HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-11-9, Page 31 „ Ting SIGNAL: GOD$RICH, ONT.TVIIWAY. NQVEMMR 9 1893. 3 w oIlleserso awl 1R ria atmermmae. THINGS sE&N AT THE FAIR. ilkow Stmert"s eel sake ine giber. or. briefm A rase dour. i1.*' bo•y' ►116,000 Desk. A M000 o'/16 Ain esy x oars. L 100,000 cock. A had w.rtb 1060. pm Pedro d chair. 1,100 y.arotd ear. A 11.000 area chair. A 91,601 manic Mx. Nimbi uoabasees. A 91,600 glees dries. A 1!00 Poa+m• Mt. A 73-peesd salmon. A 45 loot high desk. ma Wesley's idesh. osetrtal mowing. A 107 tea l000ssstbe. A $g71) wa otter dein A pee 215 fast high. The Mayflower bible. A bscale in alsokaiMit. Ler at 51,000 a yeast A cape worth $17.600.' A steam moekiaJ-bird A 76 - toe block el mal. A spun gimes umbrella. A palace 4oilt of Dara Milking by machinery. A plate raised at 1167. Footgear of 1,500 aorta A bereau 150 years .Y. 0e. or laditoes : .zea Leather of 300 varieties. A 150 year-old tem pleat. Curdle valued a. $30,000. A maatle merked x',000. team Uarlisg's We bast. A madame 220 fest less. Tree 36 fest is diameter. A swot worth 541,883. "Te•ra-rs' la Bgyptias. A seise red wank 1751). A 110,000 gels ermiissts. Dimmes& worth $100,000. As t rrap " Wm* bell. " Homes .ad rider L promo A steel Met worth "IMO. Tea worth 1175 per peed. A 813,000 idiocies display. bamboo ,,ahs 70 Lot beg. Jape exhibits ewes& best A 300 year-old dwarf seder. watches valued at 5400,030. Billiard balls worth 1$0,000 A 835,000 solid uidvor model A 30,000 pose! Mock of salt Needy whisks of la Mate.. Twc laths of bash rear& A kora mini erre sono. AmMieaa bids el 106 kinds. A brisk wselip oast 180.000. As aremnls surest ear .errs. figypiha "Mm bra" nadirs A .kymmds et Wise mashies Jere wawa ear wile. hare. A 12"fes imp .f crystal alma. Forty n* friendly rivalry. A .leery sew 4a -ilia at $1,5001. The erred wend be lower. Aa S,100•psd pier of copper. (lin.. barbed M eb.rteity. µaraen sweated ea batterites Aa Walt of "swifter" pr0en A ei senate tower worth 580.000. A Resp ger that shore 90 sail,. Aa kr eyls with 3,000 hashers. A diver starts weigbirg 91 tore. A herd that tissue from 100 B. C. A pavilion britt el psakiag boos A ober weigkirg 90,000 poised.. Pearl sssklsss valued .t $100.000. t rugr sheer as 06.p sed armee. The biggest amedithi 1a she world. A .hewn emMrrg 111.010dither The Nips of awed •amber MO. Brasa ob.we s,aos spades of bas e. A 50.1..s bye esawrlr word. Humph.hed whale. 474 IgM lang. Oblen lathe eater —the Hhs,terd. Mulish err on O.760 miroesope. vera aide is the ![Moate emery. Or Morley while's worth 5800,000. The w.bisgise wmaeor•t r rime OF HIS a.ACTY'$ TREASURI$. 1 leek h.r dsMt) areea ae mat As antes 1..dr M as Ar Wk. -d set made a rilhMtiel I teak her vela. a Over ball As der as mai. Y ant a }tope 1 Mak hes Wear wee ae well e� 'Omare. Is."e.M1.".1..t.W team nen en be ray lees despair.' d Ame I= a YlllawlM I teak her witnesses vlrglaal. Aad trona her vests twee raw reran 1 took her dankly sem as well 1 said. -lit may he pontis Her lame trees my heart te tear." Ando 1 mow .1 tlha.lta 1 stele her lougm. meat ..seem 1 wrought it 1a will arttal easel I teak Aar don'tere as well. Aad se 1 made • villessUel —Breast Demon 1s CorahW Ha astsa A HERO. At about 3 o'clock oo a raw, blustery March morning the inhabitants of the little village of Shlckshinny on the up - pr Susquehanna were roused from deep by hoarse about. and by the vio- lent ringing of the church bell IGD and boys dressed in haste, sad a crowd soon congregated on the river More. Thane was good cause for excitement The ioe, which