HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-10-26, Page 44 TIIE SIGNAL: COW:RICH. ONT THURSDAY. OCTOBER ie. 18103. Skt in ",Bete M WIRY THURSDAY MORNING eV R lition.YLWMT. Ofaas .f Puba s.o s •iOisilortsk.ce Nat. thotrse Tram .f Onlwartaillon $ Quo month, la advise! • 12 Terse months. MK Oar year. " 1 If *weft le erne& the leis MC leer will be 1 • 1avrte.eng lass Legal and otter casual adyeI ls0 Mab. Hie. per Zine for erst larrrtiou. sad ] mote per IOW Ter emelt sabeegoeat insertion. Measured W • soapp ar.z. it .0010. Hueloeu cards of mix Uses and under. N poo Moe. Advertisements of Lost. pleas(. Strayed. guootlone Vacant. ettnatto.s Wasted and ursine.. ('h•laes Wanted set esoesdlat[ 3 limes nonpareil, t per 1ltentl. Hou... on Sete and Farms on Oslo. ass to mored t bora $1 foe dm month. Ocet per aubf segment month. former advte. le pi 0$ foo. Any special coelom, the object of whtob is to promote the peen nlar7 hesedt Of any mit vtdoal or y. to be oo•nldered en ad- vertieemeat stet charged aocurdir u'ly. !.oral amines 1a nonpareil type one gest par word. se settees 1... than ]Sc. Local notices la ordinary readiest trim 100 mote per wort. No sotto* for less thea 010. Make* for churches sad other rellgtoas mad itenerolent 1s141011aw half rata. Commercial Contract Advertisements. A limited number of displayed advertise enginserted em will be inserted st too'Mewing rates : Por four " three " sir one year • No advertisement MOB thea two osmoles length will be caleuleted on above brei . • per rent. diaconot allowed for matt parfaitls ori there month, 0ootrilot: 10 per met. ow da months'. and IS per Best. no • year's. These oo0dittoes will be strictly enforced. Ahem **The Missal" teetlresy. Subscriber who fall to receive Tam Stesot regularly, either by carrier or by mall will confer • favor by ..quotatWt s of the tool at as early • dates p.seihb. Lieu at rear abet. Your label ds • standing receipt of the date to which you are paid up. See that it is out allowed to fall into arrear. When a change of address to desired. both the old and the new address should be Oven. Rejected ment.scrtpte c00oot be returned. ('orrtrpoem:nee mous be written on one side of paper only. roROWeee setter. J. C. Le Tome% of Goderich, hes been ay Pointed Loral Travelling Agent for the town- ships of Ooderitb. Colborne. Asbeeld and W&- wanoah. Lural pnatrns,ten as er the district Ore also ,miwIALSrrd to recetve sobertipttone to Toe Otey AL All conimunieattos must be addressed to D. )Oc*ILLiCI'1)UY. tr.lr A I., Telentlone Call M. . Ont. OODINWOR. T71II1WI AY. OCT. >K MOIL Inch. one Ineerfios. , P ]M WHAT CAN INCAL .' rise DAT is THIN beautifd Caaadaa Fall weather' iT IS NOW GETTING TO 1(E IS ORDER TO ask • man where he stands on the question of prohibition Rrrwers TtIE Osvaldo Jr Dos ELWOTTN and the New Brunswick Jadge Tvcus jus- tice on politio•1 questions goes •begging is Canada. Ur TO THE TIME OF GOING TO num CLARE• WALLAN' AYR t furnished one man or o.e dollar to aid the Ulster men in the wen .getout Home Rale. THE RUMOR THAT MINISTER Or WAR PATTERSON is going to make Huron his Winter resort is without foundation. He found the political temperature 000l enough lest Summer without testing it in the Win- ter. Ir CLNSC RING T:108415 Ar7TH0OITY WERE E aim•-aaob s it has been mode in the case of Editor ELLis, of St John -firer CAMErON, et the Hamilton Spectates, woe 4 become aecestomed to jail ekily oa his regu lar bill of fare. TDs ursicir*t rot.ITtoIArs WILL NOON NE skirmishing around io semtah of votes Our advice to the voter is motto pledge his yote until he knows whet is the complexion of the full municipal slate. Seine of theeleotors were caught on the fly lest year. TIER NEWS -HO oKD Or CuxTOR Arr1AR11 this week 1. • handsome new dress dim ported British type, duty paid. It 1. now • handsome sheet, and if the editor will be a little mon .artful