HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-9-7, Page 10.0088irws Ashram AFD SIGNAL THIS THE BEST. si. sixo tea, O LT Uttti DMA,O& ,e ADe►rca iliL. XLLV. 2429 he jowl. THi7 OFFIOZAL NEWSPAp3:g• OF FIURON C70UNTY_ GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY SEPT. 7, 1898. tehe. M teak She Moor. Head ebe ebetig FROM OYER THE COUNTY. LeHM M1 itis DAM . or • YOUR LABEL TFt1f3 WEEK. 813 TWAT TWO ti YAaasu i D. McGILLICUDDT, pROFB •i•g *Wei P �'°" an THF HURON PIONEERS. I were the wily ~vinare of the members ail My;yERT13EMENTS TH18 WEEK THE TALK OF THE TOWN.1„„..,•67,2,.,t7 `° ` __ tetteet I.w io tleptwher. the mimed from the united enmities d Csoweso (nett. -11'5 ravel to slaw that Harem mad Bruce that met to 47. He spas I' ,vlOsrs 1'gl I The Sheriff and Hie Friends at d the developureat of the musty dace tda .a f: 1 Dualuo- Leebure' Dunttamaea, B'yth ,carves ing 1 •1 P"Jb'°' Short BLOrIt•Mi f1.03u tie Report- psl $ef,a1.: t1ute'I Mr. ►. 8 *ell Note -)Took f:i0acud 1) - �1oltdr 8 .lky�Y•i8 rel Noe ('p' A. y~` 8 THE LOCAL D ANGS OF THE WEEK. Ns. Repaint t o. - C. A Heather8 1/tk 11'anted-Mrs. AttriU 4 teat FAN- F:. 11. Caddy 11:etJr Collieries Brm. 3 p4mement -Jame* Robi•OM .. .4 a ehm,v W. Acheson t 8e.. - - . • . b des Wanted -Northwesters Ileir....8 8 ties w F' Jiilnton- 1s. *nit .. E Ute I. . (editors --It. C. Hays d ••f TI.tola C. C. C. C 8 ester .t anted -Meta (:arrow 8 inn. t..phemtia McLospaa, 8 „e i1 t ' _ I l'.41 Ilex 133, l)odeelei 8 8 eat•:, .•, h. t.nndry BORN. ,t'c T. -..'orth. en Atm ,A !Vb.. 1 I. the tt. ItsN. brrrtster, of a sae. Co(AWN se's Doi, t let ttr MAiMNED• I,;;&('YL`(RIINIK In ()reeve Wis.IL Wilson of Nortek h. ]ties KdKh Hreekeartd*e. of 1ab \T Ila Wed•esdar• at tie re•ideaee of W by Her. es babe. Mr !dart to tie Dorothea*. War f 000i -etch. Irma Crave M sial t Frear Lively to severe - Eyerythfua 1s Gems that Lean Tbseaah ibis 111411-•I tea', t• w Miele In s Tee ('.at., 1 redo ) r tent 1* 1 a Chive% Amara )r Takla' \sirs, wad With Sell revue et. HSE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. ele4erlrb relines .Omanicw. tieptrmber 0 les slog t. .,at. .. • SR to • • 0let•0M 1 15 to 0 00 t3 Sit tot/ 0. It C4 toll 00 ertan••1 na. 5 . ✓ wsi5. ' to 185,. .... mrpe.tt.rdRke•tiWt.. 00071 ss 5a r.w. a• lret* 0 tE M 0 30 Hi • I.,,.h .-....... 0 53 to 0 le Me*.1wo nwed.1hemb..... ... 0 Se to 010 I/01.'ruenoa....••• ... •Mle b• • II Irr�� t asst, • MvcsS. s bsu0. j it to l•fr n • Itte01 10 sr ilipsid. glib...-. poudsooe and some other matter has been unavoidably crowded out this week owing to the sou.wd CIVIC holiday', whit► l:oderioh b holding this wok oa amount of the 1.0.0. F. exeuniva to Port Huron on the Cambria. The resters must have holidays, it seems, just like other people. Tut: Xxw WAKalt.n-1a -The new ware- house of Culbuure .i Burrows is rapidly ap- proaching .mmplott•,a. 11'ith ata capacity of 31,030 bushels it will pr•.ve a btou to the fathers of this aev:tion when th.7 bring their grata to town doting the Gaming Fall and Winter. We congratulate the cur- 1 twinning propn.•tore on their azaerteking, 'tee ulr.•r -riala hasts't affected the Vail me hope that suo.:ees of the widest mees.re Mlles ie q-ntleuse-o's wr.utnir APrerel tIr. J.; may be their portion. oonoMad es la Tiro a weartnit +.paled a b oommodioas menthes a• the' phonographic concert wader the auspices' of FINN TLLLORING.- �epr(aq and Summer the 1.uiiei Aid So.:iety will be given in Worth elotlr its Rr5•t vavletl Wext to ►calm'. bunt street Methodist church on Monday sad cad chs tt ., ai ie the KIYar• Ye.i eaa bare Tusda Sept. 11th and 12' h. These enter- . blit codec••..d roty oe gold eql. slid e. u 3'. ' very moderate yr co.. LL Yr (:urate e. liar. • tsiutusau are under the management of the P. 1t. sallow, has nee ROse 10 the World's Laing Kn.thrn, of .1,1011, Min.! Are most tie- Yatr, H , 0&110111/114 slab' is town to phis out light tul in their .character. The prosram thr Onr>" clan, 0f wrest it his Itae tP001' hu includes a wide range of .ok•.:tioas, vocal e iaiia 1Ce ober nae w Mm a Ant d Neter.: sod instrumental. including • sonar from Ihat lima but Tull qts a oMlyd hoes wsk .n Bishop Taylor, of Africa, an l • short •d- i*atIlse dress ly the eloquent Dr. 51elntyre, of Den DA - Goys To l'oi t tNa:woua.