HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-14, Page 3THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7.1893. STROMCEST, BUT, A FOWL HOUSE FOR RENTERS • laetaca.d .s tlalaa That Stay no Cass - ,r Cw.trwaedl amid Baldly Moved. In country towns and villages there to a omeiderable class of small poultry growers, who, being renters and there- fore dyable to moving about from uue place to another, require poultry bones that may be transferred along with utter goods and chattels without great ex - Por the bent fit of this aria is aro gtvcn an illustrated description of a plan of hone rcconenended by the editor ut Farm Poultry as suited to the requirements of maters. Re says: Wo give the plan of a hones such as we sh ,old build were we on a rented place, or, if we adopted the "colony Alun,•. of having detached houses set 15O feet apart over the field*, with the fowls having free range. This house we should build 8 Ly 12 feet on the ground. 7 feet high in trout, 4 feet high at the back, with a halt window at .acb cud. and a door, a CASING( WORM& Prrissis r L she sew ear wee Thsus Tose. ►seeessmi Petle. In the acceenpu yitg illasirswna are shown the cabbage worm and cabbage butterfly. The forger, which is about an inch lung sad 1s green with yellow and black tnarking, is also called the AYER'S Cherry Pectoral 3 Has no equal for the prompt relief and speedy cure of Colds, Coughs, Croup, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Preacher's Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, LaGrippe, and other derangements of the throat and lungs. The best- known cough -cure in the world, it is recommended by eminent physicians, and . is the favorite preparation with singers, actors, preachers and teachers. It soothes the inflamed membrane, loosens the phlegm, stops coughing, and induces repose. CRISP AND CASUAL. Owe. Lissa$ Nr aaraaeattass. ( a sealer thread i eempoeed tf several iseired rel,arrte filaatsata. There :it enough area in the blood of 4C els to make a ;iJ woad plowshare. It can .i•' so hereto try yreetaan'• Worm feeders of your cbilda ailing, (everts& sad Artful fl. d:.tence trate the farthest a 460 pet pl.r discovery to the poo it self trAU ag..• and c<rsaivaaa w tlO1ftr! may�ttk use %mese tells without injury lm p.tlentti'. The growth oL.giris is greatest in their fifteenth year and that ul boys in their sereeteete Verity of ingredienta sad racy e mpoun.ieee make Mitbonrt Aromatic gats• Wine the criterion of exeaiiesoalm ►t III ...1 that the wife of a New York ailboria:re hes for the last three years been *beetling all over ketrops trying to mated . per:. Richter WY wail of pets sad at one ten* kept a ,creat spikier in • paper box. carefully keJini mil tending the erasture for many issiehe Tae .aeronaut' panniers. like • heal s ticket on each tide under the sktrt, were wig:sated se Sagkaad and adopted in Fru w Aka'. 1:10. Tie utast expensive fur is the akin of tie dee ee of Kamchatka. Those anneals are Mere and bard to kill, sed a single akin ale for tent $1,000. tfoeen Victoria is *operattUOM about precious stoosa She invariably wears a rtuy ephr.ss ie-wa passe or aavther, and think, tt i.risp her as leek. Tbn:..h Labrador was prabattly the first rue •.f the American mainland malted by I Jn.l. an., mid it vow contains the largest auseored regime of the centinwt. A medical jerataddaaserts that people who rre taves talk We Mete han thew wbo nu the consuls - rem milk of the itenrdt, • than oke trttlhlo, bt'•se or the goat. el t:re/Aim,( to the method which is now adopted for rtcko.iag leap yeah in Eng land, lyesembrr, January sad February will he the nliaaer ceoetbs about 720.000 yeses hence. h Austrian society it is the custom to take a partner for only o :e round of a donee. Ry the m.eans ladies and gentlemen change ]renen five on six titres daring • eagle Yrs e. .