i• ria work The News - Record will be a credit to Ibe oo.nty. iT IM SAID THAT HON. Geo. E. Form still suffers from the jaw .pram which he sustained when he endeavored at Berlin to persuade the good -matured Germ•sa of that good town than his sweaters were Teutonic h ad that he still held ea to the hiespage. AT THs• noncom rams rim P.oviNCII O/ New Braswie k it Gomm se . that it the bench of judges who tient .1. V. Bels, of The St. Jokes Telegraph, to jail for con- tempt, were ooslmitted for life to a Serene asylum the Provisos that has to abide by their legal decides* would not suffer to soy great extent, WITH 0541 IN ONTARIO AT 56C. FIR halal sod barley 30.. cheaper is Ter onto than at Buffalo, the effort to trtpbtes Use Canadian farrier by tmllig him that ss moss market is the United States woold'ab- j.et him to • ruinous oanpetitios en the part of the American •rrioulturut meet cooed strangely is the ears of intelligs.t mss. Tee Rn WOE THAT THE Rl'RA1. MOTTOS or our esteemed contemporary, The Clinton News Roosted -the leading Tory newspaper of Hares Comity -i. going to apply for • patent os agricnitutal prix- luta, so thit other county newspapers will not bo able to chemo the partic+.ders from the secretary of the moiety whore the show is held, is raid to he somewhat promotion. And so is the editor of our esteemed eentetsperary. T i., EN PI nr I. MILANO r5S R[\T'LRo THAT t`tere will he • die.nleties of the Oet•rie 1, gialalurs nett veer. n'hy, of merge then will he • di.00hstios tithe Legislator* most year Everybody knew. jha• the 1.-gi•Mt.n thrives even fear years, with - ...it tail. And sow will our geed Irie.d The K.spin tell • waiting pantie whether the heaiei. Perhawt will threw up its lease ad... member e..ei.., elks [.eta, mai,., or will tars be yea wetter esssien atter that f As Brewer to time isseli.e told be caat its tlggeTN$ 8 sasIMINSMUIP. The Kmp+n, of Teeeest., is somewhat et- a meed ever the genneh s et ledersk`p l■ the Liberal peety-Priwiesial sad Feder. d It hes bees emdestroriee far some ti to hay maps for the obsegaws et Sir OuviA Mow*T--owls( to the alleged physical its- firmities of that lively old redeems, who, u p to dose, hoe given so indication that he will either die or reira sed now it has tweed its mammies to Hoa. W i u at n Lawton', and de.leres that bis beer hos come to resign the leadership of the Oppo- sides. A carefully atrae/d t.ble of years has been compiled by our esteemed, though stupid, Toronto ooetemporary to show that every seven years • change to the leader - 'hip of the liberal party is des, sed The Empire MSS as to show that MAC ass= was scree years leader et the Liber- al party whim Banos was appointed in his MOW, and that SLAKE 01.• sores years lender when he resigned and made room for 1.Aeatxs, whose seven years will be ap next year, and, of coups, aye The Respire, another IsaderwtH have to be tortbsossiag. The glidmeent is • very nice bit el figura- tive paeehwork to those who do net know the history of too liberal party saes Con federalism. What are the facts and G.oat:E Ba.ow y were the joint leaden of the Upper Canada Reformers up to Con- federation. to 1867 HON. Oso. Blows was detested and at the first •.ammo of the Lib- erals after Cocfederatio n the leadership et the party devolved upon ML MAcsrst1E. For wen years be faced SIR JOHN MAC tooxal.D in oppsitioo, and •t the end of that time -on the memorable 5th of Nov- ember. 