HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-24, Page 8$ THE SIGNAL : GODKRICH, ONT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24e 1893. NEW FLAY•QUR I III ICI COOL SODA THE pa&mu T. 1 he natty who .alp ear foe ChM Peds ai•e m em'sdit ter bang up a i. shy srm4srd. N o with. • lams hich aaolodee t~ssr mo ttetempt paplaitMr you with. w M Ravines handled Win tram a sensF which wo bare obtained and will bare en Mad oeni..Uy. Toe foibwtag s. list of ow flavours: ICI ('KI♦M SODA. ('W)OOL♦Ti CREAM SODA. EINE APPLE SODA- ORANGESODA. RASPBERRY SODA. OINOER SODA. STRAWBERRY SODA. OOFFKK ROD& LEMON SUVA. VANILLA SOD♦1 SAM AP♦RILLA SODA. Now .arose Ming added all the taw. Mineral Waters of W kinds tartans/4y APPOLLIN♦RIS, VICHY. HU NYADi. GNU • MONTSERRAT LIME FRLIT JUICE AT FEARS pdAR1IACY, FEAR OEO. A. FEAR, Dvwgglst. GOASOsa. Oat The People's CMumuL 1111P(bRTANT_- IIF Ct)U WANT A Bed -rotten Sults A Dialog Suite. A Parlor Suite. Cheaper than 1011 ever al -teamed of. l.0 TCI PJ:ITH. FtR_NITURi. 8T011E. 1'11 F. I.AROEBTST(X w. LATKST DESIGN:'. KVKRYTIIINO'OL' WANT A prices that camas: be beaten. Cor wooed. Lumber and Tea hark is exchange. SMITH'S. Ctabb's Block. L' IDD " PLANING MILL.- ▪ 0XCLIJANT FAN DRY . ri H AKRW 1>aa OI BPFI! I SH 91 ALL 1R)ORiSH FRET ANu PORTLIER work ler iesb dimmer, In beautiful destp s -AU loads M interior decorator. - 1»..g.. furloughed. `eri:rta work in lat..wt and moat modern fir'eb to suit the most fastidious. MI,! always rename -Lunt things in turned work--Eatt- asam.tarnshed on .11 repair* or contracts S aw mil! to d.ecu'e the most Irregular order Refrigerator.. Ice bore.. tt asbaq machines and k'tehrn cabtaetr- The only planing mill in town .'thaw mill attached and full lino, of WI grades of lumber or that can be rut to order -Shingle -a lath. pickets etc . and all ouild.•= i supplies prompt)) delivered. ail -sin 1 des. el Sizes. to my Balt Works dopa-tntent 1 have an excellent pure granule, r! :a. '. cheese.nit butter salt. JOSEPH KIDD. Near the O.T.R. depo:. Tsk *.hs'S your ceders_ 00.47 TO THt. FARMERS.- Pi:JN POINTE and reps:re reduced is price. Canna be bought che•n+r aww:.rre AC kiwis kept so Land. I'tow,from •S00each up Caleb for cast and wra.:ght me:a. Don't forret the stand. near Vi:tor,eet .aur.... ( 1..I(UMBEP.. 111 DRAULI(' RAMS. • ater raised front'./0 to 1.71 feet and conleyed trona i(0 to Mere& to your Musa or torn from • spdi.0 or flow of water On yocr premises at 1.100. •4, 'leap. Pipe tad ening' :.t as •iron. 6 -ass Moo-!.. pumps. etc.. etc. c A. HUMBER. Special Notices. NEW CHOPPIN1. MILL llLont prepared to do all kinds of grain chop b1•n nsbshortestcollet. 51141 is running at all oon. I bare the later: and best Improved n.•ob:nery tor dirp•tch and cadency. Prier resoaoahts. No delay :n getr:o1 your esop bone with;». .709. KIDD. 13-I1 17 Wilmette -a. M.ohitaln*' Institute. V ODEIUCH MECHANICS' INBTI• lT TUTE LIBRARY AND READINY- DO0M tot. a Bost street wed Square tip Olin Open from 1to6P.m..sad from 7to10P.n. ABOT°T 7000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. Ita,f. r,g Doily, Weekly grid Illwdratrd Papers Maga-sties, et,., on Fife. MEMER B4Hi1• TICKIT. ONLY SEM, granting tree use of Library tad readiest - Room. ♦ppliwt/ow for membetohlp rsoolved by L ibraries. arum. H. SMITH. 0E0. 'WIVES. President. Seerm.ry. floderlrb March 12th tfa. CANADIAN ORDER of HOME Circles. Gids No 1* moots third Monday of each month is the hall over Tiff SIGNAL oalr . Special Iaduoem•.ta 1. 1wrencs .ad sick bsneet•. D. CALRICI. Leader, R. J. ACHE901‘. Teeasuver: IL RICH aRDeON.6emssari. our Jt. HARTI7 CILOtY 1R7% PILi$. fes. 1CKY FLY PAPER. )19414 UPON PADS, S ;ad le c. each. 51100v Polaotf PAPER iNSICT ROWDIER. sUT'FzR14LE TOILET SOAP. IMPORTED i t.DORES77CCIGARS. MAPTI P' i KiX0 TOBACCO. in 1►,t. SENN'S MirrHERAIORT PILLS. M. .1. W t time 's Passcat'yto!. Dare Steen 14•phpae Ns. 11. Pub*, Rosie... GOOIRiCH FOCNDRY AND MACAINQ WORkt To the M Rut Rte ',Man Ns. a sad 4 stews mite lend rollers and ram ,attars. W Kps and 1 ohms. Americas maid wattord twin pin. It is the steel. W .aimerw, the leviers. Watford bay rakes AI iso other 1mpl.mcn.