-Noses me.ver, Col, all of which can be distinctly Mnrohy, tin early two year'. oaneeted beard in any pert ot the audience. All ate with the ii...terich Collegiate lfatiIute as invited. Pridham hog Par been he !may turn ea out the b PinfNaM.r\rHI. l• "N1 I KT. -A musical res: 8110 Ire 1..,a 100101 00 •10.0010 *00 to 3M 030to010 •00to5t0 iflL.'.T SALE Or t•I;1NTS, CHALLIDI AND SATEKNS. soignee master, left for' olling wooden Salm. ; Tit r:.-. THE COLLI' IAl r. I.+Ttn-rE j I:uuble, 11.Lockward, tl'sde° (.nNio, 1. doh lana, where he has /rrn.T. -I a position 0: HE.ari• . r.., �'r�tu.eT: :. .\rte I X. Itamoe�}l' John Morris. Asci Morris, JOS. in Ge▪ ar a1,.'latucnt. 1)t: ing bis residence lj,i'te a number of trustees of the ('oIIcgiate I Herrin, ureters igen. , Kicbd. 1 afford, .o (.o.krich Mr. MMurchy nuc the Polnt Farm. A TALK ABDUT THE OLDEN TI A Nis ath:rIa1 Award Vie te.Ilse Tar risen -era Iry tie the N.p l Sea cf Use Seettea to .Ire pbnesr days, and st..rtlwi the young. r mea of the audience, by stating that on one 00- cssioa. before gravel roads were tho'Agbt, of he had gone to the store in (:oderich, then MES. keptby Judge Johnson's father, and asked for tib the of dour, 10 the of sugar, 14 Ibs u( pork and some tea --in all over 90 the, seated which he had thou hoisted on his back and started out to walk to his shanty in 1t'awa- reern• west., some twenty mils away. (Applause.) linter w 116 I An I many a tins rel roads welt a the ltd reit 11 ha• to do Thew ' lb.' 6111"°"/ eI the rarwis tr''ll stmt a1 things before gra built or horses and boggier canto into *..tete Har► the swret r. tan tics i fashian. I loud applause. ) 1 Judge Johnston, of Algoma, hail delayed 1'i.ursla of last week there w•as • largo 1 his departure for Immo so that he could be y i+resent- on the oemsiom. Hip father hal gathering a meals and neighbors of Sheriff imea.cue of the pioneers, and he himself had I;.bhons and ex-wars.n kitvin, who had been fort )• dve years in the section. He had been invited to partake of A spreau at the exp.riencea manyku1luesse3 t the hands I'oiut Farm u the gusa of the pioneers of of th people, thenal beet n was through to Mitt iu Huron their thee ow, beau) Fairly in the 1 by kindthe warden's chair and discuarve the duties °two o'clock the began tai dither, an 1 by of that h°.°1'. tele poaitivu. Th. iron lridge the .d1: the lHarrow, had answered . across *1011'41"d "'lbw" dun" his term Dthe 'est : J. T. (Harrow, ,MC. A. F. NaJirn, D. 01 ottiae, and (Li deli.atsos plate, We C. Taylor, M. Hetorton, \Hiro, D. was proud to say. bore his name. Tt.ough C. Holt, D. uL Horton, Registrmerar Horton, he* removed to anotk,r sphere of latter P. Hou, D. c. whale,. Registrar Dickson,,.his heart would always beat warmly tor the Uhak whale,. Oickooa 1) (; Y•o- J. 7'. eon, .&o erW. Lane, Dr. Holmes, °Id town. key, S. M.Icumrn, J. T. I: arrow, M. PP., as the 5011 01 • Judge 1)o)le, 1 ddY F pioneer now to his With year, ). ydol,ditun -Y and as as el - Hays, K.G. ll, R. Fr, C.Seeger,11.S 'i it warren, had pkssuro in spcsk ni to Zhu Hays, A Waddell, K. Freer, R. a , J toast. In an .bb and elot(nent limonite he liana. K. Radeiilre, Judge Johnson, J. contrasted the cowl:tions of the last fifty years in Huron county, awl paid • waren ttihuw to the worth of the OHM who lied lei 1 the foundation of prosperity in the Huron 'tract. He hr"ught down the house wh.