1873 -the enemy capitulated. MAC. KLS,IE continued to lead the Reformers io Government and in Opposition until 18811, when owing to foiling health he relinquish• ed the reins to the party caucus, after a continuous leadership of fourteen years. Hoy. EDw.RD 11t..tr a wee then chosen Leader of the Libsrwl party, and so fearful was Sir .IuHs MA•'iiosALD that thereon who bad ousted JouSAynriss.D from the premienhit of Ontario would perform • similar act in his case, that the gerrymander --the "hiving of the trite "-was resorted to and a pretnsture Federal election was sprang is 1882. The result was tbot the Tory Government wee eared on that oc- m•eios, sad Buaa continued to lend the op- position. Prior to the Meatiest d 1887, Sir Jous, ooewisne this the N. P., had proved to be • failure, and bat tag doubts is to the ef- mcy of the gerrymander as • means of de- feating BLAKE ed the forthcoming election, devised the political fraud known as the Franchise Act mad, with his oppoasat than handicapped .net him at the pour. Even then Buaa would have dose s MACKENZIE had done even years afterCoo- federstios-overthrowo the adversary -Md it sot been that, 'tin a moment of weak- ness," as Mr. PORTER world say, he Mari - domed the free trade shibboleth that had eines 1878 been the policy of the Liberal ley, sad •t Malvern committal t11e political barmy that proved • death -blow to his aspirations at the election of 1887. The result of the eleotiou of that year proved to Mr. BLAKE that he bad made • miet&ke in his leadership, and being a man of wast tire feeling, and not wishing to resile ,from the position which he had taken, be retired (nm the leadership and subsequently from Perlihment. Then it was that WIvuD LAral=K wee °hese, sad we know the molt. In thesis.- tem hedie•tem of 1891, ender the leadership d the gallant sed dopiest Frsseh-Csssdhs, the Liberal party acme bearer to whining them at soy geodes eines 1873 So dem wss the result of the dgotios that for 0..w - siou it was • gestioa is the minds of Re - femme sad Oimeervasivs dike whether the Government et the deny would stood. Another ektotios is ups. es, sad as The Respire states that • change is Mr. LAc- RI.a'a.peiuss is dee meat year, we wW asks It for greeted dist • Federal elation er as- tieipeted. Such • ooatiegfiney would eer- tsiely change Mr. Lauri R'S peeitien-it would remove him at the end of his seam years probation free eta leadership of the Opposition to the Premiership of the Dem- isiso, s wen the ase with Hen. Atex • MA' 0RNZIR is 1871, •.d would have tens the portion d ED., A RD Bt.A a E had it sot been for his defection se the trade policy in 188i. We thank The Empire for betias drawn our stteaties to the matter of figures along this lies, tet friends sad oppesente Bae es d • gimes .het if then el any dependence to he rla•sd ea the political horoscope, in the lightof past a ests,the curtain is 1111iar meet favorably for the gifted leader of the Liberal party. when, mutes no political bludet eoszmite ne trade har.aies, sad who la u.e.. u Ottawa as head of the t:eAswmea is the year or rrmoo. 1894. t gherttl m. th.r. k ue- thing to the seven Foot theory d ear igen jig oestompssary, The Threats am- When the Galore.11 fiMeIAL bet week d. Dnnw .Bryn fa ib.. inhales geossehoeght, .0. Ite.ettd that par mmaly elbowed hew At.ex. Macsexzls is Imansinoty palm el tie bag •othe aloft mad* astrugrpars miasma. Ile Naw Reeerd dose est.tstheasb eljeltli, em p sept Shot memo .r s mo, ima sti Not It eeimsred the Nmemo, Roma is seder to elms this ta•rtissisr sod i•twes i ewe. The News R.ostd was too only Aper w tJs Beaty of Hare the west he the tsel th d pw s est, rooming the tithe pries wisest, at a eig`.e (abw NSW, -Record. 11e yeas enstbmso who r.. *0d the NoweeResord at the Dammam slew gives evidence of beteg very fresh v the Melees. Las weak he told that he was the only Herm awspaper .ep.ss•1nawat the Dungeonoa show, whet then were at lest two others present, ill additi.e to a representative of the Lsoksow S..lisel, which, next to To[ Swxu., has the aria& circulation in that emotion of Herm. This week be publishes the item wb►eh we have reproduced above, sad fora times et 1•1e.