HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-21, Page 5TYLE . SIGNAL: GODKR1CII, ONT. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1893. 5 TN[ CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE t:i?.bwMaO ton. HEAD Of/IOL. TORONTO. wow. fly IMP) ss. 41111.1.10111 DOLLARS - 04.000.0006 0$,. sl,too,000. IL L WAtx*R, Gr0VIAL MANAGE* GODERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL OAMIMSO suss aM TIIAMsACTED. FAiu.ga. NOTES Otanou/1T[0. DRAFTS SAM PAVAN -II AT AL.. POINTS IN CANADA. ANO THE ►aNDIrA. c... vas w TNI UNn iO STATES. OMSAT OISTA:M, FMAMOi, OSIRNUOA, &. t{A1ftNO,lat1R OOARTISERT. papal/TS OF IMO AMD UPMIA110S UaosivaD, AND OUIMtNT manta OF 1NTt1EST µyOWEO. INTINIMOT A.0111 TO THS PUMaQSPA$. AT THE also OF NAY AMO .1E* tel SACH TRAIL bp.rl.l Attesters glees to ttte &Wootton .e e',...----'-• sae Fers.re' OMee Note* R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. itimItTA TVc Days are Gi othg Shorler It's getting norirly time to be van* after the Fall needs. You'll probably want a new dress, new shoes, um Moves, t tc., and perhaps a new cloak. We've been on the lookout since last winter's snow was ea the ground, selecting from one m aufacturer and another wherever the beast value offered, ani for the past month have been working hard opening up and placing in stock the largest selec- tion and hest valves it's ever been your good fortu>ia to look at. This ,unfl is " big" and " talk is cheap,' I ;:t we'll leave you to judge. We only want you to come and see. W. think you'll say the same. We t . ecify here. but you'll find bargains in every department, solid values to be had in uo other store. We can sell cheaper than other stores because we buy mostly from the manufacturers direct. We bay tor Cash. We roll for Cash unly or its equivalent. We *e'I at one price only and are con- kknt with a small profit, relying on a larg.; volume of business to rc- eu; e•rate ourselves. Our stock has I» r, doubled and our staff in- creased, so we're better able than err to serve you promptly and well. We sell Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Ready Made Mantles, Furs, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery. Underwear, Flannels, Blankets, Boys' Suits, Men's and Boys' Pants, Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes (this depart - meta. has beet aalarged and con. tin, a large range of every style or f net wear and positively the best value in the County) and every- thin:- %Hually found in a first-class Dry t l x„Iss Snore. BAHighest Rutter NR-1Le 4113w at 113 eta, s kMares *eta fel, Ourrem Prices for ands THE TREATING CUSTOM. • 0111 MUNI' .r nee Mat. Draebrda De - cameo or This Perdee..s 1'r elle.. The baneful effects of intemperance, %%inc. t today is eo rife all through the land, steal upon its victims more inddi- oe.ly perhaps through the prevalent practice of treating than through any otLer channel. To invite a man to take a drink at one's expense is the ord-r of the day. To put him thereby ander the implicit obtiptioa of returning the same or of making hint feel uncomfortable until he Las balanced In some way the kindness which he thinks he has re- ceived to an essential consequence which to him is very diahonoraWc to neglect or shirk. Thiscastom and its consequences wrap society as a cloud. In it men move, and through it the chief work of harm and of the didntegratioa of character is ac- complished. In the lower state of so- ciety 11 saturates the very language that le spoken. It pervades the very air that is breatheiL It shales the sentiment most frequently formed at home and abroad. Multitudes of children daily grow .ccnatowed to it, and youths are fast falling victims to its snares. Take any man who has found himself chained by the habit, the nngnencheble habit for drink that is tearing his very vitals to be appeased, and ask him how this gig the path of self destruction began, and he will tell you, 1f he speaks carefully and exactly, that it was not love of the liquor, that it was not the need he Mt for it, but that it was the personal