HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-21, Page 8^Nweeser; vt - rt•-,yawl.t ,,,eS, to THR SIGNAL: GODHRIOA. OlIT. THURSDAY. BK1 TEMBER 2L 1818. OUROUR BAKIIMU POWDER beredy Teri 00017 FR1ri1D. 1..cvestl ass Molf. It Wrenn. our beoleisa Vie FEAR'S FURS BAitIl(G POWDER .ad your company wW enquire into the secret of year swerve in taking. Tho lotlowt.g speaks for itself. Visitor to Mrs. Gee. ewes. of Godericb Ip.. - These are very fin• biscuits. Mrs O -. Mrs- G -.-You an gave Ida the credit for thea. Ida -The credit iedue to 'KAKIS BAKING PONDS& The fact, llas,, we like It es each that we ceases be barbered with my ether kind sew. We seat dews tow• for baking powder ':ung with sours Ni..r articles the oiler day and forgot to miss ly YIC AR'el. W.. get a can of another klrl'ad tried to use It. hat had todiecard it and mead for FEAR'S Now that we have used resit's and we the difference. we use no other. That is always the wins A good Mikis' powder to good hands turns out beauufully. Everybody should use It. TI.e price toils and everybody tells the price. Msoufactured and gold osly at GEO. A. FEAR'S DRUo Broiu. I'rescripties.cartfully prepared, ooderiek. The Peopiste Ochoa.- _. TO % HO)1 IT MAY CONCERN. - PLOW POINTS AND REPAIRS. bare been reduced la price. Clan of be pur- chased cheaper any whore. VERITY. SEEUMILLER mill other plows away down. UWRAL•Le• RAMB for re ..ing water from the sprits on the fan. to the house and bare. 1II' u' n FITTIN08. DRAW GOODS. etc. CASII on CAST a.1. WROt•ONT PETAL Don't forget the stead. Near litieteria-st :Muni. YT•ini - - i . Z IICNBIIL 1 MPORTANT.- IF YOU WANT .A Red -room Saha A Dieting Suite. ' A Patter Suite. Cheaper than yea ever dreamed of, 00 TO SMITW8 FURNITURE RE STORK. THE LARGEST STOCK. LATEST DESIGNS. 9VERYTIIINO YOU WANT. At prices that cannot be beaten. Cordwood. Lumbar and Taa bark to exchange. • SMITH'S. Crabb'. Block. j_' iDLD S PLANING MILL.- ASH AN 14 owe �.E U.* bww(OUAt FACTORY.- "a H F ALI, 11 KINDS A Y. itooms11 FEET ANO PORTiEit work for arch doorway In beautiful designs -All kinds el Interior decorations - Designs to cesbed. Veranda work In Lana and moat modern finish tomtit the most fastidious. Mill awyt rooming -Latest things in tutatd work --Esti- mates furnished on all repair• or cootr ets- Saw mill to -execute the toot' irregular order Refryfcntori. aro lose.. Washing machines and kitchen ab:■eee -The only planing mill in town with saw mill attached and full liner of all grades of lumber or tt.at an be rut to order -Shirt/Re. lath. pickets. etc . and all builders •apple• promptly delhered. Itrain Tile., all Sees. In in; Salt Work, department i bare an excellent pare granulat- ed table. ctetse lino butter salt. JOSZPH KiDD. Neat the O.T.R. depot. Telephoceyour orders. ably g`10DERICH FOUNDRY AND Y NA('HINE WORKB. To the public : - Buy Itunciman Nee. 9 and 4 plows. Runs man I.ud rollers and root cutters, Watford No.. 7 and 1 plows. American mouldboards. K'atferd t...n plow. it is the best, Watford 'ruttiers. the leader. Watford bay rakes. Al so other implement.. Plow points reduced In prier. Har. moat kinds. Castings made to order Cash for old metal. taw ly .1. B. RUNCIM4V. QALTFURD TANNERY -TO THE 1.7 public. -Havingenlargedthe a•mp0actor- Ing capacity of the Saltford Tannery termerly