HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-10-26, Page 5THE SIGNAL : OODER1CII. ONT.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER N. 1893. 5 T1s CANADIAN BANK VF COMMERCE W. ACUESON SON'S *D OfiROR. TORONTO. ria, - 10 16110111 lrantis . o a •t OOo R t WAU«R, lama tt P II 000ERiCH BRANCH. OfalEsnL lamoNs MINIM TMMAAtaTI. FARROW Nave DMQ0411011 a Deane Mateo ►ATAf .S AT M. pA M * OA1aUD& MND Ti* P ci aa. GIMP IN THE LIMITED STATER GMAT ITAM IreAwO1, amumYoa. Oat►11NR MAMII s * yu i . swoons OP Seto my A ammo* S uveo` AND OUIRRfI11T RATED o► MaT1[> T Dr iAY MI MACH trEM. THE r rJrML AT TEM ISM a WAV A1f1D epeeist A11as4les Owes to the t1.MeeN.. e. ----1. • . . «w Fa.neae' wee Neese. R. L WILLIAMS, Manager. MILLINERY. • I fur Fall Opening has been a great success. We are now ready for business You are invited to inspect our Suck, where will be found everything that is new and stylish in FALL and WINTER MILLINERY. CHILDREN'S WEAR. Have just opened a large assortment of CHILDREN'S CLOAKING, HOODS, INFANTS' CLOAKS, BOOTEES, IN-_ FANTEES, VESTS, hese. MRS. It. 3. SMITH, Glasgow House. FISHING ON THE LAKES. Minister OT Marine x.. The Minister of Marine Has Crippled the Indwtry, seat mbe taearte /Meet area h Ila.Akapped -Tae Rem r.et.e se ars Settler Teas Oat elf eaaleass -A setae Wall. Imam, as Ma Tawde. Train eke Wordier Record. ter are told by the Toronto Empire that ser Hibbert Tepper nos ouassmted to t the veep:slate of Ostario flshernwt ..d tiros. before his colleagues in the l:orern trent. Let a he tiaukful for even this for huhatto this imperious young slimmer has refused not only to bear the emnplainte d our tisheroses, but to Bate. to some of his co:k+iun who did have aoote kaowledge of eotarw bribery attic.. Whim this prsoo- r.nus statema.. of the Mira of Tupper, is su this amiable mood, it is to be hoped that the Ontario ta••maers of the Gleam will w test our hard, ..d badwtrisas tehersan are siren lair pi. fa theiresopetttsrrn with Amerces firhermea. la our treat lakes sad riven &keg iter L •undary, the fi.i' i which Si museum to the 6a►ass.. of both eoaotrtea, (bea- dle.' are hampered beyoad endure/lee by every ',Whig restrietiao that the fishery departeeet sr. eo.oatvs d, while A..rricaa tisbevame are snowed the steam freedom They pay w lass..s fee, they base so OWN seems end we .at limiwtd ia the mother of lieu tarry eta fah. (1tWrie ishsr..a., es the other heed. pay a i reesp Normae bas, they are twiristed ie the .amber d their .Ne aid have • diem slams. which ea the Da- tr.it river is practically prohibitory es the cies masso bogies just at the time the white fish bane N aaes.A the river. The ✓ estristis.e to whisk our fisserate are web- jooted are trivise thees est d the busies. 0. the Detroit tier i. Bleb thus. was 141 mem employed isle esst►t 7,591.000 lits of Ask valued at $348„039, while i. 1839 there ware M9 atone!�7 ed wfa AMOK e.ly 4b.&3 Ike d alt_seised et $9,773, abowing. nosey Ism te our Osher- o w. es the Demme rive eatmla, of over 1196.000. t)i the opposite side et the Detroit river iia Latest,.. 6Mrmsa .re fialtf g awn without let er hiadr..se while we are dar.pine is minims of white ash to increase their catch, if psttiag is the fry dose is - the emelt This is sae kis* of misty M whisk oor people are e.b. If we were seeking only to nai- votes gf.rt the tlover.strwt f. W0. reset ,lea era d ask notices better Yes that Bit Hisksrt's policy sboul3 cue. ilea 1.1886 the IA caught is Ceases ex. elsnive d lla.ftabe acid the North ren& ter rhottes, aats..i d to $18,7H6,468, sad vendor the }seas.- refulatis.e the Ask might t. 1111„ asrwad 1. $17,918,510, shod • domed I1.o4*.940. Weil. the Mews.. wee i.11t el da Guide mar.sigkhatn wee. f.ar their smirk very I. Mo year these wen . pd� Ost.r3. died.. 5.709 mom la there were employed 1700, . bates.e of M. 0n the take, wkle. mums. to tie two esomrlet, tle Ameri- ease employed last year. 10,506 ...