HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-11-9, Page 66
lem} Thr
egilifiestie Alum. Ammonite. Ume,
Phosphates, or any tgiortaat
LW. OILLtTT. Toronto. Ont.
e nnead'. Uattaear. L.mheemaa's Prima.
Hues were invented in 1711.
la touch with the public --a pick -pocket.
B eery man with a clever son believes in
There are 1,0;.0 ways of b'.,i . a feet'. and
they are all easy to flu 1
blegiwd received 10,003.00) letters from
the ('uttei States last year.
A large (identity of imitation • Scotch
whiskey is "uude in Ikirmxny."
The . irgest expense of married life te fre
gomit:)• mused by the tittle ones
Sim -oiling a weak ,nw can break more
testily than a strong meso -1 promise.
R is • singular thing that an oyster fisher
weeks hard.et when he gets into i good bed.
It isa cu:iou, fart that tete first three
Presidents of the L oiled Steles married
It is safe to use Freeman's Worm I'.rwden,
es they act only en the worms end do not
isjare the chill. In,
It derail always follow that penalise a
man has his teeth polkd :shoed he is of
forei ro ext rasiert.
hateful Luteal. cruises, scolds um are
qusckly sootnsd and healed by ctoria
( acholic Salve 1
A new farce comedy called "Raw Beef
will .alertly be put on. The critics will un-
doubtedly roast it,
lo Cuba etiquette re.tuires that a request
from one smoker to another for • Tight must
always be honored.
Prompt. potent and permanent, results
always come from the use of Milburn. Aro-
matic Quinine Wine. lm
"1 never saw • poem so full of fire," re-
marked the editor, as be lit his pipe
with a rejected verse.
The ucsuccessful speeul.tor is among
those who find it particularly hard either to
Battle down or settle up.
Sick headache mused by excess of bile or
• disordered stomach is promptly relieved
bs using National fills 1m
French judges were wont to make very
cut•in.r, remarks to felons whom they con-
demned to death by the guillotine.
The hi -drogue is an aparatua specially eou-
structed to give warning to a port or fleet
of the approach of • torpedo boat.
The highest masts of sadism vessels are
from 160 to 130 feet high, and spread from
60.000 to 100.000.gnare fest of canvas.
While pills and other purgatives only re-
lieve billiousness and react, leaving their
victims more prone to .luggiehners of the
liver, Eseljsy a Liver Lounges cure pool.
tr.. sly and permanently.
Learning Malaga.
Tit-, drummer was looking so sad that
it attracted the attention of the hotel
What's the matter'" asked the fr1p-
titm8ryth "lost •blend -or your lab
" No : worse," responded the drummer.
" Lost two friends'" queried the err
pathetic clerk.
No ; just thinking of a mac I met her.
in Adrian last night at supper."
" What did he do to you' Beet you tt
poker• •
" No : asked me a question, and I answer
ed it by asking him another."
" (live me the partic*lare."
"• Well it was this way " - end the drum-
mer 'flowed by his looks how badly he felt
to bring it up again. " We were at sapper,
sad I had been pretty smart, and the man
bad been very quiet.
Did you ever notice,' he said as laso-
ceotly and kindly se • schoolteacher, that
over iu Wisconsin the people shake the rep -
per box, this way, while those in Wawa
hold it fast and pat it on the bottom, this
way •'
1 had noticed it and told him so.
" ' I'm from Indiana,' he said, knocking
soma pepper os his potatoes.
' Ves,' mid I, • it shows es you '
, ' tab you know,' said be seri.sely. ' why
they de it differestll''
No, said I, ' why do they •'
'• ' To get the pepper out,' said he earnest-
ly, and thea the gaeg at the tattle gave me
the Loeb is 18 plums and the man asked
me bowiamb h salary I got for learning
things. - Detroit Free Pees
■ Ie.r4's Ualusoul fm.eed b rhestrs.a.
