HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-7, Page 2THE SIGINAL;GODERIOH, ONT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1893. Co'rlOL%$it is best Shorten.wp for a l I co.klitl pl rp•aee. RUE SY0RYe errOLfiNE is 111e pt��t alit�l S.iorlitait ma.re . reineiass tnefenitt thatO f0 rrtaf unc leforfa Is fest' of ivtoo nttath trian-ease° /ram f.04 cooked ire. Ianl. �s11/ %ea cooked in CQTToL?N■ is delicate. delicious, heslifiFul,comforllRtt . DoYOUustCoTTOLEttil Nees sake ke N. K. FAIRBANK et CO., Wellington. and Ann Streets, MONTREAL. Ry. CRISP AND CASUAL. N /yrd'a Yelteent 1• Me Naar ar•tertr. ou oan measure the civilization of• peor ,,le by the amount ut hell in their re. beton. It can do 0o harm to try Freeman's Worm Powders if your child is atlim-% feverish and fretful lm The clarity orrgganicati"o in London called the Blue )'oat School once bad a coinage of Its own. In the ea5er than of this century then were 33 toms of ,ilver to 1 of gold in cir- culation. Tobacco and warehou.e rreeipta isr..d after it was stored were both used to Virginia as money. All ages and conditions of people may um National fills without injury and with gree: bencfi•. Im Vermont and Connecticut coined coppers to 1785. New Jersey and Ma.sachnsettadid the Acne in 1786. in 1020 the first large copper coins were minted in England, putting ac end to pri- vate leaden tokens. In the world mints from 1850 to 1890 there were coined 9,194 tons of gold and 81,- 235 tons of silver. Russia has a bow•wow without • bark. If someone could only find • breed of cam simi- liarly constructed' Fourteen tramp* in Nevada, Mo., were est at work road building. They lett town, but not their addressee. A man who has jet returned from Chica- go aye the n.ly thicg you can buy there ■ 1 reasonable rates is a postage stamp. A single acratcu .may cause a festering sore. Victoria (iarbolic Salve rapidly healr cum, wounds, bruises, burns and all sores. 4 A `sign hanging over • fruit stand at. Front and Market sway', Philadelphia, reads: "Bartlett pears. Only three for ten ce.tts." Amon, the South Sea breeders, for s lona tine after their aaivaint•nce with Eutopeans I,egau, all vs't.es were expressed In aaee. I.ranulat..l cork and bitumen, pressed in to Mocks, in nrc.1 for pave.4 the stree:r of London, elasticity bang its chief rccotnn,e0- dation. In 1237 the English Cane.' gold pennies • hirh weigl.e.l nue-twelat ieth of a pound and passed for 2 i pence. I 1.000 ...c...111 of our go1.l coinage there are 9.Y) ounces of pure gold, 10 ounces of silver and 9) of copper. An apple tier, which is claimed to hate borne fruit fur the lest tentury and • quer ter, is still in bloom in an orchard near Lenoir, N.C. The paean consort of Siam has a lotus- rhaped thimble of gold, studded with diamonds, which spell her tame and dates of birth and marriage. A Philadelphia vire store gives a e600 life insurance policy with 2.S cents worth of cigars. The is no reflection on the quality of the cigar. Nothing is wasted in ('hiss. The stones of various fruits and the shells of nuts are cleaned, dried and carved into ornaments of the )nos graoefnl kind. Many people, not aware of the delivers of cowlsp•tie, neglect the proper remedy till the habit becomes chromic, or inflammation nr etopptge result. A dote or twn of Ayer'a Pills he the bsginaing would have prevailed all this. BUSINESS APHORISMS. They always talk who never think. Mark your natural toudeooise and apply them. A husband at home a worth two in • saloon. Have • smile for all, s pleasant word for everybody. To summed work hard, ~wetly sad in- cessantly. A Muth is worth a hardred grooms in any market. IhfBcnities stresethee the mind as labor does the bo.ly. Then are many echoes in the world, and but few voices. .tt.dy people for tie knowledge they esu impart to yes. As investment in ke.wledge always pays the haat ubere.L dela. geed ether enjoyment. serialises every Ranee to :thesis Nary kerma) ed know- ledge widen your relish. Dyes see governed by raises yoe will avers mmyeethers. fle• lag r sa.r S atan Wets all shot salee tap these` imp- Th. INsseker Wet eines y. mat be man. •s be* Ole, your bMgh- Mamr4's IL•eimmasi w Ilb,ememsa.a • ALCOHOL ANO COLD. fldssse Provos Tie& 01 u.r Washes the neM.eksg Mer of the Me/pt Fro1. an article In The prise Loolestaa- lital Record we paw the following ecle.tiflc