HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-31, Page 8THE SIGNAL: GODRRICH. ONT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1893. 1ST EW FLAVOURS IN ICE COOL .UUA THE [IHARMACY. The maul vim seise ear lee Coot Soda give us credit for beteg y to the oily eteadard• Me ve • oe. •f Savours to temptlou w t4 w WNtooted* the meetveers by Sege Mar to neat reaer. witicb we leave ebtslas4 .ad will have oo head oeastaatly. The following is . the of oat Revisers. ICE CARANI noLA. CHOCOLATE CREAM SODA. PINK APPLY: SODA. ORANOK SODA. RABPRKHRY tlOUA. GINGER SODA. *trite WiteRKY SODA, a)rree SODA. LIMON SODA, VANILLA SODA. t•ARSA YAKILLA SODA. New flavours being added all the time. M•aeral Waters of ell kinds. iacludies API'ULL1NAR&S, VICHY. HLNYAD1. ANu MUNTstEitRAT LIME FRUIT JUICI AT FEAR'S l)tIAltM A(:1 , 1 (3EEO. A. FEAR, Druggist, Ooderich. Ont Tits People's Column. IMPORTANT. - IF YOU WANT A Bed -room Suite. A Dining Sate. A Peder Suite, Cheapest than yes eves dreamed of. G.1 TJ SMITH'S FURNITURE STUILK. THE 1.ARGKST STOCK. LATr8T Ir4SIUNS. LVKHY-TII1NG YOU WANT. At prices that cannot be beaten. Cord wood. Lumber std Tan lark la esepasp. SMITH'S. Crabb'. Meek. L' ISD S I'LANINO MiLL.- 11 MASH ANDIAJ(sR PA(1TOKY.-- OXCEJ.LKNT rAN DRY KILN. iiT? 1RDWOUFINISH OF ALL �A'D bINUS A SPECIALTY. MONK:I':11 VET A.Nn I't►RTIER work for arab doorways in hamlet' destgna-.UI I. nds 01 :wiener decorations -- Iresigna furnished. Verar.Ia work in Ia. st and moat soden, finish to Writ the moat fastidioce. .I II annla ruon.; o Latest tl.inos in turn,.t work -Esti- mate furnished on 811 repairs or contracts - Sae nr11 to ex•rutr the room irregular order -- It,(rii;rrator,, ice heir. Washing machines and No:hen Lehner. -7 he only Waning mill in toe n .Jthms' w.!i attached and full lines of sit grades of Inmr•r or 11,at can be rout to order-stetgka lath. picket& etc , and all builders supplies promptlydelivered. dllrra.n Tiles. ail Soes. n my Salt'Works depar•meta I have an ex,xllent pure groulat- e.I table. cteoe and batter salt. Ju$EPH KIIDD. Near the O.T.R. dcpmt. Telephone y our er!Ore. s -1y 1 THE FARMERS. - PLOW POINTd and reps:! redos-et is price. Cannot be bought ebeap:r aro where. All kinds Ler on Land. Plows from 0,; ane each up. Creb fur cast and wrought metal. Don't tweet the stand. near Victoria -s4 church. C. A. HUMBER. HYDRAULIC RAMS. Water rained from 51 to 10 • feet and conveyed from IC) to 200rods to yo .r bout, or barn from • 'prate or flow of waver on your premises at reasonab'e Cost Pipe and fitting, of all ei: r., braes wool.. pump., etc.: etc. 27 -Inn C. A. HUMBER_ Bpeoisl Notloes. N EW CHOPPL\(; MILL i ato prepared to do all kinds of grade chop- ping hopping nn shortest notice. Mill is running at all hoursl have the Latest ant beet huprored t.ac►Inery for di.patch and efeclen.-ss Prices iea•oaable. Node:ay in getting your chop bane with y eta. JOB. KIDD. 43.11 17 Beitaaal•-sa. MeohaJatee' Inetltute. liODERICA MECIIANIOB' INSTI- Vr TUTS LIBRARY AND READIN°- ROOM, cor. of East street and Spears top ..•Ines. Opals from 1 to s roe. and from 7 to 10 Pear. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Lauding Daily, Weekly and Illustrated Payers, M :thee, etc., on File. MEMBERAHIP TICKET. ONLY 'Lee. granting free use of Library and leg• Applieatl..ne for membership received by Libras -len. In roum. 11. &'MITII. GEO. STINKS. President. peoret.ry. Goderleh Meech 12th t133. - - Sootettes. CANADIAN ORDER OF HOME Oodertch Circle, No IK meets �trd endy of each moth 1n the hall over 7�g 2m'cs1. dace. BpoMa1 l.dnoesnwau 1. Ia ur•are and sick beseet.. U. CALBICY. er ; it. J. ACHESON. 'frowner: 1 . RICHARDSON. Secretary. Iblyr Pabito Noting. gIODERICH FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORN*. To the - Rey HuftSe � Nes. s and 1 plows. Land Mors and root cutters. W aa- t plows. Anarhp1 buil %t ods. o ► knit. WiTi sett= twit' Poe. bay rakes. Al ec ether meets reduced in ppi4 ..r.71 Castings roade to lobes _ _ .i.