The Signal, 1893-9-28, Page 1Tea MIN id fr011110011111 Arrf THESIGNAL THE REST. mos soil" 1 • Stn. GI Aerostat. ionat. THD OFFICIAL NDW131"APE3R OF 331:71:101ST OOVNTY. MOM M* TINS MATS YOUR LABEL THIS WEEK. Sea THAT roes Nap a MARRim ep to ADAMs. VOL. XIV. 24:32 GUODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY SEPT. 28, 1893. D. McGILLICUDDY, PROP'R MEM r -A, 5th. Ila u lir s •�ss•n. :tit. MoN.r.7, _T■f. i1atlM Bler•eltn. it ken. aged 55 t mare, 5 MMM. and 50 wee surer of oar towase ms. A drew'. ege1011t rt la atricck Ross, lah� et Jaime sad ]Tarr Monte and. Meath. and m dye gr(t'Irl: 1e Oodiertok. se eat.rday. tet. 2. ION L+Icel.s Solver. *lest sou el Nett Brno. mal h Sloven 11 mooch{ 5sd es Wa ARMSTRONG- Is et. t en the Utb Ot. r yars.rel Mosso 5t las late Mimeo A_-. m years 5 MO. L PICA- At "W villa, toe. rue=us Inge..s reitiggeO.�fo rnentph (choreaareit l. •ear. rwrlarww. HARBOR NOTES. tags sea King and Kroh a are beteg opsi♦te 1. ((team barge Jehn E. Hall, of Detroit, left m Friday. ea. L'n,t,nl Empire oalted here yesterday awning and took co freight and passse- -115• Sir Csml.ria called harem Suedey tsieer j.g and took oa some freight and preen • r 1'r..teainr. of Bay City, ma in here 00-..uday mottling. Mho was looking for taw ..es. str. Cambrsa c.dle t bee yesterday mono - etc on ors°neon her way- up. Sho Wk on freight and piss•w's. The die l;e has hese ash(. to work ... h during the past week owing to the reesh w...allot. Moovoh all .d her • on Saturday swain; and took oa freight and psuengers .e Ler w..y up. A lar.;e raft was drives ashore at Seed BNeb ls,r week. It is said that it coat•iss 1,8.000 feet of timber. echr. Tolman, Copt. Lawns, arrived es Medley morning from Toledo with 290 tam el soft coal for Wee. les. The City of Windsor called hire op ter way down the lske. Tb. Windsor will se run soy more this year. .t -hr. Carter, Capt McKinnon, after Wr- ist her sails fixed. left ea Friday for Thee aloe to load lumber for N. Dymest of this Mscr FFulang still centimes light off this port sad is the weetdar is too rough for the hale se tags 10 oro nut very often the number .f fish (*ought in it not very large. Th..ephie discharged her cargo of 18;000 Whet. of wheat frost Poet Arthur at the Bic Kill. She is ba a new ham pot s her micea magi and dee has sells repair- ed. The loom -legs of tame raft drifted n bore Ise week. A few days before a tag w is looking for them. 11 to reported that a blrgr number d by are ashore sear Bay- feld The tug Mcerse, of Wallacebnrg, Wiring is tow a disabled schooner, arrived on Fri- day ar.•i left the same arming for Detroit, take: the dredge ('..n'1 Meade and two n et wows down with her. "chr. Ko'fagn, Capt J. McDonald, srriv. ed yesterday. She lett Johnson Harbor ea Frt..'.y morning loaded with atom for the Port Albert sow piers. When the eke= tame ole she took shelter smog *ha Wasik. sal as no t1Mid cesld b, seat from there asd as it was ,fprtd in the Gbh that t he was lest thin was much sxrlety felt here as Aha =here. A telegram was race vel ea y mer.ing stating that she had emits& them sillily on Te ssdsy Albert Saturday aft i ediarileg bar badhit far ,his Maio THE TALK OF THE TOW& Short Stories from the Reports hr's Note -Book. THE LOCAL DOINGS OF THE WEEK. Mao urate to 54577 t From 1J, Sly s .evess-ttveryrht.g M 41rser that Gees Tlressb OM N 11 -If l'ea've • tole In a Ter Curs. 1 rode ye tee N t • Chtel's Assns ye Tame' %elms, sad faith Me•11 DUNLOP Timm; b/f.1S- llus E.i. Mackay, of O44, vidted !mads Yes Wt week. Mrs Sell. Mackinnon. of Pontiac. Mich - is the guost of her sia:r Mrs. Robert - sot. The Laird of Lowdown* Farm west ib. said. World'. Fair at the Forest Cit . for several days last week. besides • day or two in Leaden friends there. He had • ple•sint sojourn daring his reit. Stow day. Thrdtty. gave aha whorl • {hent It. Mitt TAILORING. --Sp ism cud Summer sloths 1■ great variety .ext to Wewlers toot aad siege stere. se the Sews Yee lea