HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-7, Page 8s :tc THE SIGNAL : GODERIOII, ONT. THURSDAY, IMIPTEMBB1R 7. 1893. A C(FIICIAL PRIZE win believers vers et the UREAL NORTH-WESTERN IXHIEZTION helot et Ooderlc► ea $pt. n, n, St. for the REST PLATE Or TEA B* CUITS. flaked with FEAWS DCR1: CHUAN TARTAR BAKING t)OWDER, it HAT THE PRIZE WILL. BE and all partieutars will be asaou•ced la this spore next tett. is a ha. a new recomtaeads coming la daily for our H.vKING POWDER. 1t is tomb. strong nod cheap. Tt.r pr tc .. and cc try hotly tells the prior Fort mi a• ", t FE Alt K DRUG STORE 11.1• DEO. A. FEAR, Druggist. (dodo: telt Oat. The People's Column. ROM IT )IAY CONCERN.- i'I.On' POSTS ..t, 11EPAiRS. lime hoes,.da•ted In price. Canu3t ba par. Gt,•sed cheep*: anywhere - VERITY. SiCRO)iILLER .'.d c. her mows awn? down. IIYDRACiK RAMS -� for rt tang water from 4''r spring on the tars to the bottle and Mew. PIE A.m FTrTiNB44. DRAM COON?. ett_ (ASH fCRCAST ti WROUGHT METAL Dor • forget the stand. Neat Vittoria -at chutcl C. A. NOISIER. 1 M PORTA T- IF YOU WANT A Bedroom Suite. A Dining Melte. A Parlor Suite. ( helper than you ever dreamed or, 40 TO SMITH'S FURNITURE 1Tl Rtf: STC1:E THE LAROKFT *TOCK. LATEST DEMON 4. EVERYTHING YOU WANT. At prices that cannot be beaten. Cerdwoo 1. Lem *rand Tanbark in exchange. SMITH'S. ('rabbis Hock. I,'!DVS PLANING MILL. Alen 'ME "FACTORY.- I£i'7IOOL-O ALLL FINISH MOOIt18H ffF•T ANY. PJRTIFR work fir arch doorman In bcanulul decease -All Made et intoe.? d.eA•rations - I4eaigtu furateked. mostVetoed* work iu latest and most mpjera anise to soft the most fastidm.a. Miq maws roan ng- latest Things in turu.d work -Leto fa-n1l.cd 1111 all repair. or cont,aCta- been.,l: to catectre the most irregular order - Rrtrt;.rators. ke tote•- Washing machines and Kitt Len oablectr - The only ptastag mill in loon aithsaw milt attached and full liner of all grades of iumher or that tap be rut to order shingles, lath. pickets, etc . and all budder'e suppleee prou•pt y denrere.l. e 1 taTile%.:l Setts. In ray Mit V. demo: meat 1 he.e an excellent pure granulat- ed lobe. cheese aeon butter wit. Judifili KIDD. Near the O.T.R. depot. Te:r1' • - e lour orders. Cony - - ------------ Special Notices. NEW CHIOPPIN(. MILL. s ant p•ep•red to dealt kinds of grain chop- ptwt .,u *boring notice. Mill is running at all boars I have the latest and best lmprored machinery for dispatch and rfarleprl. Prices resoesbie. No delay in getting1our chop hook with you. J08. KIDD, 4LIF . 27 Britansla.t. Meebthali se t ODILKICB MRCRANIUS' IN8TI- l]f TLTE -LIBRARY AND READINO- 130031 nor. M East street and Square lap slain. Opea from l to s r.n.. and from 7 to 10 r.,. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. Len.Iit.g Daily, Weekly and Illustrated Papers, M :inea, ek., on Pile. MEMBER/1HIi' TICKET• ONLY *Lee. granting tree um of Library and Reading, Room. Aptinlstloas for membership received by Librarian. fa room. M.BMITH. 0E0. BTiVIN. President. . Baoretary. ededith March 12th Ig63. CANADIAN ORD=R OF ROME Circles -Ooderlek Se Ile. meets third Meader of mob menti la eke ball over Tar SIGNAL allowmttI*dt.e.nta la Itenrasee sad slek to D. CALBICK. Leader; R. J. ACHERON. Treasurer • E. RICHARDSON. Mo.istar7. Mier Pablo Motleys O RICE FOUNDRY AND J MACHINE WORKS. To the pubik :- Hay Remises. Noe. f and 1 plows. Enact Roan teal rollss and root cutter.. Walterd Nos. - .od 1 plows, American mouldboards, Watford tots plow. 1t a the hest. Watford medleys, the leaders. Watford bay rakes. Al so other