HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-10-26, Page 8rasa pa.Blwm eer eons the occas paMr tiY eauRsa the paw sod we eadlmlly Invite yes to glee them atria Ov ilmPO TUIMI* COM lYk pkemeato trete and tfe.+sir4 mt Nihon tint RADII Pr endowed baa and RZAM BALM. moithenti of the Oda. YEAR $ IRON PILL& Mr the Mood. FEAR'S WW1 SALVE. only MSC. le bather you are a Mega et a ramose we east *MO, rug with 'may a $st elms tried remedy. OUR BAKING{ POWD&R is Me bow and aioaemt. We awry • lovely line of puree& Proeeriptl.Ss idled °heap for cash. Year pstrwaass solicited. GEO. A. FEAR. DRI;GGI IT. The Ptopltt's t oiuma. A ROUT BED TIME You ere toted and sleepy- Tten you should bare the errateei aid to deep and rest known. the Butterfield bed sprier. One-third of year hfe is spent in bed. 1t Is important you should have a Rood one. else Jour health will suffer. We keep the beat of all other makes to stock . the (ale. Deed Medal. tr. Some are tolerably hood. But who waste a tolerably good egg sleepy people won't wake op to the hint that we are sallow flu -altars so cp. until they have bet mosey. thee they will rave over their misfortune. Avail yooreslt of the chap - est plate to buy flee furniture at SMITH'8 FURNITURE STORE. CRABB'S BLOCK. ►i�0 R HOM IT MAY CONCERN. - 1.1.0W POINTS AND REPAIRS. bare redrd es is prim. Cannot be pur- c chased .aper any where. VERITY. SERUM - [I.LER cad ether prows away down. RV r>ltA171LIC RAYS for re i. int water tree" the prtag on the tars to the I noise and barn. PIPE AND FITTINGS. BRAES GOOinf, We. CA811 toK ('AST Veal church. 27.1m AND WROUGHT M2TAL forge: the stand. Near Viotoria.et C. A. HUMBER. K1DD 8 PLANING MILL.- bASH AXI) (DOOR FACTORY. - ON EAR O. T. RY. STATION.- NF.W BRUNyWICK CEDAR SHINGLE. - Istsa. L Cheers..A00 Sod doss -thesis. Retro No. 1. Si M Clean cut. Wavy shingle. FLOORING AnD BIDING. S1100 per M. DOORS. SASH Aytn BLIND- S, equally low. MAPLE ANu BEECH FLOORING. kW dried. DRY HEMLOCK, for bsidiags. LATH PICK. E'T8. G ATEti. Ne.. etc. DRAIN TILE. FIRE BRICK. Ss I JUBEPH KIDD. LIODERICH FOUNDRY AND vet MACRINE WORK& To Om public :-- Boy Runclman Nos0 sad t plows. Renal man lead rollers and root cutters. Watford Nos. 7 sed 4 plows. Amarlcaa mosWboarda, Watford twin plow. It is the beet. Watford evaders. the leaders. Watford hay rakes. Al so other Implement P1ew pelota reduced In polosthHare rant lsstings made to asapk forold. R. RUHCIMA14. SALTIORD tttTt�AN�NER/Y-TO THE t ratite. of the Saltloed T the saastader- milder - =softy armory formerly Oki W A. t J. Deck. by the porrtaas of the Kirkpatrick Stone Tannery, I Intend toe" tend the trade la every branch, and am now prepared to older the Lube& price for hides of every deoorlpNaa No Lmsttpi({o a..tity. �taWsetl.Prstretebr. if* Opeet.1 Mottoes. NEW OHOPPINO Matz` ma ts of [rale Iprepared to dealt e oMleantd isbot l ppofra=wrbw =ails 40l4premN flu yea 0L1p lT llrhannlaal. 111100110934111. CIA RADIAN ORDER OF HOM/ lv� Qrdse.-Oede"Mh Clrels, Ifo lie masks third Mosme sI amen meet* Is the bell ever Teee� Ileawar p11= �LemAraRDtote. ��iwNkes. ■(II ODIMIOB MICHAX * I> 5?!- �s T1JTB I. RT A11D RRA. lup stl�GOa�Y, ear. sr tp�I Mmssa and tgeae+ f q Ops_ Ase" 1 to S P.H.. and from 7 le N rot. .BOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Letiiey &say, Weeny roti IUwdr.W sZreazimittieseas de., ea Pita. TSB SIGNAL : GOD*RIOH. ONT. TH UL�KDAY. (wwrt)litat x5. assts. lrrever4► diol Sete or ler Rest. +on. SALE on. FOR WENT.