HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-11-9, Page 1,faR w r �aAr �eT AM fi THEIST�IGNAL, sora -0311.1l ow* Domes WWII' sN • 1 oast, 17f Morris. nal THE OFFIC/ZAL NEWBPJLPN]R OZ HJ OOVNTY- IMPOIL Ing VMS !BATH N• YOUR LABEL THIS WiiLK. Ins maw Tori Naas Iitassa. R rt Airwoman. VOL. X LV. 2438 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY NOV. 9, 1893. D. McGILLICUDDY, PROP'R tEWADVERT ISEIMENTSTHIS WEEK THE TALK OF THE TOWN. PAGE. �,,,v- Tulortng-F. J. Padbane 1 Loa -Prim -.g R H.Ilowa... ... 1 13110I4 Storied tPom the Report - Two; Waisted- (bur Hawkes@, Shop- 8 moo Notebook. lard"' way Heifers -Willis Boll .. 8 MNSa (Arra Bea. 3 » r T.... a Mei* t.: Toe team. 1 roe Servant, Wanted -lira Gans 8 (ierwal Ter tree lel • alders amass Te garde of Welter - L P. Maras6 tibio' s«.e. a• duo shop lame Betray L N. Shaw. erre 8 Bohr for `sale -Wei. Sowerby . . 8 foals Prat U." " Iii Worth S..dbieg to Yes"- W. T. Weer 1 -John eira of sin Bhae.• 8 Id Rock Tier -C G. Sway n sad Soap- ^ w• Tinder 8 fey Bras. MisshlaL •fpserd Opera 6 Hoose TOWN SUBSORISER$. Are requested to roti:y this office of any er ict on the part of the (orrier Boy to Moor Tut cloche regularly mai promptly. CAU TIVN. The public are costumed .retest pNObea ,eg papers from ( rrir Bogs. The carat boys of Tile SlosAL have POSITIVELY NO f'AI'Elt.S FOR SALL NOTICE. (banger of advertbasrMte to wore at. testioo must be alt in to tbb erase s.: Wer t has Mnday noon of ear weak. BORN. tfOBItt)W Marrow d� d NsYtr.w wits of 110.1 1. Ooderieb s Nov. 1. the ..0s af P. Nott. barrister. of a son. DIED. etilAIR -la ttaO�,Mwiu Tuw..bt a Tem- day. Witham I/ Mel/ask. eau of M mare McMrt b. mot 1t years and 1 day.. QtAlla-At Denise s Tssa1ay Nm. flee 1M0. risers Aar Whitely, beloved wife el K. Quaid. aged W year. The !.anal will take Nese hes the reit• dears of bees husband. Desi•p. es 1,iiar. Si,. tab. at tet Odra r . Friends mid as. .a.seesoes will please soopt this istlusallta HARBOR NOTES. s:hr. (.lad Tidier left on Morley. 'cbr. L L Lamb arrived bares Tuesday. Tug Sea Quotes strived ea Saturday avem- SdIr Glad Tigard west to with • lead at mJ 'tr. City of Wieder Came is bre .s Wednesday. The dredge bas bees working massife the peen lately. Tug Early., 0t Wiad.or, ram is roe on Nat urday night. Moot of Ilse Me beide hove ran takes out of tete watt. Tug w Gel' arrived en Saturday from the 1 uhtrg lasts& The drily Arnoldi hoe bas healed up um the ialas� for moire. Bohm Tolman, Cartr.ad Wens" have bad their oars Mies et Tug Geese arrived es S.teriay era* sill flahiag rappiiss frees Geordies Hay. Two of the eerie aeeegrg to Ills= Ar.oldi I re. bees heeled op s the liias.�i i chr. Sophie arrived hese s Wedsai-y with lusher and tatssi to lay up far the winter. _ &les ll@ t, apples so so ma oder freight -611W sod or so salt, eat IP. The atsw that was belt an the i•n•d. dari.g the r.esesr for the dredge has bees The verse y wta� is 1b�� omen u w Tusda7, t asel jib-lo.ec broken .Q. Seta K.lfage, O J. M.DoMy, arr. rd Is Smndsy ,oraksg with • rota d slabs and • largo desk lead et .hka�hs. SM. Joan arrived en Sudsy atter- nom from up Um lake. Me hod i toad of flitting suppbes. She breugh dews sorrel deer .hs* by mese el Lie Mat 'porterage FIN ThJWBIXG.--ilius sad eua.er defy is gnat variety bent to T.wlere hod sad ago dram or the leviers You can lore a bog- oyi•.asrd nli s wood style owl h se very 4�m•� prises H MacCoe.ae. Mgr. 8. R. halews bar Jest rdeesed from the esv..tlen resent!,heed Ie CLIIflu dld•'t krt. :►1s eyes east d uneg tlas ear seethe& ad most isad hasmproovrd ire*lala manse des wed his business. Br...r W' yea r.i.siui supreme fit pet wank. two ides le n. ,eeso• cab yes w8ateri aress to s. l.ir reglad trues aril =are •.m live n•stbe. 1T7 WORTH 8OM1TK1N0 TJ YOU - T* kasw when yr s• re year ayes meted ; We went s.methl•g to arse be able to tart Meet. Or tatereet le a neetari one. Thatti w 1 lavit• you to mil and have your eyes to W. T. Welsh. epUdw andemlber A MAN or WEIGHT. -There was • differ- eise el opinion Wren the twyor end the tows emestabl. Saturday last, sell.