•RUNCIM AN. QALTFE ORD ?ANNERY-TO ?Y /_ public. Ha♦1sRinlarged the Ing capacity of the Qeltrang Testtery� wrreot on by A. & J RIM. by thepaes of the Kirkp0rick these Timer,. 1 fi�jhred N•n- tend the trade 1e every brawl toad; M tow prepared te ether tbe Malmo payee for risen of every Aeucriptiee. No Timet to ilei. tilt Jter�Y rrwpetser. ALPiNE FLOWERS, MAT LILLiii$ the wow Its. perfsmse, M *ROI' AN ire nett ECE LE LOTION. CAI.% INA CREAN. TETIfW :1 OOtootanut. PO72,,011111 race POWDER. SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATICCrHL tool -TR AMERICAN MIR TINS TONle'. PO Irbil R'8 EXTRACT or WILD STRAW - ssRET. J. Witdew', Psprprro, Deo. Orem' Tcigh.ne S. 11. ?rs arty der Sane er for Neat. FURL[ TO RENT. -A 000D FARM al�at�l `6 .ler tress Carlow, tmatifl let f ass. dike •L 111 Tp. el Colborne. Ties res telt res. se .i white&a 1 TM( an o• 11 • Mtge Baa. b•tso lad Moolderriving • - ,110.. R�to aLi W e DUD. O.i.4ertoh P.a a IMPORTANT LAND SALE That very de.lrakN peowe tl knows as (Inas." situated le tbeTteire et Oederlcb. ✓ wow .tarred for sale. The naderstgnsd are prepared to remise of.A either for the whet estate ea Woo, or n IW of arose ten sores. Tele is agreed oppertuatty to sorbet, decking • am•l, frau fans. Terme to suit pureheserw Ad a: J. RANSFORD, bra fewbers for �..f Nary Riba0.rd Clinton. Ont FOR RENT. - TWO HOUSES TO not ea Staaleyat-, ane bleak from tams square.�HFur pankulars apply to MKKBd r. 10ARMS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - 1'1r property of the late David neer. being par& of lots 3 mod l eon. 1. seatalaleg Macros. Also u,u:h half of let 7, ca s, W. D. Colborne. osatmiriaj Se acres. These IW will be sold either separately or re Mur. Ione particular* apply t•, the executors. J. N. MIL LI AN. J. B.'*t-HITLYY. or to 11 1KY K. x114 Halt. executrix, or to R. C. HAYS. tioderich P. (.1. to t f A gout) HOUSE TO i.ur, NEAR the snn&re, to would sell at • targets. Apply to :IR. HOLT. or C. PAYNL so the prew LIARMS Fult SALE. - TWO VALU• .1 tilde improved ferns se the fourth coo ..s�g�e�Ossn,of Oodonch townrhlp. three mile. from egeer,ch. Fur pert iculars &poly os the prom. tore is MRS. ANN H1NUkd ur by attter to chP.0 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -THE a1S homestead of the Late Janes trees- oftkstosestip of East Wsw•nosh. be - *Oar half of kat Pi. conotwioo 1, on the Swot Mad flat lards from Ooderich to Wing - ham. R le0tuated about WtO rod. from Aub- urn. • driving vi:latte with four churches and & echoed sear at hand. A comparatively new frame Weis with erten large rooms and cater with edame1sTentrecee, and good bank barn and about SO Yeet•aringl g frust trees are on Ube prtalities. Meat Ir acres are cleared. Tae awl u of the lest nether lularntatiun from MRS. CAeaWAY. ♦nbaro P, O. 11440 i,'OR SALL-N. } LOT 31, LTD OON- r troeYon. rest Y1-awanosh. loam -res. We ,s a drstclaes !attn. Also tows lot e73, Gode- rlcl. also lot 231 Oodericb Iowa. w whleh there L a good brick cottage. Apply ;to PHILIP 1101.T. Slo , LIOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT 1commodious bulldlsg on !hest.. Broo- saks, at peaor.i occupied a. • mini by limit Wm. h is on tale. Terme easy. Ayp: to I►. a tlC01+. Brussels P.O. sbtl NORTH-WEST LANDS FOR S' T E. J000ACRES OF VALI"ABLE Improved and unitepro♦ed farm lands at distances raryirg from 1 to 12 miles from leiOpee.le Station. N. W, T., for sale very cheap. No better lands for eased farm- ing are to be found in (',nada. For full part:v.18os apply to A. D. DICKSON, Barrister. 101-tt Ga•APpelle, HOW A FARMER CAN CLEAN ANY SEED t*KAIS THOROLOHLI. AND 'A ITII WHAT TO DSU 1 r. Mummy. 