HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-21, Page 1I + , me WOW ea i wsafsr
..cares "ow --00 T tars Dru.4n
A 1 s•tia rte ADV&.J .
VOL. I.LY. 2431
ast.Ys.1n Utas
Ban IUAT Tees Zana " Mamma
or mimAavaWaa
70, CANADA. THURSDAY SEPT. 21, 1893.
plisses -R. a Wears P11
Orsrecea-Ir. J. Pndhate 1
Lista Coe
Hera 6
0. • Price Cash as Ifohiwm 6
lm ear Wiaisw-- *hoses Sou 5
Cderwsar--J. A. Rech .. 8
Dse•srarakgg--Mrs. Hikes T. lj.fl sau 8
ham foe Salle-Italsei. McIw.M.. 8
Deereio.s - Harry Armstrong . 1
tie Ifeh test, et
aired. at tie
sets. b7 the ___
w.aso m
T,... t'. dl
et The Point
J. I. Wright
Altt'HIBALD-l*• ea Wednesday
srptru.b.r tai. Int. AJoss ltel.•t
dsuffit.r of Jaw Archibald. tte•rerv6 read
n.u.v hs sad ono dry.
Str. Monarch stone in as Thursday.
Stu t amt.rio loll o fissilsy for Sande.
Mtr. t ambrie called here ea Tuesday bound
she Sophia arrived ea Wednesday mora-
Vegas went est ea Meeday for ap
the lake.
The soh tugs did net go out on Saturday
sec amount of rough weather.
The boys are beginning M think this
e• tmmag r abuts dene for this year.
I'he mud scow which is bag built on the
inland for the dredge is sow smarty taMb•
Cambria had a large number of rar
*scoters oo board on her trip down em Sue-
eche Carter arrived on Midweek, with
a load of lumber from Thession for N. Dy-
The "%thing house has bale read for the
Wolter after iaviag had • very prosperous
There are at present three dredges. two
dtedylt tugs and "even mud *owe in the
The tug W. Y. McCrea, of W)a
wtv_a n an male hegonial, leftbe* en
Stearn bare Jon F. Hall .Hived on
1Lurday with 560 tom ad coal for the Big
M;J from Toledo.
The lake was too rough on Saturday for
ay boat to be ost, and the dredge had to
I.t sed on ssermt of it.
Sao. Thseiase Voges, of Alpena, name
is here on Friday from Toledo, with 290
legs of coal for Was. Lee.
It is repotted that two tow bargee broke
{sae from • ter is the nicest nitons and
were driven ashore near Kineardiee.
:r. Ceded Empire came in es Sunday,
b ud .p the lake, and took on passengers,
aa•: iremlet oowspo..d of malt and lard.
The tog Thos. Spear, ot`Port Huron. ar
mei ua Teaailt! to take da tow to Port
Enron, the veal, Limes ('ity.
The crib of the Port Albert piers bas
been washed out into the aka It was all
fry to put the atone in, but the storm
ease an before the stone.
Seterdey sight a e°baoeer wee sight-
ed near the abate abut 6 mils ap the lake,
bit oo .Sunday it war not to be seem. It is
reported that she was loaded with stem for
Port .-Albert, where it is looped she arrived
Str. City el Windom ..rrived ea Monday
pu10$.a tow the disabled three -
easter geese d Cleveland. with 700
caof mel The Wisd.or, after diseharg•
ae her ostgp, west os bon wise down the
tr. Lnetbria man is on Friday, booed
down. After dialoging
cargo and
Ming me ptakugere 55s Os de .a attempt
to coatis* her trip, bat wee ooatpelled, on
aetou.t of sissy weather, to return sad
by over teaMl thotlimps abated.
The •
armed onon Wedgy with the drub* Deal
Meade sed tend mud wows. The Goal
Meads hes boos worth= a seemly Tt•
Pat .Albert. bulb Wireuell Oro, and will
probably ley up Mn hr Ohs Wbt.r.
The big mill has been doing ooa.idonbis
elft work lately
I.a.t week the toms was visited hv •
couple of [tab= roam ....d is .sUig
spectacles, lace rd =mg pswslry.
Rev it. V. Limas will M�Ate Ybe� Mse
dx Hall this IThd
iray) "-" .t 8 e..
dock. on "Then finnis.ppmu, Either
]clly buy Pear emwbg aeebimas from
strangers at oboe era
bet $ 1st etmtsk flew y(G. W.
Itch see haaMe mod harm sadaU a1 a_a
eared in 30 minute.Woollemi'g WwM.ry
Lotion int d all Bever bas Sold by l Jet.
ew�ia�� 541,
it . pf0i bb iM la the some !stare the
satra"ee at.wiostiw to this Web
will he abolished sad the Pubs i..-
tioa eoaswePuti
ed with the n fkisee k.
whieh is nisch more severs, INA' is "1/1"
r Mb steed.
