HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-21, Page 44
the Agnxl,
BY D. ■ea1La1Cent•T.
Oaos of Publication -a sad l4 Nertbiareet.
Gude-rick. UsIarlo.
Ternis at/ emb.sstpew
T► a month. •
a.4v .s 12
(phren IN
It credo Is arms& the INN H r >fanr
will be x 1 b0
tassotYlra Holm
Legal &n4 other emeindadverlsssmai., lfk.
het Ilse for drat Lasalle•. •....1 cents per line
Ibr each sub.eyueut beesAfes. Measured by
• nonpareil scale.
80411aes. oards of six lines cod under. 13 per
Advertisements of [[,,oseastd,, Found. Strayed.
8tnail•,ne Vacant. Situ•ifssa Wanted and
Rttsinew chances Wanted, set exceeding t
lines rummer -it 01 per meat.
Houma on :ale and Veer en Sale. mot to
esee• d s 1 •o... tl for first math. tor. per sob-
securnt lc, nth. larger advte. io proportion.
Any .i'ccul notice. the object of which la to
pennants the pecuniary benefit cf any t.tdi-
vtdual or company-. W be emaidcred an ad-
Tertisemenl and charred alro-,1inrly.
Lo: al notices io nonpareil type cue cent per
wort no uoticc• less ibau 26c.
Local notice. to ordinary reading type two
cent. per word. No notice for leo. than bee.
Not,c. o for (-burettes and other religious and
benevolent ttitudeas half rata
Commitments! Contrast Advertisements
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No •dveretaemcLt tees than two inches to
keagth will be eakelated on above beats 6
per cent. discount allowed for cab payments
tee (tree inemth+'contract; 10 ear °rat. on six
mosilue..00 1 r, -r mot. on • year**. These
conditions wit; be strictly .otora-e1.
Abates ••T1s alsaml" arSIlMy.
SuM,nber N -bo fail to ret etre Tug SIGNAL
regularly. either by carrier or b. mall. will
confer • favor by acquainting us of the feet at
as early • deter. possible.
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tomhich you are paid up. Hee that It 1s not
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itelrct'd manuscripts cannot be returned.
Correspondence must be written on one Ude
of paper only.
Publisher's Tetter,
J. C. Le 'rennet of Ooderich. has been ap
pointed Liu -al Travelling Agent for the town -
*tips of Ooderlch, Colborne. Ashfield and %%s-
wan -rah.
Loral eremitism* over the diatrirt are alio
mmpurered to receive subscriptions to Tee
Muse At.
All communications must be addramed to
Telephone Call M. Tag Slastt
Gedericle OeL
lIn'c. J. C. i'ATTEa_•n1N 1Y AI.t.oN AD Ttt
ride io the Cabinet band wagon, but the
leader will not give him a solo part for some
time to coma
It t DoeisiVN 44,st/tee LLECTIO1 I+ alar
imminent why is the Patent Combination
"trooping its colors" to rural audiences at
the protein time'
('hesterfieldian scribe of The Star bandies
the word "billingsgate" one would imagine
that it was his mother amigos
Sir CHAItLEM Tcrraor, but they have had
only Ow Sir JOmg Met'. esti --a fact
whish they have discovered 1. their cock
last. tbrvatens to be cold as well as br•ry.
That pnbtecal iceberg, Sir Joffe THosreee,
aided and .muted by that windy embryonic
statesman, Ile. Mo\TAccY, is due in Clinton
on the de A named.
Stu J.•i.N THOHr.mN• IN A MOMENT tit
w-eekoess, .aid it was his intention "to lop
o9 the mouldering branches" of 1'rotectioe.
Now, he has expressed himself in favor of
sanding by the monopolists F.wrgt must
have put a riot in the hon. gentleman's
1'i' T.. TUE Hurt or 41:01114 TO rater 4111
e.teenied cnnte.npor.ry, The NewsRecotd.
of t Ninon, hasn't risen to the sticking point
of asking Sir JOHN 1.1..)%1 ....4•4 "where is he
at' on the Manitoba School question' The
News Record eyideotly believe/that only the
leader of the Oppo.itiou should be asked
such • gumtree.