•. clew sedate redacted la Mice. Hars lona, toads t esate5. mob to cedes P000n to. Cash for oelml. 5. aHMEMIllAN. cilIALTFORD TANNERY -TO TTH Er Ins. es eltl d i Wed Tanneryiwod meswq aer+•tei on by A. a J Rack. by the perebem N um Kirkpatrick !Item TL■.sf. 1 bread as - mad elm tesla in •r brneh, sad ten mew 011eres r• thele pri..e mer bid•s of dor • t to lfM 7 Rol Md. Properlp Sur Male ef-See Res XA&M TO RENT. -A 000D FARM s 'n"`L D. Tyr. ef1Osfbs.s.Oselow hintbo bun .earl•• He it of w 4cb s ►.iea''edar, s Hers ars ea It odrt hems .1. MTs. , _ _ • i aatiss. Aso ring shod. '[1at Is - r Loi ♦ D, Oader `Pew's.'. 'op17Nt7 IMPORTANT LAND BALE. TW vsr1 kmws as hallo.' sitaard a the Tows et Oo srlek. is new ederd for sonT The rel t ere prepared 4. r•oolTe offers. whole to ea We or in IW of are •r u• aorta. This Is a5r0a41 opparteait7 1w anybody desirindesiring• ...all trust (arm. Tram to scut parcbs.os. Ad a J. R♦NBFURD, Emocutors for Mims .fMaury Raa•l rd Wit - Mates. Oat. IVOR RENT. - TWO HOUSES TO bpir real es 9ta.bya.e t.. • Meek trosa the o 11.1 ease. /b . er particulars aeto MR F. FARMS FOR SALE OR TO ItENT.- The property of the late Dared Fisher, being parte of lots 7 sad L CM. 1. containing 16• acres Also south WWU of lot 7. ma. 3. N. W 4.. 1either icontaining 30sorsa or Ma.'. For particulars apply to the executors. J. H. MU, LIAN. J. B. was rLEY. u- to MAttY E. FIS HER, executrix. or 4. It. C. HAYS,.frith P. 0. AGOO') HOUSE TO LET, NEAR tee mum., •r woad sell .t • bargain. Amity to MIL HOLT. or C. PAYNE. ea the Premises. tf L ARMS Fult S.►LK - TWO YALC- 1 •Lie improve- fa:...o.. the fourth mut amino of Oodlrkh towmhip. throe mars from Uodencb. For particulars .poly on the went, Ise. to Stith. ANN HINCK$ or by vletter to (ioderich P. 0. 1 (A ACRE FARM FOR SALIL-THE 1 old homestead of the late James Lassa- day. last t hhal`fo off kitty concession 1. onvranosh•he- the ar.vel road that leads from Oodericb to Wing - ham. It is situated about (a0 rod. from Aub- urn, • tkr:+telt :alw ith lour churches and a school near at wand. A comparatively new Brame house with .even large rooms and cellar wish other conveniences, and good beak barn sad eabout WO large rattrees are e tA1Ott 90 rocleared. T: of the AD mMRS. C SSADAAT.Abars informaticsher , t VOR SALE. -N. ! LOT 31, IND CON- eerles. Lot Wawa.o.h, Macre'. This Is • first claw fano. Also tows lot 476, (lode - rid. also lot SYS, Uoderick lows. o which there Is • brick cottage. Apyl) ;to PHILIP 1101.T. at 1, 1?OR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT 1 oo umodiotu building on King st.. Brus- sels. at present oro.: up:e.! r • pdst-4op by Wm. Sailti. Is oc sale. Tonna easy. App,'y w F. S. soon. itrusses P. 0. 041f (iRTi!-WEST LANDS FOR SALE. J/ Ii,A ACRES OF VALUABLE l V I•,sproved awl unimproved farm lands at dntorea vsryirg from 1 to 12 miles from V •'.tppe:;e Station. X. t1 . T.. for .ale very cheap. No Letter :ands for mixed (orm- :ug are to lee found in ( scala. For f..:: par:.c.lars a;p: to A. D. JACKSON, Ibrrster. ul-:f Q+ArMile• I_IOR A FAR'JIER C..N E 1 1 ANY SE)at (iRAIK THOROtCLO11LA1.N ANI) WITH WHAT TO 11U 17. Mummy. Pater. Golden Vine or other Pea" ca,: have all mitts. oat.. kc.. taken from them. or ems!! pose eeparsted from large tet at one cleaning. . hrunkeu and broken bailey. wild oats. mustard weed. wild peas and ail foul seeds can be thoroudhir mearstcd from Seed Barley. (aloe. chess, wild prow, wUd oats. mustard seed, &e .. can be thoroughly separated from 1t' beat. Fol tad. mua'.rd, lamhs quarter, light oat.. Sc.. and other thiogs ot!,rcUouable in Beed Oats separated