- bood, it would be hard to beat, Tun SWXAL did tot " steal " the prim Est from the News Record : as • matter .t feet the prism list wee it type in THs SwIAL otos oa Tuesday, ad was got by this jeered is the regular way. After that, we sal oar list to another join -Nal for publication bet weak. and dida't ask credit for it, either. 1oesover, the lief published in THE SiHNAL was correct, wbiob would not haus been the can had the News-Reoori'e report bees re- printed. The editor of TNI SIGNAL •.d two mermbers of his busily were present at Ube Usegsanoa show, tate reporter of W io dbsm Advm.os was passe, the *di of the Lucknow Sentinel As alts then, n o was the News -Resod ma, bst the chap got wrapped up in **Old Flag b bis fort to write es introductory article for show, .ed when he unmated bimasU h bed was so dizzy he couldn't see the ether n ewspaper men. We would duos our fresh young Mead, se the old Database did the dud.. " Dol'd main • vool mit yourvslluf, ad den'( you forgot it" Tits Cos 17mOu,mi idem snows 0► Dives - ligation on the tariff question in not hav- ing • rosevnter time these days. It woe ell well enough whilst the two Cabinet .doorstep members were buildosing the farm- ers, but when the farmers gut after the comptrollers the clouds began to gather, and (ERIE WALLACE.•Det his running mate lieooverd that the men mut i0 the townships have got their eyes opened on the tariff question. A.rru THE )USTEM:71nt.11 1. -TION OF T7IL New Krumwick bench of judges in the Eu.Is case, The 'Montreal Star ought to publish one more article on the superiority of the intelligence of the appointed jodic:sry of ('•0•.la in comperwoo with that of the sleeted !sedges in some of the States of the Union. Why, old Judie Lvxic,i could girt some of the New Brunswick men pointers on common decency ad justice. IT IN 1LRT AMCEINO TO HEAR W V E OF THE loyalists go tato hysteria over the Old Flag, forgetful of the fact that there is • duty of thirty per omit. levied oe the Old Flag coming into the oouotry, just the same s there ie 0pos any other flag, and that there is • discriminatory duty aghast Bridal roods. The duty, so doubt, adds to the value of the Old Flag after the.tteto= ho.e officer has been e•sisfied. A MAN HAS JCET WOULD FOR A C51x06 or venue for the trial of • ease at Tomato ki- ssed of at Simone, on the ground that en- neantio•isu are so thick in Norfolk county that he, bahse • strong loyalist, would not he able to get an unprejudiced jury t11 era What will The Toronto Empire ay to the swore steteneeut of ems of its loyalist friends en this p.4tnt! WHAT THE NEWSPAKM SAY. MANOR AND attest . Deaths lamer : Then in so.etbina 10 be raid coroermisg those Comet va- hw who object to Sir John Thomp- son as Premier, net bootees be is lacking is ability, for he is one of the ablest Iles in oar public life, but bee•.ee of his religion. The Roman Catholics are a large properties of oar whole pop.l•tio.. They are citizens to precisely the same extent as the rest of ea They observe the laws, they pay their taxes. they are Inhale to military .ervts. sad they discharge all the obliga- tions of eitimemiip just as folly had jest as freely u de thea of us as ere Protestants. Boll we. thmsis's, beepers of their chant. meads Ikea frameen their fair share at ef then hers and te of public life ? Weald it be right to do so ` Would it be Hefty he w to the CLtbolis, " You say veto as sheens seas to represent yea is PsrWn.t er the lwtgii•tats, but you meat Mks etre throe they are Proteatente "? Weald It he fair to ley dawn the principle that C MJ*0. aheuld be hewers et wood sed drawers of water for both parties, but should aapirs to the high ptoses is smiths ' 1st the hest mow ge to the top, so natter whet his religion may be. This is • free mustry, whore all shs.Y sled se se .mel feeml% aid the nee with meat braises and sMlity should be helped le the treat„ .et bernswd aid hadmud eimply bemuse ha dans wet saled the... shreh as the rest el a If the Aboality amt slimed to give mese Catholics more bodge