•n be ottrred to:match Patriarch Morrie for a footrace against a latter day apostle named Ilor•1e Horton, ani p:edged ht.rue!f to place his wager on the pioneer. He closed an iutereetine and instructive address hy wishing the piooeeS additional length of years and continued prosperity, and resumed his seat amidst prolonged applaus'. Warden (iridic bricdy responded, expres- sing his pleasure at being present to 40 honor to the pioneers of old Huron. The speeches wore brought to a close by a telling address from .lndge Doyle in which the vicissitudes of the cironit twenty-five Years ago were graphically delineated. Cheers were then given ey the company for Sheriff Gibbons awl 6 brother mousers and after •tote of thanks to the hot, which was suitably responded to by Mr. Wright, one of the most interesting gathorinus that has been held at the Point Farm in many a year came to an end. ceeelyd in ins..tute, teachers and rate payers visited iia sag for hinted' the esteem of ail with that bums of loo 'ling sat ur Iiy at:craow g aining he came iu oontact,►nd on the weeniou t,ha to Mice the *051 applied to the new beat- ai his depltrturs ovary ..ho dtriaswr to town iug awl ventilating apparatus which has re - attended Ht the railway stating tai bid him Dearly been put in by A. eiaunders Co., ou 1"apes l ant wish him a awtotatul future. candor the auper.•woo of 31r. Wor.ell. The Nzolenyt:omo+HoeiVsw.-Byanoonoee- system adopted i5 by a large ventilating meat on our foarth page this week it will be shaft from cellar to roof, with P d curt! seen that Janie* Robinson, well known 'o tubes flour each *room. .1 brae ab0 the purcbwng puolic is Galerich for many roods, to the Lr.Se ut tM shalt fmm sack room, a Noce being placed at :he bottom of ears tau made arraagetmenta for opentwg t shaft and mei el in brickwork. The t'. -un,mCr good for the next commencing Thursday dieter, . _' ith July. 121c. and 15c. lnnti reduced to i., Sc. anti 11c. ter )•i, 1' Prints reduced too 5c. per yd . worth IOc. for 5c. S tteens rent . I :... for $c. per yd. Summer Pori aw-•y below wboieewlr• prices. Co other store ie the County will o rifice goods as doing. In - • tion invited. we are JAMBS A. REID. lemmas Wash. tlfedesioh. .tali 1e. lam, t11*. ►trines on his own account. t dryg�>•rde stove when heated enrols a current of air to David y •Ilwain, Juha 11 'i4 binuey, W. 1'. t,rtersoo, David Janitas, John Pentland, Samuel Pentland, Chas. Naftel, and Tboe. Anderson. Darin; the afternoon the bawling alley was 'mane the veteran •lobo torr.s, ea usual, carry Mg off the honors of the game, altnougb bowled against by men thirty and forty years his junior. Some of the gusts walked to the beach, and took in the mag- nificent lake view; some strolled around Ude grounels and observed the romantic nooks and crannies that abound, and others got to - ea totem, c' en • Yr. 41 "41'• wed known probity and ascend the shah, anti the vacuum is 01104 by • lie in clusters and discussed aub)eeta •. &debility, together with bis experience the air from the pipe', to l*. a.c in an scend t MO ',perky will. we have every reasonto ago n forced out. By a airmailing process believe, contribute much toward gaining wenn cf the rooms were filed with smoke for kin hiltshare of the trade oI the section, and cleared during the test on Saturday in now that he has entered bushing on hit a highly satufaet cry manner From the own acoomnt- ` abode it will easily be seen that when the ABOUT Awext• A\ Pssrt0N4. --We have sold air is forced out warm air from the for - received the following for p.blicetioe from j naO0 takes ata ;tiler. thus (alluring not °sly t Amerman Consul at this port: -Tire a warm ll ventilrooatmwl bone. The new followingtt wing provision of the net of March be aenJed to hy Mr. Staldart, the fain will n tor, alacrity, and a formation of two by two pnKerled to the large dining h.:11 where an lit. 1093, making appropriations