have s bde 010 . v and may aeused Gyle send tat tit vary moderate srlo•s. B. Msd)wrm•c. Lir. Tb. Big Northwestern it over. but ft. H. Bal - lows eau still be foetid at Ills studio. corner of Ifowe. t1.1. sod Square, eters he nen out a .mels oe tb• ooaatesuc* of avow w..o to desire,. He sure sad cell epos him Deal wait ter the blest November wards to whistle through year w1.Mkers beiges yea sell en F. J. Pridbgm to hove your Sall iveram& amide. He hae sow co hand seem Wes tines to esMksss ever brought to seWe rich. Tho mold weedier weal catch les If you W year atom (feat 8.s. sen it Co. the Wawa. wove mora Ten hove the best a.d eresthw heating stens 1• the agate'. Some as a wads are anivag daily. we mewed some beautiful library 5sd hall lauipsawfoter cheap. .ed some caw style. of oil cloths for -stove& They skewed as anew of the Dean.s white ✓ y were. ( AA owe we � sed as durable as M ILLI''iinneed Orin ilio. - Ilse .vent of the season will be Mn R. B. Smith's mill eery opew' g m September 30th 1893 lnapsctioe invited. Kron Cwcec. SAUATtt &1400L. --Mon- day evening, the 9tb,()otvber, u thedate that Theorem McGillicuddy, of Toronto, will lec- tors on the " Small Boy " for the benefit of the whoa A Canal,' tL Onuses. -The new criminal oode is calculated to deter them wbo have hitherto been too reedy to appropriate the fruit in other people's garden for their own use. Those who have been in the habit of doing so mast beware for the Armco 1. punishable by a term of one mouth sod three years for the mooed Akar*. Karr Inees ;Auww. -Mr. Sim Fax one of the mow pleasing of public entertainers, has been secured by the North-st Methodist choir for the .venlig of Thursday Oct. 12145. Mr. Fax draws crowded homes wherever ha Rase and on this first appearance in Godetieb will no do.bt be greeted by a large asdieace. Other good talent has also bees soured which promises ow of the moat enjoyable ermines of the.ssou. The premeds go to the organ funds. BANDCoutcot. --T a indepeode•t Band will give 5s open air concert on the Square Saturday evening next, weather permitting. and the following progrsm will be present- ed: 1. March. "Night Owls," Van Horn. 2. Welts, "Gesperme," ...Genes. 3. Medley, "Sweet Roses,".... Ven Hors. 4. Marek, "Jupiter," holiday which Meadorn sal washer enjoys& The re of. holiday is visor is Tha.k.(h0Isg day, with a hop that the new Oestr s - I;emersl will same M hr Friday .et There day. In that they twee'{ have Meier Se kers, sad if so the tearher.will.M.r labia as they will he able M has two ww�� days taro Ow forahal{ end • big day's s m `today for M.. '. ■ e ddsg work. The gni■ rows hero by some of ear farmers for I1B3 wee threshed eat by 1.e - rows' thresher lad wash. eNs taring oat well hub. iaf, not so well is On sere. Thriftier' w et"a}d 13 VV. So alt aka Mod .mit Wte a pap at the fair and a. U the b...ap tp. Pass. that west in saw the fair but oat the !ales rise up that day, aft em who weft i• ked a superb oilskin moat della hem bk 1a411y M some light ti gswd gods who were at tits fen. hfds ss.Ibusub t was hte.sd by the JMa nisi as Ihe sleek the a the 51 boystMg over i ler tstlf. For ready ten o.eihs memere• wearer �W bows se the theatrstm{y director. .Like[ •N Nadel llsrlesd, et 1.h1 McPsp'wmet 5 well ifs 41 iitt seam after M W. J. Odhas, a vetoes et 10 years experh.e., hem agar iltteriw, hese eeu.ty. 71e latter nod. weft ! 'tad whoa be seem Mie to Dee - Ikon he is telt &heat M. edema of Ikon threshing hit em te•elie enhjeet hassles., ofd t- and their I th on the dew■ ate ■ri «rta. r grads THE COURT OF ASSIZE. =MIt, Bed J. W. Seibold, 3rd Bobo1 They are seisble and i.d■s{rio.s bat ■a-) The erase via 1-dtt Witte tN set•s a f r$■leA. They often are ea pod terms MO7gDAY, 5. with the ktt•.t on of gait g themselves • I (:ami armed 5t 3.16 r. r , kis Sept.oto 2bip, The Attrwotton. Draw w Large Asa when have are er •beteir look post. 1 Js May.. wwidatf. TM t•lbw- Crowd Thursday ties sed Mve improa d their kala sad �MN{li' buWiele. This day, however, mewwoes msay of thea Matters go hem bid to wore•. Here is the WAWA' pietism of his fedora owdition : "The yews ata rises in the morning. leaves a.