tam Pretest - Take tart Gaal yew drafts on ,deer/hyrital endurance drn'I tome back to you some day gemmed "s o weds.' Takt SOOT'FS EMULSION OfPura Gahm, Oilap 1. wrens" you5 lyptM r year ~mist .v f4 Nr•R .1/ itl.8fi. /T CURES COISIII77111, SCRVUL , i ONNITIs, COWIt, Ma tad all lino elilisevwisseatp. AAs of no /ielseable er mu. er Not et de gemaise es Merton, paw is!. anima Bui?S1Lv111tu SI. .L1 1.58* pies. of (Mods ig warranted to bed the home Makae. avid tally One-third IoM In Price than you as buy it trait our ootmpetjtofs. as 101 TOQSZILF TODAY. Pickle Casters 11.46-il.S4--•i4 Pa Ho47 5 Hadar 1 1... ....414- 3ofi 2.74-4.56 147-437 2.9•-4.43 . ...179-4-56 199- 329 1.79 - 4.66 M-1.96-3.44 146-2.73-3fd L19-2.46-3.44 3.60-4.66 3.60-6.60 1.47(--1.06-3.16 41 - 1.96 1.76-3.16 &W 14- 41 Booed Jan Breakfast Cruets Dimmer Knives Denser% Knives Dieser Fera Tes *ems Ousted Quoits Batter Cosines Coke Baskets. Heol Rooeivnn Napkn los Pitcher Call Bella THE7CENTFAIR ggdt elsetl 1h CA551T It TIDAL Iclni's Blocs n the STI GODERICH. aila had we better sea try to .sake the best e(i . We knew that it is • bond thing tut t ledres to *wallow Sir Jobs but so doubt when the time coma read for mooting they will fall to Mies and maks the sign of the muse en their ballets, joss of old. ro•esss NARKS AOI NOT us WORE! urrssCL Clinton New Kra : If the G.derish Star, mai ether papers, were wise they would a- mmo ri-.•!-t. - m ori:•. -t about the Hon. Mr. Foster's marriage to another man's wife. 1t is be- cause they are ignorant of all the circa* . etas«s that they attempt to de:end (solely for political purtodeua) an indefeasible posi- t -Ma. If what is told by these who profess to know be true, hie muriags to air . Chisholm was out by any moans his worst offence. A 1(001 eT IIt0LDITT. Toronto 131.1: %bite Jur. Mackenzie Rowell was to charge of the Deportment el Customs it was frequently urged the& he erred on the side of severity. The Collector of Customs at \'aneonver, where the out- rageous attempt was made to collect • tax on too Chinese wife of Rev. Dr. McKay. is the sots of Mr. Rowell Severity serum to lees family failing. CALLS TERM %MACES. Norfolk Reformer : We are told that • mottoes of the Tory party u Heldis.sod hes approached Dr. Wild, of Toronto, to ese- test that meaty against Moategae at too out election Between two smelt mesas respectal"s ween will ME io talo to its woods. 8.torth : The death is •asoasd this week et Kra Laidlaw, ',noose of J. C. Laid- law sod Mrs. J. H. Bro•dfoot, of this tewa, sod Ya J. P. Brine, of Harpsrhey. 8M died Thursday morning. at the reside.es el bar daughter Mrs. James A. !alae, he Wag - bun. Clinton : Spe•kiag of the show the Myth Standard says : O.e of the srticlm on exhibit worthy of chief mention, is the map of Eogknd worked in .ilk, giving •11 the principal cities, towns, Bounties, etc. It le the property of Mrs. Walker. d Clinton, sad was made i• 1793, int one hundred years MM." DEAD AT BATTLE CREEK. 'This. Far 11 'ht Oanadlaas have boon Idemmed. Them are Tae Osie MMn weskits ham raid tees. tiMtti.d and lianas .1 Thor ig4 be OHM Sssssb-Ths West PereieNns. Up M the puma time eight Caladium me know. to My perished is t►. G. T.11 wreak .t Bewails Crack, whist occurred es Friday hat. They are : Amino Ba mower, Term e& Mos. Amga, Ba.asT Ter..M T. A. Yotiasvey, Leake. Bosom D. Omegans, Leaks. O DoaLAso, Tilw.b.rg. Mss. O. Doau%D, 1Tlse.i r4. Joss Snow' T. R. &rsu.0 . ?..o y. T. R. deatxoga. pert Dever. The (math list t.tals 4•. Of this attenisr 40 hart bees identified or .e mated for leaving eight claimed. It is believed meq, if set d of then etre Cmodi•ms, Aar. Father McKeow., of Stratitoy, OM., yesterday identified J. J. Brew.. .f Shat town, by • meal amulet es his MIL ' J. J. Harrison, of Weisberg. Oat., iden- tified the bodies of Mr. send Mrs. Oliver Der. had, ant that tows, by • pies of the wo- ma. s skirt •ad Mr. l•.d'r watch. Mr. Doels.d mss • proprietors fsmer\It is 1eo toe 'aborts of 11sb.rg. FIv. chum, four boys sod • ggamirl,, sarvi.e them. The be4 d LIbmt Bradley, mummer of the Q..es+t broach .f ties Beek of Cora - agree. Termite, who did at the Nicholls Hespit,.l Y..dsy ought, wee taken to Sar- ▪ i. yesterday. The hose! of Bre. Brad- ley, which was to have takes place yester- day, was postponed ..d bu.b.ad and wde will be barged to -day. These pottiness wille.press.t the Bank of Commmse at the fmmer.l : 0. 