HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-11-9, Page 7t THE SIGNAL : GODER1C11e OMT.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1813. 7 jAdies' Jackets! We have just placed in stock another lot of our Oelebrated Jackets German Manufac- ture 75 $8.50, $7•and This went of our business hu been a Qrand sscesss. Last year we didn't carry &Smut over, and we expect our mason will be sold before the MOOR is half ovtr. We advise OUT Oustom- ers to buy at once. If �o�i�onnot and prepared to buy and pay, it put away for you EXAGGERATED EXPRI.*aaOMi. raw_ nests kr y.•t... rens. eams• iloyi Amey the meals bad habits whit* may he observed in sensty Is that el iMshiins in expressions that we asp literally tem. Ysliewise are a pew el sash Hat hairs gene ander the writer's ..Uos he the past week : • The doses' said it t► bed hems • hair's kte•dth deeps to wssM have klUsd se." A 1 ,akital mimeos that same deMer. She turned paler thea • sheet." Some- what _ pais Shea Na wash it is to be (eared. She ha hes a forum el Isrly or fifty them mad duller." It mato ace te tea thoue ars te Ttaada ace as Odd so iota the writer rather &eMe this[ " fabs was u this as • tail, Mea fates • A. ill mawMd pair truly. " 1 have told kiss about it • Moused times,' Do say aim hundred and Misty - Mae. ' it wee e.oegk to kill m." Waage that it did sot. I would sot do it for the world." Thea you have • spirit above bribery. 1 had not • wink of sleep lest eight." Pity you west to bed at •1I. 1 have called es him fifty Users." Are yes sure that you counted teem ! The above remarks apply to the had Wine 4 many. There are, at least two giros who should beamdt by ties -the wrier end the reader. Ladies' Furs • The season is fast approaching when Furs will be in order. We carry a very large range of Ladies' and Children's Furs of the Tech best make in Capes, Storm Collars, Visite', Muth, sic., &c. We are showing a specialty in a Child's Set, Collar and Muff for $1.25. JOHN T. ACHESON. AT THE DRAPERY AND HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE +++++++ A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS 11 ALL DEPARTMENTS. Our 50c. Cored Cot k Beaten. Lam ad Ch's UDderwear, extra Take. Xan at Black StouSerie:, `,tie kat p u 1 n fortie ray. . IlA''tsorzos ZIEDLT OOLIOITiD. 5 PER CENT. DISOOUNT FOR CASH. MID -INTRO 4064 ME\IC'ANJOE'S WIFE. Lot H. Noma. w 1h0./ayite Times. Draper and Heberdttrhsr. lepers the street and suets the bridge. That timet • type -setter wing home late tress the ales saw a warmss lit by him is c .*•mases Wnhont,r kr. From the Newcastle Ckreelels. Wherever lbw's .nooks there s free u adage cased on observation of anvaryiag physical taws: but the reverse does sot al- ways bold Rood, foe there may be fire with - cut smoke. In Berlin we Wismar has ..e...d.d in d rid es & same ler immeshes eseapite sew Matinee wiliest �the ahsims et umbel, sahis method d ms eraiiMsn [Oat two molested el tte m ei Milk ids toad elms shipping e.mpa.s• of 9111111s' have d•ide* es adspider it to their sOmm- en. 1a Hie seai reduced to t►ee isr is can ttl teeti won wb edneed into • saber lined „ and fitted with sa i.- ductice migginfts like those aced in pete.l- Isum fired fuea.ase, the coal dant bbeeii.ag drawn shag by • jet of .team or sompnsssd sir. 1 h. combustion chamber, which takes the place of • furnace, is provided with two apertura., one is the seater has of the bail- er, ocuspyisg the position ei the real rime *o!