HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-7, Page 4•t A T1IR SIGNAL 1 GODER1CH, ONT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1893. �► � olfi grit, to PL'BLIOIIW EVERY THURSDAY MOKNIAO ST S. I.eQILLMT�RT. 00.e of Publication -3 sad 10, Nortbatntet, Oudertck, Ontario. Terms .1 0.tise►lpten 1 One month. in advasav ..... ...'.. $ 13 1e Threw month& 811 51 One year. 1 W 1f credo is &teed, the price per you will be 1 3(1 Advertising Sates Legal and wear ..anal •degtiaanattt% Ido. per line fur farm Ineerth., aletawe Per Joe ft' each e'i:r.yoeut insertion. Measured by • =ell male. BYebe•1 .•..r.t-t of six Bars mud under, g3 per Year. Adeurile'•nents of host. Found. Strayed. Situations Vacant. Httntttf,tne Wonted nod Buehler. l'l,.uteea Wanted. 001 etoeedind t lases aeltnsrril. 01 per month. Hous.r o.' sal, and Fame on Sale. ant to of ked ,:• tt fur tarot tuor.tlt, lac. per *oh- eleiucut 'until h. IArRer adrte. in proportion. Any •i •.•t.a :u14 , .. the ut(to.t of which is 'o pro.n"'e the pecuniary helicdt of any redl- rl4noI or roe.[[,.ny, 10 be co.e'dered en .4- o' and chtrtic.t accatdine:y• Lora! 0011)4'. in nounareiltype one teat per word. no not i, hes than MC. In. al noticei in ordinary re.dlalf tape ter0 cents per wont. NO axiom for lee) than 30e. Notices for c',urcheesnd oti.r rcligwus and benevolent Instil atlas, kali rata remnant -fat Hammet •dvMlsrmrwe.. A litn.trd monitor of dissp�Imje-t silver:!ae ln+. leo ,': ill b: inserted at the puUt oaI* r.ttes eriwth. now in..artion *1 4' f,mrtnsehw;e - . OP .hoer mnut s .. 1 til •• ka month.. $ ,e1111.. . Sew Nn whetwement I.., ihia two Inches in bomb will be nlrulated on •tuts basis. 5 per r, n'.d;.c..nnt allowed for owe moments on three niouth,'opntreet; 10 per cent. on sis moot'.,'. _ni 13 per cent. on • years. Thane Dot. .• ens + iii fe str'.ct!y enforced. twos "rig. sooner' *elfsety. @.,`•=. oher w1n rail ?overate! Tile P*oWAL . eirhrr by ra•rirr or by mail• will • r ..<, or bi a.•.l u s n. t ins( ns of she tett et se early a dates* poster.. La. at Tam Label. Vow label ie a standing receipt of the date to w'hivh you are void .p. See that It is not &Unwed to fan foto smear. When a climes of address ie .1e•tre4, both the old and the new address should he given. Rejected manua•repre cannot he returned. ('orrc•p.,Aence must be written on one stile e paper only. Publisher'. Settee, J. ('. Ie Teruel. of Ooderlch, ham been ap resisted IocalTravelling Aerct for the town• shirr of Goderich. Colborne. AshAeld and '.V. eranoah. Local ptwtma.tor, o, er 1t,e district are also empowered to rc`eitr .nbecriyt ions to Toe spree st. All commc.lutis'us most be.ddrotwcd to 11. M 011.1.1Ct'1tpT. Tare Rwx♦L, Telephone Call 30. Oodereb. Oat Opi>laiCH. 111111111111111111. ALTO. a, MI` Psrmiaates TRIC MI'II•NT I'ROCCS+IO`t •heal the highways and by -ways of 1:ode- rick towatiip was another iltustretioa of the hutch taking Holland. FROM THE E, LR-R&ADY 1)11.10a+ExPRE.a- ed by the editor of Thelitar about "dives" and "slams" etc., it is easy to d seero that the fellow was to "the manner born." or it so -reeve', 1...'.tl ONTEMt•311.AR1 will be pain..' to learn that the financial crisis with which those terrible Americans have been afflicted *hews gigue of abate - meat. 'lite tam T TIr1T Sin .1.,H. THt ir110S I.- 1.04. putting another edition of the cele- brated Chestnut ('oml,ination in commission at an early day is proof positive that • federal election is a feature of the near fnture. T 11 E Este! RS "mem* To ens Arnk.t I.1 J.'.. as the a iouoen of Canadians. We will wager • hat with the editor of The Empire that t he people of Canada 1 ace a thousand relatives to the United State, to each one they have m Australia Titc sous -*ravens or Hos. I:/;,.a.r. E. F.