HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-28, Page 41
u rD.s.asen
RT R. 1101111LIACIDOV.
Mos ot I'uWioatlos lid 10, Northatreet.
Uodertek. Oaiarto.
Terme of .Meertpttea i
Ogee month. in advance 8 t!
Three months, 10
SU •' 66
tae )-ear. " i 00
1f credit is sexed. the Pim per
will ger
1 30
Advertising Rarer
Legal and otter casual advertlnemeats. leo.
par hoe fur trot Inaertlun, and 3 conn per lino
tor each subsequent insertion. Measured b7
• 'tempered scale.
Business cards of *ix lines and under. $$ pr
Advertisements ot tat. retied. Strayed
attealisina Vacant. Situations Wanted and
litetnea. Chasers Wanted, not exceeding t
lines aonp%re.l,I per month.
Hoel on Sale and Terms es Sala not to
•xcetd 6 lin, ., $l for first mouth. 60e. per sub-
sequent month, lancer adrts. lu prvpoetlos.
Any rpeciat notice. the ott}ect of which is to
pfootote 11 a pecnniary benefit of lay Ia41-
vidual or company. to be co:nib: ued an ad-
vertioement and charred aceordinaly.
font notices in nonpareil type one rest per
word. no not es Ices than Loc.
Local unitive. In ordinary re•dfag *tee two
veno per word. No notice fur leas t� 30n
Notices for churches anJ other rclydious and
benevolent instil upon. halt rate,
C.mmeret•r Contract Advertlselmeata,
A limited number of II:spp�iey ed advertise
meets will be inserted at the poliowing rater
Per inch. one insertion gee t0
four insert Pious . _.. 1 00
" three maatha 1 (V
" ins months.. .. .... 600
ore year. 5 Ot
No advert._emeat lees than two laches in
length will be calculated on abuse basis. 6
per coot. dt.eu ant allowed for cash pro; mens.
ea three mom he'conlract ; 10 per cont. on six
=oaths, and 15 per rent. on a year's. These
conditions will he "trickly enfor.rd.
*bent "Toe eu.:aal" Me/Iresy.
Severn tier who fall to revenue THs. SIGNAL
regularly'. either by carrier or by mail. will
cower • tasty by aaqualutin.c us of the tact at
as early a date as possible.
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the old toad the new address ehorld be gives.
Refected manuarelpta cannot be returned.
Correspondence must be written on one aide
of paper only.
Pubilaaer'e Molter.
J. C. Le Toured. of Ooderk't, has been ap
pointed local Travelling AReut for the tows -
ship. of Ooderich, Colborne. Aahteld and Wa-
Local ptw/nowier, over the district are also
empowered to receive subscriptions' to TM,
161.:6 At.
A3 communications must be addressed to
Tina 8a.xa1,
Telephone Cell* Oodertch. Oat
RODERICK. 1111112KIDAT. SPT. ! 11111.
Teta DAYS or TUE slam APO YELLOW Liter
are apon us is dead earnest.
•tr at the Tory demonetrstios at Clinton on
Tuesday and the good times stayed in the
sir. far they rte, veru got down to tenth.
THE ICI clitAM AND '.TKtsvLLRTV d.Rsrs-
ere' harvest time is over, and the coal man
aid plumber are now getting their innioge,
with the chases. in their favor for a big
surplus; Le always omits to tell he audience
that he raked it out of their breeches pock-
et. 1f he drew attention to that fact there
would be less jubilation at the telling of the
at^rya ' --- -
suitable man for mayor, and it almost looks
as if E. F. CLARSE, M. P1'., would be the
choice of the man who sign. rc.lursitious to
bring out candidate*. The people's Nut to
mighty papular in the Q:.ca City.