•', wo are pleased to learn. ham dace been usea- bly settled. The oeastabie is too bio a moa for bs worship to monkey with. emrsim. and attar berg i. the Evolve. paw. ad De1We. este liar. Jess A oolindo' oe.ur.ed at Point aux hssb � I .. Modmy nig► noir, Tolman d Mfr. )(atoll* .1 Am spam ~ d the Ju of Pre.• a sea of ow towannas, 8sttrnser ro 3 Thalia in rad Plaines - are. -John Walker, the tromp who waded Mrs. Wm. Sheriff, at St Helene, bat week, was up for seaters before Itis Manu Judge Doyle Monday morning I.at. The prisoner had skilf.11y defended his own seas, sad ids homer said that the intelligence displayed by bine u the defence show ed that there was less excuse for his acting as t b..! d..s i the matter d the crimes charged against him them if be bad boss s Ilse mtallrgmt sr. Yoe have, said hie worship to the primmer, Moan somewhat br.... in your ameoeastel wow of dodging the law. By .fsr'opeesentatiem and decep- tion and lying yen have hoes living m the public for years, and you have Wen gradu- ally getting lower until rally you have �b... t u the law's mars. You j.mt • in the present is.ts.es, of roadering yonnolf !table to the meletins of the lash -it .rested almost a miracle that yore .shaped It. Your great difficulty sp- pears to be want of employment, for we .11 row that idl.r.ne is an iso.suve to crime. It will be in your interest to be placed for a term wore you sem be tally occupied. The ...taro, of thitc..rt o that you be contend ie the provisoial persteatiary for theft for throe years, for iad.eent war three yam, for tabu pretsuoss two yam., and for pr- y.srw-ths eNtsso.e 10 ran throe The objected to ..eteme baioR ea the ground that In was arrested in amour oousq and the warrant had not been .sdoresd by a magis- trate of that county, but the judge informed Mm that hie objectless had no bearing s this ons. at the present .tag. It e expected that Walker will cave for Kingston to -day (Thursday). sen .x t is • dos by w Wiady City • marls d days. ho died. His the rami Sophie o Godericb, Meer • se Alt"' .ad ort tei'ide had him es ted to aid t m t . beg- beretbarg, Osherow el Deimos seer. Tem tIhaay strews of the star, •red wasted 10 card Wont hems .a the L Kern,L I�ab: m •11 bo•M were drewew�, stave e/ them being Joe 10 starer., 7 veemb, 2 dredges. b mad sores and a cos* d fah boatel, Merau.las' brerrruve Ctr asL-The dames be , .enestio• with the Godariah Moonrise' insetted will cora of penmt•s• ship, oommorielel eat/emetic •d book keep- ing. All who ora spare eke mosossmy time should avail themselves of the advantages of these rases. The oWees will be con- ducted by Geo Sheppard. TEAK e@oivttw Sorrel' AND OSDAX Rrcm •L -The usual ti.•akriving supper wiU be provided by the ladies of North-st. Meth. church os 'Thanksgiving day. Atter sapper the formal opening of the sew orris wt11 he opened by A. lepew, eq., Mas. Bae., d Detroit, giving Moto. orris se:adioa.. There wilalso be solos, door, quartettes sad oborrsss rssderd by the best local West. A greed baste may be expected. Fins. -A tire broke out r Wednesday dt.eso.a about 4 o'oksok is the readers. of CEO. Murdock Meodoa•ld, 106 Light- house -et. The fire brigade, under com- mand of Chief Belcher. wee quickly on the and sr ceded in flooding out the mos which had managed to get in between the lath end Bids of the building. The coater.ta d the hoots were removed so that the flooding of the promises would not be hindered. Writer ve.Oooxatc.. -A well eoetestd geese of football was played ea Saturday last u the Agricultural Groasde between Clinton Collegiate Inserts aid a Ood.riuh team eonpoaed of enmben from the Col- legiate and Model The match from be- ginning to end was very intr.stiog and pod play wee exhibited on ootb sides, bat the combieatios of the l:od. ich team to visitors' oeaded in e.c.riag tear gra sees. A teohn report •.f the .