The Signal, 1893-9-28, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODERI , ONT., THURSDAY, -SEPTEMBER 28. 1813. THE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE (atim IMNo sass. HEAD OI11O1. TORONTO. soma, #1411 SP) «s NW U Daus . 1. d L WALKtR, cioSLRAL MAMAose. •`Nese ft i00,0�a QOOERICH BRANCH. A GOlctttt . LAISRt so OIIEMIEM TRAMa*aTEO. Fulmar Nona OsenotrtTio. o* yrs MILD PAYAOLII AT AL ,DINT$ w Canoga AMO me p visospAL area M TIO UNITED IIITATU (MOAT 81111TAN4 Fsuso., fa&RNNOA, as SAVMMIS MINK waRTddw. DIPpa1Ta OF IMOD AMO uPwANIs RscLIVEo, AMO 01JMI1LNT RATES OF INTEREMT Myovaci SIVE ADDED TO Tma PMINOSIAL AT TWO Else. 0, .AT ANO i legit IN NADH waft 'Spotlit ana.MIN Shoo is No OeIsstlow of - nd Fanssera' Safes Mme• R. 8. W I LLIAMS, Manager. 1893 - FALL -1893 MLLINERY OPENING 1 AYE KI8PECTFCLLY INVITE YOU TO OUR OPENING ON Saturday, Sept. 30. OUR DISPLAY OF Patters, IIts and Milliuey Novo1es WILL SURPASS ANYTHING EVER SHOWN IN GODERIGH. Children's Garments and Ladies' Whitewear a specialty. MRs_ R_ B_ SMITH, Ci-la.sgow House. i;U N.OP. Tomos*, Sept. 26• h Jane Lull, of Mimi at pt.esat vidt- lsg relative. at (ledwish pee our berg s ttessicnt visit, big Ihe gent of June. ?.lobo. A wagonette d aiming an camping on N>ehtin ak-at. this weak with a somber of hones t.. testi.. 7 hie time the stock on Mad is rather superior 14 that of previous -Opsv raottore.— li VW ua HeI$,ar.—Nr. sad Ira A. Joseph C. Macdonald left toe Detroit last week m a tent for Immo days w se.: their u.n enol donghter..:t4 itkety may go on the Worl..'e Fair s1 i oli ago. LEEBUHY. Trt:+niv, Sept. Mr. and Mrs. Percy !(•, wart were at Loudon Inst weak for several Jays*mini th! fur. The (Magni temrs peeoe `Se*Jay meeting ea* '.I I of by A. J. M lore, B A, tit I the collegiate insulate sten, t:oderieb, on 'uttday erati ng so 1 saw • good aue'Jasw.. 4 hu . •hout has • new teacher is plane of Mrs 'Vann, what has resigned. Mas Mac- Farlane Fvlan., of Chew., has asks* her plan. Tbts Illy, tar sone tics, was coaaac'ed with till Atli e Port Albwheel. Wo .s'..01 to her • hearty weisss. aatl wish her every taccw with N J. 5 ask. s. ,, W tie ret M t el -1w, Eirtee, .t nes of .fame. Hoehn. hlb nut week ter the Soo with his antis Arabia Strsuk+., who has been (Iowa ileitis* his psreuta hen and otber relatives &hoot l:.I.n: h. Il.rnry will 'v utelergt with the latter t an. of atm iy to been•.e a imeeha.'cal engineer in a fu. i4ry the former is e.,enect0J with. The ponos mea Barrie the end with him twishes of a a wide circle of friends m Mies hi. oorwdee of the L 11.1.. T ,-No. 13, who a Mk him every ilio q is the f.t.iw Mew t. tin • •• staingtt rifler*. "ilia 25 " Sunlight " Soup wrappers twnpper bearing the weed. WhyIsoma Roman Look Oid Sooner Thea a tae "1 1* Lever Bros , Ltd., 43 tisott-st. Tornio, awl you will receive by poet a pretty Pio- tare, free from advertises', sad well worth framing. This is an easy way to dere ate your home. The soap ie the hese le the mark..t and it win o.lv twat lo peel.. 4. is the wrappers. if yo. leave Me satin Non."n. Write roar nine carefully. 1F DUNGANNON. rings rereseeras rreoard Ape Readers .t go 1 ..al. Trmnoiy, SLR. 2,. M... Flair, sister of Mrs. Sloane, arrived m ll hen last week [ruelfast, Ireland. %Jany et ear ciureas took in the Leedom E%bibitiw, a.d report so e*oelleut Chow. i AsoMe+w. et Wingham, visited his secWelibOlea Marva, our portal* barber r eak�— SEE OUR WINDOWS THIS WEEK FOR THE 'ANSI STYLES IN DRESS GODS MANTLES, CAPES and NOVELTIES IN AUTUMN GOODS. Every Lady who looks through our Mantle Room is sur- prised and pleased for we can snit all. SEVERAL LINES OF JACKETS selling special as low as other stores can buy in small lo•.a. WE POSITIVELY ADVERTISE THE LARGEST STOCK EVER SHOWN IN OODERICH. YOU