tor the' who is an exceptionally ggoes mon for the excellent repast bad been prepared by Air• payment of invalid Mad other p555100055 of p ritien, and welt qualified to cause it to 1Crloht, the popular host of A far -firmed the United States, has been oomroaicated !work to the bast advantage. Point Tana A (store 01 the pies -nasion to a t . Consider o(5oersof the e sited all eon i Twit SALVATION AaNY'4 LATE$T Sorer@ the Wavily lade° tables was the fact that and u published for the beseet d all co•• the tare in of leaders -Sherif (libbom e rhes: -T)'&1 from a d ate* Jely fire, Fes Rants.. Mesita.- The Salvation Mtn in arm with leaders--Sheriff Dickson, and eighteen hundred and ninety-three, ao pew- /, Army has hit up�ci allow idea for raising es -warden t:irvtn .ids by side with sturdy shall be paid to • non-resident, o-hn' fasiM Iced year, orcle andsut lcoo pis John btr.wria. (he Partin" of ( olborsr. f cleans( i 300 r not • uitlten o e m otti rS of debt. by iustitwttng en..0 for actual HILTOluies rrtl Ce ed h ibresarvic• . ! Renee Festivals thruugWout the Lotman- I«era And hs 1.:e 014 32410"pped frn.+. ly -R $Can Toa. V. S. Ceased les. This pear, the dares are as fotlowa n toe lead, many of the younger saand Sar reedit not. hat levy the physique Ion A Newsy Grist Obtained Brom the County M111. ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR READERS .t Weekly Mares et 4 woad) Wu* nerved en is tia11 Olsen Med) - teeth Mad reins 11ip- re•d and teadr.5ed Freer Lire, Wert/or - Thea'rresser1:15ferns) ♦rw5 1. Miere- •all tnp of las I tte.1 and Se.t &cw. frees ear *oral Ctehwrare, tett t' and las orated a plan or c Iwg,pocr c0 t colied op a total age ,gt¢egetmg oyer ( th t Stains sleep• Ran•sytn net RIs L.iro&.,. --Wm. 1-. 1 North- West and British t olumhte, Au. wt bearing of th s las •n who fifty and si=t] years Savage, of este Geo. 1i. S3ay.ge Advertising .--.- man, 27th, 28 h; Ontario •.d Maritimebearing broken ground is Huron, and tool Warden l:riAfu palet hi. onthly visit to ttnieao, Detroit, who hu bees epeodicg •' Prorin„ee, September 2,d, 3rd. and 4th. ago �wr�g the . week e2. ebrati• n took t fon-thirst/on f wnat the comity is to - the county clerk's officedlb... lay lot. two months' vacation in is wneich, left to. 1et.aperich us connection with the fare- `lay. Mrs. Alex Straiton is spading a month tCl,daaida of the week. lite. Say• pMa officer, 1)eriwgthe repot ••jolly time was resent, visiting friends in Toronto. and Rciehester. age IS an old /:exiarich boy who tett tbu well o the roaring Cagt• ttContra fon.in wh cb Dot Mackey', `laryckmainepx�nd.•loll g Mr. and lar. J. M. Shepherd went to 1 who has Is Toronto there u to W •great Central play, the "midway play rouge'- - to nee the Clmieago last week to visit We World's Fair. Franco-Chic•gorse pronunciation -was • We ret,rte to learn that T'om Nairn has p a n o er end of been indtspcsed since his retorts from Chi- cago. Mr. D. C. Koyle, of Nieman' Falls, has *.ken • position al ArmstronK's dry goods store. Miss Grace Johnston returted ou Satur- day from a visit to Stratford and other pointe. Wm. I'rondfoot and family arrived is town per Str. United Empire yesterday mor ning. Rev. John Carrie and Mr. Carrie, form- erly of 'Sangamon, have taken • residence Hayfield: Rev. J. T. Kerrie had his horse hwlly mjnred in a ruuaway, a couple of w, eke ago. Sesforth : U. 1). Wilson has a pair of grade .teen calves, sin mouths old, which weigh over 1,300 lits. Mullett. W. H. Farquhar threshed on Monday, and is quite elated over the abun- dant yield ••I hie crops. 