IfrITE A Nrw.ER Or T0111101 *ENT TO
Clinton Tuesday last to the big Lib. -Ccs..
ga'hering, but • fax bigger crowd stayed
home. The enthusiasm for the THnMrw,N-
FonTtlt combination in this section is not
type high even in the °lois of oar esteemed
IT Loss. 55 Ir THE w'AY WAS oaten r.5VED
for the hero of Haldimand to enter the Cab
Inst. MONTAI:rE is • veritable windbag
and political charlatan, but be is above and
beyond several of the effigies wheat present
hold down chain at .o -called Cabinet meet
Toronto Junction hen lust been oo.vioted of
h :gamy because he got • Detroit divorce
from his first wife and married ileether ooe
shortly after. What's the thou. that Mn.
ADDIS ('m,smotw who is at present living
with the Finance Minister of Canada by the
moo of • Chicago divoroe and a marriage
of the sante week --Mould sot a.o be pro-
secuted for bigamy ! FoeTEa'n marriage
isn't any straighter titan P1.owMAs.s second
the fact that The Empire is always ovet°ed-
ing that the is • prosperous country to live
in at present, when it is • well known faet
eat The Empire itself has sever known
what the breath of prosperity was from the
dAy it started up to the precast time. Al-
ready over a quarter of • million- has been
sunk in the endeavor to keep the battered
derelict afloat, ted it still betrays • Ieskag.
ot from $15,000 to 620,000 a year. Prayer.
ity, morysh.
THE Yairinierry von A rotten NAOI/TRATI
was exhibited in t;odrioh rwewtly Ass •
resident who had had he prosaism horsier
grad meld vet get a magistrate to ewe •
warrant for the apprehension 04 the peens
charged with the Mince. Mayer Brrt.ER,
it i. stated, refused to take action heeaare
the offender had been eras " hent i
through • wirdnw, end chimed that eines
• crime toetmittad throsgh glass was sat
scalar deas.ssfrotiw. That most be the
✓ isen why Bl-Tua's negietrW desidesi
...ally limp -he pets of hi. gleasosye leek
fee kis a.therttisa
001q 'IU ey.,Aeut T.AT wall.*, AT
almost every meeting when Mr. Lama
has appeared ease h.mrMss of W. W.
BornAsaN. et Mantillas, has hens pet op
is auk what le the stead el the enmities
MAR es p..WN.n, M se mafhg by
the 1'.ry tsed.n lee a ttia ti0.. now hoes
pound. Thi fast woad almost lead es
to behove that W. W. 1lot-m&si., d Hoe
ilte., was sot wiling to hare the same test
applied to tAs leaden of both parties, or it
mai he that he cannot get • Tory preiubi-
Insi.t with serve won* to ask his Indere
• oneness along nos tins d prohibition.
Tuesday kit, and was viewed by °sly 1,300
or 1,800 spectators. The "Tips" don't
take kindly to the doe berg from the Atlan-
tic coast anal his makeshift oolleyues, who
/sago all the way from Fasu.os1 FosTLR
to HIRAM WAL►LR's hired mac.
As se Os LE THE w Alen, IN ill ST HI 1'tit•
bureau clime in which F.nglan,l is situated,
they have had snow, while we in (.sada
are in the eoJoyment ot beautiful September
weather. Princess May must have had •
premonition of what was uoeuog when she
asked to have an old tashiuoe.l Canadian
sleigh presented to her as • wesdinx gift•
%VetN Thou r.0 N'S roLITIL U. 1. r CtKT
was at Berlin the other day, Hca. 1•l ()zoom
E. F...TER sneeringly said. alluding to Mr.
Lu RICK, that what this country wanted
to its Ministers was not moo of pleasing
manner but men of strong minds. We
might tuform Mr. Forret' that up to date
Sir. LSIKtnt Ino never experienced "•
moment ot weakness... nor has he been so
weak minded u to take up with anotbrr
man's wife, as Fo'sTliK ka. dose.
MR Gilt 171 (115T•%C•rTZgtt'•RARI.
