The Signal, 1893-10-19, Page 1MINIM Tp AR./MM MSD THE THSIGNAL E �G N A L Ease alas waw- U thin DoUmil ♦ 1 tlatti or �NAsOs• VOL. VAN • 2436. WOK MIN T tow YOUR LABEL THI8 WEEK. ase TSAt 'toga Neon a Mass or w •eyatca THE OFFIOIA.I. rrsrareaz.itiamER, OF HURON OOV TTF_ 3t'It�pR G'ODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, TH URSDAY OCT. 19, 1893. D. McGILLICUDDY EfITISEMENTS THIS WERE I PAUL.. I •, 1 'kine -F. J. Protium 1 lWstbtw Waisted - Joe. Videos' 8 gni ('urea--Jstsrs Epps k Co .... 8 lud--Sp tookso'-W- T. Welsh 1 1:jidl Plasieg Mill Jos. Kidd. 8 F (. B. C. -.1. W. Westervelt . 6 Fare for Sale -T. Good: y telbOrne tp. (bort of Revisiow.... 8 sayer to (twitters --J. H. Ittg•n211..... 8 (NdtlesmTeb Doe 5 Sem w Credible,- (sure., Holt & gemes_R. K. Salbws THE TALK OF THE TOWN. BhortStorloS flim the Report- er•. Notebook. '• ee trews a U.I. in tee Cape. 1 redo Ire net M t a l'tteF. Amawi to Table' Deese, s•• teeth Sett trees Ie..• Sees the v. • ter sora i w t be upon u sad g yrs -le wi ' sou len • Demerr •r Ye'1 . •w. Below 1 Poles . l ftirrakssw: e+a AOr It. R. Ts Clines'. -R7•1 BORN. gpIMgT7011_1. ')e le • on Fwtreoey, lea• Nth et US- LSsl no. • e eve Wan. Its aw et tie, err •'2e Sow •tear.. /tY jpCi -a w•" DIED. . t . • e' r:Dian-d rrr % a1100.4•14)e Owe• 1100.4•1410 yta..0. I. 10. -...ea '.• -. wile to getter/. ea Toweled tie'- •. '• n•,.. Wed:* .eed t 3. Tie ,,r.. w' e ' • • • C. • les ,seers re, hello A. on Teo Ley. Ont. tf L. at adroit a v.. .t b. Pe.w • R. C. t, .1 co, Oidsr• il.erroe tet •e t:. C. '. s.i. Col ten=t e.rd' . mot sees' t a see . p • ase elms I'•'. ' of aMNee•. The MUM Blah and D.ng.nn0lt shows attracted ler=. unruler( 11.01 this *botany aed they report hoth the a ihibitsoas etes:lsut. Threeli;eg is the or. ar of the day, K W,i l tm.n /Stag meat of S. wart is .ode flat'l'y. He h•.. se •10e lent o0.rit sad • fest case at .ff o.' werk .en. N- o t r n get - %.t grdsy eel Sunday were the twe w..rrt days we have tit Ain yet. A aces. don °pour of rain ail day Sato -day, ,e.1 .40afav we had mineral soussiere.tt gni it os wet.,i•.g that Nle wi•ter of '9$ will e.os w upon heath bee been an our m:dot r -d Ibis time has t•kea as its e,etir•u Willie • Chea ..s . Deceased. •midd)s aged men, bad bee e a l• •g tar some t me The Inas al well on 'd 'day erd was atteeied by • Isere number of sorrow dog trieoda. Court of ap:real &ij&'Ist the vote . ' of Fast Wwannsh was bekl in Beltrsve so Ttuesdav of hat weal,. The Lbs. -it's suoaded in gettira eine names 001 ane tbrte oaf and the C'on•e_vativo seven nn and three off, the latter making far tare roe= sppeain A meetinw of Calvin Amok 000gts i.1.lon was beta on Monday to petition thee- pas or. Ret. W. H. lar ,ids, to ooal'nse hie kb+s among them. He has reosivsd • alt Loin Dear St. Cat).areres aid we endow sed he rill g'.e his d•cieios ibis week. We Oa- ocely hop • Fe win w fit w roma- here an he has bens doing • g.and work tor the Mister. -_-- - -WI Dg-Aw"ALL THE RIVAL LEADERS. MARNOCH. Mus DAT, Ort lb. Was Ousted for the .. hers• fact .,& y •1 M ;on dee to C: calm o cot you • •1 wane ml.•.i .J ..Jt you over ti.^ N•. Ila sari W '•• .. )Oa t,ae .e we. at. .. sod ...e'ewe... ca. Moat fa • w opo.. P. J. ' .l .a.. .•* penrele'_ r'o'ller. ►1�1( TAILOKU10.-marc aim ,, a• le great vanes w. w Pawl.- • i..e w .a •1e•..aro. oa the &tea 0 Y.. rasa• 1 a.• • he 0Wi0. sad rely SS good 14.103 • Al s L - ter) .eed•.W p rete. a 11ad:ories.:. (X)NnUENCI(fmthe kel•ttM•of•k imams rusaouoa- We Wove ib. .frus e...e o • in 0..t system of ening epic of . aid Laois that .re oats gore you a for rev,' , sot -a. year eyes More theater lily then way .•1 a'•' • W is Ior .1117. N . .. Weise. oedema sad Steelier. H, wt% HAteGordo. -Prof. barren woad, the well L•ow.i Manufacturer rf human hair goods will be at the Albion Hotel on Wednesday. Oct, 23, with a full "ne of hie goods 1e w,!l I.s 1. . ISM r wt tine season. IIAs Nan i:las 1f l'ooisa.