The Signal, 1893-11-9, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICII, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3 THE CANADIAN BARN K UF COMMERCE MAO 01Ir1011. TORONTO. 1.1f1114 Ina GPI atlu raaieM INOLLA es .• 81141110.000, MT. 1. WAL KgR ciwaLL NOANI R. OODERICH BRANCH. A Ossotal SAMOS Ikon= Teammates. FAwwltr NOTES Dtsoovsnta QIWA/TS /idles •AMAffi.* AT Atm POINTS 1N CANAOA. MO he ransotr1. arta w ThS therm STATUSb CHEAT ROTA" Nemec eeANGIM, as Gamow ■ANN .Ipils'yt14T. acmes Or 1114.00 AIO 11rwmrs• satiatvao. AND eummi T RATIO Or (NTaRUUT au.p„e,p. MITOS MT ARoalw TO VMS PASNOSMlL AT TNI awn Or MAY MAO se- Mea tN 11A011 TSAR. •pedM Ars mliew gives Is I 0 ef r+.R,.•...r-'..i wad Yammers' NOM Mme' R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. MILLINERY. dur Fall Opening has been a great success. We are now ready fur a u•:di••x.s. You are invited to inspect our Stock, where will be f„ur,., rrvthing that is new and stylish in FALL and WINTER MILLINERY. CHILDREN'S WEAR. Ha% iu,t opened a large assortment of CHILDREN'S CLOAKING, 11001)8, INFANTS' CLOAKS, BOOTEES, IN- FANTEES. VESTS, he. MRS. R. B. SMITE, Glasgow House. ONE PRICE CASH STORE JAS. ROBINSON. COMPARISON HELPS US 1 Don't fail to price our Goods. All we ask of you is to conOare other prices with ours, and if you cannot save money by doing so, then don't buy from us. THE SECRET---WZ BELL FOR CASH. The credit system brings loss ---loss from money withdrawn from use, loss from bad debts, loss from slow paying customers remain- ing away from the store ---an old saying, ” To lose a friend lend him mo*ey." I don't avant to lose any friends but want to make more, and Mat is what we are doing every day by selling Goods away down in prices. OUR STOCK I8 NOW COMPLETE MANTLE CLOTH CUT TREE OT CHARGE. SUTTEE AND 3008 TAKEN AT MARKET VALUE. JAMES ROBINSON. Grand Oftera House, Thursday, Nov. 9 Toa LASOIIIso RUM Ass OSO IO.. As swirl CNa fa/ tc morn rim ,Ypmai TII /Mil TIM START. l IAosti Tea TIM RltALas *T Ofirom TBB (BLBCATED AND ONLY cur BOTHERS MINSTRELS Kt cheating prod d tis spectacular part "ROBIN HOOD" And thio JBM 1 Ffireeto>h of ('HARMING, BEAUTTTUL SCENERY. Admission. - 25 and 35c. _Reserved Beats, • - 50c Tx sale at Fear sad P.rtsee. MARNOCfl. Mo,u*,, Nov. 6. Pesoxu--James Agave was visiting mends in w ea Sunday Mt. sad Mea Mesh MaLos, of Bolpsvw meet Sudsy d J. Messier. V ec&xv.--Om ienday Rev. Jobs McNabb. of t oekouw, pr.sfid the pntpis .1 chins^ .111111211L The Mom pedaloes ben Mow aplsisted moderator et the Mays while it remiur vassal. Sasorae Maven. —A Urge w_aMr tris• armed hem Weeded the sheeting eeatob i• teyrsw lase Saturday afaatne■. John Bots, et Meni., had s large ■■labor of fowl *blob h. disposd .f is We maser. P■os"wrrwa.—A ma.:iag will !o held i• the sehooI of No. 8 .s Saturday, Nov. l ltb, for the porpoise et erpdsiw for the maim prohibttioa plebiscite. Ail Meade el ter perms thepoint as pa% Mid peek w armee from saw seta the Maim The sssea3 le a 2:30 r a. Nonsense Nova —The bsustifulweather d the past week or two has gives farmers .atmortesity of situ sg the root atop se - stored for tae Winter. As • rale the •71.411aa Utile below the average this year. The harv..t of 1 is almost all %knobs , very few hares remaining sn'*p- tisd Beebesathg M gaits a exattsaa Wag sow. Tag Ltvs Blecg Meaner Dow',.—Th. Uve stank dealers bars base maids( skip - After the Ball W. ACHESON & SON. it 'x x x X. x SPECIAL BALE IN ALL LINES OF UNDERWEAR THIS WEEK. L►dies' Wool Vests or Drawers, 50c., worth 65c. ; Heavy, Pure Wool Vesta, 75e., worth $1.00 ; Extra Heavy Health Vests or Drawers, 95c., worth $1.25. Girls' and Boys' Underwear, all sizes, special price. Meng Union Shirts and Drawers, 45c. ; Men's Extra Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, $1.35 per suit, worth $1.50, Fine Scotch Pure Wool Snit, =1.50, worth 51.90. 