HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-11-16, Page 44
hc gnxi,
Ai II. 1111•8111 .14111110011.
Moe of Pa iteetttrh, Ontario.
ie. Nerthearest.
DederTerms of Isb.satpttes 1
Qse rh advw.a• t 11
'f0«h. e mostlyM
if credit 01
editlis toted. t▪ he prior.. Por Isar 1
will be l MD
Advertising Wanes
:nasal Int I...rtlow• .ad 3 coats t aid .(ser eased ad versisesseats. ifc.
pole Itue rya Ili.
ear ea..h :Lamm neat l.sertloa. /immured by
• emaciated maim
Huel.(.s cards et sir Imes sod under, g3 per
Adrer•tse.rats of tat. Found. Strayed
Situation. Cant. Situation, Wanted sad
ftunine.s Chances waited. est exceeding 3
lines nonpareil. $1 par month.
Houma o. Sale sad T. its o. Sale. not to
exceed • line.. 31 fur Grrt month. inc. per sub-
•eturent month. Larger adrts. In proporcloo.
Aar special amine. the *Went of *hint. is to
gemmule the pecuniary beccftt of any tall.
'ideal or company. to be considered au ad-
vertisement ani charred .000nlitatl7.
Lana! Lotion i. moapuell type *as feat per
word. 'mentions k5. theta 35e.
Local notions is ordinary rending type owe
fonts per word. Nu nuth,* for lees tltao Bat.
Wocloue for chars►... ►•d other religious and
benevolent laatitutio.s bait este.
commercial CNtrect *iretII.r rano.
A limited number of displayed advertise
meats w 111 be Itterrted at the il•Y•w(.g rates :
Per Inc!.. one lasers ton. 01 40
tour snorr.lnas ....-..... 1 (0
th.ee nr,oth• ................... I f0
•• fir months... I CO
" one year. t p
No nor immoral leas than two teatm le
length will be cekulatcd .,n above b.1U. 0
per cent. discount al:owed for cash payments
ea tl.ne woollv'cnntr.ot ; 10 per mint. w NR
meati.°. sad 13 per emit. •. • tar's. Tee,
eondttiuos will be e'rictly eaforce.l.
About •• rhe ousel" •eilrsy.
Subser:her who fail to receive TMs Bloc at
rewularly, either Ly airier or by ..nail. will
ouster a favor by aoquuattng is et the fact at
as early a date as poeatbie.
Leek as hoar Label.
Your label is a moodiest remotpt of the date
to which you are paid op. See that 1t is not
allowed to fall Into arrear.
'When • change of address 1. desired. both
this old and the new address should be Riven.
1tgleeted mann ",crop•. cannot be returned.
Cerreepondence mor: be wrltteo on one side
cif paper only.
r.MsJer'• TMlre,
J. C. Le Towel. of OoderIeh• has been ap
p.onted Istel Travelling Agent for the towc.-
10 ion of Ooderlc,, Colbor..e, Asb6e3d and Wm
Local postmasters orer the district are also
empowered to receive aub.criptioao to Tea
Ail Moon must be addressed to
D. Mo6ILitiCt DDT.
Teisphone Call a.ledDe erricck hist
Wal, it aorl D rax' ratrea---JCIO.R Trek,
Of New Bruaswiek, or Judge 1darN.ctn, of
New Perk State.
fort of the tariff :gobbets to held .p the fres
trade train unmet be frower.$ st.
uooccup . Pnb.p. b. d
tntesd to lease it until after the January
fellows who sent him there would take his
place if the matt r were submitted to •
popular !rote.
('onrrn..I. LRR WAIL er WRsN'T " COMP.
trot " his tongue or bewouldn'tbareteW the
world and hie wife that he uses nothing bat
brown sorer below 14 Dutch stoodard in
Ilia own houachold.
(:.corer aA Krni.r.l the largest kind of •
Repnb:ican possibility for aoclidetitn for
the 1're.ideocy i. 1886, if he doesn't slip a
at in the iatervenieg years.