••Te*'o mission to Jamaica book's ill for the .nccass of Hon. Mackenzie Howell's trade -enlarging trip to Australia. But tie people are pat) cog for lar. ikowell's junket around the world just at they did for PAT. it RW.'s.. family trip to I:odench is the Vic- toria p..lace car. 1•REt[.T%THE% OF .t &ELL To TMe Episcopal church at ('ort Albert by Hon. .1. C. Perste ,, was • kindly act, no doubt. it a quite possible that when the Minster of Militia faces the poll at the next election and ie turned down, the sexton of the church may exhibit a like kindly feeling by tolling the bell over the demise of the ac- cidental statesman. MEDI. Al. 01)1. RR SII RAou, or T0R0.T0, has commenced • crusade against the milk vendors of that city, and u publishing an analysis of alleged lacteal fluid furnished by delinquents. A facetious member of the Trades and labor ('ouncil, referring to the matter, stated that some of the liquid im- posed on the public by resanr•ntm as milk cage evidence them the bovine either had fallen down • very deep well, or had an iron pump handle for • tail. rATTttmn%$ t'ALL gSR ■LLP. To& HO.. JAMES COI.EnIooke PATTtR- eon, although not by any mesas •statesman, has more horse sones than his flatterers ia thia section give him credit for. That is the remote why, baring (roue over the ground and having used his eyes and ears during the trip, he has one, to the eon- . 'maim that the outlook in West Huron is by no means bright, sad he feels it is ab solutely seeenmry to have a personal visit from the Premier if %Vest Heron it to he kept is the Tay solemn. The News Regard and the Star may yowp sheet the warmth el the rsesptie. siveo the sitting somber, but Mr. Parnaeoe is wall aware that the pepslarlty, seek as it was, was paid tan tt0 es saheb • "pep," and 441.'1 PAN eat wap w losav7 at that The (May wasn't worth the mndle, and the man be - tared esthtrdssm risible was am entrs.n- e nrate with the eopasdlt.rs d odd stash d.,-1. the War Lerdi May is the rMhg. A ed w 14 le, nisi ►ie cry hoe was dew. be the Premier, C.se .err We- West K...a..d help wsl" aNwithelasthg the vassalage of kis irie.da ie this mines that poet thugs haw loess .00e pbied by hi. visit. Instead of the song of Wince that ha worshippers could have like Wine has b..s r.M.d, the Minster of War is well •ware that the nurse in ha ;favor savor. more of the boy's whistUag through the .;hurchyard to keep up peerage. Nu one is mors alive to the real coedltiun of things in West Huron than Hun. J. C. 1',TTE•tats, and no one has • mon 1h.rottgh tom:emu's of the chasms against him, and • urure utter contempt for the tactics of the harpies who would lull him into security is the hope of having a feast of ht things from his e•otpaign disbursements, than the some Hon. .1. l• PATTER']. And that is why he has called upon the Premier to kelp him in his .itramity. OSME arts yea.RILASO. After a lung and exciting mune through : he Commons the Hone Rule Bill has peseta Ott boiy of the Imperial Parliament and has toes sent to the House of Lords for eadome- meat. There he some w Ito 131111 that the lords aia throw the WE out, slut never allow it to become law, but thly who se: up such • cl•i,n know little about what they speak of. There is no premien in the history of modern England, for the failure of any great measure to become law when once the Convinces ha,1 said it should he. The de- ceased wife's slater hill is the solitary con- cession Slade to the 1; ,r1s, spiritual and temporal, wr:.,n 11 ,I:0LI, Fa:A mxt.