u l libraries at Weshisgtos sad the p•rbasatary libraries at Ottawa, and tbo.esads epos tbemmds of private lib- raries and hosueheN- tbzaughat the Am- ericsa oo.t1.sst. No weeder the orders for the Star Almanac w asersoms OsoisnisI res Tilt PUISIScrvs--The Cbhalso railroads bat.,el ad • had to dst • Mayne who will oppose troth etews- Sam by poopea the gwt tTeeesb. ham `• be Wiauui Me i.1aM.s y the ssibeed isafea ty, of with the Abet of speeders Ow INDIA .n. "*'e e bays • emery lhat Tam psalms *NIU J.Aweele. a A rah* who aljet be wee Obleavied ,SW l sesta mie= boOolegeeme emote. I kbblm, the M thee 11e hes NIL the meaie of the ofd Bowery refrain, ~ And 11 aver go than maaayy mor.,' were a aver l f•iUng wares of merriment 10 the •udiseas Religion In the CIvt1 Serviette SUNDAYGorl'*LTRIIPEI:A1u i MAST inn. -- Then was • good tarsout at the temper• am hall Sunday afteraooa last at the Gospel Temperance mootinr. Chairman Tem occupied the chair, and after prayer, Che reading of a chapter of Scripture sad the sin tog of a hymn, called upon James Mitchell to address the Rathoring The latter gave • r:riptural disoouree laying down the principle a.lvsace4 by Mr. Stead reosotly, in Toronto, that no man ought Ca be satisfied with being a Christian. but should be • Christ, when the good of hu fellow,' was involved. ()a the gattta of total abetaicanee and the prohibition of ligeor, we s'ould all, mud the speaker, be walingto make personal sacrifice, even al. thumb we had on Indlvidnaltear of being overcome by the drink habit, so that temp- tation would be pot out of the reach of .11 tbom who uofortanetely had last the power to restrain theINlites. The meeting Sun. .lay stternoon met will he aldresnd by J l:uchanas, or.. mid the following Sunday Rev. 1..1. Auimees will occupy the plat- form. lanform. Tetsuo:lmt.:t: Rt:'YK .t\DOar. te RE - 'ITU -The annual ThmiksgtVitt supper under the &asptces of the Lubes Aid, will be seared io the basement of .\'mesas Methodist Church on the eventing of Th.aksgil•ing day, Thursday, Ntv. 113rd Alter supper, the formal opening of the new organ by G. A. Depew, Esti , Mu.. Kae.. organist of First Presbyterrou church, De- troit, Nich., who will render a fine selec- tion of organ taloa, will take piece. In ad- dition there will be a number of ("bete. musnol selections rendered by the choir of of the cherah, muted by 141...... Belcher, McVMar and 1 boatmen. Sapper served from 6 to 8 ; Organ recital to cammenoe at 8 o'clock. A WORD IN SEt'.DN.-The (:oderich cor respondent of the 11110to0 New. -Record has the following pointed reference to the County of Huron using the common jail as . • refuge for its indigent aged and infirm Nine fellow creatures are in the c000Iy pill bemuse they have o0 other boma As this is the sawn for preaching misioasry and Th.kigivioe sermon, might not our mit- &eters as an introduction try and awaken a missionary spirit among those who vote •roggu+cest a Hoose of Refuge it in only in Christian Canada that the infirm end aged poor are imorisood for life and when all is o'er placed in • cheap coffin and dumped in a pauper's grave. With Lazarus always be- fore them it seems strange that our county fatten do not heed the lesson. THE UNION CHrw n At'lv*ay.ikt. -- The The aneiverenry tesotsusg ,oder the •ss- pioes of Union church, l:oderich township, Friday evening lest was largely attended, and a magnificent spread was provided by the ladies in the school hoose. After all Ma done amp!