HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-14, Page 44 THE SIGNAL: GODERICII, ONT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1893. Shc $Agnxl, 1. rpnl.ata!® EVERY TIHURSDAY MORNING B T O. ineYLYJIRMT. Mee ot Ptublication-4 eat ie, Nurtheezellt. tlodrrtek, Ostarfo. These .f $abaslp(te• s One math. in at:vasce 1 12 Three meutty 330 5 I 00 It or nit w is aimed. the pa'r prise pTim!w 1 3C Adver8M/ar ■arse sod outer sena! alrer'r.rtente. IOo. Cfor Brat Insertion, sada brace per hoe/ar each subsqueue tewertioo. Measure.] by a weeps mil wale. Business cerise( six Uses sad sassier, (s per year. A4verrbemesre or Lost. root!, :,tears! B ltsatl"ao Vacant. o ituattua• Wanted a^el H eathens Chances Wanted sot exosaaliag t Ilnes eonpere 1, pji per mouth. Renee. nn +ale and Farms an Rule. not to •-. r:•C 3 lines. tit for first mouth. NM. ter Lab- • 'u•.14:!•tot 'h. larger e1, ie. 1n proporti).:. Le epreL.I not Ice, aha (hjev t of will, 4 to Preemie the peendiary beeedt of a..) victual or company. to 11.• co:taid.•.ea au ad- vert 'genteel* avid chancel •i -unliaely. Loot melees in nonpareil type oleo cret per word, no notice. lee. than 2k. l.oetl notions in unliaary reading titre two cense rer word. No notice for leo, than ,Yb. Knees, for churches and other rdlgtoua and bene a nien t test it utions halt rata ('.asm•rrlel Centred! Advevtl.ewra/e. A limited nnmt.er of dictillived advertise !opts w 111 t• intrrei at the Ifo:losing ;arcs : Per Ina h, owe itucrtieat $I0 W '• fear tn.tr7i..11 1 cL ▪ Il,rct months • ei; neatha our year r 5 a' NO •evewtleeawwl Nee them two to. hes la bn*th wt.!' be cAlca41eJ on •1%'ve h1.. 5 for rent. discount allowed for ea .h pet meets en three men.hs even, t ; IJ per scat. on six amatha'. sad 15 r• r emit. on a yeses, Thum esedltie.a will tie etdctl) enforvetl. Attest "The *canal" Oeltve'.y. Rale, -titer who f.it to re. -el re Tnlc regularly. ellher 1 • c.try.er or to mall. will confer • favor by sit: iotnttinH WI of the ta*t at am early a denies pos.ibt*. L eek as Tatar Label. Your Iabei is • standing receipt of the date to which you air paid up. Hee that it is not allowed 'o fell Into arrear. 1t -ben a change of nddrees 4 dewlrod, bo:h the old and the new audrew sbot'Id he Lit cc. ReJrdcd m•nnerripte indium be returned. Correepo.tdenee meat be written on o.1e side of pater only. isbUeher'. %alert, J. C. le Tousrl, of Oodericb. has been ap painted mewl Travelling Atreut for the town - silos of Ouderich. Oolborre, 1ah4etd and Wa- wanash, Local psanusat •re over the dL.triet sre also empowered to receive subscriptions to Tete eta, All communicatiow motet be addressed to D. Mc0ILL(CUDDT, Tam 8tolcat, Telephone Call M. (odeeich. Vat. t 01 3 n)i 60DKR11QL, ilRUAT. Bli:l'1'. lt, nag THE ONLY Rae'IrttoeITY T11 tT F•enain w..nta with the United Steles u is Yankee divoracs. TII tT l.,cni ASD AIRY LITEaATTRE KNOWN as the !'all Stow prize tut will soon make its appearance in the provincial news- papers. WHEN SIR Joon Tnosireo. API•EtR' 1T ('liutoo on the 26th iast.,we hope he will act at rest The News -Record's anxiety to know What will be the actOn of the Government on the Dlauitobs Act. 1)K l tioxila tTEK)I A'* *at aCl' as naafi ot the 1.0. F'., is 48,000 --a sum as large as Diet annually paid to the Premier of the Dominion. All of which roes to show that (eRuNII ATELA is 8 " Lig tajuo,'• indeed. 111E Lit iiAI. ..AT111.1:17“a AT M.T*'H*LI. today promises to be a grand demomtra- t.on, ■nd thousands will •.lead to hear the gnat I.iberal tribune, Wit title LAORILR, enunciate the principles of the Reform. pery. -- TilElix 1, ONE 111111N11 Ditto sl'RE, AND IT is this: No matter how be has been struck at the Midway,erery mac a ho returns f out the World'. Fair seta and talks as if he were specially deputed to boom the White ('.ty and adJ to the floating pops'•:ion of 11'11180i I1 ',kir. 'luau,. 