Trasatrl inept
A mealy, truthful boy will shine like •
star in any ocmmauity. A boy may puma
III much of moble obar.etsr sea mum. And
there • e midi moble Christian boys, and
wi ler sed deeper than they are apt to think
is their influence. They are the Ismden
somas their fellows, bevies es unseen a ie-
fiemee for good, sad lend mad ruepeetel1e-
oasss of the simple Iasi el liykog the MM.
Pkat boys, de be ttatlifi . keep your weed
as •iso:ute1y leered. a. Mae is every 4bd-
ship. HelpMime to M sad be soot There
is met hi gMimemesh seersdssgbsabbs thea Wag.
sad oh hew (rankly thelU11 ipowr FiAeous
lie, timidly told ; Miss soother to hde the
first, &adsoesemit stLot the healign out
readily and boldly. sed these is es Wm* so
the cheek and se lnftatien is the nitre to
give warsi to the listener. Bwvo et
the Met 11.. 75 : • her amen he reopen -
ad sad ase he tended.
aw. sq _swags of sae Insane.
.1 A. Campbell, 818kb. Qes, writes : -
" My wife was *Swap fav yaws from M
reg.far bro*g►t about by a severe
Two Immo . Ph& Pik
Nowise withem mat
si i.. "
tsei•a• !y mm�s !+M Dr. Willseet
fait, at Ilk. •
nl Ir
Aisne Illats I-
do mem hcwsaksaprs. beth Yount stud
dela w in Maks as to the O&M time M
sack vyet.bies sad meats that the 6.1ew-
lag table ie gives, with tits hops that it
may prove., value to m.. sae :
Beef areata, rare -Eight minutes for .r.
Beef eidois. well den. -Tea to fifteen
Mantes ler each pawed.
Beef rib or ramp --Tea to fifties 'Mantes
for each pawed
Beef fillet Twenty to twesty•five mis-
O Na.
Lath, well dome- Fifties minutes for
Mattes, rare ---Ten to twelve minutes for
each pound.
Hatton, well dos.--Fitteee to eighteen
missies for cash potted
Perk, well dna.-Twenty five to thirty
=Mates ter each posed.
Veal, well des. -Eighties to twenty mia-
stee for end posed
Braised mat -Three and oae half to tour
('lock..., weighing from three to five
pounds ---Ow to one .ad ooe-half hours.
Turkeys, weighinr from aim to twelve
pounds Three to three and owe -half hours -
Fish, of average tb.ck.ess, weighing from
six to eight poised -One hour.
AKN AND rA+rat.
Sponge cake—Forty-floe to fifty -fire min -
Plein cake- Twenty to forty -fire min-
Cookies—Ten to twelve militates.
(;ingerbread—Twenty to thirty minutes
Plum pudding Two and one quarter to
three hours.
Tapioca or rioe pudding—One hour.
Bread pudding sixty-five minutes
Pim with two crusts -Thirty to forty
Graham rolls Half an hour.
Wheat rolls Tan to eirhteen minutes.
Bread Forty to sixty minutes.
Biscuit -Ten to eighteen minutes
i a.:ETA ULU..
string beans—One and one-half to two
Shell beam --One to two bogs.
Cauliflower- Thirty to lofty minutes.
Cabbage, new—Thirty to forty-five min -
o , ea.
Corn, young—Five to ten minutes
Carrots—Fifty- to sixty minutes
Asparagus—Fifteen to eighteen minutes
Onions -Thirty-five to forty-five minutes.
Oyster plant -Forty to sixty minutes.
Pau—Fifteen to twenty minutes.
Potatoes, boiled—Twenty to thirty min -
-i'tmus steamed—Thirty to forty fire
Turnips- -Thirty-five to fifty minutes.
Parsnips -Thirty-five to forty-five min-
The Clem emke Mater Iad.estry.