* justice to the wood things provided by the Ides an ndjourument was had to the church, where under the able chairmanship of Rev. 1)r. Ure, a very full program of sdanesses and vocal muatc was presstd. The speakers were Rev. .1. E. Howell, 1f. A , Rev. J. A. Anderson, It A., D. McGillicuddy and the pastor, Rev. M. McKay. The massa, which was of a par- ticularly high order, was furnished by the .hoir of Uotos church, the solo tarts being capably takes by Mw ilesttie said Jas. MoCluaky. (a Saturday evening a social was held which was also • success. The addressee ea this eos•so• wen giros by (bas Nattel and Wm. McUlu.ky, and the music by the choir. Financially the mini versary gatherings were suoossful, ante 493 being realized as the result ot the enter- tainments. ntertainments. Ririe Smear. After the animal meeting the (.odencb Off Hand klfie Club mat on J. S. Plait's rasgs asd held their oasis( match for this soma which was for an oys- ter sapper. Sides wen chosen on the rang. by the president, H. Lockwood, mad vine-prrsidest, R. W. Loges. The scores were as follows President's team - vice Mainers of the polling .ebdivisioa., mad • nada of relates workers met at the Ismpr..o. hall T.mdsy swamies to take the not merry steps to go over the voters' liefs sad folly arrange for getting out the vote io tavr of tempwraac• at New Yeas'. Quondam prtalaing 10 orgaaiza- iia were discussed, sad • plan for gettiag dewm to work dories the *wino week was �' The ssetisg adjourned to most •PMN the sane plass cm'Tas day main soma at 8 o'ele.k, whs. the reports of the vin•-o►airnes and the results e000mplehed by tho enlleetms will 14. a►sitted. 493,963 (kovxalrr*.T D7.iw vaite rya - coasts. -Maws. ya-coaasts.-Mraa 11. O'Hara & U.., saw ars Tomato 8toak Examine, 24 Toronto et, lost week p•released hem the tremble Ri (vutptmV MUM worth Omt- O..it $ elan.. d NW 60 sash, payable see seek bat!-y..r far 40 Tsars, to yi.M them 4; pr snot half Tamely. M the OMaris Oowsoent W ► large surplus them....Plumshedtsd la the marks1 .toad ably w Death= .t Chad. asewitles Thom ohstm. Matte baso boa ..td M M+ea B O'llas. A (v. haus s t 100 worth.ash D.b.ste: moldsthe at oor Proem d of IA ye.w -+t pet Out Ot ow. -111. od. Oboe Cem.dy 0.. appeared With a lair adieapa llatmiy osia� b tk. Grad Open Seem. The ~�mrgHllads, bush from bmair•i•, pre. - id A, • Maty .t..ead is and s Waltillegni and the ether ohmmeters ..r. wi111ies -- thee set heist ,.dead and " r die main ase_ i.tla.. is trniou, .d 1. esesNieltime We hest atria La4Y.r--.h. hem - " ak►iwim," sad IIS M1 Yards IN yards. it R. Watson ....m ILP. Wilkinson N ...:-, Hgle. Lockwood ltitd Vaoos--promid.smt'• tam- WeVe J. it.w, Leges An Ome1a1 IN.teeseett 1a 5.Nr t• ale shahs tall laMMltes Get on radars rrw,.eenso or O*.ees trees tae NIsr4. Gov erastrat la view of ailegatiow that Romeo Cath- olics rr eive more than a proper share of the good thinge of the Provincial service, a re- turn has been prepared by each department, giving the ambers, respectively, of Protea• teats and Catholics employed, with the sal- aries paid, when payment is by salary. Hero is the atatomsot : r..\k, CTI\ k . 01 .t 11. ANI/ %TTOR'El I. EN L.k.%I_ 1 Protestant.: salaries ... .. /12,856 2 Catholics : salaries . . . 2,250 A14I'D4TIRA11U5 0, )ficers and clerks act t I.good. Hall 53 Protsewa : salaries . .. .... $63,683 7 Catholic ; salarisa. .... ..... 6,500 DEPARTMENT 4,1 Et(. ATIO\. Otoers, clerks and employes in the De - of Education and Norma! and ilad.1 .Schools, eaanuartioos, School of Practical Scissor, library. eta, connected with the Department of Education : 84 Protestants, salaries 497,530 16 Catholics, salaries .. . 13,870 1_1%:,. tit:vAKTMk\T. inside service -- 28 Protestants, salaries 437,300 5 Catholics, malarias 5,430 Outside service -- 29 Protestants. salaries 18, tad 5 Catholics, salaries 2,860 Seventeen Protestants and four Catholics in addition are paid for the number of days they work. but are not constantly employ- ed. PUBLIC mosso rel rA*TMENT. 20 I'rotestanb / $ 16,157 3 Catholics 6,700 TRRA4I ke turtls-mei% Officers and clerks in the Treasury Ile. partmeat including audit. Boothe and ad- min atratios' of ju.tios account •, .ad R.gistr-(:.neral's branches and !'r.yincial Board of Health ; 28 Protestants 4 31,564 6 Catholics 3,810 .4 KRTART AND ag•nITRAR' DtraRTMrNT. Officers and cisrk. in the Secretary and Registrar's Departtneot, includisg asylnnus and prisons, insurance, Divaion Courts, Registry Office Io.p.ctor and grace law in - forcemeat brioches : 31 Protestants, salaries. .4 35,708 6 Catholics, .alarm 5,225 nm --m 1-13 lir111....... tY F. L PENN to .... 