ARE INVITED TO SEE. W. AORESON & SON. THE TALI( OF THE TOWN The new supply of Gold, Gold filled and%Sifter Watches, and the lownt prices for which they can be purchased from C. A. HUMBER k SON. SEE THE COLUMBUS CLOCKS. A full line of Jewellery, Silverware and Optical Goods, &c., in stock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Drop in and see as. No trouble to show I;coda. C. A. HUMBER 8z 80 N, Sear C. A. Seines on the Square. Fall MIIIInery! I have returned from the city with THE LATEST ANO BEST STYLES Twits[, of *hose .::nam retsrame eat mule in our bast issue, d:td about 12 o'c:ork Friday night. Thos. lin ni.' Dame hone from Dakota Friday law; ay.,' we are pMssd to state that hie daughter, a hu has lase ill, is *lowly re. covet i nr. lit-atxres Our new merchant J. Halla, is `n tug elide Ove et a tisi4ertble ecergy anal pn.h Ile has just returned from the markets, soil N puttiag tell and winter goods sway glossa, for cosh. He betiees that is the best a).tein to adopt, and bay - rig done so has cut prices very low. Ao: •t:aa&:r.—On Friday morning of last week as Oen. Cranston, who was in charge .•t M". Miller's. of St. Helen,, p 4.1)1. w•a,•tgou was gain -4 along the road from Bel. fast to the direction of Si. Helens the hone by rune means became frightened ran off awl apart the wa.Kr.n, and contents. Thos •Jmierville, who happened to be oo the wanes at the tame was thrown off rad un- f.,rtnnately two of his r.bt were broken. i).. Eliot•, of Laekoow was sent for at ..les- We howl that by geoid treatment Mr. T. 5. will s o. lie all right. TeurM*. Whether on pleasure bent or business, should take co every trip s bottle of syrup of Figs, as it acts moot pleasantly and effec- tually on the kidneys. fiver and bowls. preve.ti.,l favors, healachee and other tome of Meknes*. For *ale to 75 cts bottles by all leading d rugsista Brussels : A etaanze of venae in the Nigntingale insurance suit has been obtain- ed and the case will now one* up fur hear. ing at St Dimon* no I h:tolier 16th iwtead of at (:eidetic+ mat week as was expected. Bo amnia : The town maned have award- ed Resold. of Brunets, the contract of re- pairing or r.tlmil.ting the An engine. The prior w 11 be PAO. In the meantime the teem baa •e and from Mr. Ronald • Moat - ▪ for the town's p-otecti on. Ptin Medais in Conlpelilioll with the World 1 in all branches of FALL MILLINERY, and solicit the patronage of the Ladies of Goderich and vicinity. avr.T.SS CAM�RON- ONE PRICE CASH STORE. x +X x X X BANK OF MONTREAL. $12,000,000. 6,000,000. has been ojened in con - CAPITAL, REST, A Saving Department vection with this branch. Interest allowed al cuvrenl rales. II. LOCKWOOD, itaudeer Golderich Branch. FALL MILLINERY 1\0•L=sZ. -=�z1=S 11as returned from the ('it.' with a large assortment of The Latest Styles in Hats, Bonnets, 7ancy Ribbons, Feathers. LATHES ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO COME AT ANY TIME AND SEE: NO OPENING THiS FALL IZrAPPRENTICE WANTED. MISSES 'TATE S. SEASONABLE COODSi FRESH AND RELIABLE. CANNED MEATS, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. f'" GENERAL GROCERIES we can snit you in quality and price, and invite a trial order from you. R. W. RUNCIMAN Sucoelaor to E. Campaigns. WORK; ---HARD, PRACTICAL AND ENTHUSIASTIC Has planed the Forest City Business College OP LONDON, In the proud position it occupies today. J. W. WESTERVELT. Princiial. casategae firer. I take pleasure in announcing to the public that my Stock is now complete, and as I sell for Cash I will give great bargains in Dry Goods. I claim that goods can be sold cheaper for Gash than they can on the Credit System. The other day a business man said that it took ten per cent. to col- lect his accounts, including bad debts. I invite you to come and see for you. -self. It a Bit! - LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP! Fact.