HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-7, Page 7THE SIGNAL • GODERIOH, IONT.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1853. A M AGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF 4 NEW FALL GOODS. f ightDY MADE JACKETS, .GermanbOS II ill (, Manufacture.vieriCh. Sizesi �{ :lc The largest range ever au.l frons $tAO W $30.00 DOSS GOODS AND BLACK HEN RIETTAS. Wo need hardly My that this departn,eut is one of out specisl fire incl t e asw Hopsack Cloth, Fancy Plaids and Fancy Twills in Ombra l OD GLOVES ra.ta, Colored sell the " Adrienne " in II!,t' l k and Colts at$L(,Oro L,E e y pair eguaranteed and equal to env tl.•.S Glove in town. rAPLE DEPAITMEMT Always Complete. INSPECTION OF OUR NEW GOODS INVITED. JOHN T. ACHESON. PRIF.864140 5USINfee. r OPEN FOR INSPECTION AT MUNRO'S George -(writes)-Dear uncle --Owing to • preening engagetnont at the park Last evening 1 was unable to corse up. "Do you used condensed milkr "Guess so. The milkman can put a quart of it in a pint jar." -Puck. It you want to make sure your ad- vioe will be taken have it a ved on you r uml.rella handle. -Troy Prean. Navy, Black and Oolored Storm St_ -es, Whip Cords c_ Two -Toned :weed Effects. A full line of Black Stuffs in Cashmeres, Baratheas, Whip Cords, Scliel Cloth, All -Wool and Silk Warp Hen- riettas, Amazon Serge and Bengalines, Yshaley-Well, what's the latest in the racing line? Mudge -The hone 1 bet ou usually. -Indianapolis Journal Harmony is all right in its plates, but the barber and bis razor should halo ver undertake to p togetht Conner. Tho man who is looking for a soft thing can find it on tate average Warding hours butter dish just now. -Buffalo Courier. Minnie -DW be kiss you when he proposed? Ma Certainly; 1 wouldn't consider any but sealed proposals.- \- ogue. Proctor -Well, its only a step from the sul.iimo to the ridiculous. Limnos - Ah, if it were only a step back again.-. Vogue. Together with Sateen., French D'Laines, Teazzle Cloth, Prints, Chambray's and Printed Piques. EXTRA VALUE IN White and (trey Cotton*, Meetings, Piliow Cottons, Ac. Napery Department well aseorta 1. New Leer are coming •e as taw .. pe.ible. PIR CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. atm M'tTNO, taw Drarear and Haberdasher. GEMS OF THOUGHT. Freedom ie not caprice, but room tc es- ter 'eel cnotrol lies at the foundation of the chanteteu. Is th•okfulaess kr present mercy, sotb• nit eu becomes as .. Wag si{bt of pest dla Madness is a tender 000eideratien to- wards every Living tkiag which God hes create:I. Honesty is the straightforward perform- ance of every duty and every action se ma - erecter diolates. Not to do honor to old sg• is to dsnwiiek in the morass the roam waen'etn wo an to dere at sight to a tiasting • life ettelemeter. Misquo- tes ram* turns ea eb. OKreets•m et this or that .pinto• bald. Courses n cool -bended strength of will tad peens, reedy for dangers sad die - cultism OWI.St they may be. Thom age massy persona who ale not know hew MMM thew time aloes : they are the aatlllrju of those who are emm- taw barks, well slsii.d and thorough- ly digaMed, sourish the understanding awry than handreer gargled in tbe mouth. some ship. after, all cense to the poor teat can't get bete the deers et the rich. whose meshy osam ew Masks up the en- trance way. if yew ass to it ties lbs MOW of chaise - tee are pate, healthful, and stems. we ay rest amered that its fruits will be sweet, wholesome, and abusdant • lllt+asms te sesame. New York, Aagsa 23.