\ Cottee ball. containing the oral sum- r of 26 pads is claimed to he is the puma sten of Jima F. Williams. of Villa Rica. 1•. Fest pada are yoaar My all dist are hued M each bolt Reaves furnished horseshoes to Frank Ma. rite horse at Worthisetes, W. Vs. e years ago an aerolite fell sear there whi.;h contained iron, wbiob was smelted act ..d made into horasehr 1D. io all Mat goes to stgesgthes sad bsip.l tap Me imam weakened by lar s ae rS Avera L • tMtetp it natsiiiss the poisons IA is the system after d1.rw and scarlet fever, sad re- stores tie debdie•Md patina to porton. health sad vigor. CARS -Wt WOWS A.'(D CLBRA0E XOTIL e ebra caterpillar. There are two broods of worms, and these feed on the cabbage bads. The worms are the larva o1 tie moth depicted at b. The eggs for the Crst or spring brood of worms are laid during Nay or June, and the young are usually found emigre - gated t. Tpether until they acquire coa- sider;tble sine, when they spread out over the planta The second brood of worms do not appear t'i be so exclusively injuri- ous to the crueiferottu plants of the gar- den. Tho !with ie of a rich purple brown, except bind wings. which are white. Pyrethrum, or Cubach insect powder, is the popular remedy. The powder may be mixed with flour and applied with • bellows or sprayed on in the form of a water decoction. Other remedies are hot water applied iu a fine spray, kero- sene emulsion and salt water sprinkled into the head. EXTLtiOB Or POULTRY Bt1'CaE. half window and a little slide door in front. We would have sills 4 by 4 inches aruand bottom, all the rest of the frame being 2 l.r 4 staff, all strongly spiked tadethcr, the studs and rafters being not Octet three feet apart. Stich a building made of cheapest boards and covered—roof and walls— with Nerpaoneet roofing fabric tail paint- ed) would be moderato in coat, so light it toted be drawn by a pair of horses coolly after beiug erie.t up and two pairs of l.,w wheel put nuc'.. r, and would last many rani. In placing it. the ground should be thrown up .o as to make it a foot above the.nrrortading level; small stones or blocks set at intervals for the sills to rest on; then beards put down it: to the gr,nnd and nailed onto the in- side of the sills In the ground plan a is the roost plat- form. 20 inebes (rem the ground. with top of roost pule 10 inches above it; be- low it two or three movable nest boxes trot back to tbe light; b is the dusting box; c, feed tronglt, just under the win- dow. fes the moraine mash; d. the water poen: e, oyetr r shells box. The center of the floor space a open ground d TAE °wwren Pt.A.'t. for scratching. and here should beide r. such an chopped straw, leaves or chaff, into which tee grain -feeds should be thrown to compel catching. Stich a bnil.ling wonld hones 12 to 15 fowls comfortably, and could be multiplied indefinitely, according to number of fowls kept. Us Wass erste. Husbsed--The asalleet ktewledge of human rate's =it to have pre�roaud you mama from ming nj • fool mistake as yes trade last site. Wtfa—Wbst opportunity bare I had to s•, tidy hums nature Irving with you' rehasteie Ammar. Ilea sad When is Agility Lae. Il. Stewart's practice in applying lime to any crop for the benefit of the clover following it has beimete i neper, the lard in the beet ut.tger. for litre will not make np for atiyddefictency in this respect —turning antler what manure has been appropriated for the crop, then spread- ing the line prepared by air slaking, by expeewee. the weatber In