7'11:: St' . U. will be sent to any address io Canada cr the I:niten States from now un- til Jam. 1, 1894, for 25c. 1iVIngham : Jobe M. Ru Lumen. of (:ode - rich, has opened out a sur: k of bout• and shoes in Tamilyn'e block. opposite the Post t )thee. Fa:.el : )amus Lindsay h. .:d the l:+y• lies farm, on the 4th Col,00•AIOla f 1:rey, to Wm. Drake, of Ethel. The price received a as $2,500. Fares : Thsenes Ward, it.. cvkht aced last Wednesday by taking unto himself a partner ter life in the person of 11&:.e Blair. of Hayfield. The Winghain firemen captured second none, at Stratford on Tuesday last, the G. T. 1t. team of that city defeating them by two seconds. Coterie!' Tp : Mn. Ibggart. of (:ode - rich township, mother of Uobt. Shugart, of Clinton, bed the mi0iortime to get her leg broken on Thsadyr Exeter : We understand Lieut. 11. T. Rance, No. 4 Company, has accepted the he captaincy of Exeter Company, garotted in a few day. Hullett: One of George disk's most valuable cows had the misfortune to break her leg while in the bush, and as are sorry to say is not likely to be of any more 11ee. Exeter : Yee.rs. itichard and Frank Mar- shall, of Pueblo, Colorado, formerly of this place are visiting friends in Exeter end Rodgerviik, after an absence of two TOWS. PERS )NAL PARAGRAPH 3. Miss Ball u spending a week in Toronto. JOdge Johnson, of Ugoma,rcturnud home Friday last. -A11. Porter and Heck Hays are at present %main; at fort Huron. Mita A:ice McLeod, of Hamilt-tn, is visiting friends in town. Miss Ru'ty McKenZ s, ot'itntfor.l, is the guest d Mr. J. H Coltsur ie. MS. A. Morton has ramped trona, visit to Orillia, G sit and other points. town about twenty yin's ago, and w done well in the land of his adoption. Ile Thanksgiving F.ehibitiou from September beiievs that a union of the two countries 10th to the 15th, or the same dates on would be a great gain to Canada, and he. -which t Tomato Industrial Exhibition cause of hie lamely to hu native bud hopes is being bald. Great efforts are being to nee the day of mien shoe dawn He be made by the local edioers acid corps to can heves Oodertoh tc be the healthist town rile the town for contributions in kiiiul of with the kindest people os the continent, all d� oripti°°�iu td vweitaKee itbraw for the and Tye if it had its share of co:nrners it barley, oat all are solicited.ror A would be a grand town to lire in and move Circle Co horses, in awl bate • being in special Piot u being made ton, to secare THE !Arnica idrr.Ttv.. AT Min MILL- ooutributiotts c4 live stock, which will be sent forward to the Toronto Exhibition to The Farrar meeting at !Mohr!' on Thur- he need in eepplymg the Social institutices HARBOR NOTES. S.hr. Dauntless ran in here for shelter on Tuesday. 1.1f. Cambria Celled here on Wednesday bound up. Tug G. P. Yclateek arrived e. Th.redoy from \wail. hehr Todmaa lett a Thursday for Kia cerium. The dredge is working in different parte of the harbor. 't r City of Madero called in cm leer way down the lake a Monday. Schr. Koffag•, Coapt. McDoaafd, kit ea ilosday for Joinders Herber. Schr. Carter left a Wed.ssday for Thee - salon to load leather fer N. filmset. ('apt. W ia� teak set se net mnioa in his riltag beat es Saturday evm►lag. Sehr. Greyhound arrived ea Wdaesdae loom Wianew with Iwmber for the Orlfen Factory. 1tr. ('ity of Winders wad ins Wedell.- d.) and took 0a mM wad gear fort North Shore ports. Sir ('ity of Wisest 'halted here es bk.- Say and toe& gnf�It Wad paesemgere far Sawa and Dolma Str. fatted E.ptn was in a Wedss- day m her way■pp the lake and took es t5a.enrers and freitht. Tug Me('rae from Port Albert roe is hen a Saturday eveeing for Waal. tibe left a fteaday for Port Albert. Str. ('ity of Wisdom sailed here yester- day on her way op the Mho Wad took ea Psew i ors lead a car lead of bras. topic of interest. I' t th eh the long table the Sheriff, Registrar, Charlie *Arvin, John Morris, and a few others were fighting the battles of the long ago, and ones more •'hewing cut homy* in the wilder - nese," Mad each n.comteur metaphorically ".haw'dere 1 his axe and showe•t how dela. were won." t When the inner man hal boa fully satis- fied