THE i'LI\ ler LAN!:pias AKD w•A.1•ITT Or
truth which has r.osmtly snaked the edi-
torial page of of our esteemed contempor-
ary, The News -Record, of Clinton -which,
by -the way, is He le•dinv Tory organ of
Hume °Dusty -gives strong evidace that
the captain bee retired two paws to the
rear and allowed his place to be taken
temporarily by "taus -the Bowler" and hie
prolific quill.
Ti.. NEW., Rip ono, or 1 I.1yTOr, HAx
thus for been unable to peduoe the utter
once of Hon. tt'yt.rtun [Arnim in which,
as The News -Rooted alleges, the Liberal
leader threatened to " shoot the velum
teen." it is not necessary for us to state
that Mr. i.tralaa Neer made such a stale
meet, and the editor of The News-Rowed
knows it, too -if he knows anything abnnt
the utterances of pobiM one.
Tr1NfrNfY 1•110111111141 nlTrniwf<%T.
A derveich from Ottawa to the Toronto
World ITory 1 foreshadows the swirly retire.
most of Sir JOHN THOMMnV from the lesd&
'rehire d the (:esservativs party, to Make •
• sect ea the Jsdieiml Oemmittes of the
Privy Conseil.
For some the past it has been w secret
that the krd.rship of Sir .loss dew met
harmonise with the feelings of the stalwart
brwinch of the Tory party, and the deleet s
of DALTON M.Ctirritr sad other old time
(lamwvtives has made • rift i• the Arty
late that carnet tw remedied.
Sir Joao Tmnn►ena is auythi.is bet •
foolish piatisleb, •ad has eyes that see aid
'are that hear what the people are saying
te the ptlthlesa And se it is, that having
tasted Me fruits of la/mthly he has famed
list a llhe g h he ImlgMt masenelffilialpillat
assert bomb. r prove .1 raise as • taember
of • leaded oemoaiws be is .M eat out
fee • party leader. Horse kis airs to re-
Them, sown, oo the trade question be is
sot in touch with the restrictionist*, bat 10
has fooled that M o•aaot take the politieal
bit ia his teeth whoa tee mosopullela drive
He has either to submit le be driven is
team with For:Tia who is willing to be
aybdy's man so long as there is a e•lsry
ettaohed or he will have to retire from the
ptsttio0 of !order. 1t u gaite poruble,
therefore, that he will take tui latter alter-
I the event of Sir Jon .• retirement his
probable successor will be Sir l'HAtu.LL
Co rein the S,,c oud - • young man with all
the viten and buncombe of Ma father, with•
oto oorrespondtng abilities But eves he
will prove more amenable to the Tory
stalwart. than Sir Juutc Tuos NON.
in former limey Sir Jou\ MA. DON ALD did
not hesitate to ay, "Afjerme, the deluge,"
and those of us who remember his opinion
along this line feel cvotideut that ha fore-
shadowed coming events. A general break-
up Jong party Imes is imminent : the tarm
en, artisans and laborers are tired of being
hewers of wo•o•1 and drawers of water to •
permanent of ti: tal clam which long ago ceased
to legislate In the interest of the country.
Sie Jitter 11 u t.o'.u.D ha. passed to his rest
and no one to bear his mantle has been
found in the Tory maks.
MI JOU%Tnwwr0Nen Lz.it u.nlr.
The Toronto News thus refer, to the kick
against the leadership of air John Thomp-
son by the stalwarts of the Tory party,
which recently took pLeee at T.ronr:i :
The piomotrn of the oouventioo are try -
ng to restrict the work to be done .s much
u possible to orga•izat ism and tegOLILatiou
alone. This •ftaruoou will tall the results
of their efforts.
They will never succeed in smothering the
great Mr kick that is hrewiog," said one of
them this mornieg.
"The intentions of the 'pprroo,Ires•ist.'are,
you may say, first to empb•tmoally protest
against the so-called representatives from
t)uterio in the count:en of the country,
namely, John H•cgart Clarke WJIaoe Con-
troller Wood, J. C. Patterson, and Mac-
kenzie BoweU. We propose to show they
are not our accepted representatives
,Second, to affirm our unswerving to alto
to W. R. Meredith and, if possible, to D'M
tow McCarthy too.
