HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-21, Page 6$ THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONT. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1803. itiPERIAL CAR bAKU4 PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Caau.oa DO Alam. Ammonia. Lieu. Phosphates, or any lajutiant S. W. GILLETT. Toronto. that CRISP AND CASUAL. wlaasd'. Linkmen. is tee Nair Rr•iseer. lbs seen the elephant -The African .x• plorer. A negative man The amateur photo- grapher. Truth ria our, but she is as slow as if dreer-g for on evealne party. The newest orange knife has a saw Wade back for cutting through the fruit. It can d., uo herrn to try Freeman'. Worm Powders if your chili u anise, feverish and fretful 1m A roan at the World's Fair set hu watch by • ottani indicator, and thedonkey engine t iirly *sorted. The immodest skirt dancer and the modest society matron meet on (lull terms on the bathing beach. All ages and .ronlition. of People may use National Pills ' without takers, and with great benefit. 1m The modern summer novel is awed in coven of various oolors to match .ay corn• plesi'+u or costume. Cornet blowing haul become fashionable with the girls since it became knows that it promotes dimples. More women are employed by the Eng- lish government thus by the Government of any other country. Soobia thinks he gets better tune out of his bicycle after he bas pumped fresh coun- try air Into the wheel'. :imam wi:l always be above others. De - 'troy the inedluahty today and It will ap- potr again tomos rcw. Einer on. An idol -collector in London, who has just died, had a collection of 500 little gals, all of which have been actually worshipped. Purity of ingredients and accuracy of compounding, make Milbourn a Aromatic Quinine Wine the criterion of excellen e.lm Covetous mea need money least. yet most affect and seek it : prodtgala who need it moist do least rcg,'ard it—Theodore Parker. A single sera' :n may cause a festering more. Victoria I'arboli:;•,alte rapidly heals cuts, w•ionds, bruises, burns and all sores. 4 Werth ff11'arule Mr. Wm. Mc\ee, of tlt. Ives, that„ had eleven terrible runreng ions and was not expected to recover, sit treatment having failed. Six bottles of itardock Blood Bit. tees cimpletely restored him to health. ltrsgriet Sanderson, nt St. Marva. Out., certifies to those farts. 2 Ta INteb M Mated. owner --R hats that ? The men in my boiler tactory out on strike! What's the natter Bookkeeper- I hajeu't heard : but now I trunk of it, the new superintendent bas moved into the house nett door to the driv- in. shop. Owner - i don't see what difference that shnuld make. Bookkeeper -Yon are probably not aware, sir, that he has sit daughters and they are all etudyin(music - New York Weekly. Looked Like ■ setaIetea. gc•ti.Eia.s,--List summer my baby was end bad with summer complaint that he looked like a skeleton. Although i had net much faith in it, i took a friend's advice and tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Str.w. berry. He soon got better. I truly believe it saved his life. 2 • H.tttctT STRIA E•, Hilbborough, N. B. MIN •14 read She was a eery youthful bride and had just gone to housekeeping. One day a girl friend ran in to have • little gossip and found her in tears. "What is the matter, Nell!" she asked anxiously. "I bare had • srluus dif--diference," sobbed tM bride. "Not with -lack'" "No, with the cooking stove," sod she showed her friend • tad barn ea ber hand. new Well sled Weft. Soto It is my privile a to recommend B. B. R. For two years I wag Darly crippled with an inflammatory disorder of the kidneys from which six bottles of B. B. R. e.urely eared me. I sass now wen sad strong. and gladly recommend R. R Ritter, which cured me after 1 had almost gives up APT, .11.11%.141%.2 hope. Aberdeen, R. ('. Fee U..d1.g INiI. Tbstpg.. "And 1 want a Targe sheet of blank tear. plaster, said a young woman at a motion mutter the other day. "which," .be pro- ceeded to explain to a friend at her side, "is my chief wending implesesat. i &Tway* mead stn'-« wish row:rt plaster seisg black or Iieht tints. aceordi.g to shade of N. glove. i tamed the glees im.Ni amt sad ht