from them. ('lover seed. timothy red. Rax used. cleans separately, or ..parted from each other. Any kin.. of grain or seed can be cleaned u' it should be for seed. No foal ..sada blown into the chaff. This an .l1 be doe with the IMPROVED APMSTRONO GRAIN AND BKEU CLEANER. • fanning mill attachment. No mew .41 m- oulted. ('aa be pat in any mill. old or mew. without injuring the mltl or diasrra.gt.g It for the use of its own sieves. Attl nachiees guaranteod to do the work claimed for them. rift, bushes of grain can ore cleaned per hour for market p Orders by .tail promptly attend to. Bag- gers attached to any mill. PUMP DEPARTMENT. See the Clem pump. mew desige adapted for anJ depth of well by meats of thumb eeeew shift. ift. n. All kind of ked, 4ssupplied.)nr eat(dao- ARMSTRONG BROS.. Pump and F naiad Mill oA ks, Osnf11111fa 1. MNICHOLSON, L.D.S.-DENTAL . roams epposla Poet (Mee.. Wsst•.4.. °adericb. All standard and approved local anaesthetics on band for painless extrac- tion of tooth. flethly DR. E. RICHARDSON, 1. D. 8., sareeoe dootlot. Oos and yttallsed air for pabless extracting of teeth. itser4se given a the preservation n.• .ed h. (.oxer-tJp wire. s 8sew B1.ck. entr.iss en Wast - 111e1 -1y TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN .T Tog tea or AT DR. B. RIOHAED8ON'S SS•TAs. ,•atom. MESA IISUsz Silk!' OUT-1T1EIT OODZZIOI, ONT. TO ADV=RT1fiRf. Node* of ohaaaes meet be left et We ()foe sot Wet shim 5 tt noon. Tee Oopy obit be ids sot later thea Mon- day seen. .'.seal AdverthasltesM aeoepted up to woos Wednesday of each week. l t$uatioss Vasal. WANTID.-A nut CLASS 0111I1- at'sl.srv.eL ♦.g,p Mt s e • T r. is.. to MRS. R. W. IAMAN, Nesthw. AGENTS WANTiD.-WANTED AT t )aoe, local .sent. redeem pcnosaeou BItUN•N BROtt. Co.. Nvw7tima. Te Ste, Ont. ANTKD . - ENERGETIC MEN N can Siad steady emroymeat with as es mleatowa. Experience not ,..boson. Head - souse octet •ad the baneet of over to years experience furnished every sass. Chaim special lies and oo.trol of territory. Ws have over 700 scree of choice stook and ma g tre you Isaac •dvantsP.. Our mods a no - curing cunng .nd Manua( salaams is superior. Call for oar terse. Tse trial will coot you not 01 STUN E A WELLINGTON. oronto. lit. Reties Se Creditors. l TOTICE IS HEREBY (i 1 V EN, 1 panuas% 4. the Revised Statutes of Os- ario, chapter. 110, that all ored.tors ud other pee taring clams against the Katate oL Jams N tau.. late of the Towosnip of Coda rich to the (busty of Huron, Vmama. doctor ed. who died on or about the •h day of July, Ilia are hereby required to deliver. or send ty mall. prepaid. to k. C. Hays. tioderlctt *Solids or for James McDonald and Jamba es,.. Km editors of the said dammed. ora ur before the 1".ih day of 8cptetnber 18a.. their minxes and addresses and full particulars of their claims. Wm • statement of the securities elf mit Reid by them. Aud further take notice that after the said 12:5 da) of September !fat, the bxecutws will peoceed to distribute toe mid Estate. baring regard only to such claims as they .ban have o (,ee of. Dated at Uodar(ch this 15th dim of August R. 4'. HAYS. ;Solicitor for Elecetors. Travr "10lt Outdo. o*A11D TRUNK RAILWAY. Crates arrive oat depart Oodertch os fel- lows : 'Mmes el-s''Mmes *43... 1da• :1 sad Express pas. )(iced i gym. - .... . 54t1 and Repress iJ1pus. MrAas. ]tail tad 1xp em .•«. ...............Tones. Mail sad Rados ............... ..... Lot pet. 1[1)0.1 .................. ......... ......MAUI. llrediev.. _ DRS* WHITELY f HUNT1iR. Oelos-Orwed Opera Mas. Oo>d D RB. SHANNON a 8HAI!NON, Phseieas.. B rs ons. Aceosoksre. Ce. 0. C. Axxox--Reeldeserti Napier -et (sear. Gaol. J. R. Swixxox.-Roidesos Nortk-.t. dip. Model School. Lugol. VJtMPION & JOHNSTON, BARRIB- tors, Salaams, Notaries, ie.. Goderie'. OOces-Over Jordu's Drug Stora E. CAM - PION. V. C.. M. 0. JOHNSTON. Mousy to loan. 1 OFTUS E, DANCEY, BARRISTER, J Solicitor. Ctsve7•noer, te., etc. Money to Ion at sweet rains Blake's Block. Oode- ricIx, Ont. lits!