Tar. M(CARTnr MIDTIariS ATBssAtr0RD•
Owen Sound sad elsewhere would almost
lead one to imagine that the alleged
popularity or the Thompeoni.a Government
was romewhat frayed at the ed6ti.
Tltls HA'N•T ls1RN A CAR? 4:010 1'1.41: FOR
mayoralty perquisites in God.ich. sod un-
less the coatemp kited chapels in the electric
light system is carried out woe, we fail to
see where much fat -trying oma be dome this
A ..ExTI. Luc% Nettle Vast Hower Ix
credited with the atatemeat that "the C. P.
k is absolutely out of poUtice." If VAS
Hoes tmade thestatement it is proof . omit* ..
t hat that enterprising sad far seciag rellwsy
marmite is of opinion that the Uovee.me.t
(omen has been o.cbsd dry.
Ir CAN.. DA . 0l'LD RRALII1 • 7411 rml('R
far the wow iter.:. which Emglsmd has
hem seining ree•otly, sad if the Ds taloa
Government •..k* et the same time pt •
.pacific and ad valorem duty w oho Londe*
fool which hate puwsiied m oertabe motion'
of Ibis Gostetry of lets, it would hale • tee -
dewy to lift the etrhtiug fiaateeiel depose -
Ir TOR Tenet.'nr New BRI•'MWI. •IOrl.n
get • eha.00 to show their seib ate of the
emi.s.t jural who bolstered op the kings
meaty election stool by .ending Editor
ELLIS 10 jell, it le quite peesible that .n
eche of the " Tore the morals out," widen
buried Jade M d New Verb State
by • majority ..f over 75,000 of the popular
vote would be beard sIlWit that Maritime
THE rA.T TWAT ma Ibrrvto!r OorRRg-
ment blas left ea eviler for • austber of imi-
let home with • promisees Mestreal firm is
looked upon by ebote s prophets se • sign
that the V d.I amoral .4.51:.0 will mon
he es. although the Weise' .Minters hey
the esti Impjeasimer ► " Whore .r. you
ping !" said see mus eo •uatber who was
henna, ler the deer whin • trent pale and
as - 1.... "Ob. Cm Ads* mwhg wend,'
wen No angel and e.Mi5g reply, •• Das't yo
ew r..1tK the erste nary nmMn name !"
AT nut mutest. ■mo=tes w TWO Want
Tree& destaMiioa 1M ae..dhid IneW
MOO up lar admires a1 .4,.. and le wee
WOW eon teat see Meese why avNrds
mere fest op le &M was assns the OM -
era had pedal mime I. d.th. en tM
foal as.•.msd der* the year. WbleMire
thinks amber as aapMtriede multi & ler
(Lada to aim. M es woneregtmone Ise
British capital to be *vested 1. the esustry.
Perhaps a seal -tar. item, propertimmeely
treat a.eriiag te mileage. may he the
remota why VAS Howes mil the C P. A
have toured from party polities
ANa TawTol UDT ArreOuTa cm.
The Empire .rel The Moho us into it
hammer and tree ea the quarteo el
whether M,P. sad M. PP.. ehouled•be ape
poisted to pahlte .flee. TNR Siu•At: s
°pinioa is that no wasmber d parliamwt
ehaatd 10 appoipad to public 'dice; dot
O o wbrr should be allowed to remise with
an appeia/sent In hos pocket ; and that be
COMM • MOO has been a member of podia
meat at ear time ie no reams why he should
ba preferred for office when • vacancy oc
That in the pupalar Testing up here u
Hero., Rod in the event of a lacaucy °over-
' for ae bash in the bend that prehibities
den.'. prohibit ; r, U d adheres to fin arm
oat oe.tiolie.. that maim .riminaia of
violaters of the law doesn't pee►ihN the
viel.IMs, lot it apply the ease presdpla to
.11 ether crimes Let it, kr lmeta.te, lay
that Mesas. • .amber el rename. i. Ma-
eda e.dertook to demonstrate; that, the
.°.tats against murder didn't ..only pro-
hibit that .rime u the Donatoo the law
against mreer °buaki be repealed ; °tad se
se throegb the ealeader that hoer...s the
oassioss prohibited were at times easem-
pWbed a rereeMtios of the inhibit os la
therefore i. order.