1." ?orf ter Ri:Y 1.1' A'n ru'h on the I►tmtanios election they will be t.x, late. Rumness cn the other ..Je of the line, which was recently so depressed, is beit41 resumed so rapidly as to make croak• ers on both sides of the artificial boundary line undary- line dizzy. SIR JOHN Tuun•e,N HA* 11Eo'*NTLY Ar'• quired the Frenen language. The feet that three years ago he knew nothing of that language, and non Tuesday evening last ad- dressed French Canadian Momtrealen ie their mother tongue speaks volumes for the hen. gentleman's perseverance and deter- mination. IT 1* kr Hokin TIIAT Hord. 1:. W. Ro * will presently b. appointed Registrar of Middlesex. We hope then is no ground for the rumor. This nominating of them - .elves to office by members of any liorern- meet, or .ren by members of parliament, is • pernicious practice. We do not need to go to Britain to end this class of people, for our own Laurier would "shoot nor volunteers."-l'Uatoe Newer Reamed. There is nothing in the spoken or printed utterance+ of Mr. LArRlat to jn.tify the shove oeetemptible shunter. If Th. News-R.00rd can produce evidence ea this point it is in honor booed to 40 son Shaws nr THE TI'17 HI'YT1NI2 CANADIAN journals are reproducing • picture of the Primo. of Wales, which is labelled, " The Whiling Prince," and in whisk the Iadevidtal reprwnted is embellished With ons dittoes sickly .mile@ that a ea{kiky babe r attached with oreasiea•Ily is its deep. M thews ate pad j mina's will give us •et his royal '.gh.ess acting as deal s fuse of hon ant at Trashy Croft K will look • 10011 deal mon tsaturaL THE TORT •aw$PArt*. ARS • A. .1 INn sheet reams Mr. Tenn gstthug • "Sae to his name for hie past is seemeettes with the llehrtag Be. surrender. Will they be geed tetengli to tell us what Air Jon* Twewrecte OM far his wort. At sl.. low Gamy Mame Camels sad the meted Sham 1.td Me sn.ow ter tb opponents amil hemhe.. w..kigtar ~p y J.rr 811*. deserves ..edit far Ike wail A SeSt'1B11r N TKT Jw(R3AIJ II. Teta Sfi:NAL has for years looked upo The (Tinto. News Heard ea the !.ado Coasarvauve 'martial of West Huron, and eesoedes that position to it relay. le that reason we regret to nonce that our es Wasted coutcmpurary to its last issue h bees 'silty el the unpardonable luurualis sin of deliberately miuquotiug the publish utterance of • public 1wn,with the iutentic of having a wrongful intone...Ai draw from the utterance. Thu is not the firs tune, nor the fiftieth tome The News- Herod has been guilty of similarly emasculating the utterances of political oploomits, and when the lealiug couoty ('unser vat iv* sews paper descends to such base taction, what are we W eepect from the lesser organs of the party. Says the News Record: At New•tnarket Mr. LAi'RIta admitted that the s:tavernnsest were asvieg our people three mollies dollars $ year on Sugar oboe. "And,' mid he. "the duty levied on reseal sugar brings only $80,000 a year. I admit at once that they don't take touch of that money out tet the pockets of the people." Mr-. 88.!'411C1. 1/1130* with the low pr.x of swear and en.iloyniect of our own people in reliuio lie and the Grits would tether hate the latwr employed in the l'uited States and have Canadians Lelp build up a foreign and at preacut depressed *•catty. Can oboes will have none of it. 18.188, : never outdo the statement attributed to hive, nor dil he create in the of one of his thousands of /weir -ere -- Reform or t'.,nscry•atiye-the impression that the scissor of the Clinton editor has sought to convey. The following is what Mr. L.tr4IK4 11.11.8 cn this point at New. market, led nut readers will gee at one* that it dues not beer the construction which hu been attempted to be placed upon at by the editor of The News -Record who has nose into the shearing process, wrenched sentences from their original cow <at, •ted the had .ad see ler himself what were a the susses ter kis ton sio.Yiii is he emc- ee tion. His enterer., who wanted to test the depth of his pxkel book, had padatod ter i the position in roseate oolors and had v- - !most lead the defeated of North Keats