- assde the had that bas penises net bu•m made for six weeks ; be thea feeds his horses a.d in the .uswept sad dusty bow prepares a hasty and ill 000ked breakfast which is mese from off unwashed diaha The bread is generally sour, or hard or the butter salty sad rancid, the worthless, the vest bars d on one ride and nen m the other. The breakfast table is left covered with dirty dishes az 1 dope, where a million flies gather to feed in Mn - disturbed r aoe(ulsatte. The unratrs•bed bachelor goes to the field lowly, miserable and dyspeptic." It then goes os to be for the patient :-"What the baii6. ro- uters, u-uters is los home is a broad shouldered, &tiering wife that will keep the Wass in order M well as the husbud who owes it, and will see that clothing and blank.ta .re made clean sad kept so; who will serve a good, well -cooked dinner, with fresh roost bread of hr own bekmg and delicious butter of her ow a churning; who will Moe Chet groceries ars good, and that proper value bas been received for money expended; who will waah and mend her busb•ad's THE BIC NORTHWESTERN 5. Walt{, "Troop," Robeson. 6. Maruti. ''Inter -Oases.". ..Seethes& 7. Shotttache, •'71. Rees,' Thomas. & Polka, "Belles of the Riak," . Aa4wooJ. A rioerwerrt. Ar Hoes. -The Epworth League of CbrMtain Endeavor, hold an at home is the basement of aha North -.t Methodist church Feid•y evening but, whish was largely atteodd A large num- ber of Collegiate Institute students and sandelites were preemie A novel feature was introduced for the 000.5100 cousiuUng of a program of topics on current questions of the day, sad the lecture room was array- ed for pr.wsadisg end those present chose their pertain s la carte de dame. The absence of wytkiaagg of $ religiose eaten in the subjects ebbed for diaoa- sios en the program was very .o"-141. OMrrrAtr. --8t. Mary's Argue : leis Kisa.or M. Armstrong. asesed youngest daughter of the late Johnston Armstrong, diad at the readouts of her mother in this town es Thursday arming. She had been a poor health for several yeas but bad re- $weled en Monday fresa months visit to her brother. C. G. Aramikem , at G.dereb . ser.(.gly mash improved by .Map of air and soft Har death {hmeiue. after a short Ultra., was altagstior anexpeet- •d her relatives. The desemsed was of s mad softie dimpseltins and bar early tlsfth is deeply galled by nifty iss frR sysoor wow miaow ft Tote Wost.n'. trash 8pa.ia 1ldes-. -ones ala bard set w calloused Lampe rad bMarMm. stem Sig were m tae oaass Jost: Peter Deans, Mtem■., Joseph Mgr, David Farrieb, Samuel Howard, Janes Hackney, David Lassos, Robert bluer, John M•lstosh. Heigh Robb, Robs. Thomp- mcx. Peter Cameron, Andrew Hicks, James Haney, Wm. Eichler, Joseph MaUough, Frank McDonagh, Thos. Nicholson, Wtn. Tbow.p.u., Wm. Wellwood. Hia lordship a addressing the grand juror., complimented there on the fact that the chamber for the oosduut of court wan very mach improved, sod more cleanly than when he last saw it. He then explained Sentara changes that had take° place in the recant codification of the criminal law of the lend. The ooditic►tion, said his lordship, was following Brown preoedent. He then west on to .how the varices effort& that had been put forward since 1861 to bring about the present code, .bowing the different stags. through which it had passed. But, .aid ea lordship, bills of this or almost lir other nature are liable to be emasculated while pawing through the House, and it was ooly reoestly that the British code rnnbodyiag the written and unwritten law, bad become an ocatmpli.hed fact. McDougall v. Allan -Action for assault amend d to parson. Mr. Garrow, roue. clothing rad remove the shingle nails that oil for plat , retoved to postpew the trial m - hove been used as substitutes for