'Otter. Golden Vine or o:hem peas can have all splits. oats. &c.. taken from them, or *mall peas *equated front twee wee at one cleaning. !.)rumen and broken barley. wild oats, mustard seed, wild pees and all foul seeds can be thoroughly separated from Seed itarley. Cookie. chess, w 414 peas, wild oats, mustard seed. tc.. can be thoroughly sep&rated from While'. Fox tall. mustard. lambs quarter. light oats, etc.. ar.d other things objectionable in Seed Usti separated from them. ('lover seed. timothy need. flat seed. cleans separately. o kiof each separated from eh other. •grin or seed can be cleaned as It should be for seed. No foul seeds blown luta the chaff. This can all be doss with the 1MPROVIe:D APN8TRONO ORAiN AND MED CLEANER. a tennis( mtll Attachment. No new mill re o ulred. Can be put In any mill• old or new. without injuring the mill or dwrranging it for the use of Its o en sieves. A11 my-btnes guaranteed to do the work claimed for them. FUry buebels of grain can be cleaned per h•ntr for market p Orders by mail promptly aoded teto. llal gen attached to any mill. Pt'MPDEPARTMENT See the Oct. pump. new design, adapted for any deph of well by means of thumb screw shift. Fwels worked. Ret ln1 Rod eatldac- Itoo. All kind of pumps supplied. AItMieTIIONO BROS.. Pump and F inning Rill Works, Ooderlch• Out. Donde rY. NI NICHOLSON, LD.S.-DENTAL • rooms eremite Dost Office. Weetet, Ooderich. All standar) and approved local anaesthetics on hand for patsies& extrac- tion of teeth. frilly DR. E. RICHARDSON, L D. 5.. .araeos dentist. Gar and vitalised air adtataf.tuesd ter palates* extracting of teeth. atlesHem Vogt to the p.e.rvat*0. s yr ieetk, lithe pr p Veit Opms Hesse Bieck. entrame es TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN PIT TIM tat tar ae DR. E. RIQHARDSON'S 1114IL1TaL PAtL.na- OPE11 NOUSE PLOW WEST-STMIT OODERIIOI, ONT. alia,:kl,eta Whited estlefac:lo.. after • f lhtllul sand srtrnl antlionne that I haus the sly sadw is Oedersek. the latest whir* warranted serer O orgaM the Bea pain le aan intim" the 'Tweaks er peek ter eteiRRe of say Wad. In nearly won noes, rya very little pain 1■ the sweet Memo essen .&.Q TI-2!Flo tVID POID17t le e lsst •..stroll. •tyt newer seems the verist i0 the e.lylIgRhtmest. le harmless es water. tied the hest msbed knows a south te reader the teeth sem snsltl♦e le pale. Paler assure as it to PeuIYv.s/ Mervetea. Mets E/eses. TO ADVERTISERS. Notion d o` um mast 1* Wt st this Mos not WK twee Saturday noon. Th. Copy for &s ages mast be lit not later titan Mon- day noon. e..sa1 Advarf3eemeats accepted up to noon Wednesday of sactl week. Situations Vassals WANTED. -A F�I/RRST CwL�eAs .r.SS GEN- wed serioug,ant tom. to 1IRB. R. W. t wAN Nerthet ttiii GENosTS WANTED.-WANTED AT BR N BIItOri, (o . �K.esses l�s0 T to reale.. Ont. 4041 WANTEL'. - ENERl11CTIC MEN CAA Sad steady eeapMlmsst withal! salesmen. K. es aot .eesseery. some outfit the bear& d ors: ati--t•5re experlenoe tararhed every rasa. Ck 35• special ►fees and marmot of territory. W MVO over 71,3 acres of aloha stern and can Rive you 1000, ad♦satt oaa. 0.r raos• of w euri t mid 101451 .01.00.. 1. .apertog. Coll for oar terms. The trial will cost yea not1Ol.RS10 $TONE 8 WELLINGTON. Toronto. Oat. Strayed Animals. r tiTItAY HEIFER. _ STRAYED FROM � .7 k. stis•IN.1ribe• la anc• ereramrw ihha l4.5I Ula*., •bestA> vo wr 57. te mostly light. art w ed with a 1111211111 ate part of rtgut ra.. Anytime reteraies Dt, Sr fru tog information as to no wherashonts will be suitably rewarded. JAMES BALL. An- burnP.J. 40R (-IOW LOST. -ON SATCKAY, AUG. V init. a small white cow with red neck. 3 years old. Ups of botti horns cot err. informs• tion Wadies to her recovery welt be .sttsbty rewarded -by M1(4. Mt DONALD. (Ja.is oe, iu Notts, to Creditors \NOTICE Id HEREBY 0 I TEN, A. ptwetaa1 to the Revised Suasion of On. term, .raper. 