pressure of a custom brought to hear upon him by the false oldigatien under which he felt himself placed to accept the "treat" or the angularity and unmanly position in which be was pot by refusing to accept the salve. Whatever or wherever may have been the origin of this custom of treating now so prevalent in our country, whether it be from the old mediaeval idea of hospi- tality carried to abuse or a practice in- troduced from a foreign land, it matters not to our subject. but it has waxed strong with our busy. hurrying American PrePle- The American scandal, the "sr:oou,- is at once its feeder and its propagator. Ther two dreadful fettering sores on our social and body politic, the custom of toting and the saloon, must be eradi- cated or turned into purer channels where they may be clammed from such dire habiliments as are hastening thou- sands upon thousands to eternal rain. The force of this custom, combined with the shrewdness and desire to gain on the part of thelignor dealer and the studied adulteration of intoxicants, themselves intended to demand more, and the pn► miscuous sale privately and publicly of the same, is the fruitful source of the far extending evils so frequently de- scribed and so menacing to the free in- stitutions of oar conntry.—Father Tier- nan in Church Progress. AI.ehaL,liiie he Trona Mrs. Mary Cleat Leavitt, who Inas had large experience in traveling in bot climates. says of the use of alcohol in the trocs "At �i3 years of age. having passed moat of try life in New England up to that dens and having been a total ab- stainer all my life, I first entered trop- ical ropical tarda Then._ to the present time, seven years, I have been the greater peri of the time in tropical climates. India. Barn ah, Madagascar, west coast of Afri- ca, from the Congo to Sierra Leone, Bra- sil, are among the countries I have visit- ed and in which I have remained some months each. It has always been safe not to touch anything alcoholic. I have never taken a drop even as medicine. Alcoholic drinks areespecially deadly in hot Wastes. Everywhere I have found total bbeh'asss lees liable to Leven, bowel complaints. riernatinm and oth- er Massa Una thaw who crime alcoholics even in moderation. In one town in In- dia, rdia, I remember. an English ooaple were the mil • white persons exempt from tar `,anal fevers during a three years' reri- d.aoa, and they were the o sly abstainers in Use place. Alcohol is a poison and seta gdekur within the tropics than else- whetw" Thr Seca Carse 1■ Crap.. The thirty-fifth report of the Reform- atory and Refuge union states that to Great Britain and Ireland MAN per- e oaeery year committed to prison as drunkards. n.vkards. of whom 113,000 are men end the net ..Imes. Li English paper, freak redeem takes frees the press of tine MAW ZlMgaalk swab the records d 1ra_tieet of woman b hebetate Ma- bee* oboe arbeDi+oe Jas. 1, UMW is Jen. 1, 1351, to be D,lSt Ina late debate is the Oer- sellibetag ►t was stated that these area st plseent 11,055 peeeoae blospite1e end 1141110! uylins Id* arse wf>li lits from WErlua tremens. sella Ane Cashmere ole• nperq.a lady's ap?, aspaoduatisaD et onnd wine, aarDlrt!s fa wI1100 w11E hashes and Bpd* yleM seek sae ISO* sakes. Spada le Mae Atilt ex. apirult about 8111.414414 Mt dos pass *WO die sells how .bout the eras SEE OUR WINDOWS THIS WEEK FOR THE IATEST STYLE IN DRESS GOODS MANTLES, GAPES and NOVELTIES IN AUTUMN GOODS. Every Lady who looks through our Mantle Room is sur- prised and pleased for we can suit all. SEVERAL LINES OF JACKETS selling special as low as other sto res can buy in small lots. WE POSITIVELY ADVERTISE THE LARGEST STOCK EVER SHOWN IN OODERIOH. YOU ARE INVITED TO SEE W. 8C$ESON & BON. THE TALK OF THE TOWN The new supply of Gold, Gold-filled and Biller Watches, and the low priers tor which they can be purchased from C. A. HUMBER dr ICON. SEE THE COLUMBUS CLOCKS. A fall line of Jewellery, Silverware and Optical Goods, &c., in stock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Drop in and see us. No trouble to show Goode. C. A.. HUMBER