•. They ore annually allowed to worry, shake and growl over this and finally throw it out, but that is merely to smirk them. They know well enough that there is• very peremptory, sharp -edged limit to what tbcy may safely do. In tbie hoe they know that they L•&tel got to peas the Home Rile Bill within the nett year or two 31 cur: aln as tate. Every- body else rec..gn.Tcs this now. The only question open is h,.er much spirit the'r Lordships will ,care to show before they take 'heir medicine. i:woe rule ea a predominant issue was really wound up and finished Friday night. We are at last really through with those thoutmods upon thousands ut stale speeches and wornout arguments, &wok heroics, lies nterminahk, plsti:udea and egotistical hys- teria which for seven weary years have been peaking for .iscuasion of the Irish question. it has Dome to an end. Pobtioians speak as if there were to be still other years of the same siokening thing over again. They are mistaken. Audiences now will not listen to any more Hume Rule orations. Their minds are made up either fur or against. What they want Dow is a rood, hot, straight talk •boat democracy versus the House of Lords. That, today, is as pre-emimeot among the Maus. as Heine Role was yesterday. WHAT 1 !•.E PAPERS SAY. . 11.) 1r., rU'+ Volt AMCRI. til :IEtP r111:1t.11T!i. Toronto 1:lobe: The people of the United Sate. are decennium! to enforce the intestate commerce law in the ase of the Canadian Pacific Railway. 1f they pre• vent that railway company from carrying their golds cheaply. and making up the I .eeee by high rate. and wheelies in Canada the people of the Ikrm:r.:.,n w,!i have reason W S;ess their stupidity. • Ilia nit) • $vs<)1.. •.1T FRES. H•mi:tan Tittles : An order in Council has been issued permitting the present own- er of the .1 Lie, formerly owned by "Bram Dog" Arnoldi, to chaage its name to the (:ilpiie. The roman tor the change is that 0•4 log to ita uupleasant notoriety the family of the owner are annoyed by remarks about its history. Things are very iine9ually dis- tributed is this world. Arnold' cot very li'.tle, comparatively @peaking, by his m.lfeaeanoe, yet he was pilled and exposed so that obloiuy attaches even to the nam. of his boat. The bag scoundrel* get the heavy plunder, the honors and the othhose, and were whitewashed and protected from inquiry and punishment HS PAI.I■t rat Tilt COT FIN MSXT IS COWARDLY. Ottawa Free Pres. : Mr. Clarke Wallace, controller of customs, is said to be urging the immediate appointment of Mr. R. S. White to the Montreal customs collector- ship, and to the controller is also attributed the statameat that the Coo - tier retire ministry that is afraid to open Cardwell ought to throw up the sponge at once. But Lbs Montreal oolee t.orship is pct the only position that the Thompson 1'aro* government is afraid to fill. The weakness of the admiaietrstion is evident from It. feu to appoint lieuten- ant gomermor. The lieutenant governor- ship of New Brunswick has been vacant for nearly three years, contra v to theepnto( dimmest imam, which requires that the chief of each provincial executive . hail bean independent fesetinoary..nd net • mere "tenant at will" of the foral mis- ttry. The Manitoba sad Northwest goveraorshipe mid half • dame se.saoeseipe are also vacant How TO STOP P1111a01AATIXO. Toronto World The Wok would prove an inralauble medium Hr the provostser et pesmaatle. at Mee - Nam it in • fires eseswteel N goverment by the people that the *motions should be hearth ousduet.L 1t has hems eu/gorled that p.esewateat . would be very r. U eaeb vet. wore regn.Med to sip his same is • hook when polling hes vs•w A wheels wosM wesr..