►1041 moun- d the *dies tee late for publistios. rumbaed half of the mars ticket. The d tin Cohens.", t ed Wabash railway agast refused 10 take it, swum thee they Beast get a tail corpse ticket. The Meade se leursbee pointed eat that the ti.k t as the face of it, was • es - tract to emery him from Thaaiseville to Chicago sad back, with nothing said es to whether be was dead or alive. The corpse was fare paid under protea•, and now the ansa is being tested is the averts. 1 ..OsewoarVY.-The taaobors of the Collegiate Institute and members of the Literary Society have tbrougb their or - based efforts, purchased • tins Maros h Riscb pians ham Geo. W. Trews, and prod it la the asoeesblv hall of the sided Bovuar Bum aso WILL M.u. Casarr.i.- lt is hardly s.eesmry to draw erste. to th.big eaM d re dyned. clothing maladies' mantles that A. P. !!etas advertises this week. The adv. speaks for itself and the teseeniem.et it maks i "leader thea words." Tusr Wats Wase Ib rsarAINSD.-A number of the members of Eureka Council No. 103, R. T. of T., aes.pted the iavite- troa at Hsbs.ville (loused to visit them last weak, and the visit.rs exprw them- selves highly pined with the wooer in which they were enKrt iced by the Hassle - rills brothers aid sites. Serwsar Meadow Tarnseince Mar- iso.-TEerer wee no amiomme.n.ot made m referrer N the attsresei tempereer ewe- 1eg SosieF lase, bat Chairman Ten bed the tsatieg nevertia1.ss, ad called fes short adders. fuses Bev. J. L Howell rod D. McGillicuddy the willbe occupied y L E ww aL rrt.ir.•nndw • large terser is .mp..wl HOau ton • HOLIDAY. -M. and Mra Wm. Ktlpe rash, of Streator, III. am visit- ing at the her el the formr's pear, ✓ ear Despaa.s. Mr. Kilpatrick was a readopt .1 Goderioh for shoot three years, horse leered the bakfog briow with D. Omee1.m. Woe -et., and those turbo had tile p estate .f W soq.sil etese. deicing his reeidasee here were pleased to ow him roe more. Uood Lice Ba•Nce of UPTICK CA.ADa Brit Socrxty-The 1rieads sad supporters of this o..ot7 are rMwted to remember the asesr7 pabite muting which has hes ess..amd for Friday resift ant he Fio- rds -et. shureb. Iators.t10 (.etre by Rev. Jos. Philp, B D., d Lemke, ea "Bibi. Work in Syria and Parties." Mistime of ormiaittse in the same pease at 7.30 r. to., half an her bolero the pabli. needing. A Wormer os W ensu -Mt. Tyler. wise bee had bis workshop s HanitaeaI for souse time past, is riving geae/a1.otiono- ties is the line et griadiat cad repairing. Asptidag is the Bape et sherpentir Wyse ad Bees, rebladiug sed repairing knives . si.ee.ora, sharpening saws, or repairing embeallas is promptly and well attended 10. Mr. Taylor's Wad is met to L Dowd ng's hareem .bop. sad be herd. 4. remain here for • shed time loupe. C. O. F. M111111102. -Li the net roister muting .f Octet Oede is' No. 32, Ore, dna Otrdr of Foreseers the fal.wing .iaers were duly iadall.d by Biro. J. 8. Tail. P. C. R : Bro. Alen leu des,C.. R. ; Bre W. J. Daniels, IL W. LOOS, Tress. ; Bre. T 8..yd, F 8se. ; Bon. W. M.Oraath. R. flu. .31 P,%dhemt. MT. Warty, 8. W. F. H..d.r.os, . 1 It Telford. 8. 8 t J. Stewart, J. Ii ; Dr. Ta71.r, Court Pheakti a AUBURN. Mownas, Nov. 6th. Pea..rATIO1• too ADDaa.. --Om Mow day, Oct. 30th, the membaes mad adherents at Smith^. HU! caejregetiw.. the swatter sf about fluty, aes..blsd at the massa, As - bora, and presented ter peter, Rev. A Heder.s, and W wife with an sddeuin ad a bn•tilal desk and perm lamp, as a .ark 0t their rpprosiadioe of their labors atsaipe them and • bion et their esteem red re- gard The hMwieg is the address Te Rev. tit. reed Mira Y Headroom. Deers Fares h was with .sok pica - erre ver essay eels!. i. eh. Smith's Hill ?