HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-11-9, Page 44
sn D. MWL•Ar1wNV.
Moe et P.W. Iteethr'ed.
Verres of e.aewtpale• m
pp,,,ee e,uath, in advance 1 11
months. nths. " • • • •......
10* „
One Tear. 1 Ill
if .o sanaw
ls ed. the pmts. Mr Teen t M
Advertising Saris
Ilial and other o.euol advertisanteetI IN.
pK ►iw tor first insertloa. and 3 .sate per the
ser each subsmqu of Is..wttoa. Messer.: W
• simpareLl male.
Bealsoss cards of .ix *inc. and under. 81 per
Advenm.emment* et 1,44,pound. !brayed,
Situations Vacant, .!tosses Wanted sod
Rosin.. Chanes Wasted, set eaaeadI•( 8
1Ili sompsr.11. til par saaeth.
Homes on dale and Yirms tl♦Is sal
sicced t !tee.. $1 tun drat Owe per
.paeol month. Longer in
Any special notice. the oldest .1
promote the pecuniary bessgt of any m0F
sit al a corond aoeord spry.
r c • shamed Y
Local notices to ao.ip rsll type ase Dent per
word. se notices less rhos rm.
Local notices in ordlaary reading type two
Beata per word. No notice for ten there Oce.
Notices for churches and other religious sad
besevoleut instil aUoas halt rots.
t'e.meretal Distract - Nvw41 0 eats.
A limited Mather d •dvertls
meets will be, inserted at the wing
Per tock, we
" three
Gt. year T�
No adv. Wa tow two I�wp. In
length will be es abet• eta 5
per rent. M tar cash pr7.ata
a three month' rraet: 11 per OWL on M:
scathe. mad 15 per cent. a • raw's. Thee
eosditioae will be strictly coloreds&
ANur '• rise etgad" ..f/v.y.
8ohscriber who tail to receive Tis dans,.
regularly. either by wrier or by nail, will
oonfvr a favor by •egsamuttag us of the tact at
5 early • date .a passible.
Loot at Tsar label.
Your label Is • standing receipt et the dote
to which yen aro paid up. See that It le not
allowed to fall late trees,.
Wh.•n • change of adte.1. desired. both
the old and the new address •boold be given.
Rejected man ocelot.' cannot be returned.
Correspondence mu -.t be written on one aide
of paper only.
Publisher's flet!...
.1. C. lb Tousel. of Oodertch. has been ap
pointed Local Travelling Agent for the Wee -
ships of (loderich. Colborne, Aeh*dd aid W.
Local postmasters over the district are ales
empowered to receive subscriptions to Tan
Slim at,
AL communications must be •ddre.ed to
Tetepboae C•1110,
1110DIMBD11. THURSDAY. 1NOY. m. Ma.
your @hsdders for the proeibitio. vote at
New Yew's.
'.oN boom of August isat appears to have
hit West Huron.
Tag urs Sea J..HN Assam urs AN rr-
tate valued at half a million dollars, which
goes to show that your practical politician
need not always die • peer mgr
TouoNTv rite G000 m rVt drIte oOINo
to the bad if its .tatieti.s ere feud fes any-
thing. Sixty-seven wives mod ell bemired
and sixty seven children were deserted in
that city last year.
MONTRRAL is IN A "TATE or t-sn rr ON
the Winter Carnival question. Many of
the people down there are not •Zoite sun
that • Winter Carnival is • good advertise-
ment for this oomatey.
an opportunity of pooling epos the jellab l
barnacles who cumber the beach d that
Prowses It woutd not table
straighten up the Ellis outrage.
Wz WOFLUN't .Cr A SRA•lc mermen
that the Federal election will not be held
before the Provincial appeal to the electors.
There's no kowiag when an election or •
strayed steer will run to, anyhow.
1T 1. RC MORD THAT Ho.. J. C. PATTg1-
•,m. ie laying pipes for • nemieation in
South liner. unfortunately for the Cana-
dian War Lord he is too well known in that
section to be looked upon with favor.
Royal Prohibition Commission a the ques-
tion whisk it was instituted to investigate,
the tame should be changed to the Royal
1 tinttlleriee sod &reworks@ Vindication Com-
Now THAT Sir (hll'rS MOW AT MAI Ixatt
made a honorary member d the Supremo
(leder of Fenders, it to be hoped that his
opponents will net natter themselves with
the idea that be intends to take to she
woods. __
Spectator now pets forth she amazing
theory that cheese 11 net • forte product
but • manufactured article. The apes.
might jest ea well contend that • aiding is
. manufactured snide after it gets out el
the incubator.