- 1�mem • 11 sores el wowed wide sprl!ts , ion. ef he 111 are 3 sad 48M oad omen to son into. atioz• JOHN K110 viruJ. A: aed toe tern pissmany eitested sem blushes. geed eater. espEbeit Wife et& VARMS POR SALK OR TO RENT. - A: TI11. Preforii el the Isto David Fisher. Pliscres. Also moth half of let oes.11/. hong marts of Me 3 rad ma. 3. cm D. Colborne esetelalast 311 sew. Thom led will be meld either orpareastr Po Um. to the exementra murrriatrarn v. sr • meennix. or to R. C. 11A11414:11sh 1 00 ACRE FARM FOR SALL -THIE • old homestead of ths late James (Mon tog leat half of lot 111, cososenim 1. es Ms grovel read that loads trees Goilsrith te Wino ham lit la adosted about 00 reds from Ann iire, a advise village with fear churches ead • school seer at Mad. • ossagametively tow frame home with gorse nem moms god caller with other ma vestment. mad good hawk befpon mad sheet PO kairmi einem truer arert4. no Further ratermation tress MBA CAOSADAY. Auburn P. 0. 11-0 .1: sethea. Weeramosh, 14e sores. This dirk. Mos lot 231 °adagio\ tows. es white them Is a mod hook mum& Oft PHILIP HMT. VOA SALS AT A BARGAIN. -THAT sommodloos building co Klogot., Bros - sale. Terms easy. A to NORTH-WEST LANDS FOR SALE. 5000 ACRES OF VALUABLE Improved sad asbnproved farm from Qu'Appelle Studs N. W. T., for ode very cheap. No better lands ber fared rerelD tag are to be found in Canada, /or particulers apply te A. D. DICKSON, 10441 theAppalle. Mortgage Sale. .01 Mole. beim mad. tbs payment of • remota rosdeitei the Sth day of Novem- ber. e mas William Works to Os vendors. there w 1, under Power of Sale own - %aimed us sold nioneame be sold by public auc- tion. by John Knox. auctioneer. at Use ditties Hotel, la the Town of Goderieb. in the County FRIDAY NOV. Writ. 111111. at 1 Welsch. r, . those torten paresis of land described as lot number 'levee in the third coacesson of the township of Goderieh la mid meaty. colitaisinir eighty acres. more or led and lot number eleven la the fourth oases. sloe of said township, eoutalaing eighty aorta earn sr tarn as ve and except four acres thorn out heretofore coaveyed to the Orland Trunk The y is about three miles from Oode- rich. clay loam : land nearly all cleared sod ender cultivation. There is • good triune barn on the laet mentioned paroeL TIMMS Or SALL-Tell per coal. of the pur- chase ncosey will be required to be paid at time cf sale. and the haissee within althea days thereafter. potion of the porches, money away tie secured by mortgage on the For further particulars ape!. to A. GREENLESS. or to JOHN KNOX. Vendors' Solicitor, Auctioneer. MOU011 to Creditors. NOTICE TO CRILIITORS. Re. Thomas Canary, late of Oa TeseashIo of Colborne. County of Huron. deem/ca. Notice is hereby given, pursuant le IL 8. 0. Caapter 110 awl assanding Alta. that all credi- tors and other. having claims maim* tett *S- tate of the said late Thomas ithieney. who died on or about the Nth day of September. left. are on or before the ere day of December. 1PO. required to deliver to the eadersigeed tors for the Executors, their Christie. names. surnames, addressee &ad descriptioas with halt particulars and proots of their claims and the nature of their wetuity tif any) held by them after which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the meets in their Mods 'mom the parties entitled thereto. Iambus* ealy to the °Sims of whisk matt Solicitors kr RICHARD CARNEY and JOHN CH 18 HOLM. Executors. 