testimony on this subject: Dr. Dells ot Chicago tells us that from ostensive experiments made by him in 1)150 he found when alcohol is taken into the system "the temperature of the body begins W fall within half an hour and ooetlnites to docre.ue tr -.ti two to three hours. The extent lied duration of reduction were in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol taken." Professor Cela tried experiments on the lower animals with the result that he found there vrais a fall of between 4 std 3 deer.. • atter a fetal dose lied been wineniett•red. "It is a fallacy," says Sir William Gull, the fatuous English doctor. "to sue that a nun ought to take a glass of brandy on a cold morning to keep him warm. You had le. ter give a man fuu.1." Dr. Burton says that "it is quite a de- lusion to imagine that alcohol causes warmth; it lowers the temperature of the whole body." We can !sent to other practical proofs of this important point. During the RuseLen campaign of 1`tl;,so:mat tethe interests o: France, it was found that ahnost all the soldiers who used alcohol acne under the cold and fatigue, while only very tow abstainers fell victims to theseriigors. The Eskimos, Greeulanders, Laplanders an 1 other inhabitants of the coldest countries in the world testify Cue alcohol would unfit them for en- during their revere climate. The soldiers in the Russian army when ou the ntareh in cold weather not only toe uo ardent spirits, but no man who Inas been Ltely tlriuking is allowed to ac- tuaapany then. as hie drunken debauch would render hien quite unfit to with- stand the cold. The same strict absti- nence bu been found by actual experi- ence in the arctic expeditions to be the bub: preventive ag:t. est Coll Here at home it is known that till and experienced drivers of stages, who .it on the Ix,x for Lours in toe coldest weather, are iu the habit of clrirking hot codes, which keeps them much warmer than any form of alcoholic drink. Drunken Moslems. "Whatever you do," said Granny Sara to young Mrs. Martin as abe sat with her first baby on her knee, "don't take to drinking ale or porter or any strong drink on the notion that it is going to do you good. If there is one thing more than another which makes a mother cruel, wicked. nnnetural, it is drnnken- neee, Buil many are the tnothers who be- come drunken from these small begin- nings, ordered by the doctor." "A great many women take such things," said Mrs. Martin. -Yes, and a great many perish by it, body and soul. I have a niece who is one of the matrous i:t n woman's prison. She tells me that Lit in 100 of the prison- ers get there because of strong drink, and of these 90 10 100 who drink CO have bo - gun by taking liquor as a medicine or a tonic." "Well, 1 wouldn't wish to be a drunk- en mother." said Mrs. Martin. kissing ber baby. ••Truly yon might say that if you keds bow bitterly cruel drunken mothers are. Once I was hired to help in a soup kitch- en. A big, red faced woman, mother of fun's starving children, carte for bread and soup aud,xegularly carried both to nil fur liquor tet the dramshop, leaving her poor babes crying with bringer. I found it out and daily took the soup and breath to feed the children myself. She was to enraged at tli it that she began to maltreat toe poor arr.•tclic l little oues and threatened to heli tae. To save the limbs and lives of the children I haat to tall in police ni.l, aa.l Uie woman was put iu prison, and the children were sent to an asylum." -National Temperance Advocate. reels *bent Beer. I have treated nearly 7.000 team of in- ebriety. and eight -tenths .,f that number originated from wine and ia:.;t liquors. --Albert Day, M. D., Sup.-riaiendeut of Washingtonian Home at Boston. Beer, wine, spirits. etc., tarnish no ele- ment capable of entering into the com- poeition of blood, muscular fiber or any part which is the seat of the vital prie- ciple.