seemed comparatively Arm on the previous evening, had broken during the night The yellow tid Is., al- ready swollen to many fest shove its aorwa level, was almost hidden by the heaving, grinding cakes. And wast of all this unexpected event had placed an unknown human lasing in peril. From Scrub Wand came hoar . shouts for help and at intervals the discharge of a gun. The red flasbes could be plainly rink% "Jump 111. ageea.s . IW asp and we have • die Arse et &APS at' Tee lids. Rol as Jasper epreag te the hest tV water heaved sad Mari, salt a reahle d 1r dead &:cheer despised is s ease Melf a doom ears of b30 0010114 y, ring and truing with the waves. part piped straisbt dews Mases. while his ee—paioo esyseied he the Mem el the hest. ha*. with terror. HM Ike fess e.ald and is only ass way. The Use of broken toe caste 'Finding es like a races hare, growling with tory. it smashed the ceabin to trai- ners and sped atter the hail little craft that was striving so hard to ewspe. Jasper cried out with terror and h.14 his hands before his tape to shut oat the aw- ful sight Curt stuck to the oars, but be knew nevertheless that escape was out of the question. His brave heart sickened at the thought of what would happen when the crashing ice cakes reached the boat Suddenly be saw something that roused a glimmer of bops. T•renty yards to- ward the left .sore and slightly in ad- vance of the avalanche floated a huge tree, evidently torn bodily from the soil. Its broad end, bristling with snakelike roots, was turned down stream, and bore and there it thrust out thick limbs that served to steady it, like outriggers on a boat. The opportunity was a good one, for the tree looked sufficiently strong and massive to hold its own against the tur- bulest ice. If the cutaways Dodd reach it, they stood a fair chance of escaping death. Clot's resolve was instantly formed. He roused Jasper from his stupor of fear and briefly explained what be intended to do. "Now," cried Curt. Jasper caught the dangling roots and polled himself to a place of ssisfa. Aa agile spring Luded Curt bride his. and the next instant the best was whirledog into the gloom. As **lads crept high. er up the trunk, Jasper slipped and was precipitated into the water. In his show glee to keep from sinking be seised one of the roots and clung to 1t frantically. crying for help. At the risk of his life, Curt crawled down, and with souse difficulty rveoued his companion. They lout no tams in °booing politicos armor the heavy Oahe mad than had bsrety retard then - droll Whse hewn the trek erne. The towering 'some et ice surged areand the Wee, burying the track from might at tree and rocking it to and fro like • emits. The peril was frightt 1 and is.} great for half an hoar. TM boys were bey's& the reach at the los, hwwos d bappi4 the cul igres pe.__tel Ilse tree frau railing over. The sight wars es. end when it breis the tree stranded ea one of the piers d the Ostawba• Midge. Willing hands rescued the cseiaways with ropes. and when they had recovered from their am poseurs they were sent home by rail, whither ihe glad news had already pre' oeded than. It need hardly be said that Curt was never called a coward again.