the piaster eve" the rest, gest of seem drawing the Ave together se the enrages dee' • tors ski.. it i. meek seater Ow M a.d Imo.. ismer. Sem.cims 1 get an ugly three 'seaweed rent is my pee My wart plaster esu seeds the reef, lea.. is. av- iag practically .e lee istli ne of It. i mond lams, dippers, las, evsrythiy simtcst Wast► it. ale.. seed a1PP..s. (:rvrt.swas. i Ndsk yyeea,.rt valsehle trdeai- 1.. eases M edyml1sd Ms....1 the hese h 1 dori.ed treat it. After smsrktg fres ►sachetse sad teem of appeillefee study Nye. years 1 tete* IC 1l. d, with great memo ft gave me relief at emus, sad f ..w ..joygeed ltheath attrwe�. Areas_ ! DsmmggsseswOat Ts floe AL old be twit M fey is One& sr the MAW rte. TWILIGHT. Slowly dies the lois Jima gay, kohl, mil. the earth away, L utelkr lig►{ at Iowstk etvhda , All a dream at =hay Oleos, TraaWy Ware and guide& skew. (�t�er beavers and sweeter .b►ning- wLk► le dsanr. dusk or day? When the gleee dyed floe dark. tom Ie light IM nabs spark. Veer' steam sad MONIS 4e•sd•-. )telt and nitrile We one., When the leas Jumada: Is dose AU the depths Haub chow sad leader - L It day. or 41t dark? Love: the Ions June day had lite. tplrer showers and sunny strife — ? Now its rosy • width fades o'er tel Etd'a cut twilight alb our eyes, Yet what freedom of the Atom Parts the *tar ".w u way before as— Is It death, or 1* It lite? -Harriet 1'. Spofford In Hsrper's Basal. TALE OF CRIME. M. Theodore. chef de *ureic, sat in his eabiuet deeply perple:eel, his two el- bows ori his desk, lee head on his hands. Ht. ?tae nitL ttif. '•.►nit was it going to last, this, which had been going on for so long awhile? And these asa.taeins, were they going to elici by beating him? Were they going to coo ;lel him by a•lvetw public: opin- ion to send in hes resignation? '.P•ttblenl It looked so, and as if they di'l it on purpose, pa•taing the word from one to another to force him tv get out of their way. Eight assassinations, one after another! Crimes of the worat cali- ber, with startling details, which peopled mike with horrifying visions the sleep of the bureaucrat and the c ncierge. And not an aeeaseiu, for all thea skillful work, had they been able to lay their hands upon. They had fled, every man of them. They had disappeared, van- ished -Off, like a puff of air. Celerity, dispatch, their motto, and to go without leaving au address behind them! Frank- er. it had begun to pass the bounds of Ali Reason. "_Ind now to top off these eight other cremes there was still another, a uiuth ane -a mnrder like the others, aecom- plohed the evening before under similar conditions." The chef de surete pulled himself to- gether. threw back his heal like a war- hone arhotre sniting battle, and -the door opene(L It was his secretary who presented himself, bearing a card in his fingers. "A gentlenuiu, monsieur, who insists upon seeing you. He declares," and the tecroary smiled a little at the absurdity of the idea -'•he declare. himself in a position to furnish you with definite par- ticulars regarling the crime of yester- day." "Ah, the crimp of yesterday!" The chief turne.l quickly. "Then bid him :iter," s314 he, snit while the secretary regained tL anteroom to do his bidding M. Theo. core cant his eye upon the card bef•.re hila. "Frederi,k Ilourcal," he read in a half voice. "Ile•ttrcal, Bouaral. It secrna to me that I know that name -that I've hoard it somewhere." Ile scrawled a line upon a scrap of pa- per and handed it to the secretary, who returned it, at the moment ushering in the visitor who had asked to see him, diamisred him with a word and was ready for the matter in hand. M. Theodore raised his eves. Before hint was a man simply but neatly cloth- ed, and with a frank and honest counte- nance, thuugh veiled as by a cloud with sail nest "You have particulars to give me, have you not?" questioned the chef die surete. "Particulars of the crime of yesterday?" "I hope so, monsieur," simply respond- ed the visitor. "Ah, hope so! You are not sure, then?" "It rests with yon, M. le Chef, whether I am or not. All depends, in fact, upon an operation, the means of which yon alone are able to furnish me." "Explain, if yon please." "Certainly, and