to be- hove that he had not tip to ditto woes eat do his 11/111:010411 111 II dol'. Der. PATraaso•, d i aithoegb not • statesman, has dealt with 11 i polities& heelers for too many years to be o taken into camp by the fellows who thus sought to bear take evidence I charge the Government that they ate taking money out of the pockets ret els people, not to put it into the Treasury, but Into the pocket• of soma of their ham's. Take sugar thew* for instance. I see it is .rated in The Montreal Gazette that to -day sugar is free ; that theta is no Lougee any taxatinn upon en••.r. The statement is not true, and I ani booted to prove it to you to- day. it is true that some two years ago there wait a duty on raw sugar, a duty w hich amounted to some three millions . f dollars • year. When the McKinley tariff was put in force and the Canadian tariff re- moved from raw sugar, it wee claimed by the (:overnlnent that they bad relieved the people of three million dollars of taxation. It is trite that they removed the duty o0 raw sugar, but they have pot it on refined sugar. They have followed the exAmple of the American government in this matter. 1 will show you how it is. If they mean to say to the people that they have put ne duty on saga in so far as taxes tor govern- ment purpnses are concerned, it s tree. THE DUTY LEVIED UPON REFINED SUGAR BRINGS ONLY .80,000 .1 YEAR: Oat is all; hut Ivy giying three -tenths of a cent of protection upon refined sugar they give to the refiners of sugar a pie tection amounting to the difference that exists between the duty on American huger and Canadian sugar. While you pay to. the Toeuury only .]0,000 per ye: r. you give a protection to the rehners of 3600,000 per year. That is the way that the Gnvern ment of 1'.0 ode tells you that they will re- form the twit' They say that they are e• clueing the taxes of the people. I ADMiT AT ON('E THAT i'I' iS TRUE : THEY i)ON'1' TAKE MUCH OF THAT MONEY OUT OF THE PO('KKTS OF 'CHR Pi+O- PLE TO PUT IT INTO THE PUBLIC TREASURY - ONLY $80,000. BUT WHEN TIIE1' TAKE $00,000 OUT OF YOUR PtICKETS OF LKt.ITINIATE TAXES,'rIKY TAKE: (600.000 OF IL• LEra fIIATE'rAXES. (YHII'11 THEY LIVE TO THE REFINERS Or CANADA. Ent there is a resume tLey give for this. They say that if they emcee the duty and Mow the Anteroom refiners to come in, our refiners will have to close down. i do not admit that to he true. But.up*nse it were true that our reloers world have to close Mown. Is it true that by importing Amer'. !'All sugars Canadian refit. -re world have to clog. down ! Let ns look at the history of one of the refineries in NI out reel of which Senator Drumnrnad is the manager. Senator Drummond receives as the manager of that refinery a salary of (60,000 a year. Will any one tell me that a refinery which pays a salary of $60,000 a year to its manager oannet lite without protection ! i don't believe it. From the foregoing it will be seen that The News -Record has taken the sentence •' The duty levied upon refined sugar brings only $90,000 • year," and, after cutting out four qualifying sentence', has tacked it on to the sentence " I admit at once that they don't take much of that money out of the pockets of the people " and stops there, as if the sentence were com pleted, regardless of the fact that Mr. LAr*IEa continued, " to put it into the public treasury only 480,000." And then the speaker finished his argument by point- ingost that $80,000 was all that (loreramest received in the shape of revenue, whilst the Sager Barone received $600,000 per annum by Aot at I'arlismest. The same oode of joursalistie ethic which mess a leading musty newspaper to take such unwarranted liberties with the uttereace of • public man, would justify it in seissorh g the prohibitory word " not " out of she Tea Oisaime t$wrsta, and thea claim ing that the esaseeknerl smts.os were Rennin.. TOR PAVII'T tlr11ta1%A 18811. There will be a notable g.tierisg tt peli Helms. and alleged plitisi•.e at (Mateo es