HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-14, Page 2T1IE STGNALL: (ODERECIT, ONT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1893. "Shorter" Putty and " Shorter 11 Bills. We ate talkieg about a seem. ing" which w..1 not cause iadi- gestion. Those who 'know • thing oe two" abeul ('ooktag (Manes Harland among ■ bat of others) are using COITOLENE .instead of lard. None but the priest, healthiest and cleanest ingredients go to make up Cc*. tolene. Lard kti t healthy, and is not always chem. Those who use Cottolene tri!I be healthier and wealthier then those who use hard--1[ealtSi.r 14cause they will get edge—ter " l ri.atl; wealthier because they will get •'shorter e grocery tilts --for Cnaolene cots no mere than, land and goes twice es far - mo is but half as expensive. Dyspeptics delight is It! Physicianseneorso It) Chefs praise it 1 Cooks extol It 1 Housewives welcome it All live Grocers sell ttl !lade only by H. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Welling -t. n mud Ann Street., MONTREAL. The tart et ire day. A great cleat mare is expected of the tie of to -day than was deemed essential for the accomplishment of her gr•udmnthers mad great aunts. In their day the school rout ine was simple compared with what it it now, but the girl of today ain't be eemver sant with no end of things which were co: - sidssed to be the exclusive pr..perty uf her brother's brain in times gone by. For in- stance, says Tee I':uecees, she must dsbb:e in parties, be able to oorerse epos the ab- sorbing topic of Howie Rale, older bee opin- i•,n on the uuestion of Wotan Suffuge, 1e muter of half a dt.uo Lingiwres, write aiturthaud with. u great • facility as • verbatttm reporter, and handle the violin or cello as dexterously as the keyboard of a lfano. The girl graduate and senior wrang- er have appeared upon our planet, thr worms' who can lecture with all the ease of an export?of the male permeation, and the physician in petticoats a lecture which would here given the honest shock to Lb, modesty of • more remote epoch. 11'e wonder at nothiuv to these advanced times, so accustomed are we to wnmxn's progres- mien. Girls take a genuine delight in dis- secting subjects which tend towards the elevation of the sex generally, and are Dot contest to conform to the stereotyped curriculum of the achoul-room which astir hed the mind of their ancestress of a hon Bred years ago. The up -to date specimen of girlhood is a young lady who commands our respect and edmiratiou, soil if she does not wear those ej.pell:mgeye glasses --which unhappily seem to be a necessary adjunct of the collets blue stocking - -she is undoubte d ly • splendid erestuie. Rtit w-heu the raises that dreadful pair of pince-nez, and looks at us with such terrabee strength of mtud that we quail before such superior intellect, why, then- oh then, no Isiah the were the desr innocent of bygone day., to whom Greek and Lenin, algelra and the classics were as comprehensible as a Pon- e t oneti.hn¢ laws;rage The .. rul,l be clre(r girl of the p.•rial is for 1r t noir, we rnu..t couf.w—ehe who will be en deeperat. It superior to the othernsemi,ers of her pa' to D- i'v'er sex -elle who has eyes. ears, stet ten,:ur for none but. the lords of c-usti.,m, sod w ht lu oke upon her len enligi.tencil Lateen wit h the coldest air of pity. Rut vie love tht girl with the pork tat brain of intellect weep. is not sggresevely clever: who allows us it have the ghost of an i.lm of ear own, and sine. not —fife ratively speakingK j.:mpdnwe nor throats if we dare to differ with her lawful precept.f right and wrong, and who acoonis us the pea fleets of having o Ittt.le bit of *ease, even if we are not up her level of intelligence. We can gange out modern girl pretty well by her choice of garments, which frequently giros the key- note to her whole.hareetrr. The mannish waistcoat and stiff cravat, white shirt -trout and im.tation ' how 1 r,' go hand in hand with the peace nee. We know what topic to deal with when our •t'.rntion is engross- ed with this young lady ; we know very well - just u if a page of a bunk were open before us, and we wire reading from it that flowers, needlework, end babies will have no interest in this quarter; but if we can make • pm is ..reek, talk of *tiff ex amination and the Member for the coming election, we %hall vulgarly speaking be all there Our modern girls are of the meat marvelously varied types. and men will have to look to their lanrels if they wish to maintain the undisputed paities of superiority which they have hitherto oocu pied. for women are rapidly trespassing upon their preserves, and ascending each rung in the ladder of fame which is acme slide to them. The girl of to -day ran sit a horse, write • book. p•ist • pictures often reflected in her Mirror, we mast confess play cricket, golf, an 1 billiards, and even rival her fleece is disposing of a oiawette. May Move Seen Rltpt. 