3S-tt NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Ise the softer of the E.siefe of Mary Welber Pursuant to the Re -rimed Statutes of Ontario. Chapter IN and the anseedinent thereto. soros is hereby gives that all patens having say elates against the Estate of Mary Walker. late of the Towaehip ot OoderIch in the Gusty of Huron. spinster. deceased. who died ea or about the t ty fourth day id J ee. ma ere required 1.07e.od by post, propel or deliver to J. H. lagersolL of St. Coe barlaes. tibe County of Lisooln. %licher for the Executory el the last will and testament of tbe seed die cowed, on or before the Lith day*. November, • statement of the particulars ot their elalte. and notioe is further give. that after said date the Executers will distribute the said estate among the parties entli led thereto. having regard only to claims of which seam shall have been gives as aforesaid. J. H. INGEHSOLL. Solicitor foe the mid ffutseetere. 114.0atharines, October 111, IPS. SIN For external use reedy is • pool tive curs roe abeam Hip Mamma. lansanatery Rheum riolli! Lame Hock. Lumbago. Sore Throat. Weak aed Sore Lenge. Rum .ere amd all ids - fired diseases. It has bees mood a core tor threat allectises la horses. Psr fa awns. witheu MT- Vltrost=a's tannest. Or=s0:141.1 stamped so Mal as mob bottle. Manufactured AMY Enehomis A. Me- lones& Sole Poems* mod Prognestrem. New gate Street, Oodertek. Cent. TM following dregglets have the Lialmeat SOME BeiRGAINS. A let tif Pik PPM he sae See. seek. • let et II Sigits. perms Ise s sad les. • lot oftibreteXilrlemt pertains 111101,1111 SALAAM OT WILD CHERRY BALL err aseass mid delft 111 mei& J. WHAerat's Paseceurriee Dave Seems. Ternehma Ito. kir Aegis ',MR& liolatIAJCVDDY. West mem Travailing Weida Mall 3 rt. Ai NICHOLSON, L. D. IL -MENTAL standard aged es head kr sairao- TIR. R. RICHARDSON. D. Eke kw painless erg of WM& Memo Nook. millioneePTIM- atteatios tom tie oatmeal MedisaL Sof Cloth J. R. Muer.... "ieissese Iderthoo. opp. Model Scheel. 011eas -Over Jorderna Drug. Seem L CAM ertheiter,Conveyoneer. Re.. ate. Moser to loss at lowest mem Itlakre Block. tied. - rich. Oat. 131114P AA. tar la lissittnes Omuta et Onterto 011iee-lleath Colborne born Met LW. Oilles, aurae et &pees sail Wass masa Seders& ever tehrerepb ethos. Pen vats Tends to loud at lowest rotes of War - V Barristers. Senators is Cliestora7, Goderiek. m. C. thumarem Q.C. P. Pelt Dudley Holism. j G. WARD, OONVEYAnCHR, . ha, sad estraminsioser for asking aad re. athriestions. depeeltiose or edema deckers. 4.4La co aay action. oath or pro- le the El Osert al Jean& the Appeal for or la way Comely wit Division' Coon. All twasesetime trira=p=easstod. Residence =In Ont. 1311-0 LAPPS 111111111111101400. MONEY TO LOAN. - $25,000.00 Private Trade te had at per oast as - malty. lAirTU&SL. DANCZY. Mikes Meek. SK•GER, AGENT FOR TEM de; Legland. Ore of tee oldest sad strongest lire Insurance Compardes tho word. In. :aor="tedt A.D. Amer OTOr fated. spectfully solloited es basalt ot the above Mos . 1111118 rates. Moe -Coe Northot. gum& God. $6°,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO C°AMMRON HOLT St HOLMEBbiefiede MONEY TO LZIED.