cS SON, Nese C. A. Nantes ea the Spera Fall Mflflnery! + + + + + + + I have returned from the city with THE LATEST ANO BEST STYLES in all branches of FALL MILLINERY, and solicit the patronage of the Ladies of Goderich and vicinity. X.4=33 CAM:ERON'- THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE LOOgING FOR JAS. ROBINSON'S One Price Cash Store. I have just returned from the Wholesale Markets, where I have made a careful selection of goods suitable for the Dry Goods Trade. Remember everything in my store is new and this season's im- portation. As I intend selling for Cash Only, I have marked my goods away down in prices. I do not care to quote them. I invite you to call and see for yourself and I an con- vinced you will be satisfied. Don't forget the Store, Mrs. R. E3. Smith's Old Stand, Jordan's Block. Butter and Eggs taken at Market Value. BANK OF MONTR L. CAPITAL, - - Si 2 000. REST, - - - Et tom• A Saving Department has been oJeMed in ets- waelion with this brands. Interest allowed at coevrenl rales. H. L OCK WOOD, Afanaeer Goderich. Brlstith. vsE GOODEIS COHDITIOX FOWBEB The lint Horse >ledic,ne. t ENGLISH HEALING OIL, Curr all cuts and sores.. Quickest known. Splendid fur Horses' *ore shoulders. our BEATEINLL STOVE f IPE VARNISH The Best Made. Climax Furniture Polish. New arrivals of Perfumes, Membrats Kid- ney idney Cure, Garfield Tea, Toothache Gum. W. Q. GOOSE, - Chemist. FALL MILLINERY- TE Has returned from the City with a large assortment of The Latest Styles in Hats, Bonnet,., 7ancy Ribbons, Feathers. LAMES ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO COME AT ANY TINIE AND SEE NO OPENING THIS FALL Far APPRENTICE WANTED. — – – KISSES YATES. SEASONABLE COODSz FRESH AND RELIABLE. CANED MFIATS, VK6TABLES AiD FRUITS. " GENERAL GROCERIES we eon suit you in quality and prion, said invite a trial order from you. R. W. RUNCIMAN `dacoewsor to E. Campaigns. WORK. ---HARD, PRACTICAL AND ENTHUSIASTIC Has pk.oed the ::ter Forest City Business College OF' LOl'TDON, In the proud position it occupies today. J. W. WEBTERVELT. Priccipal. Catalog** Fret. Walt a Bit! LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP! Facts are 40 scarce in this world that it is possible to live a good many years without becoming acquainted with one. Here is one : We ve been busy as bees ever since we started business. e The reason is obvious: We have made your needs our study, and are keeping up a feast of good styles and good values, and in buying your Boots and Shoes from us you get better value for yonr money than you can get elsewhere. You will be delighted with the good qualities of our goods. We have a choice se- lection of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Oxford Tie Shoes. Thousands to choose from All other lines complete, and guaranteed to fit, to wear well, and give entire satisfaction. Our prices aro the Save money while you can by buying your Eootst and Shoes lowest from T. FOWLER & CO. /Met Stere least e1 J R iho.'e Dreg Stare. YUNLOP Treatise, Sept nib Jobs Lawman was in Termite ageing the exhOrtlea Sass week. Mi. Nett Corbett visited Maness is Gellert* teweship has week. Pswe.*L—Ws. G. Aga-., late .f [.o.• de.. Rglead, who has been a reside t hem far se.w time thin Saseaser. left bore ea Malay of leas week fer a eewree et study 1. the art est warfare at the MWtary wheel at noshes Eh departure maks* a break is car sesta .Mels here r he wee a garret with sal be sar le erases .tnL •with seamy hint wtakttiseevery series M Ns sled. tris tker w plea best er ►.chane, *rib take t• everya hails of Neap M noern , se it amosttsOmmillW sad saw temp/ es be Misys, bear sod beads, Seale, teach is est ever Yee tie r IS see butane DIAMOND TEA MEDICINE. How it performs its .i ork. Horrible Itching Enema lletirely oared 1e 60 days. nlaruat Ts. Oa toe .wt itHtM Us ehndse., who as aehW Jansen hist trim Mat � de Mor MI b thele s ast nos Ow ii" nrh.�Iwrstes ofV every skis te reggae is theta sem saw IM emir r a leo 11y asdinise. Mme beaver nem 1>Mmbs.s. tato gals k .M aeasera t a., ob. wafts emboss tee w a keit