-Baron Liebig. Beer drinking in this country produces the very lowest forma of inebriety close- ly allied to criminal insanity. The most dangerous class of tramps and ruffians in our large cities are beer drinkers. -See entlee American. What Nave You Dome Today t' 1 saw • farmer when the day was door; Tbe setting sen had sought Its crimson bei. And the mild stars mum forward ooe by em 1 taw the at ural y farmer, and I said: "what hatse you don. today? O farmer. say "Oh. 1'ee sown the wheat In soder held And pruned mi`nrchanl to emeses 11.s'told And turned the (error, for • patch or osrs- Thle hese 1 duns place early morn." 1 saw • blacksmith In his.rnithy doer. When the day had vanished .d the west grew )wet, Ad all the weary poles and strife Irmo Wert 1 saw 11.e kindly blackan.lth...d 1 said: "What here you dons today' O blacksmith, aye" "Oh,1 liars made two piowaharm ail complete Aod •ailed the .heal a easy a hoses Amt. wad. o18. way tread. I e.maet ism pea brit." The era et ,.0..11 reteemaod, whi • W816- 1 SSW a amts. whoa the day was goats. Atd an the scraped freer the faille bed and. AM t.ed.r shadows had crept across the sawn. 1 saw the darty miller, ad 1 malt W1Mhas..�yee' dome Mier' "Ob. I eve wsMkM my min tree more till W ebb or DM yever see spar a snowy and whiter Ad maty as the Weer team r.. std." T. rry sense 4tlbmd es Ms be WIe. 1 sew &eath.r when the night dew nigh. And terued seri daily eller hen hitt Wei Wer. pelt W erbium. ctsedle11 d..ked the • ky; A Irish .IM► --sad et ham 1 Ghee -glint hare reit deme id•pr eel kw. Barr net the.Sd tsgl sr tare'Pita ttth Melt Ami let eds., wean r awewer said, moo be 4.mef Rh work. be k.sw Aa Wee gra seek 1m eactsol bet♦ -Seibert FARM AND GARDEN. HINTS AND NEWS NOTES FOR CITY ANO COUNTRY. /rails for Wl.sry-TN rwss•ry vales et Milts -Tb. Japanese Vib.r..am rtscWu as a Galas u..wbatl. A oorreaposdent of the American Cultivator says. 1:: Memnon W thhs mat- ter, that apples are about Um only fruits that farmers alewpt w raise fur winter use, and yet there is really no reason why pears and grapes should out be add- ed to this )tet. It would well repay out to experiment with such fruits, even for borne use alone. A cellar that is stock- ed with good winter pears and grapes will adord more pleasure to the owner than be imagines, and then after we bays nude a succors of raising these fruits for hone use we can enter into the bovine+ss of supply She markets. I would advise growers tat late whiter pears to study the method's of keeping them late as much as the question of raWng them. Generalbf the late tall months are noted for rtes wish -rippers, but after December, if not before. the fruit all disappears, and the markets are out of them. If one could at such time send in a lot oe well -kept winter pears he could reap the just rewards that wine to those who have no competition In their busiriasa. We need really to study the question of preserving the fruits later. We have recently introduced here the Wilder and Barry pears, and three can be kept all through the winter in fair condition. They originally cane from C'alitorula, and some of them have been preserved without much trouble until April. Then we have the Josephine pear. which L a large, yellow fruit, which is fair to tante as well as to look at This pear is a good grower and can be kept in excellent ounalitiou until March. This pear has not been grown as much lie its rxcelisot -quality and nate deserve. When planed in the mar- ket arket in the latter part of winter at is pretty sure to sell for fancy prices. In keeping these winter pears, however, only the very beet and snide.,) should be preserved. We have another juicy and fair pear that can be kept well into March and even into April. and that is the well-known Beurre D'Arem Some think that an acquired trete Is neceemary fully to appreciate, this winter ppeeaakr, but fruit -loving people find rho dif- actdy in aoqutr'ing new tastes when their favorite Nuits are scarce and the variety to choose from small. It is the same with grapes as with pears. We need to experiment mute with late -growing varieties and then to study the best methods of preserving them. We have plenty of fall grappees and the markets are so ei ell supplied with them that prices are rally low. But for very late grapes there is still a demand provided they are sonad and well kept. Then are many varieties of grapes that can be kept until very late in the it inter, and by go xi cobl storage they can be preserved until spring. Nearly all of the late fall varieties are amenable to good keeping, and they re- tain their hardness and fine appearance without much difficulty, when even cold temperature is provided for them. We could at Inst keep enough of these grapes for our own table. for there is no greater luxury in the winter than cold- etorage