Ur To rim mix or corals TO MUM TMS
Liberal Conservatives of West Huron have
n ot quite (loaded whether their homer will
be borne in the next vested for the Leg*
*tun by Mayor Bonen, of Osderleh, et
Deputy -Reeve Rwwenw, of Oedema.i town-
ship. They ore both " m the h ed d
their friends."
Tae W*Nxtran lass Nen *Are THAT
t10 aLstisn she held in that city em lir.
9sR se MI the vegan"y h 110 Cb..ws
sued y the raffseli*n el Hoon Jose
WcaowAs.o, will take pies se • voters'
lilt whid is p eadsatly Mer years ell ;
whish is smother teems why the Freechb*
Aft *ball la. repealed.
Tam uw was AtLews rafters e.Aan•
•d eel* crinthal Alums to testify is their
.wa WWI hem see hew partionberly hone.
Mel ter the p t.... op to dal..
Patentee Lamers who was a Mss kr the
.11.. of his lather wase mamba ap, he
lose the mow law enema We t...., was
snI -1 1 wales* takeg the wilemeslwsd,
fuMatlq last 10 wee WI for the .aim 54
kip tr.iksr. mei hod the privily esbsd.d d
t..ttt rl.lg is his own hast. Ilse .swat be -
log that • reedier d gaily liras named
aphat hies. He will he honied Dia 11.
MIL, 41011141110018, UMW.
It is swan( as for that erases of the
year when ovary one with • vote is is •
position to de a ped inn for the Iowa
New Year's brings the ataioip•1 eleeti,as
upon us, sad gives the opportunity to every
voter, .tole or !..tale, to mark • ballot is
the way which will do the meet good.
Goderich never seeded boom* sad 151.111-
$s$1 voting more than it doss at the pewsnt
time There are wren weeks between this
ad elation day. and a . the duty el every
voter to make full enquiry of the calibre of
the naw who will solicit their vote at New
A ped comma for 1894, will cause • red-
Mttsr year in she history of the tows,
whilst an iateror aggregation of oo•naWors
will do much injury to the plow, ooasmroi-
illy and otherwise. A number of important
questions are likely to arise during the eons -
Mg year that may make or mer the con-
dition of the town, •ad it behoove every
.lector to see to it that the dost' timber
which at present cumbers the comet]
Amber be taken out and none but sound
representative be lett.
1)os't allow any man in his personal eon -
vas to pat • ring in yo.r now D3.'t
make promise to vote -hunters. Your vote
is year private property, and don't throw it
away upon a no-•.)oonnt mac. Emma.
carefully the slats pre.asd for eleotio.,
and vote only ter time wise have progres-
sive views, ad who, yes tool assured, have
the best interests of the town at heart
OiCAtt=8546 ■ea TUC PLIC181MITL
The three ridings of Heron have held ca-
m:W as for the purpose of thorn"¢hay
organizing in favor cf prohibition at the
January election. The utmost unanimity
prevailed and mush a thmaissm lis mai-
fated at d d the conventions, and a mo-
lar system of organization was adopted is
every instance.
The West Huron convention was • par-
ticularly fine gathering, and • more thee-
ongWT representative body could badly
have boa got together. The disenrien
which led op to the question of oraaaisation
was tens throughout and to the point, no
time being mated during the satire after-
noon. In fact, old c•mpaigmerm sated after
the meeting was over that they never mw
so much business crowded into so abort •
The riding officers were chosen from the
same town, so that executive notion could
be assured with the least possible lose of
time. In Pawkiest METCALF the organiza-
tion has as executive head thoroughly con-
versant with all work affecting the temper-
ance cause, and we have every rasa to be-
lieve that he will be ably assisted by Sora
tory Fsiu:molt and Treasurer low*o.