tarried on by A. & J. Beck. by the purchase of the Kirkpatrick Stone Tannery. I Intend to et• Iad the trade in ens branch. and. am now t�erm.smmmtr..4� I seer • the price � for hides of i►seSdssarlMm. NJl>rNtto ic8oitity IgM Seaford. Proprietor SOoslal Notlees. NEW CHOPPING MILL. I •m prepared to dorsal kinds of grain chop- ue on shortest notice. M111 is running at all l hours 1 have the latest and best Improved rtaghrnery for dispatch and efficiency. Prices reasonable. No delay gen setting your chop hoe with you. JOB. KiDD. hely 17 Rrttaaala.t. M..hanlw.• Inettltua. QODERICII MECHANICS' INSTI- TLTE LIBRARY AND RLADINY- ROiJM, oar. of Leat street aid Square Ise Oar*. Opee hem 1 to s ►.s., sad from 7 to u p.a. ABOUT 3000 VOL'S 1N LiBRARY. Leading Doily, Weekly sad IUrutafroted P N , etc., obi Pile. TICLET, ONLY 1. fora sea !fes tad - 1.4=8111,1141114 seembenW9 received by n.8 1 11[H ORO. sTgemet t, .*•.tasy. Oodtrlch =7Itis 10. Societies. CANADIAN ORDER OF HOME _pgLMy� Tee N. Iia meat Vire sf smo! the w1 over R 1eeMrlr.isida.141 In Ai.Pitz TLOWERfa, MAT LILLiES rhe mew We. perfume. MAR Q."AND'S FRECKLE LOTION. MAI.t'INA CREAM. TETT OW'I OOr1A1r9R. POLYA)9(11 PACE POWDER SOUTH AMLR3CAN Rllit MATTCCU-RL MOUTH ♦M=wax )CERVINE Top.'. 80Wj 1I1 RTRACT OF wn.D STRAW J. W neem ti Plommaplono Dans Drama. YokeaM. Ne. It. Deese Making. DREt38 AND MANTLE MAILING. - 1 1 asst to Wens the Wks est Yiderlo i retain, sad 11. Parnas sttatMe,tr v1 1is I14e�I �after 1 Moll ie all .a T, MRs Ifj &iia T. MATT iw8. Isla Property for Sale or foe Seat. v0R BALE. -200 ACRE8.1MO6. 6♦ND 1. 1. Cos. II. Tew■ebtp of Asaasl4. tae cleared. remainder goal further particulars w A LY Me- DONLLI) Executer. La.Ww. 31 It VOR RENT -- TWO ROUSES TO 1. real •a Mule, M.. nae Week front the pp 8MH. Foe particulars apply le M F. FAHMS FOR 1SALE OR TO RENT.- parts of Ie$ er and 1. a David 0 the late be/aaY ooaulsisp 110 acus. Alco south half of lot 7. am. 3. K . D. Colborne, uoatalalag 30 tierce. These lab will be sold either separately or e* blocroe p.rticaktn apply to the.1eoatees. J. H. x14 l.IA\. J. R WHITLKY. or to MARY K. F18 - HER. executrix. or to Ii C. NAY& tlodericb P. O. 107-t1 A(101)» HOUSE TO LET, NEAR rho esuare, or world eNi at a bargain. Apply to MIL HOLT. or C. PAYNIS•tfes the psoric FARMS FOR SALE. - TWO YALU- •ble Iamre mad Egam ea the fourth eM- ewlon of tiodoricb townaip. three Who hens Ooderlch. Yoe particulars aptly on the pima: Mrs to SIRS. ANN HINCK4 or by letter to Godericb r. 0. au 1u0 ACRE FAIN! FO SALE -THE old homestead of the late Jane. Caees- dy, of the turnskip of Katt Ws waned:. be- ing last halt of tut t:t. conaweinn 1. en the gravel road that leads from Uudertch to Wtng- bam. It is situated about 100 rods from Aub - un. a thrlvi•* tillage with four cbur t.c• and a school aver at hand. A comparatively new frame house w iib set en large rooms mad cellar with other cos,euivnces. and good tusk tarn and ghoul 300 large bearing fru,' trees are on the premiss. Atenol W acres are cleared. The .oil is of the hest. Further l.turmstitr from 111(8. CA/MALAY. Athan P.O. 11.00 Volt SALE, -N. f WT 31,IND00N- r cemion. Kest %t-awattosh• ho scree. Tbie is • test -clam fart. Ake town lot 174 Oode- ricb. also lot LV, node*. Wwa. ten which there M • good brick oot15*e. ASTI.lo PHILIP HOLT. (fil-1t L`OR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT r commodious building 011 Kiat -et.