The oyster iodustry is • very important
one in Maryland in the neighborhood of the
waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Indeed it
bas been said that this industry was more
fruitful and important than any other, be-
cause by it more people were directly and
indirectly supported It is possible that,
leaving out iculture, this may be so, as
in the Ma, more than 30,000 men,
women sad children are employed. Of
those persons about 12,000 mew are engaged
in catching, arhile the remaining 18,000 are
kept at work at shelling, grouping, packing,
and so on.
There are two ways of taking oysters,
dredging and tonging, and in the season of
1rs2-93 there were over 900 vessels engaged
in dredging, and • great many more than
this engaged in tonging. The crews of
dredging vessels vary with the capacity of
the boats, and range from • captain and 5
MOD to • captain and twelve men. These
men, by the way, th h they must work
hard, and are ex to vreat hardship
and frequently to are not well paid
Therefore • vied clue of labor is not at-
tracted. A Maryland State officer who re-
cently investigated the oysterme a of the
Chesapeake said that the dredging crews
were made tip from " the lowest stretem of
all shame on earth." The togers
a/o a hMMr ags. and are usually natives
Of illmagnabe counties. The life of
the meek stitcher s hard and thankless,
as he eta asroely ever hope to earn more
fila• enough to sustain himself meagrely.
They are out in the severest winter weath-
er, sod not infrequently they are very ao-
suitably clad for such work. Many of the
n eo so employed vo out in the oolds.1
weather. with no heavier body corerinr
them ha'f worn flannel shirts. - Harper s
M Wes Netwe.•.
The piano -organist had put his whole soul
into his performance. A small coin was
thrown him sad he accepted it with • bow
and • smile. Toes an expression of doubt
swept over his fussed he adranoed to with-
in speaking diatoms.
"Excuse me," he said, "but you tells, me
as. tint, if you phis'"
"What is it ''
"Too see, you new customer of mins I
-ish you to tell me it you pay for 'sothr
tune rfor metogo..way.
He turned when propane, to die,
To the oompsey that would bays insured
But sow the big goat won't apply.
B.o..se Bsellay's L000wn cured him.
Cssurseoe Item.
Hallett : W Uliam Wallace, of Spain,
South Dakota, (sof the late W. Walken
of Hallett) W beim "Jettt'ag kii old friends
about here for • few days, bet he did not
let essay of them fate the real suet of kis
visit, width trempkod at the Manse, Clin-
ton, oe Nealy merstag. when Rev. Mr.
Stewart ked tie ,.Mems of saltier him is
marriage with Mite Seem. el Myth. They
left for Dakota ea Twseday.
Seatorth : Oa Friday of last week Alfred
laird, son of Jobe Laird, Sanlrili. died
.t BMg to after • brief Mame of two vomitus
He wee only 14 yens of age. The deceased
Was sot very rimed sad while yisitiog at
ok1.sgo took sok wW.k developed some-
thing •kin to The belly wen
brought to Sesteetksad the ptatsent was
MAO ea 8nday, Uel * S. Pierre Mies
Ella Plc sed ethers from Brussels attend -
.4 the hisseuL
Marra : At JOINS Haile sale as Tom
day. stook
ysar-old Meede flab M PIH tbr.s-yu.rold
slows, NCI to $ t Tbs sok of cattle ahem
time• eted to NW
Minna : A very *meat event teak
�pleassme w the widows .t Jells Althea.Z7a.ss. widows Read,en Wednesday .•+ales lest
The semis. ass the ate riogo of Yr. AW -
ma% i.gktr M to Raise
We* gee 1 willf..n ydd,1).pa4 iwvr.
Seder* : rakish 14..dy, hooky slid
* Joseph Wady his lag sere
41411 oesesmies of Perik. :LA
boo poraami the resideuse h i1.d.rth
Wei to w/ renally .r.uphi kr Poem
dao war of Carryly teem Mato Sr dam
rtaelat the ■lees.
The time for putting bees into the cel-
lar .artm of coterie with the locality and
the cation. Whenever it tarm cold.
with a fair premier' .i a somMatiaaoe.
open op the oenarond roomed to action.