The work of arranging for orgaoizatioo
by mamicep•lities has been going on dor-
img the pat week and a few more days wall
have completed the preliminary meetings in
connection therewith, after which the ems -
amen will at ace proceed with their
West Herna will give a feed elegem of
�w-�• eta are all id
IF nth ram,: MAN wise wax Lunen THE
fin+NAI. with • oorrsspd,mas from Gode-
rich township, in width • bogss item ap-
peored, dos not ap11E&e ler the mote,Tuz
SIGN AI. will sot hesitate to five his was to
the aggrieved party. Tus SIGNAL will
stood by its oorreepttdent, in all basest
teaawotiom, but will on w 0ra..O1 eoee-
t.ssoos fraud or moils* is say ctereapos-
diso..i.g the comae, whether Sir Ours
MOSATor CLARRE WAi.I.AOR ebould h-ve
had premienn. i. @peeking at the s..
veiling of the Rir Jon, 1•coosAz.D statue
at Homilies tool west. Our own opialos
i• !het the Premier of Ontario would have
bees bettor e.eepied had he stayed at hems
asd let the big iii and the pollywog. of the
Tory Gevorm iest do the ..veiling set all
by theswless. Whim Sir °Ivan pub
himself b • position to be sired up elea4.
rdeet ('trees WALL.A,'• he deserve all
The Spectater or any other Tory paper cm
my about ha*.
Mnds the fall shows foe our arteemed Moa-
tlmper•ry. The Clinton New..Reoord, he.
seamed all.diag to his allele Soliom about hie
Mire Hot being stole somewhere between
Denison* and Clinton ea **trip where the
/IMek is at Disagea n proved too streag
for hr nervous system. He, however, stip
bunk. out is spots on the editorial pyla of
that sheet lid hr.•thes direful chimes
.g• .1 Tim Soma.,maim in his awful
areas from the Imam d Hades to •
Twelfth of July celebration. 1t'. beet
awful to think el the meas thug. that
%rely rural yeses setae will abn.4., one
with whoa he Me hie angry passim. rise.
Th .%ernsm of bries are tad songle, tenths
ether -well, Mngrg. kik
.memo 1 eaves!
sore.Tender •Geenes. =fel .wee ed* per..,
bloodingHods d ./ .11 15.., er..Eke r red all
a tow dun 110 sun of Putms.ti Phi.Ms
Owe . Never ham to sure mem
eat..e gala.lay.. des are
.zr. o��s y1m ►r the dlau_LL
Give Rumps!► Pelmas. ERlemw.r •
getsMel Bowan st embeeket.odR It.�,d 4rsg-
every.H+c. -Plied a Q..a
BLOC ea. ig,EnmmsilH triter at Kidd*
Tao ltssa..r Memnon n ler Ntwr:ksr
1RI& Among the a1Misbme redraw in
this trashar fi as admiral& fees et hem
Ilial ghd►aA• ge*.ms .1many el the
semi • weds 'alum at the W1t Tear,
Whoa W. t Money. with
teat. The editor tUawthes 1. detail.
may 01MnAiesa. the .est mend *roe
ten la the weed& '115. Chard' dtih Ssly
Sepaldere." & R. IL Byers glv.s • geag►ie
mem* d iel1. Moak* el $t. Reseed,"
with • .ember el hwtdtal pistons. and
one rasher eroded* sae .1 the Memt st
the Cemveet Rev. De. J. V. Bade Sin -
'ribt.s en isierestame snide ea Medial
Mimeses h Chins," with • sketch of the
late Rev. Dr. Joke B,s.*e&k llaelteasia
T10 editor has dao a.h.reder-Andy is the
chequered life of Thomas Cooper, shard*
mad poet, ; • review of professor Geldw1.
tali'. HLtdhy of the (fasted Stalest and
mote ea Christo-ess4ic Preaching. A re-
print d Ards -demon learrsr''a eiegetm& *may
a the Voice of Hbtery isslum. IaBfhler
veis are stories es "The Evolution of Yrs.
Thoma.," "Light i. Dark Pians ; K, City
Yi..snn N.rk. •adthe eeselsiamel"Cap-
tato Bess Aden's." Very full nimegoesate
.re berg made for the imtbamiy.slap..
Pries all • year ; it fee six ..rill; 90
costs per number. Tomato : Willi..