at once, though doubt- less yon have beard it spoken of, M. le Chef --a certain scientific procedure which permits, ander certain conditions better even than description can do it, a repralnction of the portrait of an assas- sin. Briefly, behold my meaning. You knew, of roars.," be continued, "that in the phenomenon called vision the ob- ject which teepee throws, or forms, upon s screen in the eyeball itself -in plain wont, upon the retina of the eye -an image which remains there until dis- played by tfhother. It has been proved also that this linage continues even after death." The door of the cabinet opened anew, and the secretary of M. Theodore re-en- tered, holding in his hand a roll of pa- pers, which he laid before his chief, thew turned and was gone again as quickly as he bad nomo. M. Theodore lifted it itp and ran hie eye over the contents. "ton am risuued Frederick Bouscal, ire yon not, nronsieurr be demanded presently, addressing his visitor. "Yes, M. le Chief, Frederick Bons- esl"— "Your agd" "Fifty-eight years, ]1L lo Chef." "Ifnm-m-mr K. Theodore rapidly twirled the sheets beside '"Twenty- seven years," he mnrmured, as if think- ing aloud. ":o it was you then who was Imprisoned two years ago and con- demned for eontnmacy and the theft of 1,000 florins? A sodden Sash lerptirpled the coun- tenance of the visitor. "No, monsieur," be responded, with an effort. in a dull voice. No. It was not i -ft was -my soar "An employee of the Credit Agricola, was he not? Aster -yon an ignorant of what has heroine of hint." "Absolutely. It is 13 months Out his mother and I hays been without news of him." erea Ass me, wineskin," said the ohs/ ds earste. "I hare rsepased a pitiful woed, bat I IS.. to you- yito were ▪ d! he t an ppwri els heel aims his brow sn d eyes to der Its iYletrm . fli .e "I was amplis K. la alut aid in 1i, dation of the assernia's p tell should be entirely possible. It Y probable. if not sure, that the eye of the our now lying upon the slab of the morgue ow tains the enact reproduction of She feed tures of the ore you ssett. With your permission I will draw it font them." ether" it, but howl" "By photography -it is my baiese, M. le Chef. And this matter, ads sols ject I speak of, I have studied ft hag and almost with passion, for I hold it to be, iu rase of moms, nn. at the mast useful and beautiful applications of modern science. I know it can be done. 1 have mesa, experimented, and in one instance have reproduced the lineaments of the p aysiciau who had leaned Above the bed of the dying." The man spoke wltb animation, and while spouting his voice vibrated, his eyes burned, his whole countenance was illuminated, irradiated with the light of a le;itituate pride. "Then so be it. mousieur," agreed the chef de startle "Take your instruments to the morgue tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. I will sue that the clerk is in- structed. Later on 1 shall myself be there. I bare the honor, monsieur. to wish you good morning." In the obscure nook at the morgue where he had inclosed himself, in ac- cordance with the arrangements made at the office of the surete, Frederick Bounced, his burly bent, his face drawn, watched anxiously the result of his last washing. The plate was there before him in its bath of quicksilver, into which ho had dropped it awhile ago with sncb fear and infinite precaution. Sensitised? Vitalized? At least k should be, and if the conditions of the crime were such as he supposed them, and the victim before dying bad really seen her murderess face, the portrait of the aasaesin would be there ander that bed of gelatin en train W melt away. His throat closed as by a grip of iron, the operator held himself immovable, hearing only, with painful dtatiuctnees, the gurgle of the water as it dripped upon the facts of the dead in the adjoin- ing chamber, the plunge of his blood as it throbbed and hammered through the arteries of his heart. And at hast the moment came -the moment that was to reveal to him all or nothing. He ruse --that poor, trembling photographer rose, I say, took it care- fully by its dripping edges, that plate upon which his fate was hanging, half closed