Tsseday, Sept. 21i. All grates an 1 owidi tins will he ransomed, from Timm r errs sad Postai, the area of beds, te Wats.A. s •sit r.TTamne•, the Mistral hobedi.a, with Mee Jnn• H•wsaa, sad Mr tomatoes! MowyMmra shrews to ler bailees The Hes 11111WAer el Militia- who tem - are " out for the stuff," Lad so node a pentesal pilgrimage from Ottawa to West Burns to see whether hu agents in this maims bad lid with the ease and grace born of • hope for an unlimited J*trtbutioa of boodle in the next ol.wt.ioa campaign. In doing se, 11 m. J. C. PATTIE:FON Was wile in his day *ad generation. He found ou: that his political bisque, so far as Went if.trua was coati -eruct was headed for up :it'd Crook. He diaoavered that the oormoranta in this .metros who ha 1 tested the leaking capacity of his pocket -book Juriug the previous campeigo, led who had been pampered with financial assistaaoe eine that time were, late O:.tvaa Twist, :onatraind to ask for "More!" and chs.'. they considered brit as fair game from • financial standpoint. to adJitioa to All that, he tee that the attempt to gal- vanize tato life any entheeiaam la his behalf could not be done except by • frequent •p - plication of bar -room stimulant. ; and that the co -called banquets in his honor were empty of effect and devoid of •treugtb, so far as he was concerned. Then it was that the th aught struck him to -o.11 fur the aid of the Frontier and ell the others of the Patent Combination to help him through, and to it is that on the 25th they will appear at Clinton, " lo: cue night only," as theatrical barn-stormee freq neat- ly announce. How Extremes 3lest, will Le represented by t:ut:LE WAL.L.t••R and Moist -son respectively ; Payload Pority,by JonN YAr:..ArtT : the Tenth ('om.uandluent, by Fu etas ; Bombast, by lloNT.... c z : and Hum* %VALI:CR by PArTEIooN. Tae Patent Combination will be the big. gest exhibit of its kind at the Clinton Fall Show, and if the day is face will be, beyond doubt, • rood drawing card. Bot, not- withstanding all this effort, lir. I'.ar.Ka- i','.. fences are still "down." L 11 =Ere TIMM TMB4►TCM BTYAR[1B. The manner in whi'.h Hoe. Wltrull. Lai:luxe has been received ie Ontario augurs well for the success of the Base white he espouses when next the role of the people will be heard. From the open:nil of his canll,aigu of do- c8tion to the present, his progress through the Province bas been an unbroken ovation, and no greeter tribute of esteem and good- will has ever been paid to • leader by his party than Ltrete': has received. Friends and opponents alike unite iu praising not only the set suer of his recap tion, but also the suoceasful way in which the great Liberal leader has carried himself during a tour of which the greatest and Most experienced of eta esmen might well feel proud. The Toronto Telegram, an indepen. eft newspaper of Tory predilections, thus refers to the sul.jeot If anything were needed to rnorun:r the ordinary Canadian of Wiifrid L'•u...,r • political aetutenese, this Outer:, tour tr.L give the require/1 aau-aace. The Lagers; leader bee conducted his tour with the to molt success. I'erh•p. the Lil ersl prnpt garde willsot benefit mueb,hot Mr. Laurier'. pop laxity will. It is just is case of • etc in, honest mea standing op and telling audiences in what he believes and in what he diem lieres And tate ordinary hearer isimnrra.- ed for goal or evil by the man who mikes speeches more than by the speeches them- selves. Mr. Laurier. leader ot the apposition, is now in Ontario. Not long sits in Quebec will!' speaking on the Manitoba school question be did not hesitate to my what he would do if returned to power -give eepar ate schools in Manitoba. -Clinton Newt - Record. The above is absolutely flee, and The News -Record can produces ao pr'of to back up its statement Somebody has been steff. ing the gullible Tom editor. WAR ON THE TARIFF New York San : Proteetiou is • dog past lony1rs/ for. 1t is ea good as dead al ready. dames