—Williase Murray Graydon in Hartford Courant men. Scrub island lay in midichamnel di- rectly opposite the village. It was hard- ly more than a bar, for nothing grew upon it but bashes. Near the lower end was a small cabin, which some of the vill.gs boys built for amusement out of driftwood. Here the castaway had prob- ably taken refuge, and his situation was extremely critical. Ina short time the cabin would surely be tarried cif by the ritdng flood and ice. As the crowd were speculating ou the unknown one's identity and discussing the hopelerme.ot rescue, Squire Tyson. the most wealthy and influential man of the village, COON running down the shore. "Jasper is on the Wand," he cried. wringing his hands in agony. "Be went over this afternoon to shoed ducks and has not returned home. He mud have fallen asleep in the cabin, and the ioe has carried away his boat. Will no one save my poor boy? Are you all oowsrdar" Tbo unhappy man grasped a boat that lay bottom up on the shore and tried to drag it into the water. Half a doeen men taught and held him. "You will only throw your life away: they cried. "No boat road cove a dosoa yards 1r that hes. Re could nave your boy if than was say limes at all." The quire saddealty mimed then this wastroe. Henisedgmbitiatelytoward the island, his face rigid with despair. A groan of pity best from the crowd as another grant was bard, followed by hoarse appeals ter help The tide rose higher and higher. tilt mow dm spots were visible has.. ami there, and all at once the der sussed to beoos• free of loThe mesming of this was plata. The We had itharail a pre sonsewbre up error. Hare asse& a okra of me- cse, tint no oar was will hg to lake ad- vaait. The erred linty by pee aespestesow tW-iagers;>.eomld._liltdl trek to a moaser sr two. and this the treed los would sweep ever7tkiag before it like an avaLmais L vain the again appealed to theca 1* vain the poor boy as the Wad cried for help Not • man word aaak what seemed roti dor" eaddenly a stoutly Wadi! lad of I$ sep- arated prioted from the drag. and up the s few yards h. hares • VOt okK into the water. lie gibed the o :r. that W he the bottom sad palled etsrdt- ly into the widths eurreat. beading in a Mimosa tram up etrean. A eiawltewue cry at • so n ant bent r.0 the word. isms sheered the lrraeg lad; others warmed Mair& "God totem himr cried the squire, buret* tato tsars. _ Indeed. Curt Webb was the or any parson would have belied capable of seek • hove deed. He was an or- phan aid worked hard for • livelihood in a grocery More. The village boys, headed by Jasper Tyra. despised and hated lis• Decree he W panMmtly refused to join •sv of their aisrlsbvess depredstiema, He add swot be ha. A gene aosssut weighlag IMO MOM& domed to fight his 88*mentom, S UM Fier smoked by Miles thesilt.h. Jasper sad ether dared Mm to MOM A group et windmill. worth 1/00,000. my a time. Ace*s boy.lsrstMFI.All r A .tared glees wieder worth $6,000. lithife0 b7 oath. Mai Ib, "oo'w & gm Aa eispires i..l, woods.no p,„,„6„. by thes epithet he ease known in the vil- A Japers di " Miry " air fret bili- But W "coward" was nerdy sutosinh Thu lest mamata.perra is Awocass. ther his remise now. and hie progress nerd% Mt ertisN.ee number 10,000. was watcb.d with boatman here& sivailtyarn esgla- apmr lb. rsehis- No one espectd to see him ore back A ehakmp,.v.a vase ..lad as $l,. •ib" eM.a+l, tha boat taepa toward N.1s olusher r the Teeth wheel Gish ale iditilighteatedbsaitiner` `w `� o bei fi ow w i ..t el 10 ese p :rued. as 1690 sprat the it. ir� Ossein v 7 be glared over itis ioalisr sail was Isag. Ids 41 ham gases end 41 raho yds'.d in see me !ties of Ms. The shore soon fadai sheeny to give .otice of his appeal.