- Hoary I.. Spring says be is a Chicago real estate dealer, he loss qualities that one would look for in each • p•rsou. While the Gould ta•'ily were et the World's Fair be made dig ae q u*iatmsoe of some of them. last Satard•y he came to New York es let them Sada lob for him sad lead him V& Hen • wonder fel talker aid succeeded .A woe is p.oe- trstiog the office of the Goulds. The rest of the time he spent is e.sklag interviews with Edwta Gould, .ad m introduction to Georg* Gould, sad in mediae Men and some shaking advice mod the lose el Mi Us was so pe detest that d t•ollves were sailed in, Gad with them b went be- fore Justice Bertin at the Tombs, today. ' I thosehi IbM y the inflames of the Goulds might he little ". b. explain ed. "Ars they friends of yours!" asked the **tier. with thge e fact is, mHnot and acquainted l Meow very wellthought with such back- log as the Goulds would give .ad my trimds t1. Anises. I would be ea the way to •noose" from the very start ' "My .dvice to you is not M go there say mon," .aid the Jostles. to seek sw- eetie well, I shall be obliged Bess fly. His bretber gave Chemins, 1 know as•, Depew slightly. and "You are discharged," said Iastio. Wor- ths. As be left the court room he drew out • sheet of paper which oostaibod the amass of W. 1i'bitery, W. Rookteiler. Hamil- ton' Fish, Oliver S.mser T•.L1 and otboa iMse.rs aad rar..aes. A tern • moat curious being. He It b set tree that •'every was His pii tis.," as they •ar- 1 knee of one, as boort was. Wb. ems bi,soeM ewer. 11e -Yes, I dislike her. She called mo r. big dunce. She --Aber view You're Led - large, are you, Charley!-. ter. The Rivals. -The blonde -I wonder 11 I shall ever live to ben hundred? i 2 The much Brunette -riot u y longer. -Puck. The danger of looking too much upon the wine when it's red is that one may begin using it for psint.-Philadel- pbis Times. Innocent -"Johnna" said the teach - ma'am,” , am," is Jona "1 haven't bawd till am," said 7• it" -pauper's Young People. Now sign we sit rd swatter we vo a crumb al/ comfort 'treat bunt The ester pipe" ,.snotn«m and axe the �.,rol,ati h� create Chicago Inter 4 gran. 7 -11111111eas of -,STARTLING !, fa. w'M The enormous waste of fuel ar1eutelitv Dael "'� which might be saved INibe•A•1d and And It a groat comfort and savor of Labor „hp Has no equal for purity, nor for o/saseIns and swostoning, nor pr.sorvIns the Watkins and hands from In- jury, nor for all-round s.nwral mesh Rfg/LifL t1Jt'UpAP I MSTAtlOhlgs IF PEOPLE WOULD THINK when they are buying Stoves to go to dealers who handle none but the best, and guarantee them perfect. SAUNDERS & CO. mewl tZelel�sts. I:obbe—Pop, what tea musicale! Food Parent—A musicale, my son, is where s lot of people, who know each other. meet together sod talk in • loud ton`o f voioe about the rest of the people1• know, who are not present. poBobby - -And what is a coovcreezione, p. Fond ?event -A aoevereaziooe u where the Mme people sit in tad and solemn ailo.oe lntesisg to • let of mildewed music. Tile Se..e at. will be sent to any address in Caoeda or the United States from now un- til January 1, 1894, for 25c - Edith --Do you think ifs true, as he fain-Wh , ceilainloves ly. whole la t'? Ma- he pro- posed posed to it ?--Judge. Ada -Why does Clara speak of George as "her intended?" Are they engaged . Alice -No - but die intends they shall be. -Brooklyn Lite. Throwing the dipper after the bride is said to be s much in.*e ancient custom than that of throwing the boot atter the love r. -Chicago Pest. Idarniaduke-May I go out to play now ? Mamma -What, with those holes in your boots? Marmaduke-No, with the bulldog neat dour. -Truth. "There are conditions." said the ttnd man whto started the veutilating hen, " r which one is justified in putting on airs" -W eshiugeur Star. 1 dreamt 1 dwelt W mune halts : I tit a ogee With life mount. '11' het, Wombs ?be landlords w arms. abs. to get the not. —as/a4s Courier. The raw, mane of gaKlag ea well with dive . b.ak end veers. Md est tar world, • sestet which few have learned. I mal sit/ rest; have small ear, and have neither u to kook waw to .Pak Gad sspwmlly . wife or children. (JKhera say teen feet. bet when to keep NHL A •- .less .wank by hafting fast. He Knowledge is a eeafertable retreat, mid shelter for Min one *deemed ego 40 nee plat it while yeseg, k wllgive as 50 shads wham wean glows old. Hew quietly Sews the river towards Os .aa sed yet it