"Third, to recommend • radical change in
the tariff policy of the country.
"And fourth, to select an organ to repre
sent the views of the younger element of the
Conservative party.
"That is the platform some of us at least
would like to see carried out."
Frank Henry abd some of the other dele-
gates will fight that policy to the bitter
end. Mr. Henry is not an admirer of Mr.
Meredithe and he does not care who knows
it. If politicians are going to be generally
trampled upon, he will be able to do his hare.
"And you can depend ugon it," another
Toronto deletate said today, "that Thome
soo, Mowat, Meredith and everyone else will
get an overhauling before we get through.
Rut we will be impartial and hit • head
wherever we happen to sea ON that needs
biter'. The machine fres burst."
I:nit Reformer: Lieutenant Governor
1hapleau. who 'was in Pane when the
general election fur the French Chamber of
Deputies took place, says they do not know
bow to run elections in Frames. Possibly
they will neer attain to Mr. Chaplains
ideal io t hat matter. The French minister
of state olio would undertake to obtain cors
ruption foods by maims of commission
upon machinery purcbtsed for • public
pfintin11 bureau would not remain long in
public life -
Ingersoll Chronicle: Lest week in Mont-
real, at the session of the Lther Co.grew,
resolatioos were adopted favoring the
abolition of the office of the Canadian High
Commissioner to England; the declaring nt
I.tixr day • etatutory holiday : exteudier
the time of voting in all elections to eight
o'clock in the *vetting, and making election
day • legal holiday: placing all railway,
telephone and telegraph lines ander oontrol
of the Federal Government, and all gas,
electric light, waterworks, ferry and street
oars under control of the municipality in
which they are sltueted.
Mitchell Recorder TM variety of
methods of lifting himse'f out of his
difficulties by his bootstraps that are recom-
m.eeded to the C radian farther, discovers •
store of natural ingenuity among our poli-
tical philo.ophen Mat might e.aily be term-
ed tobetter use. The latest is credited
by The Mail to W. iL Northrop, M. P., for
the avricaltural riding of Bast Hastings,
who is said to hays assured the farms
that if they would only insure their lives
the mertg•ges of their faros onuld be wiped
off is a geoaatfoa. There am be no doubt
se to the e(ee ivemess et Mr. Northrop's
plan. If a fermi is m.nybg • 86,000 mort-
gagr sad the farmer imams his life for $6,-
000 and keep up the premium until he
dies --bis beir cam certainly pay that sort -
XThe bluest difficulty we see about
leis for the farmer to get hie boon Mimi
with him. When the mail dies he doesn't
anally take his horde w ,th him, sad the
strap aro quite berated Ms reach, s be Ins
never yet been "mows to pill or lift him-
self bock again.
Huniltes Times: Th. Toronto author
idea are peawestisg for bfesay • respected
e itisss al Wester, wader elrswtaaess that
@ treacly sayer el psswmti.a it appears
that Ile..jassi. P1swm•a. who married •
Cehaer. lady L 1866, was deserted by him
w(fh L M0, she adv to live with • mat -
tied d•.ghesr. &we maths age, Plewa
moo. who was tm readies i. Detroit, e►
Niall • divisive as the grenade ef desertis
mrd has bice takes • •rased wife. It Isnot
wile led that the divorce was ebdale.4 by
freed, at least the reports of the ease de
met se state, and i• view of thed the M Wigan the
divorce and rem
pressed •seam tams barn Fmd. ef
.encs•, abesld G pasiabed •ad IM aged -
e ms d the aisniege relate gsrrtdd, bet •
diverge regwlaey ehasid iatomle alma 'loeumt
ease ry
d Thar 'siodd be -Minto Tear. *..M
Sive as* herM pionesaM _ was
Naha Wad t
Msrhwl Mee : It ie signi1s.t that
Bir Jai. wen W awe antimissile mead
of applause whim M .sspimtaity
dadmred the Miamian d his party M Mead
tie emissive ..d pee Canada pri.oi-
t'reain Jany tariff revamp'. Camads is kr
That is se sashimi fad
whim e leaders of kith parties am. aelm
Dundee Benner : The tide el pablia
opinion, ..mistakably i. the •grbultttrnl
districts, is running i■ the direction
of tariff reform. Sir Joh* oo.a.ded
this much when he reduced the date
on binder tense sad made • spasmodic
attempt to abolish the duty on coal oil, but
he win have to do more than this it k. de•
sires to stay where he is. Throwing • tab
to the what may be • taotiul thin( to do,
as it is • mama of gaining Oma Biala the
case of the tarmers they are not to M per-
deoetved by these tape. -M
penny comments*, and unless there le a de-
coded modification in the tariff, the ss in
office will have to make room for ethers
who ars not tied herd sod foot by thee.a.-
utectu.-ers and who are ready to gin the
farmers a chance
Laurier at Newmarket : The Gu.arva-
ttvee tell you that they moaa to reform the
protective policy on the lines of proteotiea
The Liberals tell you that they are roleg to
reform it oo tee lines of freedom of trade.
