HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-31, Page 44
Shc signal,
a r u 'Ammm e
ST e. iesEa11Mssaur.
Draw of Pu oisarb— Oaad W. tr
Terms et 1.b.eripu•n
one moots. in advance $ 13
?bra maul M
one year.
It med:t is sated, the Trice ear year 1
seta be 00
Adventists* Notre
L ip*I
and Dimer usual advenieeme•te. rte.
per Ilnr t0r Arat invertlou, an.l 3 oleo (ter LLne
ea..h.',br.ineut inerrt.on. ]leaew'td b,
a seamed' scala
Business carte of rix linen and ander.$3 per
talvurterenteau of Lost. need. Strait
Bltuatiorld recant. 8itwtwur tt rated aadd
Butanes. Cbeween Wanted, not exceeding t
Ilea* oonparetl, $I per month.
(louses on Sale aad Warms on 891.. not to
sawed d t I Red 31 for One mouth. Me. per sub
woueai 01011'h. larger advt,. in pmportloe.
Any specie: notice. the ohi,w•t of which is to
promote for pecuniary benefit of •n) tn.11-
Indust or cmupnny, to be cone±4er.d an ad.
vertiseuneet awl chanted a.•on!,n.1y.
1.0:111' eats. .In nonp•r•il 1),e Dos cent per
word. no 001:.•a • less than :3c.
Local notice. in ordilutry reading type two
Lente per w-onl. So not'ce for lose piste tic.
Notices for ehen-tws and other reittetuus and
beset Dien: itteit-Jetta.* belt rate.
t'.tw:w•n•lal t'.slrarI Adveerle*eeeat..
A hunted stunner of displayed severrine
gltMs w9f be in.-nw1 at the eollowins arise
Ter tato. esus ii.e. •''seri Pe to
" three utmithe..................
•' ... .3 w
eiz en.rothe ._.""'... 3 0
one rear.
Se advertisement leen than two saris It
Ieegt4will :-r calculated ea above Lela i
per twit. disay.ant allowed for ssh pay.nesY
M tt.rre m':ntts'cont:rct t 10 per cent. on aux
mortks', sad ti ger emit. on a f'eat's. Yh.se
6oudi1iwls will he strictly eaforeed.
.1 .girt •'Tte slue at" Belfries y.
Putty liter wl.o C.:1 to receive Ten Ptox sr
reanarly. ci.her by caroler or bi marl. will
cont..; it furor by a-gn..t .ttog we of the fact et
▪ ear n date as poseiete.
:.eek se Wear Label.
Your label 0a 'tending reeetrt of the date
to which )au err paid up. Ste that it is not
allowed so fat intoerr.•.tr.
Wiwi a rhantre of seeress is deeirel. both
the old and the sew address .bonld be given.
Re •..red manen.-r:nts cannot 1M returnee.
l'orrepn-'deme. twilit be written on one aide
of pee'•r duly.
rwNtaher'a settee.
.1.t'. 1Toti n . of Goderich, has been ap
- wed need nealTravelling Agent err the town -
snits of °oder,icb, Colborne. Ashfield and Wit -
we r:o.h.
law-.aI poatmastei over the district are .Ileo
empowered to receive ent,.criettotu to rue
ALL communications moat be addressed to
Telepho :e Call te.
Tum Smoot"
Roderick. Ont.
A ImerRU 1S% O Bt T1o! lllrfXtST.
The earns of the times Forteud o early
I)o niuioo election.
Already the wires are being laid is this
section in the auterestof Hoa. J. C. PaTTtR-
:•.., and there will be 00 let-ap in the wfre-
puttling until the election is held.
if an election were not imminent, there
would be no necessity for the effusive .iia -
play of interest in the riding which it now
being made by the sitting member. Mr.
i'.trrettws would not voluntarily ocrifice
the comforts of travel in the pala.;e car
Victoria to drive up and down the comes -
cons to attend threshug be'e. rat/tags, tea-
ptr:ies, et'., to get in touch with the peo-
If an electron were not imminent
Aan.rlls ('.1101. woa1.1 not be perigrinatiog
through 11 nebec Emit holding meetings and
endeavoring to prove that the trade policy
of the countre was not icimical to the wel-
fare of that Province.