implements. Plow phos redacts in price. Hare most Mad*. Cyetlam made to order. (ash for old medal t'tt U J. B. RUNCi11AN. L t1-TPuRD TANNERY -TO THE pIs ap cit Ha ring Madera Teaser, leo capacity of this nrd mfiner77 earned or. by A. �gt� J- k• by the ,pregmgo et the Kirkpatrick Mise eery. 11.1s d Mea - teed the trackI n .r ►, said: Ma thaw prepared to atfrr the prime for hides ef every description. N te elt.asty. ALPINE FL0111'sta, MAT WLLilI. the sew ease. Tema... MAR4'--(ND'1FRECRI.E t.OTlc' el al. INA CREAM. TETLowlt 0OBRAIrER. 110E%AKTM FACE 'POWDER. SOUTH AAIEftlCAlpAMC MATTCCM'RE. SOUTH A MERI 'AN JPE1ViNE TONI('. 110111=4EXTRACT Or WILD STRAW. J. Wnsea'. P.lmsesumesp Ass Sian- i 1. -pbr We. U. Property far Oslo or /Or pant FARM TO RENT. -A 000D FARM .hosted ti mike hem C7arlow,1- 11 sea nth. E. u Tp. M colliers*. This 6rm osml.• le. acres. Mer which ate There ees It a j�� trams yam. •so are gad etableae eeclse drtvlog ekPer�erd. Tlere 1. aloe • LOY I8EIU (*timidP.O. (t to IMPORTANT LAND SALE TCyytt�a�art7 know.:. UAw.' ft = M Oadulea, e sow eared sr TheMrereinnod are ther ter the whale Pawed ate ea of M five or tea r= t • .• • farm. w� 1 deslrteig • anal frtU purcha.ers. Addremit t J. 1347(7411). Executers for Estate of Hoary Bamford Salt (hates. O.1. 'PM RENT. - TWO HOUSES TO Lr' tot en Otutelwt,. owe Meek hem the Ino . Por particular* apply to MRO. F. FARMS FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- TM property of the late David Viehar% being pati. of iota 3 and (, am. S. centrale* Mame. Also south half M lot 7. moa. 3. W D. Colborn. oentalaing news etre& .ws 104. will be sold eitber separately or in Nor. Yoe particulars apply to the rzeouto a J. H. MIL - WAN. J. IL WHITLEY, or to MARY 34. VIS- NEIt, executrix. or a R. C. MAYS, Ouderlch P. u /r-11 AGOOD HOUSE TO LET, NEAR eta square, or amid sell at • h•rsole. Apply to MR. HOLT. or C. PAYNE. ea the prem L'AR218 FyL' .'It SALE. - TWO PAL gsasbble less on 01 U.dunch towo.hip. three mile trout I Por particular" apply on the prem. M MRS. ANN NAI INCKor by letter to . wleb P. U. 11041 1(10 ACRE FARM FOR SALE -THE old homestead of the tale' James Cassa day', of the toe net i,• of East Wswanoab, tie- ing last halt of 4,t yet, osa0arshre 1. on the Marcs road that lea4L frem aside rich to Wang - bon:. It is situated about tel So.!. fr a A, urn. • thrit ing • i::age w ith four cbuttlies cud• a school near at hand. A comparatively new a gigase w nth .er(n 1MBarssms.54 cedar wit ether ttosrcnimccs, .ad pad beak Lara �d� Aga 11 in trait clear deo on lit =I :�� the ntAakaeas�.0 -no L'OR SALE. -N. f LOT 31, 2ND OON JU osretsa Eset Wawrowsb. 1,0 aures. This is • stem atm. Also town lot t,6. Godo. rich. also tot fel• GoderiCh town. on which there is aimed brick oottagc. Apply ;to PINUP IfIUULLT. 16-tf. 1OR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -TEAT .1. commodious bsiIdtag 0* [fag-st. Wes- sda, et present encapid se • mint -ahoy by W a.m ti ! Lon We. Terme m4. x t7 F. R octan. broom= P. 0. NORTU•W'EST LANDS FOR SALE. 5000 ACI(ES OF VALUABLE l Improved and unimproved farm Landsat distances varyirg from 1 to 12 miles from Qu'Appe':e Station. N. 11 . T.. for save very cheap. No better lauds for mixed farm- ing are to be tout.d to t'Ana•ia. Tor fuL part:colas arpl; to A. D. DICKSON. Rar:._ err. I.1-tt Qu'Appelle. HOW A FARMER CAN CLEAN ANY BEF.I' BRAIN THOROUGHLY, AND WITH WHAT TO Ito IT. Mummy. Pester, Golden Vine or other peas ran have all splits. oat., ac.. taker, from them, or small peas separated from large oars at one clteauiugtf