25 - PIECES - 25 New - Henrietta - Pure - Wool - Serge in all the best colors. placed at 25c per yard, would be good value at 35c. INSPECTION INVITED. �■ BOSeESOT & SVl. C. A. HUMBER & SON Jewellers, azo. New Goods and Latest Styles FROM CHICAGO, Cuckoo and Fancy Clocks. FROM BOSTON, Jag W. Tuft's Celebrated Silver -Plated Ware. FROM ENGLAND, Crown Derby Goods in China with Silver Mountings. Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewellery, Spectacles and Eye Gleams to suit everybody. Repairing a specialty. C. A- HUMBER .Sm BON, FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. In thanking the Ladies for theit patronage during the part season, I would solicit a continuance of the same, and invite their inspection of my Fall and Winter Stock of Millinery. New Shaded Ribbons, Fancy Feather Effects, &c. H. M. PITCHER, -THE EMPORIUM," West-st., Neat dose to "Star " Office. coria of iambs lately. Apparently this will be • hard year for fanners sad buyers alike in this line. Lambe bought for MAO a bead early in he meson now .re said for 83.26 h order to get rid of them at all. Sam fares, have resolved to waits little is hopes the mark« will improve. Lawtixu Baca%ALL —The Seat winds of the post week has bresgbt as Milli of gamma Ter. Net sly fres the Market e*eshe et oar Wsrternen bat oleo awe" from the walls d the Old Tower of Loader. la lersTia.tie* we ors ore Guido Fawkes and hs f.Hw psitiag he over- throw et their assign. ERA. to get well pasted en this matter, we *odd haw a tided the Osage sops h Mph Mederev ■+.g. DUNGANNON. pow !en.pn„s. arevenit tan Rr.4ure M TIMIDLY, Nov. 7th. SoiDATse.—Master John Stewart, of Iw.hsow, wee 1s .sr village em Seeds. S.1, ,esewing amgmaist nsee. W. are pissed to .w 14. look well sad vigorous. RI,-APrOIIT$D.—We have ism credibly Wormed that A. Delf, priesipal of Crew ehooL le r wRpaged too MK Mr. D— is well known a.�eid anceestsl teacher. 1895 be W year in the Rehm. Iut..—Weregrettniestetbat3. K. Mills, the genie' .ail mash .ste..d tewn.hfp .ark of West Waimea. ea. le ill, baby trou- bled with as Week of pa.elq. We. alang with his nosey Made, leek Nr a e ..dy re- covery, hap g thee he lay be Mug spared to hie fanny, friends and ..q.aistseee. Irene rraNarT.—owing to nope rreno.nte beteg wade in bristling. eta., os tbe reai- Ames et ear tswnsma., Jos. 9Mth las, the 'dills leeks guile gabby and s1S..tive. Mr. S-- - heed te have a c udeetsM. Awake hems. %eh htpreveeeeta add granny le the a$lraelfvenno. of ear village. Receratxm.—We are pissed to Mare that Thos. Bonoertfg., .f West Wetness''. is gradually restiverisig from hie neat Spahr mid bop. 1tok wiITsoca be rnotse.d his Lorex :sat Also Jaah Ryes. ed AaiseM. who be been very i3, M boo.eiag M?*M.tast treat hit raaM seer. TaACaa ERaAota Min Maw: Wiy.rd we are pined be barn, fes bee* named by the trwat es of Nile wheel 1.. 10055.5 way appileatieek he ea - W etted towhee kr INC...,grstefste her ea to kotag the as.owf.i applicant, and wan air seesaw as a ta.i.r ie trailing the yeas ides hew to bud seal boar geed arch. Comm or Arnim.—Os Meadsy, the 6th, h aepYrass with adje.ne.nta, the sari .f speed. .f West Wawsm.► vets's' Ike, VIM hs.MM.. Hie hetes. Jdge T.notipreeHd, the melt Wag as Homans : 0..nebatives --added t.., asp' meet Reformers— added See. awed Ills, area e[ atte.s. .,,.