110. that all creditors sad other p«eess having claims agaioat the *0tate of James walloz. late of the Towasuip of Oode- rich la the County of Kure. Yeoman. deceae ed. who died ou or about the 20th day of July, lN3 are hrequiredereby yuirvd to deliver, or road ty mail, prepaid. to IOC. Hays. Uoderich, Solidi. tae fur James McItoasld and Jams Cot. Ex- ecutors of too said deoeagrd, on or before the 13th day of deptember lift:. their mimeo and addresses and full particulars of their tJaitaa.- alio • statement of the .o Ureic* of syr held by them. Aod further take melee that atter the sold 13.1* day of eeptember lsltT Use axecators will proceed to distribute In., said Estate. haring reword only to such Maims as they shall have settee of. Dated at Ooderlcb this 15th day of August lit; 1 C,HAY8. - Solicitor for Esseuten. TravoLUng Guide. - SRAM/ THL-NE RAILWAY. Trans arrive and depart Ooderl-;h as fol- low. : Mixed ............ . ..............le.lea.m. Mall and ewer 1.Y p.m. Weed Yell and Express an para, ..PAeW. Mall and Kxprew .7.00 ss Mail and Express ..................... 4.13 pars. Mired .................................. LM.wz. frnedleaL DRS.WHITELY & HUNTER. O*ce-Orand Opera House. OoderlItt.111.tj DRS. SHANNON & SHANNON, Physicians. Aeoonohen. Sc. u. C. m -. att ort.- psi Naptert near. Gaol. J. It Srt►trice.- North -e. opp. Model School IwRaL AMPION & JOHNSTON, BARRiS- • ton. Boliettors, Notaries. ()oderieb. °Moen -Over Joudaa'. Den& Wore. E. CAM- t10N, Q. C.. M. 0. JOHNSTON. Mese/ to CAM - loan. �a T OFTUS L DANCEY, BARRISTER, J Solicitor. C.aveyanoer, kc.. OW- Meeke7 to Iwo at lowest tutees Blake's Block. Gods - rich. Ona 4"51-tf FN. LEWIS BARRI/311!R, PROO- . for la Maritime Comte s..' Ostarlo 0*t,e-boat3 0slleres tote:. 1313 RO. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Ac. . Office, caner of Square and West street, Oodertcb. over telegraph otaos. Pri- vate Foul. to leod•at lowest noes of inter - eel. VW - (ARROW 1 PROUDFOOT, BAR. rioters, Attorneys, SolicitorsSec., Gude )fob. J. T. (Jarrow, Q.C., W. Prsudfoot. CAMNItON, HOLT &HOLME.t, Barristers. Solicitors In Chancery, to, Ooderich. M. C. Cameron, Q.C. ; P. holt Ilt dley Holmes. O. WARD, CONVEYANCER, to.. and •Ommiseloncr for tektite and re. sog le rse0greeon of bail. afilia.ite oilman declara- tions a- la or .o..a.rni1nngR any action. salt or pro- ee.d1,K to tie Hitch Court of lollies. the °Dario( Appeal for Ontario, or 1■ •y Oonnty or Division Court. All transactions earefulty and preen y executed. Resides.* and P.U. addre e-Dtptmanon Dat 111111-tf LOaTv MAIM 11111/M1saa#e• MONEY TO LOAN. - 112b,000.00 Private Pants to bed sad; per oust an - s kI.OIT1.18E. DANCEY, Blake% block. Roderic10741 C S E A O E R, AGENT FOR THE Lowliest A.eeatoaR . Cor*T. of Lea- ded'. mltedesd Oet teldest and strongest Orr. LwnresneUse L1.sssedsg l■ the world. In- wnRo,ated ILA. 1740. Amnia ever eighteen W 8100 dollars. A .hare of bus a.e. b re- gapststtttelly solicited on Weal( of the above fir.may. x.CQ�ier. Mele.sl f IMI FD J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AN • •..Moat Wwt•esce aw..t • at lowest rats. O*oe-Cor. Nwrthat. sad Senate God it - ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO • CAMERON HOW' de HOLMESl(lade- doh MII ONT TO LEND. -A LAR 01 ail s s se Ants oPrivets rods tsr Investment to OAitROw t PROUDnfigagen AIMS RADCLiFFE, �od ORNERAL IN- I.s.at sp� ReaOil first+t aseMessy so Walsh Week s ilia fewesteasles ewe etew tie l� �e R.t g, WAsal way to salt the earrewertor•'0 .