Ws question whether The Empire, or any
• other advocate 4 anti.pnhibitice. will be
prepared te &inept the dogma tt lays down
in the Fred/triennia ease, in oc..oetiou with
- other laws ups the statute book, and it
the reasoning advanced by the organ a of
as rola* is other owe its nodulose@ is gow
as as argument against liquor prohibition.
ring, the ahelviag o1 50515 back oumbsr
politician whose sole claim to the appoint -
meat would be that he had voted straw*
with IL. MOOS' whilst a member of par-
liament would sot be tolerated.
If a mem is onmpetent the fact that M
bad served • term or two 10 parlt•m..t
should not work against bin ; neither
should it ethane. his chances for office.
Bet so Most coo M. that es appointments
bare gone of late the politicians have had
the "pall„
P4.. t. /!1CR•3ATte\*.
As Tug So: vat anticipated, the nomina-
tion of 1d. O. t'AuLw)N to ooatwt WOOL
Huron in the Liberal interest at the west
Federal election 1.ae been looked
upon by the hooky Minister of War M •
..oboe to qutt the repreeMtotion of :his
r..Iiug, Mad the Wer 1-ird is now laying
p'pes tor a nomination in some other ...i.-
. tittte.o7.
Io North Kiser be h.. 10.. turned down
completely, and his burial potit.ioally has
been face downward, without • bops of
resurrection. So 5Uiefied h the greed geO-
er•liuimo of the warriors of Canada
on this point that he has giros up all
thought of ever again contesting the riding
of which he was formerly the id.l-asw
that the electors bat.. di.00verei that his
f ace is brain and hie lest clay.
An effort was nada to start • boom
in his favor in South Sem:, bat it was soca
disoovered that "(Nd Husk y" lied no chance
of election in tine ooastitue.ty because the
people of that district had too much know-
ledge of his politic•! infirmities, and would
hate sone of him. His defeat by early
1.000 in his former constituency would be
duplicated in the South radiag of Keller.
And now word comes by tslegnm to the
Tomato News that Field Marshal PATTIrz-
NOS is likely to be pitted against ARCHIE
CAfaY.EIJ_ the present M.P. for Kent, at
the sect election. Ws do't know whether
to put infinits trust in the •tatemest or oot,
but if it ba true, the ''Captain .11N.s"oldie
Canadian Cabinet has mon gall fad kw
gumption that we have hss.tolore credited
him with. 1f he eaten the lists in Kent
against Amit,. CA.r,Eu. he will be in the
positiou of the mala bovine who undertook
to hare . bout with • loe::unotive with a furl
bead of steam on. Au IrWnnab watched
the cottision .ltd whsr-i.r tEw -lipa row
catcher strike the boll, he remarked of the
latter, " (Boded his pluck wee litigant, but
hu iudgmint was mrighty poor."
if the bead of the Canada's War Depart-
ment goes CO face Am•Ntc CAwrs.I.I. in
K est be had Letter take obs ambulance
corp. with him for penmen' w whets the
conflict is over.
rteme trienT Laws PRNIBIT.
The Empire, in as eadeavor to prove that
prohibition does dot prohibit. cites the fact
that the Fredericton. N 11., oorrespsdeat
of • St. Johns newepptr mentics@ that
fourteen cases of oo.tr.ventioa of the Boort
Aot were before the magistrates in that
district recently. To our mind the het
of the fourthn orses being cited bdcre the
magiatretec is poop positive that prattles
prohibits in Fredriotse. it 1t didn't there
would be no oases before the nesestietse.