(hone weeld he ase of the ammerw No hesmt ass woo **et to bolsi plastegraphed is this way. The badmen meld liaises h the Iwi.kliag of am eye, so that the pining ef tko vote we.M sot he in$erfessd with. As to tet that wail ..t be a e•• is my wrest, sad with ...eters appeases. adapted ley the /.cps.. it wadi bs rd.md le • miwls.sL WItb the demos N the pallh g heath r dead M ws.M Issas the sesetry is vete, Mme �» dapYssWad he a wo SISTERS OF PROVIDENCE. AN 1NTERKSTINU CHAT WITH THE SKURKTARY OF ST. MAR YS. AOO& £AYLUf11 NMI Tan &t.T.w.a a5D 1111110 I't 111.0 Alt& a0 HLJLTIIT--DV'& TO STUNT Or 111. tt KS AliD TUN )Adds t&e I sal) 1N Tile MOMS-IX,Oasia1t Ur 41r 1T. Et K*41.1101. THE 7 CENT FAIR From the Terre haute, lad.. isprees. Foe miles to the nor!hweet of Torre limits, lies the beautiful and pietemegue villa,. of St. Marys. This is • aloes. Catholic lwtitutiou which bas atdaised something more than national eshbeity. Fitly'son ago It was «atablishad by six sisters of 1'roviden r. who oame foam the shores of Frame to lay the fousdeti.a for thin gnat uheritable crJer. It now consists of tl.., home of the Staters of I'rovidesoe, known as the Providence Howe ; • large Lamle seminary, one of the finest ample in the United States, and • rectory in which the priests make their home. A reporter of the Express while bring shown through the entat.liehmeet recently asked Suter Mary Ambrose if Nue w..any apparent reason tar the rood health with which the esters and their pupilia are biased. The answer was that particular attestiw te pod by the asters to charge to the bsaa11 and happiness of the .tudenta. ailment," she said, " cannot help but its effect on the nitud. 1a order to keep tie mind Iw•tg'ot and active and perfectly elver .t mil times, the student•, condition s.s•be as nearly perfect as possible. SAW* time ago then was more or less ailment ..tie. able &moultg Ihe sutcts and students, waioh wad proL.bly due to atmasphcric ceases, though of coarse I do not know just what its origin really was. Shortly after the be- came noticeable . frieud highly recoarmesed- ed • medicine called 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and so urged upon me to give them • trial that 1 ordered sonic o ti:vm, and they have been used to ti.•e Mau tut ion ever sone. A few day* ago tire man nfacturen wrote me for on opudion of Pink l'iils.nd my reply ea as follows; "R&ori r to Sot In .rower to your kind request forour opinion of Dr. 1tt1ism'. !'ink Pile, aro pleased to say that toese pills were so highly recommended W us that we were induced to try Omni, and we tltiuk our repeated orders for than aro sufficient evidence that we find them all they are rep reseu.ed, • good blood builder and an excel loops nerve tonic. Yours very respectfully, Smoak M. AMI:Huts, Secretary for Sisters of Providence." Medical scientists concede that weak blood and shattered nerves are the fruitful e.uee of nearly e: ergs diatom to whit:. human flash is heir, and tf Ili. Willianu' fink P111a is, as Sister Anibrvw maty they have found it, "a good blood builder and an excellent curve tooie," the source of good health at St Mary's Messily troced. lister Ambrose said they are never without Pink Pills, and that tow they order a gross .t • time. This is certainly a very high recommit - dation for the medicine, for there is probab- ly no clam of people that gives more strep tion to the physical health an•1 welfare of its member* than the Sisters of Providence, and they would 001 use anything in which they did not have unbounded truth. Ili. Williams' Pink ('ills are trill; nine of the.rpatest medical discoveries of the age. They are the beginning of a more healthful era. Every day brings reports of remark- able cures that have resulted from the use of this wonderful medicine. In many cases the good work has been accomplished after cmi• ent