• Brae- eels. r.reels. .t present occupied as a patat-.hpoopp by W m.8mttt M merle. Terme may. Apply to F. d. SCOTT. Ib-usmeta P.O. •1-t L A't1I TU--RENT.-A GOOD FAtiM I: situated 11 miles from Carlow. beim lea con. 6t13. E. D. 'ry. of Colborne. obs farm contains LAI acne. 1N of which are cleared. Than are on it • rood frame house. line barns ani stables. oleo driving abed. There is lbw a One young orchard. for terms. etc.. apply to MRS. LOUISA REID. (:uderich P.O. 311-41 NORTH-WEST LANDS FOR SALE. 4A AA ACRES OF VALUABLE Vl! Improved and unimproved farm lands at distance :aryl'. from 1 to 11 miles from Qu'Appeilc Station. N. W. T_ for sale very cheap. No better lands for mixed farm- ing are to be found in lanade. For full particulars apply- to A. D. DICKSON, Barrister. 01.11 Qa'Appelle. 1-IOW A FARMER CAN CLEAN 1 ANY SEED OORA'S THOROt,OHLl. AND WITH WHAT TO DO IT. Mummy. Nater. Golden Vine or other peas can nice all splits. oar•. &e.. taken from them. or small peas separated from large saes at one cleaning. Shrunken and broken barrel. wild old. mustard red. wad peas and all fool Gerais can be thoroughly separated from tread Marley. Cockle. chesm, wild pas. wild oats. mustard seed. etc.. an be thoroughly separated from W hat. Fox tail. mustard. lambs quarter. light oats. &c.. wad other thongs objectionable iu Seed Oat. separated front them. Clover seed. timothy seed. dm seed. clans separately. or separated from each other. Any kind of grain or seed can be cleaned as it should be for seed. No foul seeds blown Into the chaff. This can all be dons with the IMPROVED ARMSTRONG GRAIN AN:/ BKKD CLYANKR. • fanning mill Attachment. No new mill re- quired. Can be put In any mill. old or new. without Injuring the unill or disarranging It for the use of its own sieves. All machines guaranteed to do the work chtinted for them. Fifty bushels of grab an be cleaned per hour for market ptuyosra Order. by mail promptly attended to. Bag- gers attached to any .111. PUMP See the Gem pump. new d adapted for any depth of well by means of thumb crew shift. Easily worked, @wine rood retie/ac- tion. All kind of pumps supplied. ARMSTRONG BROS.. Pump sad P ening Mill Works. Oaderlcb. Oat. Dentistry. NICHOLSON, LD.& -DENTAL 171. rooms cppo.lte Pest Office. Wert -et.. oodsriek. All standard and approved local anaesthetic. obi hand for palnle a extrac- tion of teeth. 1'01-17 DR. E. RICHARDSON, L D. S., sermon demist. O■n sod vitalised air administered for painless extracting of tsooh. [doodad attention given to the preservoties of w natural teeth. 01Doe -Ur stain Qeat0-Opera Home Bleck. astrSas en West - fa.. Ge EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN 51 TRS nee Or AT DL Z. RICHARDSON'S .OTAL PARLOUS, MEd/ Me111 IMP V/IP-VIM 6O2:1112202, OW. ft aerie me gall lweilgd atM senna• after 0. eM1 1.nS ger �irtleg et that add ammreto es snIt that 1 here the .t ry =zone ase 1s Osdert*h, 1h.�am1 wk4.h M mom of to OMNI the le*asmtmspain mast .ar..�,. every mm Mgr RttM -per 4. arise ...r treme mesa A.ItTWV' ED PO RI.N A. Is s unto smoothen. :last saver mesa the paMmrt h the rlla3tem. le holems as emir. sad the best sML0d hem es earth te render the mesh este ruler te pr- Parma. sosere see R M ��1 mdepOeeeeeenvmele marvelous Ms le 1rbets. VI blassisis flt�v DL L ri1�♦RasOR. TO £DVUIrrIW* NeWm of absere mess be WS at We Odle area loan t.. Mmes bay awn Tbe Gory ler N un be WI art later ebenelIC- dejr see.