�grs�a Inured that the sesas .e wto a. agai opaeed mrd shot we would be p i- vileged 1 redeems to ear mule as mar pester i wife .ee wham w have sot risers to admire and reapsut ht one who bad grows q amongst se., mad wham we abode 1..e A. • token of our esteem aid ale 1ise we present thi. cloak ad baip tad pray that 0.4. dill oo.fi... M Marc yes both teapo ally sad spiritedly, that tegeth.r 7s ma Deng be @pared t admire re the earn red k1gdowt of the Mould r the , Ikeparties10of Lord's ay mama 1►u her. 7.s may vein news man it Christ, whist' shall se that day won He ll shims a per Is er sew. 51. asks - Ho ...1L iremeu fhAI. os.1 Mrs. W. N. gown . (lam. L Ftmrtr.et Mary R.omerelt. (1*nnot Tour. Mr. Hwrlee..., whe was tabes eco *tidy :•y marries. disked the dears Ise w+► great idoliser m .. .er id edrp.e.i the hepe that the erne of Obeid .tight dill .am sb••dartiy pampa iMm at thea Sus Woie THE MEDAL. -W leers iron the Ottawa Fre. Prem that the modal doma- t•d by Kari Derby 10 the must proficient popd of harmony and monterpuint at the Canadian College of Merin has hoes won by Miss Masem, A. L C. M., of Ottawa The .aoompliebed nessieiaa is a sister of Mrs Anderson, of the Maass. " Tag Ct.oa "-At the amaral meeting of " The Club" bald at their room., McLean's block, the following offoen were dset d for the current year : President, H. Lock- wood ; vim presider, Geo. Porter ; *my - Dr. r. Hunter ; trsas, E. H. Bird; committee -Messrs Mellow .cod Goods. " The Club" has passed lie first nilestoae to good form, sed bids fir toe a Mag lease of life. SINT To KINewYox.-Thome Craig, 0o.- vict•d of stealing mossy from C. F. Strut- hers store was taken to Kialptas Tharday last by constable Gu.dry. He was sen- tenced 10 four years and .ix months fox the crime. with serasoes of three years 'soh tor housebreaking and eh,pbresk ing .4110► run concurrently. Craig had held up stoutly until the .entered wasprosos.oed when he broke down completely. °CONDUCE ATHLETIC (CUL -The mem- ber of this club held their first adiug in the gymnasium of the Collegiate Istituto Monday resin lad There was a fair weeders. The Hae-Presidst of the dub, H. I. Strang. B. A., addremed the mem- bers, explaimug the roles of the Collegiate laseitea Board with referaeostotb• severs - mint el the gymiswo., white was remod- el so by Prs4sst M. O. Jobmd" the Blab unanimously adopting to rules for their guidance. The club will most s Ms - day sad Friday evenings of each week. Wrr Hors Fullmer' L•.TtrrTs Maer- tnto.-L n.stiag of West Huron Pareses I.ditute w111 be held at Marberaer 'ea THbroday, Na. 16, 1893, beginning at 1.60 urea., at whish the following sbjeca will be discussed : Oder draimh., Mute ober. fattening cattle for the British market, sad other subjecta. The evening meetin , whecb will ops at 7.30, will be addressed J. R. Teem TeP.8. L, ea Agriculture u the ad by .1. T. °arrow, M.PP., os other ha.. A mssial programme has also been provided. All are ooSth.ity invited. Tunre AND Finatas.a-The average tramp is well read is criminal law. At Chitham the other.day when one of them was being ...robed by • policeman they sit laughed when the officer draw out what ap- peared to he • revolver, fully loaded, but which • glare at showed to be only • wood- en imitation. The weapon revolved .red snapped all right rough. bet the cartridges were bogus sad the barrel was sot owed_ Two other .umbers of the party had similar weapon& They knew the law la CLmad• as 10 e.rryiir eaeseded mopes, ad this was the way they went 'armed," while at the .ttmeay.Yiegriesheavy penalty there- for. C. C. C. Q. -Amgen, dthe a. uel Use God•riek BIeyde flub took a forty-two' mile spin on their wheels ow day lately. They wale vi Mira ad Blyth sad were nest at Manchester by another wing ef the dub, and tas.Mee ley redo bene. It io y10 w. of the riders ret Try, vary Wed -aid eh spy, tore. -ed me his wheel Wraith a fere h ardor to rest Him - a4 ad as be at thou he fen asleep. sad • .411le afterwards was suddenly .roused by his wheel falling oval and landing him s the ground. He was i lady revived- at • bra es b.eewas e, where he wten- deriyerred for ad wee able to pressed s he way widest further mishap. AUCTION SALES. A Hurt To MUNICIPAL COUNCti'.