If an election were not imminent a pr. -
g ram fora competes' inOtttariu West wnn'd
not have keen prepared sol suhn.itte'I t•
Sir .i owl Tit. v 1 hats, callin. f .r C huserva t :.
meeting* sh.tttly atter the holding of T. r.
ooto industrial Fair. at Ilale' ich, %Vingb im,
Walkerton, Tan, St. Thomas. rtiogevilie,
1'hotlines, I.:enc.e and at other points.
There ace many masons why the I 'Orae•
•titre /takes Would feel it in their interest
to rash ars al elm •tion before the expiry of
the regular period :
Presently, teithin the next six notoOul,
the Mower Government w ill appeal to ala
poopis of Ontario for a renewed lease of
power, and in the event of .te being sus-
urtasted, and with the present agitation
a;tint the tariff, there is every reason to
believe that an adverse vote would be
ptllei against the Tnow loos administration
sh. old • lMmiae:Ai election be subsequently
Them, the holding of • ltomininn electon
before the effects of the existing financial
depression in the United Staten had write
off, would enable the I:overnment party to
glut over the misfortunes of their cousin
sserw the line, and draw an &nolo, y whioh
weskit not he eat derogatory to Cambia as
would be the case when the pm eat she 1.
mod ooadit.cn of the Sates has pasted
In addition to these tette, the Tories
wou'd be able to force the fighting on the
old voters' lists, and with the machinery
f:r holding the eleotios completely in their
risen hands. and with the active aid of the
(' P. R in bringing is the foreign tote,
t ey would have the long end of the whi'IIe-
tre" to .td their put!.
1. inter constituencies contracts have
been let. .mi contractors ♦ho in reality are
1. nernment election agents have bees
punted auinnger the people so that when
election time crimes they will here little or
n , d,tb• u:ty in getting io rise " floe work
necessary to carry close ridiags.
Vast the hods on the polttieal dial
noiat Loa planet ere diesolwtiemef tide 1 to nu -
I e Homo, sail an early appeal to the
1V'ttT WILL Tut 14VP t WTesa DO sow
that I'ATTraete has left the halts•
Tait ranee verve norm at. NOD, Was
Lord, has returned to hh nen Gable, the
stens having Bleed: sited it wasn't • good
' mann, of t bor.
Tea moo nom firs,' M *en ?owe
oellsgiate I•MISse and portio s .el- have
'30 1ae1 be Nair labor of Ira Atli an
have the popes,
&.tts Tam ,:arse LIT5LAiT IIPsMMMT or
imperial Federate= was seat t+. jail Ise 40
days Ise bnrgMry in Termite ressatl$ the
soliams, to ase the euphemism of Mr. hats.
of The Dandies Bawer, " has Mem wedded
into ems h•ra.oaious hole."
11001030, Men Neu. bas begets to upas his
maw wide once more, and, ea usual, puts hie
foot In ft A few weeks ago he was es.
de.voring to show that the banquet to Hon,
J. 1.. l'ArrLIU'o was strictly son partisan,
cud uow he ek*uu that the editor of Tus
St.. 1t. was excluded from a gathering that
•uy g•loot who wished to Wow in • dollar
c.uld hale becu present at The fact
that the foud editor of The Star was &flowed
ti be present without a mask .a proof :mai.
t te that Do line was drawn on the moauits
with regard to color, culture, month or
m .unet7.
Ti,LIlLRtl. Ixwo..Ttt-1TION AT MaTtts-
.,on Pak, Mitchell, on Thursday, Sept. 17.
promise to be a great gathering, and elab-
orate preparation aro being made for •
ben luat to the eresio/. The meetla; w,U
be addremmd by Hoe. W,uiiu I. waits and
the following prominent pulitictens are &1.o
expected: (lues little (Mur., JA..
Teat, M.1'., Itr. Mes'DON.1LD, M.P., Juin
M. Mn.t.AN, \I P., dee. lleMru.sn,
J t-. Guts, 6., M.P., Hos. TuisL B-1Lt.AN•
e t NE. M.PP., J T. (.A a Roe, M.PP., A.
Bi.iur, M.I'I'., and T. theme, M.PP.
S.etele fare rete( have been grwted by the
I;, T. R. trent 1:oderich an 1 all palate,
good to retain') no the 15th.