heaps in the Geld, and then following by the seed. The seed and the lune are both harrowed m together. He says in The Country Gentleman: As crimson clover is sown in the fall, it may be put in with wheat or rye in the south, where it will stand the winter, but as this will be hardly safe in the aorta. the clover may be sown in the spring with oats or alone. In that cane the lime will be applied to the land as soon as the seed ie sown, or before if it is thought mon convenient lint when the clover is 'sown for the sole purpose of plowing in as immure, the lime may be applied on the land immediately after the plowing. The land is then harrowed and the following crop is put in. or if it is to be corn the lime may be applied d n m the spring, just before the g finally prepared for planting. The prin- ciple of 11 is that the lime is applied when and in wlutt manner it may have the best effect upon the green manure for its decomposition. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral NEW Fall Goods We have in Stock now a fine assortment of New Dress Goods in the new Fabrics, vis. : Hopsackings, Octogon Cloth, Whip Cords, Serges, Tweeds and other n.lw lines for f al/. t I v 1 taken for consumption, in its early stages, checks further progress of the disease, and even in the later stages, it eases the distressing cough and promotes refreshing sleep. It is agreeable to the taste, needs but small doses, and does not interfere with digestion or any of the regular organic function:. As qp emergency medicine, every household should be provided with Aye:r's Cherry Pectoral. "Having used Ajer'a Cherry Pee- t.wal in my family for many years, i can confidently- recommend it for .1l the complaints it is claimed to cure, Its Salo is increasing yearly with me, and my customers think this prepa- ration has no equal as a cough S. W. Parent, Queensbury, K.B. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Pr. -tared by Dr. J. C. ....Ter & C.' . L,eea. Mas.. S . -;.l by ..11 Dni..ats. Pie Si ; as honk; Ss. Prompt to act sure to care WWII. Potatoes by Sraehlmierr. An expert can dig half an acre even of drilled potatoes in 10 hours if the crop is clean. But ordinary men would be about three days digging an sere. The met of this amount of tabor, including e board, would be about $4. more farmers who get their potatoes dng at a greater cost per acre than this than there are who pay lees. Thus writes Mr. T. B. Terry of Ohio, who has been very successful in potato farming. For three years post he has used a digger which cost $100. Hand labor has been eutirely dispensed with except at tbe ends of the field and when digging un- ripe potatoes for the market. About an hour's work in tbe morning and as mach more atter dinner would d pickup.many as his help With the conditions all just right, he has dng an acre in two Moan, but ordi- narily it would take about three. Instead of paying out about $50 a sew son for extra help to dig his crop, the machine now does it, and of coarse be pockets the i$50. This is more thea lit- erally true now, tor of course the ma chine has more than saved its first Dost Again, he can rush boldness, putting all the help at reeking up. He is quite in- dependent, also, for any one cru pick np, but few can dig well and fad. 'Mss ma. thine wears Last. but probably $10 would cover the wear to date, writes the au- thor of "New Potato Culture.' For three days I seared severely from wormer afw*Miat, *Milky gave me relief and 1 kept gMtier were. Ratil the pain • as almost ntbesieMs, Las after I bed taken 11 e 6nt dose of Lee Fowler's Extract of Wild fstraebnery I felled great rsiir! and it did sot fail to ease sal. We. T. throw, Wilfrid. Ost. 2 A arateest Iter tfa•a rola H, stands are les 1111 i, se the lollow;ag toter we "Hamilton, "-27th, Ida I icor.