buttes.; who will look after the hen's nest• and see that the dairy is kept in order, and whowill place the Bible a the table when the day's work 1. dons." PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. H. 1. Strang has returned from Toronto. Mims Hattie !Omagh is visiting in De- troit Mise Jennie 11 ikon lett last week for Tomato. Sobool Inspector Robb, of Clinton, was in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Horton visited friends at Chows last week. J. A. Reid left ole Wednesday. per str. United Empire. for Breedon, Man. Miss Kate Mcleod, who had been visit- ing friend& in Ripley, returned home o■ Monday.' G. Crewman, H. Black and Win. Stod- dart spent s very pleasant day in Clinton 0o Tuesday. Mrs. W. H. Fuller, of Detroit, is yisitisg at the residence of postmaster Campbell, Quebec street. hirse Mood spay* MOM glial{, rias to .reat,�est�ies, mmd pagt silksclew sae MS OW* WIP wY • el nos haMk l/agaaM& Ms sleet weadoebr !d Mama* erre 'ALM ewer haws *labia Rheassttem (naw er a Dy. --•diene '�lemesllti. r.&wlfMermaids Ctt%� be 1010604166 lesimsa saws ve the optima is vee.eb&hls sad "" 01. amm5i Jwea a cam go ems tide Mise Lou Gibson of Goderich spent the pas few days visiting irisod. in town.- -Enter Times. J. Robt. Le Teazel returned to Ana Arbor medical college this ssorn:ng, to resume his studies. W. H. McKay of Walkerton, is visiting relatives in town the guest of his Uncle Jas Buchanan .r. Jas Buobauen or, left on the Empire Wet'- nesday morning for a short Weiner trip to Smolt St. Mane. D. McLeod, who bus been very ill for the past week, is, we are pleased to Were, on the road to recovery. Mae Mary Wilson, of W invham .pent three days of this weak in Goderich, the gesolCof Mims Elk Deas•. Alex. (`rola, who bad been oosma.di.g a tug in Collingwood during the Sumter, returned home on Tuesday. Wm. P.•more, Fred Biesett, and Mrs. Rothwell and her too Harry lett to visit the World'. Fair last week. A. W. Senior, efArth.r, formerly mana- ger of Mayor Beeler's billiard room. Kings- toust, wM it tow2 daring the week. S. Linfield returned from Toronto and Guelph where he has bees visiting relatives and seeing the exhibition at the former place. Alex. McCallum, of Tiverton, was me of the visitors to the Northwestern Fair last weak. Seedy has many warm friends in this softies. Mr, slid Mn. A. H. Clinton sad cellars en1.�!d • pleasant nett of several days last weak by Milting Matins at Braosdld and Stretford. Peter Deana, jr., of Winches, and Will Damns, of Turabsrry, have hem viisag their sister, Mrs. Jno. W. Vomiter, dar- ing the week. 7A1111-CwSAr W,.Kt.r R+Tta Pia O. T. R. to CR1rA000. -The Greed Tusk. with that torsed •esrtry, are dverti.iag obeap weekly rhea a the World. Fair en Friday sad Saturday fait sad sane e■ee•.dus` Friday .d Bat rdsy ..til Oct 71 sod W.. They ase Iiwag relent tickets .t .leak fare, $11.06 from Oedsrhb, good M Merle es era rive hick at d.tSstisu et 'w 14ferw the nonmed Wed.ody after departure. l. twdiiigg .xatrskti.m have filly las days .t the Eih1Wtiee The (kusd Trek rasa ea.Msa parties to have • eheie, of read ria Pt. Reno tasol er Detroit, choir ix dyfad�totto (linin et c are gond wtrM rseeruuMusd sapeMpbk Se sae aIf yea wOM ae forraiS . style ens tea {read break. ▪ �ittg aa drwag rens cars r�tmBlj era .re the frost a the Awat esas. +Ilka.ti. Yen have ..sasel Pal- ma fir Name. Psithe, When sed (.11 p.