- Mind - sips! S..rogs hAerelly .01 has M wake Y is kering their rade sod bridges le reed order. Damages for airier are berg g et all ser she preview A Miss Orange get $6,500 mad full coats errs the cowl► of Rsphemis for beir throws est M • wash- er em she rood. Her imide tired 10 used* tor woo, bet the erem.0 weeds% lbws haired ere to gut a ratite wry des, .' ooaneih nus Gave their verb mad sidewalks right or sane damages. da V U .. ts 's st =W4.eites� Tst•assAT Mrv. a -rims Asa astbe Mainlld levy Cee, Me 81, ..s. 4 Oad► Jeii oast. . 1 AreaAreaPts. Rs -ormolus 8aaviesa - Victoria -d, Methodist obur.h was highly favored as Sunday and Monday with beautiful weather, largo congregations and great liberality as the part of is (dead.. Min W elliaets was greeted with the pressoce of hundreds of her friends aloof Sunday, the church b.- imR packed at Mem About 300 took tea Maeda eight. The program of magi, =oral recitation was enjoyable. Atter the financial st teatst, %halving the repairs had cost $225, and the 60.13ag debts to be $38, the pastor asked for $128 to wipe out all these dada. The audience responded with $157. $293 was the total matted b, oollectir, tea, sad sbecripeion. Th» church was Bever ia soak a happy oosditioo is its history as it now U. lare- 1'h. Betio. .ad pastor are greatly aeoorr WHAT wtu. ens W uses as !-The old- est inhabitant, the man who .coal.' the mars and the wind ; the prophet who is guided by the squirrel' ; be of the hop's neat, the oom busk, the von' boos and the begat , are usually reedy to prognosticate. Hare are the reasons ono seer gives tor foretelling aa extremely severe winter : 1. The haste s earn .re much thicker than .seal, and of • deep orange tint, instead of a light Imo. bus. 2 The hoe's melt runs �a�ed hired of smooth. 3. The gcwse bins ishsrest cresta May -raised fowl shows larger and whiter spots Mw customary, wheal resemble the made of Mar 4. The crop of sun of all loses be immense, and the squirrels and chipmunks are i.ybg in erodidious stores early in the mason. 6. 'tea �artt��s end woodchucks or _ ..d he b.ee and oetborsss, Mired at w., dash. are 8yilt is U-hopd issued of V- shaped dopa toward the south. 6. The green ir.p are uhaegiug their skims. Lid are even now soaking oral wells and sprier for winter qa rte s. Wet= THE 1',511xses 10.-Maesery BN.Acs &!rimae Too Nciia.vs ro Morrlo..-Inst Saturday two of our toweemea. et pa club tare, Mars L R. Wars mad O. Pennngaes, drove out ism Coiheres township abort miss smiles. sad .ue.esded in bringing heck nose arrows tat, sleek black squirrels. NotantieiirN.t hay's. se many tempt* stock at ..munitis urea net due the .f- tersaem, .o they laid down their t him and .Dabbed several gshrob wi fig, and thee raptured .ore thee they weal otherwise hour get. Oa the way keno they roped pmeisg through • baeb where the etpae1 seemed far sere Enmer- or thea where Mt begged ter go.., hoe were as noted with the rosier • achieved tame they did sot 534541 it worth while kitbag may more ea that aeon don Sane of ear reddest. Mar eestla.ne y to the teetaeses-iw d hawk squirrel meat anes the arrival of the busters. H•LLows'str Autres.-Osiidrablle as• sepses and damage wee dens ho14we'es Night by wend bomb of pew rafts who made hover is varier parts d the town. The weissideirees .rdise wile .am- en them donde should bear is mid thee thereelll ►.o . 'on kessiseity be to dna 1M mime 44 damsels dons te perpsety os es7 Mitt el the year. They are all liable be premes- Ysi as serve parWipmb or awraimrL The sighs .11at �halloi.V� a 1 se OD art 'rose. and sesesasysese wn _ arse dutbit prOsersti ee will likely remit U the dame. Mss le he repaired by them win did the ljey. Nix Oxon vas • Comsat --Ann whin alp ise Echo.. • snoldwit el 16o dirge d FMwm, sod of MAIM. watt M elates LOCAL BREVITIES. Mrs, Classpital, of Lindsey, veil. of Rev. T. M. 1. formerly d Godench, is arias Meads is we, and is the gout of Goo. Askew.. I1041 005 imam and horse and all animals cured is 30 mimat. by W ooltord'e Sanitary Lodes. This sever tails Sold by F. Jor- dan and all druggists. , 30.17 has boss chow in oompstators ha the b, Addled, Geo. t. The Godriob Orrin proforeeo. 