& ora bile*" Nat ace le+. C.Mlocsla Japer aboufd hack end Ord $ With par to plea hill realler. twtan .:..Med b pew. rte• dTlhe raw had already s,meted She for sale to 0 A. FRAIL Orgill. Osi rleh. Oat IFYoIiS COATED YOV NEED THEM paxrr Toy are Det a caw .a, ties am karma erpi►� L a Caroms wertn$ep. We had to be at work at 6 o'clock in the morning and to keep on till 8 o'clock st night. Even on Sundays we worked from 6 o'clock to dinner time. Some world keep on till it was dark on Sun- day evening and mutest themselves with knocking oft early, as they called it. And such work! Everybody would work as if the house were on fire. It was all piecework. The man who stood next myself had made vsnemod chests of drawers for 80 years, aid hover led Stade anything else. He would tarn out two veneered aheste of drawees in a week, and the work was line =sent would. I am pare. *41 readily in Brisbane for from S11 to E13 each. lie weasel about 9 Pruiaa theire per week. Oa eke other its el rte stood $ mem MU Made Go- rr eeseteiwee. There waw telae or t.a rtes is the hep The master was work - tog too. Be sexed jar as poor as the ala. whonwer woe! was Saki* same fralt•re dealer would err read and May tt. The amen sera& noire et Ire askew la their hedhe w181 m.rweek. If ever they had as assitlie s t• their Ione. it was to thrill • rise Of respect into the two of preaAfeaorf'Ad-vesture' at a Danish R4 hs6od ..d twtaty eerie." of sed eb he awed the read be A .Idle, sad Pet as Orwt swum the boat 1'amdase of had en weighing 6,600 tails the Hats nab add= he hoed • . 66-1 ONO. seiw '* the *His lei IWO • w ire•. wMh 1.000 piloid sire where lona ldaig Biers vMw. The A 'k'4wve. illi fine bigh, Sri fest leag, haterrs - 10 Weir, ami the les was ar- ttasst wi+a " dram with swears Vie► luulag wimp of spar showed hWi sed him the thee of hie seasoner be limed ahem desk' was 1.... arm,e�,1g�b ran "'resit" he eaeWtet. sad that *ogle OHO►` - Meed ha sella doer. gra whoa the ige!1jes+. Orsi M er eseregge M trei 25 CENTS ABOX. Ai sear creme n the mew. J, As Aimee/Sure i Oster sp... That estrum add pnralysar every vital timed= is at coags a ptsoe of htowleigs. _Hat at has bees .14771%e w Asir. w!n has been a this ✓ u• b** t• throw thed at a tempera - tare of tit degrsn blow the einegrads sero thus • tae tiesoal meths between .toric or odpbario acid and peter, be- tween rtwesn ore t ptamlw als.!0 der 'Morey dreamaauss 81othe emeses. of tbe Wirt metal kr eggen is so greet telt M win Lawn tt thrown tats wrier, owing le with the *purges he that gds& saiteetthe shosllie upuk tt piped on bodies width have thr lot the power of iaeM '. sift some sew and sorban srmMaMbml Tem" The iMg OlaveMlyddaaba iosy the of whish, however, have bra Moron. - ally presagedfor some years past, sew rewire or to neon der the sparks el the temperer= of oder spar and the possibility et ea Mmm1'hue ore peed el rim h oosl nation frith( there.— London Chreedele. PETERMAN'S ROACH Foos A Arab roaON MI. TO Cdla9adri AM wale SUSS EWIU, HERRM i awtaea.Rea lit it9,.eaeeskl mresaaL L!r 11111 1Wc..—.7i6vArbd'att:W Nrdivit A" manus AMT. May lar... �ee..fLMr+..►mem. 1 die gt. Pawl street. M*.Aisal. Montreal go ,fit TIME 0♦ Wall W� COON g mean= 2 Paper471..._*. co. Factor] osrtssey v.gwsle Whisky maps. One of ns is the �ethe use corer eateries is called by whisky im▪ ps; brim their 1114111911dfa1W en fnsgatosliag 4.5* that athemilli as softs d Inroad Half s pea f ewlireedin .eek et tere reesplsdR sail that the contseb of thane or Mr was rAeatta le • eau. Thebes, 5. l iso the flail soil their •ahrimee is I .&.ied W the pleas One variety • fiver s nes - reaebra, while .molMu eels*raglan, me that, rim earighlor usable Osseo nip braes el two ikons eatsegibg dserawsd wlshapfms• thaw Whim 01 SIM 4101. CMua MIMS F11f111< set ala 1. Mak rear. )1DuilintluidAklaLleds re I \ l� rami �t Fali Goods. BARGAINS. 