{Wkrs eaa be primened (ram H. Arm- sOpais Boom tre.y, 0. T. R MiGededie.ra lithe& sg wtit sorrowpemiewepromptlyGrand �a{radii to. Orem ao Wass 1 -If .1 the the PUS Mead 5_Mtd says is lets. what Beal - tabs shady waste h se lime greMw .t healthy. hearty yeast caw".a as rise far body baabd.r iArawn le that Pe riw The B.N*d W a hely 'rotaries pieties a the tens w w. elb- 5.Nay A miled the whir, bet My as Mr. Darts and mother, who have bees visiting Masa Malawi. Smith etr et. for 5 few days, reter.ed he tisk home in Chat- ham ea Me edsy. til the next assizes on the (meads of the absents of material witnesses. Mr. Cam- pion contra. His Lordship postponed the trial until the neat Mstzes, oasts to be costs in the cause to the successful party. Jackson v. Beady -Action for breach of warranty of a horse. Mr. Ducey, counsel for plff. moved to poetises* the trial oa the ground that the commission issued herein 6•d not been returned from Chicago Mr. rd Houston contra. His Lordship oered the tried to he postponed till next assizes for this county, oasts to be costa in the cause to the successful party. This application wan made today bat the order of postponement 25th teat. Irvin v. Broadfoot -Actio. for .eduction. Mr. ()arrow, counsel for the defendant, moved to postpone the trial on the greuod of the Memos of materiel witnesses His Lordship ordered the trial to be powpooed till next mein for this county, ousts to be mows in the muss to the metro dal party. Senior v. MoGillisddy-Thu is en action for libel, Aland to be oo.Miaed i. • oommenicatios published in Teta SIawwt lest Feb., which Off. claims did resit S- ).ry to his buaitess--the keeping ed a bil- liard hall in Goderich. Mr. Gawt, AI' moved to poetpose the trial on the geed of the absence of material wits Campion, contra His lordship gglsed the trial pnstpowd till next waive Ise eamtty. costa to be ousts in the chase to the .55osse- ful party. Tome iv, Sept 26. ( Dart ore ed at 9:30 A.a., psrsuent to adjournment. Attrill v. Attrill-Action for acooact and sdeinistratios. Judgment in •000rd•nce with consent minutes pat to and attached to the reoor4. (:arrow • Proudfoot for plff; Holt for deft Foss v. Wilco. -Tats wasen action for seduction. The jury returned s verdict for the plaintiff and 1500 damages. Garrow d Proudfoot for plff; Holt for dad:. Wilts v. Doig -This was an action for btesob of promise of marriage. Darrow t Proudfoot for plff; Holt t Holmes for deft. At 2 o'clock 1•. a. his lordship di•ohargsd the jury until 9.30 tomorrow, when the cam was settled in favor of plff, by comsat of counsel, for $200 damages and coats of Mut'. Anderson v. Wilma --An action tor mali- cious presecatios and tresp mi arising, oat of the arrest of plff at the i.sta.oe o1 deft. oe the 15th of May, 1891. Holt for p4R. , G•rrow t Pro.dfoot for deft. Verdict for plff. for $100. Mr. Gur,w opposed Higb rt costa- Mr. Holt .akd for full oasts His Lordship reserved the goodies. W .1.• rglDAY, 27. Corposstioo A Brussels v. et &L- Aotim far fared s.rs of 5 (far- row t Proudest for p18 , Hill fir ilimaIiI; Taylor he How Judgment ordered te ha mitered a srseiass with eameM Wafts" pat a aad tilted by mead sad samba the miserd. seMeephaw. et. al v. MI y -An •etioa for the prise of a threader saftsa.. Cam- argue d; Hm , for plff. ; Toiled It Paley for deft1'he woad fury brought L the renewing r..estrrie sat. LOCAL BREVITIES. Thursday. November 23rd, has been sp- noistd general 1ha■kagiviag day for Hew Do si■ios. Colligate Institute anneal games will be held en Frtd•y, Oct. 6, 1893, on the Agr. Park. Farther partialities est week. itob ea buss and hors and all animals cured is 30 skew by Woolfod's tis■it.ry (.ogles. This sever Gilt. Sold by F. Jor- dan ad .0 druggists. 30.11 The sweat ea Tumidity evening a boss seat et Kaes Aiwa, .star the as.piaes el the MaGUUvoy .isles bed was a Iasi mssaes, tae sem .f 919. brag realised. The Young P.gie s seeker el Chriatisa lsdmver of litaiit .haft will held . deep hew w the evokes of Friday, OW 6. All () &of w 8osissy areserdilly Sailed The New iss.rsslemwM Omerpows win give * tri Grund Brum -g Monday. (kt. 116.°C ••mpsy losea••. sad le rearview she rii west rate from the Comedies pros Further Metras will he gives emit walk. THE BIG BALLOON ASCENSION Queries Weather Wavered rte lterehwers ehlo Weer --There was'. Iar■e etae.dasee ea Thsradsy-The Attrertsenv were •realty Ap irar tired- The tallow. Ar refugia s5 hrd:ty was ■ aaiellfa.-The Freels and .Irvrrer. 