HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-7, Page 5TIIE SIGNAL : GODERIGA, IONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 091 TIIR . ADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE urrithwhwo. a«T. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. /eµ taw 11.1 f1* swum SOLLARS •s1 ft L WAtxtR, ci[M[MAL iIAMAOSIL 10,000.000. $1,,00,000. • GODERICH BRANCH. A tiresB*IN Moo gturttas TaANSACT3• FANS~ NOM DtanoultTSD. Deaf Ta 1111W[D PArAILI AT AL. POINT$ ole CANADA. AMD int eRtmeO1PAL CiTSLl tot Ts i UNITED I11TATt(. GMAT 811e1TAUI. Feeioa. eiseYND/.. Aa *AMMO OAS MIPARTMEMT. DEPOSITS Of SLOG AND u. w*80B a[OatVtO, AND 0u11* NT RATES OI iernomOT Or * MS O TO Ttourso ni. AT TM[ [MD OAM Oto MAY AO to. I..wwr* pe tate IM [AOM PIAN• special A*f•Mff•M OROS te the Oe1liNl.N of gess".•.- -' r•-..-- ed f"wars' Sales Nets. R. I. WILLIAMS, Manager. rt—p e. ONE PRICE 1 It i• generally understood that we well for Cash only and at One Trice only. The following frons a writ. r thoroughly versed in busi- gets methods aptly describes and compares the old and the new ystents The change in the method of ia:lrking prices has overturned the whole system (l:. ! tuachinery of tra.lt• Tile old way was to put two private marks on goods, coat and kin ice, and the selling prier' as g pr whatever sum between the tic i the buyer and seller Wight agree upon. The asking price, of Nurse, was pretty high, and the eellin;; price depended on the akili and p.,rsistenve of the buyer and seller. The new way is to make o„e price. and never deviate from it. 1-nder the old way, buyer and r liar haggled over every transac• tion, a moot trying experience for anyone of sensibility ; and in most ewes the buyer came oil second best. because the seller woul i be the more experienced of the two and become the 'harper of the two a: a bargain. A storekeeper, not more than tilty yearn ago, had the wit to see that such doubt about the value of merchandise and such disagreeable experience in buying were serious hindrances to tyle. He invented the new way, had the courage to cavy it out rigidly and became a reit merchant Others followed 1 • example and became successful l.serehants ; so many and so sue - sat, died ridgy. e-?ssful that trade has come to be Mea Thomas Berry, widow of the oose- Ltm, eta. d minter,stahas married Wit. livIueu into two dames, one -price' , itedaw.d, the now. arltl no price Mrs Sinclair, relict d the late Chief Factor Williams Sinclair, of the Hudso.'% Any body who looks out upon Bay comtpanyyia� jest died at Brockville. ACCIDENT RECORD. First ChoIce! oar MANTLE GAPES AND JACKETS for Aututnu and Winter are just opened and are superior in style and finish to prev ions vecis. Fur Trimmings 05' .I.L KINU% ARS Hous rOPLLtK 1HAS CONE. THIS BEASON OURS WILL BE THE LARGEST AND HIGHEST CLASS STOOK EVER . SHOWN IN GODERICH. the engines were destroyed by s fire is the C.P.R. mend -house •t South's Fall; Ont. 'J�ikreo� persona of Jersey Cit were fatally a.Ms.d yb 'snag crabs w� were taken lbs N.wark. A Jesuit fatter named Z. M. W. Joubert, 'o��ood� W., was drowned rens Leegneut! 1'hered•y while bathing. Geer 1. Bullock wee run over by a train at I/tt!e York Friday, and Jud soon after wards from injuries r....ived. James Barker, the young two who was stru.-k by • berstieg *teary wheel at Hem. OtosThursday, died Friday morning. By • freight wreck no the B. g: U. near Newark, (surly Mitchell was moulted to death and Fannies Stumebur.sr wits fatally scalded. Andrew Clegg. of Millwright, formerly of Mort Hop,. Ont , was caught between two cogwheels at Bat Portage and crushed to • Full► Mo.. Annie Lightfoot, of • Winnipeg drug ertabL••brneut. ate • gement! of the coating of some pilo sloe was snaking, and d.e.l from the effects. A duo resting double fatality occurred at Parry ;'road Frithay efterttooa, in the drowsing of Mrs. J B. Miler of Tomato and her rima-year-uW boy. Mr. Sam. Peuriatos, the steeplechase ri,ler whom/ how fell at the Montreal I • hibittoo grounds Wednesday ,.erne•, died from his injuries Friday monies. The 4 year-old sou of Mr. Joseph India, Paul street, Quebec, set fire