The young military man who now raps
the News Record, of Clinton- - the leading
'fury newspaper of Huron never heard of
an "emasculated sentence." He is e, idrot-
ly possessed of an "etttaacalateal education,'
nod • term at night school daring the com-
ing winter mouths would do hint no 10-
His lordship, Mr. Justice MArM smog,
when addressing the grand jurors on the
.tuition of the codification of criminal law,
said in reference to an effort made in Eag-
l•nd some years ago on the subject, " But
bills of this or almost a.y other nature are
liable to he emasculated while posing
through the House."
It will now be in order for the blackguard
who writes editorially for the News -Record
to endeavor to wrest the nseaniog of the
judger address to the grand jury so as to
snit the depraved tastes of his readers,aftr
the faahion that he has adopted with refer-
ence to what Ts a S N s1. said about the
News -Record's roguish attempt recently to
emasculate the public utterauee of Mr.
L-trKtea. Thee isn't mach satisfaction m
discussing public Initiations with • liar, a
knave and a bkckgu•rf, and the editorial
writer in the News -Record - who, yobs•
way, is not the nominal editor -is all
Hamilton Times : The Spectator says
"Laurier tights shy of the big towns." The
Tory organs say 10,000 people turned out
to hear Laurier at Leamington. They also
say that 5,000 to 7,000 heard Sir John
Thompson in Montreal. (*moldering the
relative population of the towns Laurier
seems to being fairly well. Il not, what is
to be said of Sir John,
Toronto Mel: SirJohn Thompson would
no doubt grace the English bench. But the
Imperial 4:overomoens is no more likely to
call • Canadian to a judgeship, than we are
ti summon an Australian to interpret our
laws. Nevertheless, the nominatiot,wher •
ever it nes originated, is a tribute to talent
Sir John \laodonatd, was called W the
Judicial Committee of the Privy council, by
those who could not appoint him, every
three or four years, anal everybody regarded
the idea when broached as kindly although
not vole: iaL
Sarnia Observer: Tory organs no doubt
imagine it is exceseisely smart and to the
point to call on Mr. lwsrirr to "speak out"
on the Nlan Robs schools •luetioo. Sir John
7'botnpeon, as leader of the Government,
has in he hands the decision as to what
action the ik,niinion will take in regord to
the \lanitobe School Act. He reuses to
"speak out" on the subject -ao do he col-
leagues, and the Tory trg•os connoted than
for their reticence. Why do they condemn
in Mr. Laurier what they applaud in tlir
John Thompsea!
Str•ford Beacon : What sheer rot is all
this riling against lir. Laurier by the Tory
o rgans, because be haa stated that he has
sot been a prohlbltiosi.t. Not • member
of the Tory goverment is • prohibitionist
or temperance man, cave sae except Mo-
ment-of-We•kpeen Foster, and tempsrenos
men took he measure long ago. Mr.
Laurier hes said that this Darty is pledged,
on its accession to power, to take • plebis-
cite on the quactiou of prohibition, and if
the result should be favorable to such a
.neseure, the kw will be enacted and en-
forced. W hat more can probibitionets ask.
Halifax Critic : Revenue tariffs are
necessary, but protective tariffs are fast
becoming obeoleto, and mase too soon. If
all the countries of the worldabould ser
round themselves with protective tariff
walk, the absurdityof ttheorywould be-
come apparent ie t the good nose of
nations has discovered this without such •
nsiversel applie•tlon, and to -day the move.
met is all towards the unshackling of trade
and commerce
WIMNI°trts, Snot. ills.
Jae. Swan and family returned horns IW
Setersl of our citieene went to the Con-
servative demonetrstion 1') 1. Chats bet
1.e of those blimfnl ceremonies which do
not exon .very day took place at the resi-
dence of Mr. D. Meletooh, of the village
ea Rapt 20th, wive Mr. .1oh. (:. Kaiser
was waited in the hely hoods M satrim.sy
t o Mb L4zs. Payee, an.. of Mr. Melanie
Mr. Geer Sirnpnee earl Mise Emus Nevis
aged as gseeeen.sstt n anal bridesmaid. After
• wry Okersl4re.ustatiem of gifts the
gese mat down to • well filled tab. The
vents maple bot h. the 5 06 train far
Lendea. amide • .hewer .f ries, for their
51.11 7 trip, wile& they reversed kat
y. We heartily eared ear wad
1.1* • Ift1, hew wedded lifw
Tet fKratrAI, wii ha mart be Ay About
wawa r the HAW bons Inas slaw es.
ellen 1, 1M4, 4., as.