-A LARGE rata amount of Private Fends Per havestment %newest room on tbrat-oinsollartipitom. Apply 1.tr. euraras, Real Liam sad Massey -Money to Lend es straigh loses, at thm lowest rate of Interestosi Itser :atm West Glean inth Ades' Leedom &Rd Lemming, Vire Ins. Co-. tied Gem District limaal Ina. 0o. Salm an leaded to is any part of the county. Inly youN KNOX, GENERAL ALTO - II timer mad Load Voltmeter. Elothrieb. OM. Having had mosideashie experimmis missiose entrusted to Mos. Orders left at Mardis Hood. or mot W frohli to Ids HOW FARMIR CAN CLKAN 11 ANT ILICRD GRAIN THOROUGHL1. AND WITH WHAT TO DO IT. Mummy. Fetter. Godes Viso er Mho= ma have all splits. oats. As.. taken from or mall peas amerated Pena Imps ones at am Ologankrimas and broken berissr. wild eats, mustard mos& wild pess and all feel seeds am be thormaiity separated from Med Barley. Oockis. them wild pea& wild oats. mustard med. kr.. sae he thereoghlv separated front Fos mutherd. Meths ,querter light oats, IPA, aid other this's eledotheashis la Seed Oahe smarmed trete Meth Clever seed. timothy med. daz seed, stenos istrry, or separated tem seen other. Akted of Vats or wed tan be deemed as it shoed he for me& Me foul seeds blows lame the. MOT The sea all he dam with the IMPROP1111D gag STRONG GRA/If AND a taming mg Attmehment. Ne sow earn re. Can be pet In say mill. old or now. without Ite owe gives. All ineothees guaranteed to do the work donned for them Ilefty=le of mole min be theased per nem for Orden by math promptly ailes=r1Lik then mearatilist with by mem wow rabid* Motiesa NOTICIL -ALL PARTIES A haves: alarms egoism the eseete ef the Isee Am wth remake latwomed theism WI= Rm. 11.10% A WoRK8HoP ON WHIM. -S. =masrie se de allitle Omit r=7: porn ised:piskii:Nalvee teem ii=nessile COM 30$101r. Both the method and results when Syrupof Fip is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taMe,and acts gently yet premptly on the KWneye, Liter and Bowela, cleanses the eye - tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fon c.rs &Admires habitual constipation. Syrup of Fip is the only remedy of ita kind ever po- ducal, pleasing to the taste and so. eeptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly ben in its effects, prepai I only from the most healthy and agreeable subetanoes, its many exoellent quid; ties corn mend it to all and have made it the mast popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is fc sal- in 7$o bottles by all leading druggists. Any relish.t.sdeurrist,„ who may not hare it on baxid will procure it promptly for .iny 0118 Who Wiabee tO try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CI, SAS PRA311018100. 1311.1.. We are showing the largest stock and best value in Fi.11 underwear that has ever been offered in Gode- rkh. Note a few of our prices - Ladies' Hygeian Vesta, 25e., worth wool, worth 11.00; $1.00, worth Hose, Seamless, with Grey heels and toes, 20c. per pair. Sold in other stores at 25c. and 50c. Our 50 Cr.shmere Hose is worth 75e. Men's Underwear, all Wcol, Double Breasted SlIrts and Drawers. A special line, FineWool, for 55e. each regular price, 75e.; also at 67c. each, worth 31.00. 2 pair good Heavy Wool Socks with ribbed tops, for 25c.; 3 pair, plain tops, for 25e. Our Fall stock is now mi. -pieta in every Department. Good, reliable goods at surpris- ingly low prices. A pleasure to show goods whether you wish to purchase or not. Sparta and Peillt.111140. QHOOTING MATCH .-A SHOOT - ".3 lag match wlit be held en the hiss of sumber of Desks. Geese aod Terkel& Rifles sad shot goes with No. 7 shot will be seed. CHER WANYID FOR 110HOOL 1 umber to Math school & L No. expected. will be received by the op to Now, ut ises. JOHN TORRANCIL sem. Porters Hill P.O. 111111 • seetion No. 17. Added, holding Ind or Oh of November. Address DAVID M. JOHN. • teacher. bolting 1rd Mem eartteoste required he &8. Ne West Mammoth. Ap- plicstioes mutt be le by Nov. Mth, etatteg WILSON. Jr., Dommasse P. 0. Men Drees Making. 