Orta titian T SI%INFofWtD •ll,NTtWP0&
ary, 'the Star, is as usual at sea in its state-
ment of an Interview 'ought by Hoa J. C.
I'ATfiIDO» with the editor of Tau Shoes'_
Not one word with referents to what The
Star alleges paced between the i;outl.mes
is queatiom. \Vo could, if we so de ired,
tell The Star exactly on what line the con-
versation turned, but the editor of Tie Sui-
s tt, unlike the "Pae: l'ry " of The Sar, is
net iu the habit of pis i ahing what is aid
in private conversation.
Ti.,. 1 LA.AT!LZ AND rsaACIOV' 1. 1111:11
tor of the Point Farm was is Clinton last
w-'rk and Redid up the talented young
editor of The News -Record with a ghost
story in which knives for a pi.•oie party and
jueular veins and other blood -curdling sc-
cernrics were dra.tg'd iu bolus -bolus. The
N'•vs Record lite been to tiled up the wrong
way. The man who was " bled " was the
Hos. J. C. Parrot -els, and the lirely,little,
timbal and j..coee proprietor of the Point
Farm d:do't use any knife when op -rating
upas the great Canadian War Lord,
NOT Si et -,•1•a49.
Kingston Whig Ilon. Mr. Patterson's
banquet at 1:odrrich was not a nacre. As
a political dem<.nstratioo calculated to ter-
rify Mr. M. C. Cameron, It was a distinct
and deoided failure
.1 11.11» .H.rr AT ` 11tik.41..
Hamilton Times : Canada has Leen gett•
ing alocg with so few 1'abiuet Ministers for
some nu.nthe past that there seems to be
ground for supposing that it would be
economy to est off • few official heads at
Onim& They never would be missed.
S• 1:utNEle, M.t.: VINE for September con
talus sixteen tide+rin prose and verse, seven
' 1 them'1lustr•ted. Th, artists reprecent-
e,l include .Vfred Parscnt+, A. E S:erner.
W. 1... T',, for, 0. 11. Itacher, .1. H. Twacht-
man and ('. S. Reinhart. With such not-
ab'e onsets the nnn.her is remarkably rich
.nl •ttra.•t..ve in its J etures. Four of the
•rtisls widely verse 1 ie etia•a •tier, deal
f.um different pointe of eicw, wits hterary
psreonavca whose boots }cave become
classics. The three bnndre'ltlt nnnireraary
of the lirth of Utak Walton is notirert by
se entertaining arti.:.e on h:s lite in Loudon
and 1►ovedale, wi• h illustr.,tioi.s from recent
eketches ley A:heA !Etta.•, wi,•, is so skil-
ful in depicting Foglia') 1 in.iv', sea. Tbc
'Leh*, A'eian.lcr (argil!, ', ivdleetc.l •
: teat deal of interesting infnrm.ition alxwt
Walton whicl, is not essay wees+ible.
mein ilobson contributes a delightful
article ria " Richardson et Home," giving •
more intimate view of the porsnnelty of the
author of "Clarissa' and "Sir ('harks
(lrodieon' than is found elsewhere. An.
other of the literary features of the number
is T. K. Sullivan's account of the original
manuscript of Th•ckeray's "Roodahont
Papers," which is now in Harvard College
Library. A number of new sal interesting`
paragraphs have been found in this o iginal
manuscript which are not in the published
works of Thacker•y. Andrew lang makes
• new onr,tributian to his " Letter, to deed
Authors," writing • genial epistle to Samuel
I'epys, Fnl.
H tame. M.1OAz.IN, The leading arta
isle in Harper's Magazine for September is
" A General Bleotton in England," by
R:chard Herding Dirt., who vividly de
scribes his experiences as the companion of
a oonservative *milliard* during the ex
citing campaign which returned the present
Parli•me3t. The article ie illustrated from
ten drawings by W. Hatneretl. Readers of
" The Refugees," which has boon published
in book funs sins its lu,mpletien as a serial
will be interested is an article oe i». A
Conan 1►1yle's hero, Ilnlhut, by William
Mclennan, which sippers ander the title
" A 1:eetla rian of the Royal Ileanl," said ie
illustrated by Reiahart Two articles of
t agraphia( and histone( ietereet aro
•'Texas," by ex )Senator Samuel Bell Maxey,
anti "E•:wanl Mmarsnn Bernard," the
dire.tor of the L'ek Obeervat..ry, by 8. W.