shrunken and brolen barley. wild Data, mustard seed. wild peas and all foul seeds can be thoroughly se.paratrd from Seed Harkey. Cockle. cheers, wild peas, wild eats. mustard seed. &c.. can b.. thoroughly' separstal from Wheat. rot toil. m.utard. lambs •10.7444x. light oats. tem. and other thing.' objectionable in Heed Oats aepsr.gd from them. ('ever seed. timothy seed. Pax seed. cleans separately, or separated from each other. Any kind of grain or Led can be cleaned as it should be for seed. No foul .ocds blown into the chaff This can all be dome with the IMPROVED APMSTRONO GRAIN AND SKIED CLEANER. • yenning mull Attachment. No new n.111 re- united. Com he put is ens mill. old or new. without Isiuring the mill or disarranging it for the use of ite own sieve.. All machine. guaranteed to do the work elainwed for them. Fifty Dinkel/ of encs can be .;leaned per hour for market p Orders by mail promptly site to. Bag Ler. attached to any mill. 1't' MP DEPARTMENT, See the 0, To pimp. new deetga• adapted for my devil of well by means 0T thumb screw Chia, Kielty worked. gin iry .rood ratisf*c- aton. All kind of pump. supplied. AIIMMT'RON(a BROS.. Pump and F nning Mill Works. Godcrir h. Out Dentistry. XI' NICHOLSON, L.D.S.-DRNTAL Dl roams opposite Pest 0111o•, we•t.t.. Ooderice. All standard and apppDrreoved local semesitbstice as head ler p.Nsless extrac- tion of teeth. 1113-17 DR, E. RICHARDSON, L. D. 8„ enrueno dentist. Ode and r$tNMd .1r •dmletatered for painless extractive M ttmt►. atteotioa ggoton to the prosermi lo. the oatnr•1 teeth. 0Moe-lip *tales. Grand Opera Howe. Sleek. entrance • West- in -Boden. h. 1111 -le TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN NT TUI t er n► AT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S Bee?As ►ARENA VIM SIr1E MOP ME.ST-STIILET 0011111130 1, ONT. iI�/as�d. ms eat40famteo. =ear• thesatsgli 4 .e moot aptatp.k to itt►td aid aesnllals! 1 hare the iselisly le use l• Oedeteeb, suastUk dlsarmor7, Witcha led serer s erose ted bag pane daring W *streetie• et Meth er meows of say Mod. is wary *very es= sad ass as. very 141240 pals is Ne most extreme &l TX -TO 1WV' d PO RLN A le • load Met serer .pop the g• t herslem yes water. the w soweesale%Inieeglipitsle, A(40s ries,. me 4t e Pehrlvele 111ar•Nw.. N Ina *MOM. rre.weell. of the sotwal An Causal moot llie tw M7 wr..ar MA N alwimAjulissliat E. Ry(7ARD•011 �,'y ..a• -,,oar... TO ADITERTI$iHs. Notice of chews .Hilt ba ids at tW O.os not Isar thou Saturday noon. Tim must bo loft � lcheeps for later than MM - day noes. Cassel Advertissssants aoosptsd ep 10 saes► Wednesday el each wash. M$ ntlene Taoist 1AtUrNDDRE U WANTED. -0OOOAn"' D 1 ..1A>RRD , st:..1 !lt WMIT= IMMEDIATRLY. -000K leadhoommaia. lion sac 1 required. tt•u AT *RILL. Ridgewood Part. flENERAL SERVANT WANTEI).- iX AN* IDIOM ye•G:W.ICUDDY. West Mreet. AGENTS WANTED.-WANTXD AT mos. least soma Pe4MMsarwtrsats, gaaer� BROWN BROS.Oe.. lltwmymea.�l Qat. NV -ANTED. - ENERGETIC MIN can find steady manner mut with- ea M selesmea. Ezpereem not aamossary• Ilsai• some outfit and the benefit of over Se CV experience furnished every mea. Cbefpe speorai hoe. sad control of territory. • have over 700 arty. of (holm stook and ma aloe you mane adventurer. Uur mode M as- cuMog and retaining..atama eis infielder. Call fur use? terms. The trial will 0e114 you oothirg. STUN3A WELLINO10N. 75 Oat Toronto. Oat. Sued brain. IF YOU WANT 000D TIMO'!OT seed. thisear's crop. at lowest was Nie. out iat atu All U KL SLOAN 4 = .stidt U Tenders Wanted. '11E111ERS W ANTED. -TRIC 1 Dlreclets of the Northwestern Ezk • lion will moite Toodera up to $eptem5•r M. (erste ensilage of me or moo RotroehaliM Rooth* ere their ground+ during the , all Mad - halos. Hatt. 30 W IL 1 oder the pre:Iitoae of 4ec. St. Ch -.p. 11 A. sad A. Act. qo other • freshn.cot standMe will b.: alto wltble yards of the exhib:uou zrouuds. A J oeeemari1 accepted. B7 seder. 