967 yards of Fall Dress Goods, less than manufac- turers prices. A REAL SNAP ! 10 Ladies' Mantles at exactly half price. A small lot of Fancy Plush, *1.20, for 60 cents. DRESS GOODS i Hopsackings, Octogon Cloth, Whip Cords, Serges, Tweeds and other new lures for Fall. We have the finest line of VELVETEENS and VEL- VETTAS in 28 shades and colors, ever shown in Goderlch. OUR MANTLE STOCK is now complete, and surpasses any former year. We will cut and At all Mantle Cloths over $1.00, bought from us, free of chlrrgge. Our 85c., $1.00, $120 stud $1.50 Mantlings are great value. Black Astrachan, $2.25, 2.50, 3.25, 450 and 5.00. Blue, Brown and Grey do., $2.25 and 2.50. Ready made Mantles, direct from the mak- ers. Just see our prices. TWEEDS, 30, 35, 45, 50 AND 60 CTS. GREAT VALUE. A big stock of New Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Lace and Chenille Curtains, Rugs Masud Mate. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. 6% discount for Orb on close exit regular prices. gar first-class Drees and Mantle Maker up -stairs. Cc 9: COLBORNE BROS NI GiODERICH. Great Carpet Warehouse of the County. i o ilk 1t i 11. MIS KU MAIEL t— aciD Prime Sigh. 159 Oralg W'YNN FEMUR MAIMR. w.sllow, Mdse Swink lett Metre Dews erome S. i.� � ''°OM' THE EQUAL OF " LUBY'S PAIIIIAN NAM RERUN Osiosell b.9wrk fee reskalai saw bstr t.Ms mad saw sed Musty 1 It hams tl.lnd .isle owl Mut. and tees but dives • stage she hair tram remit twly peMmr. gteerak. set gives We batt tie OW" baser urnsoworter yoatk: seellordnestell It was never Lew. te All. Ned I r held Ms pneri et s 7 esker psepenikes. and it aeon row tis say hum hair talk Feld •verywita a at Nis a Sirs. Patronise True T80ID FOUST OTT 8081010 00 $HOHTH00 IOitLEGE, Of LONDON, DO OT .sed to heft elle sur MA.eLMate ea the pay moot of railroad tare. wear- peltisoa a:o.. 1i seder to nes newer anises wa 1,1730 is yea 1^e mat ail tWl ate tk.ae•fh de�ttr Is all Dvfsaas om jlete It Y��oas�her • strata._ • Mwe the lramt attaed•.ce and the moat complete Schaal V G7esads. W. solielt year �p rredp ergo upoe the were el our esperter swrd. IKse1� s per warn. l:subgee ties. = refunded. J. W. WRSTERVBLT, Principal. Wait a Bit! Competition . LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP l Facts are so scarce in this world that it is possible to live s good many years without becoming acquainted with one. Here is one: We've been busy as bees ever since we started business. The reason is obvious: We have made your needs our study, and are keeping up a feast of good styles and good valuer, and in buying your Boots and Shoes from ns yon get better value for your money than you can get elsewhere. You will be delighted with the good qualities of our goods. We have a choice se- lection of Ladies', Misses and Children's Oxford Ti. Shoes. Thousands to choose from All other lines complete, and guaranteed to St, to werr well, and give entire satisfaction. Our prises are the lowest. Save money while you can by buying your Boots and Shoes from T. FOWLER & CO. //fret Ota.. Let of .1 Wheseb Dreg geese. It is not Sawdust We use in making INDURATED FIBRE WARE. Some people think it is, but they are mistaken. We use nothing but the longest and strongest Wood Fibre, pressed into shape without strum or joint of any kind, and Indurate it by a patent pro- mos which renders it impervious to heat, sold and liquids. INDURATED FIBRE WARE imparts no taste or dwell to its contents, and is the Tightest, tightest, sweetest and most durable ware ever made. Ask for EDDY'S.