R5 1Mb lipoyls Liniment removes all herd
oft or allowed Lamps dad '- -mishek from
bra, blood spacial, mobs. apfb.d, lig
4seinvereey. Aides, upraise, nos *end
throat, °°nips eta drys b0 by
IN bottle anastod the meat
w•Mwial bh.ensvi ever how.. SIM
b, P Jew= and all
Aaw „(a air., tor Rhsennationo
w'w� he wlota u , nasally i didlmaerbgbim emd
17itremoves M eaten the stow
disease dineppsom
gdi 1 t mai b costs.
aw"M a I"bs -tD'M�r'trr`'°hi(-
lbws Amu-
rvde dy the „ bladder aorreM lm air
last'► Elbert
bept•(• i T rrtasaj lea
'swat et ma a14tt N pipalkila e-
Mlar pais is th. i res
part d tie mptry pmmspi l55i
'"� Is mimes a --amass m1
i lid �'o nNed is iseskis it able=ad e
ot1 as Inwohe," end y 1►.Joie
THE TALK OF THE TOWN I'-""""° Btu. -W' Wea eck has seed' tribute In the hire. Moderati.. is • t n 0 N T A R I0 AT
abort Eitorlas from the Report.-
ods Note -Book -
neer Crewe M ties; irress lovely N
Mvewe-Kvetysblog le sheet Istat Cees
TUre a$ skie NM - 11 1eerve • Male hi a
Wer Cwt.. 1 rade ye tent It i a t'heers
Amman 7e Takla' XNe; sad taste nen
rre.t it.
mardl° moil toYd hothe W hareo�immstele ad�t
very gu. i.MacCe Mar.
It bas baim mad fist a seas never mall}
kaows what he waste anal be mads that he
mate. get It. leo mery'ue mate t, have
ti bast L the art etgh 1i and every-
woman. bemused sed .t R, 0. 001,:W art single.
i s A sheerer of yeas isle le raise shoe crape;
w.Mr alma u.OsMsew l"s t• be n .L The cool
w�sr la spprposhion and the wise man will
et mem be mem an n Vail s eteaat. He ma
e+t masts sad beet .soy's worth at r.
Tnexesotvisu Seavit'-Theekagiviug
servios will be held in Se Georges' church
on Sunday "sit. Then will be a special
offertory on the 000tuio..
Ste iii_ A social will be hold in Knox
church next Monday cveuing at 8 1•.n.
The program will M rendered by the mem-
ber of the McGillivray Mimi. Raul and
will °°.mist of dialogue., readings and reci-
tations, vocal solos, piccolo, organ, vi.dia
and mouth mph solos and °:'sits
trs.hment" served. Admission, 10 and 15
ANarua Aertpaxy.-Thos other day a
ample of oar yoga' sports were sailing 0a
the river a • stall boat, when the centre-
board struck on a stump and the breeze be-
teg strong, the boat termed over and pave
the boyo • serious d -°king. The water was
.boat six fest deep, sad the boys had either
to shag to the boat or swim to shore. Fal.
and Frank will doehte , be more careful in
the future.
Pres : Yr. Lockwood, manager of the
Godsrick breach et the Bank of Montreal,
and Mr. Lewis, ea .horsey in the teams
city, are here with the trim 33 -foot yacht
Norse.. They ars .orely oat tar pleasure,
bat yesterday they beat every cos of the
Detroit beats they struck in the lake. The
Norma Inas a peculiar cabin which stands •
trills over fear feet when tailing. amt it can
be elevated to six teat when in port.
Craft mpg TAX Hose, SM. -A Kaman
woman who had beenel•cted police iustioe of
bee tidy has .ds.ted • need eol*tios for
the tramp problem, The first tramp who
was brosgbt before leer foe judgment was
sentenced to two baths • day tor ten Jaye
and b bard labor on the stonspile, with the
order that he should be fed if he worked
and stsrvd if he shirked. The prisoner
survived the ordeal, bat now the firat
question • tramp sake no approaching •
Kansas town is whether the police justice is
a Xaa ora woman.
WHEAT STANDAaDet.-A number of news•
papers wets aeiatention•lly led astray as to
Um wheat standards adopted by the Millers
Asso,atioa of Canada. The Termite papers
were responsible for the error. The oorrect
table is as follows- W hers tasting -62 lbs.
or over, pay two menu over deaden] prioe;
61 perils pay nee cant over standard price;
60 pssmsis, pay .t•nderd pries; 59 pounds,
pay ewe cwt below standard PPrice; 58
/.sad. pry two Dente helow st ndard price:
$I poiwwii, pay fiv. conn below .taad.rd
!j pomade, or
pde, pay Bright ate below
esamwtte prim; 56 poasdr, pay twelve peau
below siadard price.