! HINUTON', MAGAz*NI for November
tally s•etaies the repaatisa pined by pre-
va.s numbers. Is the .e.Yst1W_ for
popular favor this m•p•rine 1084& • Isadhtg
Owe. Wig bright,ts trash, trod et: s Save in
.very details of its make-up. !t. buns r
distia:tly American, nod the imdi*,
arealee Are always upon wWs.t,
spun which American renders - mw,
women. had children --should be shatssgkly
ported. Nothing could be more interactive,
while tborouvhly enjoyable, than the lerd-
iag article which the disaerai.e editor
pthere from • wealth d valuable wstribu-
tins. •ad presses with the added warm
sad interest el same was superb illtsM.-
tieaa Nether better, chaser, more whole-
some, sed helpful is tow for the meas*
reading of the Amerism family from lir
eastern to ear ter .stern mast maid have
been inked than this hellbent yaw
moat►!►. which le so rapidly *Seeding its
inepiriti.g i*Sasso& A mow sad twtabie
feature will be added to the December at. -
bar isod will he contained regulars there-
after. Walter Block burn Harte, the whor-
es. sad critical esyist, whose gaspers seder
the heading of " Is s Censer at Dodo .y'. "
haw hitherto boon • noticeable feature of
the New England Magazine, will hermit*
oontnbute them essays exclusive! to
W orthtngtou's, Bader the heeling a+� " 1a
• Library Curate." This department was
to have been began with the present num-
ber, but its appearance wee unavoidably
deferred by the illness of the writer. Mr.
Herte't brilliant pen always provoker artti-
omem, sad no other magazine creeks have
reoeatly attracted more atteatioa The
addition d this department to Worthing.
toe's is • distinct gra sad its readers me
to be omegrmtal.tad upon the promise of
such • rich feast in store for them.
HAsrga', MA..Azrxa-The November
number of Harper'. Magmens completes the
sight-.eveatlt volume 1. • ms*ser worthy
the keg life mad high Iheactsr of that
perledes/ The egg snide is the
second L tar. Rdwie ilial Weeke's descrip-
tion of km joarsey free the !!lack Sea to
the Per.M• Gulf by Cares, std the hem -
piece illustrates ., uter.aa rg ts/aily peep
set to a obrmobrtacte py,im
Engravings et tourtese additional drawings
by Mr. Weeks, and a portrait of t10 &s
Theodor. Gild accompany the arta..
Arthur Symons discus. " The De,adsat
Movement in Litentare," and four portraits
of leaden d the movement illustrate the
article. I. omemeotion with it is gives an
Imaginary Portrait, by Walter Pater. called
• Apollo in Picardy." Julia. Ralph writes
entertainingly of " The Bayou Teobs,"
which Bows the Acadian Louisiana, and for
this article Mr. W. T. Smedley Its made
n ine charming illustrations. Mr. Rexia W.
McAdam turns the liths upon the Indian
Territory in •m illustrated article sodded
" An Indira Commonwealth," and Richard
Davis centimes kis styes o1
Foglia We in v animated sketch d " Pon -
don to she Season," with illestratioss by
W. Hatk.ull Mr. Fredrick R Camden
contributes • unsay paper on " Arbitra*io•,"
-de Dodge writ. ea " Riders to
Turkey," sod Daniel Roberta relates ' A
Rmisisas•es d Stephen A. Douglas.' The
Number is generous in action. William
lilsnk's " The Haad...e Hamm" reaches
its conclusion and, besides Mr. Pater's Im-
aginary Portrait, then ere three short
stories : '• The Frog that Played the Troia
hose," by Broader Matthews " Vorbei,"
by Annie Nr•laa Meyer ; mod •• Eel'ly," by
()won Wieser. Poems by .John Hay, Anna
C. Brackett., Ali* Archer Sewed, sad
Robert Bars Wilma, sad tee usual de
pertinent. of eminent, record, sad humor,
811 out • strong and •tersetive Number.
TCmmDAT, Nor. 7.
Mr. and Mrs. Coombe, of Brussels, visited
h.e lest week.
(lomye Hillier, of Woodetook, with his
eon John. r. visiting bun.
Yseg.ar'ito sad Jure Folheringhsm, of
HrsoJ51 visited here lust week.
A doodle party at the Pout Farm es
Tuesday eight el lem week was • deeded
Hel1we'on was mot desare d by the rising
hopd.IM m oar midst this year, •.d we
hope tisk-.peaus will sot revive the
stupid ewt.m of the pest
The Gospel Temperance Sandy meeting
was self...sod by Decimate of God. -
risk .ogoodclanger
a dMs being prose.& He
the deity of the hour in the ocs. oam-
p.ign of Prohibition .ad the same is view
r wok
will derive strength and
acquire robust health
y M /«rwwriag war d t.MTfrst
fel Medi
was ler the honed" et all Mrs Ism week
w have readmit' wed alis! Wm. Ye
CAtrbj that 10 will nes he dais to .gime.
sad the See. 11e M.sksy si akin* the
meeting all 7 r. a., maseey. N the W.