2p•lt MITCIIk:Lt. asereury. Strayed Amelias. STRAY HEIFER.- -STRA TED FROM .ubscraber's promisee. Ram lime. shout five weete ess a tarts 3earlltrst Mosier. eras. bet mostly iight. marked with • alit on the wader pert M right ear. Anyose Iotentac it. CO girl•: kdernaa:ion as to its w►ermlonts be suitably rewarded. JA1ks BALL, Au- burn P. J. 1s It TraWeIling Guide. ("RAND TRt\K RAILWAY. Trains arrive and depart 0adsrio34 as Std. IOWA : ARRIVE iiizod ...........pea. .. e..aa Yat! sad Kxpeme............ Mixed Mail and'BzOriii'................... pa, DQ'*RT. Mail and Express .... T1pa.m. Y.11soot Kxpros . pm. Mize! 1.00p.m. Medloall. has. WHITELY s HUNTIR. Odes -Owed Open Hotted. Ood � Das. IIIeA NOON_*8RAhNON, 0. C. 1tiMdSsoe. N near. Gad. 1aa-rros.-Redde.eo Nortb-st, app. School. tel. CAMPION .t JOHNSTON, BARRIS- tees, Solicitors. NO/Am, A.c_ Ood.rleb. Mem-Over Jotdaa's 1 Wore. . CAM- rION, Q. C., Y. 0. JOHNSTON. Money to loan. rf80 LOFTUS E. DANCEY, BARRIaTSR, 8oltcit•r• Conveyancer. Cc.. etc. Money to loan at lowest tape. Mates Block. Oxide. rich. Ont. Eb1-tt L" N. LEW18, BARRISTER, PROC. tar 4* Maritime (:oarte of Ontario Ode. -South ONborns Gael. 3317 O. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Ac. R. Moe. earner of Massa West West street, Oodcrich. over telegraph el0ew Pri- vate Fends to lead at lowest rats of inter- est. Mete 1ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR- lX Aster. Attarss, Solicitors. Roe., Glade rich. J. T. ( y Sorrow. Q.C.. W. Prosaism. CAMER.)N, HOLT & HOLMES;, B•r-fstem. Solicitors le Chancery, &c.„un Ooderieh. M. C. union.. Q.C. ; P. holt Dudley Molmea. T O. WARD, CONVEYANCER, tr . kc.. and oommis inner tor taking and re. calving reoogni.aneea of ba1L aakterlta to aAem•ttons• depositions er solemn deolara- 1* or ooaoernImag1 W sale= sail sr wro- te t High Coale et Jumbo. the Appeal for Ontario, w to ear Comity w plsede. Court. All trmineleaa at eras ented- Reetdeaoe sad ns-Daatmsnon Oat, ISIS- tf LAMBS 111311 An$UPaaoe. MONEY TO LOAN. - $25,000.00 1 Private roads to load at est en. •eaderie� OrTUd E. MINUET. BI.t•'s INV S E A G E R, AGENT FOR THE V. Limbos AeeURANCE COMPORT. M Lea. Vi;6gfssd. Oto M the oldest w Menges' I...r.aos Csmpesis V the world. la- ced A -D. 17M..y�.4.51. over elgltess y'�eeeeiM4>d� ea hash et its • ovmem le► e Camp•• . C. hiAGER. McLane, Mees. Montr�at_. Hedsrle4.. BMW F J. T. NAFTSL, FIR., LIFE AND lo5Sranos aaeat• at lowest .rat , . North.and liseare. Bedft- - ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO tr CAMERON ROL; i ROLMEB.TBode. LEoNIY TO LIND. -A L A R 01 •mesal at Perste renldss�Om hvstmwt M oA r PIIOUDpntresassi. A••a R NAPOLI/FE.I�GIIIIRBAL 1'N- 114Lessiug t'n0.•4 r 445*4 5 Mealy 45 .e'N_mi4 theoarrow155 01lItS7.04e gd s.i dew sem y�.rs. Wen Ri test. Cala of Thanks. CAR.OF THANKS -THE C.C.0 C ft tee4er Men hearty Maisie M Owes Ihe deli mouslerelhip. toe se the deb wish Nada �1t le pee emee•s ler sal atmm- 41% last. 0BO NAPRN. saey.seeM*4* Ma I B.r.BT 0 It 0 T 0 RxTUIRN MT mere/P4.s lhea= se the W Warms* iswme.es Cb. lie t}. sessva ..d teliiselrlienr 4054*by me ter the mutestyotW ea egil, the Aim se. NM iePa OIsr4 7TJOV Both the method and mutts when Syrup cc Fi5s is t.:ken• it is pleasant Rud refreshtag to the tante,and acts grntlyyet promptly ontheKidneys, Liver and Bones, c!'