- 11.o. dear tram .quer.. War .erect, Oede Oar& et Thanks. I H EREBY D s 0 TO R.NTVKN MT rt Meeks es e thehoe. pwe.wk MMtjsl 7 tseae0* Qw . rhe _sol Meed e� the lei lig es tarsal b ray home • . premises WOW sten* by the elsi8 1 gild ea Je1y 1t and the k/ the aemappyyyy ems.wtmhelot(y AtA L MIL O R , P0. E. I LICOARDSON. Artistes far Milo t BALE, -TWO II IN. OAST rans-mt.. dare, 1 1111--110 ti sr eelswood se new.es et Seger OIC >R 7OV Both the method and result. when Fyrapof Fi3s is taken; it b pleasant and refresbing to the taste and acts Featly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleansed the eye - tem effectually, diepcla colds, head- aches and fevers and cams habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, plowing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy rend agreeableenbetanees, its man excellentqualitiescommendit to all and Lave made it the most popular teme'ly known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o bottles by an leading_ druggists. Any rtiiabs.dre'_,*i:t rho may not have 1t on bras' will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. M tnuLectu7ed only by the CLLIFORRUI FiG SYRUP CO. d1A! ?r3,A7scIECO. 0..L. '.0U1EVILL3. EY. Min, TOME. 40. L a GREAT SALE OF PRINTB,CHALLIES AND SATEENS. Also all Summer goods for the next 30 days, commencing Thursday morning 30th July. 121c. and 13c. Prints reduced to 7c., Sc. and 11c. per yd. 10c. Prints reduced to sic. per yd. Challien worth lac. for 5c. Sateens worth lac. for se. per yd. Summer ,goals *way below wholesale prices No other store in the County will sacrifice goods as we are doing. in- sp.-ction invites). JAMES A. REID. Jordan's Block. Oodmtiee. Ad/ 1!. use. 1014 Agents Wanted. WA.'YTED-SALES511N, TO SELL ear choice and hard nursery stock. Meal egci•ai varieties to other bath to fruits sued aessmsnt sod controlled only by u.. W p. elm or salary, give exclusitter tied elite eh and r o weekly. Write w at gar !HERB, N territory. MAY WI& Nurserymen. I:oobester, N. Y. >b -Dat Ate. THOMAS OUNDRY, AUCTIONEER and Intattsssee Apse, Ooderleh, Ont. Agent London sad lanceiddre Fire Ina Co.. tad °ore District Mutual Ines. Co. Sales at- tended to in any liar' of the county. 2011 JOHN KNOX, OINERAL ALT - simmer sad Load Valuator. Ooderich. Ont. Having had considerable experience la the suctloneeriagtrade, he U in s position to dlsch•rge with thorough satlsbotb• all tom ailerons entrusted to him. Driers left .t Martin's Hotel, or sent by stall to Ws eddr,.u, aoderleb P.O., carefully atteaded te. JOHN SHOE Comity Auctioneer. 110714 LANES. From oar own eorrcetondent. Mies Bessie !toward is now home from Alpena. Patrick Quinn returned from Mitchell this week where he has been for the past four months. Peter Scott left on Wednesday, Ang23rd, tor Oaks, Dakota, where he intends to do threshing this tall. A..1. McKenzie. oil .1 H. Cameron, two former school teachers in this section, wore around tanking calls thie west. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Met.en have gone on an excursion to the North West, to visit part of their family who are living oat there. A very pleasing event took place at the resides*" of Robert McIntosh, 12th eon. of Aakdeld, on Monday eveoing 21st Met. at 7 on., being the marriage of his daughter, Anna, to Jos Scott, Lanes. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John Roes, waisted by Rev. Wm. McIntosh, of Annandale, • brother to the bride. The presents were numerous and meetly. Alter the oeremott was performed a boanteotte repeat was par- takes of when time happy couple left for Kincardine where they intend visitanr for a few days, prior to taking the boat for Duluth, ce their way to Dakota, where they ietesd 'poodles their honeymoea. We sincerely wish them • plea/rat trip, a safe home doming and a long life of hampers" to "ether. About two weeks ago Thea Alibi, Nile, awnr•med this maim to try and form a court of isdepeadent order of Foresters, tied hie labors were not in vain, for tot Fri day night, 25th Wet., • court 'stilled Court Lanes was ordained in this eebool hoose, with engem chartered members. tiro. Whale was pr.s*t, and, assisted a good somber of the tratormity, =zed the root, toren the folt•w4.g were assent C B, Use. W. Swims,V. C. R., Rm. dams Brew., R 8., Rohl. Ferries, T.V. , R E. Inns, Treasurer, (hes. Renes, Chaplain, Wm. Jamieson„ 8. Woodward, J. Agar, J. Woodward, Wm. lame, 9. Bogen., (hew Mclean, J. Road*, J. Ohm} hell,. Bre. E. Jammu oresp C. k., sad Rrn, 31. i or*I.,°(`. b`i'n. newly .!poised (bort Wen& widths' Des - mosso Cosvt newt Tusidep ewouiag. 