physicians had tailed and pronounced the patient beyond the hope of human aid. An analysis proves that (r. William' Pink Pills contain, in a condensed form, .11 tI.e elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered nerves. They we an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, nenrat- gia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of to grippe, palpiati-.0 of the heart, par and sallow complexions, nervous cane tr.tiou, aU derm.a'lepeldiuv upon vitia'e•i humors in the blood, snob as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also • specific fur truul.lea pecnli•r to fem-ala., such as suppressions, irregularities .o•l all forms of weakness. They build ap the blood and restore thelow of health to cheeks. in the cave of men they effect • radical cure in all cases.risini from mental worry, overwork, or exereses of whatever nature. Those pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Com y, ret Brock villi, Ont.. and Schaweotdy, N. V., and tire .old in boxes (never in ko.s form by the dam or headrest) at 50 omits • box, or six boxes for 42 50, and maybe had of all drug. pate or direct by mail rom ir. Williams' Medicine Company, from either .ddre... The price at which these pill. are .old make. a Doers of treatment inexpensive as o.esparee with other remedies or medical treatment MUNICIPAL COUNCILS• c o1r01r< Caat.ow, Atm. 26th, 1893. Colborne email mat in the towusbip hall. Members ell promo o Minutes of Net met ing read and pawed. Moved by Alex Young, e.o.md.d by Samuel Potter that for the purposes of miming the amounts aeres- sary for county. township ..d .ehool pur- poses for the carnet year, a oesety eats of 2 3-10 mills, • township rate of 1 5-10 mills sad a special school rat. of 1 mill be levied on all .m.mmsble property in the township. aim sufficient rates to raise the &mounts re. (pored foe wheel p.rpo.ss by the various motions. Carried. The reeve reported Redly Cruse to be is destitute areas ma.em. A. A. Young moved, assesd.d toy nasal Potter. that the ooescil gra.. her $1 per week until the Ares of Juusry,1894. Parrett Bytlatn No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8 9, 10 •md 11 were read • third time maul passed. Wm. H•wkiso was paid PI 65 for . hoop killed by dogs. 'The maned then ad- jororsed to meet maim O Daher 14th at 1 o'clock, e u. F. W. MI'DONA..H, Tp Clerk. emerrar.D. The .bon council wet esu TN.wd•y, Awg.at 10111, pursuant to .djosnoment. Meshes .1) present, wia.4se of previous sssthmg read and approval. Trees.rsr's 0th seasst wee read swing • balsaos es band .f $184.69. The Weeri g ob.q..s were O� : Jean suety, for gavel, $17.- 601 l7. - Jeb.a1oeb. rabsak vara. «8 sesltMei �srk, repairing lied. ass. !, Mei Dam CmageMIL grainless esu. iL M0; A Mos racy Iwp. gravel. $84i: John Me Lammesiwork at doth es S. NiL 8850; Ain. . : E Mello's , rep dekaes N. RM l6, 90: Jobs Jesuit MWw'�slittpivellleg. K , $ owl alta K •a+as'Hoe � A► I Wiese es S. 1. 04 tlttaawb TO (ANT & TOI•. licLeao'g Net of the Spare, GODERICH. Readers -First ('rimer . 6o. Reeder.--8eaosd Primer ... 9c. R.•adees- S.e.at Rook 23o, Reader. -Third Book 33C. Healers -Fourth baulk 49e. Public Scheel Oresmar 93c. N 1. 4. N i, 64 .i 41 .. Geography 71o. Aritkatcte ... .. . 23c. Drawing Cowes, I to 5, bo. Writisg Course, 1 to 6 7c. Writt.g Course, No. 6 9c. 200 page Sc ibbletb ..... .. ..3c., 4c., 5c. Slates 2o., 3a, 5c. and 9c. \0iesless Slates, 6 x 9 11e. (.illott'e Pan., 292, 434, Sc. dos. Drawing Pewits, IL B. , 4e. Lead Pencils la, 9a and 3c. 1'en Hoidens . la 30. and bc- Exercise Books .. ...... .....9e. awl ;ie. Sohool Hags 3a sad 9a. Leather School B.g., largest afar ... .490 +tate 4tigwse Wren Ats. IbM.ej. Ts the tet of Taos dour... Sta.