10 all motes* at "Crewe" Thomson is the loaf Cosduetor Sander has no intention, es some papers are now intimating, of r'sigr- inr his railroad duties and going 1110 evangelistic work. He will, as ever, oOm- bine the two. John Davis, of Wingham, well and favor- ably karma to rsidena of Uod rich and vicinity, has purchased the , drug brsitaise formerly earned _on by F. Jo(dsa, end will DEICE prs..edoo io about fes days. Tunes : When • m.ahaat hest an amount s his books that be owed collect be Odle it a "bed debt." If he called it "hod credit' the eases would he just as good, and wield be • e.+stast reesidr to hire of John Cook is 67 year old. H. resides at OlaewilB•n, rod hu had is his posses - dos for over forty years • It is of the ordinary breed, end looks good tor my years to are. Rave any of our readers owned .as geese far so h..• t • period! Radish 8p•via Liaise 111010v. all hard .eft or aaloased Lumps and blemishes from berms, blood spavin, curb., splint., ring bim., swees.y, stif es, sprains. sore and .wails throat, coughs, eta. day. $60 by mss al one bottle. Warrented the most wonderful _sash can ever knows. Sold by F. Jordan and all druggist& 30-1y Rh..matam (-•red in a Day. --South American Rheumatic Cure, tor Rheumatism and Nearalgia, radically cured in l to 3 dye. Its scree or the system is remarkable end It tessera at owe the areae su▪ ed the di....e immdi.4* d10ppehea The are dose greatly bonsai'. 75 omits. Sold by 1. Jordan aid all druggists. 30-Iy THE OUTRAGE ON ELLIS. A Ma raes to Um Mooch of New Brunswtok. MI M. oft! Ties. ilei R.glwv.l Yeas Berton I.s the Heath were Ahdhho-MWr Olts' lmpelesamest is a !curie N tae Liberties et the ertuora. rem The Meurer dear. Armories( to the last cereus there .re 4,829, 441 people in Canada -newt of them according to recent precedent ought to be io g ol, for ooeitempt of court. In makers thr statement no redeems is intended up- on the fair 1..to of the people el Canada. is times and plasm errs rogues get poli- tical peferme nt, and homiest nen pt put in yid curdu y it is an h000r to be imPromed. At any rate many self-rwpeotiag (.uadiane would rater be L gaol with Joha V. Ellie thaw in the company of the people who are responsible for putting him there and keep- ing him there. Of course it ie Waite right Ur the majesty of the law should be wort - ed, but dos anybody imagine that the pub- lic respect fir the courts has been strength- ened by the tardy and severe perky in- flicted upon • re.peoted and public spirited editor ' And that for criticising the judg- ment Ot a mart of las in °onagettm• with or of the worst electoral eoalab that ever diegraood the history o! Caaada ! Contrast the severitywith which chcMr. E11is en with the hi had betreated, w y extend- ed to the did offenders in the crime by which the repres.mtattoo of Q*...'s musty was .telae. 11. proceedings takes it Par- liament against Dunn, the return's. officer, ware each a palpable sham their, A..xandr Mackesais moved in derision " That as apology he slat to Mr. Dunn." Sven the Vinyl itemhars roared at the joke at their own aspens, but imprisonment of Mr. Ellie is a pretty good Aral apology t. Mr. Dunn, and M Mi. Baird ; to thew who stole the wt, cud the tan who received it. Mr. D.w got o1 with the Inildae hied el rebuke, and Mr. !laird got off with the . eat, but to even things up, justice .cods Mr. Sl1ie to gaol for mouth, tines him • couple of hundred dollars and saddles him with law costs to the extest of three cr four thousand dollars. And what was the dime oommitted six yuan .go for which Mr. Ellis has been so rigorously pursued ! In an editorial article be impugned the motives of Judge Tuck in granting an injunction against Judge Stead- ies. 10 peovaet the talar bolding • recount of the Tote in the (b e't County eleare. Mr. Ellis may not have been warranted in imputing partaan motives to Judge Tuck and perhaps would have bees wiser to criticise tb• judgment itself without dis- cussing the mouse of the Budge. Appat- aUy Judge Teck felt that it. was not moss - nary for