1013 Tots 8wR1L will be nee le soy add..; Ca m& sr 13175Md Rwn hem maw mill Jas. 1. 11Ot, hr 1711117 PEJPLB KILLED. ran0TP1'L COLLISION OX ra7# 10X0 151411D 0411004* A near lied Ceaetesee to wheels as lsag.ee Plowed 1'. Way Tbrowgh Two Landed C..eM.- a,.a.-is ed tie Unita Tato elopede. Me5Yed-.TO. Oahe" ♦eel - deem with Less Lees e1 Wse Loss Looters Cee, LL, Aug. 24. -A frightful accident occurred lege melt at Ilttobwick Juni:tire, os the Wad Railroad. A Ro-tlaway train ran into the mar end of • M.ahattao Dimwit trails &hoot 11.73 o'clock, telescoping several of the coca !luteum demi kat,. Imes taken from the wreck, and their bodies are now lying is Haveuaeyer's nastily at Laurel Hill, which W bora co/averted tato • tessp,raty 0ors4ae. It u now estimated 'bat the a.10afr of iujured will reach i■ the ,e:gh- 8013.0d of 35 or 40 people, may of *hum it is believed will die. The accident, it is raid, was dim to the n egligence of the tower man .t Lanrel Hail, who let the Ro.kaw•y train faun the section before tie Manhattan Beach train had pulled out The !1&uhattaa Beach train way blocked .t Bush wick Junction at about t I .:0 e o clock, when the Rockaway Bescb train, Doming at • high rote of speed, ran Cato the tail end of the Mealtimes Beach Crean, pineiug clean through the last two ears. Every- body in those nus was either 3,11.1 or injured. The third oar woe thrown com- pletely off lite track. O.... man says that he saw eight bodies taken from the wreck. and that one corpse lay on top of the 10 - e a, oo the Rockaway train. It was • rear -end collision, end occurred just the other side of Peony 1111.1;c. How it happened that the tlanbat,mi 11e"rh 1104, warn held there has not bete asrrr- tal,e,L The locomotive of the Rockaway train. which was gene at fail speed when her yngineer first sighted the "tending tram, split the last 100 nn of the standiwg train n`ht nit ough ad hurled them right and left In a wreck. There sore neatly 130 pereou s In the last two oars, it u staled. l►tto 1).'og^Ire ass a p,aser0pr on the R.•ckans stein, with tits wits and felinity ut 14. Ifhe train was runtime at a high rate of speed all the way in. He sate ti.t they were just in eight of the Long Island City Chewical Works when there was a frightful crash, and the passenger* were thrown head over heels out of their sesta The mea made for the dour. The women were crushed behin.l them. l)engeles raid .tkrt the people to these )&ta owe their lives to two uniformed policemen. The poltee- mee jumped into the doorways and tie cued: '•Keep *till; keep .till, boys, if you are polo( to get it you'll gat 11 anyway." The officer had • great fight to keep the mob quiet. The train ran about two blocks after tie collision. lec•geles says the last two cars of the Mashauai train were nnashad into kindling wood and that bodies were lying around everywhere. Some of the passen- gers of the Rockaway train helped to carry the wounded into the chemical work.. Dea- geles saw 12 persoas taken there, some deed and some hurt. He saw the headless body of a young woman. 11r killed and injured, he says, were all on the Maohatt*a train. He does not think an of the Rockaway passengers seriously seouslyy injured, but all were shakes up and bruised. Tie need ties Sweetie Twenty permits .t least were killed in the reareud collision at Bush* ick Junc- tion, and it is thought that Una nun.ber will be increased, as ma'y of the injured are reported to be is a el.tiaal condition. A DEATH OR GLORY ,OV DEAD. thee of the I,Wa Lamers Trampled ha Deals. TonoNTo, Aug. 24 -Robert Percival, private to Her Majesty's resonant of Stb Royal I, ish Lenoses, baa a• ...reel to the 1..st muetereelt. At 3 o clock yesterday afternoon be gave up his tong fight with pan, and with a smile