-E'a'ter Times : A gentleman from Toronto bat week told The Timet that Exeter was the cieamest, neatest, hrglo-.t and ' swsttown he bad visited for some tines, and he route them all. Jr.T Nvre Tats Farr. -A Mlle item its • newspaper may nornetimes snake a man an enemy to the paper for We, bet it woo't atop him from reading it. It merely changes him from • subscriber to a borrower. Every publisher o•o recall the names of =wens who Dome uuder the. head. T.. Om -attire rah Tits PI tamx IT& -A noestiag will be held le the Temp.raoos ball ea Friday evening. Oct. 20, for the purpose of orgaatLIsg for the plebiscite to be taken in January 'text. Addressee will be gives by 1'..'. Mr. McKay, 1). Mc:iUicuddy and other. All tatere.ted in the prohibition meneeeset are requested to be present. CATHOLW' Mtentoti. -At the Catholic church co Sunday meet the Rev. Fathers Dougbsrtl' and O' Bryan will begot a miasma which will last fear or five days or more. The sorrier) emit day will be at the follow - At'sora : 9r S.0.. gr d shar.me& rvvi7:30ce an Atter the morning and after t to instruction will b givais. •vweug service • sermon. Nos-Calbdin a. wells CetholIos are imaged to attend the inetructtoes c f theme Jemait primm* Loo". rfK As L•avRATlox.-Kespyour eye and m e which of the UM, chasm wit your invite ro are w. ,;meat ewenas aur muumth's shorting. Local spurts Il Tb Cttowotu OCT. -A larpgsaatity at local THE END DRAWING NEAR. now. sed oorreepoadssos ie u avatla ily =ended out Lb e. week. Tr,a Mllenot ulr loots Cu teeny. -Toe Keeping week of the *awn i, Nu .lis . Met •ectal C.0•cb WINS EzhIblts. To. May eveai•tg le k wet hrgely attended. and gave enqual:tied sat'Ja)1 r m to al who had the p•ivti.g• of beg prwn.T.' Nim Fax urs • host ii •:.eel', enol wt.eske • le Ile • °011.'0 or mu ...., seemed le be e. his batt. The lobes .Iter t .ok .v -t in taw 0030‘.' 1. were 00 a strong °om b ` latae, Mies May frim r id Mile Marie Menai; p•o..••1 that tner 1oweses1 well molt .a' •„i,r •no roiroe. 6•1d Mee f:.= Arenet.onv charm, if all with owe and man ter in her rendil.ons. Between pieces oou•r leader Halle, tea be- half of the cltoer, thanked the audieoon tear to. ning oft so well to the Duo. cert. and also paid a hi¢h tribute to C. (i. Ar••s.ru.:.l, who bad provided the en- tire 'went at hie ow.. e(;10 'e. The chair was =copied hi Paso. K. U e, U.D., and it u needless to as u.. duties were aoocptably pe-ior:red. bins C. ('. A••metroag w ac - 0(' • +nisi,proved to be a thorough nensacian. The resat; t ' in aid of toe organ tui it, we me dal• a+d, reached $100- PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Oeantb- Tie hays of Ilse Valor Wearies le a fleet eyetwbmlimies Arrivals se *warm Fret -Meet estbe1•s rases. - Ike OMspM7 or reality Mile Braes bee retoroed from a visit to the World'• Fair. neemes : Mrs. Leech, of Goderich, was r si.isg n Brussels el', week. Mrs. R. G. Reyoolds ad Mias Hays bars retOrsed from the Worlds lair. 1'. Holt and Mr. and hire. D. McDonald reissued borne from time World's Fair a.tur- day atoning. Mr Wa. stock and daughter -yawl, re - =treed last week •f.er I-kiog io the eighta at the World's Fair. (*Vetoes : Rey. H. 1..' e, of (:aderich, passed through were e. -.y Mn.,d•v morning, oe hie wheel, en route for Cliloril. C. A. Humber returosd from Chicago on Wgdseeday of het week, whither be bed bean viewing the World's Fair. Hie •Ouves°r of the fair h • big stick of sugar- cane. Mies Sara Hyslop, of Rennins, who ben been vietins her sister. Mrs. Henry Martis, wee m'led boas suddenly Mooday lest, osiog to the series ilia... of bar sister, >r re. L T. McDonald, of Have hem. LOCAL BREVITIES. �seed, no very overt observer to foveae**, •I FROM OVER THE COL NTY. 1 ... peultry departmeet •e under the charge measure of euoorss tor our breeders. of Mr. Allen Vague, of Loadun, weU knows as ose of tee leading poultry fanciers of the Provisos, end well goaltfed for the poet thaw. Four car loads of •horoughbred need trot tis` harms, fat oattle and sheep have also arrived, sod will appear in their several rtags next week, *011 pre • good a000uot of ibsmssiYee no doubt. Tel swine (LAttai% were judged towards the end of the week. 1 efb• Dalt classes io which t)stsrio breeders Relit -D's YAM, JAeK*0' Pott, were represented ware Suffolk, improved l'lrt1'..;o, Oct. 14. 1 orkahire end Tamworth. In toe former C.,,- •a , . - 11. •u Spew•' class on* animal aimed by Joseph Feather. C.