Grtal SIIYcrwarc Sic 1
Denies Baeaer It doe. sass 4
whim yea think of it, that • gest like Wi-
lma Ly.a McKean" ADA' go to km Brae'•,
unwept, aa►.sor.d mad mines. after all
that he did for Candies freedom), while
yang Weds hk. (Carley Tupper aa•
knighted by the geese.
Whgt•m Times : Hen J. C. Patterson,
Minister .f Marisa aged Detemes, has "hied"
freely d b. '.iwt to West Hung
What with fu to ytrlwbarel societies,
heeds, chary &a , his puree must hon
bion oonsd rsbly depicted when be lade
h is ant from the Reing. Perhops he is •
believer in the old saying. Cost Iver
bread upon the waters," to. Time will tell
whether he will reap where he has sown.
S.afurth Expositor : We raw In a Con-
servative paper the other day that Huron
was to b. "bosored" by the poesaoe of Sir
John Them , Hoo. Georg E. Fosse,
Hoa. 3. C. Patterns nod otben. The idea
is ridiculous. It is not only ridiculous; itis
harmful and bas no place ethics of soak •
country as Canada. Ls • man honored when
hu hired man vows to him to report pro-
gress in &nut her field` The farmers of Cana-
da hare hind these men to &trend to the
business of the euantry. W. are honored
by the presence only of moo who have lived
such pure or noble or strong lives that our
lives teem poor and mean as we contemplate
them. %Vbat have theee men done that we
should bow before them!
Stratford Roscoe : When the Dominion
t:overno not-wantr.l some locomotives it
placed the order in the United Sous. The
excuse given was that the work could not
be satisfactorily done :n Cased&. The Kings-
ton News, • good 1'onservative paper, doss
not agree with the Government ; it de-
ckles the locomotives could have been
turned out on time by Kingston builders,
and now that the date is past at which the
locomotives were to have been delivased it
mks the (Government to transfer the coif
tract to Kingston. The Dominion C:oyern-
meat is very patriotic is the matter of
talk, but when it toms to specific seta --
well, that is • horse .l another color.
Tr0DAT, Sept Sb.
Mise Hailie Little is visiting relatioea in
this vicisity.
SI. H. Hsrrieooep.nt Sunday a 1th friends
1n this vicinity.
Miss Hanna' Leggier went to 11itchell on
Monday to visit friends.
Charles Campbell, who has not been
well for some time, is vteiting friends in
Several frost here attended the exhibition
in London last week. They said they had
an elegant time.
quits a number spent Tuesday and
Wednesday ia,Y'lintos hearing the l'owerva-
tire orators mad tattoo m the Cenral
Mr. and Mrs. J. Agnew and Mn. J. Bose
returned home the week after having spent
• few days at the eahibition and visiting
fnends and relatives.
Thursday is the opening day of the Belgrare
fair under the auspices of hast Wawasosb
Agricultural Society. The exhibitive will
be necesserlly • grand sumer.
The harvest home concert, which was to
have been head is Knox church, Belgrave,
of Monday night was postpone.t o.. amount
of the inability of some of the speakers to be
Prof. Scott, of Wrotham, held a concert
is Belvr•ve on Wednesday of the week.
He secured the beat talent possible and it is
needless to say that everybody was well
Rev. ,las. Anderson, R.A., of l.odsrlch,
and formerly of Calvin and Whitechurch,
is to preach in them churches next Sunday.
He will be heartily welcomed by he inner•
out. friends 1n this vicinity.