1■ need relit.. The Great Northwestern Fair hell last week, was • success so far as weather was eoocerned..nd *legate receipts wereoorres• poodingly increased. Owing to pressure upon our columns we are unable to publish a descriptive article on the fair which had been written up and which will be published next week. Following is the prize list of the outside department. The ladies' department we were unable to obtain in time for publication this week. Redd; steer ogle Woo. ,Well, Zed J. W. Salkeld; beet female of •n7 y;., Bobs. Medd; best herd ooaeuting of foes females and a steer, Robt. Medd. and John An- drews. FAT CA/lilt-Fat ox or steer. 1st and lied Andrews Bros., 3rd X. Bitchier; (et cow or heifer. Hugh (devise 2nd X. Lechler 3rd Hugh Girvia; HORSES. THouoo-.:H.aID-'kwllion, 4 years old and upward, T. Gundry ; brood mare, with foal by side, Joseph Whitely. Goderich, 2nd, H. Brown ; 2 year old filly, H. Brown ; annexe any ape, diploma, T. Gundry ; female, any age, diploma, Jos. W httely. ROADuTM-Stallion, 2 years, A. W. Col- borne, 2nd, Saint Burke ; yearling, J. J. Welsh, 2nd, Andrews Bros.; stallion, any age, A. W. Colhorxe ; filly or gelding, 3 veers old, 154 bands and under, S. A. Mc- Lean, W. C. Potter, R. MoLssr : filly or welding, 2 years old, John Porter, 2nd, Geo. Green ; filly or Reids' 4 yearling, J. R. Whitely ; brood mare, 151 beads high, with foal by side. Stewart Macdougall, 2sd,Job. Cox, 3rdC. W. Milieus ; foal of 1893, Stewart )Macdougall, and, John Cox ; pair matched horses, mares or giddi■p, in har- ness, 15f hada high and ander, J. B. Whitely, 2nd, Jas. Clarke, 3rd, Samuel Burke ; single bores, mare or geld.og, shown in harnees.15.1 bands high and under, J. L Doherty, 2nd, Stewart Macdougall, 3rd,J. C. Martin; female, any ere, diploma, Stewart Madougell. $$•metas -Mare or gelding, T. Gunisy, lea, John T. Aitken, 3rd, Geo. Church t Mo saddle, under 14 hands high, ridden under 14 years, R. McLean, 2nd Jos. Wilson, 3rd John lid ;rattan ; beet boy rider, R. McLean, 2nd Jos. Wilcox, 3rd John McGrattan ; lady driver, Mrs. H. Howell, 2nd Mrs. Porter. CA*RIAO.-Stalliox 4 years old and up- wards, 16 hands or ever, J. B. Whitely; stallion, 2 year. old, ('harks Mor- rie ; stallion any age, J. R. Whitely ; 6Uy, ordingg 3 years old, o. 15 heads high, J. A. Mallotiwh ; filly or 6•Jdis', 2 years old, Geo. Falconer. 2xd, A. Drysdale, 3rd, Andrews Bros.; yearling filly or gelding, A. Drysdale, 2.d, J. W. Salkeld ; foal of 1893, Stewart Macdougall, 2°d, John Sterty, Brown Marquis recommended ; single ar- riege bonne, mare or gelding, over 15ii hands high, ChM. Mason, 2.d, J. I. 1)oherty,3rd, J. C. Joheetos : female, any age, J. i.. Doherty. The jurors for oar Lady the Quem bog te peeeen$ 715{ we have ex Siad the *lead fouled it a• very skim and orderunndi{io•- The mm.{en spew to be well skid with the trest.tsut that they are resins* at aha bands of the jail officials sumber of enquiring jail fossil that peesea, all sales. Two are aesfs. Neither of {hem of • dissents beth have baso exwaise.l aid ass oft are new swaltes to the asylum Oae for threat" awaits( aysst(p►tm by the Otaasty J.dei One ler wilt .lid ohm Is brag dram and dkssdarly. Roth aro taw soder Menorah '115 rz...tb {we .....ittd Far Az menthe Sana. h blind aid 60 years of age. The other is 60 yeas el age and fe taeetelly, physishally and Wally suit te earn • beteg. 1. redre's to the aaf rtaaftus who ars indeed a rill threes* imbecility. poverty and old age. We ee Mild r that it in the ditty of the Cosnty usuail to dmise a .seam of rapport whore they win rseive better mare and have more liberty {hew it is co Ode Mr those is resales a{ the barb of rid sifts Km Smaller that N M their duty M •t moss sr m seen as passibk is wrest a Hew of Refuge whore the sds.1_1 of ear "rag will rafts mem We wssld ales Via ealady d- eers a'r Ne eft efteneaftel or the , hove bele pi{w/ Is asks a thin Overt Il•w We "ember the hefting sgpiiiiiism quite a wneea Atl e/ wYi w+Pa{peMNlly wdusk �*m!