•ii$V. day', with its hwrvello.0 attend stone, el Spi ingtield-artbe ('edit, wee a ser . •- measly i:uee-quarters of • million tint prize wiener, while in the Yorkshires people, els gorgeous pegeaat% its fl ewo-ks that. gentlemen and J. E. Llret-hyou., of Bur- son •it•w.....rs i.ouo.eerab'e, is now ea tord, had the field pretty 11101+ •.1 them. nt :be %Yltete selves. Is the lamworth clam, John 1de11, ► ,••• ►.song olber me.wsoltes of An.ber, wed James Cal ,ert, of Tb•dford, l y S•tued•y tett, °tat, bre 1"w! wt took the lion's share of the prima. . M nhattan 1)a) viten the rt'A..S The sheep and aw-ine were all shipped •part as , •,f New York are aper.+,/ to 0010. ea 1•omme this week, .:Dept such as *ere sold, at..••, 2,4 ri.af u fel .i inav he the b'-th '.d theme are pretty numerous, by ti,. way, 'tad the last (ley of all. •gooi1 tuIDY "dot* being alto booked for of n e sow C d' y were mate b (' ...o.bes a ie,, looked forty• -.l 1. to fo-- D. A.Gmpbelhlee, t(eibsos R Walker, W® ▪ .r least a nation p.opb. With winger Walker, W. H. Wattg., Jobs McGillivray, f. t sue .lays are marching; ou to Ott clime. John Campb ell, & Rio, Jas. Jackson & m. Oliver, eter • heat tee inof will :leek n0 longer to Arkell, R. Miller and 1). J Jackson. In all •-r entrancek.bea , visitors, . end when the •-retch, she axe, the saw and the chisel will 9074animwle -, All wiped oNdisposed hreedao.pt ting thein lo compass the ate fated of such of roe lo: bought by the commissioner for the white palace' u are fated w er .t no Salvador. in Central America, wbo also par - hand f the dee th ng °number of swine and arranged P the utterance of those high in author: v 11 moat o[ others w•,.Li seem as if a determined effort would ,I A. Edison. the celebrated eleetn- lie merle to retain some of them. Itch oo human and horses and all vaned' care t is 3.) minute. by Woolfo:d's Sesil*ry Lotion. Thi; never fele.. Sohl by F. Jor- dan and •U druggist. 30-1y The t•oder%ch Organ has been chosen in pretereeme to all oche competitors ,n the c'wiie•t at "(Taws" eh S, Ashfield, Goo. Titration is the loom: A bald bed is vet, unsightly. Those gentlemen who have been so unfortunate as to loos their -hair should see Prof. Doren - weed's fine toupees sad wigs. Gym 12.000 in u•r. He will be at Albion Hotel on Wed- oeeday, 25th Oetuber. The deer @bootleg season opens earlier thee year, the 20th ot October -and cloeas omalen+spaper November Lith, with nye additional date custom endA w gec mho game oat. Thi' practically i. math mar • to is ve you to ere m ,neo will soon be mating their arrange - Dundee mors in advertising than you may Dundee Mase.• : With Clarke Wae•.ae@ to the out tide and $I.rrk ee:.. TO ..II Lee eked o0 to A. -e.• std&, S r Jo: t Themeless teas • free baud in .be °abe.et these days. 'tied the poor Old .i :w h' .s rats heogey. Du ht xwa Free Prete : The Tory Isader is Sowing hie contempt for public. npiabw iwd potek deuee.ry of ya'''ng forward tee alumna*" bora ad the lake St. Jobe rail- way giialt-the mss woo handled the pest- er port.i1 ■ of the aid:reeey swag, ant for whose e::tele.oa ..0m 0*. Rameat ail the Referme • and four Isui .g (:eves: relives t.,sd - as an • in apl.r of po.rusal ratio. 0raage Seutirel : Sir Job. Thompson saver aid • wiser act then whoa he Wooed N. W. 11'.,. A. (%'arks Walls•.a for the pest of realm...Uar o` Customs& The 'teethe broths; hes brought seat stiengib to the Thorniest. Ceb.et. his was reeds clear- ly men:'eat daring the late tour. The Prom- irr wet a sirwrg-or even e . obiwt of sae - pr. ,u i , s..uy curs -bot the 0.,n.ber for West York •pp.sred b •ore the pw.p'e as an old er.luvnta, cat. The bead of tiro Coe. tomede,wart i set ems worry weer* received es • f. it.,d, and the wa' nth of tire greeti'tg et reeled to bias ensured at levet a respect- ful lies.leg for 8'r Jolt ad his col - 1w gala longer. Jure how far the •• t -'o ler will bbre me not yet been decided ; no_ chased •Oise and fl Dire swine Meeaea flicie.