The following is takes from the Rrock-
•il. Times and speaks highly for one who
is well known round here, he haviog taught
in S.S.No.8 for thre yeah: Newboro.-The
same teacher. have Item re-eaga/ed for the
respective departments in the public school.
E. Richmond, principal, deserves congratu-
lations in having six obtain third clans cer-
tificates mit of • ekes of thirteen. This is •
better percentage than most of the
collegiate iustitutes and high schools make.
School has re -opened with • still larger elms
of candidates for oertilleries. As a te'.cher
Mr. Richmond Ma proved himself to be
fully capable of imparting knowledge sys-
tematically to the heat school N.wboro tee
ever seen.
All parties gettlse their sale bills printed at
this place will have a Mae notice printed
is this list no t0 the time of sale_
SATE SPAT, Sept. 30 -- iley goods .fn, -k,
at the auction rooms on West -•t, at 8o'clok
r. e. The. (:andry, auctioneer.
Saturday. Sept, 30. --On the premises of
John Herr, Heron Road, Guderich. Farm
Stock, & a T. Ottedry, • ctiooser.
Thnrtday. Oct 3 --On the premises of
Chas. Knight, lot 6, con 2, Ashfield. Farm
stock and implements. T. (sundry, sac -
SarrenaY, (let. 7. --Valuable town pro-
perty is (ioderieh, at the auction rooms,
Hamilton-st, at 2 o'clock r s. 'dee posters.
Jots Knox, auctioneer.
laminar, (lot 9. ---Valuable farm stook,
including registered short horns, the pro-
pertyof N. W. Nott, lot 1, von. 4, E. D. Mi-
ner lion ohttrehs, at 1 o'clock r. r.
John Knox, auctioneer.
(a11 and w Kdd's 11.60 shingles before
Wins/ham • Mita Louise Spender has
gone to Whitby, having been engaged as
teacher of the I'cmmercial Coarse and other
brssohes of the Flies' College io that
The Wear
of Health
1e In Pure Rich
Blood; to enrich
the blood is like
putting money ono at interest,
N iare lhoingion Cod Limp Oil
aced NyMtost
poisons Mosel enriching properties in
a re serhak a degree. Aro en..41 roe
thew 1 Take feitlls Ewillst. AimouI
as Palatable as MOk. bows rod
get Me gatelike.
Feigned ser Wan. lease, IlAtelle.
Kant pie.e ei goods be warranted to be el
the hese saeben, mod fully 0111C -
yea on it ham ear nes-
A Y.
Pickle Weer. ✓11.96 11.34
Celery Dirt
Speen Holder ... 224
Biscuit Jan 2.78
Breakfast Crumb 1.47
Diener Rain,* 2.99
Insert Knives 2.79
Ihaaer Forks 1.99
l►essert Forks 1.79
Tea Spoon.. . , .. 84 116
('entre Crab 2.45 2.73
Buttes (hole 1.19 2.46
Cake Beakdb 3.50
Berry Bowl
3 50
Card Reoeiv.re.... .... , . 1.47 1.96
Napkin Rings 21
Sugar Bowl 176
Water Pitcher
tall Ileus 14
wino tethered the esteem el all who knew
Nm nerd hoe .does dense 1.. Are ds�y
leirmer ad
.Zari e has `nese it i.rila. us now atpaper-
ly�t . Berth, say low and Koos oto
lir. Livingstone M seam, ler the Week of
his creditors.
13cahrth : D. D. W aier s has es .akiM-
tioe at the Wanes Farr, Leeks. this
week, iia d too Gaon Shorthorn eagle os
the greands. lie has also • herd in very
lea Asps. ars.i.Nag d six head of CrMk-
shask grain.
&north: R. J. Densmore, who hes boss
speeches his holidays ie town. left as Theo
day last. Mr. Dunmore lull for the Chore -
2 37 k« strip, bot will probably hoist up tease -
4.03 where ta Caldron, when he hopes to
4. b6 locate perts..e.tly.