• door, whim the Misr. ms the Wig" sided the ...kr-- amber sores for istredaei.g the mai dad dee: /fie. �spmr plsotd that the dust ie es..4yy sd over the whcb surface .f the sM.4.r. Alec the fire ignition, whit* my Mit- ad by say sow -es of heat, the membranes watiaass regularly and intensely uaa5 the media of the air current, whisk is la so.erd•.es with the quantity d ee- gsired to rectum the a osamry heat. The air or steam sad dad are intimately si.gied is the taw of oowbosio., while the aped of the current, which hes served as • vehicle for the dust. is much redeeed. Each particle of feel held ia susp...ioe is by this method be•.ght into soak slow ma- toct with the oxygms .acasm'y for oto sem- bastion that 1 prcombustionIo smoke bei este allow of mg generated. •"" "'tee" ISTARTLING!J The enormous waste of fuel which might be saved; 'tmaslitibk h��"w'`�'�` cop!. AND WOOD a ti Es tee teased Mexiosa dee was the mast aserMr i Sowed owl wad Meted *y Hs dark• rattle .teals is the whim valley and the MOMwceder was Shahha.dsams brews meek jsl*til .s.Yell= teem. & MOW oweetwed the had escaped til baiter. Ba times bad seises changed t• Tessa Mame it W v IM waml�t two was ay • .rad .Oat. 7 a•.dse beet w I• jms• Nimble" he mad. .smelly psi.'. Be 4 Fibs da t whoa jam- mad Ash flims d behind she bars, ale ppooi+nt- • tap0 • "It k <ey Jou," .M e.swevd .01117. I�ttk oaWa strew the 0e.ek. wham Jon •ad .• en M her .west-veleed Epeeist Is there Kmiu kept beer, [here esus alwye Wg• 'her wet roe .matte d meat tier the ons to,ey. card •'1 am But Joe had always ready • way et m- ead the hides sad tslhrw whine kept him I. witskey and test.., .sad the draws that b. depleted by W .sretal depredations were se be away that there were se meat. of Bte�a.,ilea� hie day. .1 r•ekod.R slid comm 10 Js., me it semen fs .s mil wow or Yesra it was set his esitbeemel- 0.. Sty Serb" the anmsser a man bad bees Mai se ele•ed a the steer aid. of Flat Top, and M most earliest siert result ed M the dirssves7 et se el.w t0 the guilty peaty. The �0dii ekses(_follow, mace. y wee • sew brimmed ba * IiMs .Mti7 � wide •- .t hi. over kag Seeks, het the evil dons k..w him 6w. "b 4:er. .•esrthdem. Nobody wee e mpriesell therefore whs., the /.flow's( w t1e murdered mesa's warm end h s were fouad he paws as the mooed - heed .tore se the ew ser, and Maxima Joe was &netted. The trial seated • great .lir in quiet lith. L.m•.oaa, ad the Dort Me.e was crowded with speeltesea Tema was sow diemdty is Impending the fury, sad the °see beam M Maw itself est, bat W in- terest I'd .s ass gmre M w whole er wd was Niv.. Diener woos 410 scum =awl witness .11.r wi»mn ease !sr ere �y� � prI M bks With ital dm 's fame. with the shawl still pissed sp about Mr penally, brwn+kiat.fi hoe. Me eat set mwln/. lave new ems thea te dispense til inti eWNW phuuek--role keen her koake+tto eople &Mee Mr, ellppii_ig lhs [the tare, of Uj bete Mw MMus Whin adjoraee t caem ib. wiad wouuldd IMMO its basket over Mr the FMK Hlanoloe^ with sweet -ye red' i.dtiBtt- r "No other way, h quietly. "Mreadyoly mother of God intercede for mr .d thee," sed prayed, ka eliag sad crow beg leassii. ome- b.e.elL "Ames," Dame Joe's dap-vcie d re- sponse. "Pen yeor•df .p by the Mer, m7 Jeer' sethat I may sed leash y �Inhotel a elms year ltd., ,w des eyes. He did us she lead 41410 w w the steel bu. "I as mealy "Atliee. my Jose." " ShiftSMepet levet Md to her Moose, Nen was a k.4M ins s1 m .t ecruel it th • eight mem ms dear ad sharp /b Mit the sae d the woman tweed sad tied The remised hook leased held of the bars within, and MesMu Joe was fres. C. C. Rictuses b Co. My .me Oeorp hes sallsred with aural Oa reed the Gert siteel s I I at by NT i1 ee.rpletely disappeared sad he4 mot tresbled him trace Jar McKcs, Linwood, Ont. Buse. Bet lastly the lest dep was. The dis- trict i.mot •hear.*! mads a slaw ease. Milieu s .f het ma a whisk VW* • Ir mid, te .ma•eee is s atM•." The wormy far the dllfeaae, • yellow fellow whom the spurt s,,.Mted did the tont he could with til s imhl is had. Ai the owed of his dower, •peed he make mapped is behalf .f Malts, pelaties be leer with e !Weber timstele el Ws long one •d sailing her a • M•rtt.brekee wife." Bet the heart -broken wife" eat sey..y34 aMii through it air, and w Males fees flied est be revs isimeai.teltt wah a valise of guilty. Thee, ..a .et 101 til.. llea leaked .t Jae. sada kWh..thM MINIM these who raw it. 1 &s4 Ma M her fens W swot dark .f -ea It might have Mon a sh•Il•ege: it e I IN have Most • ryeeetiee t was 11 a costumed, at wee k* farewell t f1X/IYDfD ON