The Conservatives post as the apostles of
loyalty. They are loyal men at lama in
language, their take their example, not frau
the old land. but from the land on the other
side of the line. I, as leader of the Liber -
.l party, claim to be • loyal man, but my
loyalty does riot cove oat of my boots. It
does not proclaim itself err)'where. But
I tell you we take our example from Greet
Reitan.. We are told by t • government
sad by their organs that we tenni have
freedom of trade to this country in the same
way they have it in England. For many
years to come we will have to raise our re-
venue by customs taxes, but at the tame
time I tell you that at tbis very moment we
wn reform our tariff oa the lines of free
trade 1 arraign the government es the
charge that they are levying duty not for
the purpose 0t klieg up the treasury, but
to order to give an advaotn¢e to some pant -
tiered manafacturen. 1 object to thisvic
and I assert that no duty should Le ed
when we have • L:ber•1 Administration
at Ottawa except for the perpo�ms d the
government of the couotry. Thea is Ws
difference between the government el Can-
ada to -day and the future government of
Canada whim the Liberals are roamed to
power --a day which 1 see coming. thasgh I
do Dot pretend to be a prophet -that Whey
levy duty not to put money into the tew-
ury, but to put it Into the pockets of the
classes, whereas we claim that not one omit
of money should be extracted from the
pockets of any man except what money wee
nto the treasury at Ottawa This ie the
broad distinction between us to -day. I
tell you that the next battle to be fought is
to be k sight on that ground.
Toronto Telegram : No wonder Sir John
Thompson feels like quitting the job when
influences are at work that compel him to
receive mochas Moulage. into his Cabinet.
Toronto Mail : Sir John Thompson is
about to commence his political masses in
Ontario. That he will meet a divided Beek
his study of contemporary discussion most
oosvince him.
Ottawa Free Press: For nearly- an hour
Sir John Thompson labored to prove to his
Montreal followers that the award of the
Retinue Sea arbitrator* was • highly anis.
factory one. 1f so. why, in the name of
common .en.e, did he refuse to sign it
Galt Reformer. What make. Mr. i&urier
se popular, besides what we hare already
mentioned• is the fact that, although of
French origin, he has always been an out
and out English Liberal. • great admirer of
the Rrituh Parliamentary uy.tem, and one
who believes that every citizeo should ooe-
aidr it his highest honer to be • ('aoadiaa,
irrespective of race and creed.
Walkerton Telescope : Sir John Thomp.
.00, ancompanied by • brilliant galaxy of
Conservative orators, is to make • tear of
the Proo ince of Ontario. in this tour he n
in mete respect. imitating Iire Leerier, Lot
there is one important difference. Mr.
Laurier travels in an ordinary railway tsar
at his own expense, while Sir .John and his
party travel in a palace car at the expense
of the people.