to his clothing while playing with matches. sad was so bully boyoed that be died in • duple of home The fishing ecbooaers Empire State, with a crew d tem men, and Erb' M. Johnson, with • crew of eight men, went down oS Moasquan, ea the Jerry coast, and all on board were lost The states of New York and New Jersey ware visaed by • furious storms om Wednes- day ,tight .0d yesterday morning. A fish- ing schooner our wrecked at Asbury Park, N.J., and four of the crew were drowsed. Mr. David Webber. • member of the Newfoundland Legislature, was out is a boat with • compssi.. a Trinity bay, opposite St. Jelu s. Ndd, when the vessel ass cepdaed. sad Mr. Webber was drown- ed. The New England coast has been swept ,q a atom which destroyed shipping mud dui much da mega on land. The Ines at (:uasy Island is d5(),OtJt Many yachts were wrecked, amid there are fears of heavy lees of how T2s Dominion lime Sarnia has sow bee. twenty -esti days out from M h urea however,The e •gges i• Liverpoolexpect, hear d her of the Irish coast to -day or to- merrew. It r calculated she could steam only five knots an beer in her putty dis- abled coedit ion VELVEN, VELUTiNAS, VELVETS W1 LL CONTRIBCTE MOST LIBERALLY• FOR DRESSES, CAPES ANL) STYLISH TRIMMINGS. K E ARE SHOWING NEW 2'se — Si—LA=3 S - 21 IN VELUTINA, THE tilos BEA, TIFI'L PILE FABRIC THIS ;;E As' a\. EARLY INSPECTION INVl'1'i;D. Wm 1&CIIESON & ON. 6 BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, $1 2,000,000. REST, - - - 6,000,000. A Saving Defartment has been alexia' in con- vection with this ranch. Interest allayed al current rales. 1I. L OCK WOOD, ,,lancer Gadsrich Braf.-k. I would advise those part: who contemplate putting in a Ftetrace to ta6•e BUCK'S "LEADER,” Constructed on the same principle as the '• happy Thought Rsngr 'ith the Duple x lil ate. References : Bev. M. Tra' Ku'LI., $t. Georges Rectory, and \I.':. J t V 1.- \ :rt:., Herd ware Merchant. Jost received, a car load of WATER WHITE (AL, which I w ill eel low for cash—wholesale and retail. sql tout all those iodebted to Inc for the year 1092, will .-all at once are! settle the Game. Yours respectfully, ■T■ A T �— -_ N _ SUMMER SALES, 25 per cent. Discount ON ALL Summer Goods. MR. R. B. MITH. OBITUARY RECORD - David Werbys, on. of Princeton'', oldest residents, was found dead in his led. Desist McKeuua, reeve of Georgetown, died on Seturday after • few days di- nars. Fully tweedy -five p.rsoas last their lives by the foaudering of the steamer Doren• off Nova Scotia. Thomas Beatty, the elderly Toreeto•iw who was in'wred receutly in • trolls seal• THE TALK OF THE TOWN SEASONABLE GOODS, FRESH AND RELIABLE. The new 'apply of Gold, (;ol•l-filled and Silver Watches, and the low prices for which they car. be purchased front C'. A. HUMBER .l SON. SEE THE COLUMBUS CLOCKS. A full line of Jewellery, Silverware and Optical Goods, &c., in stock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Drop in sad see ua No trouble to slow Goods. C. A.. HUMBER eS&BON,Hear . Nainia ea the sq.. I SUICIDE BY STABBI is Dr.Albrecht Lento., forirerly vie.-oom _-_ .slat Yakobatna, has (seen apirotated ti":J. Mattel, est yrs.... 1•w ides by Moa Ow. soma .. .l.general ..r t'siutd... the entstaal aireetots.up of the (.oicago eta sena to a member of The Fair, without pay, mi the 'gore of dl staff sitting pIn the doorway of the rale' sod health. • asked for the chair. It ems given him. Sir Oliver M, war, 11 n..1 .he I)ryrl-n ,n.l B'ond was seen Doing from kis lett breast Mr. Connie', M. P. P.. ..Lir.•..-J a Very sn .I he soon fell to the pavement. He died large meeting at the furling Rork. in Bat on his way to the hospital. There u no Postale. doubt that the animas was not wholly re- Ch.rke. Adams, f.,r ierly of Norwich, Iota .ponaihle tor hie sc:• when he plunged the been brought out by s,,pp•rtere of toe knee -bladed knife into his heart. Mwitolr Guvernmrat 1., .un:eat the loaf A telegraph operator in the Western election for Brandon city. Union office identified the holl7y es that of Pastor Stoecker. formerly '..ort ebaplsiu J. Mcelair, a native of Waterloo, Ont., re• at Berlin, who te c.l.l.r.arl for the ammo.