McMullen, M.1'., at Newmarket i appeal to the mothers here. if you bad • 16 year-old hsby boy who wtehed to be carried around on your back. would you sot think it time for him to use his own legs' The ':lobe The World says that ' the ohjeot of the tariff is to force the people into baying the article from • fellow-oouatry- m•m." This is • good thing for the "fellow countrym•a," but rather rough ea " the United States Democratic Platform We demoniac, rep.blicwa proteotioe as a tread ; • robbery of the majority of the American people for the beoedt e( the few. We dealers it t. be • faced mental p risetpl. of Ile. 1)ma.erstic party that the Fedora/ Government has no oonetitutbsal power to imp.e sad ooll.et tariff ditties ereept for the purpose of evens osly, lied we dsraatsd that the eelleeties of wok tonin shall be limiod te the ..eemitiss of the (ievernmeet wham beastly red eeemenim1ly administer- ed" Terme Mail Mr. Fester emassaeed i. the Maritime hwvis.s that he world pr.. test mssisfeeturere to she ..test el fifty per east, If amem•ry, in order ea man them free turnip Mise if tip. why Ret ,eves i vo! Aad r etreestgliess, whit sot v b rep .sola weft Nam by the l • i.sdled t iti rto on - yore sed teesabewhe of lbwu Maas RaBs--'1 Mer`~d_ai s this else Ik�A t THE7CENTFAIR w s•l7n8U$ Tri CABM a TN. IcLeaa's Blest N is Num GODERICH. Readers-- First Primer . 6.. Readers--8soond Primer 9c. Readers --Sleep 48 (look . 23e. Readers -Third Book 33c. Readers -Fourth Book 490. Public School (;rammer 23o. 71e. Arithmotio ..23c. Drawing Course, I to S, 5c. Writing Criers*, 1 to 5.. 7c. Writing Course, No. 6 9c. 2f1J page Scribbler* .... .. ..30.. 4e., 5e. Slates . 2e., 3t., 5c. and 9c, Noiseless Slate*, 6 a 9 110. t;.!tote'• pens, 292, 404,. S.. dos. Drawing Pencils, H.11..... 4e. 1. •ad Pencils le., 2c. and 3c. Pen Holders . ic. 3e. and Sc. t•: �ercise Basks... i " . 2c. and fie. -. bor.! i1ase 3c. and 9e. Leather Sats! Rage, largest ase ... .42c I. " ( y •a ea .I a. • ,;row all we wast in hothouses. Rut everybody recognize~ that tariff assistance 18.i$ be carr:eJ to extremes. WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. A ar0SjN0 PATS roe eATy$*$00. I. induct Advertiser: Solicitor -Gemmel C'.:rrao costa this Dominion =416 a month. He has not rendered one oent's worth of v.: a since :.:, _p.p ,intmset. We have • i•: f expos=es. oroat,ental Cabinet IItnia• . • 1.3.• m T1tt1; wit Kaye 0*8.• o01 1.8 Tilt RAR YAWS a•EIR rULTUttaaa. t.;nlsrick Star : Ah, yes, he (the editor i fits Star) did not enjoy the early ad- vantage. of hiah training and cultured as• ow:atoms whish mart the career of THE 'I ,::AL'. chief. And he unhappily lacks tits, faculty of imitating the polish and re fioement of hie more fortunate and worthy riviL TUN 1108* .07 LOOK !.781 * 3,... !' o.• Ilamilton Times: There who look to l'wy tapers for their facts are likely to be misled se to the use of the clorure in tl e Hosie Ru'e debate. The statement that opportunity fo: criticism was not given i's or pohwlte is untrue, how much so may lee esti:stated whet it is said that eighty -Lao days we.s 1eratsd to the R111 sad 1,2W speeches node ea it. The simple fact is that the Tories had dect.led on filibweteilog and delay- t -y every meats, foul or fair, and they are savage at f1adstone far using %getout them • weapon of their or. ■ forging. 121111..8.-t R.h.t-t PATRttertMC. Sesfortli xpoeitor: Oh : yes ; w. Re• formers belies -it in patriotism, but we do net boners that because • man is not a 1:• itish subject he must be treated likes horst thief: we d•, no: believe that a: is right to at- tempt to make Canada prosperous by rob- bing other nations; we do not believe is be- holding our neighbors, many of whose are our friends and even relatives, through • sanguinary mist ; we do not believe that every man who wraps himself in the old Bag and sings "God Save the Queen," until he is hoarse, is a patriot, nor that a Govern- ment or a party ean cooetitute itself loyal and patriotic by resolution. in fact, a c be- lieve that patriotism is a fixed y411ity; that mea must be moulded to the torte of p*triot:.m, and not patriotism adapts 1 to the whims of men. LAURIER IN ONTARIO. Toro..'