- sawed Ad.tldeaesnes aesepeeto moos Wtdy aaad weak.shoh dd Agents Wasted. WANTED. - ENNIIONTIO NUN saldeses.� r aga•y emp.4y ase with, '- tame sada d rehis. ■ ass. ex rani Hearts bed erer7 ma■. t epetd Ymsa a■l a yids of stooker7•4 bows Ne acres esaslaasaaasto• Ole Imwy� lesmsn��',1$aw Strayed Antabibi . QTRAI HEIFER. --STRAYES FS0f1 IV subscriber's m praisss. B•saan ahead Sem weake yo. • 1M•rtggee yowling 4. meetly light. m•r►ed with • sIM M W part of right ear. Amami relele la wig tiring information ea to Ib wh.e1b i he suitably rewarded. JAMES HALL, Ast- hma ahura 1'. J. 1s It Ttravollins Outdo. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Train arrive and dimwit iikedendli as hl - lows: Mixed A1W.5. sun a.m. Mail and Kxpeees 1.00 p.m. Nixed...... _ - 7 le tom. Rau sod Extras 1111 pea. VINPrkik Mall and and1 EEn ..........sprem .....»LYS Mtxa feel pa. *dined. DRWHITELY & HUN ?l& f Oeand Opera Boum. Gedt l. DRS. SHANNON & SHANNON, '1 50• 8aegeeae, Ases.o►ers. ata ('. sora-Redde•ies. Napl■r.c sem. Gel. J. R. Shea (Ko..-Rw'dMa North -ea„ opp. Model echooL l+sl•I• !TAMPION it JOHNSTON, IIAARRIS- NJ iro�a`i.1 (J. tiollCom.. EC' Gllowes to 1 OF[U, E. DANCEY, BARRISTER, 1.4 8ulicitor. Conveyesoer. a:c.. eta. Moody to loan a• lowest rates. Blake's BMrk. (sod.. rich. Ont. x/-51 1,1 N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROO- . Conn. for in Maritime Coa. .1 Geode 011;e -South 0.lborse toted. !>trs C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, &e. R. Case. *wawa of &;uare and West . arae, Andersch. over telegraph ofnee, Pri- vate Toads to lend at lowest rates of Mstor- est. 1M)0► lARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR- Vf rytere, trorneye, Bolbw- 1'twdb0. toikc.. node rich. J. T. (intone. ot. CAMERON. HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, &Holton V Chancery, iron 0oderich. M. C. Cameros', Q.C. ; P. Holt ; Dudley Holmes. G. WARD, CONVEYANCER, • • Sc., and oomm...ter for and re - arising reoottniranew of sou. amtsviii es affirmations. depositions or .dean declara- tions in or 000eerntnl ■y aisle., it or Oro- seeding ro seeding to the 11lrtb Mort elf Jamie*, the ConnCon of Appel for ot�lU su or la .as County or Division Court, AN OnmosMlMe artfully had prompyttlly .,eeeted. B.Yiease aced P.O. addeem-D.■g•anes Out tf LOMB area insnrwaso. ONEY TO LOAN. - 925,000.00 ILL Private Teals to 1s•d at se per oast. an- atWly LOFiUSS. DANCKY. Blake. block. OedwrMh. 107.51 C83 E A O E R, AGENT FOR THE . 1.011501 Atr(rtAYC1 ('UYTalY. of Lon- don. Saarland. (Inc of the older and strongest Fin 'neuroses Corpamee in the world. In- corponted A.D. 1737. Assets over eighteen million dollar.. A share of bareness la ,e.sC.t• `tauy oCoitBd AEDIooMcLof 1'a scvke. 2311,30fMostass:. Uodencb. L' J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND C • es.Meat insurance .gest ; •t tweet Once --Cor. Nortb..t...d 8quar•e. God 7t• *L6140,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO ``P CARERO9 HOLT t HOLMES, Oodc- rich. 1730 MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds ter (sweetmeat at lowest rates en Rretclass Mortgagee. App) to (*ARROW t PROUDYOOT 1140 RADCLIFFE, GENERAL 111. 