Better direction emmet he
ollisred thee
the following pint . widish the well kaowa
authority, A. L Seo& d..oribes fa hie
C.LZITIXO $xU WITH litt'a CARa>Z1i
A. B. C. of Bee Cnitnre. He says: First
with a screwdriver or cold chisel we go
around to each hive. puff a little smoke
in at the entrance and pry the body
loose from the bottom board, as it will
always be stuck down with propolis. It
may yi?ld with a little snap, and it will
be necomary to use a little smoke to
make the bees behave. The bottom
boards all loosened, with an assistant
and a couple of hive carriers we proceed
to carry the bees into the cellar.
It is to be observed that our hive car-
arriers are simply a couple of lengths of
win bent in the shape of a letter V, as
ordinary wooden pail handle be tg slip-
ped through to the middle of the wire.
Both ends are bent down in the shape
shown in the cut in the enlarged view.
The ends are then bent in the form of a
book so as to catch on the bottom board.,
Now, then, to pick up the hive. and
carry them into the cellar we lift the
front end of the bottom board np a lit-
tle and slip the hooks of the hive car-
arrier under. In like manner we catch
the rear end of the bottom board, when
the hive is picked up as shown in the
cut, bottom board and alL We then
proceed to the cellar and deposit the
hive near the place where it is supposed
to stay through the winter. Along cm
two sides of the cellar we have previoter
ly laid scantling, say, 14 or 15 inches
apart. depending of course upon the
length of the hive. We then pick the
hive just brought in np by the hand
holes, lift it off its bottom and lay it at
one end on top of the scantling and lay
the bottom board in one corner of the
In like manner we bring :n anotoer
colony, lift it off the bottom board and
deposit it by the side of the other colony,
leaving 4 inches between, and so on. We
bring in other colonies until the scant-
lings are covered with hives 4 inches
apart. We are now ready to commence
another tier on top. The next hive that
is brought is piled on top of two others
in such a way that the bottom covers the
space between two hives below, and soon
we pile the rows of the hives. The next
tier is followed up in the same manner,
until we have three or more tiers high,
each hive placed over the intervening
space between the two below.
£$$AltOgl[ilIT OF IIITm I• THS CVT!.ai
The reason for this manner of piling
np the hives is convenience in the first
place, and in the second place to give
ample ventilation. You will now we an
additional reason for leaving the cover
on. If we removed the cover, we could
sot pile the hives one upon the other so
Mere Crop to geed CedINes.
The logs of fruits and vegetables in
storage is of not infrequent occurrence.
To lose one's supply of potatoes or ap-
ples is a serious matter. Sometimes the
loss is doe to storing in bad condition.
Potatoes and apples, in fact every fruit
or vegetable, should not be stored away
while damp. Dampness favors rot.
Fruits and vegetables, are beat stored in
some dry, airy outbuilding until the im-
minast approach of Preening weather
stakes it necemary to put them in the
ostler. The building should have rather
epees sides, and then should be a free
circulation of air under and around it
Seed oorn should not be put away until
ft is thoroughly dried. To pat it away
damp is to give a cordial invitation to
disaster, says The American Agricultur-
Peeler, OteeaIats-
No "condition powders," no mtlir'in.,
no patent "Ogg food," no "nothing" hat
the MUM common sense applied to the
ben se to the sew.
Steady growth is beet moored by regu-
lar feeding. A feet today read a famine
tomorrow is not good for saes or foal
A little linseed (oil cab) meal --say a
tabiespooef.l to each adult bird three
these • week -win hip to .id glom to
to plumage.
Yellow own ghee a ys bop flogs to the
Ilea of dra...i pwltry. Wheat ..d
bawkwb t wile.s it peed aoetwdl.g
to tits dimes& et year s atk.t
A Pokily dusk lays from 110 8.118
sepsis a year, sod Nle sot hard Mmake
a .f yowg Peeking* weigh M pends
.N. fwd. Z1ry .w a per,
The reputation or the
maker ought to Qo far
to recomm nes a trial of
a new article.