'ally ' Jingleberry, what a gosh you have in your cheek " It is'pretty bed." "1%w did you get it •" e.ywvise " " You most have •n idiot for s barber.' '•Itas't ren roll me an idiot." "I did■ t." • Yes, mot did I shave Myself." A stages orratei may sauna • fssserlag sore. Vieteria Cartolie voles impiety heah mite, wounds, braises, borer sad all cores. a Tea Rees At..111 he newt teeny address in gamete sad the Baited }.taloa frau now un- til dm 1. HMI, f w Me. 1 ■ the (eege repast there am three t )otWie waists_ earl 5tght Ptotetla.t, masa. whish is Qat fnw.Aal be Mahe, Taylor. These ere twenty eight station sail aiw ev-M eilselem pas The sae. Illospia Dls, el Weer Tait, has Masai • %AO bee M Camp anmele. et 11• le of kte Mee ea Ye flee. Asia A. The ammiddion Alla Ell - SISTER JONES' CONFESSION. I thought Me daises IMO ere rli I west.'s asssckly sane et Y. Fee, Wei ye. tins and tine aorta Whoa llwo eel M ••'sea Y I'd sad Yes shalt.s h•d•.a fees With all the NNra as wtfh set Dust 'aria last reverie. where He called on Ire to lewd in prayer An kueeled then with we, side by ales, ♦-w 11prrit .he felt s•cetiaed Jeri' tetehln of my gyaru.rnt's hens." lust bellied thump. as far al them There other w Iwollu was coot -rt nedl And - wed, 1 know 1 swot '& locoed A dozen toles! Ytarrtrdl Lr! \u 1001•151 ,anew -r never saw A i.'..J Jet wittier that the one A-l:twellu there and wend: run Who'd tore)! W Iflad. upon sty word. 1 rally couldn't thank rte Lord! -Janus WWu.Aub ititvy. ONE DAM'S FISHING. "1 a blooming idiot," said the ma- jor, "I agreed to take the colonel tubing. "Well, the next afternoon, which wail Saturday, he carte arouuil with a flab• iug nub that 1 Bare him, and when I got tato the cab blame me if he didn't have a trunk. l lot my things in that; said he, opal may I eti really fry if there weren't things encase fn twat trunk to et,x•k a r..wnahop. By ged, he hal every- thing (rem evening clothes to a patent bootjack. Bet he hasn't tam any more," and the major cline/dol. "We started fur Mud Run, out in Penueylvattia. Td never been there be- fore, but a roan told me there was good tishing them. Ile was s liar, by the war. "About the time we got started the olonel wanted en smoke, and by the hind hobs of Gehtuua if he hadn't packed all the ciente in that Wooly trunk. When I motel, he tried to get up in the b igeage car and was nearly killed.. Then he got sane bad cigars trots the porter aa.l growled foran hoar steady. Pretty le 'el he wanted a drink, and the whisky w•t... in that co::.o Bided trunk. "The woman at the hgtel where we got out said it tins tiro Lite to get anything to eat, and the coluel got mail and called me a burbling c:inmp for drag- ging him cut i.:to the wilderness. "When the boy waked us in the morn- ing, the colonel kicker' because he hall to get up so early. He had the deuce of s time finding his things m that infernal trunk. and he kicked became 1 got im- patient. "The woman at the hotel looked queer when we got down. 'fitting fishing says she. 'You'd better look out for tho con- stable. It's against the law to fish round here Sundays.' "Then the colonel got suspicions and said he didn't want to be to -ked up. 1 got hire into the wagon. and the driver says: 'Better look out fur the constable. It's against the law to fish round here Snutlays.' " •Say,' says the colonel, 'I'm not going to get locked up and bring eternal die grace npon my f.anily.' I ch'.ked him off finally, and v.