__ d two. Theo was s large rsprvemet• Miss d the Mere present. Siesta Aware. — Moo Asea Amiens. &ROktor d Thea A■Aeooa, Aehh.M, re- tained beam frau se e:ted.d wink to re- lative at Arden. Mank.bs. en Friday .f Ism week. •m is Mad le prise of the ,� ,,,ee. t e with the pow wto 1k street ars W+. M.mey sweet tam., tare k se pies bp. MNs►• 'fames —Ga�r� . tbb..rh, T nn dakes, tie en OM twlfag+Matide kWh is essasgwr at: *sass weather. est assay of their friends sad former seesaratason. They enjoyed themselves i-ee—'y. Mr. P., who is Muesli is a host of b.ppisom, and always assessed of a cheerful aoaatessseo, tendo to -oke all with wises he osseoi.tes fol happy sad ohserf.1 Hallett.: F. W. Faroomb, of Leedom, is moped is as'ertedive surrey is the tows- siip of Hallett, for the drainage of sow 3000 saes of land, which will none (tate the doapssies of the south broach of the Maitland BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, REST, • - 112,000,000. ,000,000. A Saving Defiartment has been ojetted in con- vection with this branch. Interest allowed al current rales. II. LOCK WOOD, Manaeer Goderich Bram* SEASONABLE GOODS, FRESH AND RELIABLE. CANNKD MKATS, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. ' GENERAL GROCERIES a we Ras suit yea in quality .*d price, and invite . trial order from yen R. W. RUNCIMAN S.moroor to E. C'ampaigse. FALL MILLINERY THE MISSES YATES Beg to announce to the public that they hey.; it large assortment of The Latest Styles in Hats, Bonnets, 7ancy Ribbons, Feathers. _ LADIES ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO COME AT ANY TIME AND SK3. NO OPENING THIS FALL. MISSES YATES. Fall MIIIInery! I have returned from the city with THE LATEST ANO BEST STYLES in all branches of FALL MILLINERY, and solicit the patronage of the Ladies of Goderich and vicinity. suss c A sz=ROI-_ river some six mils, thus reclaiming the above aaaoltrvated property belonging to farmers of the r nreels . HuleeviW : O. Monday, Oct. 30, abort 6 am., W. Cale was bringing kis segm out of his gate on the way to Jobe Jervis', end the grosad !Meg covered with snowbe failed to one how near lie was to the side until he had driven the two right wheels into the dusk. Most of the mach- inery Slag en the right ride of the sagas', it tipped over. Two teams semi had it hack apia, bat he kat tie day getting her repaired, as thetall evertor%, 3c. were broke in the Saforth : Daniel Clark, a well -knows and much respected young ma of ourtows, a member of the band anal as employee of J.ck.os Brothers, died on Toeeday morning of inflammation of the bowels. He had beg all °sly sauce Friday last. The trouble ie and to have been brought on by swallow- ing grape seeds, while esuse that fruit. We 'odds* death is • terrible shock to hie relatives .o1 elegy friend.. trey : tla Wednesday, Oct, 25th, Miss Harriet, eldest daughter of Wm. PNLrd, Grey, was joined io 'matrimony to C ins. Pratt, of Hamilton. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Mr. B,smett of thateity. The happy yeas/temple will make their ashore hoes h Hamilton ORDSOF WIBLOOMEL-- CREAT OVER -STOCKED SALE 1 Owing to the anticipation of an early Fall, I have bought hundreds of Overcoats and Suits too many, which will be sold at a big sacrifice. OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN. Come at Once, and Secure Bargains as the Best Goods will go first. This is t h e largest and best stock of the kind in the County, and affords a grand opportunity for the Men, Boys and C h i ld ren to be clothed with the best of Goods at cost. We have secured a quantity of Ladies' Mantles at Half Price, which will be sold at 60 cents on the S. A. P. McLEAN 9 The Palace Store, Goderich.