the question arose whether it would be better during the delivery of the addresses to have the tables doubled up' "Are the epees eche to be as long as the tab/ea?' queried Dr. Holmes. ea Easiest.No, sir," replied the ever -ready Joseph. ' They are to bees short ae the proprietor: Miss Kate Sheehan, ot Detroit, who had and the ally counted one to the basss ben vi.itiee friends in town, returned home Mr. Horace Horton in °peeing the orator- os Monday. load part of the prolRum dedoed tfoobjeet of Mies Nellie YacCormac returned to De - the gathering. The sheriff and t•vo (4• three /roil this week where she will resume her of his old armies had been mixed of the idea dobe s te•cber. to glee an Dating to • numb" of their Rev. H. Irvine began a course of services and have a talk over the eY times on Holinsw. bat sandal, morning in '110 and tbepr.. 5 of tt pdaa Jnr a ref Yew tori•-st Methodist church. came to it in the la cordon and was Amos Gordon have day, Sept. 14, promises to be a success. A of the Army with meat. teat year, three mesial train will ron from Stratford with thousand the were netted clh n thisere eery Mr. Leerier and friends, arrivingat Mitchell *0 waist 1 °hat �. poorr � sum than that r at 11 A W. At. 1:30 r. r. a procession will co f • ar larger stun The Toronto b e formed is from of the Royal Hotel and tttg raised thea prooeei to the Park where addresses Kxhibitioo pralines to be a most attractive will he delivered. A special train will affair. Gifu of all kinds will be forwarded 'ares (:oderich at 11:35 A m ; HolmemiUe and tastefully exhibited rib- The Salve - 11:56 : Clinton .1n., 12:06; Clinton 12:10: tiosists of the far West propose to ; whore. 12:30; Dublin 12:45; arriving at ate wheat, cattle, and canned goats Mitchell at 1. This train will stop at the as Newfoundland is being asked to contrib- Park. Single fan has been secured. This ole tinned sod dried fish. Wood, oil and rate holds gold from 1Vingbam via. Clinton owl are also solicited, and manufacturers and all intermediate stemma. Tickets byIca being asked to give some of their sures. Booth h by this mesas solid mooing train 0e 13th .ed all tram at 14Commandant replenish ° of the 804.1 solid until Sept 15th. to replen sh t stere (:. T. R. Excrawlox room Gopssl' H To IsstitatiOw and Homs Mfor tsic da somony 1 that it will u THE tiroauiff v. Cnn'Aao--uleptesber Oe bonnnbeid good. nb one leati00 r 15th Mai 16th tioket"•ly $11.06, goo,l mi- that, while the dollars are things, the til September 27th. Sssriesists by pay- land is overf swing with good ehgs, at mitis he calls upon !hose who lave eooag telt Nov.15th w /roesre leagd s cm �M � to ire. a remember out of their pies- . beth. Ord e[0 he later than 1I. 1y their more unfortunate te10 v creature. meat be received test liter 8spt. -- ------ --- Tomato bedstead Fair epees Sept fit* for LfdOAL BREVITIES. two weeks • siagbe fare (406) every 4. . eeut,ioes os Ser. 11th sod 1� Thit ty six students were ttte.os1 .t the 8k.miWalipM nab. Ai nktiekeateate*►raswatl&salien of Ms model ached Friday all a*.•f osmarmioea to l'Wir.gq Destat, The boasters o (iederk* will give Bagiaaw, ee.. sheat the Wad d 8eptemf a hall •t t Britt* Eeohange on Friday °elsss°s Mr ptrW lean t w (� year tiotoa and dl idesmatMa •�� 8es.. & Co. have paro*seti front H. ra&.2.wu tisk b sweat G.T. sunk 4 ...Aviv dsbnay bei 0. taesserl7 w� royrljdd�yARg s sed supremo anises a b! W T. Hays t Co. afar rhea aanht0teed from O. W. pram a.. MOO. Clinton . it. W. Stewart, formerly of tows, has gone into the produce and com- mission business at Shelburne, andts doing a big trade : he will shortly move his tamily over there. letlwd : bi rs Francis Burke, of %etland, received a p•rslytie stroke on Tuesday lest, which .Fused her death on Friday. Decreed was 78 years of age, and owe of the earliest settlors. Clinton : r. D. McLeod, • Canadian