* entity that the Membr.r Measles 0a am one tap tastes is testimony of the bcristal temps obtaie- ed frau re, hes d demeared my 1tii k ard Uvea lean, !!suds{ eared sq sol of hnd.oH1 trouble it deserves my gratimmie. Hunan, 406 Janis Kt Werth. The Eft.;Bette of Powe. ilatiag entered a pew, move along do not block up tee end of the pew as if you did out intend to have anybody else to enter it, or as :1 you rare bolding it for Dame special friends. IM sot rims to let others in, but move along, and leave the pew invitingly open, so that they will know that they are wel.wme. If • pew holding six has five w it. do nut file oat in formal procession to let use poor, scared woman go to the other end, but move *ions, sod let her sit at the end next the recto tit rot at necessary n ow for a h end reedy to ata;wsI stt MOD rush out and kill Indians as possibly it was owe. 1 We have the fin . st line of Velveteens and Velvettas ever shown in Goderich. OUR MANTLE STOCK Will be complete in a few days and surpass any fol mer year. We will cut and fit all Mantle Cloths bought from us free of charge. TWEEDS. 35. 45 AND 50 CENTS. GREAT VALUE. A Bill STOCK OF NEW CARPETS FOR FALL. Highest market price pail for Butter and Eggs. 6X discount for Cash on close cut regular prices. garA first -clow liras and Mantle :Baker up -stairs. $Iward's U.$is'at carves La sirfp•e, Tits SN:N.tt. will be sent to any addrsiu in Caned. or the United States from now un- til January 1, 1094. for Me. COLBORNE EROS NI GODERICH. Great Carpet Warehouse} of the County. wheat at the Tirg ala Btati..n. Thirty-two lia:f r.."ro plata of ex- bansted land were plccted with we: et in October. 1e92, and manned as fol- lows: Diteoltul boueb.aek, muriate t potash and vitnie of cola were applied singly and two by two in fall rations or at ratios of 142e, 50 and 240 pounds pet acre, respectively, and each material in one-half rations and 14 rations with one ration of each of the others. Two plats received gypsum. The yields of the straw and grain are tabulated. The re- sults may be summarised as follows: The application of nitrogen, potash or phosphoric acid alone resulted in no in- creased yield. The application of tweet the elements in combination gave some increase in yield, provided phospborio acid was in the combination. Potash increased yield somewhat, pro- vided phosphoric acid was present. The result with nitrogen wee me what conflicting, giving some Wawa with phosphide add. but when all three elements ware present an tncrease of ni- trogen wsa d rte advantage. Pleolibeetti ail each time it was lip plied emarga wham dose) gave $ decided e ger tit sed theIle li E�o�a•` • ars Ablaut tsk+Yati A wet asthm a pilled belle down drip the moisture frau' it attbe edapaf the from. sed the sulerW with wbid it is severed trim eeetly, .ad lessees me.ps owe mai. .d with water. If it ideal Needle .gsr.ed the water rums Mus se seas epee .t Me we. •••••• red r.M dilly sheet the Sty red da l of It, ad is a eserpm tiyely short time. MI the asdstW mad it teak. soil. The sear wig meta W ea- Irelt swathed it big ease when ri ieAeaI I Lnes, by rah western M ia wAmgw► f01n tee hp hitter.. Mk i Iresaueeef ceramic hissism Wines le ase sad the sed, ea moo of bow geed gtss� 1 7 before they the Wes will ` N ssldrtg Were" *1, el �ovg � wen.. 1M .sitm* eO e�wmm palm tsrDttE ori em•s Lw are der r Nm wsI of mbssOa s they sola mote Sea h .p wits wet sed beim N M Ansa msew Ifiola lik �sdr god is ssM germ iersoiA dot`ANIS Agrarianism News Aecordtng to the wool growers in the 1•eneieg the average The average as an iacnaw of about thre•ga•Are' The range is from ties Werth Carolina to 8 pounds to T�prois for an apple crop be- low as avyise. swim Im� �is are in prog- ress tag ties Rew YotE •rase fair grounds, pp,,,, —Ta$ 800 C184Q w ci A.eoatib, �rtork..t sad Ororoboos.. 