- cem►IV returned from a vent to Deauville ity he entertains for the Helm -vv., .tied and latterly employed as acting agent at trout Hamburg for Nees York y.ete„i�.v on Cambria Station on the Burlington and the schooner Augusta t icier... He ie Quincy }load. to make a leetn..i`g taus of the United Staten. The Leri of Ale -ripen has now fully coin- pleted his arrangement.. P. mor to leaving for Canada on tit.• i h of S,1.,. -&our be will meet the Queen sed will take formal farewell at Ferryhill Jnection on Monday, daring the latter's journey frees Oabors* Hewes te Balmoral. Ilaed ie Itwwdo. Theedese Thoous li.. dn'i .eJ ro rut" grrrtr..,. Aug. 28.—Lest night a row r Turves ag.d eighq the world of business can see the irdward Mitts, living eight miles vont►d CANNED MEATS, VEGETABLES ASD FRU1TS. GENERAL GROCERIES we can suit you in quality and price, and invite • trial oricr from ycu. R. W. RUNCIMAN Successor to E. Cunp•:gms. Aladoo, committed wleide by cutting his cllangel going on The one price throat He had bees dying of heart de- •yste:n is ectending, and groat children w left totally ewidow and •aprooided for. two stores are wowing up under it NITED STATES NOTES. Tire no -price system is still hang - ink; on, especially in the country Paid admission to the World's Fair Fri- an,l in the poorer quarters of the day sobered Clad• Tissmrwt• 14°' 40,1100. s, said to be • lender cities ; and there is great outcry .t t0.. Now yolk aaarchiw, has been ar- il those who do not yet under- I United states trss..ry eflirials re - stand the nature of the conflict. gird thheseai sanitise as psrmas••tly fineeeas always brings failure into) The st.swmr Anuses Victoria, tram Seethesrpto•, brought £90,000 geld see - Weed to America. houses. le order to men elevator o. hwheat ave d.e.ded Milne spite millercheques sad deo crab te0.web.q relief ; and those who fail cry out against tho.ee who eoeeeed." Make your own inference of which is the better system. If you're reasonable you'll probably favor the new. Add to this the manifest advantages of Caah—both to huger and seller --and Ree if our The Natiosal Awleti•• of nue F is Omen is in atseeM .nein. in Milwaukee, early 200 titles beisg reprasst•'l. F„urtese peewees IMO killed sad about 30 badly tallied by a rest .shed canon ba twos,. train. from Manhattan Beach avid ito.kaw.y Beach at Nowtae, I. L. as Sot - • y. claim to give the biggest and beet DiAlm•t au the ors p0Efot thes.s..r wed 1)4 )LLARWORTIi not MILS-wns,kaiv. ewdiaab•rpd. bees.they wore I. .mtttgglieg wlistay tale on.hle, pew, We're male Creat preparation+I Wllllas C• ploys.. has ►e weskit r,mo for Full. Over fifty awes already the taew lsoato Ise h1. sb estsllK .eats is lb. fedd.••K AWNS 9too.ono : op1'newl. The remnant of Summer WWI% t dieerl°f go lath le t of I coon. It's ware lw Irina awl a &me per+ fitock is in the way. Some lines Tors •adMe"• two amass 0..d ells 1547 half Slew to Uma •• hernial flet.,'. Seed 25 " Sttalight " Soap wrappers (wrapper bsuibq the words Why Does • Woman Look Om Snnoer Than • Mao ") to Lever Bros., i.td., 43 Scott -.t. Toronto, sad you will receive by post a pretty pic- ture, free from advertising, and well worth framing. This is ea sway way to decorate your horse. The soap is tit" beat in the market sad it will oely cost le psntage to seed in the wrappers, if you leave the wads mem Writs your same carefully. 1 y tees punt u ='rby • manse bemoan p'en �lliyfhest Cnt't[gtt nicer for y our opportunity. Utiles es the Harlem Masi be/trata Dykhee-- ss% tied pre Peed. N. Y., w Ilaterd•y 1 talmf*en.ga. pENSONAt` MENTION. eitomm hr the tlgr ((i y am` Rutter sal Icy. PRIM& ei.u111 t ara' 1-r..ew1 the Hotter. Lt-nuS, Ana. I.—Kir:g Carlos ycster• day, accompanied by his family and all the Dini..1 Montan. °paned for benne.. the mow sable between Portage) amid the Acmes. frlslswt Maas of fen ratP.. rine the Chicago Record. 1 "In the ,:basal¢” 2 "Silver Threads Among the Gad." 3 "My Grandfather's Cloak." 4 "White Wings. 5 "Sweet Violeta. 6 -'Annie ltoos.y._" 7 "Down Went efliaty." 