always mats ate *Miser tine- This n • print M realasbes when you we trying to rash thine. Truth is like a (deet War. whisk lass 11 le sot oesakeet er with, give, • true image; bat whoa it fs, dMK1e rjest.; bMy se a view sonsidea to the e1js5 I host • (noes. weerpixel. red yet be wt. lover that moves ibe world, • sutler • Ota kW w sever be too high for sato far from stowing the glebe bag look (pp M (sd appraise; bet te expect to tnoi••kW: spread .beats without heist • reach K at • .isms hap and to akeedm it housewife; he nnaay bye as tM Sem es e b booms we de ser is were* ass tdh-It is .. oss his d•rRer osleep sbddieS blood; eke death of fumed pogt surd from the art6 wish/tatles k. haadle dams; be Se se tient.'. Meseta. may Itsof • reamiag4MpGitien and yet sever Paris, Tee., Lagest 93.-A story of deer( to travel; M stay have a 5hesp's test, thrilling ietoeed MING frees the Indra sod am be deformed: never wittiest • ea. Terntery. Ila . waewrseay iN� am baba sad know *odds( et low K physic he mimes is the Choctaw Nation left asr baby his only a few masts old ea a Makes es the mussy side et tb. salmis amid wait abate her warn Is • then Nese • sigh 05oer- ed dows sp.s the add. and kids f1 is bis rates.. flew away. Yr. Ahab" Leake, who happened to be afar. swim the peril el . he child, dserioned be ease It if pas- adilr Utile* kin Mis.he•Nr 1e memo tad hr bores sed staresQ he partied. Vet Glide mem. streams, thleash wede'sd over hills he went u reektess speed hoopla( bis eve ea the meta Gad truith p w lie ..rslle.eted aain,at to carry him in safety. tha tn1s51141i+s • blle the ab iii M1 ham ��e MN Hers► without slo- wness; lo- � MM sop made( rye ye without offending. . ed he t1• truth; "Adis ethers sae sat dad while they sot, he esu set stud. leg. sal d• 1rtb at ssamiea taw s: to es* (+raisers and yet make sad put away pi, rad Wer see • marl less eat it daring hiswbb We; be • s - t S bang std . rat at the same time; may hands * treat dsatie red and hams edbng& ot anit • howl "ay handl* • almmsiai �. —0 COAL AND WOOD YA12n- have had the best Stoves for years. SEE THE NEW STOVES FOR THIS SEASON. DOUBLE HEATERS FOR COAL: THE SOUVENIR, THE ART COUNTESS, THE OXFORD. COOKING RANGES FOR COAL: THE KITCHEN WITCH, THE DUCHESS OF OXFORD, THE HAPPY THOUGHT. A full stock of Coal and Wood Cook- ing and Heating Stoves. THEIR llkBlliBE RE-llll!Ell TII1HRE Special attention given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD, SOFT & BLACKSMITH COAL. l:oal w. tghed on either market or mr Scaler. Oet m, Priors before gotag elsewhere. TLO11s CAM Telephone Cesneeries. A Boston card player mmHg that ao women, though .he wen a d still unte e from bar birth up. �� �t game of whist. -Wo Den rice -1 bear that Mr. flimp sy i1 suffering from brain foyer. Jeor.'-I w.ceewary ` ' brain the raw . B10 ya Life __ Pigg -You think. I suppose, Fogg-Onbv story s t.. must be good. the contrary. I think because it n good It must be old. -Boston Transcript. She Wanted the Rudder. -"Ethel. will you row with me down the river of ifs r "No, assro ywa n.."but I wouldn't mind acting Life. __ bought WiRsmeon-Did thetmman ) hat he wbuldn't thatkick mule front sayu- "0 but he would kick' Heodmrsoe-• bare said en it I had asked Mm. -Brook- lyn Life. liberate •.' ,u, .14r (11. • "k•wi taro.,gh loth viers. • The fiat d 04 �{��y ;sir wNa the eAtl,i still let Da that w J 1.14 ww' vberg.d on tzt4 het sae 1057 01 at e�alsn�ls t ` te .Leel eel fislsbei Iia Tlie Add pts i skeet • sad faros kw JOHN a. PLATT, Prop. 0111.11. LOOK HERE! Now is the time to lay in your Winter's is telling its own story in increased sales. CTE ST ETRE E T - Your Temper AL As well as your pocket suffers if you persist in buying won't gb? matches, half of which , and those that do smell abominably. The sweetest, best and cheapest in the market are TIM Wee arr.ates Reed fool to tide Markel. fem. *tore est llreenet...ea as sea sired. el Oen feel s fa Beal $latk�ulie foal As 1 am arraafis, for • couple of cargoes of HARD WOOD LOOK OUT FOR PRICES - WAR coal weighed at the market. W. LEE. Te4Nwe fesaevtlea. 