To Iirterag Pwsraiyv.--One wry to
make tines hard, moss distress, sad to
mike Mope Lmoi55y• a ler them who an
able to pow their debts to wlsheld seam der
to laborer, butcher, baker sad p efeseios.l
MOO. Mosey locked up sad out of erode
Pen is al so benefit to any... A *mind
doll•n paid to laborers may pelade a bemired
Oakes wit►ia • week. Keep the money
stowing. Pay your little bias sad thee help
to keep the 'eirnutiae*" wp l.oskMp
g .
molly is like t.kieg the kind from the
Mamas body -it weakens thew said ceases
Miro to totter. Besides, people =ways
ha= a geed word for • man who pays
Tram Baas Fr"Wssr s. --Is haring bees
deemed o.pediset intim 'mend stint of
Mesa Morias of the proviso= of Ostans"sd
Qs eb. to mike further =orbit= for their
web. pI5.KvaptiserSXta hewn, .i wider is
mmussil Ms boos paired proviikag: 01) shim
tiao of
its to take hem loader
the provides*pwides* of 15. ceder a meson of the
16th M April. 1898. shall bo assr,i•d eat dor-
ths year 111116 only
the test er0 pa._se sad N longer,
Lngndio �
1695 aro to M .otidrd. (9) £fiur the 1.t Of
January most the slums some. for boas is the
a Ontario sed Quebec shall be
tfr. 10th of May te the 50th day d
Joss, both Ayes bobbin i. mak ..d every
A blaa.rr ti poor. --O. M..try •vse
lug about 6.'slot the ate Qty of Windsor
arrived, levtes a tow the seer. Qom= City,
of Q•veaad. The Queer City was sadeo ed
sire YHYay Wooer' Pertwoo badly yr
Al slat sad Point
abbe i
bus Mims Mnisolls a iIi Mol.. j b
mwibarjih-boff beine W tons to passe
t bwasla ems, whish a sow. Her
aha, man wcart, .r S tors Oki She
miss with 700 ea.f sea, The
harp wbi55 was towing hes ftp the w had
bo other =mob Is kw both of.1155 brake
Isar dries the pis .d wife lest. There
wee ss Mir Of lli, bot ro apes= bad ars
.f his Lep rod two rlhti blies. Was=
aid .as snmasemod i...dl iely our the
gloms aedved Is =sheik= end Is lots
he hoped ash ods =JIM mamba r eU seam
= the Welders Fair a .•.ninth Neese w.a gmabad to the et llsyfkul.
whale sips 406 tbs.. •.hampaoa..Phil The estimate et ea ton wasn tied
the e 6114000 °enmities set baaisad to
wibb weighs 1116 Ibis., • white egg pis" raise the slam i'wgwa^d is the usual w,
The east t� moeet�ih` of Presbytery is to bi
held in Brwud ld on Nov. 14th, at heli-
port tea A. M.
"ted a purples= pleat. He also shows at
tie Wertkw.sisrs Fair • stoma that brio.
dims the maim at 513 Ibis, end • obasepka
pu.pkia that kieka tie born at 161 lbs.
AT Boma -The E. L. C. E of North -d
M.*Ydim Choreit an to hold a fres, At
Home ei she basement of the shore* on
Friday eight, The usIrt•iotawt will be
..sinal and literary. A novel pian will be
iattodueoed dung the wrong to help every
one to enjoy himself. All piing people,
strangers sspecielly, ars ievited. Doors
open at 7:30.
tiuoaatru F.tvoagn wteu A VstT.-The
Rev. 1). V. Luce, 50..t., who has ba}a
laboring for the past seven years in the tam•
peranoe work on several 00*1(0ente sad
Among the islands of the oceans, until he
has become •loot cosmopolitan. pressoted
very able sermons in the two Methodist
churches of (:oderich to delighted omen -
gallows last Sabbath. After the cleanse of
the evening service, in the churches he
delivered a convincing address in the ten-
peraas hall to a large oongregation on the
Wines of the Bible. He eke lectured in
the same place on Monday and Tuesday
evenings. The •udieaoe was greatly
pleased. On Thursday evening Mr. Lucas
will give what may probably he his 6s.1
lecture in town, "abject, " Gra.hopren."
A rare treat may Ise expected. ()o not fail
to bear him. Silver collection .1 the door.
Has i New Her. -- This is the somewhat
irreverent manner in which the ('lints.
