HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-31, Page 7THE SIGNAL : COi 1CU, CONT., TB lc/USDAT. AUGUST 31. 1893. M9J.IFIOEDISPLAY OF NEW FALL GOODS. X + • * x pADY MADE JACKETS, German Nanufactnre. t_='. trrgeet range ever shown in (lteletrich. Sizes 3'!, 31, 36 f:-uu1 131.00 too Lt-Sl%.Al) DBZ8S GOODS AND BLADE HSN RIETTAS. .• ut•e,1 hardly say that this � department isy one of out special in, ludiug the now Hopsack ,t, t Fancy lmbra Effects. ) ID C',OVE3 . ('(:ural and l'r.::tu (' .. t r Wet sell e Adrienne rind meal in I Colors at r l y pa guaranteed to I;love in tan U. STAPLE DEPARTMENT Always Complete. INSPECTION OF OUR NEW GOODS INVITED. JOHN T. ACHESON. AN ANXIOUt ' \RENT. �OW CPIsA FOR IB8PBC'tIOX AT MUNRO'S "Say, Mister, be you one o' them col- ts,. boyar Ya -aa "Well, was ye always this way r “What way, *Ur •'Like ye be now." "Ya -as. Why r "Nothin'. 1 was onlythiukin' .I it wO* college as made like tbie, Fd I.lygral't buy .on to come home." A hide knowledge is sometimes a dangerte• thing to the part7 about whom it is known.—Kate Field• Wash- ington. ('tutooter—Do you suppose you can take a good picture of me? Phot raph- er—I shall have to answer you in the negative, sir.—vogue. (Hest—This bill of fare is in French. Waiter—Yea sail; but the prices is in English, sah. Mos' kilts goes by dem.— New York Weekly. "Dear me." said the wayfarer as the ambulance %Jr. ista. '• Any body hurt'" ••No." said the policeman. "but some- body's gen' to be. —Puck. Navy, Black and Colored Storm Se_ -es, Whip Cords a_. Two -Toned timed Effects. A full lire of Black Stuffs in Cashmeres, Baratheas, Whip Cords, Scliel Cloth, All -Wool and Silk ;Warp Hen- riettas, Amason Serge and Bengaline•, _.�. Together with Chambrays Sateen, French and Printed Pique'. Teazzle Cloth, IXTRA. VALUE IN \Vl,ite afri Grey Cottons, Sheeting*, Pillow Cottons, Sec. Soper+ Department well assorted. s are c•ss ag es as taw: ss poss.b:e. 5 PEit CENT. DI800UNT FOR CABH. �•� mean. I.•Or.vsT snd�HsOtd.aher. ?wit ferried wast aims nets seeress. . ] re -e a .(,Mall so ezasp_rating is the e; +world as to tail a prefaced secret to UNITED STATES NOTES. • e Co a,nercial Bask, of Brooklyn, aloe - tom. w mica bend sad disarm • day or two d its doors a. Saturday morning. Wm ut owl.. Eddy. s railroader, the a■ that as y��said • roans girl Mews se much 10 w et Washington Park, Chicago, Thursday. the other day. "You ma cm forgetsth' be- Ti.„ le ...liby shoeless, W. G. Kean cense ■ knr1 syi is.rrioi tie ase• r•ta►1 •car)•- drowned binseelt at Lynn, Meas.. recently. thing t,. the sw wMosmboonfavoaos with There a said to he tons;(si.0(10 is gold her hen i. act it la's b.vs bon obume los now on the way from London to bks Windy yeah is naturally knows that yeti ro as lty. te15Ma ng her hide sats in the ole Lila* way •i,maar D. Itlessler,ode of i`"nssylvania s mai: a few .boks teach you that things are most psoa,innt fiwnciers died .t pow: very dilerwt 6M► the good old days when two ansiltab no nIMPOOnsaingw. ail son umracrir Rads I MING 111111 Qat ......• If you wish y�� Linen to be White as Snow, "Time 10 money." so they •y, Hut it d.win t work that way %Iwo a debtor. growing nob, .Ac.. nave instead of N aahinetoa Star. Husband ilistening)--i think thereisa ourrlar in the house. Wife—(esi'itedly) --Mercy me, is my nightcap on straight? - Somerville Journal. "My darling." protested De Graf, "my life is an open book." "Yes," sighed his wife," but much of the print is very bad."