un his face breatb.d his last. Percival was trampled un by a hot am at tin military tournament on Holiday test He was talo to the U•,. oral Hospital, and et Brit It was thought that bo would recover. For the 11. st few days be progressed favor- ably, but at Ibe aid of the week grew rapid- ly worse, and diad yesterday a(ter,oen after • brave steatite. Alter c Kttt-i un- scatbel through ern Indian campaten toJ serving out els time of roLetaant, P, irate Percival journeyed to America to receive his death -wound while nesting le the stables/ tat the military tournament. Fatigued by bis trip from Chicago and the work of the aternoos, hestretehei him.ait upon a t,ws of bay to watch a few m.eutes' deep A restive horse that was Ming led In broke away from the cavalryman who was leading btm and jumped upon tbe sleeping man. Again and 'main tae iron -sued hoofs fell ups the young man', body. Wben tbe ani- mal nemal was teteu mosey poor'I'erci♦& was cow- rie' awn Capt Da..on of the 17th Lancer. was Pere,ra'r captain aid spoke very highly of eke dead mato For year Percival was ba ones, ly, and when C. Demon rams to ts Aertea Percival came w ith him. "Percival was a flue young fellow," said Capt. Dawson toour re- porter. H. was one oof the famous Deetb rr Glory boys," the 17141 lancers, Alt bough only 2► years old he bat been in the forma* moven years. and was on tbe re - woes list When the tournament was orien- talist he exchanged into the 5th L.nneen and same to this countr7. Among tM men be was • favorite, Everyted, liked Mm ad respected Lim. Although be never had linen In action he was without fear, mud in r,d1n j to bewids tbere was nothing crul.l stop him. Hr parents are 511rerwty respectable people and )lye in Buxton, England. Wootton co- bably Lury him 1-rnnrrow, and will give him fall military b',nore" TOBACCO GONE UP IN SMOKE. The !.saps.. Tenses'. rae.ewp, N.asreat, Gutted be n.e- 4)1.,015 1..•.. Mnxtaut, Aag. 2S. -A regions firs es- carred at as earl) hour ►kis morning is the Empire toba.ce factory, Notre Da -street. flet the arrival .4 the beig.d. sas the baildisg was totally in Sae,.., and their efforts were chiefly directed is saying the adjoining bedsitsgs, is which they were sueoseefuL The lobate* factory was twplately piled, and the lose is mo0tod m the sei hbtx- hood of *40,000, said to be covered by is - .010. e. About 150 ere throws est of work by the fire. A Popov whet In Anon Ten rro', (at Aeg. 141 -Retardsy after..o. .t LOS dm woe diaenveted to Miller Brea'paper nal, Olen Miller, about four miles hemher., sod Is as leer's time the mill wee Is oaks. The bailer 8•am, 'however, wee owed. (3.., Irislo. of palmy of sent► end of baYdlma, new e.ma. Mill raised ae *100,0001 very .mall Memo dole. asc.aess Semler 0.4.5* e ' lasesea.s. Vtrreo.sa, P C. 'Asa, 11. -The mala .co hemOeerge 1nTh te..1 files 1ressime wee seised by aaepihmdees(lw s vanity Jed IO. Nor `Ids e :.w1was =s, Ie wmd Tats. XO QUART will do you ea mach good r the one that baba Dr. Plane's Noma Pellets. Thea is what you get** them : An absolute and curet cure for Constipation, lndi Bine. Attacks, Sick and ilei. bee, and all deraugemesy of the liver, stomseh, and bowels. Not just temporary relief, and thea e worse rendition afterward --but help that laskt coated little Pellets are the Plessant help, too. Thes: nuz the easiest to take, and the easiest is the way theyact. No griping, pie violence, no 7tistarbanec to the nen, tem, diet or occupation. They come in sealed vials, which keeps them always fresh ani !rime blu 1• a convenient and perfect vest. pocket remedy. They're the cheep - eel pills you can buy. There's nothing left of Catarrh when you use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remed}-. The worst casesyield to its mild, soothing, cleansing sod healing properties. THE WEEKMARKET I'LPO,RT. Csederteh rs•Oers Zalg Oongaeen.LY August Slid ii 1 1121 tP1W L 0 1+ 1.05 Floor. tangly1 Ist,� le O N 5 Shorts, •ins t3 M roil M 13 es telt s 1,dc.13 ro tat,: q O&rs, 71.4.