11, Howell. dressmaker. 8outt. 0., hoe emered mosey for the estabrated Zemke Tailor System for matting ladles' mod child. Animals lbw Sala Leiessur rem lambs - heed - fee ora. i.ralierad 0. isal Illtrayed VSTRAY COLTS. --STRAYED PROM • twareareid. hay with when ham and I% another a twelemold assert, and e ther a men% mar old Pty. Informatles io their roemery MR be 'wieldy re- ERTRAY SH ZIP.- STRATID at subsurnew. Ire It Z`ratti=11% sr about the middilo ber.ther Worms, tires limbs ear = The owes are ea MOIR sor. dlee nods and eure are earmarked, leferella Sea Modem at their wia be settably rewarded. masa? ornov -Agents Wanted. WANTED. - INRRORTIC MU ave:amis=sas lig5set=relliallat ISM= the Veriver.111 every rasa. CCE sr meals agellIlles IP altairrelli Feseithegthreenneed Par Mendelle Of 1101001. Tessarar. 011. FALL Wesa.--Shippleg Wisest fratkaied plembism me erne reek, ismitag. are damegiag eatisatiee el femme Bocamirasetera.-Rew. 1). Rogers, el Ds misses eiresit. asd Ur. Mem, Nile sk- esit. earehempal pulpits ea lath weskit. 'Tea Waataim.-The western Jam Dew ead ram days mrat is preasuseed by all to he easolleet aad very eshoyable. the seiressal dears Wag ler • geed Lag period of IL Divrese Om re. -Minos mare wee hel‘ ham Setarday ha. Timm was • ligla relatearn. Merriam sad Malremess Vismues.-Wis Jassy liamem, of Lam des, Ora., Heithig her saris. A. Stuart. reeve Walt Wawa/wish, sad ether Me^ Ursa sad friss& Me le eatheyieg Masai Ramaguy. -We are plates' Se be able to Maio OM 1lies. Melanie whir maw Meow wee shrews off from • herrn mid was maw what beet by the fral, is rapidly recovering aed able to go about so formerly. NYtamome *war. -Mr. Wherry sad Mien RisiimeadLef Atwood. who has tees visit - ism Row. 1). Rodgers sad family far loam time, Int ea Tereeday morning lust for home, mate passed with their yarn her grauddangliar, Mims Olive Ceawford. left, lam week. to Matt relatives at Shorts - villa. New York State. We wink them • plasmas trip sad a sale rotor& daughter of W. C. Smarty, West Wawarnern Friday INA COMM of death, diseaso of the brain. Age 4 yeara 3 mos. The parmate sad other relatives hew* the Masers sympathy of the elausosity in their Um rearammat beim and Maps preaohed from the same text Sashay Ism, it being Job, Mad chapter sad Mat verse, teking as the subteet of their discourses the word), " Acquaint thy- self with God. ' sad so oe to the sod of the verse Beth wows were erselk et and were very pear:Mod as to a religiose life rad happy death. peal, against the voters' lies et the Revenue es Vorvar' bor. -Oesft of of Mastoid. was held in the large hall at The Liberals moseded is matieg three games on rad shames Area el: Conserve - time bed six added aad two Mrs* off G. F. Blair. of Bromels, mid M. O. Johesion. of °oder** had charge of the appeals. Ins edge Sew presided Tbe court el appeal against the voters' bat of the messeipality el Wait Wawaanah, will be bad at Dearreasas on Saturday, 04. Nth. AB easeereed take seta. TA Kee PT b1111TAIIIR Da FITftrAtP.-W• have bees credibly Wormed. and reran.