Burnham. Roth ere inure rated "Tire
Letters of James Rnneoll Lowell," by
I'h•rlss gliot Settee, contains *one of the
claracteristie ce0rrnposdeece of the Piet
during hie college .lays and throngh the war
period. "An Alh.ert Ilersr Town," by
F:lia+beth Robins Pennell, is • deeer(ptiow
of Ror•.wadour, illustrated with twelya
eherwring aketehes by .lnsepS Pe.nefl. la
"Dowel love Lase " Thomas A. .lanvier
demolition the Chelesaod PautleyofOld New
Verb is • light tbnugh sysepethetie vets.
The iilestratiess are by W. A R•.gwv.
Tate SeIl,s of the September .ember in
clades_lessfdee teeabsste of "Ti. Hand -
mak Metres" end "Nene* I bees," two
sheet steelse,l.
New el PPersteyby bMa iesad k Lest Mil
'The Geneeel'e Sword," by 1!bh�Q av
Myers The "Liken Drawer" dee see
a shag Nor Synpethiate i 'b
Me." by Theme elselg Falk
The flagship Blake is at Quebec.
Mr. hared O'Brien o1 Ottawa died seid-
Seely Friday .wing.
Ihncumbe's meal ui:1l, Strethr,.y, was
destroyed by fire Friday.
The water to K egan/a harbor is mow
lower than it W hese for yew.
Ser John Tbempwa arrived at flambee oe
the steamship Patinae Friday ereuwg.
Mr. J. P. Wells, ea-M.P., of Auras
.lied suddenly of pasalysia o0 Thursday.
These u • schcae on foot to bun (it
uatur.a gas in the r•c,uity of lyoodetc.k.
The otos of government cattle inspector
at St. Thomas will be abeliab td en Sept. 1.
'I b. quasuty of grain aro%lug et Mont•
real for export costumes to be uuuattally
The Commercial Bok 'liquidation pro-
ceedings were segue is the courte at Wso-
uipcg Friday.
The funeral et W D. Ross. who commit-
ted su.crfe at If+utl:tw, took place at
i)ttawa Fr.Jay.
It is renewed iu Hamilton that the T. H.
A 1: ... bray u •bout to be bath by •
wealth. Russian.
Over six:ees thousand doaars has bees
sut.e.riGxd for the estaulishmsot of Ottawa
.%i.gliean diocese.
The biennal rosette, of the sab,idwry
High Court of the A. O. F. was ooucluded
Cobourg Friday.
Miler Brea' P+per Miile, ::len Miller,
'.sur 'silos from Ti'utoa,`was bared to tb.
groom no Satsrd.y.
Charles Libby, 1011., the Lond.,uer, who
was kicked Ly a hors.- t:. Buffalo the utl,er
Jay, due ou tiaturdsy.
Fat-Ald. E. A. 3.;•d.nsld was released
from jail Friday, having served ii.s scs-
taace of three mouthe.
The Manitoba school ease bits reached the
Supreme l'ourt in Uttar., and • tiny fur its
hearing will shortly la fixed.
Trooper Percival of the Engliaii Military
Tournament died 5mday from the.Earta 0f
the injuries r,oeiv<id on Monday i...t.
London Went has granted au electric
railway franchise to Cot Clark, rep:esea-
oug • company of American capitalists.
The Secretary of the Montreal Str'et
It u.i.ay Compoy tits received .'i;, outs
louce netoey for stoke tralsier tides.
'1..e rase he (row Olt natural g.s well
a i. -It bas been sunt is. ilamilton as ran •
tog fir mon batisted:•.,r, than at urea was
s. •petted.
The vote en the San I it car gwestinm was
:aLen on Setuiday w 1'•.r.wto. Ove. 2i.00f1
votes were polled, wi:L a maj..riti of
Against Suwd•y cars .
Bradstreet's reports 47 but:Hess tenures
u, Canada during the put week, coetraaud
with 20 last week, and 1e is the eons
ponding week • year ago.