{ has barn enoo00oed, yet from Fsathentone end Heubner ash q,r.te • ed for ate .hi - thnk. It ie aoto.l( to tell of his goods that • rose advertise", bdt it et to finite the poo pi* who road -the thinking, the intelligent - to pay him a *Sit, •Mad judge for tb.m- , -Ives ae to the quality and prioe of what be offers for .Nis. People read the advertise- ments. Don't smoke say mistake abont that. Tbey are just. as mach interested in kenning where to bay to advantage as the advertiser u in *slims his goods. "THE Seat!. Boy." -Stratford Bowen - Thos. Me(,iU1oSddy, of Toronto, deli. seed his unique and interesting lecture is the Coated Methodist church on " The Small Boy." The basement of the church toss filled, and the proceed" of the silver °oliee- ties will b gives to the poor of the lows. The lecturer i".vldostly quite familiar with the ch•racteri"tic, of the small boy and haa • knack of hitting them egg with exquisite humor and of illustrating them by fresh and slnueing stories Tb• irrepressible sadvity, the powers of imitation, the sociability, fibs lova of soles, the curiosity, the taste for spe ula:on, the originality, et"., of the small hay were eharecteristioe which were pleasantly sketched and instructively dealt epos. Calgary Tribune : Be (Mr. L.�t err) hes the fa.:,lty, too, of (rporsiag t . Lis most pertissh ot1tws.se the eh. rotor of ho•ieoty sod mecerity, white Sir jolts Teempon's Fs�Qpeee•c�hes take ea more the quality of .»Dial ling. Nag is oppoaitioa Mr. Laurier 6u dwadediy • freer herd thaw if he were is authority mod ware held to • .fried res - Feasibility for every word he spooks and every .egeentios Le mew older • end he makes the moat of his freedom. CWs par - sow • ppsareime is moth I . his favor. He is baadeom.. elege.t, d graeiw www sad eon•tly haemes. Ie psrad'.tereserw with sun, .betb•r 1 Distal or Crime eat**, 11r. Leroy is most .eablq aid Imam with all • w agreeable imp-esrio. •,rt readily awed. He is s'idoe.teily • tom *hearted hogs hs' -std, symp.thsIM eee.leve., moving s-• or M Ns lets Si- J J.. Mac- desa:d in what ore W IWI negmM10 ges!b..rs Web nay peliuei•i d the pre met day. He hes had • mop waeees:d tour emesg the FrRNvh r,seti•seesioa h Omer io ; sod J- flbssgh a trust *is he hem mpoiel is better Fee= speaker who has takes the o Illab hies Raman : it b WOW eel Wm. Korot.- lel Wes purchased the 11�N* tar. o. Jeln liewbny, McKil: T6 pease Y gives a. 8;,000 It's a KMrrs. %alone : too wed' mw'sh Walesa 1;1.1 N= head v.. s marsty 'mar�i wNy w.i't w womb • maahiws a tee t oedt'. 11e wnl he laid sp fee esoe tire•► Mek;Tl•p : W. Ilion bit amid bis form tea 10th esuwmmMe of this townhip, t• St'lbse (ledble he WAS The fol. ew rise lel mires, ...d hem ea It lair hsielisga. (ahtrnu . W. wiry mesh regret to hear et ha seems dm* .f Mies Wlsole Yaw. elefe ei ea Messd•y ieigka, Oat. 91 men=ohs Hownas moa ora COLLEOIATS IKOTROTE. --W• an pleaeesd to we by the published results of the Scholarship Examination of Toronto University that the .twdtats from oar Collegiate Instate bare does credit lo tbemeelvee and their teachers, sad will up- hold the repstatiow of our sebsoL The fol- lowing is their boom stasdise : Owego K Boobsnan, 1st clam bosoms h casette' sod the Zed classical echolaru6Ip by r,yersion. Miss Jima Struthers Int eases hoovers is French and (Aermae,aed Bad oho bonen in Foglia, History and methwmatioa William Struthers. 2nd eM" Fe inoddiEnglish . I3d lor.- Nearal qc oe . the Junior e- geiag G.o.J.A.Fttlser hes passes iill'tt'ismlutioa is A -t b Tri city Ueiver- ity. for the fail bun.. English Spavin L•nimeot removes all hat 'oft or calloused Lumps and blemishes trop homes, blood spans, curbs, splints, ries '.one, sweeney, stili, 'plain, sore lied swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save 650 by nae of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemhi.h cure ever knows. told by F. Jordan and all druggists. 33 1y Rheumatism t tired to • Iley.-South Ameriown Rheumatic Care, tor Rheumatism aid Neuralgia, radically cured in 1 to 3 dye Ite actin on the system ie remarkable and mysterious. It removes at osoe the venae and the /'seam immediately disappear& The Scat does greatly benefit•. 75 cents. Sold by F. Jordan and Jl dr•igiete- 30-ly Relief in Six Hnwra.