his eyes, held it to the single ray of light that filtered through the yellow pane, to stagger back with a groan of anguish. to let it crash into a thousand pieces. His son! Good heavens! The face of the murderer, the face of the son! Five minute* later when Frederick Botrecal, the photographer, came from his nook, and the chief de surete, await- ing ban with impatience, harried to meet him, he saw immediately by the pallor of his face, by hit. somber eye* that he had nothing good to announce to him "Well." said he. "nothing!' "No," reepondol Bowacal, "nothing." "Alton! no matter. Try it a second time. Do it again." "Impoesible! The transparency of the cornea is destroyed. I wished to wash it, and 1 berned it through mistake in the vials. I salute yon, M. to Chef"' And Frederick Boa/teal turned away. The neat morning the commisaire of the quarter of Tern's, forwarding to the prefecture his regular report, headed it with the following item: "Today at 10 o'clock a gammons to 100 Rao Langiere. A call from the con- cierge, suspicions of charcoal fumes from the room of the Bonscals, man and wife, his locataires. The door by my or- der was fumed. Too late -they were dead, both of them, aide by side upon the bed, a brazier of lighted charcoal plainly indicating the manner of their death. A doable suicide -poverty the canoe." -Tit -Bit Prize Story From the p'rench. The People Rho awls, Tan. People' so fond of humor that the ri- diculous is of more importance to them than their welfare will be highly gratified by the proposition of the railroad lines east and west to run excursions to the World's fair at one fare for the round trip. The joke it as rich in quality as it is large in quantity. Thirty bouts is the length of time mentioned as making the trip from New York to Chicago. No stop over chola will be allowed. No sleeping can will be provided, no parlor cars, no chair can. The jolly ezcntwion- ist. it is supposed, will sit bolt upright in the redolent atmosphere which hangs about the day coach as the result of a long contact with tobacco, cold lunches, decayed fruit and pertipiration, and for 90 bonne with no opportunity to stopoff for Welcome, will watch the changing landscape with open and bloodshot eyes. When be arrives at the World's fair, be will be permitted to stay one week if be is alive. No provision is made for extending the time to persons for whom the joys of the excursion have been ton poignant and who may be required to spend two or three weeks In the hospitals recovering from the delirium of insomnia sr the ty- phoid foyer which they have picked up in the holiday coach. -Chicago Herslb Tie Natl.. of • ewls.slg Tisk. One of the most recent applications of chrono-phntogrsphy-by which is moult photography applied by masse of a series of short and rapid exposures to the ge resentatioo of off moving objecte in woo sive positions --has been dirrisei in Preece for the study of the swimming motions of Ash. A rsyAsh was chrism s ih.ouh jest of investigation, and the eeceesive photographs were taken at 1N.rvals of one-tenth of a second. They show mem pleteky the movement of ties ern and present a similarity to rte photographs that have beim Attained of the sestisws of the wings of a dying bird, Tb. swimming action begins th a lhfllsg melba rums Sliders of Se trout part of OS��?hr deft So iia, w bout part ludas ta the saadlluo M... ed is.. most, end just hehre the snlef erns M the tail Hee seciimintlet'IVwareeMdrdllsaltesd .. is - 59 AND 18. TWO EXPKRIENCIAS IN K7YPTVILLK OJ INTKRII T TO OTHERS. Ni et'oa ma.WIIis TILLS HOW Ai was d'CaSD Or .LAATICA Anita $1'd'N nC1r>Ti- Iwo —inns 051.1• MAIN* si-eluU) rWM twOCeLi IXCItiEST Tu etaLMouD—Nos CARE CRITN'AL-Now get IOC XV NM - frees the K..Ftvttle Advance. Ode 1 the bast know mea is the oosaty of l:resville sad the adjaosst county of Carleton, is Hugh /trowelss'. et Kmaaptvins. Mr. Brownies was baa is Usrletom musty is the year 1834, and until abort five rears ago resided is the township of North (lower. Haring by industry and good business ability acquired • competence be determined to retire from the somewhat !shorioss We of a farmer, and taking up his abode an • beautiful