HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-24, Page 7tgti ,Y.. THZ SIGNAL: OODERIUH, ONT. THURSDAY. AUGUST 114, 103. The Biggest Bargain We have ever offered is ct, eft gt 0. JOB LINE OF CANADA TWEEDS To sell at 50 Cents per yard. Yon can find Tweeds in this lot MATH 75, 85 IDD 11.00 PEE MD. 1 Tour Choice This Week for 50 Cents. JOHN T. ACHESON. SOW OPM( FOR I18PFCTION e' AT MUNR O'S + + + + + ♦ + Navy, Brack and Colored Storm St_ -es, Whip Cords a!"'1 Two -Toned , weed Effects. A full line of Black Stuffs in Cashmere., Baratheae, Whip Cords, Sc?iel Cloth, All -Wool and Silk Warp Hen- riettae, Amazon Serge and Bengalinee, Together with Sateen, French D'I ainee, Teazzle C ltoh, Prints, Obambraya and Printei Piques. EXTBA VALUE IN White and Grey Cottons, Hheetinge, Pillow Cotten kc. Napery Department well assorted. Ne 11•es are remake ea ea feet es penlbie. 5 PER CENT. DIBOOUNT FOR CABH. :'•6l t.Am IZO, Drsaer a+nd Habaedb.bar. GEMS OF THOUGHT. .1 mere nothing will wound self -leve, beat no•n,ng on this earth will kill it. Let it be our aim to think well, for hem i■ *. .e starting port of m ieoIs Remember the : They that will sot be o toarlled coact be helped. )Inure not tees by Sa.Jay., without regarding what they de all the week after. It makes • t dilfieeee■ » the forms .1 a .cutwce whether a ss..n be beiied iter so. A worker who lisle to keep his .ppoiet- meats sakes untold tremble for his satae- :u:es. moat is to eaters whit p•imt is to beauty-: it isnot seedier', bet impairs what it would improve. [here 11e• no nobility, se dignity to evil resort of ay kind; evils evil when retun- ed as ranch as when gives. The beet equipment for well diner is is the ex perlea.e gained from herrn dose well before. The reward of one day is the ewer to fulfil another. Then is diQeeesos between happiness and wisdom; be that thinks himself the happier n,se really is so; but he that thinkshim- self the wisest is teeerally the greatest fool. As ..e learns to be pained with the pee of others, one learns te be happy is their .vmpsihy, ad them no sass's- Ws ma be empty of pleasure. The Joke of tae assess. The drummer always brings the Lura trick. Herr it is, says the Lewiston, ]ournaL Take • speed of white basting cotton. 1 trop it into your Weide coat pocket, and, threadio • needle with its pass it through the shoulder of your cant Leave the end an Loch or so long on the outside a your oat sad take off the needle. Four out of tt,e will try to pick that white thread off ynar shoulder, sod will pull oe the spool until at &trail dem seem as though your clothes are all b.etieg., ad that they were unr•relli g sot only your olothss, but your- self. " I was 1a to see Wilma Barrett in t laedm' in Beaten lest week," said the travelling men. " It wee the most interest- ing and pathetic portion of the play. Everybody was rapt I was sitting bolt up- right dead did.`t k.ew or tare to know • s,ul around me, when soddenly i felt some one t ywag .t that burn, oottoa that I tririrl bed einem forgotten. i didn't my • warm •ad did net moves. Foot by feet it unrolled. Half gl erneg seems, I sew • man—a totalsteamier- peskier at that thread. His hes wee ..t.ml. H• bad polled oat 'boot tem yards end was now mohair is had ever cad. He didn't due 10 and & stop bsa mss he had decorated my beak whole aisle wee basting ertee. He hardly dared go ahead, for he didn't !WIT what part of my demerit interior eeesosay he was triLog with. Rip ! Rip ! west the thread. Heed over hand be yoked it in. The aisle was full of it 'For Heavee't sake aril it weer end said h. .yiay.'hie breath 1 nt perfectly still mad ran the spool while he pulled Hew i wanted to yell. 1 seer saw anything I. my HI* help so funny. The wb,le erotica of the bus.. got Mlle It They didn't kiew whether ta laugh .t meet him, sad some loaked ere rased .t the 'paetkel. Al lest the stranger behind ns. Viva mew bootie rip .ad 'melted .bent 11 yenta is one &user, rued ea Ne eaten pmt kneed sorted his water thein, ever sips trioses., to has very hair end filled hi• lap. i to epeol from in' TAO,. p slit Pe' 1 tgthe to rery '•Iafe..i fen year interest and very wavy this i waled yea Yee ear 1 here sheet 1 it ,easte lest, hat 1 peu•esme am' I'm the t erre fen dap ween tonight. 