Montreal Star I('on. t Last night's
gathering will deepen the conviction of
many that the Put public meeting is, nn.der
ordinary circum.unces and between elec-
tions, not the most effective meaee of edu-
oatioo. Sir John Thompeoa is, of aura.
the master of a deliberative body -not the
toaster of stump oratory. His speech of
last mooing would have been much more
convincing if delivered in Parlament or
eves In an ordioary hall. H. is not, how-
ever, at hu best before the masa meet-
ing -
Ae emp.rtant kteOtlae Nereverr.
Nerviline, the latest discovered pain rem-
edy,may at.1y Mileage the world for•
mitutc that will as speedily an I prompt-
ly cheek inflammatory action. The hi hl7
.enetrating properties of N.rviliae make it
peer lather to all taus of rhmmatiam
neeselgia, cramps, jai.e is the husk •ad
ills, headache, lumbago, eta It possasem,
w aited stimulating and counter irritant
pi.perties, and at once subdues all inflate.
oratory action. 1 hm end a Walsh, drug-
�i.ta, Poterboro', write : ' Our easterners
speck well of Nrviline." Large bottles 96
.arta Try Nerviliw, tgrmtUternal
seed tt.Aermai pair e. Sold by dggbt.
and emir,dal....ar
Can be cured by the use of
of pure Cod Liver Oil, with
the Hypopheitphites of Lime
and Soda. A feeble stomach
takes kindly to it, and its
continued tatm adds flesh, and
makes one feel strong and
s1w.'awns TO CAWS' a Tars.
IcLead's Bloct u the Spate,
Re•dsn---Fina Primer . 60.
Road re-9eooad Pris.er 9e.
Reader*-- S.00.d Book 23o.
Readers -Third Book 33..
Reade s-Foortk Beek 1116,
Pahl* School Grasser no.
O.ogrmpby 71o.
Arithmetis ..2,3..
Drawing (:ores I to 5, 6e.
Writing Cores., 1 to b.. 7c.
Writing Course, No. 6 . 9o.
200 page Scribblers ..... .. ..3e., 4a, be.
Slates 2e., 3e., ba and 9e.
Noiseless Shim. 6 n 9 Ila
G i1iett's Paas, 41:2, 404, . 6e. dos.
'hewing Poodle. IL11 4e.
Lead Pencil 1e., 9e. and 3e.
Pen Holden . lc. 3e. and 5c.
Exocse Books.......... .....2e. and 5e.
School !lags 3e. sed 9e.
Leather School Bags, largest mise.... .42c.
.1 Farmer reahleat et aledeeteh Oeppaly
.3rd at ial1W.
From the Hamilton lteraid
In the presence of matey friends and under
ezceedirgly happy cereumst•nces, two
young people of this city began the voyage
ret lde together at Highvi.w, 51 Marki•ad
street, last evening, when Miss Ada M.
il:w was carried to Thomas ('. Wright, of
�.•rdbeilnur'e, sou of J. J. Wright, et The
Pont Faim, Goderich. The osremoey was
perforated at 6.30 by Rev. Denies Allen,
pastor of Centenary ('-urcb, in the presets**
of • large circle of Moods.
Mw Jennie W. Cook was bridemaid, and
f:eeces W. Raw, brother to the bride, was
best lases.
The bride's gown was • handsome cream
silk faille with pearl trimminv. and Brussels
lace_ She wore • diamond pin, the gift of
the groom, and carried a beautiful buquet of
slate roses.
The britlem•id wore • Ileoriette gown,
trimmed with ribbons a.d Noe, she also
carried • bo uet of white rosea She
were • garnet ring, a gift from the
The welding presenie bon testimony t.
the esteem in which the bride was held, and
to the fact that the had a great many 'Heade
who had kindly wish*, for her future. The
presents, which cocupaed a large poetics of
one room, came from England, Chicago,
California, Montreal, Toronto, Woodstock,
Goderich and other pointe, in addition to
these front friends is this city. The gift from
England was a very unique and ready toilet
set, and the gift from California waanclay:
Refreshmenta were served OR the lawn,
under • are tent, which was nicely iUami-
mated by Chinese lanterns and decorated
with Sage. The tables were arranged in the
form of a horseshoe, the ninety-five guests
who were present oocupviag seats around
the outside of the horseshoe, while the inner
portion of the shoe wets devoted to large
foliage planta and to the convenience of the
Edwards was the caterer. ()o the inner
edge of the table a hecntifal line, composed
of roses and otbr flower., extended from
one point of the horseshoe to the other with
007 pleasing affect.