11/ osad Money t+Ieapalgut t Only era.1ssp Matey to Lead osk loans, at the lowest rata of Interest la say way to snit the renewer, e. --o. end doer boshboshSquare. West iMice- end do- GfGo rleh. Ate. -- THOMAS OUNDRY, AUCTIONEER sad Iesar.acs Agent. Oodertsh. Gat. Most Leaden .ad Lancashire Flo lee. Co.. said Owe Distrito Matnal Ian. Co. Wee at teased to is say part of the meaty. 11.17 JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUC - sad Id 'releaser. Goderleh• Oma romp had oassiderabi..sp•risies In AemeNseserbm trade. he le la a peda1eo to 41Mbergo withorr.. f wait - '- w tom tmimbme etr5sad se Mae. Orders left at Illarthiellson. or seat by mW M ler ad 8s4ssrteb P. O., obi attended t . JOHN KNOX Oemy dustless. Now. to Or.dlters. 1►' 0TICE IS HEREBY RIVEN, J\ panics t to the Rwvlsed featates of On- tario. raptor. iN. that all erellte5 e.d ether pmesas�MANvismI Mals. ambles the pmt. of rich r tvi Q. C of bite li 4.17111.4= ��Tewe�eed�,,fee koo es R 1lee 1kh 4sof A wh• rs..�sd to deelivder. .err Ii �ayadseagmL - t,, ,efOtyiert . unix Loby nas ass= atlme111sa Aadd•p take settee 1b.t after w sold melees of a w/1 •ma .. te �.uehreasld� N claim as 4, t,pDrted at O.d.rtcb this 5th day M 8omesmber ligilifidtRC.HAYSg,, :Renew tea Rite. elx. &PHEMIA A. MCLENNAN'S 1.11ei111NT. s►latri 1MmaM �w�q�e ■ M Ire run for ansaie 'ad W b■- threaMe t Ih Mess • cure hr 1 A. Pies boa. He 1 Mm.l tastIamsma •e•m of es .....art= lIlliamsa..r e esdre Oats.hr Waist ~IfN wwtst hey .14 -- ONO I NJo' }loth the methodr�and results when T1 Syrup of Figs is taken; itis pleasant and refreshing to the taMte nd acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem efectu: lly, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreea'eeimbstanees, its many ezcellcntqualitiescommend it to all and baro nba(lo it tho most popular Tame -1y known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles byall l:adi>;g druggists Any rrlia:3dru -i:t who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly far any one who wishes to try it. Idennfactured only by the CWuFOR1IA FIG SYRUP CO. IIAi 7RA9C.I3C0. OAL. 1.001111VILLZ. UV. 3 . w 7:31111. M.% Situations VaNnt. ( ENERAL SERVANT WANTED. - '.1 Appy IoMRB. McOILLIC:UDDY, West street. Weaving;. `VEAVINO•-RAG CARPETS, are., wore, is a first -clam ma.L able mare. Apps to DAVID nELa street. Gundry e Auction S.M.. R1MKMBK8 THE 9110 SALE AT Teta WENT STIIKE AUCTION ROOM. 111 ora ll SATURDAY. SEPT 13rd. We hare Bedroom Bay Hall Rack•, 8ewtag Madd(n.e. Washing Machines, look Slovae. Parlour Stover. Coal stoves and Box Stover. Pipes Sideboards, Carpet. Dines, ie. We nee expect a bore eos.lg.ment of Icy Goods and Tweeds that ate rent to es to sell for what they will Whig. Remember we don't buy In anything. We sell on commingles and everything Was tut to leo AT e 1 UNDRY'S AUCTION ROOM, )< On West Street. AUCTION SALE: i am lostrooted by Mr. John Herr. I sea at hit residence Homo Road. Ooderieb. obi SATURDAY. SEPT. 34. AT t P.M. Horses. H B Ns. Oo�od 9(11.4* Cow. Calve., Sleighs sad Cutters. Alm 3 Bosses and Lots. This will be • chance to get BARGAINS. l it T UNDRY, The Auctioneer. AucTIOZ SALE O► FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. 