&wb1M : At the Windsor races best
week, Florence a., Meson. C.lemas
broths& pacing mare, won the upon non,
her hong heat beim/ 2:1& Thum were 7
heap, bat Florence is • neer. She was
drives y R Roan
Exeter: Sunday awning Jou Hawk.
1.96 show, veiled Was White, of Radger-
3.16 sidle who la very ilL While dessesdisg a
.�tp� �oe lost no el hi. Sema way obeyed and
fS 211 Wing broke ase a hie tep is two plane
betwese the keened amino Hensew danlg
■ coaly.
Rlnovale : The July molten cheese front
this factory wen .aid to The.. R•llanyee
sad was shipped het Saturday. Thre
woo bol box.. a.d the prion i. 9 5,16cests.
Despite the failure d ;mature, owing to the
drought, the factory Is making 18 Arse •
um ttL:is+e1e T• CANT a T•R.
A1cLGta'i'3 B1oct on in Spate,
Riouse.: A Vrge uunrber of wells in
It, ussels have been dry owiug to the want
of rain.
Bayfield : Mier Maggie Portertield was
re tamed for another year at a small ad-
vance in her eatery.
Exeter David Turnbull, who met with
• bad tall off a stepladder in he orchard, is
eery slowly reooveriog.
G eierich township : The trustees et
11.5 tieid Iwo school has engaged Mem K.
1'h,ampoo fur the oomIug year.
�leKilbp : Charles Dodds, of McKillop,
teas gone tea Dehota to visit his four moss,
who are located in the Devil's Lake district
E. Wawauosfl: Rubs Harrison was ac -
Mentally stabbed in the arm with • pitch
fork the other day, at Mr. Black's thresh
Blyth On Thureday night, Sept. 7
some evil disposed person or persons at-
tempted to get into the randenw of P.
Kelly, on Mill street.
Wingbam Mr. Hembiy, o Brusse.,hes
rented the 44'Leghorn oatmeal mill, and is
uow at work. lie will brine his family over
w soon as a dwelling boom is available.
Hobnsvil.: The M.14.., Man., Herald
this "gives away" • well knows Hereunto
-W. Elford, from Holmand's, near (Min-
ton. O.t, has been on a visit to Miss Ram -
hall, on 8.6 Street.
I.usdey ; Ua Sunday morning last t:eon,*
Steaey, of this plume, was seized with •
stroked paralysis, which use totally disabled
the .ft arm and leg. At present he lies fly
• very critical wanclition.
Sealortb: Tho veteran bunter, James A.
Anriernoe, went out on • hunting .x Moo
Tuesday last, and suco.eded to ng
•weirs partridges, tee wild turkey,
foxes, and soariog two bears.
Hills Green: W. McAllister, the perk
king of Huron county, was last weeku
Toronto, when he purchased several prise
winners at the Industrial, to old to he al
ready large and excellent stock.
Clinton: The wife of S. W. Perry Prin-
cipal of Kincardine High School) formerly
of ('lintoo, slipped on • pebble the other
day and gave ber ankle r had a wrecls
that she has scarcely been able to walk
Blusvle Early Monday morning An-
drew, youngest son of J. Patterson, died of
typhoid fever. Andy was • Tonna moa
day yet
Wingham : H. W. C. Meyer, of Wing -
barn, was presented with as address and •
gal l chain and locket as • alight token of
the esteem in which he is held by the peo-
ple of WYiarbeat, ou Wednesday eventing of
last week, prior to taking leave for t'alg•rry,
N. 44. 1'., his future home.
Stanley Oke day lent week Mrs. Horn-
er, of the Stehle lice, underwent • critical,
yet sec -crustal, turgie•1 operation for the re-
moval of • assort ; the esodical men in
charge of the vase were Iles. Shepherd and
Gunn. We understand that the patient is
now programing favorably.
lavers :
Report says that a property own-
er in Morris, who resides octane lit the
limits, snoods more thous one S.aday in
burning stump., cutting weeds, &a. Some-
body should present him with • Dopy od 151-
81511. aid also an extract from the k'• ata
of the Domisios of Caned,.