-tf EN. LEWIS, BARRIBTIR, ?ROC - . ter a Marinate Courts .f Ontario Oece-himith Colborne total. 1313 it Wands ane sallmltd oatlefart1M. atter a 1eg r.ltmost en a i t. thw .rotmete.0. Uc knpprwolatl.. of dellethttnl ..d goten4.hed patrons. to on it that 1 bah the esti sad maestro right a um In 0e*ereh, the imam sesedor dsoers7, which lew.rri ted wen to tream the lleaasstt apals amisskt thed is t sow spiry sooat esti stela 5.paha is the meet esteem* ewes ♦Iw'I'I-1T1132lPO 1:601014FJ, i .Meal saw. 4.i4Ie :Iset odd dims the re5. a s.. as es, berswo. endtt4. a ws k.w e. es earth y roadie the wi .dwwiU.o r w•. Palliate ____ 5411 4. PoN4.tlr S.evaleas fa em 5.0.45. of the .mtarel took w wwtwl{y awes/ w wMae welt sed skintdoe. /Marital h.tMerawb are .waw DP.. W. 11tC)11 tMM C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, ia. OOce. corner of Square mad Welt street. Ooder4oh. over telegraph altos. Pri- vate Funds to lead at lowest race o tsr- est. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR- Attorneys,Welulo(ode rich. J.i. Csnsr. QC.. ww .rodloot. CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Banisters, 8ollmtore 1. Chester? Rc. (lodsrtoh. M. C. Cameros. Q.C. ; P. holt ; Dudley Holmes. T G. WARD. CONVEYANCER, 1.1 • A:a, sed commimio.er for taking and re- emwing recd rnixanc.a of bat!. amdavits w amrmations, depoteitlona or edam declara- tions In or couoerning m7 actio. suit or pro- ms roint in the High Court of Josttee, the Courtof Appeal for Ontario. or In any County e rfn gDivides Court. All transactions are(dlp siltgo- •1 D en 0.LRastdetue t''.O. i o else sad looms... 1` C(ONEY TO LOAN. - $25,000.00 1 Private Reads to lead at 1 per cent. an- n ually. LOBUS E. DANCEY. Blake's block, Watsek L 107-t f 131A011t, CORN? FOR THE of Lee - C• i.gfio `td. O eco he olden ..d txroontest Fire Iso.raace Companies in she world. In corporated A.D. 1720. Amato over eighteen mlilion dentin A .hate of tnminese le ss =folly solicited oe behalf a the above pp•m c: SO's EAER, Mc' Block. Mon=et., God.rid. 113111tf L1.1. T. NAFFEL, FIRE, LIFE AND • &widest Lear...• West; et bwert rates Oise -O sr. Neets+L mad Wears. tied - w ick. ft. Own ENJOY'S Roth the method and resnite when Srnpof 1`.44 is token; it is pleasant end refreeiung to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectur:?ly, dirp(ls colds, head- aches and fevers end cures habitual constipation. Pv rup of /rip is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pieol.ing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly benefit,ial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy a nd cgr'eea ble substances, its m;,Ity etccllentqualities commend it to all and have made it the most p' pt lar re:ne:ly l no'gin. t-vrup (f Figs i3 for sale in 750 bottles by :.l leading druggists. Any relate'. tirurwist who may not h::v9 it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to tt)' it. 'd of tured only by the C !!FO NIA FIs SYRUP CO., SA`i 1716310.131C.3, '41U15V3-7.I1.1Cii'. 'LY) 'roam. K. II GREAT BALE ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO '0' C♦ltI1RON 101.5 S HOI.MES, Bode- rleb. l+6• • a: PRINTS, CHALLI111S AMD SATEE` S. Also all Summer goods for the test SO days, commencing Thursday morning _'0th July. 1 tie. and 15c. Prints reduced to ic., Sc. and Ile. per yd. 1Oc. Prints reduced to 5c. per yd. Chilliest worth lOc. for 5c. Snteens worth 15c. for 8c. per yd. Summer goals away below wholesale prices. No other store in the County will sacrifice goods as we are doing. In spection int ital. MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R O I alawast .lbws noes ea a ersteskroMertPrivate ?Wads ptSbii. Apply t*HARROW t PROCDl00'r j RADOLIFFE, OERIRAL IN - Messy LaudagaaeeApart. o.Heil 1y s05*paniss nprsassted. Meng to Lead en rr•Igb low, i the lowest rate of moot eegg,, a ..d • wtre laded. Wseu trestwMOoBd rush. JTwat or Found. LOST. -SOMEWHERE BETWEEN the 0.S..rats imMltar. and Arm.lea.g. Panning MIST Works• am oval shaped gMd Irereb with grape vine mama en it. The e•d- re will be rewarded by ioiis n a/ Tin Ilam. Irak silos. 