The y couple left on the 9 20 train for
Toronto, sod todthey went to (plunge,
when they will take L the N'orld'. Fair.
The following is a list of the invited
Rev. Jas and Mrs. Allen, Hamilton.
Mrs. •ad Mrs John B.ckle, Harry Boll,
O. W. il•.aiane, O.F.&rely, Mr. seal Mrs,
W. H. Ballard, Chas. News. Hamilton:.las.
S.Baov, Ottawa; R.C. Burkholder, Mr. and
Mrs. If. Burkholder, Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. ('ook, Mise Jennie
Cook, Mu• Hilda Cook, Mr. and lira Wm
Crawford, Thos. Cook, sen., Miss Cook, Wm
Cook, Thos Cook, inn , Mr. and dire J. I►.
('Limb, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Christie, Ottawa; Dr. Gee. F. Clark, An.
Arbor, Mich.
Mr. and Mn. W. S. Duffield, Mrs W. H.
Duffield, Miss Duffield, Miss Debet
Mise Hattie Doherty, Mr. mad Mrs. W. P..
Davis Hamilton; lir. and Mn. W. Dowling,
Aylmer: Rev. D. R. a.d Mea David -
am, Momat Plesenat, Mite.; Mr. nod Mrs.
Ikrla.4, Harry Duffield, (leo. Doherty,
Chicago: Mrs. John Danokigh, Gederiab.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eager, Hag ihoo ;
Mise Radians, Mesle Park, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Freed, Mr. sed Mea
A. W. ( Min Edna Oage, Mr. and Mn.
R. 1; Gal Mr. Jas Gardner, hall -
tea: Will , Albert lunge, Harry Gags,
Dr. ag('.exp R. sad Mrs. Reamed wed
Mea O. A. Hernimg, W. 8. Hemphill, Rass-
iltom: D. 1). Y. Hari, Ottawa; Mr. mod
Mn. Jobe Hswkine, Shad River; Mr. sad
Mea Thai Hawkins, Mr. and Mra Ooorgo
Hewkies, Mr. sal Mn. A. C. Hawkimm, Pott
Souse• Jones, Mr. and Mn, J. P. John-
ston, Hamden: J. T. Jeim it a, Tomato:
Mr. and Mrs. Joy, Nashville, Tem..
Mr. mei Mrs. ('yr.e King, Mr. and Mrs.
S. M. Kenny, H•milt s.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Lituehsleo, Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W Mills, Hamilto.:
Mrs. Mary. Middlewood, Tartrate; Mr. R
G Middlewood, Sambre, Wyo.: Mn. Sd
ward Morrie, Mise Morris, Mr. Rd. Merritt
West.. Pao, Ohio; Mr. and M/a Markley
Mims Markley, ge City, Kra
Mrs. J. D. MaCeSsmgk, P.T.MoCellomgh,
Joke M.Cullengk, jam.. J. D. Maker.
Mrs. Niobeumm. Norma Nicholson,
Hada; Miss Raimo Newt.. Chimge
Mr. ad Mn. 8dusia Per8r, Chimp:
Mr. mrd Mn. R M. Raw, Mea Rebr►Raw
se., Mr. .ged Mea R. A. Rebsstam.. (bergs
J. Reagan, i).. Oen. K Ramie, Remains;
Mr. sod Mea R A. Rodgers, Tercet*.
Mr.7sd Mn. C. Atilwe 1. Mrs. Margaret
Stilwell, Miss Stilwell, Mise Deily Seaward.
Mr. James MIs...., )ss., Mr. Mandsn
fl 2 Haien a, Mr. sad Mea L. A.
Ssmam�, Miry HMtk, Mr. sad Ms Om.
Seim"Tal, : Mr. D. C. Slesmbea,
a R Slahh, Gadaish Mr. sad Mrs.