I:rey ; The Campbell farm on the 18th
('os. of thin township has been parebsee4 by
Duncan McKenzie, who lives tarot the
read. The farm costaias 12 acre, has
fairly good buildings and is ss ozonised
place. it was purchased for $4,500. lir.
yicKenrie hes got • cheap farm.
llarporitey : Mr& 1'. Eden... old and
much respected resident of Hsrp.rh.y,pasu-
e 1 away ea Tuesday, last week, after a long
illness, full of yens and 1• ariag fragrant
memories behind. She leaves her aged
partner in life and three daughters, two of
whom ars same 1 and the thirds still at
home. The remains were interred la H•r-
purltey cemetery coo Wednesday.
Turabrry : James F.Iliott,d Tarobrry,
was in his oorn field, recently, getting the
crop with • .machine he has ler that pen-
non. He 12 year old daughter, is attempt
ism to get ea the mashing. for a tide teas
caught by cue of the knives ea the leg sod
an ugly geek wee Inflicted A 'hyaena
had to pat is bra or seven stitches to duan
the wooed.
44 ingham : Thea Mc"ullough, who is
weU known hen, his now .he linea eyuip-
ped and furnished dental roots in Detroit.
Mich , and enjoys • gnat practice. He
hal pawned an article for the paisleys ex•
traction of teeth. from which he desires •
goodly income. Mfrs. Met;ullotsgh is a.o
going to b. • dent et, and g•es to Pkilad.l-
pbla the fait to complete her studies,
Exeter . A bran of D.-..1 W. Itrow.t.g,
of Exeter,aged shout 15 yeses had •
n arrow escape from death daring Thursday
night, last walk. Marilee the afterswos hi
bad been watching frons the upper window
that boys did not steal apples, and it is sop-
posed that he mutt have be.•a dreaming of
this, that be left his bed and went to the
No other brand of
Tobacco has ever en.
joyed such an immense
sale and popularity in
Use same period as this
brand of Cut Plug and
Plus Tobacco.
Oldest Ciat 7'obaeco m.rns/,6t•
h m its Ci uada
Cat Peg, 10r. jib Nag, 1Qk.
i lh Peg. Zoe.
same wisdom, sad long his balance, hs
sat. Ho snack as the latch of kis keret
sed shoeshine mad received very seven le
MOKttbp ; Tho &Mount of taxes hyisd
is McKillop this year is $10.713.01, is let
low.: County purposes, iaeloding went
pal ..tool groat, $.019.81: township im-
poses, $$2.729 87 ; segtessr i e x pees& 17;
statute .hr, 176 50. W the .lit u it
Canada ('ompssy'e kinds. For schooSs, i•-
eseding general rate, 13.909 83 to reed
Besides tae the .shook receive from mere
aped interest 1825 09. sed Government se/
mssieipal grants 8684, making the total he
school porpoise 2,417.92.
New Brunswick cedar shingles at blot's,
Perrin, Freres &
Cie., Grenoble, France,
are the most reputable
Kid Glove makers in
world. We sell their
celebrated "Bourbon"
Glove (every pair war-
ranted) for $1. There
isn't a tetter glove
made. We've good
Kid (,loves from 69c.
October Fashion
Sheets are here.
We've added Man-
tles to our stock. They
are direct importations
from Germany, where
Mantle making is a
s ciente.
No old stock - the
styles are the newest
and nattiest.
No fancy prices -
they're all }marked at
Cash Store 'sures.
Mantle Cloths direct
from the manufactur-
Men's and Boys'.
This is another new
line. Selected from the
best things of the most
reliable manufacturers,
bought on the "spot''
cash basis, every gar-
a'•menl marked at " hard
pan cash price. Isn't
/kis enough to i»tt.'rest
you p Keep it in llliNI
when you're in need of
a Coat. We've ve special
value in Men's Pants,
Hats and Cafts, Shirts
and Underwear.