► ` t.lsl1A1 tLmO. The geese v. MO ambled -Tie VIA ....1550 meas{ with tree err "spies• Minima Ica preityy mai kawkp.1101188. Sad S 8a B"a"h--preee.bei W- ary ted Waage .U.ssas. relkved oh bean by the " New act Ilse.. Atm. day Siam flea' TYa $so row* k. weft •af• ani i. M pbpidaa. w _.Saar ed eta eiseedied lisegetessa *Mae ipain la the bilfter `� ofd every pit el go orlirry preasei S mal. sr /pemlo t• velem Meals. sd wear ad Or S prolog hams* k.medt- ••(y. H Fee wall idtrammody. NN awl sew by F. issierk "d r./ lir. SHEEP. Lacewings- Ram, two shears and over, James Snell, 2xd, John Kerr ; .hsarling ram, lames Snell ; ram lamb, lot and god, Jas. Snell ; pair et ewes, two shears and over, James Snell ; pair of sheerling ewes, John Barr, 2nd, James Snell ; pair of ewe lambs, 1st and 2od, James Snell ; ram, say age. James Snell ; ewe of any age, John Barr ; there was only one pen shown and no award VIM owls. SHORT-WIN/LSO. 804:T14li.'wN Shearling ram, Glen Woe; rem lama, let and 2ad, (:len Bros.; pair of ewes, 2 shears and over, 1st and tad, Glen Bros.; pair of sbearling ewes, Glen Bros.; pair of ewe lambs, Glen Bros ; ram of sy age, Glen Bros.; ewe of any age, (:len Brea.; there was only one pen shown and no award wan made. ASV Bassi', SAWED, Noir Ov Lars -Ram, two shears and over, estate of J. J. Fisher : ram, any .ge, estate of J. J. Fisher. u iw,',taiu Dowel -Rant, two shears and over, Glen Bros.. 2nd, G. W. Sturdy ; sbearling ram, G. O. Sturdy ; ran. Iamb, let and 2ed Wm. Snell ; pair of ewes, two shears and over, John Sandell ; p5ir of shinning ewes, 6. U. Sturdy, 2nd John S 'Meld ; pair of Animals, Wm. Snell, 2nd 6. W. Stately ; rani, any age, Gies Bros ; ewe, any age, G. O. Sturdy. PIGS. Turnover, B suoiniis-Boar two years and over, William McAllister; boar over one you and under two, Wm. McAllister; boar littered in 1893, Wm. McAllister, 2nd John Salkeld; boar of any age Wm. McAl- lister; sow two years asd over, Wm. McAl- lister. `lad John 8wlkeld; sow over one year ander two, Wm. McAllister; sow Uttered in 1893, Wm. McAllister, 2nd John Salkeld; sow of any sr, Wt; MoAUieter. Scrvous-Sear, over ane year and ander two, Jos. Wilson; sow of any age, Joseph n lace. POLL D Cni IA -Boar, two years and over estls Qi J. J. Fisher; boar, littered in 1893, estate of J. J. Fisher; boar, of boy age, es- tate of J. J. Fisher; sow, over one year and under two, estate of J.J. Fisher; caw Uttar - d in 1893, estate of J. J. Fisher; sow of any age, estate of J. I. Fisher. Lenox BRUIT*, -NA Mill -ANY KIQD- Bo.r, two years old and over, Geo. Hoath, 2nd H. Brown; boar, over one year and under two, Robe Bean; boar Uttered in 1893, Robert Bean, 2nd H. Brown; boar of any age, Robert Bean; odor over one year end under two, H. Brown, Sow Uttered in 1893, 1st and 2nd Joseph Wilson; sow of any age, Joseph Wilson. GisImal Premiss -Brod mare, with foal by side, Jas. Morris, 2nd A. L. Trick; filly or2 years old, J. W. Salkeld, 2 is John -Andrews, 3rd, John Sturdy ; riding, filly or gelding, W. C. Potter, 2nd 3rd John Weetkake; foal of 1893, A. L Trick, 2nd Jos. Morris; msteb- d teams, geldings or mares, in hares , James Hemiltoo, 2nd Isaac 8.ikeld, 3rd Robauos Woods; walking - sponsl--S. Stratus. mod 8. L Scott. HEAVY Mention, Ierosruo-Stallion, 4 years our said upwards., A. Allen ; stallion, 2 years old, Geo. Dale ; stallion, say age, A. Allem. Htavy 1hAonHT, CANADIAN BRAD ---Mal lion. a y•ore old .ad ever, stallion 2 �J...iitt . YeoBrown sed. WMMarquis � d mire, with bar foal by her side, Gas. Dade, mod, J. W. (Mihail! ; geld- ing or Ally yearns. Geo. Dale ; foal of ME,Ilso. Dale .