New Era refers to the headgear of a well-
known Goderich mai : Mr. If. C. Cameros,
Q. C., passed through town, on Retarder,
on bra way to speed Snaday with his moo3e -
law, Dr. Wilson, of London. Mr. Cameron
wore • soft, broedbrim hat, and would here
• southern planter, ca his way
oma. 0. his return he 'pervade bread -
new kat that gave him a much more d gni-
6.d •pve•ranoe, and he laoathingly remark-
ed 'vI a bruugkt the other bat back with
me, but they wouldn't let me wear it in the
city." Mr. Cameros'' friends will be glad
to know that, with the exception of •
rheumatic twinge in one leg, he a nearly as
well as ever.
Ct.nrrox AlcYCli Rtes . -The toiletries
is the result of the bicycle races held at
Clinton oe Wednesday afternoon of least
week :--1 mike Device, 1st, Cooper, Climes,
2.d, J. Liviagstooe, Seaford+. i mile, case
E-1 t, Frit:, Deakwood, 2nd, Snider,
Brumfield. i mile open -tat, Cooper, CLae-
toa, 2nd, J. 1lvingptoue, Seafortb. 2 mile'
handicap -1 t, Livingstone, Seaforth, 2nd,
Baldwin, Sesforth. I mile handicap. clam
B-1at, Frits, DO.bwood, 2.d, Calm, Seer
forth. 1 talk .pay -inti, Livingston., Sot -
forth, 4pd, Western, S •forth. 1 mile local
-1st Cooper, Clinton, 2nd, Doherty, Chu-
tes. 1 mile, boy. ""der ISears--1st, Jew•
est, Rai field, 2n4, Cooper, Hes.a11. 5 mile
open-l.t, Baldwin, 8eetertk, 2.d, Living-
stone, 3nd, Cooper, Clinton.
A Sr*CtAL Poem* To ExCrLe1O L.71d.-
The excer"iona which take place by all
trains from God.nch on Sept. 22 aad 23 are
the regular annual Fall emersion' held mob
year. The rates 15S year are as follows :
Chicago sad retort*, 811 05, Detroit, $6.90,
Port Huron, 83.70, Saginaw, 8605, Boy
City. 86.10, Grand Rapida, 87.96. NI
tickets good until Oct. 4th. The World's
Fair (meantime will be ooatinued until the
clam. If you have the time and money,
don't fail to visit the World', Fair. The
daily attendance a now awn up in figures.
the weather is right, the Fair is at ifs beat.
and the people ars going to see the whole
world and satioaa Get your tickets mrd
all inforsaMoa from H. Armstrong. town
ticket agrott0.T.R, God.rich, Ont.
the world: A
of gpeeaaatexpress alDolseiaii..
Asober, Canard, Athinde slimmers.
ConteLISXXTARv.-Frew the Atwood Ike
w dip the foUowiar interesting item can-
onising a Heron twenty eiergymea, who in
well *tare in Gedarl55; sad who, by -the -
way, preached is Knee dowel' *Math
est: "Rev. Beberf Readers* aid bride, of
Ambers, returned trema theirbooey
• , the Thowad biasd. last Ytldamol~ .datom,atom,
spent the remainder of the week
biota. in this I.esLty. 4 is *nal on
eseasis--the beide was the observed of ell
pions. 0s* aid matterScotch y
peeped ever her Mayen and seref6By
srettshag the bride -elect rem"rked:
'Aye. my, bit isn't Mrs. Henderson Net
a dear girl; it would he wad ff oor teen -
iter would pet w as geld.' The
old lady ..owned the sentsm.sb eM
se 011 in refw..* to the bride. Yr. Men
demos preached ea e.rses , tb.e .l
mower Smiley taereisg is his br0Ntb
pulpit. e5A .air as the theme MI W dim-
onars, "The Cres of Ariel" His theijtts
were well developed and clearly sad fent.
bly expressed is rood Am*M aexcAL The
hest wish.s e/ hie Atwood free& go with
Mr. sial lora Renditions ee their
Keough life
Por rtsav or HWsss. -TML Presby-
tery bold • ngobr nasYsg i. Maks as
September 11. lsetad of .'memory meet -
hip. the miss er. owe naemmeided loan •
=heap palpate par the purpose .t pssaoh-
lag ..5.-y some.. and is the -bones
of ..ah erebengee that every .hairier
preeab once sr twice • year ea the dams
el mbeiwa. As there ie • diatoms et
epodes as to what .am.Ytsms a busily, is
arty ancon, for roportiag to the Assemsly,
• lois mea agreed upon for reeko.ing sans
fns inn "std erdisud M he printed For the
we of tennisaa A insist fors. Ile. RAY
was and rop.oting the ammo* .rpaeted
from thi Presbytery for Am..My Food,
iMs histreatiod to write to do
lws sleek aymbyms stowing =ma 4
the meso sepses= .l than. Thee won -1.o
read a dosisi fres Dr. C155a-se estlag
leak 1M asmesMs appoftionisi to KA Asir
rip kr Mess silidess rod
vb. en=Th�*tor fmonrsol-
siOO* 'Ma limb
Nisi t "takeover amiss tis seiww.0
of the ebaeh, ash syieot Mar M e mo
Jams Manger Wt on Friday for New
Joe Edwards left on Sunday per atr.