17-I6 L0 8 T. -BETWEEN THE REAL dews a< Jaws B.cha an Churchat. sad the 1lsebyU+rlaa ehonh, on Suede, ere - aim lest, • pair of rOM rimmed spectacles le eeomon bed loather air. TM ender will be sedate? awarded by leaving them at A. P. Mdi•N'i clothing Mea. 27 It --- __ Card et Mamba. iHEREBY 8 E O To RETURN MY ivare cheeks 4. the West Wswa.es& Mutual Fun insurance. Co. for the prompt and .t1"t.ntery paya.est ef the Maim made a• them M sus for the afnrrfy M lagbsnlne nee a.n•d w7 my weans . 'rhe p► sanies. were .bock by tlr does,!. Maid on July I2, sad the sseurne.l by the.s.p.*1 wee enrsef•ceorll7 eluted ea Aid 1. ANDREW ORRICE. Ctl4ber... Amb la 1R 1.41 Aromas tar sate L -OR SAIi -TWO 1. 11.. OAR tatervcrlt em.10..5.1 I -r Q..d . errw A w rmoM wesds/ >Ms Mal. JAMES A. REID. Jordan's Block. Ood.rieb. July M, WA 1W. THE WESTERN FAIR. tInti A Pa annum s hits t: ti, aaood es WAS Papyew ties. Tho in a groat stir at ponos a its Western Fair olio out imitations to exhibitors sed visitors diammisent Cana- da, to the shop el series list.. litbogrsp e grograrmss, and 0401t$ 5( matter of all The Western Fair AasatiatMn were niter he • better position Ihesthey are at present, the handsome oath balsas, el mom tbw- med dollars a insure agaust less by weather, oo.PMd with the tact that for the tint time is =say •ars Mae is r other largo Vair being held w the same dates. The lire stock department is sdpersnasl be well as eaaneial interest to every farmer owner, or admirer of asoios •sima1 • As endeavor ie bung made to moque the pro - wiliest breeders with sneer stook, which will wbeace tae abetment epeohneas of e very standard brawl, .ad is number. eollpse our Rre•t ,mooed of the pass as • 1 ire • tuck exhibsuua. The Wester' Fair offers uw.xoellol upportssitsee for the sale and purohw of I. stook. The poultry department, width was the admiration of tot only the fanciers tad breeders, but of oar visitors an well, will be considerably asgeseoted ibis year, from the fact that Londo. is W be the .sleotleg point for Western (static s here specimens for the WurM's Fad will be shoran, and .a London aid vicinity furnish nearly cine half of Ontario's exhibit of foe a, we are no; say- ing too much when we remark th.tt tis years display will be most extemeive. The agricultural and horticultural de- partmeoa will especially imtereet those en- gaged is the science of husbandry mid the admirers of these maul products The choicest specimens of grail, seeds, route, yegetablea, and plana. comprising the beet old and the most valuable new varieties will be on exhibition. As London aa the great centre of the dairy interests of Canada, bad a many of the winners of medals at the Columbian Fxhibition are residents of Western Ou- tariu a large exhibit of cheese and butter is an round feature of this Fair. A larre cumber of special attruOtiows have been arranged for already for the eatertainsieat of the visitors, among which aro W. C. C'oup's niaeocurticalum and Profeeseor Buckley's -celebrated •rny ut trained hones, selected her their perfection of form cod intelligence, thew almost human auimab will vier a realistic repro- seot•u.•n of a battle scene, and other feats even more woaderfuI. Professor Froyer's educated dots., which boll high court esgstoo, consisting of judge, lawyers, jury end prisoner, will try, ousrict, bang and bury one of 'brit number, besides performing numerous other intelligent and astonishing trick.. They have also secured the Impert•) Japanese troupe from Tokio, Japan. Thea little tolks give marvelous performances of morel and sensational acts, not eivalled by any other troupe in the world. 