•, the ashess d whose familiat s.esbered 51,351 wises (..ds .d 2,703 men. The Amens.en esagiei 1 830,086 lbs. d ea, while (Lnadi... moot 39,000.000 Ike. We .peat list year for iWt br.tdieg earn :43.367.7x.. The yoga. fish .n dumped Se- to our bbr.iti s.t waters whish .re fished by Ameeha.s sod Os.dia .s .like sat stir fisbens.s m.. beeeleapped s. *h..i re.tla If • close memo is neesmary Io pressers oar stab of bah frees being exhausted, let ea aadrrsttsdrng be creme to betwsa the two ooestriss It u foist our 6td.ermee se M- imetic* to plebe such restrictions spots them whim their compititors, &bisg in the same waters aro not restrict d. THE "HOME MARKET' CRY. new the Taste Are (lite/ rat ere s eep.e be These wthe Rate tl, D'Abea NcC.rtf'r, 11.P.. at Listowel. Mr. McCarthy proceeded to show bow fallacious is the pretense of the Governtosst that the farmer enjoys the benefit et pro- tect:.e Ile pointed oat that though there were duties placed upon sericulture' pro- mtke, duets they were of no beestit whatever W ley the farmer, who, bus.,er, ba•. to pay for f the prot.c:ion enlovod tor the maautaetater. He declared the object of protecuos we" to give the farmer a home muket, bet he j would like to know wirer, that borne market was. The farmers n old net be maks rieb by act d Parliament, but they -*told be sake poor. They could mot be esu pre- tectioe for their wheat, because the price of wheat was regulated by the market in Reg - hied, bet I'arlisssst meld put on a tariff mid compel dem to pay mese for their %trtc.tterel es.ebiaeri, Maier twice, hard impsmssts, and sore for evirythnR t.bat they .sided, sad is dim way they could bleed teem. &r Jolts Tboopso. is his paeReiestioos, sought to justify tie pressed modifies of things by pointing to the period of the Maekenxie Administration, sail ass - treaties is with the fifteen mate hie party bad hemi is power. Re hes said that ('.nada was that the deems - meat had covers theeos.try with public emits, that the peep% had Trym saw d semi is two sweets beaks. He mesa theist to .wthas iM policy which had breadths about this gloriosa remelt He Mr. M.Cartby) did act know Het it did limn sly good if Sr. Massey had s big sea of ats.ay le the b sit. He did .et know that, the people were my bettor of tier it. Pre- mium did .ot prsvwt the .wiry from genie rice, Mt at did pretreat the di.triM- tfes of weelth. If the people protested the manufacturer .ad embies his to charm jest .a he pliesed, the remelt would be that matey would he fa his pocket, uste.d of `s t!. Tickets -�.11B -people. T1. mecude- teted goads that the people bo.ght, sod widish were tn.auf..tsrod is (l..ada, we . emit the people, is quality or pries, from PS to 30 or.t more thea the sat bidder meld he bought far if thew wee .e peeled e. That meant thee the pees;. were $96 er 430 sus .l 1 amen would otherwise pay If Nur warn se preasetsa The bs.eat to the facto. sr from this w.. the home .arhet, bet when was the hose .a.eket ! Wass lir Job '1lempase west armed and said that he was Cao readjust the will that the t.aaw- �.,wr won have his m.rkNs tem the farmer would lave his market, that the meelmaie aa.d a woeld have their market, he wee talkies bosh. If mob were to have his eurket, this there so.1d hese pras to he them the ismer f the nasalise - Mier was to be er the umbilicuses not have pee. Medea. �. wa,s.a. Don't he a feel ; k.s. pkat you want and refuse to be imposed epee by y deism wee. they attempt to palm off Nee peedsdss substitutes fir Pentem's Pai.d.at tSa. estramer. the eddy safe. sew., am. ridden eats care. Put*..'