Cambria for Chicago.
G. Acheson has rewrs•d frost his extend-
ed trip to the Northwest.
Albert Jubaaton left Wednesday to join
lis brothers in Mwitoba
Mr. and Mrs. John Atkin visited rela-
tives at Leaden daring the week.
Jas. Begley, of Wiagh".; visited his
brother-in-law, J. J. Avery, Ms week.
Plies Minnie O'Reilly retorted last week
from visiting friends in Butele and Chicago.
George Parsons, of Detroit. was in tom n
fast week, entitling friend, sad relatives.
Mrs. F. W. Patter"o., of Wiartoo was
the guest of her made, Raby Willi".", lest
t1' m Armstrong returned on Thursday
from Toronto whither be has Men visiting
the Fair.
Allis Moore, of THE Sweat staff returned
home om Saturday after spending • week at
Mrs. Atkins, a , spent • few daye is
Lond.w, visiting her daughter, Mrs. I. N.
1.. G. Armsteo.g and wife left on Satur-
day for St. Mary. to attend the funeral of
his sister.
km. R W. Henchman "rad anter, Mies
Edwards, left for London Monday morning
last to take in the Wester. Fear.
A. D. Runci eon. who has been in Sample
lately, spent Sunday in town. His nest
operas.°.s will be in Freston, Ont.
Rev. 1). 0, Camerae, of Strabane„ former-
ly of Dtogannos, will occupy the pulpit
of Knox church `iabbsth next, morning and
Alex. D. McLeod is speeding • few days
in town this week. Hs bas held • ppao.diiaa
as wheelnan on the str. City et Wisdom
daring the 0001600.
lira J. E. Nelson .-d children of SL
Thomas lett for home on Wednesday atter
Wenn spent • pleasant visit of several
week, with relatives ie Goderieb.
Carberry New" : J. D. Swanson, B. A.,
return 1""t Friday from speeding his
holidays at the Golden Gate City of
fornia and Pacific creat towns. He looks
greatly improved by the Sea Francne°
Trizumv, Sept. 19.
Mrs. Geo. Baird, jr., messed tome last
Saturday from Toronto.
Wm. Nevin returned home kat Monday
from Detroit, when M has had a siteatioe.
!lis Shobbrook, our enterprising millin-
er, returned to our vinare again Oat Fri-
Rev. Mr. Simpson returned home tact
Thursday, his health being benefitted some-
what by his trip.
James Terser, who returned home sick
from Toronto exhibition, is, we ars pleased
to "tat., recovering.
Meares. Jobe Murdock, William Mur-
dock, Root, Roes, denim Swam sad Hugh
McGregor est last Fridaytor the " White
City " to see the World's air.
Your humble oorrspondtt.t bad the baser
to b. the •sly repro""ve d the Liberals
of Breeseeld aad immediate to videit at the
great liberal demonstratia. a )
last Thursday. Ws .ami say we were
greatly pleased by attaading snob a politi-
cal meeting for so great a pose.
Toa tar, Sept. 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Gould, of Hassall, have
hese visiting friends hare.
Miss Levy Bench, of Leedom, is at pressed
'intim( sad!. the parental roof.
Min McGregor has nursed home often
an ext..ded Tilt to Mania 0t Drysdale.
WswDteo BRUN.--O. the evader el
Thursday, 14th ins., iso el th.m Smiling
event* whim ail onjoy took pkv at the
rebdear d John Mall alum. its
• retired
fees. .1 this plass. le wee wwass.a*iw
Joasad WW*0. AMwerlb, • ter,n,
yams balsams mem of II. b.,
sod ena of 0. Aldwe �S.q.. of tide tews-
e..f Hm
ehip. The pbr*.op by the
ROT. 1. Swann,
n, e.1.0i1, fa the pro.da*
of a huge osmpeny of triads. The bride
was taNdaUy arrayed is a laws soloed
dram fibs was meads the twig's* of a..y
rich and varied ppoe.s.bmale,,
aog whisk were • 0Uvr bowl, di
ver calm 5..ket, silver ptote7 Meets .ad
*Werebatte*Were sad silver kei.o., fork" .std
owe lir. ad M . Mol ahhon, t.1 LLA
Miss Hold..,, of Stalk, Mr. anvil lg... Ions
AMM. tie let Mayes, sed 50,. .,v, et
*pais Ono � pimple
am es -
tee em*Il she wee pia' 5.n. The
storms .*epb left for the saw hris= on
ami& the 19th mak,bile rod
by the vibe of a hoot d fr.ade
dew no eat a '• 8sntl t Mare.