—Kate Field's Washington. "And you are poor?" "Yee.but we are happy." Happy in your poverty?" ••\'ea. for everyone around us u poorer than ourselrea"—New York Tress. there was no t party to be takes into Al the New York quarantine dtauos m our confided*. Really, I think it r very ,t.tarday five new casts of cholera were en ..f tame : don't Toa' tH coon(, it u• •1 anything Mir • wife to tall her husband do"br•end. all th•- little Worming" of her own life, but Ytlluw flyer has made its •ppearasce i's when it comes to revealing other women's Brunswick, 1..orgia, • fatal cast having al - secrete 1 thing it positively dishonorable. resit', been reported. " 1 know when I am married 1 will keep teliaesespolis suffered a loss of Y2,000,000 all the little caafilesoes nude by my girl by tire. Over :AP) houses were burped sad .r, for . I:a10 are homeless. hent, Ser go tut in myt own brae people were shot Thursday night 1 on never gong to mortify them r I love Five whitecaps bytwo farmere whom beta by learning that a certain escapade or near Louisville, Ky., bre epiedia th.t was too coed to keep ea they intended to lynch. �s •p• Pa Saturday, the Brookside tirely to1, yet not t thing to spread ke.ias .k iea become common property be- cause arty friend had told her husband, wt o WA was one at the club, etc. Sometiatee 1 May think that the only way to actually keen • secret is not to tell it to any one, but there is no fan in that_ The teat is all gone when no one else knows it, but of owe thin[ I am ,brain, i will weer trust • tie rigid soman with anything 1 care to keep ab• sal uely between ourselves." -Detroit Tri- bune. Ae �' stock fano buldiap, with • number c1 valuable stock, was burned. Simian Forger, • Hungarian, crazed by &risk, killed his little daughter and then committed suicide at Clavelaud. President Cleveland is at Buzzard's Bay and will remain until Yrs. Cleveland is reedy to return to ,Washington about Sep Camber 1. The fire at the Brookside stock farm, Trot, Pe... •en Friday night involved a lou of 110,000. The trotting stock was saved but 1R valuable horses,• thoroughbred bull, and • sucking colt valued at $1000 were bet. it is reported that the soldiers at Fort . Madmen, sear Knoxville, Teen., went to Coal Creek on Wedseeday night, and, tak- ing Dick Drummond from be boarding house, Imaged bins toS • trestle a afterwards twos ek.ck next stoning. y they west to soother boarding house himomd captured • miser, Elkin, and Imaged trestle. Drumm:mid aud Elkin It is very bard to explain the attrac- tions of country lits to a city man who has just investigated the voltage of a black -faced bumble -Mo. — Balumore A merican. Thr Ideal llewe,aM: lllsa Fran '•Mea's Ge•upatlens" Is Rcstart•s'n` The mere reporter who always remains a rep.rter, with • dep•rtmeet to cover or errands to res, may or may not be ode - mill' gifted. The special 'oorewspaadest must b. "to the maser bora." He nay Of may not have creative ability. Tug is IS - Mattel to the .ketch -writer. whither 1e dots his work as the editorial yap or top• Phes the character 'ketone that make too ittle resew* for the mos who writs b.•W to the eats' .. e1,ea o, •s - the news column. But thecores- wen+ the reel arrested poodent molt haw • Mat issolY 55101 be•Fi'.g sad killtng Pravda Lowghter ea Sll Soap will do it. Why, SUNLIGHT r pone' la lar end tie sod It Ms el any How Can yon test ant If 70sever tried S et *L Mee 'r SOAP. oak Wove wko is. It one they think ol it, alae try Moe retrealt. The w salt will= yoou.aodwin b. o e• dema is tin Mee toe" with ifaisholiar Greater whille bare over dm Minn when you hast sdl.rry soot,. Is That snap best way to se- stileIMby S � n� 1s of those already w it may, bI a fair Mal ysr.sl< Tou w nos rlensears (w�asoap; an we leayr ay a)en ItDon't wenn( day. Nibs etas, washlai day 0 ......