. Gerd !r. Uwolor, k the best, the WJesi, sad mttJy pdidless tar reedy. Reid by dM desists 3d modicim.e. ("fates : Nies Mom tr., stamairapher with the flail A,reefotfsw, bum to the Lead's aasiw.ss Ca3k1s. to fill a. segos, - semi .. s testier is rhes 3.1jtuties. The Men you know. Lges1 I� �lal o Goderich MANTLES, JACKETS AND CAPES HOLD THR ATTENTION AND ADMIRATION OF MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN The Styles are very pleasing. The Choice is im- mense. No trouble to fit and please all ; or should you prefer to select the Cloths, we Cut and Fit Free of Charge. £VISIT OUR MANTLE ROOMS. W. 44CIIESON & SON. THE TALK Of THE TOWN The new supply of Gold, Gold filled and Silver Watches, nerd the low prices for which they can be purchased from C. A. HUMBER di SON. SEE THE COLUMBUS CLOCKS. A full line of Jewellery, Silverware and Optical Goods, &c., in stock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Drop is .ad w es. No trouble to .bow Goads. C. A. HUMBER 8i SON, sear C. A. Nair.'s ea the boeare FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. In thanking the Ladies for their patronage during the past season, I would solicit a continuance of the same, and invite their inspection of my Fail and Winter Stock of Millinery. New Shaded Ribbons, Fancy Feather Effects, &c. H. M. PITCHER, "THE EMPORIUM," West-st., Next door he "Mee" Office. LANES. Treaty Oct. 10. Miss noisy, d Hawthorn Bask. is at presoak vies frie dm at Bsme:ller ..d tidsrisi. We an Bled to be able to state that the a esny recovered her meal health after Ivies ill two years. Miss Flail .p.sks 3. tis highest teres, d her physa- eiaa'a eki11. I. Whitely, of dodettek. Premium It is vary important is this em el vast maretiel pragres that. remedy be pleadag to the taste 0..d to the eye. many takes, . emeptabie to the siso ah n. - he.ithy be Us smarm std elbow Pbatssies rheas o,q0 t. f Ihp ois the sae period k►tattvthsod sat. "wile Awed. GRATEFUL-CONtFORTINCl. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST -$UPPER. -r�isT srees.ekMpwMM Telfa .saws/ re isiiMe ▪ 0..i be a mantel Mr. � $ �teepas�a�t sbilislest lnv�. mail ake �wLpy- ��aa ��ss ataq L e a vy *wood i0e, ft Y kW am .alsises ata satisles of 4Mt that aeon stets. alta, emir haft he Iota snow, 1=eze • mem Isteismy to Lan tern r seatYok wbmes r rim. 3. weakyMl�wt....wwe este osseM a iA ..:.�si�,psel a~i'UW - MM 44wit► bow.suer my milk. may in o.ei..e.kr amens. t wrN tie.: SUM .' iij..."` '""'p.`b`' *Maw TEETN EXTRACTED WITHOUT Pim 5T TICE UM lir DR. E. &ICBARD80I1'8 sssrai PAlaeast. t.Efid MK Kew Rn -sidle A u1o0i, ante. 0 aiordtoasa, e.li.tad eWeastima ager a went miteerne w 's``..sseslasly.1M tog abt d a.dd satesklbed =I've** aaas�,..�.t,, he eaewut that 1 hove the only .ad rlsalve ** le w bi Ooderbi, latest msic.tifis disseises. which .. 3M r of hemi K ogatycd se grease the Wet psis d1Wtiadt. b..ra osew sok o ca.sac.l req oats pais le torr mit' ♦1NQ�Tl X-1.?�a ...v- POHttTJ dal h ihe souse.. is hies ser, the hest a.atiesl Moue se earn tq re.ier the smith semweesltive to Meta. meets mea see it le Pesenvet1 bimrvs.am.sss• is w hasets. �se the a�rs.� . we '.ifl�r,.0' deal, IIIMM DL s. RI(SHARpsos. 0NE :pRIOE OASH STOR!! JAS. ROBINSON. IF YOU DESIRE TO HAVE FRESH GOODS, BUY FROM JANIS ROBINSON. IF YOU DESIRE EXTRA VALUE, PURCHASE FROl1 JANBS MIEN. WI -1Y BECAUSE EVERY DOLLAR'S WORT1I t_►6' GOODS IS NEW. NO OLD STOCK. BECAUSE 1 SELL FOR CASiI, rt N i) YOU D44;1111 113VE TO PAY FOR BAD DEBTS AND EXPENSIVE BOOS -KEEP- ING. COMB AND COMPARE MOEB. JAMES ROBINSON, ONE PRiCE CASN STORE. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - - $12,000,000. REST, 6,000,000. A Saving DeAartmenr has bee* ojened ix con- vection with this branch. Interest allowed al cnd'rc*t rates. H. LOCK WOOD, Manager Gaderich Brame&. SEASONABLE C0008, FRESH AND RELIABLE. CANNED HATS, VEGETABLE AND FRUITS. " GENERAL GROCERIES we eta suit you u quality mead pees%, mad Units a trial seder treat you. R. W. RUNCIMAN 8osemer to B. Compabp., NOTICE No. 2. :Aw: We have lunch pleasure in announcing that we are now fully seethe! in our new premises, and still more pleased in knowing that you appreciate our effort