grapes. ALL MIR at'Llee 1)41 NOT CIOCURR AT HAMILTON. The whole town of Glamis, Oat., knows of a cure, by the application of MINARD'S :NUM ENT, to a partially paralyzed arm, that eivale anything that has transpired at Hamilton. R. W. Htlaaiw.s. t.rell.I'e Tribute. To the forces that formed his character, Eben, the novelist and Ezyp.uu anugne rein, gives brit and highest rank to his mother. Of her sod other mothers he raja: •' Fer, I believe, individually appreciate the enormous hid.ien furee in c.lucttirnsi and moral influence eterte.l upon them l.y their mothers. Wets a collate founded for the propagation of morality, its professors would tench only superficially the inner life of 1F. sedate It would be, in fact, a superfluous institution, for lite itself is such • school We begin bare like children, anderstsadiog such tastractiou alone as appeals to the heart, sad of thievery man's Brother, like raise, bode the key. Comerehending this, • wisp mother should improve every oetnaae as • stimulus to a exercise in morality, teething eves by `lease of her eye, as it to the intuit* love of her chit • and this fadamatal i.- •truction will take root as1y se though the Ppals were already elder excluding aper ieialiy from the last that she ora teeth the seal to its lime sore. Whim ate leaves • mother's Neisser ens is a- mply a amoral map, or cue is Gana Gad of hundred who ars so, missy -aim., eve though s.00m•oi.a•ty, are )dueled to the seen.. Tow Aasar..s A retail groom teM es the ether lir that be had • geed blesses le his bash add pro- posed to keep it there. Do yea ewe eytbiae ,• "Yea, 1 were • Mw •west., but 'U wait I'm sot prong to stow= myself dry or t Thismaahe.t is guilty of a gear. Malt. Hs may sat realise itt,, hat so far as bseissw hese. •sol esemoreW morality an esseetu- d be l a )kith. 1a all probability tism jabbers owed Mw hoes earryfae hies for sostbe ted showing every pemfbi.kldsem. They have tabs the relapses word to the edfset )het be is .sable to pay, std bare amuse him with all possible l.ai.mey. Teey seed every dollar that is due than, yet forbear to peon the debtor her • settle - most. Aad all the time that retail g oe•ry hes mousey le the hank .d meld pay bio se eashe m he would. The w who ewes his erelisore worry •d will set Fay, wrote., Itiasself, hie aremitteen, and the satire awe - them 1. thea • Ute • neesesse ple hie gash kiss as fast as bo itsiesta imp Ms assesses said Easeas tells r u e FI ee..Misibs ens. be W a rMbs to sepses hew Nee Os jobber, sae will dielosien eessi e Deet b.M msep is h.rs. M h aN, Gala Was le die bellemeworld morass imenre n waerO r sae msec �0wLER95 v WILD STRAWBERR I CURE S -' COLIC C HOLERA CHOLERA DIARRHOEA DYSENTERY mfR NFL Ars u ADULTS CHILDREN °'' � ys Price -35 s Of re:efi1: of INI y^Tfon A Weems Jeeea•tket. Mee. Stbmosd Adam is perhaos the lead- ing woman josroalirt in Paris. -She ispoli- tician, anther end editor. She has Wee honored by the municipality d Paris is having bee mmeiven te one of the streets of the capital, as rarely bestowed on pavesa psos during kis lifetime. It isn't math of a street, to be rare, Ube Res Joliette Lumbar, hat it is young, and may grow some day. Under Napoleon 111 Mina. Alam had a sale in oppusitan to the im- perial Goversweimt. She was Tomeg surd handsome than, with soft, pretty hair and bright blue eyes. She was an intense Re- ptiblican and a great friend of Garibaldi She is a good speaker, and can talk oo al- most any eubjece Her dinners me deeid. edly interesti.A. One-fourth of her guests ere usually of6osrs of the French army, &m- other fourth is ooapossd of political mss, and the others are artists and literary peo- ple. The dinners are followed by reosp- ti•.ns, which are attended by Cabiset Min :titers, Deputies, Senators, diplomats end touraaltata The Whiteman Pea BarYeStel- The beet in the world for the follow- ing reasons : 1st. It is built of the best malleable wrought iron and stele 2nd. It requires no holes to be drilled in cutter bar. 3rd. The outside divider can be raved or lowered at tact or front, todependeat of lifters. 4th. It has no rod at the back to bold obstructions and Dense choking. 5th. There are no springs to break or pet out of order. 6th- It has movable clips Gad con be set in hoe with tongue of machine if cutter bar hsmgs back. 7th. Each lifter has • guard stay, and breaking mower guarder iapomible. 