Th. C'aaaa:an Tarin_ railway company's
truth.: receipts for the week end •J Ang 21
amounted to $423.t4U, as agates_ $120,000
for the coreespond,ug week fast year.
The new C. 1'. It. grain tariff for Mati-
to..es and the N,rthwrt has Lein an -
pounced. There is a reduction va'yiug
from 1 t.. 11 cents per hu tJied p u ..ls.
Owen Mel►.-nald, jun , A ser twrc'eaat, of
Montieal, commftt'd suicide at Lougee
!'utile .1.ylum a Selurdar while lebortug
under a severe attack of delirium tremens.
An 'egoist was held Friday alto the
de.th of Phomas Ratty, who died re;eotly
from the effects of a street car ace:deur
A verdict of accidental death wee returned.
11'illitm Tremble, au employes of the
eingcr Sewing Machos. Company, who re-
sided at No. 9 Cubarioe street, 'reroute, is
massing. He is • defaulter to a couaider•
able am00ot
1t to sail that the healqu•lters of the
Hudson B,y Company will be transferred
horn London, Engleud, to Winnipeg, ail
that the company will 'rend $150,1exa in
ase erection of new buildings in the latter
c:1 y.
'Ilia earnings of the (:rend •i'tsouk rail-
way c,mpauy, passenger and fre.ght, for
it• week ended Aug 19, a.n•tun:el to
:9)1,121, au increase of tJ,:9e over tht
r..capta of the oorrespoudin; week last
TIse British Hoard of Agriculture hes
2.-i,t,iely ds dined tl.e invaatine •J the
'ana4tan 1..crnowot to epp.int two oa-
1•e:DI, who should, at the r risers. .tt the
il•.mioion, proceed to Caned. and tnek.• an
•,.baurttve inquiry into tate ..lged exar-
•nce of pleuro p-•eunsoafa This deoapm
Wall fully expecte•I.
The furanat.on of a Cat:adien party a:
Westn.fwtmr 11 '.ring :•Ik.J of in U-m'nn
. n the •sine inn.. a. Inose T. cooly diec•..e.
-.i by the Australian p.rt1. S r Ca reg.
Rulen•1'owell, Sir Su:.. -4 Northcote, Nr.
.1. St.vely I1i11, tt C, ni.,2 Mr. Ednani
I1'.ke ere ttpok.a of ea bei.•g .nereste.'• ' he
..!s bring to watch any , r.'ettial teat .11
that may come up nu the House.
Two case of cholera are reported in a
suburb of Iterhn.
A echoed boy died of Asiatic cholera .t
Hull, F.ag., of Thursday.
There have hien five deaths from desi-
✓ es, at Leerdem, a town in honth Hol-
There aro now indications that the strike
of out miners in Wein will be brought to
• speedy termination.
It is a month to -day sines the steamship
sarni• left Alontreel fur Liverpool. Neth
erg hie ret been heard of her.
The Duke of Edinburgh has noir/nett hi+
pneitinn as admiral of the British fleet, r ••
tanning only the hoe .ary title.
The report that Crane bas seat en of
timaom to the ('rafted So.tve is pronounced
.t Washingue to be unfouwded.
Twelve Anarchists were •rreded in
Borne end the French Antimony was pro-
tected by • cordon of troops. Verse men•
ores prevented the recurrence of any serious
After the ronelusion of •h. ma.../mvna
if the Italian fiat m' 11'edoeeley, Prince
Henry of Prnssir.at a dinner given by King
Humbert. referred to the war:vessels of
Italy. as superb.
Mr. (:leamnae h.e prwrni,eJ to remote a
detantai,00 from the Ihseer.ldishmrol C'nn
mil ot 8'ntlend,repr eent,ng the leading muse
of the two pria.•iptl thesornfatious other
shim the Established (Lurch.
it i. officially •nno cowl ghat the Tirane,
of Lards will take up the Home Rase
bill en September Mb if the measure
pans ue glued ree•htg in the Horse of
.O mseiwe. next week, as it is expected .t
Th. Freneh flnv.r.useat, lens It h said,
promised lo xi.. Italy complete esu..