home in the village of Kemptville, ►s since continued to reside herr. It is Wadi known to Mr. Bros.alees triesds and • aluaimenose that he has suffered for years from sciatica of a violent form, and it has lately been understood that he has at last been relieved from the pangs of this ex- cruciating disease. Recently while in eon - varieties' with Mt. Brownlee, • reporter of the Advance asked him to give his ex- pertenoe for the bese8t of other sufferers which be gladly commuted to do. "You are aware," said Mr. Brownies, "that most of my life W bees sprat upon a farm, and in addition to farmiag I follow • ed the braisess of buviag Battle, sheep and laniba. In doing so 1 was exposed to all sorts of weather and over exertion, which brought on severe attacks of sciatica. 1 suffered for about ten years, trying all aorta of powerful remedies, but without doing me • particle ut good. Daring this loag period of ieffering I was deprived of much Weep, and maty • night I tumbled about in bed D early all night long, suffering tie nkat ex- cruciating pains. In fact 1 was rapidly ap- proaching the oondition id a chronic cripple. I had tried? so meal remedies that I wag coming dfwouraged, and almost despaired of ebtaining relief. Whies in Lois condition I was induced 10try 1h. Willie as' Pink Pills. I took the pills for vents tine with- out any sot orab'e results, but feeling as i1 they were the last resort 1 continued their use. Then came a alight change for the better, and every day added to my steady improvement. until now atter the ase of about eighteen bioses I em nearly as esLl as ever I was, being almost entirely free frees pain I so still using Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills and feel confides' that my cure will be permanent, You may be sure ?bat 1 am grateful for what leak I'dls lave dose for me and I am only too glad to bar testimony to their merit. Indeed i belie', they are deseavisg of every good thing that that can be acid of them." Mre. Brownlee was pre..et and said that she too, mould roach for the beneficial (f- leets derived from the use of Pink Pills. Sloe had s&?red for nearly four years with ter. rible sor'e's and pains in the back of the head and neck, accompanied by frequent at- tacks of dizziness which caused great denote and inoonveniesee. Having observed the beneficial effects Pink Pills bed upon her snterieg hsbaad, Mrs. Brownlee deter- mined to try these, and from the outset found relief, tied after the use of four boxes found that the soreness was all gone and for the past three months she had been &l - most free Treat pain. She has the greatest ornfidencs is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and believes tbem the greatest medicine of the 5• A \-01-Ndi LAD?', a\1'LRIENCt. Having hard that Miss Delia Main, s young lady who lives with ber parents not far from fir. Brownlee's residence, had also been greatly benefitted by the use of Pink P11., the reporter next called upon her. )ties Main is s handsome young lady, eighteen years of age, with the glow of health in her cheek*. ID reply to enquiries, Miss Main said that some two years ago alba began to be affected with weakness peculiar to many young girls. Her face was pale, she was troubwith hartpalpitation,and the least exertion left • feeling of great tired - nes. She bad good medical treatment Ent without getting relief, and at last her condi- tion became so bad that her parents and triads fared she was going into declass sad almost despaired of her recovery. At this juncture lliea Main was induced to try' ger. Williams' Pink Pills, which &roan uofuha`` specific in cages this kind. Having lost ell oontidenoe in medicine, Mia )ion took Pink Pills irregularly at fins, bat finding that they were helping her she began to take them regularly a'•oording to directions. From this time out improvenest in her oar was steady and rapid and after the nee of • doge bores she fore her health fiuly re- stored. "I believe," said Mies Main, "that if it had not been for 1>r. Williams' Pink Pi11. 