by h birth, w " at one time taught robot)! in Huron and was married here, has been el'o e t health ,otf!cer of Detroit, at • salary of 41,000 • year. Clititon : The Clinton t mrgan Co., whose factory was destroyed by tire • couple of weeks ago,here been negotiating with Stratford for a site and special privileges fora factory there. Exeter : Prof. Shrieve• was arraigned before Noire Snell oto day last week on a charge of unlawfully pr&etising dentistry. preferred by H. Kinsman, dentist of this place. And fined $20 and coats. {Myth . On Monday *venter the four-year- old 01.1 son of Wm. McElroy was run over while crossing the market square by Messrs. Plumber & McNally's ponies, bods wheels pawing over one of the little fellow'srhould- w. Lnmdsbnro: David Itogerson, a rssdent of Jamestown, N. Y., paid • visit to old friends here last weak; he is very loud iu Itis praises of the land of dhis etiolation And steme to have greatly since he left this muntry. St. Helens Tbs. Todd, of St. Helens, Tuesdayarrived home on Tuesday from • two weeks trip to the Manitoulin Isanels, where he purchased a cel load of cattle, including titres or four yokes of working oxen. Any- one in need of oxen would do well to Wee Mr. Todd's stock at once. Exeter : A kettle of boiling tallow caught foe in the Exeter tannery the other day, and entertaipin the fear of its amino fire to t building, Clintonnton Y°('•Ilum car- ried the blazing verel hamlet" outside, and deisMioughtso the sleeve d hr shirt ought fire, ing sod balding bis right arm ooesider- ably. ('listen: Look Kennedy, of t Catral Hotel, has .01,1 out his boniness to Robt. Masan of the hese Ione, who takes possession w t 2nd of October. lack hu sot yet &sided what be will .lo. bat will likely re- main ie tows. lir. Mama has Fatal his f3 -w to his uncle Manua, 5110 takes pm mama almost imesdintely. HaWtt: Js. tiaell, of the Hayes-Bertonee stack farm, Hallett, has .seeded well at the World's Voir. In t yearling .tablion mem he pt. t 7th premium, in the aged ware elms ke pets the 10th premiumad is ti w mare 2 -year oseeease, r premises. When it is remembered that there are • very knee numher of entries is h three cars, it is • great honor indeed to so he .esssf.1 s • pen* win.sr. yacht Nemo W less balled oat a the island to he MOW N fcr the Detroit raft is while site lupi take pats .alar tLe • id Omit. Wiggle. ed * ThngeArnold! and tire maws arra.• Thursday iron Rias dine h few of the tag (►.tano Th. droig.las she WHO werkitr( at Seethe pess ed Pert Elgin tiara( the wsrwlmr. %Worth wile Me Ines living is V aiands, B. C , t. t tM )feat 'Wahl Tars, has retarded hems ea • v Re11nt w•MMiRkMfke.'J'a t►* mot ter radlefaa ams, to a telar.w Mathis eswewe car. h!A e R MW NiYlrwMi_ win dead. Ms bogey Or wen *Hew Wet. _-/!�a Inks. lees Tai Vy tMa she is ]ti- dos- ek,`Oitrdor ks he New Tare, eled mesas to ill ported the t ferAllso,Do- Why boy year e.wisg maddest trine tW1aMn, Amber, Cunard Atlantis steamers. prier when you can 11k. K. W. Telegraph l;. (]aa►deaa ts' iy .4 la re- Girvin and Morris were bot he re- retar'wad 6oM alter •two mon vial to ffgrreet1•t�ed the absamw d11:771,.... wed t Thewtd ldmid Perk Mad ()tdeerbnrg. imam to all of them. There was so rep- N. Y. lar toast t list, but arms az-words= were Yr. and Mrs T. E. Miller, passed pudg. , n(ma Gibbose, 1)blttea, Garvin, lyre. b here cm Satorda per St.t. Moaaroh (intro JeWnatou Garrosr and of thego. through (1r460, who would M .bi. t. tell d t on their way to their f.tnre hose, ISIS, ptrogre.. mode by the comity from the Mina. e.el day.. The toast was " The Pian- MS. Waters and son Willie, of [mada), ors and Rawly (lays of Huron." who have been waiting mauves is tows fee Sheriff Gibbose, on rising to hio set was tie past two mouths, returned hoes' Mos - greeted with tumultuous applause. In day last gr.p*ic &ad eotl.est leagnsgo