Ae the &A regeior nwiag e1 the LOU.
T.. 1L17, the easels he the now leaner
wap iaetalled .8* tits esespeime d nae er
two like wen met past. W. C. T. Wm.
Garden; W. V. T., Bella tl.siarsaset W. S,
Joke Lawes*; W. T., E5.Iy Reda*W.
JobeF. 8., Jobe R. LrieYt W. M.. Mee Mer-
tes. W. A Y.. Malik Castles; L G..
Klima Ihgdd t O. (l., Joie G. Clatter; P.
W. C., Beery A. aortas ; W. C , Mead
Geed.*. Edith Herten was .Mated fee
wreak* and ma editor to rags* an teepee
awoe h
sews r lie Pahikilies
sides haviag are Snadag Gospel
TeeMa.ee emelhp, the leers W • very
mtenethg estertabmeat • fiber weeks are.
Quite a .umber of .Melbas d meg wen
gives and as able address by John Eareig-
Yss, of 8esmillsr. Oa "The Love of
Coats,." Fee the ..ming eampaip of
I'rehibatios the lodge had • Asko* to
repr.ewt the same at Toroste sad at the
tees* ..sting *id at Auburn had ,ever.!
delegates sad on Thursday d thio week win
have delegates at the temperaso. assess-
* Carlos. Though few is stem&.. she L
O. G. T., 213, have Always tried to de ale
beet to promote the webers d Una
The ledge is in mood 8saaeW etsadlag said
those who wesld wide to joie eta member-
ship, will fled its fee mot hide.
TL'.sDAT, Nov. 7.
Mi. Kate Deems has gom to resit. is
Ike circular tows
Mts. Trask, at Butte City, Mmnt.w, is
the guest of her Meter, Mrv. A. C. /diodes -
Yin Hattie Noble, of Kingebridee, was
the gust of Yrs. W. Robotics for several
days last week.
Mn. Alex. Reid, ell (ioderbk, was the
gust et her sister, Yrs. Beak, for several
day. hat week.
Inose Stirlime and sister Agee.. of Gar-
ire township. ran relatives he
• vn
There sea peospeeto d • harms. shop
starting shortly. A young mess freer the
circular town bee already hew making en-
quires foe a suitable, mit., besides some ether
mutton asrly as important
Lewis Porter, of mar H*lmseille, pun
oar burg a transit visit this week. lie
object of his visit was hardly to take • peep
at the lake or drive northward to see Meme
old eohoolmats of boyhood days, but s
little bird whispers fitly. it was • aim
drive, bat we must hash mow as it is time
to seed to press. Ahem !
Bar:*. -Oa Wedmsd y et last weak •
(erns bear was seem oe the fans el James
Young by his sot siert 11 r. i. , be the bosh
some distaste irees the home. He rave the
•Lr. bas !funis .cold mot he sea sad the
mane made was set • emoo..s. His sojenre
here has awed gaits • Air in the oommeei-
ty. At the sshoef hoose the paste is rams,
pot • scholar am be mem is the wooda. A
ear.hing party d ti i.rods on Snaday
maid sot ri*d Breis but kneed semi traces
of him.
Wednesday a( lest week Mr. sod Mrs
John Shaw with family removed into Godo.
rich after • madam hen of awns yap in
which they have ably carried ea ser stare
and post office, giving to •11 gasp* natio-
faction. and an Thursday .orn1g Ike. A.
Beck, let. of &deicrd. •sra.ed the duties of
the poet odes and store, making at
fie dr
mail for Goderie15 st la A. r. NM, how-
ever, is ase the first lady who has mermen
our poet ()Mos, having within the Moen
years trede
pr.omaore in this deportees*
(-ores.-Oar former tow*sm.e, Martis
Finlesd, died into our slid* ter several
days last wwk on • eying visit from Ris-
tuL The object of his trip was est to sus
the Wee or the fair sex, but -.e he had
found his pacer. Curet, rather too fast for
buggy et atter-a persuade his good hat
to exchange hie las speedy sorrel steed,
Pas for Comet Martin depsrted in
humor, faring • nice stand far Cup'd
alis around Elated for the oo.fag Win-
ter. The mew come. of Comet leaves all Me
local driven behind like small specks he the
Tieneatu. H... 7.