* ,,, have to slam, that ea Friday evernag. the lam day of the exhibition here, some MO - Is -eider, which wee exhibitel by Mrs. Rea sal, a Cruedord, Athfield, grad for which she was awarded firm prise, was either :Arne by mistake or stoke. Mrs. R - would be piemed Of it was taken by mis- tolte) the party or Forties would return it to bar The eanweirsery wee composed of three haadkorehieh es which were es the mooed "Lama" sad the third "Ansa". We trust say perms or persons harks the same will restore them to the rightful RCPAWAT. -Oa Friday of last weak se Mettheir Woods mod daughter, of West Wormwoods, were leaviag the vines, for borne, the horse by mete mediae or other became frightened ain rem ia the directios of home, asd when • little distaaas Dora of here giant the n't, aed oecapastri. Al. though 11 appeared to the spectators that gut:juries would be the result, wit me to as able to stele that both ladies ramped wittiest soy serious injuries. The 117% exposed under the eireumetasess, Ant was broken. Of course, aa was Mra W. rued her daughter were very seek frightened, bat fortunately neither a thee was much the wave for the accident. Idrs. W. by the fall was for • thee mussed, but -we hare that ebb Is sew all KOS. NMI W., weo was driving, held os to the hem is good form sad thee is all probability even- ed mon eariora iidery. She deserves great credit. for the maireer le which she kept am trel ef the horse AUCTION SALES. Crfolresoulr%albodr sale bills primed la this Pet so le the Hamel sale. SAW/MAY, OSA. Ea. -Household fureitare at the reddens* of W. H. Smith, Waterles- s! at 1 1.5. John Kara, asetieraer. fierrsera, Oet. al -Werth half of 'et 1, ow. 2, Arntield, • fifty sere farm will be of- fered for sale at a harmers at Sash's beta lira Murray, Port Altera, primitive:we ; Gawky, asetioraer. nur irA SER L00101 troubles the we., mau who le 4„11; tate, nut -down, or overWorhaff Shies sad it wor▪ ries her. Now the was to well u to he well. And the way to be well, is • saY enema, is to faithfally use Dr. manta. la ever, " female cow plaint," irregulanty, or %peke*, and in twiny exhausted condition ot the fentale syment-if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your mosey back. For overworked, " worn - " run - down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dreaunahers, seamstress*, mothers, sad feeble women ',ear - ally, Dr. nave's Fayonte Pr:scrip. tion is the greatest earthly boon, beinf unequaled as an appetising oorthal sod restorative tome. P57 70u $60° If you're suffer- ing from .Catard4 the Dr. Cr:Trastank RensedT ask you to tr• their mediate. lien, if you ma% in cash. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. "1:11.1111-crts:amir eellarildia"Pealli:1141"rnsseal"alree Selligtial:1 elei 01 ell Li: Weithu7..„.................,..,•, -::::,..,L,......,....,_,..'.:" -..,......:'"!:::."";....:::u; eolkaLbeielb.iiiiiii....... 6.0:111.13:13;1::40: entsell Selteill Clinton : Saturday eves*. Oct. 14. as Mire Bias. (whe had met rammed free Cldeago) was walking Mang the she nipped off else sod ia tie dark= hart beruelf se ieverely that stetson amm Pralines Madly same to her relief and Mee Mr hems. Bretons : • • wee held over Demi sea* dreg stem Ism =Way ragbag Ma the of lensing • Yeast Meas Liber- al h, widish the fells officers wars slotted :-Hos. Pres, Dr. Me Id, M.P., A. C. Dames See., G. r. Blair ; Tress, • Haire AUCTION SALE FIFTY ACRE FARM to the Township of Amideid. I have received imereetiora to sell sy Public Amara AT SAULTET BROS. HOTEL, 1N TIM TOWN OF GODERICH, ON Saturday. October 28th. YRI within about 9 antes el the Tows et of the Mot half