Our thirty
year. OP
of leadin
brands of tobacct5, U
offered (jos a reason tor
your testinc
.1, P. PACZ Tobacco Itka . Ts..
We are 1s- a petttioa to sew TM 11snsI
and the Iamliy Meats •MW•m-
om ear
die r
Mo•treai for a Year fes Mel.! This
ucks e subsc ibto a two groat
ir N use • •ire by 111...tea... tikalmell WH111oir
/1•�1 .« ter , . a•per� tbs si, pteg 7
tweak *Teeaait •:t Pistare-s�1~erptpeM•eaws►h saptaia�tt yit
et Nev.
ember, earl 8. hew•rda4d� Nle ender m
Mink toe $,tine edea• .as recivSL M►
ss lgtlea• 1t the caner way butts at sem.
Rem•mrsber the eller of • choice .1 pramleme
boldo geed to meek lobo subscribe &whit
soitunnia Afterwards the choice will
positively ee withdrawn. 36-18
Iyea8.s arbearre gar rese)11ng Taco
Alive to tie oda esedeeta.
The Albany Ar' As says : W itkia • very
few years there will be as many Mer is the
Catakilis se there aro now is the Mirm-
d cks if the State Forrestry sad Game Com -
minion can compere it. The Stab has •
pdrk in the Catskills comprising .boat 178
ernes, which hos hers turned late • breed-
ofpyc.lar deer. Therein how is • hared
tbirty-.ix, which is about to be tend
out among the hills end forests to breed .ad
increase. Other deer are to take their place
in the"park.
('oL William F. Fox, warden of the Strb
Forest Commisdoa, was Dees last e.esiag
os to the mesas of replenishing the stock in
the park. He stated that be was abet to
go to the woods to get some deer sow.
•• The way in which we shall get them is
se yet undecided Th.. whole schwas is
'merely an experiment. With a number of
ward... and guides and a pack or two of
boasda I will drive the deer into the water.
In what way we will get them out La yet to
be determined. We will operate an the
F upon chain, probably on Seventh or
Eighth lake. as the ands around tines be-
long to the State ; .leo on Indian and Rai: -
queue lakes
MM. £0.01 ..ereee.
If you contemplate buying • horse you
should examine him while in the stable. 11,
after being rested, he stands squarely on all
four feet with head erect, you have a very
valuable point in the animal. If be throws
one foot forward with the toe touching the
ground and the heel tamed upward, or tbe
leg throw n oat and the beef down sad toe
up„ legs are *monad amid must be ex -
If he should stand with all feet draws to-
gether, er the bind feet *!seed apart, either
is suggestive of illness, sad the latter of
kidney disorders. II the knee totter and
tremble, the horse has been raised by hard
driving and pulling. Soat•red knees and
sparred hind legs speak f..r tkemselver,
plainly indicating stumbling amid kicktsg
f the ears are laid back when Teamster the
stable it shows bad temper. If in driving
the ran ern oosstaaUy held forward It
shows distrust and suspicion. H the oyes
have • milky coating it shows • Modeaey to
moos blindness or eve a moss disease.
For drivieg select • hag, slim horse that is
well built and • good stook.
Here ere • few hints esssatial in r.iaitefi
your horses : Get your young berm eaad
he the pars 11 your farm affords no sash
usarrmieaes 11 pays to hire • pastosrrss, so -
partially if yup are keeping the animist for
year own um when fall we. Whoa m
the stable no ill-tsmpmsi posse n� he
aimed ser die poi buss
sea wbe anus eh Mair MriNsg a sig-
hide whip end sheens$ t "Stand up Mover
is sore M rats your beige: it sena taken
Mks sulky anal 1-wid Above an
do act give your leans a ibl
dark stae t
it the maim case et Waimea. If your
brae skiss at you the last times yes est sa-
to tie sane de est Ism yaw temper.