If prohibition meant Naar without
hindmost the mea who favor the per-
petuation of the liquor teals would prefer
to have it That wey that be forced to pal
bosases and eostinae to chafe under the oreo
set restrictions of Ilse license system,
the surveillance of a .storied inspector is
every district, sod to be subjected to the
sspieeags d hired informers to matey plena
As well might The Kwpire er any other
liquor advocate cools•.d that beaums the
primmest iuhlbition d liquor by the (hsek's
Aot between 7 r. w. se Saturday and 6 A. W.
en Monday is frequently violated by law-
breakieg drinkers cad .oserepbee vendors,
that the prohibitory daemon de.'t prohibit
and should be revoked et e.ag teed forever.
11 oar e.tew.-4 bet sosswbot..Mled osu-
te.rpessr7 dared to ret up sea • ointest3es
the whole liquor healer a-6.. the bog
Bilary w to the slap who eine thee seven -
byname ..1s week* j.mp.p.e their sops
with beets M tbo..roe.t kind. ler Ike yap.
.m oat:. of the &tear inter.* i. Oaks*
teed. k that the prom $ &eras. pallet it
the wash- igt/r.f ty method of d•all g
frith the barb_ natal they kw el.
The peat Canadian .nt4 prdikiti.n urns
trill brew M try *314. t. Meaawla . • Nemo
Am, 3Ttu. Tu, Come.- It will be •
pleasure for oar readers to know that The
News -Recent is b.i g complimented as •
first class paper in every respect from one
sod of the Dominion to the other. last
Thertday the TurJste 11si'7 World gave es
• good quarter nolo. sesd•et 1V. me..
tis the tad bristly as that oar modem will
know ot oar wide fame and the were°•:.e
popularity of The News- Rowed. Chaim
News- Reoord. •
The "(porter column Bend -off " wee a re-
production of The News-Reoord's editorial
on its new dress, in which that journal paid
• high compliment to Um type founders
from whom the new dress was obtained.
The type-toundera had The News-R"000•d•e
editorial useerted iu The Tomato World as a
paid advertisement. That is the "quarter
column send-off" that the (listen C(lssrve,
tire journal is crowing ore.. The News -
Record is well printed and • newsy local
sheet, bat it should stick to facts and loot
try to gull ata innocent readers after the
fashion of the foregoier pars/mph.
that if you awake u the dead et nicht and
find • l'erdlar in the boner, nal gat op quiet•
ly mid get year gun nod fin him wttb wipe
shot m the back, it is not justifiable bond-
able and you are liable to be indicted fur
shooting the burglar. Now, look here, Mr.
Bauer man, what do you 'mat as to do u
the premises ! Do you want as to wait et.
til the burglar do. the •booting Rod there
by rub the risk of having some dots put to
our eyes or a period put to our existence
If you mean that just say .o, Rad if • burg-
lar comea our way .ad we hove a gun, we
will .hoot just the name, rather them take
the Ghana. that • township treasurer did
down in Ammeter some use ago, and • man
in Negroes took mare moistly, with fatal
create the impression last week that the
editor Of TNR S1t:.A1. .buaki not wear a
"Tool O'Sha.Wr" bemuse he isn't • Seoteb-
men. We might jest as well my that the
editor d the Star should not wear • frock
Goat and plug hat because Ire isn't • gestic•
WAIL THE SWIM. °ever objected to The
Star roan wearing • seer -tucker jacket in
the warm weather. end never tm.io..ted
that the wearer was either • seer or • week -
.r because he used tee habiliment. W.