1 have been favored with iaatr ctioue from MR CHARLES KNIGHT to .ell by Aaotion as Lot 4 Co. Z Ashneld. OD THURSDAY, OCT. 3rd. All his Farm Stock tad Implements- Wood. Ra Everything V rood and is ant elms shape mad will be slid without mem as Mr. Knight is nulling. Remember the data. Oct era. GUNDitt, ifw Aladl'.a.r. LEEBUHN. Tt a.uu VI, Sept. 19. here. Jo.epb Horton, of (aoderioh, Ravi relatives hers • transient visit last a.ai. Mn. John Hillier and daughter Louise, of Gaderich, visited relatives hen Int week. Daniel Carney mad John Chisholm wets in Toronto Wt week taking in (_snags'. World'. Fair. Wm. Chisholm gave the Queen City • visit of several days last week, seeing the •:bibelots during his 'Own. For the past several SS.d•y Ito Gospel Sunday temper.■o meetings have been held, owing to not being able to get a speak sr; bot on Sunday they will b. resumed. A. J. hoer., R. A., of the Collegiate institute Osderieh, will address the meeting at the to pern.a ball at 7.30 p.m. (,Moana Norse. -At the oentgr gatica•1 sweeties held the other night it wae 4.sid.4 to paint the chunk imdde sad make other improvsmesta about the .Moir eland and pulpit, • o.smittee being simplified to have dt•rg. of s•m e. The Mw pastor will short 1'y heli • dsm.awiaw senior, sad the etn- eeregalia. are doing to have the sl.etioe 04 verel sew The nrteu, Pawed sass. G*Avi'nran, Sep& 18. About • yet are the newspapers K.tined ws..t..f the e.rioas case et Sam Murray, • railroad brakeman, of the DI•ea Hs wee paralysed, as • oowsrilueses of ss injery renewed while coupling oars, Ned for two yews ems 51.11e to work. Several doefers, aeon them, moms Toront..p.5MliNa, l dim I0e.rable sad hie ease. sae. The Orated Trek Railway Compton paid Adm his told disability eines, aid the Rretlmheed of Railway Timeline, was sheet is p. • saner Meite, when Murray everybody by rseasJJ.4 te health. It was prove. mel Oha time, b.incl the pesability d • detabli. tk.O Mnrvsy's roe.vay was Ase I Nato Wow ORA A few dap nee M was .11 4* to hisIjW� To. phyii5s bays past egandte-d bill. mad pawe'msad Nm s daehaW silk wad rnam- nest the kid of lama DaYti Wimp pia OUNdw«ok mar reeopropho Pitegesed A. head■-. « The filionaL Tcass*v. fan. 19. G5rrt1u Barna.-- We are pleased le w able co Mate ass • da.itlr et Yr. Damao who has bee. W frees the .fasts d bleed pines is reessorrig. ksasag.ay.-Alma. .atresindrImpursausais wedsa r.� tory 0 -o --y, it pea* {taper.+ N •r masa sue M.Ips..bla--A row bslaagbe w 1. Dar- alafaisivil same mesas pet asses' S • Om d �,•�, awl sates arae than n woe Ei�lr her It has dsai►. Wtl.aw IlssA.-O. Thad; d loot week ear same letegns' V. 8. woe malted Os the hands d walruses se Yb Mine, of Wow Mimeos& W.wish than • Mpp .Nd .0_54.s..ie.. Hass Anis.--O. Mosd•r leaf Mss. Il. J. Crawford, after t•kiag ia the eights at the Iwd st.ial daring Mtt week. retarsed heat., sod was It briar delirium' with her jrarnsy .ad the exhibit. at Tomato. V tat 111. - Horsiest to hew to state t hat Jas. Fowler i. in • poor state of health, h.- isg troubled with disease of the lump., his large carde of relatives, (needs, .ad •cy.ain- taaeMe would be pleased to learn of his ooa- val..o.aca Poi.1Tw.u.