• STARTLING ! Tho enormous waste of fuel which might be saved IF PEOPLE WOULD THINK when e are testgo to nonbut hbe, and guaranteehemperc SAUNDERS & CO. Reed *awns. 1V hen yea see % out to ride, rr'y' son, and desire tort Swat work out of your bone, give him a good feed and put a bit in his mouth before starting. Se wooer nesalatisaa. Fruit in Summer is o�neatvalerareen Green are also g But any food eaten and undigested u, to • very large extent, as pernicious as poison, and tery bad resul(a are sure to follow. It id here that theocoasiunal use of Membrwy'a Kidney and Liver Cure has proven so useful in relievite the irritated stomach and liver, and preventing summer sickness in many varied fond. It u recommended to be kept in the kease- .t man never looks so helpless and utsigobcent as when standing around a dry goods store waiting for his wife tothrough trading. — Luwell Courier. "It is a funny thing that what is the sailor's joy is the actor's sorrow." mus- ed 'Laverty. "What is that ' asked Austen. ••A lighthouse.' --Nett' York Herald. t n -n the weather is ,(Shin*. b..rti'1 And Ow mea Ms a muter dl.,. A tnir well praith" the rnu'ku or thine w ho recites of tae teen: OW wow �- hiumtom star. -- Judge—Was there no policeman about when your fruit stand was ru',bed? An- tuio—O, ya, pke'.ta policeman : but (ley rob not so much as t:itsa man:— Puck. "Please tell me where can I fn 1 a large ,medical library in thts city r "Under ground. sir. Their you will tii:'I the greatest worts "[ physicians."— Schalk. She—Do come to Bar Harbor, Cousin Tont. I know a nice girl with lots of money. Cousin Tum (d.j.-coolly bit firmly)—Sou dont. Nitro girls never have a cent.—Life. .Isahties of an eacomenoa kied, add is • re- markable degree. He mast have snob • temperament, as to be enr-beies every morning sad to look as J1 that he is to wrote shout with sew eyes and hear isnot- rat He mutt have a made to order sort of • soul, that will sorer Well to be thrown into what he does as • boy's soul esters into wnat games he at .olkge. He mast have at mom the broaden *ad the Inuit power of obserwatic., and the vs.sbsl•ry tad faculty that w the bases of ezprsmfoo and freedom with his use- Ho mast be se sanguine ss • bid, and ee s(roag sad Wiling v a race- s h.ove a11, he swot love his work better than his oonsfort, his slab, home, or his friends, else he sight ends day patty add emotive for what shall reward sad ebedowy rimy he is Hang his seek oe plossellit ate discomfort --a bola se thoughts which ea* lever m100 to a serresasedeat as it does b men of many soother stomp who live for have pervort all Yead*y sight. see Wesel • meek worn. " I est' tell yet bow I like the book you sent we,"wrote the dammer girl to her young mat at home. ' I have only read the Inst chapter." ■sort's udsw M� a W Tows Ise ,armee oars. Vesise i built es 80 small Weeds t Ito seedy IND Wage% _and is 80 miles in eir- .Rte ea street. sad gotdols s carrit/SS is nerd's In horse racing it often happens on a dry track that the rt.-e'L•t ore irithl^n in dust. By the time you mince the one v.0 bpi on doesn't corse in fleet the dust is gone.