8th. heath lifter is iadepeadent of the other and oan be raised or lowered at the back so as to line in haat should mower guards be out of line. 9th. The number of machines sold dar- ing the last season mann • large member of the leading farmer of the Province to testify to its Arita. Remy machine is war - mated and gives am )sat Samtpie maohiss arm be seen at R. Thompson's Bkackemitk shop, Goderich, besides at difereat oboes over the County. JAMES WUITICM AN, Pat•mtsa sad Manufacturer. T w. Brows. General Agent, 8eaforth. DUNN'S BAKING POWDE THECOOKSBESTFR1END LAItGC$T $ALC IN CANADA. enrolee Auden PRIM heir AT ENTS An% *Pres J cienti fic Ameriran rie se a rcaaa.emrs.'en`-odwro�Mn>MNssa� PLANING MILL ESTAILISIEI Nil Buchanan & Son, tsarrvracrpmper BASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers l• all tibia of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES AM builder's material of every deeerbptiee School furniture a Specialty. NEW ARRIVAL -e4- Emma GOODS LATEST STYLES. Meme 'iwes dew 1 seise re H. DUNLOP, ba wlNseL lam r� aas�x eoora � NERVINE TONIC StomachlLiver Cure The Most Astatlishingliedioal Discovery lig the Last One Hundred Years, It 1s Pleasant to the Taste u the Sweetest Nectar. It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest SZLIk. This wonderful Nervus Tonle has only recently been introdoey Into this country by the proprietors and manuhcturers of the Greg South American Nervine Tonic, and yet its great value as a curative agent has long been known by a few of the most learned physician, who have not brought its merits and value to the knowledge ut tk, general public. This medicine has completely solved the problem of the core of Mtg. gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system. It is also of the greatest value in the cure of all forma of failing health from whatever cause. It performs this by the great nervine tonic qualities which it possesses, and by its great curative powers upon the digestive organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy compsm, with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builder and strength. ener of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer of s broken-down constitution. It is also of more real permanent value is the treatment and cure of diseases of the lungs than any oonsumplks remedy ever used on this continent. It is a marvelous cure ford eur�s. a4ry- ousnsu of females of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical period known as change In life, should not fail to use this great \e'en. Tonic, almost constantly; for the space of two or three years. It win carry them safely over the danger. This greats r an tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infitZetuae its greet energizing properties will give them a new hold on life. It will add tea or fifteen years to the lires of many of those who will ups a hair date bottles of the remedy each year. IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache, Sick Headache, Female Weakness, Nervous Chills, Paralysis, Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous Choking, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of the 1l.art, Mental Despondency, Sleeplessness, St. Vitus' Dance, Nervousness of Females. Nervousness of Old Age, Neuralgia, Pains in the Heart, Pains in the Back, Failing Health, Broken Constitution, Debility of 01d Aga, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, -Heartburn and Sour Stomach, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach Loss of A ppstite, Prigbtlltl Dreams, Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears, Weakness of Extremities and Fainting, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Dar and Carbuncles, BeseQsisms Swellings and Ulcers, Oeestion of the Longs, Catarrh of the Lungs, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Liner Complaint, Chronic Diarrhoea, Delicate and Scrofulons Childres, roamer f'ompliint of Infants. All these and many other eomplaints cured by this wonderful Nervine Tonic. NERVOUS DISEASES. As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy hu bele able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant all harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and gess delicate indiaiduaL Nine -tenths of all the ailments to which the home family