1-I. Prettythe *Id gimme his snore wasdivided, each tables her--Ihe Poseidon Miming the match by 16 points. Tn. " Wrytlasa."-The Mostraal Wit arse is new offering the remainder of the psusnt year fres to new subscribers for mixt yarn as se aoar•gsm.t to give that valuable paper a trial_ TM Witness, both Weekly ad Daily, has, doting the year, adopted what it Oedema to b. the modal form, with nest, Atli, oaesai.st peg.., befog ...hleed�bthepremise pommies of oma of hs most tbulk by the Hass, of New Tertian. sav yy the wombat al pigs. at .ill. The paper esters the prase at tee places, ea roft broad or sorrow, as 1Mafnd. and the a.wmp.sue. etas .at .4 %Ming smog folded, ptosed sad oat Der flim the improweseset is form, Noes la. weed.rfal i.p.o omest wile= y to type the iddieIsetee est which lyssa. the speed .f dm tees, mad assts ..ew typo tem every ties TM pr.prtekms 'write Ambers M Montreal to min Ness ms.hba The pin tore demoa1 hog se mem* d•�.Ml•� k. the Witae.e, that itmay mow be teky tailed as ilineraW paper. 71. Weems Ma mead to the Modest arbor N Mineral, sereste w.it4 eies b lg St set ed hWary en . p. e : build -- hes there whisk is b s.me naps._o m fin a .the ase afigmhere te be gees. T., ...f w 1 Is Nese del - lam, .sill. NI w paper. fth.Mal --- I Owhelh s. sad IY� wine ti fedN.e sin, ..de say tidy eats mese the ell M. vb.. 115 Prieleelsele add I•al-AKTM*'.T os ACRI.CLTCRL Otti_ers and clerks of the Department of Agriculture, and of the Ontario Agrical- t un, College and experimental feral ; 32 Pr.,to.tsmta, salaries . ....$ 34,560 8 tatbolio., series.. .. ..... 5,900 l• addition to these then are 31 Pro- testant and six Catholic employes and me - vane in oa.nctios with the Agricultural College. 'rota I'.sriyirTInl.. Officers sad shirks of the public insti- tutions, not isid thug attemidasis sod est- wants, tes ata, without by dee b to the Q - ..ata-. Toronto Asylum- 17 Protestants, salaries. 4 Catholics, salaries Hamilton A ylem - 18 Protestants,.alatom 3 Catholics, sal•ris London Asylum - 26 Protest.ata, salaries 1 Catholic, salary Kingston Asylum -- 15 Protestants, sa1ariae 2 Catholics, salaries Orillia Asylum for idiots -- lb Prote.toats, salaries 3 Cathdica, salaries Control Prises (imcl.di.g guards)1 Protestants, estants, salaries 7 Catholics, salaries. . Mama Reformatory 6 Prota.taats, ealarias . 4 Catholics, salaries. . . Pea.C•sgai.hame Reformatory - 12 Protoplasm,salaris@ .... 5 Catholics, eaia.ies Deaf and Dumb. Belleville -- 23 Protestants, salaries 4 letholiss, salaries (acerb institut. for to itd tins of the Blind, Breathed - 21 ProtseIaats, malaria 3 C'oNolis, sabres Mimic(' Asylum - 13 Prossul at.. salaries 8 CapM1•ATsolarise ., AMRM ttL. Viaes ad irks oosa.etd with the L.,W.tive Assembly 22 Pretsstm.ta, aslant.. $18,410 8 ("ethane., salaries . 4,460 B1.rN5-- 41 Prote.t ak, 3 l atholies Clerk. of Pelee sad Casty Attorneys 43 Protestants, 4 Osskoliw. Laid Masts i. Chs.ery -38 Protest- ants. 1 Catholic Clarke of Costo -41 Trauma. 3 (atko Boa. RSNieeG t+re Surrogate .rt 344 Pe-ota.t- 7iSotsMwd Proust - =rare of D..-•64 Prete tact.. 9 Salaried p5bwiLry mad Peltas MyM- trams- -A ta, 3 CLlbelies. Dlvl sin mm alma Amo WWW. Ao... d10g M a the roams Amines 1. Jes., leap jahe last rater= abets -), the Divides there alerts appeased by tk.O.a rmleese .ere 166: of also 164 were Prwt- edam@ sod 11 Were °embalms Old Divider (vert elrks appointed hy Mumvadat the M . law were 161 ! of Ismdeo s were Prot- egees, sod 7 Qa1b.Ya 71• premed= 1u• seise .bw1 the sena d Wilk MN Mara app.lated by the peouremeat, els len Trobelm ee mad IN 410,756 3,625 12,140 2,100 15,170 740 10,680 1,150 Liam, Inspectors 83 Protestants, 16 Cathodes. CO\TAMP? %% ITH .