•e etar tee'. Then we met a fanner, and he lowed that we'd get in tr.n'..le if we fish -•.1 on Sunday. The driver grinned and the colonel, like the eternal haloot he is, says, '1 told yon ego.' It took me about 1e) minutes to choke him off, lint he growled all the way to the s: roam. ••Say," continued the major, "did von ever see the colonel Leach trout?No? Well, neither diel anybody else. He couldn't catch a trout in a week of leap years. By Ked, it was a eight to acv him whip the stream. It was like drivia.e balky males ever a broken bridge. He longed that river until half the fish in it were ec•arel t.. death, and I grew, he thought he eunhl catch trout 1 y lino -king them stone derail with his r AL Ifs het about two dozen flits trying to c.t.;t half the length of his %.1. and then he got his line ell tangled tip in the Lushes. Did you ever Neer the colonel eve ar? Well, bodcarriers and river pirates aren't in it with the eolouel. Tali: abent breaking tate ebbath! Why, the cohmel sworn eeengli to send au army to perdition for eternity. "While the colonel was cussing every- thing in eight the driver carne tearing down the road, waving his hands like a windmill in fall sail. " •Hir he yelled, •the constable's corn- ing, and he's after yon too. You'd bet- ter get Cut up through the woods there, and I'll meet yon at the tnrn of the pike.' "Ill's didn't know where the turn of the pike wan, but the colonel grabbed me by the arm and angled up into the woods. When we got under cover, he was eteatnfng like a soap factory and cussing me too. " 'What in the name of thunder did you ever bring me out hers for? Yon want to get me arrested, do your "I was that eperehle.l that I couldn't answer. I Past stood and looked .t him Pretty Anon I recovered. " 'Bronght you ont borer said I. 'Ton blooming blot of Idiocy, who brought you out here? Yon came yonreelf.• "Then the colonel got madder than ever, and he wotildn't talk swift. Bot that was a mercy. -It was getting along toward dark when we got be the hotel. The colonel wa• prancing up to the front door when the man who drove the tears come out of a 'tarn. '• 'Hey,' says he. 'the constable's wait- ing for von Isllowa He's over to the hotel.' "Maybe i and the colonel didn't run. We just lit out and bung around in the brush until it was pin>• dark. Then we crawled beck to the hetet, bat th, con- stable wassail trMiag.baro "Then the eddied heed to make • bolt to this well and the constable mw lda W ltb s whole peek 1. Aral cry after .s, the odes'. and I ran does the MIL I gams we oatdistanced.lees constable sad Ys Raw. at lse ewi0. they Maar allot m sad we Issd tto nun again. 1pp la Ike beery beast they lost ea, aid when we gaol of wed we "'tedflee the ragweed. owe* staples was N tem swap, and Me edged wee data _d!" we _ffle iigt WI* Ora► art Ing. He was wet through ani about the most miserable wen that ever ceased • streak et hart luck. "The acetol got w had that 1 got so— eelsips and stortc t a fire lay the railroad track. He lay down beside it aid treed to get dry. He waa jest begin:ling to grunt, wheel tiers was a roar down the road, and tho Lein came puf9rg rued the curve. "The first tl:iag the engineer inn 1 guess was our Lr.', and then you sltott,Id tare beard thohy ra.it•.:t. fie just turned all his steaw tutu his old whistle and tooted like a fie:t1 po.-atssed. The train Mae he a Mondial by oar fire, awl them the conductor tatue racing np, sw•earicg awfully. I get one The eok'ne1 t•x- ixnstn:teted, bat they were so uteri they were goi.:g to thrash him. I got on the i,h.tlurm of Cie Let car. and blow me if they would let the colonel get on. Ile prayed rand pletel.ed, but the conductor said ran, and the trait started Kith the coke: doting more cnartpg. t�els l:en the last car was abreast, bow - trier, the colonel grabbed the hand bar an,1 hnug on for his life. He took stepa abort tour yards long, and when the trait gut gwug he jail snikd ant be - hued. I yanked and pa!kd till I :root Mtn al-.ar.L lily, 1 thong:it be was going to die. But he di•I.:'t. After awhile bells gar ewe arin;g it, in, and then 1 fc t re- lit r,'.1. "After we trill gage about 10 miles we 1•o: up t o get into t!ie car. The colonel went first. but he hadn't taken two steps when L'- fell back with a gasp. • •IVlin 'a th • t.ottttr? Au, 1. —Matter?' says he. •The teeetable's in that car.' "And sure enon;!h ho was. Then we went out on tees :steps attl sat in the cold. The colonel shivered till be rocket the car, sad he more than lit into we. Say, Fre been sworn at la 1S different Ianeettages, but the way the colonel sailed into me was art. I sat there and gr.'aned, and for ab-'nt 20 miles the train left a e:: ok of blue behind. ••We rule on the tail of that car for Zi) miles, and the colonel swore all the v:ay. Every tit..e we mime to sstatioa we got off and hit. And after every atae tic>•.r the a !onel was worse. then ever. •'Finally it got co bad that I get des- perate esperate and went into the car. The coa- stable was gone. I asked a reel weed man in the back seat where the conste- ble was, and he told me that the conete- hic had left the train an hoar before. And there we two blooming chumps sat on that platform all that time. "I let the colonel sit there for abont an hour more before I went ont and told him. And then yon should have heard him curio. It was awful, and 1 had to leave him. I haven't sten him since." Joie then a limp figura came alum-h- ing around the corner. Whelk it saw the r,sjor, there was a start of emprise. It wade a vain attetnpt to escape di"cuvery. The major saw, and with a da -b he se- cured the cringing form. It was the evloneL "Colonel," sail the major, "let by- gones bo bygones." "They are," said the coloceL "Let's take a drink." And they did.