„ tew. • • bre.....,00 •i tee) s 0 n to m >s Pec&., a bn,h............. sM130 Marley, tae o.w.S. • ls� ::e « le • r •lS t.sd Hey,. e11to7.5 51•.&15! .Eton5 nhesee.gignk freak sap.had.tne.• .Oeitisou 2. tel. Wed Weed .• 0 l MOO laM 1.111 s it &alai# Bart.. ew.mM ,tawtteea•Iani DUNGANNON. risky Monographs Prepared flee Kea*. et The acral. From our own correspondent. fINt01to. -We feel ycite prima f 0s- t•rto'■ great success at the World'. Fair. Ween aa. At the tune of writing Ur weather leeks and appears quite •uterus!. Ecei.arst tKi. *i_ -Oa Sabbath, Sept. 3rd, Revels. Grey, of Ktnl.,ti h, and R. Fauburs, of Unn,:.nnou will etcban . pulpits Soo1Nn AN!. TnkisuiNi..--Our fainters are busilygid m sowing acd preparing the soil for 1.11 in : also threshing sat the crop of 1893. Ls Si.1AL-So.e CI own premium atriums took in the lawn somal which was head at St. Augustine on Tuesday of lei week and had a pleasant time of it Hose.. A..*rN. _ Mule Naomi De%ideas, who h.* been whetting actomiatanats at the Sem village, north of here, ref Greed bore ..a Moctay yoite pleased with iter ruin. t'otttutertot.---Please correct the follow- ing which appeared in last week's rase: Fall sbow item, the- Ilth acid 12th sboeld b. 12th and 13th October, Thursday tad Friday. KW' ax Ln. - Rev. 1►, P.e.gers and randy 1.401.d home the latter part of last week, after spending a vacation of throe weeks among relatives and forum esrlualntae es eery en jnyably. AT Wolfe A.•Ai'.-Our pedarogues at l students have resumed work for the last school term of ninety-three, and in come- the oatthe sound of the school hell may M heard as form sty-. RR-Armt%7SO.-We ale credibly inters el that the trustees of U. S. S., No. 13. Ashfield, (commonly known as Belfast .chnoll have n -engaged their ptwn.t pns- otpal, J. R. A. Boyd, fur est year rel ergo. 1894, which evinces that they appbecrte hie eervioee. Mr. R. bee beta Dearly threeyesrs in the section std branch esteemed. Corecce 801773. --We are pleased tots able to state that Hugh McMath, who has been i11, is beoon.ing convalescent. Mr. Mali. is one of the distiagurhed veterans of 17. We hope he may b. "pared in health and strength for some years. By the way. what the ruateat d! for h ksowledgmesti. (ioye of s,rvioesojothen noblyte 00ac- ' tiered eelthe oouatry by seek •iron as Mie r. MenoeoMatk.of iornovz . --(:. Begley has remedy eoestruoted • beautiful verandah on the frost of his residence, which addii very mach to its a (Mono, comfort sod Aso gives it • al look ....The per- ans lar painter, , ydeey (sno, has recestly by hie skilful application of the paint brask. made • change is the appearance and .a traetivene. etsyemal hweia.o aces ie o.2 village . o F. Rmilyb w.wplly palatal Isomlooks seat sed attractive. Wert -even Roma. -Moo Y McKay, who Ire bees am as est sid visit to rela- tives, in Manitoba, retained home last week. She states that although sbe enjoyed her trip sad wan phased with the prairie Few - ire•, she likes bar home at Dempesses mesh hotter them any tart of the inmetry thresh whisk she travelled .... . We. T. Peet*ad alma with her daag8tw, Mies Cola, sod ►er ono. Mllftrd, wba 8&v. 8.e. w • vfsK to eaiatiwts at HeiSom and.th.m yt•ti► retareed howls last weak ,Nr.. rtsl•r and .ad daughter, Ida, who love hoes •tOA. hg lsiatitres for MIMI thee past 01 91. name and other pones meowed hese UM week. ebe see.ee.'v R10nroaa. Asa. IO. The old, old st'r1 diliess Y t narrater maim bete. wed hrater this lima. He W W for Wt rim hem a visile... !Nog 41.• save god amid am seams M sera or ewe Mira. Dedd9 KA:my pills -dM the hdatet is grid' time, Red .owls is web as4 hstft! Mr4411. i8iae Iwesd tet of Mos Etyma. ebee messees 'ablated Ger jtw$Ymr. N e0 ke Lid - membered, wee .trial d WAIL I . trTt lea..• fi e a e 1 L r