he depicted Mrs. T. Mctlillieuddy and obildtes, of the surmounting Or %dab .ed t*e Snowing Tomato, 1.ft for trots ea Friday shernnos of °Wade@ in the commencement of the atter 0 ploaeast aM,journ of sver.l "ski is musty. At nine years of age be had begun (:nderieh ..d vicinity. to battle with the world, and with an .tie Mils ('aa..dey, d the Ottawa city oas- is to hse weight and years had started sloe, returns l to the apHal 0a 8.1.rtlig7 is to hew oat t wilderness. Sturdy hot. doer p.udlug a sleuth'. ►shwa .kit self-reliesoe and rugged indep.edeneSwith indtre- rsntiwar is. tbir heatless . arm tioterwtirtt tw eao.0.d by Mr. and Mrs. Collies .ad daughter D.IM, tri". elllmet fxinspd e• hal e( of toodee who have bee. the flasks 0( it oilcan-giaarsatrtitlata -- A *moat • he Worss►'sChrWisaTemper`neeCalms evading teak !tons is Gn ream Wodwd.y will most hi tha ampss+noe hall ne Tow evening the trsettiag parties beteg Nr day, Atts. 115*, at 930 r r. AU members BrelS Wilson e t f of ewerT kis& The a eerie ey ase. of t3 ed le*. oe • lheale, oared is 30 mlaris by � the Tido sorer eal- The r brother, Joie •t- hems VAS eh eeeek � Ann �� the bride'. trot* . J a ie • At the last areeieg d tie Celleglate sews of w Tho stet..., 54*h vett rod stases Mini, J. R. Oelemss A. Sys *odes d white les The b Miss that abeseem d h $� MRO. Moores Mary blews1. waa sorbed is blue silk. eatery a 11r. Jamie Cherry weed se hest smut Mao lie melt, .ad )1. waity ~ • ►emir w� /w• • °es w reossetald te ba pt'eesat. William this •(y and hiss 1a* Mamie and ttoratohe5 lbs bm�m of.bas daTa, .ad U O°- be Yrs Struthers and other friss& fa this Mr. w tMUDprensM t ntdiMea a the y9 Many 1117. t• La or= see apaplalessatlfl he Ott , the � • *OS Ott the gram AM the pis. mAy, 1eMi.M5A 7 Mid • •lea. Aside••eiswe0 elosewees, as Uerdes'ltM .li .ad, afternoon stead ~am T. Aedry, Ase- Weiser. TFfawner. a W if more elf e. sear Ore' .ostios returned bag" on Monday dt•r- vttih/i ret ties petal time Thor. wen a° keret sad Ise wprehnothsse d tailor .era- aais Asthma In t aogil dare, Mt tab Wad LANES• trhl had beta t*t parte" of t p ._site Frees oar ewe eevr•w.dent. way hash la '32 sad ter yeses .iter. He MONDAY. Sept_ 4 haw men t*1. all O1rgs. sad W observed R Parries staladayed is Rialtos last Sea- med ea Mia lass+aN sad tnellipiy tad tr- is ►is Ow. feeble way had Om- dol- ts ey ittiedM to its He had bees Rev. Mr. Ross preached in this cherub e forced at the of hie fellows, sod Lad 11.aday 1st. re,pesewwd than u t* 1 t�wa sod O•ast] Seedhl(, h.rvmstia aid throats( are the ew.ila sod i♦ the MWMatire ha& &nth cress► of the day bore e.1 Ms erica 111 501keber lain ad � mar' ee sadeinbm. •itM��tilN*ee damage to Nes reef crop V sesame. talk ever the days wipes dim pram_ hiss Mari Ferries roterwsd hew Dale* ways did reset wows The :trims= mi rte'Ns,pl 1d. Abe vegeta sorry dill w tlmwnssi lir stat amidst Mad and tams sp Nero s.elislt. ,.s'sc �a'`".. Mr. ma= epee betaken there tdr�teetl nawrrhishem i thee w*area e aiaset r sad seresbeesehiAzit the !*04. d Wady* to tie periWaeiMi Mrs% wee wend, greeted Mir Merwa.ra.] Ill * �i mar igma b the The terestss MN their he,e 55 syMY . 1e see • deem tip TAW *O 'M ...Ise ir.. sines . mash p._LIatl 7+m bat Friday he the �aW1► SOIL Exeter : Oa Friday +hereon. Inst, se George Floyd sad Er.00tt Waiters, of this teware dews tees nu Yr. Ped's fans, of i*e 5th ova. at Stephen. • tree which they eat fell a Mr. Floyd. brakke• Ms lag below t Imes. Dr. ttO1- Amos,ylaoa, were heartily e mm�ead sad ..� ties frwe0ared 1ir>►]. Kit Merl is shoot 75 years aid and it will be same time before lie will M 0bh to west. Sarah : Simard Fs rewired • toraai Let1*s week a that ►h t ibis W Mini is keel., eves•, of typhoid fever. A- ' 7e., heather el the deesseed. httsi ht Alpeslti Y , whesa obi um bmwi,...d t*e fe 01 wok hr esme time Wmdasis dtesw.ms .114 week