Bend 911 r rosy "�ryp.e�
(weeper or
beating the wds " by7r 1 .s a
Were Leek OM Sooner Thea a Man ") t.
Lover bras, ltd. , 43 8eot►s. Twort.,
sod yes win read= by pa= • prsSIy pa -
tore, free from MverWns .d well worth
Iru.irlg. This Is as easy wry to dawn=
your Was. The mop io the bast a the
moire* sad it will only e00t le postage le
mod is the wrappers. N you 1..,. the ear
spa Writs veer .rft s n elly. lst
Esitmolibr. 113. -As tim Asia=
s% Onion T.
yJake Bar. hires k. 1, 0edeir Eon"
Susi. k. I. Omrdry, au- u....
Thoesder. d--00 Nis gesoihne of
timamet iasor. '! tsasdrp, mss•
C H I C A G OI Ta ; Aldo-
N-/ �, ,h
Hall, Toronto
ossa Wow earls.
• it Pllaoe Tal[en by Cern Int lyd• hones the following were plac..1
ad.'s Premier Provinoe. ,e. the •ward ilei t R. Davies, Toronto; 1►.
and O. Sorby, Gteslpk t Adams Bro., Dray -
too : J. McKay, N oodatook ; W. Ino,
Rockford ; S. C Johmeo., Mandl* ; J.
Davidson, Ashburn ; A. Bell, From River
W. Phelps, Trento. ; J. Swell, Clinton ; A.
B. Scott A Son, Venaeck ; J. 1. ll*rrdeee d
Son, Balsam ; R 0. Ratcliffe, Anderson.
Shires -John Carr, Fro.' River. 8.ffolks-
Jos. Book, Thor.d•1e : Lloyd, Maori A Co.,
Bobsygeoo. Hackneys -R. Bei 15 4 Co.,
Bromeavtll. ; S. C. Johnson, Manilla : l..
H. Deer Park, Toronto; R. A.
Crossley, Roman Amason•° Arabs -Dr.
J. B. Hall, 'reroute. The money value of
the horse Priam was shoat 8800. la cattle
our whines were : 46 Shortbortts won
flubs ; 13 (lelloway., 8820 ; 13 Devon',
8465 ; 38 Ayr hires, 8956 ; 8 Holsteins,
8175 ; 11 Herefords, 8130--ittall 84791 with
129 enioa1, or nearly 840 • bead This is
• much higher permettage of award. and
mosey W number of animals shown than
say Stets in the Union. A very important
piece atno.g the judges was assigned to
John Snell, of Edmonton. Ont., in associate
ing him with Mr. Imboden and 11r. Stock-
ing, of Illinois, to determine the respective
menu of the animas in the beef breed
sweepstake.. Mr. Snell is one of the best
know" Ontario breeders and no one is bet-
ter worthy than he of the high hot...r con-
ferred on him by the exposition authorities.
►lxit nou•S$ rids TORONTO.
large t'.ssagnmente Cet.eng 1a Draft -ant.
art. Leede 1. 51.11. et Kerb Flavor- a.
Csr.ilos' nese; txblbit-flew e.yree
7.111. asmtier. Fared as rear wearer.
-Msaetblag .Heat eslarl.'e rue Dar
play e7 seers..
bV °turn's FAs, J* acus P*.R.,
C ile woy Sept. 16.
Ontario Press Bureau Special.
Now that the live stock show is over, one
of the chief features of interest, inasmanb
as it is changing every day, is the freak
fruit. Many of the State buildings have
large quantities of fruit on exhibition, but
the main dupery is in the north and south
curtains of the horticultural boaldisg. Ever
sine June small iota of fruit have been
dropping in frorq the Southern States, and
dunng July and Angust small fruits in con-
siderable yttantitis came from Ontario, but
mow everybody is seeding everything, and,
as with the live stook, it is very question-
able if • display of the same magnitude,
covering so many kinds and of such • high
order et exoelleece, was ever ,.eu in the
world before. Entering either curtain ono
sees • vista of rich colors, and ore's nostrils
are greeted with a perfume that n u-
deseribabe--tis odors of tropical, semi-
tropical and northern fruits bleeding in ex-
quisite fragrance. 1t ie u i/ all the or-
chards mod vineyards of the continent had
been robbed of their best pr.dMte sad os
the long tables and shed..., grimed more or
Ion artistically, are tis '*01. i e( apples.
peen, peaches, plums, ..pas awl other
fruits gamoraUy knew ma= bat anthe
oirTAalo'e Mr IT.