-A .umber of our prominent ciliates were i■'Meadow..t the Reform meeting which w.. held at Mitchell on last Thursday the 14th, and were nisch pleased with the addressee Stade by the speakers ee the public affairs of the dominion. Ek. L1ol.t9Tte.1L--Rev. 1►. Rogers in tb. •beano of the pastor Roo. R. i•irb•ita M to conduct Divine service at the .seal hoar in Kruk'.* Church here o. .eat Sabbath there wilt be to'.rv.o held i. the Metho- dist Church in the forenoon tV itenn i. --Weather i.1)01 .0 worn and oppressive owing to advance is the •sates, end occasional light shutters. Root crops and pasture, by mea.• of • copious rain, which fell u* Setnrday lest, bars improved ...what. More rain Is seeded, as the proem' or soil is exosdiagly dry. Woart,'s FAIR. - (t. F1142yo1 lett work lair. A. Stewart, Rene of West Wawa seek Joh. Thompson, Nest Wwameat, Mester Win, Mil'ou;h, of Dune/aeon, god several el the citizens of West Waw•.c•b left hereto take ie the sight. .t the expoi- tita We soli Shea a good time and safe ▪ Zlssts sill -11 . noes •.d wile, W. C. Girt: t and wee, sad others of nor cities.• who left bare the beginniae of feat week to take in the sights at the Industrial, Immo retested home. They report having • good time, staid were well pawl with the .z- eibits, some of which were sew, attractive, and wosderfal to behold. (ht A Wroutx.: Tut•tt. During last week Cho. Robiame, ir., formerly ed As►6sid, and now of Pontiac, Miohi4a., arrived here os his wedding tour. to visit the homestead, irinds sad •cigsaintaaca. SI's mama to theonng couple hearty corpW .taie s, wishing therm • plras.at, prosperous, and long voyage on the matrimonial ma of wedded life. PORT ALBERT. T,-anAT. Sect. 19. P. Nevin and son Harry, of Godencb were here an Sunday teat. Walter Haw kite los goo* to amen 1(:od,- rich Collegiate ls.tituts. Mrs. G. Boater left last week to Twin her bu•b•.d in British Columbia. Mrs. J. Noble has boss visiting friends is and about this wgbborbood. J. F Tom, P.8 I.. paid his official visit to our school on Monday of last week. Miss Teo. Hawkins hoe tone to pursue her studies in I:oderieh Collegiate Insti- tute. The tai McRae with dredge General Made and mows loft this port on Vanda, evening lastt. Buffalo is, we understand, their destination. Mia A. Maize, of I',,boarg, who lye been the gnat of her sister. Mrs. R. Graham, left to spend a few weeks with her fried, Mas M. 3Andenon, (:odench. T. A. Hawkins, music teacher. BruseLs, paid a short visit to relatives and friends here last week. i)uriog his evening melte be ect.rtained his friend. to • musical ex- hibition on glasses, which was pronounced by those wbo had the pleasure of hearing to be excellent. The storm Friday night played sad h.voe with our harbor improvements. A (Tilt 200 feet in length had been placed in parities am Thursday and the day being very calm everything passed oi( lovely. The outer end of the cnb was sued with stone but not the inside, as no danger was wase pmte.l and the foreman, Mr. Power, sad the workmen quitted their poets well satisfied with their day's work. During the nicht a furious gat from the Northwest .prang up, and what had bees counted by everybody who saw it to be a fret clams pima of mechanises was o. Friday morning little better thea a rain Somewhere in 18. neighborhood of 22,000 or 23.040 worth of material and labor M attsly destrn ed We exceed our sympathy to TOV' CAN ma 1? obi. or