Citi.. Inc the Meese- !fortes .a.seer.
sed to belatedly the Italian Mimeses e'en
pilled to lases the desire* hy the Fresh
A .penial dispatch Prem Reecho* ..ys
that rte gree In wag between die From.A
spefal envoy •ad she fliamase foreign
mteMse men place em Tonality. The die
push adds ib.s the trimmer leave violated
the FraswBMmses treaty by smogpw6 the
teas et Otn vibes iellbeta
i. ►•ruby ewe thea tie partastn rip Mio1y
w bltieli.g between w at the town mit Gods -
ander eke same of " Caddy & Tao," was
thio day disaslved by mutual oonawt.
Dated at tloderkh, Aug. 17, 1811&
( W. 11).a Van.
slgnd I F. H. C'arr1,
t J. E. Tom,
With reference to the abet a business, it
will be cemented under the same of
Tile 7 Cenl Pair
Tug Metier called at this port ou Wed
Call and see Kidd'. 81 b0 shingles (afore
A new wow Lr the dredge is being 'euilt
ou the island.
(:apt. %Vidgin tock out an excursion on
Friday evening
Sohl. Knl(r.te arrived ou Thursday and is
to 'se repainted.
Str. M•n+rch took on freight and pass-
e gars o0 1Velne.dey.
Sr. United Empire wee in on Sieur.lay
•o-.1 took 0.1 • quantity of freight.
None o! i he &shine tugs were out on Mon-
day or Tu'-alay owing to lead weather.
l'he dredge has sot been working during
the past three days owing to rough weather.
Schr. tarter arrived on Sunday from
Theee•1on with 225,000 teetof limber for N.
Dy meat.
Schr. Bavaria, of Port Huron, arrived nn
Friday from Toledo stilt 600 ton of coal for
1'. 11cEwaa
Tits Su: NAL will be sent to any addrem in
Canada or the United States from now un-
til Jam 1, 1804, for 200.
New Bromwich cedar shingles at Kidd's,
'1.80 e.g.
Tug 814; at. will be sent to any address is
Canada or the ('n.ted State, from now on-
ttl Jia 1, 1894, for 25c.
W. Acheloos & Sea have opened their
magnificienew stock of �ja+ccket.a and capes
for Fall. To secure •nt bandsonre garment see
them at encs.
Why buy tent sewing machines from
strangers at febulowe'prices, when pee ran
get the beat manufaotbeg# from (:. W.
Thomson for $23.00.
Itch, Mange and ✓crate:les of every kind,
ou animals, cured in 30 minutes by Wool -
ford's Sanitary lotint. This never (ails.
Sold by 1'. -Jordan, druggist.
From cur own e.a.wpgeirt
Mime May Met rude of I:oderich, return
ad bone last week, having spent • portion of
her holidays the guest of her soot, Alts R.
J. Debege.
'red and Harty Nevin left kat sleek to
sped • pertine of their holidays with their
sesiber in Coderich before returntrg t0
their studies in Amum,tiott college, San -1 -
The dredge surprised the moral pr rt '.n
of our community by woekin; on Ss:ndey
bet. l'..nsiderable argument was in.:edged
ou that eluant, "Six date shalt Lb •u
labor and d., .11 thy wok," vs. "Nemeseity
bm.wn no law or commandment either.-
ither.'Frost) what we understand the latter ride of
the argument woo.
From our owe correapondeo,.
Alien Jennie Jamieson left lot Saturday
for Toronto.
Peter A1cF:wet is home on his holidays
atter a long absence.
Mrs. Geo. }laird has been beautifying her
store by • coat of paint.
Wm. McQueen left last week Inc Brock
rills to enter on his dentis as collegiate
institute teacher.
Ahbio McIntosh, who has beem visiting
ender thep•reatal roof for some time, left
hat Saturday for NewVork to resume his
Awlrew Stift arrived home Iron Chicago
Mat M. nday. He .peeks in glowing terms
of the good •cooinpli.hed by ssarg the
World's Fair.
ttsaek AdvMlareevsta.
Are • entente. and we think it behooves
publishers to examine into the merits of
many articles nof'ed up in their column
We do not deny that man meritorious re.