AIEI X17 IF PEOPLE WOULD THINK when theyo handle nbut thare e beat, and guarStovas to go to antee them perfect. NATURE YIELDS ANOTHER SECRET. Spsoiil stteation giros to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headq.arten for all grades of HARD, SOFT i BUCISMiTH COAL. Coal wd,Ned os either market or ens files. tial tq Prima before cotes eI.ewbere. Tait. CAM. eTOUS. PLLTT, Prop. i t has of- ten been contended by physio- logists and men of sci- ence gen- eral I y, thatnery- ousenergy o r nesvau impulses which pass along the nerve fibres, were only other name. for elec- tricity. lect tricity. This seemingly plausible statement was accepted for a time, but has been completely abandoned since it bas been proved that the nerves are not good conductors of electricity, and that the velocity of a nervous impulse is but 100 feet per mootedwhichis very much slower than that of elec- tricity. It is now generally agreed that nervous energy, or what we are please] to call nerve Asad, is a won- drous, a mysterious force, in which dwells life itself. A very eminent specialist, who has studied profoundly the workings of the nervous system for the lost twenty- five years, has lately demonstrated that two-thirds of all our ailments and chronic diseases are due to deranged nerve centres within or at the Kase of the brain. All know that an injury to the spinal cord will canoa'paralysts to the body below the injured point. The reason for this is, that the nerve force is prevented by the injury from reach- ing the paralysed portion. When food is taken into the stomach, it conies in contact with numberless aerve-flreree in the walls of this organ which At once send a nervous impulse to the nerve centres which control the st.�mach, notifying them of the pres- ence re -ence of food ; whereupon the nerve centres send down a supply of nerve force or nerve fluid, to at once begin the operation of digestion. But let the nerve centres which control the stomach be deranged and they will not be able to respond with a sufficient supply of nerve force, to properly digest the food, and, as a result, indigestion and dyspepsia make their appearance. foo it is with the other organs of the body, if the nerve cen- tres which control them and supply them with nerve force become derang- ed, they are also deranged. The wonderful snorers of the remedy known as the (creat South Ameri- can Nervine Tonle is doe to the fact that it is prepared by one of the most eminent physicians and specialists of the age, and is based on the foregoing scientiec diuovery. It lieu directly on the nerves, and possesses mar - velbns powers for the cure of Ner- vousness, Nervous Prostration, Head- ache, Sleeplessness, Resole mess, St. Vitus' Dance, Mental Despondency, Hysteria, Heart Disease, Ner-octsness of Females, Hot Flashes, Si. k Head- ache, It. is also an all fli'. Ste •jv • itis for all stomach trouble?. Sohl by F. Jordan. anPOMP tie • SAUNDJRS & co. OODMIETOH SteamBoiler Works. (ESTABL18M D 1103.1 A. S. C H RY STA L, smeemeer to Chrisfaa t Bt.Ok 1 Manufacturers of .11 kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright A Tubular ieieddms Cm et Apebe. Chemled►y the apple is oomp.sed of vege- table iber,.11eseai., aces*, Vim e*Iorephyl. mane said pile .aid, thee. sad weak water. Earthenware. the Gorses analysts my that the apse .est.'am • larger percentage Of phosphene than any other trait or nam- eable. The phosphorous le admirably adapted, for renewing the .•,se.Siel menet. matter-iseltlei.---ot l the sabrain w resio , sera. It M whips, rudely esionaosd, that .kl a...tll.avim. treadmill '� ape tthemobadeeteedel ale is wh•whms they bed [bus sive. to be glowing boils and spine, rested to tide Mit.mo et Weil and body. Ares ss. t mayheir i4Rslar ter swat el smdmnteryy babies. where liven nee .i.ggw i. .maim.. them fah serried/ t. 'battiest* fees the 4.4y aexises wale e•. whit 0 reesird, would asks t... Maio beery mad 4011, se.rims sheet ies.diom er mite 'replies sed ether teethe timer snob expmrion.