8 ••t'omredes 9 "Ta-ro-ra lioa••de-ay." 10 "After the Bali." have you •a id'm of takivi A BUSINESS or SH08TSAND OOURSE ? FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE OF LONDON,e et. d. HEAD+ a SHO RS abh. vele�e~ free. College for Thorenah Practical J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. Wait a Bit :. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP ! Facts are so scarce in this world that it is p.i..ible to live a good many years without becoming ac•1uainted with one. Here is one: , We ve been busy as bees ever since we started business. The reason is obvious: We have male your nee'- our study, and are keeping up a feast of good styles anti good value., and in buying your Boots and Shoes from ns you get better value for your money than you can get elsewhere. You will be delighted with the good qualities of our goods. We have a 'choice se- lection of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Oxford Tie Shoes. Thousands to c h o o s e— from All other lines complete, gond guaranteed to tit, to wear well, and give entire satisfaction. Save money while you can by buying your Bos and Shoes from New Brscswiek cedar shingles at Skid's. 81.80 ,rl. Millions Sold Annually Sea Our prices are the lowest. T. FOWLER & 00. 'Tiro Store East of J. Wilson's Dreg Store. AIINFEELIA Iron e- own oerreeeedsat. idestDAT, fol. 4. The potato crop will not he • vary tarp ono is ooassqusse• 01 the dryaow of the weather. The lest few weeks have been very dry, toedcrept ie tomesQetsd the idwbl� ..d root aespa lave w These is not mach fall wheat emu iia this vicinity owing to the vend losing foe dry. There will ort be •• large • gnassity sown this year se lsM. Mr. Bower hen turned out • largo quan- tity of 611voles alinglus. The deemed was so greet he wield sot Seery supply the gautity as.ded. %% j'/ ��//i///// l �l/ll. 1�Jl,�l �, 1,/l/ l�l r I i /, i ///� r7 / r , / it f , ,l, Oe/ esE os Elite n 60 shiDtIn befer. parsimaissTT **AL will ire meet to au address in Canada or the Ueited States boar now on - td Jan 1, 1fli*, for 25c. Hallett: William Ryser mad Jobe Clarke e( Hank lel* Sssiorth motion on Twud•y evening Ile Killvasy, 'slantwise. where they hews hosts of kinds, They took with them a osr lead el very 'aperior heavy d»osht home, nowt of which were raised by 11:. Ryan himself. The fJtneu tine. Boa%Tr'oop, Sept. 4. Many citirtne of this city are wilHsg to vouch for the truth of Excel Elliott% statesua tNs be was ,cored of kidney dimes, of air paha' ,Mead- ing by the use sf Dodd's 1lr pith Ever/else is oatodeWN et the god thuree bees with which these chat wart. Al... who heed 1eh4 thous t res to twee feels after 04.g thee, Se Tiet� he Ind .ever wijnyed life osiers." Rynal ease, ie w►id a paralytic was cured byDlodd% hider/ pili., opened ere .Tae of tipeopled this yirittity ter the Tutsi of this randy. Brussel: Ise* Seterley foremen Wet. Bright. sta.egar of Brom& fat mill, hesg IN vast, le the pain .f which was se epee faced watch epee the Matt, seat of teh}e Methodist Aerie leers and lem 'dist y tha main the 0111. Boma sae pe ,lariaty daring rte aces hear, it le tit, sad the edmi.g woke hes eti hem }sail, siege. Bespeaks. reseed es .ertele ie• divides*. sail • a.nreh .rennet wee Weed. The whims were to Welles by t'-.. - ilial* sell setbisa wee seemed I0. the .sets► •wart eC fors • reward ger the mime d the *MA mei the amen of 1h. ,kid. Brasile: The mstrimosi•l bow is low and styes* u le shows iu the ass of the old Solas Mr. mid Miro. F.lwards, Albert street, Brits - eels. Oe Saturday last the &Weed at the fifty fifth anniversaryof they marriage— which took place i. 1438. T' teieMitt ! h day their son aid daughter -i. -law provided ea •realign, tea on Heir laws, to which invited the •pd pope. and shout misty guests. DIAMOND TEA MEDICINE. How it performs its %silk. Horrible Itching Eczema Retire/7 wired in 60 days. Diemen/ Tea O► Lanes : .N knew twis t ht Us a eitl Wren. se gal '�"�tt��fhew Jammerwhet Die widen tbM► • ••b g#wwrbe orae.. �•'h e r eras tn- l+ ori lyse wises mm�qf Nr a.».• it, ittai/e g[iftaq e,osf mime le their mjsertaw Ns alit as a omit, ttnttet.s. IM* OAir iv Rut., lre/htlrl. regiaskell 11171;177 ipeeing 'Guist, tors sod a hsN Oa sees.