Mellen are properly to be clamed wader
this heading. Take the hundreds mod thou-
sands relieved from severe suffering by the
wee of Palson's Nervihoe ; would it not 1e
oureasoa•blo to expect them to condemn
that kr haled remedy ' Now we know for
• fact that Poison's Nerviline is withn,t •:-
empties the meat powerful,pleasant and
certain remedy int world lar pain. It
eas.nt fail, for it roes right to the bottom
apain, penetrates to the nerves, menthes
them into gnietneen, and affords prompt and
permanent relief.
CL.ar.ten Wilma. in cleaning a well
Ilea dosser is often overcome by foul air
that reef near the surface of the water.
As Illinois profesaiosal well cleaner is sever
ausght in Otis way. His method is to One
ht awn • lighted needle is the well. Of
asses•, it is esilngwiehad wham it reaches
the foal air, and is immediately withdraws.
Re meet sada down an ogee umbrella with
a skieg attached to it, and hank it rip
twenty net thirty thrift Them the outdie is
IN down Seals sad harms deer mil bright
to the weer'u edge, shewlag that it M sale
fee the sterner te bogie his tab. la let-
ting Sown
sad thee tae amp kw M doe desow
etemobeve SW be
se Y teeter wets a bmshet,
HulmsevilE : Rill Piebald had the lel&
issues to ria a lust sato his loot es
Wednesday, lostrima rather a acts foot, bat
it will hardly peeve falai
Hill's Gress : Ramey Maldes has, we
eadseetaed, perohased J. Turner's lane oa
the Hayfield Mel, null BrtwsMW, payf.g
therefor the seas of $7,000.
Blyth : On Monday P. Keisy left sere
to pay • visit to Oeld Indeed afire as
absence o1 46 yeah Inn. his native biol.
We wieb ham • *mutt voyage.
Grey : Two 01 Jehu str•obau'a rose,
Grey township, are ill at pretest with ty
fever ; also • daughter o1 Tons. Mo-
ughlw, of the same township, is dean
with the brute compl•iat
Clanton : 11'bile Arthur 1Vhittinrton was
at work in the country, he stepped through
• trap door, and fell some distance. The
fall brought stout an attack of pleurisy,
from whish he is now suffering.
Morris : Huron County appears to be
dissatisfied with the two victories soca ley
Morris township in the brides suit sad hate
appealed sestina Judge Fergasou's boding.
Somebody will have a Moe penny o1 costa to
pay before the end is arrived at.
Hallett : Ephraim Brown, of the 9th
coo., II idiot, hes sold his Weer* farm, beteg
the south half of lot 24, to los teigbb. r, 11.
Hunter, for • fair pots of &bout 32,b(.0.
and purchased Lout Mrs. Taylor Iter 100
acre farm, lot 32, oak 12, iiia the sum cal
W tngf..un Leat week, 3V,.i (i•'gg
loaded the largest oar of hey he has .hipped
this year. lie put into the car 19 :'•n' and
901 poun.la. The Layy pree..,.E aim •n is
over der this year. Mr. '"e„ej i.p.rd and
.hipped m about seven is eche nearly 350
tone of hay.
Varna : Ut %Veda...:.ey terming a large
S umter of the frieuda mud M-,!1 wi•bers of
Mr. re 1 Mre. Morrow, wa.ta.: ,u there and
prta•vt..1 %bent with , highly tnn.i•:imeht
ary aJd,ur, and • beautiful Icemen!. and
fruit set, a,.d Mr. Morrow with an.•laberate
ink st.tn I so l goldA septu'.tu to -plat as }reputed bysw
the ladies tad the
remainder of the erasing was *pent in must.
and .oeia! intetoourse. Mr. Morrie has re
meted to Fullerton.
((email : Vies Catherine McLaren, vile,
is oat cf the oldest residents ..f the town
ship of Hay, and wbo has resided for eve.
44 years .,n het Lrotber's fares within 1 Alf r
mid of this village, diad on Wednrdat,
aged 00 year.. 'fb' deeo•st•.I was • natter
of Sc•ttlard and altbouvh of a quiet and
retiring dispusit,no posse/or-3 many ueeliog
otuditl•.t. Fa a number rf :urs she 1 -am
beta in poor health. mei a severe attack of
1a grippe a y,ar or two go hastened Ler
t.'lintoo Oue ,1:iv i*,t week, Master
Janes Fortner met eel, • pein(ul aecideet
He was riling • high bu,v-cle, fee delivery
to • yowl; fallow • abort disuse/is oat on the
base !rte, and attemit d t0 ge theta the
long hill south of M• . Ragrowi, not ka.:w-
iae the nature of the Lilt. 'i1,e Licycle is
an,e soddenly nncn.trol!•l.:e, awl he took •
h••aJer, which in •d'hti..0 to eutti.g 1.1.
face pretty teverciy, n n'i. red him nnron-
•ep_w. He afrerwar.la male his why to
:dr. Romeo's, whet. i.ie in;iries wee.
dismal and he was L,n,1 y cord for u•ttii
nett day, when be came hew.