-1 MMA t. draw Ws ...Ws .f year madam le what 1 os -elder to he ase of the worst bis i. the Agricola.rel 8A.w ifa that has ever home ineposed apes the peorteel this or say other (I.Mtry. yeses d.ee, the C.H.es. Aeriml- tarel 8.eiett west est of .Anel b.aimaat, so theals,&& as the h.se el sesisai hie iseeneer.• o.f, MN eater .sip's. the pier 1111.4 years. Gales Awe elevpsaMesws say ono ul urdi0.ry p.respiisa woad Irv. Duan to the belief that, the wpm hairier ham pro- rated. the iatrwmat weld Lave takes pie dess.tly sad la order, list snob, 1 es. wan your readers, is not the ea.., sad in tbis way. The terreranisat a:lu.e a great to ea.b swift eouerdiag to membership, and VIM is else Made to the sgrtcultursl ee.tetaeitthe meaty by the c.unty mos- oid. The dd...s C.Obulne Agr:Duttursl .eslety has claimed to come In nyder the 000d•tiess to Mare the getting ed Noor grants sad up to the year betute feet re- ceived the 1:uveranwut grout` sad gut the county grant at the last $pportioaweoL In the nt.aw time, they hell no shows, here no disbursements, and as a result have a surplus to hand. Last year /moat Meg like 490 wait on hand I am credibly informed, and esthete was a prose list to provide for, tt was d.Iermtssd by the directorate to supply .ash member with • ropy of the Live Stock Jo aad • gesutity of send grain Alia bare wit tae toads of the society, iaate.d of du citing it to its legitimate use the ho!diag of o Spring or Fall sh •.w. I .a. a member of the association last Sear ou rho distinct uuder•tanuing that • pring show should be hell this year, and whoa the society failed to fulfill its promise in I h it regard I at oo..e steppe! 2owa sad out It th- t'o:borne .1oria tltural SSmtiety is to be kept up, it shoaled fulfill its Irgal hula - Dorm. and it it is died. the mower its auks are metria' up the better it Mould be for all. tine thing u certain, the directors have no regia to turn it into • tai -operative society for the distribution of lteratur., seed and seed -bags to is member., and thea two culverts ea S. R 3 and 4, $17 20; Jiro Kilpatrick, grading( S. R., 6 and 7. $43.68; R. Teramky, fcr gravel, $3.36; A Stuart, shovelling *Low at (:eon's hill, Sit; tiro. Juhustun, plonk, $2; 11'm. Johnston, drain, 0 los. Holland, repairing culvert ane. 2 and 3. el: Jas. Alton, gravel, $8.72: R. Finegan, rep. bridge cos. 6. 50c; R Hued, pilar across road, S It., 3 and 4, $1.50; Pat I tu> le, rep. culvert, on D. L $2: Jno. 'tevensoa, for timber, and rep. to culvert ,A 3, 4665: Jas. Simpson, for insp. travel •u 3. 47 5.'; Jas. I:tlpatri:k, gravelling , on. 5. $`•? 92; Thea • urphy, insp. gravel, c n. 6, Sr). tf8; F. Cenu.ngtlam, rep. bridge, 1. 1:., $3; That htaite:., pulley block, $2; Jet. Garret. grading and gravelling ('ort Ali.erthil!, PA Pah ick Moran, gravelling c •n. 9, $96 ES; khan O'Rielly, insp. gravel 416.711; Oreo. Hawkins, iesp. l'crt Albert hilt, 4850; Tho.. Sullivan, tuukg statute labor tea u*., $6: Mr. liennug, flour :o H. Currin, it 110; Thos. Dickson, 0.11.1 stringer+ for Cerrick's bridge, $12.88: Jer. Altoo, for gettinout and delivering tl. vine, $t0; John -31 oryhv. grading ecru 9, ri; (neo. Biggins, tiles, So 74: Dr. SlcKay, cAaminalicn of the Currie family. $5; David Heodersoo, for ditch opposite Fletcher'., 55.25. A. Mluggagi . for graver, $6 60, also for shovelling 11:1.1, 821' David Meliiwein culvert. con. 1, $6.50: Charles ref ',inner, gravelling at Port Albert, *52: H. 1)`re.n- non, gravel:ung pure. 10, $27.60; W nl. KO, patrick, balance on job oma. 4. 