-anace the sys- tem effcctuall, , dispels colds, head- aches and feint's and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro - demi, pteatung to the tote and ac- ceptable to the stomach, p 7 pt in its action End truly bene&isl in its Co rte, pr. pared only from the most healthy and agreeablet ubsta ese, its tc: nsczc:'.lcatquslitica0ommend it to 411l and Lave made it the most popi:lar rerrctly known. syrup of Figs is f:: tole in 756 bottles by:fi'_1 lesdi:-g druggist& A i' . rci . ':,4 . who may ay nut h tz o it on Laud will procure it promptly for tang 011e wllp wishes to try it. f1c.ured only by the CWDF01114 FIG SYRUP CO., illtii►d RSAl:CI3C 1 (1,.347,.. wanted. IIt)C8E WARPED.-.1BOl'T cerea romwe, within Sire 'satatelee walk of t: ,• Peat Udlo.: resat ivad;rats. Address 1•. U. it .x Ma, God -rich. Ag.nte wanted. NATANTIID-8AL.8)18N, TO SELL our *Woe aid hardy) atwry stork. al+ny spaiW varieties to offer beta in fruits and oro.meataJs,, mad omtrolled only by m,. We pay etematedea or .alarT.FOTO t acted%e territory and pay weekly Wrtto us at once and secure ch .ire ot territory 14.13' DEO- THEM. Numestymea. 11.ehe,ter, N. Y. 113.41 Auottoaeer11111. 'PHOBIAS GUNDRY, AUCTIONEER 1 and lasnrenee Agent, Ooderirh, Ont. Agent Mondeo sad Lanca,bire Fla las. Co.. sad mein District Mc:rayl Ins. Co. Sales a2• tended to in any part of the county. VA ly OH. KNOX, GENERAL ACC - sad Lead Valuator, Boder ch, tai .te,m4derabte egorieaos b hs L in • position le Cat .atIstaetiun all inn to I.lu,, Orders left at (Ir seat by mall to h' -a a.!dresO, saratally attwtmded t Jti Moth* to Creditors. '.TOTICt 18 HEREBY (1 i V liN, • ptssaat M the Reriecd Statutes of On- tario, chapter, 110. that all creditors and otter' persons baring aromaagaio.t the Estate of Jebn Dax-isoa, U. C.. late of the Town of G Ade. rich In the Comity of Huron. dee-called. who died on nr about the Sth day of Au4a+t, 11811. are hereby required to deliver, or send ty moil, prepaid. to it C. Hays 04erich. solicit orfor Executrix of the rid deceased. on or be tare theind d.7 of October. Pt`At, theiraarnaand addreaaes and full panieutars of their claimms aka a statement of the as rorl•ls Of tray held by them. And further take nude that atter the ..A4 fad day of October aunt the said Executrix will proceed to distribute to • said &Moe. having ✓ egard e.I; to .sob claim. as she shalt have notice of. Dated at °odericb this 5th oar of September 1M0. R. C. ISAI'8. 1►7t :Solicitor for Etc cation. P(otice to Exhibitor's. NOTICE Tn EXHIBITORS.-IN- t.adh.ge1hibitore at the Grail Nert4- vreoMni PAM 111 to t0.ihtarlhe hereby seided to he held la the D117chamtty« • Prise like adopted by the 1. 1ta. i M Rales sad Atereletieas (peke v. ) is aniseed 4y adding after the lost weld .vec- tis' lo seeond Mae. the words. -enema h lire stork. and then cooly when there Is eseepetl exhibition of oar firkin of butte, of 2. - 2. flee. 7 of Clam 36 Is amended tet aUinmrd of two, M printed in Prise IAmt By of Board, J/MU MITCHELL Secretary. tett • EUPHEKIA A. MCLENNAN'S LINIMENT. Tor.1ternel ase only. Ie • positive euro for a incl finesse 4.et excess ladam0.ibry� - Weak ts*d flare Ltmpia , .ad ell kl•- drrd dizaamms tt has boos a cure for Mentikbrraat af0.ett to .. ~ s Ate.I�jhese mmulaii without bar. �.