-Distreesiog nsy sod bladder dipeaaea relieved i0 six homn by the " New Grier Sorrel Anew - CAN KIDYEY CURE." Ties New remedy i.• great emropine and delight to physicists on reooaut ot ser exceeding promptest= in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the wherry passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and paints peniag it almost immedi - sMly. If you want quick relief and cure allele your remedy. Sold by F. Jordan and all drnegiets. 30-ly W isTie. cutOI 05 At•A.'f. Vest rdsy morning Italian skis. and the temperature of the tropics ; w hon- later a da•,.p, Ohill fog, end today . mold, :.leak sled, with indicatiene of sooty. 8131 :he cr..•ea Doane peering in ; more arnt a .ban aro d.t,•rting and it is not likely .he 01- miaih05 will fell below i0,000 exceeding r- - with every prospect u..mbsr. The etpwsetioL will be officially coned Oct. 31, but the gatesw� remain sot o►eeu dna some Wee longer. dw•olition wilt not begin immediately, and motto will still rennase to be sem. flit QUA\TRY 0r ONTARIO /SUIT. arr'e'ng wrsry day is almost overw:ed ling. ... t sodding oat "beer back of room p e conte • frees making a display which would (. , 1, -,,emigre all other exhibitors. Soper - ir•twolaat Pettit has found it impassible to ins• soexhibit:of /,strcta, anders ho ded, Lot toe fruit has been brought the ..nti.e of the jurors noder that classification, .,vi awards will he en grouted. Astooz CIO stable fatmes of the fruit exhibit s • e s nple of the Pnnosss Louise or Wolverton e pode, a seedling grown by Mr. 1.. Wolver- ton, off:rimsly, the energ�net'm •uperi-deed - eat of the l.nmobngical depertinent for the Dominion. La large sire, excellent onktr and .rine flavor have beenced c «Iy sal Doted to '117 .Ile jeerers, who prone 1 Fameuse, with better keeping qualities. It ,I.culd rime into.ge.eral favor ss a Christ. MN'dream apple. Another novelty was a ante' of sweet potatoes from Brantford. -he equal Ito etre and quality of any 'ran the Mouthern `Stater. What with knwu.•w end onnee•. figs and ewes. potatoes, all of which have *ppe wed in their sear= o•1 fir Slam, there is no telling whet O1tarto hews do ie the near luso a under the.t'e,ui- ons 0f World's Fur competition. t,jutte a large party of 'nte-ested spool tors wituems.d Tot DOSING 0w TIM arc r-HELL'L fouls~ but •flew de typhid Oen MORS CRAWL -Deily eiesrsions to the World's Fair from new antil Ort. 28Ib. The Greed hunk will raw sze.rsl0ns every day from Dederick. Timbals may 811.06, good for 13 days. Who foils M ase the World's (/umbo• Rep.siliw at Chimp will egret it a. 1001 as he nee& it ie ua- dreobtedl t �pw•a w bastfol display leer soma, besi'M which all previous world's lairs 'Mak into enter i.drnifiedame. It repressor se •t- ppeenndi1rtw of ewe bumdeed mdllio.. d Wilmot and will probably mit time .qsa isd for • g+�•tie eswas in wblet to sn tees the .pportsuily of • Wooer. A 'MN es iia Werid`m TaIr, seder., art, nes *dowry from all wets .l the world, a 't itself 0 fibsal •deeaWa, M -_,_ w6 man* say seerigee ef Mee ma .imp i see speak. Tea will be �*] le yea dee% Over two online p Hated the t lair bot wast Oet yaw Wseld's ' boa Wesel. Sty. sod Na Per- theistII. Aemelease, s rmk.s. tellagmein maNAM some.d sari= wa ma peen el 4y vrstld. era, was an e:reediogly interested visitor '0 the Ontario Milking 000rt, and etmeseed °I.' it. He manes the .•.ember iu • himself ae highly pleased to Superintendent eloq. Boyle, who showed him about. Mr. 1 di.00 Exeter : lh. H. Kimmins met with • painful *midget on Tuesday Oct. 10. H• had jest left the sewn., i.