Staforth : A meet we'ancholy and fetal
•c .dent uccuna.] In Sea:eras un *chortle)
fn:ec•.on. M.sa \fa.+rio flu v, eldest d.ii b
!sir ' f ,1amM il'R►, .f Yck,ll•p, will
her :•nil R.•r, were erlvieg tart Vaal.panan l b
woo'en mill with • hone, said read cart.
The horse got frightened end bolted to itis
side of the road, and before the driver c3a1.1
gain control of him, he started up the .tile
street The cart tame is reenact with wu,r
object, sail both were ih. nwn cwt Mr.
Hogg get skit of the vehicle, Lot Mien
Hogg's clothes pt rang►t an A io some
way. She was :Les dragged over the rru;h
ground at • terrible rated spend for a Nu
indeed is he whose :d od Is poor,
who has lost his appetite and his
flesh and seerta to be In a rapid de-
clino ; but
Of hes Imes Cod UIIW ON s.1
can estate N Sett eon b ;_slur sepias.
Seat and lien bleed, see 55 gide W energy
aur perfect Nested els, 6110OMMrs, CmM3.
C3eeasi dies. florsIrte sad Ll.. R K
I1•ener.d nit, by swot • masers, /tBtellla
X k
No other brand of
Tobacco has ever en.
joyed such an immense
sale and popularity in
the same period as this
brand of Cut Plug and
Plug Tobacco.
Oldest Cath T.tdarro maw.fu-
Sarin iso Caa adei
Cid Plug. 10e. I lb Plug, 10c.
ID Pteg, 20c.
*aerobic distance, mail tie bore.., melee
foal of • post, fell does. Mus Hese arm
relieved from the vehicle as Hese ere ennead
and medial aid teat for, bet, bisialts
lector strived, .be was peat all human ata
She wee not dead when found, Let died a
few minutes afterwards. Mr. Hogg was
not notch hart. The body was taken to the
residence u( 1)r. Scott, uncle of the doses.
.4, an.: the sad intelligence was toot after
oo.veyed to the p•reelta and family by .Irks
Beattie, soother uncle. Mien Hogg wet s
Emit estimable young lady, aad was darn -
dl beloved by all who knew her. 111
saevast will be a torriote blow to her p
onto, sed will he • sours of deep grid es
her other relat)vs sod numerous frieed.
Verily "io the midst of life we are is
Mew to aso a " swaltdse reeler*.
Seed 25 " Sunlight " Snap wrappers
termer bearing the words Why Dor •
!William look 01d Sooarr Than • Sias "1 le
f filmes Brea., Ltd., 43 Scott -et. Tomato.
lend you will receive ley poet • pretty pie-
eve, fres from advertising, aad well width
i feamini'. This is an rely way to decorate
y.wr home. The soap is the best in the
aerhet red it w011 only coat 1e 'image te
•earl in '1•e arappere, if you leave the title
epee. Write your oaaas carefully. ly
411 p.rtlea velar, 1101, sale bill* palate• et
We olgoe will have • free mate, maenad
is the list no to the time of e•Iw
Saturday, Sept 2 Household fnrnttars,
te., at G•wtlen's old ut.nd, Wes' et, Alta
0oott and *venire, T. Gundry, •uctiOeeer.
Sept. 2.01 Auction sale of heuseheld
(eradiate aid ether stat the iodise
rooms, Crah1: s Mock,sum urally. L8.pf.
2nd, at 1 o'dosk r.n., sod anationiag Nal
all is dispesatl 6f. John Kees. •
You know they are good.
1/e,r4/ e !e•;;...riersIX/e/Zoor Aere.
..1.,.. .*-