is heir are c'.er.cndent on nervous exhaustion and impairedili- tion. When they is an insufficient supply of nerve food in dm hinds general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is* result. Staa-ve.d nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when idle right kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous systems must supplysil the power by which the vital forces of the body are tarried on, it is the first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary hod does aotes- tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment sseeaesry to npir the wear our present Lode of living and labor imposes upon the knees For this reason it bt•.'otoes necessary that a nerve food be sappiisi This South American Ncn'ine has been found by analysis to contain the essential Clements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accusal for iia universal clap/utility to the cure of all forms of nervous da rangement. Csawron,srT LL rt".. Rex. 15. 13. i Rwsaora wit.ateooe. of ErosramaDry. iso. ?L s3. Brew sou A -' ' Yaf:.is• Co.: aye, •• 1 hal bee. Is • sistssissa sawsou by Lissa Oars: I *ears to my to yon that 1 has. subnd for NUM, rears with • vt ry seldom .t+.srd las mime.•4 Inn.] Nrtw. 1 tried every . tales 1 could k►,r of. bat within dam am say apprretable gi rata 1 was Wooed to try your Great ooh Aa,'ekna !trrvt3s Took aad atom/AA sad Liver rete, ea 1 eft.. malar esnr.l butt/mot tt 1 newt Gay 15.1 Ism sur- prised at Its woadntel town. in eon- the atom - ark and avowal it -is .•iYvefoin. It ersryoue taro the value of this remedy as t doyor wools .ot be able to s.pplr the mimed. J. A. !Lassa. Ea-Tnes. Mest6emwy Out Nass years from llervessesss, weaker, of the Iten.�ark. Dymemai .. aa4 Iawra.oa. esti see batik wee Bute. I had Ince asrtmteg r+ aloofly. with so nasi I opt or bottled Booth Aewdea. Ilervls.. 'Wet dew es tees good thee say gill worth of doeewag 1 me dla a .y Mlle. 1 world sere* every w.skty ► sow bo w this valuable sod lovely realty; • km bottles lie 1t W tend me sempiNb. 1 e m tiler it the tread r& mdleme a the eer1L" A SWORN CURE FOR ST. Wt*$' DANCE OR CHOREA. Caawroansvu.La, IIID., June 22, 1eRI. Iilyy daughter, eleven years old, wee severer afflicted with St. Vitus' Dade. sr Chorea. We gave her thrall shad one-half bottles of South American '.ref` rice and she is completely rsuNwd. I believe it will eon every case of ant. Vitus' Dance. I have kept it la 111y family for two ear's, and am sure it is thegreatestr ed In the world for Indy�.e a and for st Nervous and Faili� Health, frees Dr *aver cawte- Sfate nJ Jona T. Ideas. y�sworn to before me this Jane 28, 11lfi7. CHILL W. Wixom?, Notary PueS INDIGI'ESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American /terrine Tells Which we now offer von. is the only absolutely 'whiling passed; aur discovered for the curd of Indigestion, Dyla, and the Tait tide of symptoms and kor.cra which. are the result of disease and debi!iyOf the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by thus jewel of 118 1- culable value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because 1;.5 ex- perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the ow): sol ONLY Oita great core In the world for this universe} destroyer. 'nets is no ease of unosalignant disease of the stomach which can repirt the wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Temic. lens. Btu A Burrow. Of Kew Sew. kes*• }w: *Gamy 1. Haan. of wgwNswa, isd . says: -1 ens sae GIs es Um Ylwt *5O.ts Aanetr•s the ltrrve. I tad flee. Is tee 4.5a MuMw arem dieeese w ebmb 4 es as as b. lmrasemse, si wh pewww al ba 4. 1* wIM land w e tee teeelliam g.M abuse. • l a be MCY. owed abottie at VW Norf. Ms Toils lupwreell no NW ir e an N i a bwtwe'seism .- tl..sey 1 rwm.sme N klMr•- M pgpes �mm/Mo� r s File.treir ilerelmo soya: "I eammt er71ees les seek 1 .we le es ilerelme Twee. My mews leas reams sly e•► ume- *071.11 gum was asweraa sof e0 ))hsps res *ass 1 was Is Me sew sews t#e **w er4▪ ea Mauls 1NW 1 areaale jar awns an e.f.a Ile a, e NINIMPOS IBIS S�e.s a wamalel. w.e lir Me 11e -pw.� d �x. eetiVori eed=r � aM � 1i a Iasmmss 4�mwsewss .• M Mai tlr~ mas.Itstm _� � ws.�i,..�tl�, sal twrl mMau•1etge�a llMmwMr�isnw n apt 7i yea away your Large 16 ounce Bottle, =I.00. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. vrbotsQoseefe>b< z