—New York World, A Quaint Custom. A unique prxeerding in connection with the distribution of the White Bread Meadow charity takes place annually during the first week in April at Boom., Lincolnshire. By tee will of Richard Clay, gentleman, dated July 2, 1110, stone land was allotted to the Inhabit- ants for the time being .'ending in the not portion of the town. the rent loeing every year lai.1 ont in bread se 1 dis- tributed to the h.n;aeholdcrs an-' .•-tu- moners. The letting of the meeeow it att.-tele:I by a large cone.:mirr.e of the bidding being regulate' by the ren- nin -4 of boys. The auctioneer starts the boys to Lean a fixed distance, whereupon lot requcets bids for renting the property one year. 11 a bid is male during the time the b1•.} . are ruuniug, they are immediately started off again Joel again until no l,id shall have been trade during the time the boys are rnnnine. when the last bi 1 - der is declared the lessee. The public afterward adjourn to an inn, where a spread of spring onions, cheese and beer are supplied ad lib. to all who wish to partake, after which a committee for managing the charity for the following year is appointed.—Million. Moo and Drama A man named Conn went hunting for bear near Creeds, Colo., the other day. He wanted to do a little killing jest for fun. Presently be stirred np a she bear with two cube, and he hanged away at the cube, wonnding beth. The neither resented this boieterons humor and chased Mr. Conn np a tree and dallied with him awhile herself. lir. Conn was hnrrie-4 by his friends next day, a victim of hie own auperexubersuat Inst for fan. The bear is a peaceable, inoffensive creature. It seeks a home remote from the haunts of humanity. It certainly memee to have some rights which man- kind should respect. We have no sym- pathy with people who make s practice of going about elanghtering game in cold blood merely '.for the tun of the Wag." if nun is so inhuman as sot to eoect and conserve laws for the protsotioe of the bear. we certainly shall applaud the bear for protecting lteelt—Chicago Rem ord. Cureesitl a Atone Obse.vatari••, The first recorded observatory was as the top of the temple of Delos; the toast) of O.ymadias is Egypt was the aeons. This last 000tadned a golden astrinom. heal circle SOe feet fa diatueter. Another at Bemires, India, is believed to be al- most as menet as either of the other two. The Arc hi Europe was erected at Camel psi 1341; that of Tycho Brake at Creainbarg was bsilt is 1111, The Petsa obeem-vatory date. from 1117 and that of (ireenericb Is two years older. The me at Ntareeabseg wan areshel le fele and that al lew% I mL The Is - moss tower win boat The Illsoldisibik th telele, "111111111�� Dr. Fowler's Extract ul Wild Ftrawtrry is a reliable reinudy that eon always b.4 lei on to cacholera, chola 1•s ia�aafil�, eche, cramps, dbanhsa, dysentery, ad all louseucee ul the bowels. It le a pare Extract couteining •11 the virtuoso/ Wild Straw. burr, , woe of the Wein had sum* saws for all bummer esmplalats. ' 13 1 with other harmalessyet 1•m speeartMeu meets, well kuowa to .teethes* ssisnew Tha bates of Wild Aerawberry were known by the Indians tate an excellent remedy W1• diarrbtns, dyniutery and k.,,,ettess of the bowels; bat medical science has placed before the public in Dr B'owler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry • and effectual ens for all those aad open com d�• rompluee common la thL aiop able climate. it has atop)* the test tee 40 years, and hundreds of Lvea here bees aswd by its prompt use. No other tmtedy always Cu res summer e'o-nplaiuts w promptly, quiets the pain eo effectually am! allays irrita- tion so successfully as this unrivalled pre.oriptiou of lir. Fuss kr. If gra are going to travel this Sum be awe anal .alto a bottle w overcomes safely and quickl iresaing bummer complaint catacd by change of Air mud w• is also a specific :.p, tarot sea- euel all bowel you. It the dis- often , and Complaint. Pries 15c. Beware of imit•tious sad, ••ubatitne a soli by unaorupelous Maoism for the a..ke of greater prolate. The Whitemaa Pea Harrentel The beet in the world for the follpw - ing reasons: Int It is built of the beet melfenbk wrought iron and steeL 2.d. it requires no holes to be dre.led in utter bar. 3rd. The outside divider can be rained Jr lowered at beck or front, independent el Lfterw 3th. It has on rod at the back to hold uh struct:ous sod wase choking. Stb. There are no springs to break or Set out of order. 