811 40; t:co rmstrong. gravel, 17.40; E. Johnston. ei&Telling U. L, $15, also for gr-velliog Il. 1.., con. 12. $51.92: H. Vansickle, Map. grsa'el, 1). L. $3.75; F:. Johnstone, fut g ravel, $4 32; John Kow1er, cedar stringers for ('arrick's bridge, 410.30; E. .Inhnutone. gravelling con 12. D. S. R, 3 and 4, $17 20; W. Maser, wood to Mrs. Griffin, 91.28; John Sternums, gravelling cin. 3, $36.30, also gravelling cos. 3. • Roderick Mc- Kenzie, rep. ('arrick's bridge,$2I; Mrs. 1-'lere, for gravel, 12 24; ir. Mcay, service on Hoard of Health, $35: Coo. Hawkins re- ceived 92, the collector having deposited this amount with the treasurer; U. 1le1Aay, moo. gra.•el con. 10, 112.25: Nor. Joaieson, covering culvert, tit: U. McKay,for team talk .t Carrick's bridge, $4.. ale for gravel and rep. Aulv.rt, 83. Bylaw No. 6 was read levying a rate of 2 4-10 mills on tie $ for county ourp a and 2410mi:loon the dollar tor township purposes; alio 1 mill on the $ for special school purposes provid- ing for the &mounts required by the trustees of the different school sections in the town- ship. The council adjourned to meet again ea the 23rd of Sept W. STtyruenn. 1 kik THE AUSTRAIJAN MIS$)O`1. Toronto (;lobe : Mr. Dowell is to ro to Aeutra:i• to open ep new arsons for Cana- dian cnmmeroe. And we all bought that Tory theorists reipmlet commerce M an evil thing to be suppressed by all oonatitnl'owl and peerefol Mira. Sun,e po:lclesare hard to u',ravel. 11amilies Timm : After refitting to trade with onr ..seem neighbor or to remove our embargo es tinge with 1:real Brit•*D, the Ottawa misisbry Las granted • vast sem of loamy to amide a Us* of weasels to be run between ('osa& sad Australia, and sew Mr. IUackreeie Howell is going out to Australia "on behalf ed (:..4.," We are made to pay • high price for what little foreign trade we get under the N. P. Ottawa Free Pres. : It is possible that How. M&okmzs Howell, minister of trade a.d oomMeree, may be seat to Aurelia by the Dominion government to discase trade matters with the government of the anti- pode. colonies. Has the "home market" g ives out ! London Advertiser : Minister Flowed! is to be sent to Australia to try and open up trade with the colonies there. Mfr. Howell Aid sot sed to go there to effect that par pear. Pell down the tariff walls that divide me from our Australian friends, and all the teals that will be profitable will flow to and Nave Australia no well as t0 and from every other portion of the world similarly treated. Oar rakes pet up high tariff barriers, and then spend time sed public money in the preloseethat they ere looking for avenues for Wade. Terento Mail : Some years ago a depute ties from Jamaica visited Ottawa with • rim/ to Negotiating for trade relations. Nat ear minist.rs were ten busy to take as Maws. is the pelmet, aid the matter was eemearo.tly 1•id wide until • more m e- venie.t seae.w. When Canada was rawly Mr. Tooter west lows to Jemmies; het the tient Indies were set then ` the holler to eosin a 110411 m the reciprocal scheme fell theme. More reoently as Attstealhs ~emeses. Balled in to alk Wade. Nearly .i1 of the mialesors were ablest from the espitsl, sad therefore bethive eesl4 he said .r dmeNew she D.minisn le mndisg a monis .e the A..tmise etlws's is order ee r.wete M ieteribtego of ewmmsee. it re to be hoped that Me eswiee• superheats wW sat be r'R>ed M tie idles weal ),et that Mr. Sews, who, se 11hHt1.r of orad. awl C.msw.e, le gelsg to mow the en- sa.endeshl retain with sees d- 1M prepwdlimr in his valise. A Navy elves out seder Abele at Mere far SLIM ACUTE or CHRONIC, Can be cured 1'y die use of SCOTT'S EMULSION c,f pure Cid Liver Oil, with the Hypo::ilosphites of Lime 1 and Soda. A feeble stomach Lakes kindly to it, and its cantinped use add:, flesh, and makes one feel strong and well. '' ACTION."