11s C. O'Grady, animist he- r • R. Y. Parer, rotaries . urger t ..mopBotha , ms..ger for Use Nortle- w.st braTh. Tie -oats beak sent toe wrath.. All of the wounded are doleg wsH snoop Yrs. Robert Valise. of Simoos, Out., who had both legs broken. 1)5. leg had to be rent yesterday. Her bu.b.ed arrived yes- terday eaterday after.eot. The migration has hem made that sU bodies usideuti6ed be buried is one lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Gad a monument erect- ed there. Th. rows of Thomas R. `stringer, of Port !).,ver, were e,onrtenl to the depot 11 the 0-ldlelh.w.. he Icing • member of Sim - o0., Out., LOdt'e, No. 161. LEEBL'1MN. Tie•n*T, Oet. 24th. Hotta Au*tx.- Than Thurlow, who has Wes Sr British Columbia for several yc• e is visiting relative's here. LxauCoy NUT SEHI.D. - lathe recett1xita* list of Dungannon show, we oche.( ►W Hugh Chisholm u.mcd off several penes Err Dorms shown. Bro. John Horton last week &waded the district swear of the L O. O. T., sad gave • fall t.p tot of the to the mesh ha of 1*. 213, held on Fraley monies 1st Ootxu To Peruke Row . -Ont worrisome, 8. Laid/ W rooted the tore of Jaime MsCrookee for • term of yeah mid is • few weeks tree will go Were to reside with his (many. The Sada temperance sneetieg wasaddrswd M Mrs. Peat:aed. of • pep.ler send well-known worker Celli .thediat Aorta of that plea. She spew i• so ~mast m•ts.er sod warmed her rearms of the strew dangers of • macs (Ir Smiley evening at 7 r. ■., 8.T. Robert Headerees, et Carlow, will addre the nesting. EsTttAisuxsT.-I. O. G. T., No. 213isez Friday .vooimg of this week will held • eaterMisment at their ball. to epee at • r. r. Efforts ars being make to boas gad program of romp and rsdiyl with as address Gem John Kermimebmm, .f Seemlier, emblem -Love o1 Country. Rev. M•eiay W kindly sease.ted to be ermines ad Ib the ditties el the chair. w twr FM. Old Chum Plug. No other smoking tobacco seems to have supplied the universal demand for a coo), mild, sweet braoke like the " OLD CHrMt." The name is I household word and theidaiiliar package has be- come a mlrberofthe family. le0.T.5A t. A GREAT OFFER! GREAT PAPIRR -AND- GREAT PREMIUMS. W. sr. In • rogue. to Geer The and the Wessels O0•5•41 Bed weekly Need dbstreal ter ewe year f.,r 11 M. This ear • Wes U • m. Ibvneerrttk•r to • oho+ • often. nisi Mrthe polainkas et Ur taw 00334. 1' eroseresAam see the r mallow (sea.. sera best .1 Mos* M/a(d O•svdr ti IdNo, stick jel • eve M the pest twenty denote. Th. prrmhase- sheer Peer aro- will be ready ahem the odd Iles ember. and vial be forwarded to to ride b whir* the prw•rtptio s are wormian to the roper may 11.3335 itemember the oxer.1 r 'bear beide flood to pssple w he ssese'iti+ - 'he .seam.. Aleomeree the e+e mos ps•UU1ey be withdrawn. All Wool Sox, IOc. per pair. I Do you want x x AN OVERCOAT ? Our Stock offers inducements t be found in no other store in t County. All new. Bought for Cash. Selected from the best lines of t h e most re- liable makers. Every garment marked in plain figure at prices only possible to a close sailing cash system. We also sell Rubber Costs, Fur Coats, Fur Capes, Seslette asps, Cloth Caps, Underwear, Long Boots, Felt Boots, Rubber Boots, Felt Slippers, Overshoes, and everything required for man or boy's outfit. If you pay Cash we'll interest. give you 1) Extra Heavy So; I2fc. per pair.