would deo remind the esteemed typogrepb
that whatever headgear is worn by TNR
SIGNAL editor is paid tor. which limy not
•Iways be the am with the purple &.d hie
lines of our esteemed ests.por.ry
i'Ito WEJS*.R (.ot.nw In Sw ITB SCT. THAT
thousands if Kbglishmeu take wise et die -
ser, pat they " no sere think of ..ptyltg
the decanter than they would think of
emptying the mustard pt." This ie the
weakest parallel we bays ever known the
professor to oke. 1t sight be replied
that there .re tens d thousands of druuk-
•rds who outwit rs'Japate their appetites for
every thous°.: .oderwte drinkers who par-
take of wine at die ser .s sparingly M they
do of mustard. If laws are made to that
the grated good to the greatest possible
somber way prevail, the wine and mustard
gentle.ee will have to he made abstain for
the sake of the larger number who .re un-
able to osteal themselves.
- •
lira y'peiat.d ott0.miaer of the Referee
party, vice W. T. R. PR ONION wigged.
New U Mr. SNITS ean get *ember Semis
it has for reform the wort of turning the
Tories out will be °•°.pushed, geme
people costesd that the Orangsm.. have
great weight at deetieme ; setae that the
Catholics .re the *knee of rower ; some
that the P. P. A. in likely to be • leiter,
and Meg, het to our thinking if the Surma
get together and poll • said vote for serif -
referee, or anything el.e, they ora .hake
0.y (;overuntent. 1f Mr. Som,'. beadle
wan Jose tM tbiag we.id be d.d awn.
• eo..sesiwtis !rete Ikon which ap-
peared in TOR !RONAL wag written in the
•' editorial dee " el thio jeernaL Aa anal.
the .e. el .esetempnsoy wan cot
se the bias. It the miter et( the item i•
The filar will can at Tait SIGNAL WO Will
have .tab pleasure in producing presh of
the seUwstimty el the onrre.pendeg. Net
even that kadivedual will sot gainsay.
Sauget is nes M the habit of shdtecia g yin
WAD spanks behind the signatures of
begs serropsSdrwse. sone Stt.r sad some
.t its frisdit has. had nines. is know.
Now TWAT Two mmtwA.L. OERTIa.Qr
who spies the prise 1Ste far our
consunpurary, /he Clinton News- Renal,
hes AM sobered p and no ..daubed is Me
ifga0 NNW be W famed le .Wes that
m/mehnoiy " with maim .dm.N.agtt - held
p lbs " len y-UWnhig " mosses M whish
he rseiil hem Dssp.-•ate QMh.,
and "cask' ileo Asitidd sod Weimer*
SonethN sirIll.M.as e1 U prim lion hem
Ilona= a cows dere of
Ws ne go nom ova 11
postai ceateesperery, The Mail, of Tunstal
Yat °oversee Wiwarl R. Keuuuta. .
M..o►.estt., and Jong E. UMW, dill
defeated Democratic oasd1ate. w net ass
and the some penes as The Mail +tali
have es believe. Jars 8. lea political
.adorer, whilst,Will z&tt R. le the U.est
kind of • Preshlstlhl peedbWtp,
it M1ttmsves O,W$XT? •aD NIIVURLL
Will ;nit fighting with their msaths, cad
settle down to basins. in dm geed. .ld-
fiehieted way. se that one el OMB bullies
would be pomaded like • beef -•teak and the
Ober world he bruised out of all recogni-
tion kr a weak or two, an ezpoot.nt world
will ems mere begin to breathe sen
W nay A FOLITX:AN OR J1:114.1 1:06111 WORM
in the United Motes his tries& all attend
his political funeral on the Brat .Moose dry
afterward. We do things differently in
Curtis. We either keep the riee•1. M
office or n -elect than after • 'bort p0•obe-
tiom ; and sometimes it *ppm,' that we
erect brows °Mumma HS their ms ory.
NeXT unto: Tut SIGNAL WILL. Arr0AR [R"
larged and otherwise improved. Thus will
be so change in the price, but the poplar
rated 31 • year in advance will be, charged
Our readers will be at liberty to ooatreat it
with any of oar ".as►eea mad. " conk m•
1 Na' DuUISION G.Ovgma Umar IA ALARA DI"
, looking toward Washington " for • trade
policy to tide it over the next .barba.,
The Roe) '1 ■ Furore 5014!• Was tderslt-
.ei M s.Mvet.s 4.
Item the Clevelaa4 New.,
A body stretched urea • warble .lab u •
medial outlet' was idea48ed )today stttr.-
lag by l'ulo.el D. L. Sills, d No. 84 Com-
.s.wealth avenue, as that of his brother -be -
law, Thomas A. Sharpe. The body wee that
et the man she was fosrd in an we...ulo.s
condition et the Sherman house in Rockport
ass day last week sad who died without re --
dowering his seas.•. It yeast first supposed
to he • ems of made hat the osea.sr's et-
sensation revealed the fact that the fame
bad died of heart dies... er .peplezy. me
body w.. rem"-, ed to H.pm A Harris'
merges where it remained reit • tow days.
It was thee a*ns..e.d to the nwspspr
reporter. that, Masenach as the dead num
bad not bees identified, the body had heels
interred in the potter'. UK
Oa Sunday Colonel Sine went to the to.
deroakialg rooms of Rogue A Barri. and
• oma
•r •
nee W01111116 fROSTSOR.81==.
mss. neem msu
mea. De1Y Faisal They n...
masted with Me /oval* wariest° disk
=rem el
_ .te•e•eriod ate
Alle as sore.
PILE MI 8911911 eau
aim* W these HIM They ankh the dire&
moraliellisitholisLivean to the e.•tta end sow
wsa holm;
l ; may 11.a hearioa- Time Hietg alae
tMl 1 or willab Meant by mall. pes•
en r•seipt d prise-00e.al, • hoz ce0haw
lbie.k.11:a O.t_ se l'oairtow., >r.
asked to asp the h.47. It wee sot then,
M.t iw idestilled the fiftheo M the eoppserrtt7
. t lira. Sills' bomber. Theca A. 810,p.
Us esiad • member el the firm where the
body was. He was told that it had huea
beried in potter's field. Colonel ;illis was
not see stied, however. 13. had gra.• s.•
p:eio.t. that it had bees removed to • medI.
eat colleen An itire .ttg.tien wan berm
and it w.. teamed that Comm Hell load
given • odkgi pr0e.er aa odder tor the
body sad .bet it had been takes to ti •
medical department of Wooster University.
Color..! Sille mat to the coi:eo o. Monday
morning sad than lead the body. It had
not be. is mutilated . id was promptly
ide•t18. .
To • News reporter Colonel Selig said that
the dead ratan w es torm4ly • rsefd.at of
lae•forth, ('arida. He meridian idian e0
ksglish par.stage nal waa ty two }}ears
old. H. Lad property vat at gZ0,000,
meat of whteh was real estate- His wile
did /we yeah ago. last tiny he came to
Alt cloy iste.d.na to start in soma Mid
besieges. Ho boarded •t No. 43, Neperist
street, ani it was hie cann in to dine with
Colonel !{iris and his sister cm Setoitys add
W.Apeeaday.. A seek ago yed.r,.y hi
did not appear as tsu.L Nor did he call en
Wednesday. Colored Balla went to hie
reams and there kerma t ll.t he had been
•b ..t since Tasd.y. AB his .treat., bow
ever, were its the weans. airs. Silts ea Sem-
d., notated the story of the death of the
sloe is the Rockport hotel and she leered
that the stranger might be her Mother.
Iler husband than went to the andert•kiu g
roots and Idebtiflal the clothes.
Co'o..l Sills was serf inJignwSt at the
discovery d the body in the college. Re
said the corobsr poll the order to the
cohere physicians thirty rostra shat detth
and that tinm fact that the elotbiag
indicated that the dead man had hew
' well to do, should have t.fm r.i8ciest
reason to wake arrow efforts no identify the
body. Colossi Sills iut .anted that be
=brim prosecute these who wire reepooaiLle
for the removal of t' • holy to the college.