+1-I5e. . In the Quebec Legislature, with 73 tome hers, then are 10 Proisatests, or, is other stores. one Protestant represestetive to each 19,000 of tb: !'rotstaot population is the Ontario Legialature, with 91 mem- Mrs, there ars 10 Catholics, or one Cathie representative to each 35,000 of the Catho- lic population. A000 ding to the caste of 1891 there is in (Uteri° one Catbobo to every 5.90 of the l'rotest•st population : in Quebec one I'rn• teetant to every 7.68 of the Catholic popula- t1nn. SALVATION ARMY NOTES. altar r..aters 1n e'.naer*Le Nltk the Werk .f aelr•e.atal week. Prepared for Ton Sax at On Saturday, 25th inst., the self denial week will start. Lieutenant Stant ensign in his work .41 night, at 8 r. M., the subject will be " ('boaatkg a Wdn. " Special meetings will be is order every sight daring self-denial week. The (ioderich corps is trying to raise 4150 for the aslf-denial fund this year. On the above sight Ensign Cams will pre- sent the l:odericb cps with • new &gaud will commission the sergeant who will carry tt. • Sunday sfternoou at 3 r. r. Engage Came will give to address on self-denial, the in Dome sod outlay of moneys received by the !Salvation Army, the benefit of head quarters and so on. it is very interesting to note that a cum- ber of persona who are not Salvationists have •greed to forego during this week of . elf -denial. the use of tobacco and intoxi- cating drink• in order to increase the eel( - dents l fund. In NOW corps the hands have arranged to go oat and lake up collections Early monks 'prayer mostiam are the rule, sad our padre places are .ho haviag a visit front Salvatiosiate, who with their little satchels are soliciting donations towards this fund. 1 he farmers who have been called upon so far have helped liberally. and the Ensign hopes the tows people will fully appreciate this noble cams and help likewise. After .o self-denial " is over it will be published in this paper who has helped most liberally - town or toasty. From the striking ansounosmeet in their War 1'ry. p•r.lphlets std appeals issued and the entbuewna with which the effort is taken op, the Salvationists have every reason to believe that the procee.ls for this year w01, s. (or it. rev year,. part show an tserease on the pre, lous year. It is interestag to note that the total amnsnt collected per caps or society ie con - section with Inst year's self deuI.I effort fur the Salvationiata world gave Paced+ the total of 4148 per corps or Societe', being higher than the total of Francs, Denmark. Norway. I iermsny, Belgium. Italy, or India. The highest total was reached by New Zea- land. which rained the snot Li $526.74 per mope The e•rnestaess and .letermisstion of the sof-desire may be gathered from the fact that is saes eases the olticsra are living during the week on dry bread sad wetter. ethers who are fortunate enough to receive salary, ars devoting it during this week to dos self-denial funds, suit many of the soldiers of rank and tile ars giving one week's earning. to the fund. Arrange Mee bass made for it house to Moss visitation by officers and soldiers. who have previously distributed envelopes and cir- culars explaining the object of the fugal. has come to help the 8,160 1,300 28,175 4,600 3,860 2,280 7,700 3,960 14,775 2,960 12,099 976 5,2(12 2,850 7l'be OAK A Wield, up to ttti Petal From Brame : I now Let wask Easter : N on Monday. blacksmit biog. Exeter . .1. last week with for (filbert 1 Kruaeels for the d' Wessels oe Hallett : deers deboroari is a strops Exeter- R. shopped over Kerwood, 1V - Tuckrsmitb section No. 2, ed Mr. Forsyth salary. 1\.iogbam : old •satiny - rented the B li. Stewart. 