—Pliiladelpl,w Timet, COL AND WOOD YAF2L' have had the best Stoves for years. SEE THE NEW STOVES FOR THIS SEASON. DOUBLE HEATERS FOR COAL: THE SOUVENIR, THE ART COUNTESS, THE OXFORD. COOKING RANGES FOR COAL: THE KITCHEN WITCH, THE DUCHESS OF OXFORD, THE HAPPY THOUGHT. A full stock of Coal and Wood Cook- ing and Heating Stoves. Special attention given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD, SOFT & BLACKSMITH COAL. HEIR HAND MADE RE DIPPED 'PINYf9NE Coal weijhed on eitI•rr markot or my Scales. Get ay Prism b' fore going elsewhere. TECO* CAM. Telgiane fen.retle.. "It beats me," said ),lean 'ering `Tike. who had struck a summer r'e'st. '• 1t; r.at docs?" asked Plodding Pete. "The -e pnoplc that comes hundreds of miles to gra • bath."—B eke Journal. \fife—\Wake up. there are thieves in the house. Il usbeind —4 lit doe n an:l show them your new bonnet. and they won't waste any time looking fur money here. —New York Weekly. Manager—That young fri.'nd of voters is a sleepy sort of fellow. What ,hall 1 do with him? Merchant—See if rouCsn't find room for him to the night-shirt de- partment—Tit Bits _— Ts. Thi time while • tired noon 1•wham Ito lumtel a.•tw..rd 1M' meat „ to wee„ „telae. late nr errs,• - i'rott the own New York tIo,winZ Jotmal. JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. 2421 1T- L00K SERE I Now is the time to lay in your Winter's is telling its own story in increased sales. WEST STREET_ Your Temper Al As well as your pocket suffers if you persist in buying inferior matches, half of which won't light, and those that do smell abominably. The sweetest, best and cheapest in the market are The sed aenNea nerd Coal Is Chia Market. East. wove sad Ebesapt, tit at aria Grade of ton foal t Ss Wel SlorkwaidesCowl 3 :a As I am armoring for • couple of cargoes of HARD WOOD LOOK OUT FOR PRICKS. se All Coal weighed at the market. W. LEE. relephsae faaert10. 21 If HAVE YOU BACK -ACHE 00005 KIDNEY PILLS "It must have been a love match, for she knew he was poor." "No. he told her bolted only a remnant of Iris for- tune left. and she. of con, e, thought "be'd get a bargain.' —Chicago Inter - Ocean. -- "How "iTow dors the idea of a 'corn lan- quet''trite you. anyhow?" inquired the goose, coldly tiaresstic. "A corn ban- quet fills the bill." clocked the old hen, peeking away with all her might. —(M- oose Tribes, "pr;. pa. dear, silver has depreciated Ya1s/M Yr. M„s in value of late. hasn't it T 'Nes" "Thou you wont say that you cant af- ford me that lowri7 bat pin 1 ford to 7 have ammo, tlydnit fax down at Btjoe-•, will you r—Chicago Record. None—Please. mum, you must sant for the doctor quick for little Johnny. money. tor codfort, a for social Wass. IIthitrees—i10tlr„s ! What is the mat- ti■tck au p..est'. everyaAidraaee,7sod vi Bets itemp had rein t 5i. ter ? Nune— a d M any know. mum . but dunce ssodm and swesglasw M o,s add keep lta,'/raves Jesaiege, in hie work, •' The he basalt Miura comas eolefidenor, ■e I r th wiY adatitRenerna{elle of a lamp that toss two hot/tx Aim ertrywhers,tad tele M t andr*ia f b is the year talgl whisk ►*d `pi, kwier—ileo, you admit t`•t.f mdlT : bat kis mat M et s hili is slot seaste•tly 1.r nearly 1000 yearsis- •e ur wlre—'MUMPe ere doe to dt i to ? Ilh.emmsl■ a t. the Um areee. Dismal Memos—Cu% sae that I .Ice, 7 N puled Ise 0011. irate Father Ib you ones to toll ase you upset all that weeny and thea ditto', get • sew dress' gobbing Dentine Y -yes weir ; i ealy got a pair of elsovea Uwe flees ant DIA too ry;dlir at 1"687 Csist•. fro M. as ado", ba 7ag*j he �rwusd by mem eases (latmea 1a i sir petit. riot Nk-- ..,hale., e Puha "'wt., h„ a Wad- beemen it r •.i h'r " Mw . M l ewrierWalk- - .trey'$ S.rscpwifM, ie. 1n 'bo eat, the tihuspeK Mood .srilstaat . is the bat. The mr•rliesta el whish it le wwpsil ars "'Aai .1pnseive d saiia.Iy eia•iss that as he e►tatsN. omen. Fart is,W1 i ttssi 1n (rings entirely Sts. —wore Aht toe ysee i seek rhea- twee. bad s» ...spooky far min.