1 waald not be alive today, and I terosgly recommitted them to all girls who God themselves in • oosdiucu similar to what mita. ora.." Mies Main'. mother Wass preest and felly endorsed what her daugh- ter said, eddies that .he tally believed ?'ink Pills had saved bee life. Amgen Beohaean, druggist, who is also mere of the village, was asked if way Pitik Pillt are sold. Nis reply was that they have • larger sale than any medicine, and .till the demand steadily tearooms, which is the beet evideso. that Plink Pills ars • great remedy, and there aha be se gamma of the great good they soromplW. An analysis peeves that 1)r. Williams' Pink Pill. postai•, is s eandessed form, •11 tee el•mests ssessmry to give ..w life sad Adages to the blood, sad motor. 'bettered serves. They me ea enhilf.g spot& for senii 1..sess as Moomoter ataxia, partied paralysis, St. Vitas dashes, sedating.. neural- gia, rb hath grippe, nervous ►esd.ebe, the after pale &s 1 �sallow pbsu , adsthe transit,pees- .Il dim.... s in, spam vism*ed Items 1. the blood, est* as sorcctay. eben.io orreries, Me. They are also a spedke for erssMs peeler to females, such as aspp resekn a,rl regularities ..d al hems of weihwssa Is the ease etsrss they offset • radish pee be an eases artd.g from metal wiry, overwork, or measw of whatever whim Ails. 119 ate inattalselered by the Dr. of Amide • Oat.. sad Ashelmatude. N.V., madam e sti la Mess ,.evened with the Imes wtep per asd tae meek, Isms le loo's form Ss the Osseo es bsdne, mad the philo ars wMoued saaddddd t anew.-' imkNisee sad i• e►i Moms) se 30 ernes • beg, w iv heves hr r 80. mad may b. ►d of all�i or direst by emitf from ver. W inhess' .10.Ommpmq Mom Mater address. The phe M wM.h thins pins are mikes • efts.. 1 weitaint piastre se assepwei with rsandies inedieal treatment. sf...:•lLan a....M.e�da.nh School Opening ERASER & PORTER haven'6t'b Bookng s. The entirely new in ane Books saidScvalue ever shown foe 5 cants. Headquarters for School Books. Full supplies of all the latest and best Educational Works, authorized and recommended for Collegiate Institutes, Model Schools, Public and Separate • Schools. September Delineator and Fashion. Sheet to hand.* FRASER & PORTER, Loral Ur a line well Tesepb.M A Booksellers and Stationers: I would advise those parties who contemplate putting in a Furnace to take BUCK'S "LEADER," Constructed on the same principle as the "Happy Thought Range, with the Duplex (irate. Raterenow: Rsv. 11. Tritest -ix, 8t George's Rectory, sad Ms. JAYS* Yma, Had Ware Merchant. Just received, a car load d WATER WHITE GIL, which I will rel low for cash—wholesale and retail. ss I tract alt .hese indebted to ms for the year 1881, will Ball al ogeeid setae tea s&wa Yours respetfally, / G_ N_ D..Ak. trIS. Safety Bicycle: FOR LAM= AND GENTLEMEN. Wf. ARK ocraKLuxu At.L COMPST1TUB$: PNEUMATIC Tl RES from $50.00 up CUSHION TIRES, . . " 80.00 " OUR cOMP;?TITOIte Alta SIMPLY NOT IN IT FOR QUALITY OR PRIM GIOOSHEIN CARPET SWEEPERS, eke 11"`""Alleldcaoboe. LAWN MOWERS.'Nal seaspalwmlepaeMNllee. GARDEN TOOLS AND HOSE. rer eta. 1. cxiatel.ta R. P. WILKINSON. NO DOUBT YOU ARE VERY MUCH ALIVE TO YOUR INTERESTS. 1HAT LS WHY YOU, BUY YOUR BOOTSand SHOES E. DOWNING, When yon will get good, boost goods, mad everything warranted to M We have a larger Meek and greater ytelNT thea sa the ether shse did* town combined. We keep the nest stylish sail issids path Meds 1 ARetb Prices are Laver thl the Liu t, le kept dim. E. DOWNING N.B.-Leather sad F'ioiags is any quantity at loses/ prissy. " LITTLE CHIEF " BRAND CORN, PICAS and TOMATO Are the beat Canned Goods in the market. T & MILKANDE TEA Z]Q 1110�0=lieTIa AT 40. 50 at so O E TS PSR potn417 HAS NO SUPERIOR We are agents for both lines, and ask for thea a tri:.1, arate+d they will please and extend our trade with you. Yours tr•bf. OKABI. Ids lifer• UNDERTAKERS Y • HR,OPH i ao SO� Have added to their peeeest bomber aha at D. 3. Mob's LatSI c[ Qty HAfess, also *be invest Has of basest*snobbiest `the Ned aro sow prepared to .owdset %semi. M WINK 1111118011111able. 'ltiis derfmaeat w01 be attseded b by hie ion William.vb.' is the p��Ie� al tie We D. tar tM ps hs rsig. hoe a kaswkalis1 die beim. sad by reaps artsfU.t Mess, to aha.• poi pahlb � W Ahs* w �—Waet'at, as year way w tM tial _ m aema wert.wwwrsrwor iL iC'!A*i