(fatting with A. H. Pettit, of Grimsby,
superintendeat of the Oaten Frit Depart-
ment., to whom more than env other mate
due the high position takes by the Province
in the Pomologic•1 department, he informed
me that the people of Ontario had evidently
been much e000ar.ged by the report, .est
out of the exoelle.ce of the fruit of 1892,
and are mow seedier on their eb.pinenu in
• most satisfactory seaneer. Large quan-
tities were eroung formed daily. and des-
pite the tact that aoourding to his "dodos
this wee an off year, the quality was ex-
cellent and likely to sustain our reputation
at the "acme high pitch nkat had hese al-
ready achieved. It hardly seeded Mr.
Testis's aseuranoes, for the tables spoke for
themselves, and as one lingered for a few
minutes in tie Ontario court ono could not
but fed flattered at the many oom linam-
ta.ry remarks on our exhibits. 1t will be ao
surprise if ,lousy awards for fruit Dame our
way. It is true fiat 1 - size we cannot
cm.pste with the mammoth xpecimene from
the irrigated States of California, Oregon,
Washington and Idaho, but we beat th
in Savor every time, and there is no place
when Chia very feature o.n better be tested,
for each State has meet the beat it had and
rushed it through os foist express trains.
One of the odd features of the Ontario ex-
hibit was • quantity of ripe figs, grown by
Henry Pafford, of Niagara, on • tree sense
tw.ety years old, growine outdoors. There
is dy oo limit to the resources of
median WOxer.
Mr. Allan Pringle, of Selby, well
known as one of the ter wrest On-
tario beekeepers, retorted within • few
days having while Eat asloet.d ay
of choke comb honey of the SnBsa.
Itis maw placed in poetise .ad eases
thing by comparison with tis Sae. which
are oosepeting. The Oatariit dimplay of
hooey, irksn altogethee. a onnealfy
and hos past *thingits .ttesssjwmegood,
the hands of Mr. Pringle who bee mta.pd
the various kinds off bee Pringle,
predates smelt ar-
rinse A.O0T turns.
The stook pavilion, widish for three
weeks was the nest popular spot on
the grenade, and was crowded with
interested aid eath.sismt4e spoliators,
ie new deesrld sed bast. and will so re-
ins= until atter the 96th deli., when it will
mho to the biaiiag of the patient 55�,
the grants el the porkers said the la=
o bese of the teath.'d ramie Of 55o.p
Moro ore 431 =trim. .wire, 83 and p•eltry
Aosta 11,000 from Ontario, se wall eo also
. wmderd trotting bonne amid Ihorwmg hsebs
'Mei will be put wards the =A of Osmejbr. their
a 50
Osiers the Ems msveiist, Walter Beuamt;
=MN mod heroes- 20 e"rleads to -R--were t as i4kessp Amb hwMdbig 5, Kw. the
minlgmwi bows an 8atsrda of last onesb.
Th. went d.mdirt j to tis *410.
o f =sir ew.wu-the homer into o.. -.-tine
at name It was hoped that the repla-
1Nes wwld semi boot =lazed to .now the
MUM to ha returned without delay, bet the
Demid.n Owens** refeend to make se
exception is their eels, and there they will
love to reams at • goad deal ad expense _
the O.verasmat •d .nn.y.aso to the
mon. Had. the legalities* adopted pea
the Uwe **ea .enter!.. wide% have fanned
th..ubjat of the Int tone hein of tide
e arion, mossy prism war's awaA.d e -1y =
the sat for adrmb is o•cb sootiest
weir ef merit, in la
rit, ire apart from theromsioder Weft pliesd by the reeky.,
.. Ihige Io nye* wsd so
b»s s5s
d many, sod IIsratw+d domes tisw
V=WA by the
list the .nt*latamsler rtthe . our.
of Nam brook whether theprior
ams bene Qwd. te too the_
%abm t the Amorists Astons Amadei*,
wird Nle - J.5wIdtn to Awmliow bed
.isle, with • 1W+aaaitbs reliably of like
vir= robe to hype= In the LIpee elms thire
• groat sway special prosinom The
by the bogs stab.. and marit, hM6
of wNak wise osis ti Mr. 1SS& lfmtpr-
Meetoi PUh debaseChadf ani Mlbbi rA
Yate woes Nona w w vkNrg».rry
Of the foreign horses on exhibition none
here attracted more general attention than
the Oldenburg Coach horses from the lm•
peri.1(:erHan stables, • targe numoer of
which were sunt over in charge of H.