'i hey are also engaged to gave day fireworks, which are wonderful, curious and amusing. l'rotea•or t'alverly the high wen artist and champics of the Falls of Niagara, bas bero secured at co.uderable expeaee, sod will give exhibitiow day sod night during the Fair. Broach) Iib, the ride king, assisted b7 Hiss Trills Slocum, will give exhibitions of the most difficult feats known in shooting. Amoctt other Lhirgges they will shoot dying balls while standing on • .winging trap. CM. An elaborate display of fireworks will be given each evening. These, to- gether with speeding costesta, tricycle races, and • host of other attractions will amply repay all those who have the privilege of witnessing them. Special, passenger and freight rates have been arranged for with all railways and express companies Bulbs tor Salo. BULBS }OR SALE, CHEAP. -THE undersigned has for sale • large yua•Uty of the following b .lbs tad will sell them at • very low price. Tulips. (Norms, Snowdrops. Nemirow Josqquls• Apply to MRS. F. ARM- STRONG. *awe 26-2c Agents Waisted. WANTID-SALESMEN, TO SELL our chigoe a.d hardy nursery stock. Many swami varieties to offer both is fruits and ornamentals. and controlled only by tic We par oommtadoo or salary, tiro exclusive territory and pay weekly. Write as at .ma and recure eh Me of territory. MAY BRO- THERS, Nerseryr.en, Rocbetter, N. Y. 20.10, THOMAS OUNDRY. AUCTIONEER and laaar.Se• Ones. pledeltd. Os1. Agent London and Lancashire nes las. C.o.. sod ('ore District Mental Itis. (. Ba1ss as- ked/4 to in uy pan of Ma amity. 1617 TORN KNOX, GENERAL ACC - Gomm ..d Lead Valuator. Oiederich, Int. Having had oo.ddeewble etcperfenoe a tManctlo.eerta%trade, h. le In a pwbtlo to Ilecharw" with 'borough satisfaction .1) tom Marlow estru.t.d to him. Orders left at tartan's Hetet or mat by mail t kis P. 0., oars 117 attended t0. JO S110X Co.ety Auctioneer. NMI AREMARKABLE CUMIN WAL- • LACE TOWNSHIP. Felons. July ?I, 1M•. M wife was attacked with.sbties aad see ralgIa en the first of Austen, telt T . pain was so seven that she was confined to bad for e ve weeks The muscles of her leg were cos traeted m that her leg was drawn op a rl{gghAt ender The mons of her arms wan amine- ly custroc4.d, i employed two doctors who tailed to Miro her say roller. She co.u■tted to mow worse mall the 22.d a September, whet" 8. J. Lancaster foreland her with he remedies. From tis time .he oomse.oed to Improve cad le now *lana oompiWI) re- °twarsd. One et the doctors who attended her prevton@ to aoag Dr Lancaster's remedies mid she woad never 1, .tile to put her Mot upon Um floor unlet the cords were cut. i make the aa'ement with a dein tint others who may be agitated with the care inaady may be Iodated to test De power of this wen derful remedy. DAntn. WILuass. i en the wife of the said D. WWIsanik tad am the person referred te is the forogoly statement. sad tea fatly 0eeth for all rentals est thmtf.. Jaw Wdlame. 1 am personally aegab.td with Mr. Wil - home arid wife. sad sat vouch Ser the Mots noes regarding 0er sickness end rwn.0ery. 0. V. Poot War.. Comity of Pott► The sodiettte is tient apes redid a i per ettmie pdruggists. Landow.Landow.fLas, Ptrtralas. Ont.. ar re AUCTION SALES. All parties avulse their gale MIs prises& a tide Dace win bad • Me amigo issorted In this list .e to the 145554.010. Ang 2Ath Auction dile of farm book mid impl«ne.te and b.esehold fureitaa, of the estate of the bite Jas. Wilk', ea Thurs- day, Atg. Sikh at 1 o'eb•kr.a.t at lot 9d, e... fel. 13.derio3 Tp. Joke Rama, see- Houser. usHouser. Aoogg.. 