�ra of s•rm or ngs. 10Janeslig melds ; say ago J. W. Yeo; Mask. say ag•e James CATTLE. Dawwm-WU 6 years old, Jea. Jan- ina.; ball 1 year old, Jas. Sall. Bed Iles. Salkeld; ball oda under 1ear, Was. Swell bell Jas. mean; hest b.of age. James &toll; cow la calf re glaiug milk, J.a !gull 2nd, Wm. Buell, Sed bias S.JbslA; hosier 2 years old, bat ad and Jas. Swell, 3rd Issas Salkeld; bailor 1 year old, Jia 8se1 wise eahf, meth. I year, Jae. Said; best le- male of say ale, Jas. Seidl; best hoed eau- •atsies of omeboll and four teaalss, Jos 8s•IL - e POU LTR Y. Brahma., lieh1, R. McLean; brahmss, dark, no 1st, 2nd A. Nicholson; Hamburg., spangled golden and silver, J. Po.tlethwaite; hamburg*, black and white, James Munro, 1st and 2nd; black Spanish, wbiataod, G. A. Whitely; Leghorn', black, J. A. Dunn; Leghorn., brown, single comb, J. Postleth- waite, tad Wm. Lase; Plymouth rook, D. Foveae, 2nd G. A. Whitely; Wyandottes, G. A. Whitely, 2nd John Knox; Wyan- dottes, white, Jsa. Dickson, 2nd .1. A. Dunn [[4�nugd�skbaanross Jas. Munro, god A. Nicholson; A.daluaane, no bat, 2nd G. A. Whitely; Mimeosa, J. l'ostletbwaite, god Wm. An- sley; Dominick., H. Hale; game, brown - breasted rd. W. Kirkbride; game, black - breasted red..). I'ostletbwaite: gens, pik, 1st and 2nd J. Posttethw•ite; red, ggaemmee bac tans, black -breasted d, R. MoL.e.n 1.t sad 2.4; game bantams, pile, R. McLean; game, bantams, dookwing, R. McLean, lot and 2n4; bantams, any other variety, Jas. Munro; Pekin bantams, Cha*. Haat; tar - keys, brown, John Andrews, and Woo Salkeld; goes•, Kmbdu, 1d and god O. A. Whitely; geese, China, G. A. Whitely, and H. L with rtes*.. sty other varkty. We. Kilroot; dwoks, Rowan, David Lindsay; decks, Pekin, Jesspk Waken, and Thos. Morrow; ducks say other variety, Geo. Church laid sed; Gaines Burls, H. L & ahead. Brans Cuenrai "-Brshm•s, light, J. H. Williams. dad, R. McLean ; Rssbargs. spangled, golden and silver, James Munro ; Haeburga, black and white, Janis Munro : Leghorn. bleak. J. A. Dasa, let and and ; 'ketone. white. D. Fergana ; legberns, Amway, brews, single comb, Wen. Ay, Bel. A. Niekaio. ; Polish, golden sad silver, J. Poetkthwaite ; Plymouth Rocha, G. A. Whitely, Shed, Jos. WVhitd* ; W white, J. A. Dann; L.ngM•.., Jae Munro; Minar,oe, Wm. Antey, Tod, Thos Morrow Miasma, whits, G. A. Whitely; Dominate, H. Hak let sed seed ; game, black-broest.d red. J. Pawletkwsite 1st and Bd ; gamo Mack -breasted red. W. Kirkbride : Rasa. bsSma, Mace -breasted rd, R. Metes 1st Hianfao&--liullf. 1 old, We. O- sad i ipso hetes•, pile, a, sail sed, Beth; cow le silt ar vLae .1145, ills. B4 y� i i gsssa kiaokwi.g. s 9 yamsole 1111101111 moi• beatamn. Chao Haat : briar ow, Mott : raise Sae rear, Wm. m- treys' beaa1.,, lease Salkeld • turkeys, Nott: ben• f.msl•. ei my yen. Wa ire00f wh l5.4 y. Guises Sek ; gee. Aim G. A. best had. es■i.ag et Seo bd1.a& tans g► W an ry : MSM,8 Mena. Wes ; Millett ; ool - hlftiw rskkMs. 8. 8se.ktmr : arllemtiea of males, Wm RUism not rias Mar three pat.., 8inioa HorersrN - flail, 1 year old, John (ox; mensal•{ M b•rayar 1 awl. eon- osw alf e.or giving milk..1oh. Cox; Wafer. dl at sae pak of roam. OM pair of tar- t room ale, Jfta nes; beet (eusi. of say keys. w• pair el tlemhe. ass pair of fowl ('es •d wpg e s el alilekess, W ni. Elliott, 1'a um Armin. oa A mate R.h1,1 year sic G. A. Wltit�d tom, Jan Varese ; mow, a eaU or gins' Basco{{ tel♦--Brabmro light er dark, milk. Juba Varese ; heiler,1 year dd, Jams Jew. Mears : Osshine, aay sale, so let. Voce. lad. a Melesa ; iwghsraa, any earliey. Jany -308, 2 yens mid H. grows ; Theo Morrow, Bed, 1. A. Dass : Wyse - hell eel(, emir ase year, A.t mew, dates, slay vr.ely O. A. Whitslr le salt • OWNS Mallet. Jae MMI A; sty variety, Jao bluer+, lad, J Pentre hs4N1 eaN. after 1 year. A. Drysdale *sato ; H.mberga, ay variety, Jas. Mears. AMIS. Gamma. -Com. giv4e milk ow a eaN, saMag ..d Mang smalls sashisred,>o ■.d Sad Rohs Medd. lith Jeer Aeiiwe j hells l paw elk 141 SA Reit16411i .M. dada Jaau _ } Maur am sm& b& ia W t.�ii'... • sec a. OWL Ind Orem rY ,p. Jed.1 J. W. t 1wo year ell seemstow. Irk Ind and ii.1. rtaellrg Ow, W Loam Boma -IL MaMseebk. Calms. Heavy Herta-Wrae Welwud. 8t. Rohl. Comma --David Nibs. S&L Seer Ayre Plow -Owl. Prosier. 1'd - s sot a. liid NS Ore.pee1. 8sdoefe. Person. -a 0. Ooderl h. WNW W.as.--165 m. Limas.