Gerdes. The Oldenbarp are an old breed.
with noble heads, brig • inept eyes,
excellent back, wither and fest, and fine
elastic gait. These hones very Boon at•
trained the ette%tiou of Robert Mavis, of
Tharocliff keno, Toronto, who is well
known for ba knowledge and love of boosts,
and atter • good deal of .egotiatie. M suc-
ceeded lea puteiesiag bene snares, the pick
of the stag, MOM were shipped East on
Tuesday, with the expectation of *owing
sham during the bat days of the Toronto
Exhibition. The three mares, H.rsee,
(reolin and Intone aro in foal to the best
.Wlio.s in the Oldenburg stud and are Ail
beautiful pieces of horseflesh. In acoordasoe
with the Genian costoet each is branded on
the neck and flank with • crown and letter
O. They aro just the cam of horse for
which there n always a market at hone
and •bread nod it speaks well for Sir.
fiestas' enterprise that be secured them.
This week Prof. Robertson and F. Mu -
larvae, el Windeer. who hes been ecu g as
Wee of obsess hare, pat the tryer into the
big cheese manufactured at Perth, Ontario,
which bas attracted so much attention dur-
the entire Fair. The cheese has been ex-
posed to a tropic temperature for more
than three .-month., yet was found to be in
good oxidation, sod of excellent flavor,
everything considered. This must be ac-
cepted se • very high testimony to the
keeping quality of Ontario cheese under W-
eenie circumstances.
The first of • series of song recitals by J.
F. Tbompeoo and Mrs. Agnes Thompson,
the well. 'Loose Canadian vocalists formerly
�da. 'Toronto, was given in the music,hall aha
.1.s.we.,., to be followed by the others on
Ttlwiy and Saturday next. There was a
beg. smd fashiocable audience present, in-
eladisgssough of our countrymen to give
the a de.idedly Canadia. favor. Mr.
smd !gra 111e7e• hold • high position in
amsjgs� circles, and everybody wee
wish ib. entertainment .iveu by
then this abermma.
Sum saemrM has been expressed that
(Maris amid hays • deputy .-' -.ser
at the Wella lair. As a smatter .f fact,
no such t was over Ade, the
title w Iiad ert.Niy oraitrr.d by the
writer in em srr2rr films.- ea Adwmt Arm.
e ttomg,wbo for mese time past has haen act-
ing ae vest for Mr.Awrey, mp
lodging places f 0.esri.p�• for the eliihreet ���
written to the agm nendowr wok ser-
vice C. W. Yorso,
Ten Coon or Ax Rx-Pamermmwr'. MAr-
oeCWrt.-4 se iUuot..siss of this messy
paid to writers as sees as a re.
• oa. the
ass -
miss eat than eight th.asme d words, Mr
w►ioh tis ram of Mamma hmsiii ami
idol more paid. Bg-Pllw/dsw -
wain, ..d WNW"
Howells w the
tawthree wham week ems-
bar a store them ems hundred The miMwYama
wing the =id pbi4' of Moos' is the
)expemiti.m,.ted tis Fair ie boat-
. by .ore that • doses authors, =elating
it Company;
N. Daprtton=pr.
eetl the Mir, by the Adel
a OW doped oral, =moors.fastenA fasten of
tido osmium story by Mark Twigs, es-
lithd "L no Living or L H. dead r
•The (Laedba ltiageaMr for $apt.wbor ie
• v'wy brldlb somber, Halt Is vv4My and
isewemt, .std ...-.smog an crime mow
sb. Soho= MAIM Q.... "" w 1.
Mr. Be a tl. provisos m ar"Lim• is
the nit�MW
iis la mish of •ww hit&
dies* poseally lave t.
6Ywews Mama. esde~alis l'... i.aor A
Whirlwind of Dbastr," • view of
ihe salsa.- of the 1.peesafiea eethe Utal4,d
Shoos. Asstbr weals of pi= homeot to
the s world gamorap,��hip
Aestriebsim" " A a Grimes►
Ismer:' ij Ron. R. S. s .worm
eh. i• . s
We alemb.r s • .f snot aNse-
birtg mrMolw of0.1 bMreN to Odr-
di•am, list War 1 3 degwl►
lib/ inns el
lc ....
own do lt=
oak.a Na laiwissil do •1� sIllebblebeill nob as wbt
M.M pea mr'ellieL j Or.. (LI b