YLA.nw sus Sarva W. Y.
aDaariddi et ham malled his
Wlens eak Jokeitoring of
.1 P Albert,
as Wedsss41 a Nev.
has h... herr Ham Jemmies lee a ample d
llama's. mad has made an.sauomab t. he
agog Iwo gooses ms W South)tearEle le leettiNeg Ise the Leaden.
e.e&V. thi nit e Arte. tee moms 1s kms
bees Aim bodesee kr the pre Hatt years.
New. 1.
Ned Atreehsa has ..!awed Irani his visit
Mr. 11m..n is, wean pleased to dote,
warty all right yob.
Rev. Yr. Stewart, el Mateo. p.phedi5
Claim demob last 8ahkath afteeaees.
We regret to elate Ike Run. Mr. Shapes
is very ill. with dight hopes of he nose-
Braniaid W made A good show is mew
hie of deters to the Weeid's Fair. Twenty-
two being the ember.
Ow da est west gun his
thumb Ma�y jammed is kis ..glas whish
will wee.ilate kis Wog et work ter some
A. !lest rd, H..mil►, U t.lheistha.
mad 11. Yemeeith an the de&ptes 1If lEsx-
ittdd .wadi R T. et T. be Mead the peat
pshibitioe ooareatiss be Ila -all MAW.
TCLSDAY, N. w. 7.
Mrs. Murray hes dimmed d her tans.
Jehe Resit ie chi perchers.
A Thanksgiving service was held i. the
PnebyterMm chunk ea Thursday 1st.
Rev. lir. James oo.dtcted the sorties is
Nes Epbeepsl demi hare last &today.
Mrs. Winner, d O.derick, spent • few
days here the resat el Mr and Ma Ras -
doll Grahame.
ll. Murray, V. R., kap returned to St.
(flair, Miclupn, after • few days visit to
kis mother ad other relatives.
♦ very smoomdul cattle fair was held
hereon Tuesday of 1st week. A l.rye
Calm AaiMM
ashes of toyer. were pos..t, elm%
east's wen ddfiaapamed el.
Beery we sho aid attend the easier eh
$$ H. O$way's Mese oa Si trrday
.aides, Dry
-.Mt alts are hardware,
articles o4Mr d ter who *ask eve:tot m
rale ea Saturday mendsw last wee well st-
Maded Be time w Raiseda, evtal.g wt
it yes west barg is&
M se1011a-Isu1 g..mune.
Semi !Li " Sea8rhl " meas p smoggy
bthe wirier1R by throe. • W
Look Old AwTb
es. .e a alae ' to Lem
Bros.. Ltd., 43 Soots-*►. Toronto, sad me
will reeeiw p • pretty plane, in
from advertibtgas , ad well worth fnmfeg,
This is am easy may to deennte your Mop
1'be soap is ties hest it the market red It
will only cost le. *slap to lead is the
wrapper+, if yea lean the sods .p..
Write year mane torten Ey. ly
A MW heavy elms oat cedar *high
ea Kidd's for 'LSO.
tt These are the times when it is well to get
down to bed -rock."
We are on the bed -rock of Cash with both feet.
We buy with Cash, we sell for Cash. We are better
content with a small profit on a hundred sales than
a large one on fifty. That this is appreciated is evi-
denced by the fact that our sales last week were 50
per cent. ahead of any week since we started busi-
ness. We picked up some special plums a few days
ago : A line of Dress Goods which would be aheap
at 12 1-2c. we oan sell for 6 1-2o. ; Double Width
Plaids, wholesale price was 12 1-2c., our price 10c.;
Heavy Double Width Tweed Ombre Dress Goods,
made to sell at 464, our price 29c. ; a good fitting
a special Heavy Ribbed Stocking
Corset equal to any boo. Corset in Goderich for 39x.,1
for 25c.,worth
85c.; a good Heavy Cashmere Stocking, 21c.
We don't throw out two or three lines below
cost with the idea of' making it up on something
else, but all the way through we mark everything
on the Bed -Rock System. Remember we sell Over-
coats, Fur Coats, Mantles, Fur Sets Fur Caller
Mantle Cloths, Flannels, Blankets, Tweeds, Long
Boots, FeltBoots, Rubbers, Overshoes and every;
thing required for Women's, Men's, Girls' or Boys
We have the bblgi�pat and
best line of UIDRBW*A*
in Qodotiab : !ten's Double -
Breasted Shirts from Ela.
Woman's Lon`
=19ists from 17.. up.