11ATm5CTM • SWUM s !!lava! ala- al• PIM STOWS Tbeeele.t W Draaa ea tow wdbStes mt. M0!tTt3=A7. PAPT.R MILLS 00. 0 USE AMC WRITING INK. PETER$AN'S ROACH FOOD NOT A >tram POISON FATAL TO COCKROACHES AMD MUM BUSS. ardascrrs.rier•M••s• rove.•-._ w..1110. ane •oiLY saes it Iwo yr... rai1 . 1. .r, u pre peri, snow SWISS, HERRON it CO., 5 ""!h"". Ids Mfrs. 618 a so R Vaal street, 0OJTataL fir Pr NIDE Was. .(iwLK.eM.• -�M�",�{ W 1 E ! m■cur. s..o• "'•"'•"'SPIRIT "Ds�a�wW VI'ts' maROMANT. a e si.� err.► esaar.esa.vt. be+...► vie fie 4111 St. Paul Street, Montreal. returns Slobs are flit Smog wrght l e tgaas Walla There is a great teal said of the cost of laying up a tmae web for farm tencee iend s • iss ge'o`1 order, but itn r • lsotar roeiea. I can at rods d wall that poise to have % a 7 ever 100 years ua ere se M creel wet al the work of �11s is bid *tie Isom than diol o groat Iald Lie few es. I hEraw et • dole �Med dAlls, Bl boo does irtth storm sow 1 �� yet st IOrt tit oyes * sous sad slows or dewy. Oorallesally ~ AM lr tire boo ,rabii�dlooil, drat 14• WFash was *pay NOM sal did bet OOPS lb AO as laoo—fa o. !est dkoraat, i the tilt EIID d am& )ism•tn sods a itis )1ss teat a b s psoas Useit t ersr a �•mR is most Nti 7 ospessall •sow fame OW is reported trout y.p... D is sip to grow test end bear laege beim woides two ewes ti one cele.21111 slaw pleat is beteg Mod he wises a pea las well. ♦ alslypoIsto bye boo Mod to les cls s ~s od tot tltl.ard 1a Now bit it 1s sleet Wei as loss ss rile fdeeMs ;lele este* bulls a and sae esseees ice' a. Mask Line swam ca the o.I IMeD • wheat Ilistiesto ewes Wheats be* fdssOiled IMF deo sad !Oleg•• *in brie to be smodi law rsgysw• tams semi of whoal. Say bootee boss bled as obs blow Tea Nsti llsisrys, k use M spear' Waits sow. Thi en* Aielbtss olds fool meedi woe iiitallial4=112:41111 11611141/1".61.4 "A. • oast • 1st us illOOti pi ■ofi real Id cel TRADE O♦ N Walla 'c�tC 11 W Paper =th", a co. o v factory 2x� pSMi TOM MOW b{. alis. 0. a1U4.1ap. AnDtss•aD h1 to m lora. Art041.1 tylia =P c Oa'•mase rictuRf i u a*iiL L Trims AULD Trs t 1' o C°32 ; • d b „ ix 0 e .3.! k'' 1 e 5 0t- ' y 2 ill : a o Sid e Y w a O C g 4 ti p"21 l o t ,; = 'a 9i ` 1S 5 CS ;� .6 b • 5 a �� x _ t • a1 � q ,, ig o C 4.15c1 v 3- s.• s lz s E Si 4; .t U 1 1 06 alit; 11 06� o� a o I 3 il ®w ro.. x t i rel li 17. 014 r4 1 jr3i i Ei 12 4 a 1111s s1fA a 817 9 .§gi E.` a • W _'✓ _ 4 3 � g !1 r ` c sI g 2 ; lei 1 l' ;lib d 1 i e • 0 a WINO ME$TMER WM w.exoW, Man lashed. st l lion Dome umaininctut s.Llar sere ithesw.ees.L THE EQUAL OF THE KINC OF SIAM Has something like 300 wives. He must have a hard time keeping them in a good humor. But men with the orthodox single wife will find that an easy way to please her is to make her a present of a Lull set of LIIBY'S PARISIAN 1111111 MEWS pmese be rem& lDe w.•rtas grey lair M la amoral 'dee eel beset/ I It teas the had sours awl seri. sad Me hest dade•a. a Ow tae hair hem haling sum peussd.ee Sea, w glees tite Yap r /•w t>. M/ ems Ara* or rem ; when meet se lucid RV sm etSa wasesill. $54155r105511 prise •t tog ales. psepr•Mle, mss is mei WOO e.. seg bores MO !Dema EBIIY'S IJBBB.ATEII FIBRE L&RE 1 .PAILS, TUBS, WASH BASINS, ETC., FOR HER KITCHEN. It is the lightest, tightest, sweetest, cleanest and most dur- able ware ever made, and will last five or six timed an long as wooden OT tin ware. BOLD $Y*BTWHE101. THE E. B. EDDY COs,