31-1? 1'1_ BACK -ACHE :CODS KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU wish .Met mod pat sdaecing To Oa tFer.ea el sem We sal bete le woke new• «m. tie of .Ml...r. --admire Timm "If there h oaf fliers of this cools - movie mid the Mb Doane errors. Tory eta* Meek - hist; esI*eeN� h est wittiest girl ash the chi '. party, him; have b form lacked w}. at N• eases NN evt...werf l: have ever Mata[ tM OMB Of • bM throws emend 1 ad, "1 .1011 wit draw.'-C9liesgo Tri' 3d K y aid Nae b hoe WO hose have • 11.11 Is 11. ages-wkM mom, ( rl•1 (est sal t wear that to his sew draw t tai lief ed • II" race •her age: b awn whoa Ire the drill ad w • ail'. be Wk keepWe R ' iugtas Sar. .t Islam Med; sod w�at n .le•af•r ho alb tAtoagh be he AsaGs sr lWrae•t, rieb et peer ' K eel's. WastK 1001. N sisa mire se good es the ways u . el• wb laves ides Godly ns ways Ghia K b hishnibusiness w swab e( the world "weld laa- MIMai '- E.B. EDDY'S TEbEllRAIll IkTCIIES. THEY HAVE MANY IMITATORS BUT NO EQUAL. THE E. B. EDDY CO., HULL, CANADA. SUMMER c000s "laoksehe the mases* the kid- .1 tM� airs are in "Delay le freebie. Dears daopweaa. Nem' kiddy Pipe rive Tooted kidney relief'troubles reo'It •'g sent. in lad 11404 eJ disease11 Cam to Mar �t QillwPialate and Nosrdered kid- the most den - gems of all. right as tarda bdgAts Dfirea se, by to haw a Diabetes sad healthywithout w.� ,'ate above sr a. rood tunneler sennet when the exist where k/dn.y. are Ovid'147de., skygedt, they aro Piro ars hied. fontlifeat W r * se. et ewe he Sr. b... • : sit 1nak id T T....... The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satin factory manner and beat) market. Ready-made Clothing a t,pecialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times pnces at WHY Does GEO. BARRY, the Goderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the heat stock of furniture and undertaker's anpplies 1 And how u if that be can sell so cheap 1 BECAUSE He finds that it pay' in the long run. His motto is : ' Small Profits and Quick Re- turns." He also makes a specialty of picture framing. Give him a tall before prolam- in' elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on banal. 9137-y GODBIRICH Stearn Boiler Works. (SIlT•BL10HtD USW A. S. CH RY STAL, 9m.cesl.r re Ctrperel ! Rio The Toroll10 Cash si\ Haary Ma in, all kinds ary Msrirte, Uptight • Tu P. irliTS I �« [FILM t . d Oita& !b CAMttlIIb sit h.see..e M ; s. 1•t.ea ti.- w w • is he k __ trey mesh hbrss+rd . kw.. Demerol Joe= , ial avec, ••i to .t w,, i.. (isle `sir, bode . wohreareLI. .�st.N Ise. �_- yard f ttttll'r .t yea-en.bba �' - Ws Resold McKay, 1 [ od .R�P have b stony R 1 wettest enrr�m1e and get ssil� 11 - (u d ,,epvletor-Mtn hew yes reared ma I ' y esPgod 10 f xtellT . ttt..a • s /, P • heal- e:- f.�s tyisy hints }mar R d I >��f Re is. ems w awn I dMm's know. ► you'd heed sad i daa't kale►. BM des't es M g a modem sad o Pole em i e ' ll W, .-These at. palely Iasg1-leoh. 1'4011 Pitlo •w new ahrM he =Alt for y well •t Oh a has er� e � MS P��M . ws ss. r Dr. 1I►ihlistaeelX. 1 If. Di. (lissfNALIC M Iret... .=a' aha - P. ODEA. ManaEer. Patronise Ms G* True of Station- bular IT Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc Also denten 1• tU'rlgt%t sod 0edsootat Slide Ausamattlie Cat -Olt tastes* • S dose N • sadS.. . Weeded yea4.4.1110 s.AAter Werke-cleans 0. T. IL Mdse. OMerbt .Competition. ler. We aarair airirisae belies orlostedeo sail 10 .4 oven verses aha are rebs esseas .oi hbs s�waiww - --- pwerl- a inessarw. D.0 MOLF�OD'S SY�TBM RENOVATOR Ann 011111111 TONTm maser.. Specific!and Anridole for ,.rat..weak sad iM . p. t dsed 1*5M.ssbleed, 10. �g� v.e 41�y.� asars>�yter./ .a.Kyt di cess.. ' erstdeem, heeds Maritime red reasind d&W ity. UIORITO1T, MOOUIR, ONTARIO J. II. alacLEOD, tiostI tts Premises, ma ypyleterer. do suets al intse�._wm_ . e fife ase wareA. e'aa1lah I