him to defend his burr, but Baird. who bad ret enough honor of his Over to prevent him sitting in Mr. King's seat, sud- denly developed an istes.e jealousy for the boner of the oosrta, .lid initiated proo.ed- inge against Mr. Mein for oonteept of court. He might have sued Mr. Ellis for libelling him, be might have sued the Sar or almost any newspaper in Canada with • .pure of independence for characterisingW masaof action, but fortunately for hpocket it was the baser of the courts be was anxious .boat -Mmes the proceedings for oo.tempt. The a.r suggests the o.o.ntty for Parliament drfi.iag and, perhaps, limit- ing the powers el the ledges es dealing with oosteept of scout. It is tight shot the 1.dR+e should haw the pewee .t compelling *bodi °. to the madams of the court. It is right that they should have the power 10 maintain order and d.00um in the court by. if need be summary punishment, bot is de - feeding their own character they should be Witted to just the same protection as other arms and no more. if Mr. Ellie was guilty of any crime, it was not strictly .peaking, ooatampt of court ; it was con- tempt of Tuck. Judges are so mor ex- empt from public criticism than other public officals, and if they are unfairly attacked should defend themselves is do other public *Snub, sot by oommitting their .Doss to for oossenpt, but by proving beton • judge and jury the roomer is go 1 v of libel. New Iket Mr. Rile honai i,.«l some Weer ti.e for loieotion he neat realise that be said how bad a good.led more fes for a atetallrr peony if ea ha.1 rose the right way .boat in H. neigh a bre .teles s seat is Mee House el C••mu,o.e ; he might Wive stole almost Bei thing in Use way of pultgo property; ha mi,gbe have horse -whipped sir googols wife perpetrator! or connived at the Queer's (i,ont fraud widest y drier Lit beteg smoked into glint fee a .o.tb. A .,en amn lave the wildest kind of spree la (e..ala for • mn•ih'e imprierearent; if be detains Moen contempt of wart he used set abstain from much doe. The imprisonment of Mr. Ei1is b a is m- asa aga na the liberties .t els sabj.d whish CaOrdiree Weald ha prompt to resent. The Government would aot windy if it at coos remitted the porkies imposed open Mr. Etlss, and thea show its approbation of the 'rarity with whish he los bees Vested. his ewe re.pcsibility for the esisteses el orb arcus & A very large prides of the the dors swore opined every year are as treat • roprea tt to ties creditors as they am 10 the debtor . If the latter are 1.e dis- honest or indigent to pay, the former are epee to amen for sdmittieg os.toneors to credit as as us knows badn There oboaM he se risk is tetra is the matter of aedit- giviii� The omeemer'ti ehor.et.r ad stand - iv shmald be known before he is allowed on • arab farm* Knowledge, sot faith is hoes metre, is the resod work se build ftp • mi die bearer upon. The wake* paist is the retail terdc of this emery is the credit mese. A .ersbrmt may be as ew.alest selesn e, a fie sire kieg r, a etase Meyer, a msittairet .t prim. and .ay M di that r ruemary for hetie ddsg of a aeeamld harem, bet he ray Ise a groat 1010he deal arm. w..k A 8vuasalltot. Harmon Pilaff. -Maisans. Will Raiser, (apt. Doody. F. R. Pratt,. W. Siamese and Jr. Joiners. who went . p be Joiners% Harbor • little ever two week's ago in Reba. Clarke. mil beat, "Reindeer," have all Mes.d hasn and report brie* had she meet aesea,d.l ►..t far rosea it W .ver boss p/ Mheeii�rY�p}rrivilag. to to They bag mm d y areivisg et their deslba i•is doe same day they lit Iledeufsh. A5 Jebortr'e Berber they wen joked by Mr. McVienr, the war d the . 11hrn. mad tree el his men, ad with that l edemetu dem the =CM, stwmw as trek s the et their Tios teselt of the trip was Muss 43.' L re - l Yb aid d ride .