�aal y tie `. s wax seal sa ea= bottle. leaoas.R eo4 mm Bele abed E.Neml• A. Ile- nePreprfolbwlog dsiewiete MVO the Leaman fQa saki. -Jame. -Jame Wile 0, A. rear W. C. SA'Y' Why won't it pay you le buy Goods at an Auction Sale when you can bu them at HALF what the same good. would cost you in the regular way, We are going to .ell about TWENTY STOVES, Of all atom, kiwis sad descriptio.. Al.., 81X HUNDRED LL..OTHfi OF PiPE, ZiNC STOVE BOARDS, kc. We w1U aim mil HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE, D18H1R8, CHINA, CROCKERY sail CLARIWARR ON Saturday, Sept. 9 At the Primp knows s. GORDON'S OLD STAND, • West lleagk We haws loft M time M •Mod to i'ARM RALRA, sod auy that w asinine= he as will Pedalo oar at onason in the way of edvgraWe. ha Chews r5aesaNa Thoss;��f Auctioneer. FROM THE TORRID ZONE. Something about the Island 01 Cuba WHERE COLUMBUS IS BURIED. llama& she home or yellow Paver and Smolt Pon --le Iaaa.LLary C•aMlMds- Tbe epee saa asllst l the ;11Miesellse er se*.mM0..4 ah. World'. roar-sp.ea's Exaswse Tasstlsa. •lea5s* ■ver 7 Canon 40 la ted floor Bn.lnsa. S pooal oorrspooder•a of Tits So/NAL. From San Juan four days steaming in • very goad Spanish ale hear, moat of the time is sight of the island of San Downie, the Bahasa group, as the lose, few for.• shore of Cuba brought us to the great dry Of Havana. The sirns00 w the harbor u guasd.d-by an ancient tortilkatloa knows as the Moor's Castle, whish is obeervabiefer twiny IMtw at •e•, standing out boldly on ✓ promes1ry,laeg before the first glimpso of the dry is a•aght. Hares is uotorioos as use of the worst places iu the world for yU.w fever and .mall pox. 1.1ttte or no thing o•a be done, or is done to nJ the pies of thew fearful pats. The long, narrow, flirty street* are only • few (cot above the let el of the radar in the harbor tato whish .l1 the filthy 11akage, and sewerage 11f mo- torise ie dashed. There is little or no ode to carry away this Stygiuu pool, ter cin an eibee.ive segtserring system be devised that will remedy the evil, consequently for sox meat* of the year, May to November, .ts.y hundreds die of yellow lever, .n,1 asmparatively little truly a time durvog that time wit34 foreign 1Atione, owing to the atreus ly hazardous risk run by all E•tro pea= who est foot to the place, se e..:1 u ted strict .lt.anatines regulation' imposed ea all trawls hailing from tl.ere. The same MST be said of Matanzas .0 important city tweak! t ..r thirty Iagues .a.1. a Havana. Theinterior 01 the la4aud la comparatively I.e.lth), • Ith few, it say, oases of yellow - lever that .an be 154.1 to toiviaate •way from the coast. 1Ve sons iced forcible es i• deers of 1ho i IS1-►YIT.tzY STATE or ort: ct RROr• x D11n•. even before we bad set loot on the levo which the ('ohms Llai o to have been the first trod by Columbus ii the New World. The steamer to get her head lying in this direction she required, set her propellors to work to right us .bust Tide churned up a carted assortment of smells tb.t could allow mu: bursted -hydrogen several points in a smell oornpctitton and carry tad the mala'. T1:0 city of Havana is supposed to date back t•. the time of Colied.. A pretty Irttle chapel marks the e a i where he first held public worship. and here it was that nue of hie drat oolostee was pleated sad the first efforts were made to dvidi a the t.tild, inolettelvo Indiana. in the principal ...thedrel is a magnificent torah and altos- covering ltarcovering the spot where Cotumbee' remains rest. Many ba, -e been the con:rover/Ste m to the authenticity of the great Navigator's resting place, some clanniag the town of Sao pon t ogo, is the Woad of San Domingo, where he established ted colony of Labelle, but it is Now generally ackaowiedged with- out a doubt that Havana is the plume whore he was buried. It u said that • bid of a fabulous amount weal made to the Spaniels government by our Yankee ouasies for tis pprryi doge of diainierrisg the tomes and fbeiuvtag them to Chicago for the exhibitaoo • muting them, in tact, and returning them in We ease reed order and edition in which they were received. 