Dr. Pierce'' lies` ant Pellets -bet you can't fe0 after it's takes. Andet it dem ll . good than any of y the hilt, old -f pills with their gm isg 'lad violence. These tiny N. lets, the noallist and easiest to take. bring yen help that lata. Coasts. Sink 0 Lddgesdwue Attacks, Sink Ot Moos lees, and all densime seas of the liver, ett.tn.d and bowels are permanently tuned. They're the cheapest, for they'' fuggra rifled to givo satisfaction, er year anew >. returned. You r/ only for tis ped you get. A spUAss offer d 2600 in gold is matin by the proprietors c( Th.. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, for any lily, of Catarrh in the lieu no matter how had et of how long ttaudis` which they cannot cure. THE WEEKLY MARKET REP(►RT, e+detrtsh Priem �t�, tmmWausteaber 10. lei MLu heat water Y 0 lA to OW I iimaii tee 1 e t#r.e to.: 12 00 tone tort. t i anal.. . 11 M MI o13 • Oats. ase. l lima t 31 le I a Pees. ibt ........._ ._sures Barley. awe .... need. i baa 0 Nle 0 • alai. •. to esasse~ 4 so is 7 5 Qotatse& •base....... io f itO Mona.sea ..e.raed,iie... !IL,Mee..II Wood 00rr0 Wed 15.90 gran 301000 h Res . 001.10 who has had charge of the work. Opus- tio.a for the ?remelt are •u.pe*fbus is a. seaman s to be Daubed mJune, pm parttime to alma bats the work will Mat dobe plan shortly. • und'rat•ad amt blame is •itm.hed to the Goverment forest _._*1.: a dredge Isere earlier in the masa IWe are allowing the largest stock and best value in Fall underwear that has ever been opened in (lode - rich. Note a few of our prices - Ladies' Hygeian Vests, 25c., worth 40c., 50e, worth 63c.; 75e, all pure wool, worth $1.00; 11-00, worth 21 25. Ladies' Black Cashmere Haw, Seamless, with Grey heels and tote, 20e. per pair. Sohl in other stores at 25c. and 30c. Our 50c, cashmere Hose is worth 75e. Nen't Underwear, all Wool, Double Breasted Shirts and Drawers, 25e. each, or 50e. per suit A t ery spe- cial line, Fine Wool, fob 55c. each, reg liar price, 73e.; also at 67e. each, worth 11.00. 2 pair good Heavy Wool Socks with ribbed tote for 24c.; 3 pair, plain toll, for 25e. Our Fall stock is now complete in every Department. Good, reliable goods at surpris- ingly low prices. A pleasure to show goods whether you wish to purchase or not. JAMBS A. REID. UNDERWEAR. Ile. eve., the eo.tteasor, and Mr. Power I JJsi'Nb .e/s.Mi. less SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. a�RI virmie oftwsf adwea�ni�/aws .dwthedw .naw. 9. 4.. sod SW sr the Cerp■rel leh et w demaslisd, /oe Ms MMmm I Mven thettpshee mob x�ass esgpMvdjsee' "1 1115" q�itmyR{ha�r swnh Mar orb the Isoamas11MISS AeR/ Obsp. 1M. R & Odd«g press sad sed N�sts*ON,w�t DEMI _ A I a th. gdbo00 rtlefl ea ►RIDA the tNTN DRCisi IT, >A, us° ~dtbdsa No. DO.R1 /TIOw. Cf M vow -vane 07 (MIAOW PAT' ♦15�0O11s7aTT Covets atrn rate N0. W Cor. NT.o• Ote o,T COw0wt.M 701114 LOT. M Sr,lr'. *C5a• V0PAT' g 1775. t tile. 2 w u 1f.Itts■l to Pat'l to M 1 • TOwlrgIRp 0• timing. Part M! 11 / VILLAS* 05 RMmDinen Ylesoha-oL i OM -DM. 9 Mm.. Lentent..X.• 94.74 1H Ito nswtre. Plated 711 a w11LO1 or ma.wona tar 5Oowiea. W. pawl of 1111 Part M fi/ =st=irtvsA PeII .f e i P.M TOw7eaT7 Or macs 0 14011 f111 Tiiadct Or Lrrt0A w I 1 ij VIULOS D/ 15.7!0. =I 1 'V" BS ft TRJ.MS Maseessa happy mum OW Btarwa earv'4 n Iia ttl.s'4 17 0 111 = lith an. Win