S. mid that lir. S?.arp, oce.si..a1ty en4 "-
1 ed from • rush of blood to the haat. He
thloka that be .mt.i.srt such ea RA.uk Red
wi Its deed by it boarded $ aur Imteadilg
M ars to his sister's lean.' Ito .ads a mi .
114 Lawyer, sod bo rd .: • mead f roar t
smvLng at the to mines 4 the
fhmv, t•oinmd Stile tbis.k• air
. Skarn
Of P,,-. I. w.giiw Cod Lies*. tom/
ad Ny_ t/difw.
le•1•.►r'aiad mood implore NOM
.mans 'famine y mollsred M 5g.rone ate-
Aram liff atiewesiedesodrewseap. dew
(bs/•s, (alio and all ern >tisth./ b5.se.a
410s.e as pp- -r-4 - .m Y6t
P'esuie slip by aisle • ibswaw robe:.
If a O.
M m
t•elb1i eat I entice street •.d con ins to I
MmMK. saw the hots', rb•e .1 it .• d peep
e hie room (bat be n.irb• 11mt.
ChM .1 Si le is te' b r w Geo, A. Sit ,
Seal r. h snood mos - ler n r calif st el Se: -
kalh end well knows la t:Plc:Leh. Every • i
C. It SASE i co,'y
Ma eba'Mas • faat ryas ee
Laez' Pur C a
rlltl Ilya la every D5.runem,
♦ Ail and examine geode sad prices.
C. R. 811/I k con t
Melees. Bleak, Cor. *mem cad YSatreal.
body bedemiasd. Sealer*
T emes and visinitySharp, the bas
row arty 1 Diet Rid
(k my toremsting sone ; gat rid sl they.
wM1,et palm ; get rid of them qts.
egoot.•I T, without passibility .f maze
The mower is. ser Putnam's P..s3.m Com
amJ Wars E. the groat corn 5at e.
ay• ear., Mfr pal•1e... Plasm
Nations -or. I'm it end no otter. Iftiodb
are is then • int Dwo't ran the risk .f
..°achy your Mot wit% ouch nos it peepin,
gni PLVQ.
Old Chum
No other smoking tobacco
seems to have supplied the
universal demand for a coot,
mild, sweet smoke like the
" OLD Clime." The name
is now a household word and
the familiar package hasbe
come a memberof the family.
teNTONA t.
- - " These are the times when it Is well to get
down to bed -rock."
We are on the bed -rock of Cash with both feet.
We buy with Cash, we sell for Cash. We are better
cont9nt with a smal l profit on a hundred sales than
a large one on fifty. That this is appreciated is evi-
denced by the fact that our sales last week were 50
per cent. ahead of any week since we starter. busi-
ness. We picked up some special plums a few days
ago : A line of Dress Goods which would be cheap
at 12 1-2c. we oan sell for 6 1-2c. ; Double Width
Plaids, wholesale price was 12 1-2c., our price 10c.;
Heavy Double Width Tweed Ombre Dress Goode,
made to sell at 45e our price 29c. ; a good fitting
Corset equal to any 0c. Corset in Goderich for 39c.;
a special Heavy Ribbed Stocking worth
35c,; a good Heavy Cashmere Stocking,r 21 c.'
We don't throw out two or three lines below
cost with the idea of -making it up on something
else, but all the way through we mark everything 1
on the Bed-Rockstem. Remember we sell Over-
coats, Fur Coats, Mantles, Fur Sets, Fur Canso -`
Mantle Cloths, -Flannels, Blankets, Teeds, Long
Boots, Felt Boots, Rubbers, Overshoes and every;
thin required for Women's, Men's, Girls or Boys
We have the biggest and
best line of UNDERWEAR
in Goderich : ¥en's Double -
Breasted Shirts f1'om 21c.
Women's Long
Vests .from 17c, up,