11•.01 01) the mon who withuto-rl the perils and the .1,msten of unccown seas, the treacherous mutiny of his ol5.rs and crews; who sur- mounted all ohetao:es asd di$i vines '• mad at)od triumphant on &sother world"; who, after making four voyages to the New World, which he had discovered, muttered the indignity of being meet home a captive is chains by Hobadilla, an atbitrary-Lod vindt- ca1re envoy who displaced him; said whoa too old to be of farther use to • heartkin government was treated with studied no - tricot by king Ferdinand,and died almost in poverty with the pious utterance. "1 Mier done all that I could ; i leave the reel to (sod, who 1 have ever found prop.tions to me in my secslitis." This is the maw whoa remaino were to be put on exhibition, admission 25 costs a heat) by the sacnlcgg iou., money "rabbis* world he disooretred. It is well that the gross ingratitude 1•e ex- perienced from Spain is in part mads.rosti- tutioa for by the refusal of that couil7ry to go into the show business with the ashes of one who eclipsed the splendor of as original kingdom by such an aoosa.lon es • new world. Havama is divi led into ancient and modern; the old city lyiig oboe to the waters of the harbor, while tbs moders, well built block., largely made ap M great cigar manufacturing r,t•blishmenta, lie toll h from this unattractive quorum. The pops lotion, about 200,000, is $ipsaish and the dsm- nodente of Spaniards. Owing to the ex • m,mi1e t•xatioe imposed by Spin, .ad Tam NAa*FA(•1n 11.71* or PIONEERS &ads:tertian to fill their own pockets married out bythose Uteri ties seat over by theMetier Coentry, there is little sympathy militias, between her sad her rebellious oRsoriip. As is Porto Rico, every ennui that an Im pscnaiou:, tax inventing government out devise is saddled on the two and • halt eailllwz of ib•adem, while their tows, said Wm. their trail, railways, telegraphs .ad kaAme r�Mead y d led i leaseSpanWspreesed-i- W might War misty =Wise posed* media for !t, it is she did e0eently. The sail • l le of Its slat 4.l, haise,Hpreissiag with little Met Wow ommalefn .f te- btoao, sow, cora esti .a hada variety of tropical trot• -ad highway robbers Tbe la.g, irr.Ear I14.ad booms 1410 ors. by .Mout 10M 0 bread) ie divided rots two divisions the manta turns aai vselsa •ba jo --tars upper taro and the lower tare -Abe Mater divider ttaabnmiag .N the frost oed M the ,sled •.d the hew tsh..so prods/wig lead. One of the ebbs, to superior •x- eallsees to • bread el si+.r. le Hutt the W- hams. is grows en the 1..i0a .hale where as EIgoose or •rNdsal i edits s are teed All w0(w 44.ows shat tw weed Harass sad good 4.M.e.. ta..y.,gm... Rvsrythl g Len is saturable' with k -b...., tars ..