% are so scarce in this world that it is possible to live a good many years without becoming acquainted with one. Here is one: All Mantle Goods bought of me will be cut free of charge. We've been busy as bees ever since we started business. The reason is obvious : We have male your needs our study, and are keeping up a feast of good styles and good values, and in buying your Boots and Shoes from us you get better value for your money than you can get elsewhere. You will be delighted with the good qualities of our goods. We have a choice se- lection of Ladies', Misses' and Chil•lren's Oxford Tie Shoes. Thousands to choose from All other linea complete, and guaranteed to fit, to wear well, and give entire satisfaction. Save money while you can by buying your Foots and MISS M. HEALEY has charge of the Dress Making Department. A few apprentices wanted to learn Dress Making. JAS. ROBINSON Collean.ca. 02=0 Price - Our prices aro the lowest. Shoes from T. FOWLER 8t 00. ,trrFint asses I est 43. Wilma% Dave 54.,. A "lady Cewb.y.- Ia Pratt county, Dakota, Uvea Gsrtrode Petals, wb ie known amour the resideete of that neighborhood as the •'l.ty cowboy." Her fatber oven a ruaeh and s large number d cats, sol meek eft the ears devolves apps his eighteen -year-old daughter. dre ed in the fa.7)Ioe provident mama eow-bey.. and wearing a wide -rimmed sent. beer* sad Iosg gauntlet glores, she rides all day *beat the rib, ..oeskd w the wildest Wombs. tskilsg Olin d the cattle as well es say mea meld even remains thea when they are aired .lama the Armen where they Entre. Her dates fr.ges.tly take bar Birt or forty arae. from hie, ma elle hes fill Margo el all the cattle ea bar father's ranch. —Harper's Bahr, A swapspers. eaeasilu 001.1.1 no w MD,25. — A bin sensation was created in tit viability .d rooks ego by the Colliegwood Ru bee- oo.nt of the etas of Valentina Fisher, who has bees sited of seiatiee of nearly thirteen ;ears' steadies. Dead's k pills. tveryone who talks Lith 11r. Fisher 1. speedily oo.via..d that kis was s marvel - lees sere. The general .eaet.aioe is, that there may be many mere like him, who an medalg remedies ter rheumatism. snhtlea, drop* er ether also..., Mt hf1 to dad re Md. betass they de am .sleek the mat of the dieemee, whisk is is many e( seeb'.s.la, the kld..a whit aeebb the 4- e/ 1Tiidlt k�y wMeanly . ant M Sow Y LSM.. 1 bean. Philadelphia (lira--Trose an awful times, Pala .loeks are terril.Iv uncertain. C flirt --Yes. ural'. so. My boy Iola Ioa cerlos( „i hogs last week from kegs Don Formet. That to remove earn, warts, Luanne in a few tl a)a, all that it required is to apply the old and well -tested corn cure —Putnaaa ■ Pehlke' Cern Rstesctor. Sun, safe, psla- lesw Palmas's t.or. Extractor makes se saw mete Mrd to heal. seta quickly sad pendently on bard or molt urea Gray 1 The tr.etsm of 9..4. No. (i hale Nowa good j.dgmeat is re..g.giug their pr.s..t capable t...her— • Hill - (or MI at as *MP 01viuper an- 'DIAMOND TEA MEDICINE. How it perform* its work. Horrible Itehing BllIna =need kg one.' eirtelowMaio (, for wmm.. WilmaIbq., P4tpetpl el eke OdIsalass sr. �c d at . T. A. *may, er =seatW ill Mr. rase. end Imam the RYtllely Lured in 60 d.yr. Mind Tea Oa. Lowden : ve twaWiy � y1e�rlie,t Mwl a urns.is madam mAN ilwwMart meadlyess cup,. ewaaa in alt otbsr wool red 1q the . yrs 1 the, w111, . leslee of slot, e p . teem entry stla Velma. nal ea• reign ta tiblr .oaerer law its anal e • hiatus oedlsta.. BrMsls : h pay R." *weed 4 lsnii M M es Marie to Rn - . Dina. area, bask !sdmmay Is the halt was rota- f tw laN N sit ""'""d" Mktg alto. M Ma WNMeett Fair. lases, ea bis pubs. canters tae OM * flit Monday. "O.Mstl.t" sur let. M Mee