Yee .i 4 maid assay driviag .r Ming
assidests waw Mallei. begeset ObmN�ggypsek� wow home
and Mew favorite Aunt."e1 de
mot scala to tali W sad arm ii... it yea
thiole this is awm_1 Iry N • few thugs sad
Uftsa la Ail* ths erpee hemlines
frightened tied Is mei
a ram do sot pot es.Nel, cool and
talk kbdly to the terse, ed de M ass the
whip or try te drive the skim 8011. objost
of he sesta Sso11 a thin may wet you
year 1H..
WINS driving a tamp, sail ea coming to a
hill the home rates to mike sot
semen sad whip thea ImArai. them
to net • .mmwel I then Mans mks
sad sae that 1M brawl tiros. dense pn
ani nob than i era be them Iiia*.
A anritive ansa will dksamd the cheek
rola. A seead, widloeamel hose makes
as peel as spp.aret.r., fid will Iasi easy
ti..es sees ee..fimtaMo without it then
with tt These tide. meet ses..mry are :
Flat, always war.. the bit 1e void water i
soeend. M ..a hemp the Mask straps se
weft tig►t as to out the lira.'. meth •
sad iiia. den's 1st tie ►eram work veshed
kr sem • Wane kiagsk al thos,-13x-
A leerear MAW.
" Dr. Jaques k earthly a *sterane
p�slok� A111. epegayan.me eel e.4 ie
iso agar yeas ..M with m Parses."
1m'Thsa his wmastdimbed b
pMtt. ia
s''t�s, kr when he pis Mem *sir sof -
Wag me saes M mase very cogen
awe wands Nae..— lu Oho Dean.
Special Sale of Wall Vapor ftir
Two Weeks Only.
Aim of 1e q i1itfee fit peva
Several hundred odd rolls and odd lots rhes le., 2c. fie.
and bc. per roll.
Booksellers and Stationers,
Bannsre Met T.Mpa.ae Co.
Goode's Beater all Stove Pipe Varnish
Lost Oder, Brightest Lustre, Quickest Drying. Use it ogee and yes tem uo other.
Climax Furniture Polish,
Brightass up all verata1ed !wafture. Very Lang.
Standard Sarsaparilla,
A Ilse thing for the bleed as • purifier and teak,
W.0. GOODE, -cwt. —_—
safety Bicycles
PNEUMATIC TIRES, from 560.00 up
CUSHION TIRES, ..... " 80.00
LAWN ROWERS. This rears patient 1. prreetlas.
(HARDEN TOOLS AND HOOK, oar Ifss ls tte.pw.
Where you will get good, bcaent goods, tied everything warranted to he as repreaastet
We have • larger stock and greater vatiet them all tie ether shoe daalas lo
tows ownbinsd. We keep the meet stylish tied goo& ends in Quads.
Prig are Lower the tie Drat, ail ill Ie rept tiers.
N.B.-Loathr and Fidisg• is say qty at lowest pious.
Are the best Canned Goods in the market
t 33 TEA
AT 40. 60 de 60 O3XTTB 3P33R POTTVTD
We are oleate for both lines, and sok for them a Wel. epr.ted tW
they will plea.: and extend our trade with you. Tara tech.
0111‘13, Ifs
J_ BI+%.OP2/LErr de 0014
Rain added to *sir Sroalllf I bedews aha of It. J. Serle s Least Orb
Cil ( �NgsiM, due Na dead (1! thtioral i 8115 .ises 841.4.M are rtes peperad is .tglirleea fiaeas.is N pi
d.part..et will be 7 1p by
d ties lata D. Godes put tea is" a d
befi* • ami i7 realm ale_ th. bops to sham Pert
pubis poirNgNw Aoseewbtlr lir }YM-•Wastel., is peer "Mr 8. MM '-
AWL GET* lir a eon