((�1 h redolent t wteh . - wanesEveryone woes.., ''' wan.. as well .e mea115117510'p...4. esmswy (2etrt.Pr.O errs else T011uere awls. • grew, sre..at. • lever, a sorter. a aim. • Apr er alsiesess usher, • batt teeter. a poster, se near sod .Yip&- i* r a well bases tet that a Magma dee Mot Meese 0. sow mesas ef Cus. fls eareami- stasephems pewee Nr rosy setae= 1 A " R (174t1 ) IvNie e nd " used -up " feeling is the int warning that your liver isn't (hi., its work. And, with a torpid liver and the impure blood that follow, of youan easy prey to all aorta r That is the time to take 1).00. Pierce's (holden Medical Dir•overy, As an appetising.lrestorable tome, d to repel and build up the needed flesh and strength, there's nothing to equal it. It mirepje every organ into healthful age puriBea and enriches the 1110et brow up the whole system, had restores health and vigor. For every disease calass disordered liver or impure b1 h , it is the only Fuar'artked remedy. If it doesn't benefit or core, in every case, you have your m..uey La, l• Can be counted on to (-ors Catarrh -Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It's nothing new. For 25 year it has heen doing that very thing. It given prompt and complete relief. The proprietors offer $300 for rr iae.rabk case of Catarrh whi'e • res voyage and asssgasial clime deprives it of the amts. -al *eases zed otlg sweetness that the Odom •joya v, sat[ it a as interesting sight to shit one of the haw:reds of law bieberie. iu Havas., two of the priories* the Hoary C:ay cotnbu.e d wish C m ma " The sYi bass the largest moodily bo:h tothetnit export bass;:res pPttu� ossa of s ed3o•t e.td 1:,�ropr. The ortginel tansies was lama three peonage by ora RagUr3sysdioste ekub paid a round willies for the eetahli.hmest Workmen in thele 1•rg factorise care Food wages, thews roliiar tb• higher grades .1 Digin making** much as 050 and ) .*r week, but the aconite wage ss tie its is 510. The cigarette far -tons" employ Kul. prm- tipsily, wits, asareidedly. are isretenu woofer. Tom rascals Or Ct.:.tea to 8A7A' t v+ry sr mach r.sywhere eke. 1'h • trade catalogue of • large factory heads :. list with "Floc Fina" tersest 11 -.wars, Reg;.., L Cocoas (the aremer. er some emit cigaeiek .ppeliat i. a at 4600 • akMltttt-tl awl from that dews 3. Senoritas (Urals beauti.4`, a mime each pretty attractive little name at `425 • tho•.•od, sad Isom these price', the wholesale Bayer get. a alight dtw'oust en cording to geaatity perei..sci. There is indeed very little dtirwoe in the ..Woking t oal:ties between a dor catalo,iccd .t 0100 a thoasaad aai those at *500. The dearer one u a little larger, has •n irreproaehab'e perfectas* in symmetry end .tape tad is roiled v silver re gold dotal popadencased d is etpres.77 box.. AD., the dearer brands ale male from the choicest loaves Iran the haat plantations and, like the tea crop of Indn or the wise vintage of Frasce,tbe exrellenct of the yeses produce depend* almost m• beefy en the .aeon. It K be tee dry the leaf is small and leeks the oily flavor that is arc waxy in a r.'Od ot¢r, U too wet it is rsk and strung sad wcrk. up badly, a lam part of the pest growing to wro.-1met fibre A largo .ynantity of the cared top.. ro is ahilTed to ENyland where it is used only - the wrapper of the cigar, ted mode or oil- ing is an inlctiar tobacco grown in India er America but the cigar., .re earefelly cased iv • ell imitated Havana bonzes and sold .s the genuine Cuban pr,ductimi. D. E. N.C. TNelala. Whether on pleasure best or business. should take on every trip • bottle of *Imp d Figs, .. it acts mot **math/ and e0.I 'sally other o�(ooeaigaktke kidneys, liver and bowek ferwis ball laadias lam ?6 cs�i bottle by OIdChiun (CUT PLUG.) OLD CIIUFI (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en• joyed such an immense Bale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Ping Tobacco. Oldest Cid 7bJmeti retell*`(` 0.5.s is Camas YONTRELL C! Ing iiia