*. World : The reception tendered to Hon. Wilfrid Laurier was one of the the molt magnificent aff lin of the kind ever w:tnts.e.I is Canada. Mout real %1' items : "der. Lamier'e grand receptiun in York, which will le fol lowed by like party receptions throughout the Province, ought to dN something to unite in good feeling and brotherhood the two great C•aadiaa -nor..' Toronto Telegram : Final action by tits (.orernment will b. Laurier s extents for breaking @ileus upon the Manitoba school question. Cosdw satioo of him for dedg- ing an issue with which he is not officially obliged to deal is bard upon hih theories of politica The ids of iourier • critics is, that an opposition exists primarily to assert principles and to protect the right. Toronto (:lobe : The warm greetings that await Mr. Laurier everywhsse show that id ! Mario the protection theories are now understood. Ones the people w through the tricky .ophm:ries that en ort the th.bry, all legteI*U*a based no them will b. repeald. Like the tricks of the conjurer -whim aad•ntood it Marne strange that they esuld ewer have deceived anyone. Hatsiltot Times : Th. 3pectater is sow very wrathy at Mr. iauriev became be will not direct the Government to an avenue ed escape fres their dilemma in rho Manitoba sheet manor. Mr. Laurier, too, was guilty of togieg that had h. been Premier he wend& have unused therespos@ibility et inquiry and attW., as ata• the ditty of a (iovmrnm.et lewder, inateart of dd9hg lead meaiiag the imus s the Misiutry has dna.. Woodstock S..tised-Review. The am- iss aseetiug of Mr. I*urier'. Oat trio tour h Werth York as Tuesday augers well for thewssn of the oratorios! eas,psip whi.h he has undertakes. Th. dessesetrssho at Aurora mud Newmarket woe • really ..r- triMts to • public salsa. Few of either party is Cased& have ever received seek ea ovation. " Idaextbe well f.r Mr. Levis'@ personalsad the ost8.efaam ef the IAbems• ..rhos el edema f1 ie adze dertire Use Ude ef peals .piniea is ruaaieg is layer el Use liberals The greet ions le tarif re- form ; tied as We we belie.e the tenderly, hath is the shim sad the renal ditrlsls, i waw le favor sf the IMI pi46e.t robot j3bia .the pokey el ton .�. ellrttlh r.gB WHY HE WAS KNIGHTED. Lead.. Advertiser : No elle dentes that Omediae seta. were saorj lead is Use Lirklte Sea arbitrative. Yet yceag Tap- per share the betrayal, he sot by 'seeds, but byooek of the other �. ties to the arbitration. Toronto Telegram : The Empire does not seem quite sure now that the &b- ring Iles decision is so favorable to Canada. It is dawnio� on it that the British Columba& emlers w not remove to Vok•basea or go out of am beams, if the decision was each • Reed thing for them. Hamilton Times : The Empire asnounoes that Hua C. H. Tupper has been knighted an reoogsiaittoa of bis ssrvkom as British agent on the Behring I4.. arbitration." Certainly he has not hems knighted for any- thing gained to Canada by that arbitration. Whatever glory Britain Rot out of it, Cane - dies ,.sten ware sacrificed. Can it be !kat the young Tupp is title is in the nature of a reward for compliance in this! Montreal Witness : The Caw.ias sealers are rather gametic. They say, seeing that the British and Canadian Governments are pleased with the regulatiom and do not think they will prevent sealing, then those l:overnmente should buy their vessels and equipments which they will will to them at cost, as they have no furth^r use for them, beteg eat wfied t}.at tow regal*, lone Are ruinous to their bu.iuess. Those w no con- gratulate the Canadian ministem over the result of their Labors before the Arietratios will perhaps jump a: the oQer o! 141! .sslo.s W ingbam : Thomas I8U hue purchased the skating rink property adp.m.mg hie furniture factory, from .11ex (hr. He