24th Ameba tale of heh.eless hn..elt..M farsisers on Therm , A.. >MV b the .tare lately alweb y As= Gordon Wast et, at 1 re' ..1I....11 r. r. tuteee fee the t.gedies .1 gods all day. Thea Hendry, amedenesr. Mee R Hawley. proprietress Tse Rena will he got be way dirty le 1, Mad alum ors ter ffel= .w ea a rt s •• fleaMgis Plecaa. Shod 25 ' Sunlight* Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing the words ' Why Dom • Weems Look OM Sooner Tban a Mao -.) to Lever Recta., Ltd., 43 Soott-at. Tomato, and you will receive by post • pretty pic- ture, free from advertising, and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best is the market and it will only coat is postage to send in the wrapper, if you leave the ends open. Write your mune carefully. ly DUNOANNON. PRby Paragraph' Prepared Ser Benders of 70. stows. From our owe correspondent. Kobe. Nevins, of Mount Forest, sidt.d relatives hen this week. Mr. and bra. Jas. Nicholl, of Lock*ow and formerly of 1►unganaoa, visited rsa- tivs here during this wawa. Mr. and Mrs Ilelyar, of Clinton, visited .t the residence of Jos. Mackay. They left for home Suoday evening. R. ('lendenning, • prominent resideatand retired business oma, left lit weak to visit friends .t the circular town and a Gods - rich township. WtarKrL -The MN showers ea Friday and Sotard.y were gamily welcomed in this sortioo tad proved refreshing to the pas tares and root crop. We tempt to sate that Mrs. Areb. Mar- tin, of West W sw•noh, was seised of paralysis ea Thursday last. We hope to leorn of her speedy recovery. Mrs. Jen. Whyard and daughter Ida have ggoowsn to visit friend. .td relatives is 9t. Thos.. and other petals. We hope they n will have • thoogkIj enjoyable taw. Mrs and Miss Stewart, of Kineardiw., are viieimg Mrs W. J. Smith, the latter be- ing • .inter of Mrs. Stewart . . bis. Tens Hawkins, of Port Albert, who sae blew riding bon, baa returned hems Omit. --Tho remain. of the late Mr. Papa, of Ashlar', wen interred la Des - gasses 00wioary on Friday. The *bee leke were ooad.dted by Rd. Robs. Fdrbeira. Deeded wee well knowe ia the eeotiw m an old pigeon sad reliable reddest Him age was 79 years. AawnoJ, Axa Wawamoaw Anai rursal. Fau. Same.-l1tent p p ratio.. Guo babe made for the sea.ss(ul boiaag eel um A.h field and Wawaoorh AgriedtereJ 1a11 show as Oct. 11 and 12, is the Agriswltwral grossds The pris.lst will be presently da.- tribmt.d and we undoubted tees year it bee hese *peered gad olarerd. KNWSORIOOL Item our ewe earrogesd st. The big west of the dodo peseimes N he the (addle pleat" at Dsa.'s tired, on Wedseday, Aug. 30. A very dao program 1.. bees prepared, and aetsept ether at t,..44. , Mediae J W.k4, the eha.spbs iron jaw lifter d Middies, Widened end Mlw.ssets, will give am sdiibitio el him mwrvellon. powers .l strength. Dee% 14.1 be attend the gait gathering on the 30th. raeMmsa •.lis Iola. All are emtl*W to the hest then Asir messy will buy, d Wiry ise.iy should had, d asyoynt.,Les, o bot,W of the beayy t faisti . tem wienA..sail.. it... r.r, et. IM east baths by m11 Maeda% hwggib. hail, ser • THE WOMAN WHO WORd14, anti in t yed, will Ind a special help hi 1). Pier'ce's Favorite ['mien'. tion. Perfectly harnilad in as) condition of the female system. It promotes all the natural funetioes, and builds up, strengthens, regulates and cures. For women approaching confinement, nursing mothers, ted every weak, rundown, delicate wo- man, It is an invigorating, support- ing tonic that's peculiarly adapt to their needs. But it's more than that, too. It's the only Fwrr'anfreel remedy for all the functional disturbances, paiaftil disorder+, and chronic weaknesses of womanhood. In '• female cote. plaints " of every kind, periodical pains, bearing -down sensation., w. teals! inflammation, and kindred ailments, if it ever fails to bene. fit or cur, you have your money back. Something else tbst psv% ss dealer )wetter, may bo offered as "lust as Food." perhaps it is, fust ha+, but it awl be, for yo; . THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Smarrieb Pries Soorwtce. Angst fart. llid Pprisg Rust. • t+ :o s e all twat 0 to to 111 0 Flow,. twins 1 14 to 5 M Shorts. 