6th. It hu movable clips ash an be set .n hoe with tongue of machine If cotter bar bangs Lock. 7r)'. Each lifter bee a guard stay, sod wreaking mower guards is impuaible. El,h. Esah lifter is independent of the other and can be rained or lowered at the bock DO as to line in front should mower .cards be out of line. 9th. The number of machitse• geld dar- ing the last season enables a large number of the leading farmers of the Province to testify to its merits. Eery machine is we: - rented mad gig -ea on test. Sample machine can be assn at It. Tbompeen's Rlactsait.h shop, e;oderieh, besides at differest whops over the County. JAMES WHITEM A\, Pmtestee sad Maaufecturer. Teams Brows. General Amato Ssatorth, DUNNS AKINC POWDER THL' COOK'S BEST FRIEND L ,9cosi T BAtg Irl CANADA. 1110181111 Americas PATENTS adtg sae. rqUirririg&IIIIMITIPb the paha° by • tires leotl dr s #cicutific American Imnse •yrca•atte,I of nor: u r la PLANING MILL (STAM.11 1 MIL Buchanan & Son, aarrcvacTenn,s BABB, DOOR and BLIND 1)este s 1e all Ueda of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And builder's natertat of ',eery deseripttee School Farnitare a Siecialt!. NEW ARRIVAL BUICIErat GOODS LATEST STYLES. asos.awM*e t• a .,,e rats, TIM MAT eons AIURICy NERVINE TONIC StornachiLiver Cure The Moet Astonishing Medical Discovery o f the Last One Hundred Years. It Is Pleasant to the Taste u the Sweetest Nectars It Is Safe and Harmless as the Purest /ilk, This wondered Nei vine Tonic hall only recently been introdtu+ud into this country by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great South American Nen !tie Tonic, and yet 1t• great value as a curative agent has long been known by a few of the most learned ph)siciass. who have not brought its merits acid value to the knowledge uf the geneblic. Tralhispumedicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system. It it also of the greatest value in the cure of all forma of failing health f1•. whatever cause. It performs this by the great nervine tonic qualities trhtch it poasessez, anal by its great curative powers upon the digesLns ore•.nr, the stanoach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy compares with this wontlerfiilly taluable Nervine Tonic as a builder and strength. en:r of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer of broken-down constitution. It is also of more real permanent vales y t5: treatment and care of tii.eases of the lungs than any consurepteo remedy ever used on this continent It is a marvelous cure for aev- o:isuetss of females of all ages. Ladles who are approaching the critical period known as change in life, should not fail to nee this great Xenia Tunic, almbat constantly, for the space of two or three years. It yid carry them safely over the danger. This great at ser and tats. live is of inestimable relue to the aged and infirm, �iecsuse iia gra ea:retain, properties will give them a new hold on life, It will add tea or fifteen years to the lives of many of those who will lige • half .loses bottles of the rem:dy each year. IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Broken Constitution, Debility of Old Age, Iadigestion and Dyspepsia,. Heartburn and Sour stomal h. Weight and Teatimes' in stomach Loss of Appetite, Frighthtl Dreams, Dizziness and Ringing in the Fan, Weakness of Extremities sad Fainting, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Boils and Carbuncles, Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, Consumption of the Lungs, Catarrh of the Lunge, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Liver Complaint, Chronic Diarrbtsae Delicate and Scrofulous Children., Summer Complaint of Infants. All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nen ins Tonic. Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache, Lek Headache, e Weakness, tour Chills, Par cis, Nero s Parozrsms end Nervous* Choking, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of the Heart, Mental Despondency, Sleeplessness, St Vitus' Dance, Nervousness of Females, Nervousness of Old Age Neuralgia, Paas in the heart, Pains in the Back, \, Failing Health, NERVOUS DISEASES. As a erre for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedyhas bees able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which Is very pleasant aad harmless in all ice efforts upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individual Nine -tenths of all the ailments to which the hums" family is heir aro dependent on nen-ous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. igertion. When there is an Insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood,* general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result Starved nerve.), like starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is tees first to sutler for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does Dot con- tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nntriment necessary to repair the wear our present node of living and labor imposes upon the nerves For chis reason it be lance necessary that a nerve food be supplied This South A:'mrieen Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements out of vrllich nerve tissue is formed. This accounts for its univcraal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- rangement o-rangement Csawvoaeve.r:. T<n Aog re, It. Tsferfreer &WAA+•.•,t.aaAlerts.,.. n. naaa ,--1 draw to gay to you tint 1 many 'rare with • v :p orbs, 1•n e.es•ner •wanwt asd alar.. 1 1 rlyd every nsekdna 1 senM bas et, amble.: doss ape W McIrMllr �1 as advisee to try ynur Gnu* A®n lea, A-1•- ;or Taste std btomsei Ivor .oar% mid .toes Ws t several bottles It 1 root say rho1 14n ser - mum at Its woaewe il powers to emre tire stem - eel and arewwl limn oar qsaps. 11 everyone s are the value el thin seetedy as I M mos would sot ler able to �epub dans••.,. J. A. Hotta" Meatasasary Oe ice• wttpe•on. M nrowsvaary. red. says: •• 1 ltd hers la • distressed eoedlt os ler terse yawn ben Iterrooe.sy Weakssee of tie Stoessrh. Dyspepsia. and ladlpetio•. esti' sy Wale was goes. 1 had berg ebetortes tar at•mtty. with we rifle(. 1 bouslt ono bn'Y.t South Aswerleaa berth., whieb cos m:e ewes teod thea may tee a ortb of .oetnrlat 1 stew did 1. nay ale. i would advert terry weakly pr' we to user this r•i—abss sea lovely weedy ; • be hottlee of It has ewe, ser roapt.tety. 1 eeeis a1• it rho craftiest micas he the vert`' A SWORN CURE Fell 0?. WM DANCE 00 NRNONLt. wed, da°ghtKa tamdde�Qesu1•sIiD. JAunaV.nte2ate,sa' lS .1, vine and she is completely seabed. 1 It will sun mettey am of RL Vitus' Dance. I the greatest rented 1•l the world kept It wq d� two What sat it le forms o sad _mod AS 811 f Nervous ulsorders and Failiitllt� fYor ei 1 a State of t sot D� f as Subscribed and sworn to before sue .ala June 2 , ItW7. Claw W. Witmer, Notary PobiM INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Yereine Toni. Which we now offer you, ie the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the cure oindigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast tra.a d symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility d the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by taro jewel a incal- culable value who is affected by disease of the stomach. because the ex- perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the 011 aid ONLY ass great cure 1n the world leer this universal destroyer. Thee is no case of unmalignant disease of the stomach which can resist tees wonderful curative powers of the South American Ndrr'iae Tawe. tea. itaa.. A. Dtuvtea. et Ilea neat 1•dtpa ser•: '1 cease. etpsen Mw atttA 1 awe to b learvtar Tiede. w own wen.eewMY 1.s,. bleat en wMnsasa �wlY�eiliaa►���+ems IaserM•ne• M i 2 Is Os etTietsi sl�ti eu•i�sl�s, ash sentellf en ew �ets�. hose i have seeesasatler�ara oe, eat ab taw ma wish 11erv4 Ni oast s aetli p theMeesm* err Msesteras t�See + fraellIre antegtee ad M one w Is, aarp�is t�.iesuele eabedaswe se �''' taeyI•t lea weer- mit yn••`iwneTi' ass,�,dw a: tie aPe .w .t1• Jura.iWMiwib ..r keg pea row, brewer n w1• do l me eeas� �e +i w Ie asa 1M W odd , dile awes mew lirabrW_ sad wetI aeme ir Opae row 4s le year chop • 1 •mean t. Eau el Wayseeteerie,Ise ype• sirens. 1 Mei t y Mle to tee ire.* the useaibe Idea peemlattee awe el leettigtetth sitatee _ rfa Mt 1111,1114411 � IwZ*e R'hsql t ata not easassn..1 Is tee Web " Large 16 ounce Bottle, Oa00. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED.