The Signal, 1893-9-28, Page 7IW SIGNAL : GIODERIOH. ONT.• THITRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1893. M9!!OENT DISPLAY OF NEW FALL GOODS. x +,X X X X $ADY MADE JACKETS, German Manufacture. The largest range ever alio* a in Uo derich. Sines 32, 34, 36 and 38 from $4.00 to 1$20.00 DOSS (}00DS AND BLACK HENRIETTAS. one of out special - Plaids anti Fahey We need hardly say that this department is ties, including the new Hopsack Cloth, Fling Twills in Ombra Effects. op ctLons we sell the " Adrienne " in t., Klowk, Colonial and Cream ('actor. Bleckaro! Colors nt $1,00. Every pair guaranteed and equal to (ilnte ill town. STAPLE DEPARTMEMT Always Complete. INSPECTION OF OUR NEW GOODS INVITED. JOHN T. ACHESON ALCOHOL a A PO18ON. It Masses the !!rises .lf I. linen sad c.a... rases megeae come Ili. Feta, the famous specialist es mental diseases of the University of Zu- rich, rent • most valuable paper to the world's temperance menages on "The Effect of Lk'Ltulic Ibab :testicle Upon the Human Brain and Ira !Relation to the Theories of Heredity and Evolution." **Alcohol," he said. "even when dilut- ed. as in wine, beer and cider, is a poi- son which changes pathologically the tissues of the body and leans to fatty de- generation. Some poisons are useful as medicines, such as oocrosive sublimate, quinine, etc. I am one who assigns but a very subordinate position toeltohol as a medicine. "The acute action of alcohol is that of a poison to the nervous system, especial- ly to the brain, with a paralyzing result For years I have administered alcohol as a etiumisnt in conditions of collapse and debility, bat 1 have never witnessed an objective success. Subjectively patients feel relieved, but subjective delusion is no cure. "Alcoholism and morphinlam continue to increase. It is therefore timely to make some contemplations about the re- lation of the alcohol question and of ab- stineuce to the future evolution of mean- kutd. We do not think alcohol or tar- cotics could ever cease to harm man be- cause: 1. The -general drinking and nar- totte customs incessantly augment rsue othe the doses which each man co average. 2. The 'craving' produced drives to such augmentation when se- vere laws do not conuteract. E- Alcohol poisons not ouly the in•lividu•1, but also kis sperm, the germ of hip descendants; -� .IMh.tll•ts are espe- cially disposed to mental degeneration and to drinking excesses. "Intoxication is alcoholic poisoning— that is, paralysis of the nerves in vary- ing degrees. Two results follow the daily moderate nae of alcohol- First, the becoming accustomed to the poison ef- feets, and, second, the craving for alcohol. "Alcoholism may be regarded as hav- ing two stages, the curable and incura- ble. chronic alcoholism usually lasts many years, silo) the only care (lifelong complete abstinence from all alcoholic liquors) la in an inconceivable Way mark- ed as very dangerous. Chronic alcohol- ism is nothing but an imperceptibly graduated disease of the mind or the bruin. Chronic poisoning by alcohol is transferred to the progeny of the drunk- ard. It frequently causes in these de- scendants an irresistible longing for alcohol, and the children of the drunkard perish in large percentage of debility of life, dwarfed growth, idiocy, mental diseawee, etc." NOW OPEN FOR I18PBCTIUI( AT MUNRO'S Navy, Black and Colored Storm 13;_ Es, Whip Cords and Two -Toned weed Effects. A full line of Olothl in All-WoolCashmeres, hme and, Bilk heeas, Whip Cords, ScUel arp Hen- riettas, Amason Serge and Bengalines, Together itbr�ans,and Prh inted Piques. n,Teasale Cloth, habin gXTRA CALVE IN White and Grey Cottons, Sheeting'', Pillow Cottons, kc. Napery Department well assorted. New ilaes are miming seas tett as reset s. 5 PER CUNT. DISCOUNT FOR CASHtaAele 1\47:7130,. Draper and Haberdasher. 2'164 married fma Oa a Wife. sea•. w.ee.. "led you ever hear el a sirs mosllog The value of roots as feed for stock 1• Wokel)amss g,mtagss '"II taia'h anima) perhaps no root for cattle feeding of • div d t .4 amok/g MMus 1 which b much produced kw own wife! asked a SL Lola med 2' $ mnlyereslly acknowledged, and there i. IN/mugH in value can be p but • omegas really going the marriage onemoay • seemed mama. with nee of the two entirely ignorant of the fact !leet • case of that ked last year sad mm t[tnkieg of anima the idea to some o melet to build • pot one. It see in • smell ONe tow n, and , the bride had baso deserted byher husband h d twenty yeabefore. She 6•long ago me .e 141 tb• conclusion tint be was dead, 1 and had been looked upon es ea eligible slow, who was fair and forty, it not fat, when a at matter came to town, got himself introduced to her, and finally ledhj to try the metrinsosial ex esus-. tame They were euutrW after • shad courtship. sad • few weeks after the honey- moon the hasb•ed gave away his story, sad told his wife that sed had married him twice without knowing it. His explanatioo was that oe leaving her twenty yeses before. M had gage es • matemsed spree and Y•d' finally got himmil sent to the penitentiary of a dist:.at stats for • long term. After being liberated he was ashamed to look up for the ruse • • , at of labor as the had Carter's time. He accordingly west abroad and is axe a Lane's Improiiofd, Golden Glob• was only os his return after • beg period that he heard (Accidentally that his wife was and Red Glebe incngelt, still bring at the old home. Rather than In the illnetr•tion is shown a new and run the risk of being *pureed for his heart- distinct variety, which, it Is Claimed. is a I� : g on tl ti ice decided improvement over theald Yellow h,. raaae. Intermediate, being larger, mare even rimer stUCOrL he. old Meads. sod took it for granted that mange!. Fami1. , varieties of this root he wile towns, all •bunt hien by that are 1 allow In to Mam- •I.riog plot of wining and rwmarreisg his own wife. I don't know what the old lady said whoa the was undeceived, but that is Gm of the detail the novelist I sell my .t My to oro supply for Himself." roelslsn atirrms Mee" Almost everyone bee a favorite pestis during deep, sad no end d theories sad be- liefs is indulged is is the subject et the I a..iraese cremes. proper mettles, as and el amFollowing are a few crosses which The dinars e/ that f ea "tial p ap ted Poultry Keeper says will be found d. r.reU'd sleeve d talo' Many pHTLibeiisr tress that yes ehoeld esltivate the t el L Arable, according to the purposes de - sleeping on the right oda, .specially if and siert has indulged is a full .seal late in the even- roe gond vigorous layers, possessing The enormous warts of fuel which might be saved IF PEOPLE WOULD THINK when they are buying Stoves to go to dealerstwho handle none but the best, and guarantee SAUNDERS & CO. Tim Crooked T».. "Molly: Holly! Come quick and see Mr. Dews straighten the old cherry tree," cried Tom through the window. They watched with a good deal of in- terest the efforts of two stout men as, with strong rapes, they strove to pall the crooked tree this way and that. ant it was of no use. triter 8 and " 'Ti. as crooked mgthe has been for 20 years. Yon are jnst 20 years too late, Mr. Bahl1*0 sweat .lull rope and from his face. -'Are yon sure yon have not began 20 years too late on tobacco and rum, Joe?" sekeo•dr. Daws• and it la "That is a true word, plaster, as hard to break off with them as to make this old tree straight. Bet 'signed the pledge last night, and with Clod's help 1 mean to keep it." •'With God's help you may hope to keep it, Joe." responded his master. "Our religion gives every man a chance to re- form. No one need despair so lung as we have such promises of grace to help." '"That is my comfort, sir," said the man humbly, "but I shall tell the boys to •ry and not get crooked at the bedin- uing."—Sanday School herald. in shape and of a yellow russet color. It grows more than half above ground, es shown in the cot, so making it easy -to lift and gather. It is • productive vara+ sty and an excellent keeper. Thanks are dtte to Hepsrs. Johnson & Stokes for the est here presented. fol/NOW ON MCRdT TNretk ter ■tm. Williamson I've quit my barber. Hee Jerson —Why W illiaineoe—His first baby is beginning to talk. Tbe$mht M falstselr, The Wile ---Yen are a poor ez:oss for • man. The Husband -1 must be, my dear, it I married you to get a better half - have had the best Stoves for years. SEE THE NEW STOVES FOR THIS SEASON. DOUBLE HEATERS FOR COAL: tree Geed AH lite. G ttvrt,ge me —I think your valuable medi- cine cannot he equalled because of the bene- fit 1 derived from it. After 'lettering from headache sod leas of appetite for nearly throe years 1 tried i1 -I1.11. with great succcas. It gave me relief s.t owe. ma I aow enjoy good health. Nita Marmite Sreot•t_ 2— Duegennoa, Oat. one Woletient ( 'rose 1: :menet — Doe or, what was the Ent knowledge you had the detee-dant was possessed of a suicidal mania' 1)2'. Kmdee- When he called and asked me to prescribe for him. Th .t is our Cron- K:•miner i to tudlre COM Tax SIGNAL will be sant to any address in Canada or the Uuitel States from now un- til Jammery 1, 18Dk, for 25o. Ing. The food makes its exit tees the average size with hardiness and bssuti- this st'tn.&cb es the right side, and itis for tml Plumage. crow a Brown Leghorn repos ra favorable fiat the position M were i cock with Partridge Cochin hens. and This i to indigeetiola m, faculties awe the nest season mate the pallets from Tbu isimportant u all d ted (wallies rad with a Belfast Red or Black ►cnMiowa should have • oortaie anesat .f such cress rest, and in se way is this as wily attain- able as during the hosts of deep. Other authorities saythat one should always lid nn the beak; t their ere esoe0sut rumens ehy the is not wise. The weight ef /k• stomach end its eosteeta reels eyes the spine. which often offsets W swum Brame severe earn of insomnia hale deli k'i the habit of Weeping ou bee ee was ins w to do, and is the meet eanfnrta*M paddled i1 dee Menem* with Ili. pillow. Oen yense man, who tad •zhawted all Me akilI sf the ddeeton, fell lab the habit et lying es Pis face, with kis right arm ander hie hoed. vhieh was tamed • ghlly to one side. RyI rata the prtlieb tit tls ernes the this a netenl rest rots carne to him, and sad h• soot* reoevared. Wh•urer 11(04.1 next season with • Plymouth Rock ooek. till• seecoe take, • lith• peas- For early natevitiy crocross•Whits Leg - tire will makethecae it eonthtrt•hle, rad the ex- I horn eock with light Brahma hens or a primmest is well worth trying. 1 Black Hamburg cock with !angel as •_ _ bene. mores Abend nr'•epsts.. For foams that gnfckly fatten cross Wrest b�U.a of th�elsstponwek and Uvsrr(e► any Iwo of the large weeds •sed owe Was is W ilawd. !lank i tajns eampl•i .* Oe mach cronies from other bergs wane d une sew salable by a 11 S., which sets oa the hi''sdi, •n the plot •Msaok. Iesell, hswsM ts.& Meal, ti+& teews Fix winter his eros a i)dteninlpw Ina etas egaboot the soon ersw Mtge cork with t.Ighi &ahem hens nix s Boer Breasted ited Game cock. For capons mate a colored Dorking cock with dark Ilrehm$ hens, and the product 1s the most compact, heavy and salable capon of tiny txom, being of ex- cellent labile quality, large size and gaily flitted. For market chicks erose • Plymouth Rock an Brahma or Cochin hens. and the next spasm mate the pullets from the ernes with a Wyandotte cock. For prodncing a very large fowl cross !louden cock on Light Brahma bens —CITY— THE SOUVENIR, THE ART COUNTESS THS OXFORD. COOKING RANGES FOR QUAL: THE KITCHEN WITCH, THZ HE HAPPPY�THOUGHT3 OF ��t T A full stock of Coal and Wood Cook- ing and Heating Stoves. COAL ANO W000 YAFD. HEIR IIAND-MADE RE -DIPPED TIIARE dread at.salks gives to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarter. for all grades of HARD, SOFT & BLACKSMITH COAL. Cual writhed on either market or m7 Soalea. Get m7 Priors before going elsewhere. 1F.*116 CASA. Telephone (..pees 55. Yat . rre..tas M aebelotr. We once beard a good missionary worker say, "We must look after the children even if we leave the old topers alone and permit them to die off." The snggettion startled as. We believe the drunkard should be thought of, weight for and if possible paved. Many drunk- ards are saved, the Rev. Dr. Rainsford to the contrary notwithstanding; but in Mb matter prevention is better far than cure. We need to multiply our agencies Her the salvation of the youth a our land. Then it to the multiplication of such agencies there be added a determi- nation on the part of large employers of labor to pit a premium on sobriety and to do awe' with the services of men ad- dicted to drinking habits great gain to the temperance amuse will result Some- thing can be done, and what can be done onght to be done, ewe though it is not the nattiest. goal d ode heart's dedre.— New Yo:- (,later:cr. with laree hen hens Nett eL / 4Iirrae%IOW° "liml� ty•nn e-yn s the ptpgdny with a Wyai- ta aur aaIJaess , dmat. nix Plymouth Ible. _ t *M $sMa dear sow was 1.111, liar VIM. _tumor• Issaswas ewes V erre s. Tr.:. te XM Trleettant. A case of fidelity to i:ric••ip:a ie re- ported from a lame city in Texas, where a prominent railroad Aker lost his posi- tion became of his efforts to close the tee !corm e- loorts on Snndwy. The liquor deniers %..y- cotted the railroad because they retained an officer who as a 'orients citizen en- deavored to enforce the lairs o,1 his lanil. Finally the railroad decided not to en- ders the boycott longer and heave tie officer in question the choice of tetirin1 from the Snnday ckxdng committee or resigning hie railr"ae position. He nobly thetas the latter, and now the (atriatian wept., of hip city Olen Antonio) have de - dared war against the sakes'. —Union Shur!. JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. is telling its own story in increased sales. WEST STREET_ J-_ A WADI E R, Carriage Mazzu,fe cturer, Having purchased the business of McCREATH it WALKER I have sow arraaged, not only to continua the Carriage ;Trude, but bay* decided to do all classes of work in 11011814-SHOBIAD 1111) UB11BB1L BLICKSIITHINB. 1!!1.11. NONE BUT THE BEST OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, JNO. A. IWtALSE 2396-1y. SUMMER COODS Patronise True .Competition. The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing a !specialty, and everything in the latest and beat Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times pnces at Tns. Caasotaw P•CITICjug-ewer OO.11 Ttt Ua►n Ilse been wrath! t0 dire the pubUe a gra-elms servlo• with fair sad per ,..vest e„e'rwtt lne. It k ms.e.vd un uoale t primcinles and la the hereon •f its patron. tt donne—se, ',avert 4t every partes who believes is ssr.petitias. ?K wadi ile.pideb ser tt.t. ro..ee..1 Hee., e m "ei.e with all 11... lend ee.b*0. 1. 1' tilled-a..l.m. Clea.•I& .m4 rump, Divas through wI.'. 'u 111 pont- Is M �e —se1AtISSh (''o' •ed i'wtbc Gest OilC. nA ttr-LIS•I I. tiff to fe..' )t.eessr. Oeeseetele Wines sudNy Lion Th. appetite for drink grows by what it tied* npor. and n :,.ad misery M the trait el overindulgence. t1.'u a artily 1 ale is in h tai sbatiness*. Those who bel that they can drink with abenluts misty sheen t abstain for the sake et their weak or br.tbrM- We gee m11 kelp - op one of our bsothera, and love far thaw ahoaMl lewd ea to set them a nares. seem - phi took roe ab. pledge be a.. * &oak ler who did pledge Ismer seeded ail—ArebbWnp Ireland. oLDOD'S The Toll10 Cash S1oft P. ODEA, Manager. LOO HERE I Now is the time to ley in your Winter's WHY Does GEO. BARRY, the Uodcrich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the beet stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies 1 And how is it that he can sell so cheap 1 BECAUSE AL He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto it : " Small Profits and Quick Re- turns." Ife also makes a specialty of picture framing. Give him a call before purchas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on handl. 2357-y GODERJOH Steam Boiler Works. t 69TA KLISHEI)' 51,5.5 A. S. CH RY STAL The awl *erasion f*s. real In Ilia nearest. ass. matte end rhrlser. M ts, neat seed, .f traM • • a a Soot •tach.=• • sad As I am arreeyinr for a eosple of Prpes of HARD WOOD LOOK OCT FOR PRICER /VAN Coal weighed at the market - EM REOYATOP ...._� W. zEEM erre *TENN ?lower. ♦meearR art; �„t1d01e for e Successor to Chrystal !Black.; Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright k Tubular �OII.J=Rs Salt Pans, Smoke Abel: to, Sheet Iron Works, etc., t-tc. Also derby Is Uprittt*t end Horizon's' Wide Valve liogisen Aot.tst,.t.e Cut -Off Macioce • All stare '.' pi • and ripe euro. o.s1 �t1 ova bard. Emanates fur 85l'ed on .sort nodus. P..rp,r'.n,r p.ccinptar .u•*.led to. tet -17 Y. O. Dela God•rteb, (lilt. Warks-flreos•te a. T. R. ftatI.m.Ool1Ncs. SpecificPATENTS__1CarUTS. Ti anE 51111 A111 �k�•toed. •sl as b• asgiR/Aar Oboe eines io et Oar M posit• Putman U• *so Oka Om and eines 1 Yal>rWe � �••t �� no time Impsre, weal e.•.I ,•..1,•.,•.Iblt.•: hi. -"1, dye �r�si• (AI.ri.4 .. « r•Ipit,t ,•t. 1 tl•• loci, lie e+ ...or. Mast • ,te•,ar.lgtq. $.as wf ew"ewtvv. 1*.. iter, .e.••et•• Vie" '. x,•11 et••teet, '.un -I'- . h.•la.-t .•,.' "nearly .ti asses.. IAL Vitus' •lee+, Ise, .le 11 /eg•, ut.rit t.. •n.1 mamma Jeldl.it'. LAURA SCUT, MEM, CAI AIN J. M. )IcLEOD, Pmedssete and 1MnNbem em► nog. moo 811,4111 ain lie ash A mree..Ma netnews sada tisaMd ung WI t,. V YOU BACK -ACHE GOODS KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU ! PAT yk l VN a sk, Ai Or- * teles Rhw•v. �fr�htttM.�teatk• 1 M mess ��oa re. feat b pier pre • er v grillage Ili • a!•wia ca.. waahandda. D. 0 1-41 ”/asks!/lt U. ecmualqera mdse the iii .J tie eytaea neva ar• in "D.I.,g 4. Ilidair M> w /e.p1 D1.ltf rr trembles emit6 •' par "trot In Dad Blood 't, • Ms• 1. LMw sti e.sts.daei (!oils ! . t.. a 4 **entered W t tt west Sett - eros • .11, lligit as well ibtaitts any M ban . Diabetes •sd healthy •itypeprt as pad dlaeemaa eases* Pl. Ulm .mist wk•re *11d.• • aro Sethre Kids*, /tills are wet' 164, HZ, el Salm wean tor swami atimiet