1'srna : I positios as t I:rasiok's 111 Beattie, of V . Seaforth : has sold his of McKillop, in the vicinity Morris : IL killed at KI animal broke was sena killed. a birdcage Parker's train promoted to t os the masa Varna: S. A. F orbs, his sear Varna, sum of 43,100. a.Usstfarm of t ioderich T the late John friends in chit here twenty porous resident IV : pro%ea hcrnallf teacher, while ham school . agcouut of ee I:,eter J who left Kx years ago w ing business, owner, and Brussels : sailing dselag home on M He will spend shoe shop. maker. Myth : M tt'awanosh, to Wm, T. N possession of given Mr. N *Clio place. S.aforth : force of men -eggs from the pt•g them to - egg market is than last year. WSigma+ awarded the windows at 4170. Th. scholars 5. the cold wet W isgham : Carlow. tad W isrhsm, vammakes is The emirs mooed testi: Belgrsve : formerly of oldest ea M b A large amount of the money this year gem toward the mooed opsr.tioms of the Army, which oomptises mix Rescue Homer for fallen women : one Children'. Shelter, wLich had w many applicants the first few weeks that 900 had to be refused admision -it keeps filled; two food and shelter depots which have harbored 23,228 mem, .ad sere - ea 45,259 mods so the last six mouths ; one Prima (sate Hoene is doing strand work for ex -prisoners. Them tiree the Labor Kaream. the Esquire' Department for lost people,the missionary work i. the Rockies carried on by outsiders, the enemies bat ' (:lad Tidings " on the coast of iabradr, the work ••io•g o the French popsMtios of Quebec which is leaking rood pregtaes .ince the last two Franca lady sista ammo from Frsnoe, and last com.a the o1i.rs who are laid aside from the bid .f labor. All them above ars rylag needs No one Amid refuse to help .mob • ad& work. 11 CANADIAf* rot.ryies. The [Ahem] ronvatdom at Paan ,r'- - chose Henry Barr. M.P. P. as their eau dilate in the next Provincial elections. The electlon returns for the Newfound land election. .how that the government has twenty-four and the opposition twelve members. Mr NLholas Read.of SR Vineaat tows 'hip. has boon axiom as the (bmoervative candidate is North (trey, tor the previa - Mal .lection. Hon. Jambes Martin has boon formally placed fa the Add by the liberals of Wim tape` and Mr. Celia H. Campbell by the Cowsrvatives, to motes' the mat vas.fod by Mt. Hough John Maodoaatd. NEN Or NOM King Albert of fiszomy is .aIs.INg from • amen •ttaek of infioena. i'hief Justice Sir Jobs Alla was at Nebel frith paraly.t. Mile Andrew's, N s.. (aaip Is still busy will stories lag Mr. Cleveland's Mate mad eseneW lama The Sight Ron. Joh. L Gorse hs hasp skated lard reeky of the Usivenity of Gee pen b .aesesdea M tale Sight Non Arthur 1. ldes4,. 771e esnlep of A,.hi.14. Joseph Mg .ells el Amina gad Pfb.M Amend of Iheveskt geed fraperer erfe Rem& Joseph.. we' 1+ : at Reek& dlrlt.. t like Ibidayomar Ibs 11es boo miss asseed es wetd�m self: r. Inti d a se mehl, Pere sed sakis wastaken tip eoo.oiev ftp Grey : 1 hare e1.,, 4144' • t : Dottie . •,,.• .I n 41..1 i Taro wan a.rioualyr is Asaamt Rr... movies and the time. ever, Mt gat all rise eesele . Goo bow with a Rothe tb mad the knit[► has. The thaw hal Remy. etgot irkrms to fora amis. nee she hems she is on trtk.es the s o tit =;n. I. I sable reestMlesmeshed J • 3iL dilULKD pliant TRACT. low. tread 1111 sal valaable Mims* trade destioa sleets lair heb.M as Red 11,P. bad 96 Mr. If1.lYUlss sibEachee free of school have re erpg- at am increased who ran the yam ago, ban vacated by 11sm nafgad his school at Mr. be filled by Mr. of this town, �:=, oss.1o.mt d lift the same. liar, h•i a hems as Mo.day. The to the track, sad sad instesily who hes hese a saadwow. a B., has hese M bapmle•tssa has pareheeed from the Saybeld read, the headman sew bee a ez• I 0 G. na fofees ati.g Mr. Hatay lei tied le slew • pros- . who hue .rid rempateat of die hos pes geleams Meessiss s▪ s st1i le the Imam to Rmebc who by bots embed .f !ane utak. i• bis tether's Sade ae. eked. Re mid km$dirt btN M . ad oeatrol bee • lane targe Meek el lad Alp- • • says the mere atdtde tery has been he doable , .t a tombs of soktag Ibe psomibl• tlsrdag R.brtme, of Fri b.ru , aMI the •n pnb*M salted. • MIB toms held 1 1.N, .f Windsor. with s serious ane yhis home ae him. Re he lay ea- . S. No. � 3 t o nmy . f 1114111sh a salary dent 1 2er1 cats or• N t ' te•aber. the panties. . who was se sseident le 4 dearlyt.- a perdue of agar yet. hew - that he will mamba &a. fwd the bio hest le ked nes► re sed i�i Is. --111ra Oder "net.: Mea ZION d1i essi aidewe smostIbi .(dstel et ime +pp....1 e ra Oa the W- m th0