to establish A CASH BUSINESS IN DUNGANNON. We thank you for the patronage you have accorded to us, and the many kind wishes you brave expressed for our welfare sing coming to .DVN-(' -1.J TrTOI\r_ The volumes of business we are doing warrants us in pronouncing the Cash Business a success. But are we satisfied 1 NO. Onward is our motto, and we are determined to increase our sales fifty per cent, during the next two months. We stall do it, and you and I will be benefitted. Remember HIKE'S CASH STORE is a Mutual Store. You have an interest in it along with myself : consequently it is our store. Now to make, it the best and Cheapest Store in Huron County, we niust pull together. You give me your hearty support and your influence, I give you experience and capital. PATRONS OF INDUSTRY Coln(' with us and we a ill do you gond. Cite ue Si fair trial, anti if you are not satisfied then leave us. Thank Providence, this is a free country : all watt de:tl wLere they like. if they have tete looney. While it it impossible to quote prices for all the goods we carry to our mammoth establishment, we give you a fPer .luotntions midi neck you to compare our Cash Prices with the price of credit ,tore : then exercise your own judgment and act accordingly. SNAi5S_ 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar, Redpath's, for $1.00. Teas, all prices and all qualities at very little over half what you have been in the habit , f p.ying. Tobaccos, 50c. per lb. up. Royal Yeast Cake, Sc., regular 10,•. Star, -hes, 0.:l kinds, $c., regular 10c. 6 bars best Electric neap for 25c. 3 tins best saimon for 35c. Prime Valencia Raisins for eye. per box. All groceries equally cheap. In DRY (GOODS we aro showing Drees Goods from 5o. per yard up, splendid values. Beet Spool Cotton, 3c. per spool, or 30c. per dozen. A line of Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels. 3 Line for OSc. per riot Former Price, 124c. 14c. I " 12 " 18c. 1 " I21e. " 1.6 20c. A line of Drugget at 20 cents per yard, regular price 25 cents. Grey and Fancy Flannels away down in price. A Magnificent Range of Shawls and Wraps at 70c. and $1.00. Be sure you wee this line. 200 dozen Brass Buttons, 2}c. per doz., regular prices 15 to 25c. per doz. In Ladies' Circulars and Gents' Rubber Cats we offer extra value. Ladies' Circulars at $1.75, worth $2.50. Ladies' Circulars at $4.50, worth $6.00. • (lents' Tweed Rubber Coats from $4.00 to $8.00, regular print $6.00 to $11.00. You have straight two dollars on every cost you buy from us. In READY MADE CLOTHING we have prices so low that it w.jll pwy you to visit us, eves should you have to spend a whole day in getting bore Young man, don't buy until you have seen our Nobby Ready )lade Shits ; or if you prefer o first-class suit made to order, we will sell it to you cheap. Having made arrangements with Mr. W. G. Girvin, one of the best tailors on earth, for the manufacture of our suits, we can guarantee a per- fect fit and good work. In BOOTS .AND SHOES we ere up to the tines in style and quality, and away down in price. Remember, we don't cut one special line down to Bost and l'ar'ge extra on others : but a uniform price all through. In CROCKERY and GLASSWARE we have* cheap and well -assort- ed stock. In Fancy Table Lamps we ars *bowing a fall fine for $1.50, worth $3.35. Spates filled. Conte and visit ua, buy from us and you will be happy, and don't you forget it. Duagaa.es. Guo. 24411, 1493. JOHN HILES. FALL MILLINERY--- THE MISSES YATES Beg to anno.noe to the public that they hey. a large assortment of The Latest Styles in Hats, Bonnets, fancy Ribbons, Feathers. LADIES ARE CORDIALLY INVITRD TO COME AT ANY TINZ AND 8RR. NO OPENING TATA FALL. MISSES YATES. Fall Millinery S I have rMaruetl tar the day film THE LATEST ANO BEST STYLES in all branches of PALL MILLINERY, and solicit the pitronage of the Ladies of tloderich and vicinity.. C itON_