• taee4 hare howl to the.' test of takiaR Mb ...es .1 h least per AM gown, sad dishes The matte said et rise aria. Miler row or .mmh.d, will awetrabas .e b bey ettee too meat- Is I. ales the feat thea tramp ripe WM se the til prar. wed the pl ens. whew takes wltkeetseeer. elm... mid*id* g2=• . olobr etimis Mei te ess•dmnae have had the best Stoves for years. SEE THE NEW STOVES FOR THIS SEASON. i DOUBLE HEATERS FOR COAL : THE SOUVENIR, ART 00 OXFORD. ,:! COOKING RANGES FOR COAL: THE EIT ►l' 1- WITCH THE A • : t OF OXFORD, THE HAPPY OUGHT. A full stock of Coal and Wood Cook- ing and Heatink Stoves. Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. p leo ~ Uw �M tit Iwr shies • essesdizer eet es 't UMW ant& N, warts-Opessile O. T. it. *5.440.. •alerts*. MRAs est , I e "ref p t0111114 hi t1o. gleam wt h..• tW til ebeerw einem leadin the primmer to NM mals er.m WI earmom til wap, whom M wee t• he east ie te AmA1a b a Nub wills fi5es Tru wee Nthe lios is as �tnn.ernir Ni��M W litlet speak .g .w *Shag her .bawl dem armed liar meed pw.d Odd, GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA �themes*AIT-$UPPER.. taws a themes* h��att - 3 aw C essel g=", *It.. � . ys ppv ad a•Frr Mmirrs w .mF T11EIR BIND-MABE RE-MFFEII 'N�ARE is telling its own story in increased sales. WEST STREET_ S- �_WA.LgER Carriage Mariu.facturer, Having purchased the Luminous of MoUREATH & VITALISE!! I have .ow arranged, sot only to centime the ferriage :Trade, but have decided to do all claims of work in HO 1 .t B-SHOEIBO 1811 IIEHRAL BLACKSIITHIBa NONE BUT THE REST OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. .eserr•rh per. arMeat .�t.5m 14.. �•.iM�ms�....1 htrbf • MYg{eal •rrY .s.• �pi•a�lden eserm� M N MfMle �. a a ne.ekAd .1'4 &iv mom. la_ eW.,' � A (60106.6.. Ia.i.sd:M� sttmi thele i re es •w..s.. 2396-1y. J1410.. A. WALEER, P.oraz K1011. PATENTS ! WlrZdtt Mishap whir FISP UM soft SON the OMIU ONE S. pmts Aw�.ytp M W AOf- T ea• t>r�%d q.w - te • la rens "WI ... sees• miSrito M 6 as SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. By vines o1 • warrant eater the hands the W.mion sect 1 t abs Cocpon:ios of the herelescoasts of Hewrein.� _dM�.d the 1Ni as assist. is* so to levyt`ei este e modest, bessew a sinus. ler the arrears at nes laded metas• M I together is - th rse ohm AM. M alp,,is Asc. ion the er se th.tesf r may be a000s ser t* d ,ss, oho H _gums. lest wa e! H. on /SWAY. the rtrronvrn alar Voss, • rc uN It o'clock to the •[bears.. w'i1M.» • A IBeesseortlo D.0 • Noor tar DUCitl mO.f. o. *ANT SIF LOT. Peseta yUJ &0I OF 05P.11w1Cr 16 1 V Ictorb-et. A. 6 .. S.ts111T.0 etaee 11 0 muesli OF etl.w0aa IN liOW1CK. w. part of 1 i Pard sewin.ir or mows. a s N Paned im a ie VI LOI 05 $•Tft.LD. TOW NNUIr or nowlCK. PAT•D A ['IIT Caere AND Nie. Or Cox. Noor OE eV Tst . us msiesta* ToTa�., on !/rase. scam mn5T•o 4 ITA. 4 can. 4 r+•. It f l'ai'd ties i t1 co 10396 MoCas t r Survey t, H t Pu'd TILLAGE ow RLTTJI. a Ara t3 1 nitres or .Oseino. Ostehep from riven Part et nes shop hem Avert " Promeatows�see��rsveer 1. H•asl Inin =I= UM Ire. sal 1a .s 7u to 1u 1 42 1 i7 1 41 1U 1 03 40 2 40 2 40 e $t 1 N w l 1t 1 111 fled 1u 2, 1 1e 1 u l N qM Pee.% FS s TIILOs or a 1TU.. lie P•t'd 1 it 67 1 41 1u 17 b 1 O ls14 11 2123 e27 6n 1e 21 W ide H01.... . WHY Does O80. BARRY, lite Ooderich furniture anklet NIA undertaker, keep the best dealt of furniture mod undertakes supplies 1 And bow is N that he can sell so cheep I BECAUSE He finds that it pays in the "Srun. His sotto le : "Saudi Pewits and Quick Re tarts." He also makes a .pecWty d picture framing (H.+ kis . call bar gas=h** halt sis whela Ems& ' Plaid .hap an bond. 1567-, UNN!S wIlatekeeAs mass the 1M mega era 1. Wilt /e► Writ. AttIleeses le f air 111Mit se well health.iffy wittiest ► sewer - muse when :1474,61t•M• r• are Tzmitrin AI Mahn et » sB[s FRIEND tbe oh"Delay ffeefi�leseeg� tresMee roe eft In Ree Ili 2=1:14, sad the west 440. tree. r�, Inabet.s as 674'• ah..• e1*e*rre mane* •rl•t whore MINE1Ml4atr• molt r i L