J. P. Seim" Mr. and Mea? . C. Mort,
Mr. sad Wei N. L Sanaa", Mat Nettie
Stewart, Miss 11180 Masan, W-.datsei
Mr. call Mn. • 11. A. ArtAly Spray Mat. sad
Oka, Lear 1St, ail
Lendae4 l4glmd I Mr. sad lam A.el
04 De. WdMem. levier. Vad ria
Mks Wool, Ilk. and Mrs. I. J. Waist.
Maw James atkr. Mr. ad Mir 0, F.
WashiegMamie. Weds, Mr.Mr. amd MJ
. 0. mod Mrs. HsuU.
Wright, Headltea; J. J. Wvlgby
Pdatna; Mr. sad Mn. R. O.
Wright, MM Phoebe Wroth ,t Aylmer; Mr.
and Ilia Joseph Wrist, L.rklay. shit t Mr.
sod Ms Casper Wright, Lake Bhp IU ;
Mr. sod Mrs. Java (1. Wright, Gndphi
Miss R11• Wrirkt. Toa.I
Roma : The Saturday azoweisse to
Kiaoardi.. and (loq.rieh have been d400
bawd ler Ibis wean
Gederlek township : Ooderich towmiip
asisail will hold)ts sent a.otiag so Moe
day, Oat. 9th, at Holaoesville.
13s•ferth : Jeh. MoMa•a 160
feta. d hay to Jahn Copp, Gtr $51611411.50""par ton.
It a to be haled and skipped to tie old
Tuckeramiti : H. Smith threshed fee H.
Carter 000 bushels of oats in • little over two
hours, and he did mot kaow that Mtn.
being timed.
Clinton : A horse beloegimg to Petr
Breams., 0t Hallett, broke away from its
fastenings the other day, sad made tiimsddL1+amgg
wood of the buggy Wore it was 0•phm.d.
Brussels : Comity Comaeiesi•her Ameley
is baring the tree work of lirwseels bodge
over the Maitl.•d painted, as per instruc-
tion of the Joie ...lm. of the Comity Coun-
Seaforth : Jame Murray, • graduate of
tee F:apa.itor ogles. is here just now ea •
visit to his mother. Mr. Murray has boa
king for some time and ni-
there y.
Seafrtb : Over 200 tiokeu wen sold at
Seafonh statics for Mitchell, to .treed the
Laurier dessoostrutioa. Large numbers
from this neighborhood also drove down to
hear the ekgsest leader of abs Labral
Brussels The saw .tow water tank is
completed except the covering. It will bg
tilled in a few days to test it. A. Inwry,
the comtractur, has made • goad job and
staid with hie contract to • Waimea. Like
Bruse.L : One of R. Leat herdali s fine
black hearse teem broke • coral in the ankle
of our of her fore legs last week and is tem-
porarily diable3. The tame stumbled
while going into the .table and thereby
ceased the injury.
Clinton : Rey. J. W. Holmes, of Rotes -
bury St. church, has been is matenunitrtion
with Messrs. hooter aatd Crossley, with •
view to secure their asaieta.oe this Fall io
special services, bot learns that they cannot
possibly come until next Spring.
Clinton: The terns match oo Friday,
Sept 8, between Blyth ad Clinton on the
beautiful gtouuda of Mayor McTaggart res
meted in a draw t. favor of foliates F.
Tanner and A. Tierney beat mayor tticTag-
rart and 1►r. Shaw: 6 4, 5-7, 7-5. A.
Hent sad M. D. McTaggart haat C. Tanner
and 1)r. Mile : 6-3, 4 -6. 6-1. Clinton,
32; Blyth, at 4 games.
Heofrya- 4m T. Hill. of the Heafryn
hotel was tined 1121) and costa far keeping
li,1Jor for sale. The case was Mewl so
Tuesday before A. Hunter and Jia. 14.0..e,
J. Pa F L Diekeu•o., of W(ogiaa,
appeared fur the defendant. !!re. Hall was
refused license at Ilrensel• sad has not had
one since going to Henfrryn. The liquor
found by Con.: able Scott and Inspector
Miller was ordered to be destroyed.