► Ming very dark, whim be res aliWuss • pat mid br-tiaad bu meas badly. Brussels : Mn. Wane and eon are still prieo..en in the bones through illnrs.. The former l o. beta oisfiued to h.d for she past 4 weeks end Willie for about 7 weeks. We hope they will soon be 000 • '• :•.000.. Otey : Doman Campbell has disposed of h. 50 sore (erns. West half let 7, coo. 16, to his neighbor, Wm. Tor., bull, who owes the bast fifty, for the ■sme of $,800. Possession will be given on A •rel 1st, 1894. Tnrobsny - Mies Hattie A. Reid, teach- er of the school 't. School minion No. Turnberry, hes been ro-esgage.t for another year. The trellises are hislily pleaded with the p_rovress the ecbool 1.d. merle dur- ing uo ing the year. Wing's= : S. O. Grier, • converted Jewish Rabbi, of New York city, delt.erod addresses on Tuesday sod Wednesday err , iaga of last week, in layer's Hall. lir. Crier le a miesiou•ry among the J ewe la Now Yotk city. Clisloa : Robt.. J. Dao c ere "Cherokee of 1. Paisley, gone strip' in the Weal, with the •otentiou of ..ertirg a taper; Mrs Duismore, who is vi•.t,e it Clinton, intends to leant for the West n..xt wok. Molesworth : H. R. Spence hes been en- gaged as teacher of the little echo of oa the boundary. The school will he much more ooaveottet to bee home .iia; Iter .resent eon. Miss Cogblin, the present lades', ki- tesda taking( the Nome' course. Ethel : last Saturday forenoon t✓evot- ers' 11.t court for f .ray was held at Ebel, .in lge Toms presided. The Reformers ad- ded 10 navies, streak '0 o;f end made 5 changes. The (onserv.titrs added 2. G. F. (;lair sod It. L. Taylor, barristers, 000ducted the MOM Exeter ' Mr. Cbarllou, the' directory lose. was arrested here on Saturday svgs, on a ch•rfe of ete•liog jewelry from • lady boarder to Clarke's hotel, ('redetoo, and taken before 010 of the magistrates of that village. The magistrate demister the evi. dance insufficient, he was acquitted. Mara : The voters' list court was held in the township Fall last Friday, Sept. 29, before Judge Toms. The result of the Court warn 17 names added and 10 struck of by the Rdormers. The Conservatives did not en C. F. Blur, berrlter, of ter sty •Poo•k d the legal pat t of the Brwm.b, took charge work. Chutes : Jos Whiiebeed entertain- 1 the tows hued team oyster supper oe nitre - day evs.ing, Oot. 12, at Lis re.idenoe, at whleh a nsbse of the boys g.w wogs, in- str•rnwtai solos, duets, etc. Mr. tVhite- Ma l bas haw extremely liberal, as be made them • tr.daome donation whew they were organize*. 9e•fcrth : M r. Lnau Thorne. of Ise Aegeks, Cal.. fermwrly of Seaforth, after h s reruin from a .'.it among friends in lhntano, wee given • ipvod reception at Los Angeles, on 29th Sept. Mr. Thorn• wad recently elected Soweto a Chief Ranger of the A.dent Order of Foresters of Amaria, Nod was that •oeorded the grand reception. It was the Wriest gathering of Foresters ever bald 'n Ise Angeles, mays tha Herald. and • happy tiro, was spent at the Hall, where Mr. Tbaas..id his wife were driven, followed by • Large premodern A Newsy (Mist 0 -)Lai nd Teeth the County Kill. a Weekly abge l es teener hews Merin/ • te fait Sven bear - P.M and resit tripped teed ( see r•.ed 1veww Leery 1enese. Summer Hill : Cbrie ikacroi bis lasted the farm of tv Matrawr fee 1L'•Ji. Belgrave : Job Roes mut hi.. bead bad- ly, 1a11106 oo • ehtegle edger wattle io motion. Mot roe : M. Black, the popular (teaohe of S. S. Na 3, has bees omegatted other year. Gray : Dotgald C. S. Simeon has sold his farm in Wawa nosh and will likely be- came a resident of (Grey •goo. fiesfortb : Dr. W. F. (iia -1 , of ::ode.-ich, attended *Le nesting of the Meiotic Vei rin Si y AmOmetioa in town 011 Wedoeeday last. Grey : The snares of S, S. No. 8, Gwq, have engaged the present *who, Joo. Stewart, for the owning year at ea ieoreame of clary. Strophes : Charles Trott ' y , clerk of Staph - en bel 825 stoles from w a clothes while el imy fa Clarki ■ hetet, CI odium, on Friday night, Out. 6th. Morris: Misr Ella, daughter of John Cto•ksy, who was injured en a runaway ec- enlent about taros weeks ago, it not yet aide to go shoat without crutches , Exeter : While unloading works at the station .'rt Thnrday, Will Snell had one d hie hands badly cr'nbed by u Ont Wling was especially taken with the exhibit of platinum, of which he ore a very large gqea.uty. He pred'cte a great fatoro for Omtano as a wetting country FROM FAR FORMOSI. echos .i•-•7 es -city 0,.4.'. Pio e d BMW 1. NMI Imre. P res :►s Woe's oak '3.. -.tot -Review. Miesb.at' 1dcKa• 'ro.m Formosa arrived in Woodstock law nigh'. flow Victors, 1:. C. P. was e,00atpamtwt by :,ea Chimes* wife Mad three rjihw' a 1. foes wee. suet eA Nes .'even by hue two booths s. Ale .solar and Janie., of Fast Zo. 