—Ieatan- matista le aha hoses, .#leb bosoms r doers matte 'j "poli Joors*1. . I i i bet. . 46 ".Met MI la" 551(1 i 1 t4'bet would veldt do if von wI�„ gl A ick( 1"1 la'lwasr to uty R K R /if the ,teem 1 sin . h„rrthtsaetk ? \Y krt Nwhrmdrr hsltr.hea See Ibottle WWI/ •s�RMo17 i ,trete *M� � i the shoot , the jpais ,rths� a,�1Mrs►WnlrhM,b om. � 1�i1 I we. � rt...Rirt i1i1 ended ,has Nue Ohio Looe IMl NI& E. B. EUBY'S TELEGRAPII MATCIIES. THEY HAVE MANY IMITATORS BUT NO EQUAL. THE E. B. EDDY CO., HULL, CANADA. SUMMER GOODS WILL CURE YOU r'taskach• the Stan. the kid- of tko • as. net's are In "Delay Is tremble. Dodd's daa9«'s s• Ng - Kidney Pile flue leo ted kidney fat relief" troubles reset� 75 per cant. 1 n Bad Wood, 01 disease is Dyspopola, Liver it armed by Compkint, and disordered kid- t he west dan- gerous of all, aNIgkt as well bights Disease, try to have a Diabetes and healthy city Dropsy." *Abort sever- "T Av above ei as geed dimness cannot when the •riot weer• kidneys are Dodd** Kidney Wiffloi. Off are Pil:s cry used. �e1a by d &mien or see• ',ACM avoir, e( piss 0 ew a per b• ., . -.a for 0...... • f1. L. A. task* as Co. l book maw riiey The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub -1 lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best' market. Ready-made Clothing a ispecialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times prices at WHY Does CEO. BARRY, the ()oderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the hest stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies? And how is it that he can sell so cheap! BECAUSE The Torooto Cah Sft 4111e 1 at renal nap t"a'r-'i r'1 e„e .1i•...11....,.. '. t - a .a _.t 014.1441..a rr. , ,a..r the 4 1 • 1 '11- w' ,ma *Mono Iht• "n. 5 :s itae e i Ifr'w,Irtl.V..TtiN. WINO. we sa. p.,•,vt t 1.tr M 1N•p' ►.•, ooat5,r�� �t h t 0 mopNL v�ileau se ! 1A�.�rip. ha JIM �y. wwaea O • .Sew tee.. Onasellefaat Old wedkelan A O P. O'DEA, Manager. Patronise True Ile finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : ” Small Profits and Quick Rs turns." He also make. • specialty of picture framing. Clive him a call before purchas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2357-y GODERJOH Steam Boiler Works. fESTABI4H1fgD ,1110.1 A. S. C H RY STA L, Successor toC1rydal & Alexia Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright L Tubular RO=IRRS 7 Salt Pans, Stroke Stacks, Sheet iron Works, etc., ere. Also dealers In Upright tad If Valve gs(ri.w. Automatic Put peohtty. All tinea of sl a smart istkes f�-ly a'• 0. Hatt !n. h. Warks-Optres:t. G. T. R U**_ Oederios. . Competition. 'rte Ca-wseeaa Pacrtno .wa! os... rs tit • vias whit islr •bad tan saintIt y t w se Ini▪ slerlestnes and to ds.r a the sweet et elves Mym obs patrons - believes M 1s.. tin norm Ma patrons - In • \Mema.agse. ffa*M see etw teas�.st� 's 11 ,used seed a hMa l aw sad IIa•claeetseer- O�s►ss�Ynes wy�ires w tam I Y°I're Stfcns >taswvarow mss to Med weetat. jy tans OweY�iwon od sM ilmalnh. T MOLEOD'B SYsTBI R�NOYATOR Attu 0770 ti7•Taa atr*nt1.. Specific'oad Antidote for Impure, Ulla IO,. 51rd Mord, dyes palpitation of the aseralgia, less ed 1ses Q�°s1 Mea.a, jsas aeadie., et•^ u ' gal + r7 teases. At. Vitus' awe, female irreg- ularities sea anera1 debility. LABORATORY. MIM I.ORT&R10 .1 M. UcLL►OD, DIN iz:.aw.s.s I .ad 11..11=1,0