(oderich township : The other day
Herb Switzer met with • bad wcidenL He
was driving slow/ the i owl, when • tease be-
niud him, owned by Mr. Geo. 1'anteis.,
became unmaaaceable and ran away. Be-
fore Switzer could get oat of the mid the
team jumped right rt top of him, led
all fell in • tangled mw a the r,t•d
Who. Mustier we. extriated it wee head
that he was eat severely ablest the head.
Seaford, : Mush sympathy will be
telt for Mr. awl ]Ire. Japes Archibald, of
this town, on account of the death of their
bsby daughter, which tack place at Gods -
rich oo tNnlne.Jay, Sept. 13. It had int
been wed for some time end Mrs. Archibald
went tol:oderich wnh it, with the hope
that the change would prove baseficial, hat
her hopes were not wl.zed. The remains
were taken home on Wsdn.sday evening
and the foteral took place yestrdey. Mr.
Archihxxld is in Manitoba.
Harpurhey . A somewhat annual ptheer.
ieg occurred at Harpnrhey cemetery on
senday weraoon, Sept 10. This was the
meeting of three ladies whose gaited ages
nam ap to 248 years. The ladles were Met
Laid1w, motor of J. C. Iairtlaw, of Nm
town, whose age is 84: Mrs. Hamttb.
mother of Jobe Hananah, el Ttekernmitb,
whose age u 83 and Mra D. MoOregor of
!i•rpnrhey who has rsssbsd the sec 61. All
aro still hale sod hearty a.d we tat they
may be Io.g spared to their frhnde ma
Smlrth : Mrs. Mimi' Robi..on, of
this tone, died very .udd.sly on Sabbath
tele, What .ekes the emit all the mon
t pace
Oa the as ail smug
0300 wtMltasr, aetu,10 kat alp
.d eldh /rem sseleasl
bra a tera.mg
alaswM� b...
to i tai► izu
tlks mot .44,
sem.e�4m�0} vara.
ara_O_at E r $ALLAY 81
w01aY �iasas St
tea.su.kssk. aiO4.mss,
soh' by all deism bsaSacian or Dammam' These 4 a
seem mark air .w bs sat by mall, pe{
es *mss of pries -#eats a tea ore laggi
Heoskvilya Out- or Yunlate,R i k
No other brand of
Tobacco has ever en•
joyed such an immense
sale and popularity in
the same period as this
brand of Cut Plug and
Plug Tobacco.
Oldest CIO Tobacco erasej%dl-
flums fie Camas
cerium me. ?kg, 10c.
sad a that Me. Maims nam i. Mesita
at the tins eel teas fleet Ai W gut hese is
time Oar she bawd. Is wean ea 4sait°w
early is 0*e *iii soil eke Ant usim ism
he had et her lima wee M. tokens am
-.sosiog bar d.NL Maw. Rotuma uses •
��s k wanes, bag esy I/
plea a sony Sia isstrss • family et s1�.Mw1
abilthm, lee ,sagest of which is but .
digs dg. 8M 110411 etach end deservedly
eeepeMal by those who knew her. The
heassd Nek p10. ea Wednesday and two
=stted.d by former neighbors is
kipani T.ckenmitb sr well as by
Geed ter Ver tt' IIdrem. t$
Yoking people, as well as out, will be.it
by • comm of Mowbray's KYery and Liver
ConIt is an..c. ry ls
seed for •O° 1 d a
for ovary Hole &jewel d
yea kom • bottle at this household medicine
at band. itis bettor than powdered rim -
barb, taster ell, liguerise powder, seer.
etc., and jest es harstiess is proper dura
Use it for irk hssdasie, seek and ser
stomach, camps, bilismsmess, soastipatissk
bowl osmplai.t, Camas .bdra and is,
pare blend. It will rankle tie liver, stem
ooh sad k4.sys.
Jost make a mental note of this label, it in on the inside
cover of the box and is always a guarantee of prince quality And
exquisite flavor. & D&vii b Sons are the manufacturers, therefore
you may be sure they are right..
�. D*vls & ScM:. '1{fiICoAt.