'a. end 'rtes wives, by Re.. 1h. McKev, of Cbal Ae•i Chisels, Woodstock, tad !fits. McKay, •1.1 quite a large number of old [needs and .'.embers of the c11-"eL. After all bad a ch.•tgv.I ryasti-•,qe oo the plat►art they verenti' 00001ered their heads and offered -top tnenk.gieiog to the On,t Lhet had 60 toe'c'fu") wa.ched over them to agr'-1 '1 let t•Mfe_..r „°der woii (avorauN circa0.uLoces. The b,raod old hymn, "All rail the power or Jean's nam.," waa F.i ern. sea ly all prea.n'. h.. -td* joi. dog, when Dr. Sala. . ot Woodstock, offered up a •a -y •ppropriete tearer of thank':ilnees for :he prole tion Man =fa re- turn of t•ueir friend not , . worker mod hoe family. end i•mvokiug Wavinge to remit from the p-eee it visit. All then proceeded to the church, where toe travelk'% were most hospitably eotertaioed at the manse, and soon .lie. 'eft in three =wages for their brother's house in the country. Nearly twa..ty yeses ago Ur. McKay neer tied a wife in the laud of his adoption, a Chinese lady of cat. a rod piety, • ootivert to Cerisusoity. They have mow t4 ee chil- dren, wbo aeon ',any ' hem on t .o.r tr,p, and who will prnbb[v cousin ,u Canada to get the advantages of a training is Oder.° school& Mrs. 11oKey n • small. bright woman, of a real Chinese type, nearly al- rsond•oolored: with hist, b -e hair, dark, bright eyes and very Omuta' e, pression 01 ooanteoance Tlie cht!drea much remrble their mother in many :weer, 1 4, 5041 can at once be distinguished front their Canadian cousins of s seminar age. The two daughters Isabelle and Miry, are aged ab.mt 15 and 12 respective) sod the little tion, George William, about 8 or 9. l H courts, every- thing u strange to them here. Singular to say, sot orae of them speaks, or even well understands. the Ksgliah language. by Prof. Robertson oa Friday morning. Amneg them were H. Bines'', of Brock t • 11e, eresideot of the Ksters Ila: rymena Assooia- tiou,W. Agar, ex -president, I). Derbyshire, D. M. Macpherson, of Lancaster, Jae. Rayiid*, M.PP. of Glengarry, Andrew Patalla, of Woodstock. Col. Patten, d Broom, r.pr.asating the Quebec dairy inter- est end the dairy oommtmtonere of the oom- ps io States. A trier 33 ioohes long was bored into eie mammoth end the taste in - by the judges of the reguler exhibit, meets. A. F. Maniere, of It indoor, V. E. Per Les, d Now York,and A. H. Barber, mf Chicago. The same seal• was applied to the big Awes as to the smaller ones i• the dairy bares, sod it was rated at 96 poior out of • passible 100. Mr. Feriae said to me that he eonidered the whew • greet plcoe of work and a credit to the maker. The flavor, toxt.re, etc., were very remark- able for the length of time nude. He had sewer triad • large cheese that was se good, mad it was woodereul that it had retained its Bayne in the temperature to white it has base exposed. Mr. Y 1a said it was mal - 1 mar,enows how ow cheese Mad owe through the bolt wether with a trimp•rature d warty 100•. The weirs was excr•ed- {agly good, the Saar woes little sharp and biting, but weadsrfully fin, all things roe. side ed. He was plies/ *say en e Glow dies 'Sat he uta of the abeam Mr. le the remarks of the Barber other wa will is The bit eb.ssa, v mast pimple msuibor, wee made by J. A. Roddick at Parte, Ontario, ie Sepeember. 1A99, and it is no small father in his nap to have mmol mite things mid shoed it. while ae striver testimony meld he 104.0 to the heap's, quality of the Aerie prodoet of the ).+ding previao• of the Dr..luioa. The judging of as reveler edema eehihe" has base going on oo.timrr.aly this week, awl M .ot yet fodallied. it has yet tete Ilea to give any parNenkes, but i am able to say that the shame d '99 enrol very high, sod thee theme sf '93 will likely be .way h ebs- QOVE'U4MENT AND PROHIBITION- Teteeto Mai' : Ow.ri° a now reseivhg Wine aitteo ti00 ..ow' the Royal Come dein es prohibition. If the oommissieses are @.cries a..y valuable infor.ma l:e, tkny ace at the same time gsiherietr a lot i,anchero At Brockville, for i'rtasos, the reams officers were called open to give figurer that Goold molly be obsaioed from the public documents, At the same place t'i. opinion of distillery M to Vie les': ability of peohibit.ow was rargkt. N�� eg bt the w,adetis of th}"e se -Aliened tbattmmit may he the' for greeted owl ted .AL1 vie /inset f.yer its Mks for g obolitio., or they would not be .. it. Toe ��°] v Dor isomood argil. soon M bring it mlaueu.labeee. to a oen0letio0. Its ver- dict will not carr • greet deal of weight, ND. whatever 1t to :m *early ''mat it was feetbemmieg. AUCTION BALE& Its {parties ge:r'sig ewer es`• b• I. p•:• iml at 6 .. Mt M es t s .e it fees or seers ~ S� fa Fatnar, Oat. 90.