• ttaembsr el dodo and Nemo Rohm Oaf Jo i dmo acne bowman nos Mr. J. ii. hare, whiskerredboll` tied herr. Doody, roar B>reesse earned Ida with 1L Nn beak Tis Ilmines We. Tasillh we Plows --11e wA err woes 1. aka irr- Relit is 8i: Hours. -Drawing kid- ✓ y and bidder dteesns relieved is six ban. by the " Nsw Gss•r SotrrH Anqu- CAt KIDSIY C(iL" This New remedy is • ✓ est surprise and delight to physicians s w orst d Ne essesdiag prompters in re- bore, es!Bovie, par he the bladder, kidneys, beak and every part el the aviary pemaages is shale or female. It relieve" retention et water and pais la passing it abase imn.di- Moy. Ti yes want quiet relief andUde is year remedy. Bare eedee and all drunker.8.id by F. J A Br. Casmow.-Roy Mashers.,, the tallest rad probably the esresgest team la British Cotanebn,Ias retread to Western. star, .her se abreco of serest menthe cart up the line dew mama work let the C.P.A. He km beim a mesmaed to (,limp to take port i• the Mal hats for the rip d wall -war ahw� the asepiesehip el world. sad pill with the .aver-deleat•d Oatsei team. of whish he wee iw..rly • .eesber. 0es et the teem wee takae ill a short tiess his, mai Ma▪ �}ellakeo�e�i►shi wee ts ohs for the hist Ines lb. Madmiske left WadniMsr last aping he wee 6 kW 104 rebus high. ed webbed 230 p54.. Now be ..rives 6 feet 11 imbue ani weighs 987 with a .best wwremost of 461 end (hough twerp-feur yeses of ma, le aste hue bees innissisf dill sui r as inn is Isla than i • sM*o el owyowl besMatherresale* Goa - Elm .ale.0.- Elm beast 1Mdse bieg amp .l the bad bof-d-war than ion the wend, be is glee a MIb ins tilt asoad endow ill b as sloe * e • pi o won both and b rgr1g iso arnorrobows hs Ma .rsesi I tilt► �,p�ggg diose be la a wagllrsaA spasihhws el le Mr t Sae 5. S. B1sisH. Sea Sam �► DRAMAT1C NOTES. 110 "Ole One ()a.." of New York has b... moored Ir S.tarday. Nov. 18, by manager Sunder of the Greed. The o rnery is eas..otion dila • when ear. The Joshes Simkins Co'y. who will he .e- wberd fat their wally 11ret .baa wt.r- taiiesois lad wears. will reser at. the Droned Opera Hew at ma early dete. Their head and °echoers Mese are worth the pries of adobe... Arthur Lloyd and Or Party, who wore to play lit the (!rad Opera Hoar on the SOth .4110., have bees the claims of mem- rduplicity. Mr. Kyle, who brought end his English Company es their pre- test Amerlean tour, soddenly decamped at Modred with • large amour of eeesey. Mr. Uoyd, he rree, witb erre British pled. has desMd to mistime the endadc- haat. and will May ail dere as be.�.d. dse He W a mess favorable roomers 1• M.at- ras1.rR•1 Ou.w.. On Qom. M Oil. CiuN. Oahe* Twts7T-ens Dnawwei rs Lane thaw C) 11e Owen 8.amd Tins has the fnllowieg is rdmsmae tow est.s �: Brothers Miapplee istr eke appleOpera Ude (Thrdsy) •yelse : O. Friday res- ift oast all lovers of pen esterahMt w111 ham a Craw ter r that dao. the Ory Bretbers, who made seat a good imnpra- e.n abort a roar ago retrro. The e1M. bested +aatserlar Rehr Hoed ed Ms jelly foresters will be pr...asd. 11 b she biggest and hese miteir0ese that ia, ..w SONE O. trws. Qrtan a T1p_ Odes Say W iodises HMO WOOS a 110 -year /U espy .1 8554- 4. w►i.h aeselas leawho were shwa wade .f 1118 bi,Yww d hs own Oluane . o.47 m M the aims rams. aro sag bannen. QBMsa r OaKo tliy leaeqpril f, AO Ilia. Itsse an shade maNatlaawhe bed IN55. ilii b .w learliltw.sn ewe 10.104.. G is ern Mhos bale eau l�mry tssne`�•tteM ba PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Seethed -Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Decider, of (lodged, were is Luck..w os Tuesday. Turosts Saturday blot. -Min AU.o Tail lett en Saturday last for as exuded visit M Godsrlen, whore des is the roost of Rev. Murree Maclay. Mrs Dr It. Richwine.. who hes bees deletes la Aylmer hir de post Ms weeks. Rtet.ed hem. perry, ad was •serer passed by Me mother, Mrs R. A Meal Rx.tor Adverts. -He Hug Judge Te.. el (1.2.10, Yell roll of aeries heroes T..a ley feen when .544544. work was daw in regard to reetitylag els winne r.k TM 1s. O43tiMeML The t east end the perks* .miry with betethe add Bentlaed� 01 may , odor ail erditi . lethiBo no.nesse•. 1$b glees- iminek yes sd h ann. as Me a liber ..f limo& The !betas b sett' one &Oar • you. HMV 10 mit to year hbsii•