0toe udltoll s Baa. le tea w , .. IS w cola le Screcni00 te10 (7bnpped eyed R"h••t D Ilea.. le 5' tele a Os's new, a►.btsh• 0114.55 Prima, • bush. ..... ..... 282 teeB Barley. two rows. • hlr .........55*... Barley. comma • X+ tot 55 INT. Vtem 430to7e Potatoes. • hush. 1 it to , Y Paste- a 17 to a fa Crab, fresh .apastd,II At 0 1t 0 0 11 (Rabe.. 0 11 to 0 14 VI ood 1tvtoIer Wool a 14 to 5 1114.., 1110to331. Pela01su10 Live Heat 6 le to 3 SS DUNLOP• r r own our own oorreope.deM. Si ice Janet M awl. tater, formerly of oar bort but now of Belfast, 'Mind trends hero tat week. Mw Kate MacdosaW, after • pie.nst vest of some weeks, le(. os Saturday for s few da{ys. Detroit. to Preston previous to rinses tog to Detroit. Michigan. bili May Ro.derly. of Ht )tephen'e. Huron i4*.'. (.odericb Towsalap, pee oar berg • trashes' visit last week, beteg the aunt of Mime A. .V. initiates. Mrs. Joh. Dean, one of Kingsbridge's olden resides/a, who saw the early rook meat of Huron start in the township o1 Aahfreld over a bolt oe.t'try ago, is down on • visit to her daughter, Mral).Cssmlrg. aud is is 9s good health and spirit at the ripe age a Awus.:.T r-' A...itx. -After over a year's absence in Umle Sam's lead and working to connection with baildiogs pat up for the World's Fair at ('biago, our popular architect and badder, D. Cummings, retun- ed home last week, and is now reoeiriat momentous visits from ad neighbors, with away .40eetiowe and dignities about the great exposition of the world had at Chicago derby 1893. MORE Congratulations.--We have the pleasure of *steadies our good wishes to Miss Alice ('ummises so bet recent soccer in passing her examination as a teacher. She was the first pupil of our cob -01, Ke. ). to pan the entrance examination, std s the first scholar who has passed from Den - lop as a teacher. With • bright enter* before her she will continue her mores d 'twins for 12.second class list of the rein- ing year, 1894. tires *Na ('o.tet: Iit rens sorem. -Om cattle yard depot has beat improved by a layer of turf and • spacious abed being Milt for the shelter of stock while waiting ship- ment. Nightingale street to the lake s likely to have a strong stone bridge to error the brook suitable for the tragi ortatien of Dannon for the New Fort to be built over looking oar bay here, and oleo for the ac oommo mien of the tanners whose spiriti are made happy with the tidings that the Rig Mill, of Goderich, is shortly going to erect a large brooch gritting mill haw. TO confirm this a representative of its stag hos been lookiag aroma * • suitable site for building it and the tewaahip fathers' mini . re on the moire leg -i the read 11 tae lake miry shortly wit& these greet iiaw paces in the wear feted. LEEDOI1M& irons oar ewe oore.mpestonL Mies Pauline Hahn, of Hanover, Grey sooty, le the guest of her doodah Mea Jells Ci,r,"u Noise The R... Mr. Mackay, oar taw paster, will, ora Tb.rday of ah1 week, stake pastern/id a / odd, athe even. lee bad a as nd a dp l T Reed. msat ass a1gyq Tun. Me1ing ddrsmad~4Oioddy. mb Soerly of Toe AtulTaI., Imt Sew el Ter este. He pointed out sM ben.4d of the prohibition boors in the 4osas:. law et Ontario, sad th• rood it did in the been the law was lapsed. tlr.Sder redid would Meed when total pn.Itfbtie• wee pawed. For Seeder aft.r.00e Rebut el The (ahtd. New Ira. will d - dress the meslliee at 4 r. e. IRtl0EF1ELD. Ifo ban ewe earrwrpeedML Mie Jade Mustard hid aosmnpuirl hes brother James Mentsri ,oturseel flea the Werle's Fair. Andrew Best aft Isar ba0gia7 lav the Werld'e Fair. Frank Walker i proof err village • yew W. & M01 14 Mt last Friday to begta his duties es .eked washer in Nerwbary- 110 Staleadea Army held their las( Item imp ass eight la R. T. el T's het Tits Rea t. will be ad be sgy warns a (last a. cased Mass hies sent tm• I0 Jon 1. Irtfis.