-H .rust.; id f attpoesy lete. sea, bedroom ems, R moat and Utah.. faraftore, se roar a, Mies ms Parsons, Want-st., proyelstr • eotioaser. TernitetT, O0LStocket, the p m1g9. -k-y7 o/ t emailof t laaptemte David 'purr, Celblr.& Joh. Konz. •esliim.se. TOenomv AIM WSOge.oAT, 014 2tth sod ▪ i. Wash- basins Us thee-enthe Fair Mmads. Gloried. Jabs Haex. Aseeseear• gattww*T. Out. - -Howi.ld fweaiture M Il. rrddwa el W. iL Radab, Weevils/s- ot se 1 v.11. Judie Les, •-horse. SerousaT Oat. --Ifeelb half of lot 1, ons. 1 ft* uM. m Shy Mats form "She of- fered Ito ash .4 • bowls ae lash s hetet eremF p , p plalrsen t T. 1 LANES• Monier, Oet. 10. The very mach waded rola W tion at Inst. Hugh Vandckle lop • valuable mare by inflammation last Thursday. Mies Mary Farriah. of lang.ide, was trielt- ag friends in We eec',ion kat weal. Law sad vicieity wee well represented at Dungannon show oa Friday last. They report a good show. To.. Ford intend r.leieg a new barn this week in the stead of the one he had buret through the mummer Jobe .I arnisoan, of Ain Arbor, Mich., is the reset of his ..ck. J. Jemmies. He la- bseda s(,ayiag rowed hem soul Chrmtmea. Mies Flores. Trask, es' ('as= City, Mich., is visiting her Roel•, Bosh Vansickle, here. We hear she intends remaining in this part ler was time. Wm ware surprised to see Mr. Jumbo are up.*J. is the lest issue of T.s ilN7o*1. We thoa8d 'm t, perhaps, he Wad the .Noe fate am bi@ eeuse�ak. TM I: ober aloe. *rev etas Oet. 2. $veryeee f0 th'• setriio. knows Valentine Fisher, of (olliagwaai, and *earl everyone keen= thee, for ger ••a, he was 1els-m.d sad crippled by earl warred empeakelth oeffrrt.g. The aeeew•t of his °plylet reaterati00 to Matte by mesas of Dada's kidney s r.eently published 1m the t'.11imgwoai al4tia, were read sre with letereat, beaus d.v .pat'•y few M r. W deter, sad *mum" et the tar yellew care d a man whom norms esgidmed downed to arta* death, and at as early day. As • remit of the pubbioatioe el Mr. FWdtw's stets many is this wie l its haws ...d Dedd'.liid..y pills, and always'whk Wm tooremake People are •wsk.dag to the het that dies•./ kMtsya, i. sway osmemnm,� a �e try saws el wbnb w Nseeiid M /ropy, eeia4ba cod Mbar 'rinses. TRU MOM s&5$1, wba h yes rews..ibd to • medley of moods ler She past two menthe, an naw ie peones' saw, he ty mast part. of Mils el high sod low /rim. T1s O.t•rie ems agmat, aan- slMlag of assay 1900 Mdrdm 1. moves ease. *Mined to da4 le aorve of Beery Wade, asermary of tide Omaha emesmimimt, mad ~Miiw ears to torah the on d . a glebe lYe jades... lled mob mil bop* web t* nearly ball m "' mile abide, and M • McKillop We deeply regret being galled upon to (throniole the very swldw death of Mn John McIntosh, of use 8111 eseosselos of McKillop. (bee Friday Mrs. McIntosh wassogaged n her meal h•••••hold duties when .8. •ndJ•nl] complained of feeling faint sed i1L Her daaehter, whn was in We room at We Uwe marled her to the door with the hope that the fresh sir woad revive bar ani meet • younger shier •o the geld for ire Mcjntoefl. Sirs. Mo l.t.sb .11d so melee bet fainted •wwayd i. tow daugbtmr's air end *fare her humkasd washed her, the v!t&1 nark had God. Heart diaster was, .doebtedly• the mum of death. She w • reboot holies wow.. Iles had met dew *ohm as well as usual kr moms Moo, beta was always •lis te 8P armed mod "Ned bar ere smry deem sod 04& motion ems os' legated. Rho woo la Bealtelb Um day Were bit d&Mtb mod resmotly use s a Ash M Cowls 1a Seeley ..d Miter IMMMO ha des nodi. Her maiden mime was llsaanaa Mechem mad my wee aged 80 yew mod (.mnmlha Sim waw mseh ISE/ dma.,.'.$y wmM.t.t by all who know bee. e gsmmd. vy sloes wk calm eblegio M EL •