-Dewasee4es1s411Ma (le.: ei4 •• ;sera. -..f t. 114, w 0.1.i,•a 'ked trr tai! 6,`u. sae el.t; Illirlr&S. a• •Ploy es..., ai ei !Sum~01L� wt �t airs rW.' a.ct green sick.mt jy so any, stn es the eeznal .rats. w.414., rtm5Orlwe 100 , 4, WEAK MEN edfl �frorma, nen:.l every, T or est( est menu PW'.wtMse. ttattua it1FP'RRI WOMPI a.stt wse11 **ps d memo t. tYssp ye.M �ea..wta W,i PALE MIS SA.$Ly9��1 MILS ek w. ATMs. N Ni eari°hie" ss ael ek eau " Time PM byy .11 dei.lw chs r m rt der w11c i.4 b mail• pest pa ar.eslptsboxoriIor4•tfi THE DR. WILLIAMS MED. CO., Lmskdie. oat. or Mori awaa, g Y. avail theonnlves of the amppert of I:over& meat and meaty grams reds It has failed to carry est the primmer of the `!'wits Rade: K.i:_b List aide =Tie antes. Him.; i have mot Iuttpama d upas yaw space, 1 remain, yours very tiuty, E\ - if tvi telt WAR ON THE TARIFF Toronto Globe : In all this eirsiownit taro': irquirtug lit. Foster has r ,; called ht • depuatios of repesmatath e , Amou t They are a rather ovwsrses clan notwith- standing the exodus, sod should be •tamed. ed • hearing. Toronto M.ai! : But floe customs moll inmate. These at. doable -acting. (hoe own tariff, by axing mw Dstuial, rode the ability of our maaalkcturvra to tri awed. OD the other hand, several of the Awstraliao colonies are preteetive. They ore trying to preterite preeperttv by the es• cl..iva of British, erlesia: and amigo pita If Mr. Bowan desires to prem.. kale between Casa& and the An, ipc h. mast do sessetheltg ere than sudu.h., s aiw o! stesmrea. R embark on • d'Wutsate tent. He mart, dtr.ct his attains tett• conditions seltieb .deet trade, mei beim. at the sosey s01 an advocate of hewer tart, oo heti sides el the rooster. My Tenth..*. 1. is an ex:Jastation heard every hour m tb day. Toothache l the moat a moos ad - most of young awl old, aid to the agpo gate inflicts store suffering than perhapsty other single .complaint. A one minute eta. • is jest what every person desires to poria Ng/wiles nem pais cure ----acts almost is- saintly ssaintly io relieving the any, •ad • s•mpb tattle affords a quawtey milkiest for 1M appliostioaa 10 Oeste *1). the till. Pel - son's Nerveless is the .sly positive remedy for $ootltw.be and oil serge pains. Sold by all dealers in medicine. Announcement TO THE PUBLIC I take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Goderich and surrounding country that I will shortly open a new General Dry Goods Business in the well- known stand which is at present, and hu been for so many years past, occupied by Mrs. R. B. Smith. I will leave in a few days for the wholesale mar- kets to purchase my stock, which will be entirely new throughout, down to the smallest detail, and will include everything usually found in a first-class Dry Goods store, I trust my long experience in the Dry Goods (.rads of Goderich, extending over a period of 25 years, lass given me a thorough knowledge of the wants of the com- munity, both in staple and fancy Dry Goods ; and that the policy I will adopt in the conduct of my business, viz.: CASH and ONE PRICE to all, thus enabling me to sell at the lowest living profits, will commend itself to the favor and patronage of a large share of the pis:-Ahss- ing public. I would request all those now contemplating tit* purchase of their Fall Dry Goods; to look out for m i +d' vertisement, which will appear in a week or two, and ti await my Opening and inspect my New Stock before pt' chasing. g Remember the important fact that there will net be a dollar's worth of old goods in my stock ; everythiat will be new and of this season's importation. Ji9 Hoping to be favored with a generous share of the public support, Believe me Your obedient servant, JAMES R0331141'5011'