of Lot I. ia the same •esereemo• of the Township of Ashton. The land is all owed a.nd • firet-ehre Mate a cultivation. Aboot half of it bro hada loader crop lbw somos, and the bli- Mame tad is fairly mil enderdraieed. Ois the premises a • 'rood, comfort/AP Mame oot a good frame amble ead mr- The terms will be very reemeable. will be made ksowe on the day of earn It you are bookie, for • mod. ontheitelddit harm at • remmable price, it wal Pr yea to examise this. Fee further partieulrair apply to MOP MURRAY, Port Albert, Ora., sr to Wags. Amlissolth SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. harelsoner for the grow of tame rasps 4Pet14.Pety" doe 'name& with oleo ; Irides le lulettarig=thatfes reth hams sad eases are some, "Md. 1 Most lealgair. ost me meth *erodes mey 1,0.01 LOT II Loft.. oft . woos crierreD I Ms. MIL Fort VIP 1 13 I di W. part of 1114024111 "lee Iresamplows elm. II apailtZ & Mired fairsom" 11* I Pr" i Pare pfrirlielnt OP 110111.11111. rll roes me T11.1401 07 at.TTII. Ptra 111 7 17 St • re I is le TA IP el s da vaLms• Or ell PPM war 110 • liwg *RUC CI Pill THE SIG limnia.T/410 KA: ggiyeDVERTMEPHENTI woo Aaolher Bea set Sairdern-12. 11. Oil Teacher Wasted -D. uss Pride Car& Store -Jae sem • Mornag- W. Sort Lase, Cs. CU lasi-Tailorieg--T. J. Pr: lari---Thotee-R. IL Balla TOWN SUSSCR1 Am requested to -utify w ed ea the part of the Pater Ter SIG‘AL rezular CAU TOON n. panic me mansard ma papers trona threat Bu: am el Stuera. have NO PAPERS FOR SALE. NO7 ICE - Guars of advertiesiemi totes mot hs emit in t4 ism dim Moeda, sass id PERSONAL PARA New trn flem-ge kohl Pee perpoing of awaiting s the Downie* loan amid in, vas a :owe on tieturday, fori Clifford. whiob pito free on trite during tl New Era : los tflailie lore tu vie\ on ec.ihed over 90 lb. mei. Mies Minnie Ans.rn, ban acured for the On mart In Stettfmd ea re Emeater ; lir. and If el Cadman', speed Seeds) Marearet tam, St sf the late James C. Laeg Sunday Mtwara& after • Leg was, tor over Isty Pint ford. LOCAL. MEV I Nearer has mowed tau oiock opposite Mortis's 1st The ;cepa Tem genre hold to the Tempe ream tub em human arid bar eared in 30 sinews by W lotto& Yid oever has. du sad all draggista The Gwiwoo. preference to all merest at **Crewe chid Thomism to the arm Thareeley, Albs Mad of Ng nasal Thaskegtvise_day. date as the liaised Siam Tie $10 motes of the D oke some mors into thiSsiaaten. reader* durald be ea tk soft sr emBeesed Lampe i homm„ bleed spare, o boos. sweasey, mita, maws throat, combs. use of era bottle. W Wisierful blemish care by F. Jordan aed ail dna The teem:seat of the be dispensed its Kara ol Day issretag. In the Ure 40810" 136 "r tore *armee will be bald IOW M will be Rheumatism tored Americas kthaseratie arid Neuralgia. radically lis active at the oyster myirterioes. It remove aged the diseses hem. The Arm flew rehab Sold by I". Jerks sod I Redid is SU Hour ern mad bliaddrn diem loan by tho " Kim Go great earphia and delig amoral et tie ramediso briar pais to the Hee sad every part erf the male at tamale It r water and pate is pm* Poly. If mei west qv this a year reused,. sad all drugglita D.A. Baser seinet BS Oliver 1 Minimise le knit la the sake tf the always lady karma. ther wire take the view ti.• lad thing to off di Ind tittle, sad th, the dietilkerioa Woodsteth Resale e' the Realm Neve Moms with kilted Maple wM set easebt east mem tows. Ile has eats It is emasheg MI de ler arab pee 11111 Mos them sesedna