will dispose of the rink buil.:icg, .1 oppor- tunity offers. and have it removed. Stspictnn : D Carter, of Stapi.'toa, met with a had accident oe Mooday muroiny. He writ engaged in .his;ling mete a f the buiUtnl,-e, when he ►hppnd down the roof and fell ori the rail track at the aide, Weak - tog hie arm to two places indeed is he whose blood Is poor, who has lost his appetite and his flesh and seems to be in a rapid de - el! n e ; but scorrs EMULSIO Of Pan Mimeo Cid Use N isl et' sets 84 de ►again essiAlg eW,Gsr Lash ens rich mad. sad se gels bins sews old MAW $Rrsi-N us► wee Combe. Ogles, Cseswywa, Webb w (rs.NBis. iT 11 ALB101T Al PALATABLE AS IML h'.seme Derr by saute A a.m.. 1.uwine. • (► HRAMso. loNori SOW. Conk /Worn / weaved BRUCEFIELD. Tettsear, Sept. 12. .1a.o. Foote paid our village • visit hd M of:day. Several of our residents took in the Hong fair kat Friday. Mile kloKeaale, of Leeknow, is rasp,- at her aunt's, lira Geors. Baird. D. M. Dlclnto.h kftk at Monday legelid • few days at the 'lu.00to Fabailout. White euttiag wood tite other day Loop Smith accidently tut his head with Ds asst. Messrs. Peter McGregor and Win. Nast retarue t Imo • lett Saturday fres W W w ht's Fair. Miss Bessie Roes left leer SAterJay mew ing fur McGill Udt.eity, Sfontreal,yether sister, Mies Amite, left on Friday melee for Ottawa College. We wish buth of thus unute.s. HAY. L1o•niv, AL)- 11. Mrs. John Northcott u visiting friends* Detroit. John Chapman, of Loud:.o, is here veet Mg the old home scenes sad (needs. Mime* Hawkius sad Huston. c t Faster, have been visiting friends In this uc:ghbsr- hood. Elia. ('ucphell has returned after spend- ing • few weeks with her brother, Hubert, At Ikewster. Mins Pullaek, of Brewster. has re:arced home attar speeding • few weeks with frisads 1 ere. P.Altrrt. Atx Ica=T.-Tho•. Harvey atlas with rather a (painful acotdeut while attest .ng a us:ghbos. • tbrssaiag ea the 6:k best. He was working on • scaffold and fe$ tl.ronigh to the door a distance of footles feet, breaking hu arse. Ile iodinate as will as eaa he expected., Exeter: On Friday} moieties the West son of Mrs. It. I_ Cuttinge sox -umbel tea protracted illness of consump.ioe,a: theism of 2 years. Mortis: Alex. Campbell, of Mortar, vibe Jird on Friday last, was a reslaleat i ('lineae, 37 years ago. He was the father of Dr. J Campbell, of ISetruit, who, wick hu wife. was visiting the World's FAir, whoa 'cforn.ed by telegraph that tris father was ..eiou.ly i11. and it was not until he reseksl :ibitum, that be knew of ha .180th. Announcement mat TO THE PUBLIC: I take Pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Goderich and s arrounding country that I will shortly open a new General Dry Goods Business in the well- known •tame which is at present, and has been for :o many years past, occupied by Mrs. R. B. Smith. I will leave in a few days for the wholesale mar- kets to purchase my stock, which will be entirely new throughout, down to the smallest detail, and will include everything usually found in a first-class Dry Goods store. I trust my long experience in the Dry Goods trade of Goderich, extending over a period of 25 years, hu given me a thorough knowledge of the wants of the com- munity, both in staple and fancy Dry Goods ; and that the policy I will adopt in the conduct of my business, viz.: CASH and ONE PRICE to all, thus enabling me to sell at the lowest living profits, will commend itse]f to the favor and p :ronagc o: a large share of the purr: las- ing public. I would request all those now contemplating the purchase of their Fall Dry Goods, to look out for my ad- vertisement, which will appear in a week or two, and to await my Opening and inspect my New Stock before pur- chasing. Remember the important fac;, that there will not be a dollar's worth of old goods in my stock ; everythlt* will ba new and of this season's importation. Hoping to be favored with a generous share of the public support, Believe me Your obedient servant,