1 •-• butsonly wry, het 1 email help.mrliM. " Tk's mem wee • we.lest siert et gentle 1111"f• appre,wa Him UN ear cad se Ore ares to bis one. He looked at tae thee at the spooL He cha.ged color once or twice, sad them as the crowd caught on • big leach west up right in one of the ear- ful passages of 'l,l.udiaa," .ad the gentle- man who had intended to pull that thread off joined in the Ltugh and said : '1 will aquaria up ea s.y wife when I get borne, but my hired 1 declare to heaven that I did at owe time think that I was going to undress you where you eat,'" "It ustohem every ties, and my own wife hes been fooled twice on a." 7f• g.ttesal M.abs. pram Mmrpees Weekly. It le worth noting, p•rticat•riT by class who think that the 'prevenient is the sole •ad sovereign power for the prevents= of all sorts of end, that then are at the pres- ent time in the city of New York some threescore national hooka, that times banks are required by law to keep constantly on hand • reserve is cash else' to ow fourth of them deposits, that • 000sider•ble num- ber of them have been usable to keep this reserve, so that for some weeks the avenge biding of main by all the banks hes been below the legal requitement, and yet that ao one in New York or m the Baited States doubt for • moment that every dollar of the deposits is chess beaks is as safe as if it wore m the pockets of the depositors. This remarkable ebb of things eriates no remark, because it W ootne about in the saturul oonrse of events, and in pursuance of the laws of mutual sad oommoo interest, far mon potent than any laws that Col - grow can pass or the owlet* enforce. Prate 4oally the solvsoy of every bank is the Clearinghouse is guaranteed by all the others, and this guaranty le absolute and accepted •a such. it is agreed coca ani applied by the voluntary nation of the bank /Aeon through • simple representative system which th Qh requires • very high systems, degree et Intelligence and p•rfest fidelity, works without friction or deficit. Not only are the eolvemoy of the hanks sad the interests of the depamtore and share- holders thea safeguarded, but there has been created sad kept in use for weeks • spssim of negotiable security, automatically re- deemable and redeemed, of porter safety, the ince of which has neohed the sem of over lt28,000,000, sad which has taken the place aria done the work of legal tender eurrency. In this way many milline• of eemuereiai ererlita have bora made possible and many tees of millions of losses bare hese avoided without the authority of Law or any -enMrv..Noe el the Otvremrat We earnestly ooesmend time fake to the p•tiont reflection of those who think that the Goverement is the only Belle set ears esker for fres American citrons. The Coeidltw of tde Teetb. Not every one keows that it le •sssatial to the general health of s shad that his Meeh Fa takes oar* of. The teeth meet net be left to hemsr so decayed that they will hare to be taken out by frim, het the moment a stock of a cavity is visible in the first ts.Ih the Utile staid should he taken to • dentist The nether .h.sld hapset the lath eek s teeth often, to see if the are any Meek pride ue rries their pearly whiteness. It seems to be the theory of many saethere that it Is the eaters! Mato .f n,ildrem'e teeth to he decayed, and that this is the legitimate way is which the grit teeth eines eat and leave roma far the per m•se.t set Netht'ag mould he sacro • • reasons ; the seat teeth mien he kept tetrad and whole, b enter to lawn the evened teeth &sled sine& A greet many ss.tb.re dread t. take • child ton &lesiva, beat tf the little ease is roily and hely told the ewer troll there seed be in f,ir. The were, awl enRwiag of ehikdreb la a Mae . Steak .isswl•�et�aitiyha�sRmsesod 7 well est be Mai Wham t5w• reams Shay hoes Mme dnskeed w .ateraliy berrer•atrickee, and their vivid, us dove imsai.atioa cloaking up all kkde of horrors he dead shotlel be firmly tell be will be kart, t,va that it will be over seen that ::se little elle meet show hew many be eau be and bear the psis. A esertive nervuse child will Shies •- den a serious operatics ee tts With eb• eowragsd and streagtiu mad . wise asedi- er, vane. otherwise the shook would he ea - lively too much for its serves. There is • great decal of ditersui e, it is true, is shild- re, but there are so children who will set be osouurseed by example and prompt to bear sever ary para. IN all tbn tools& falsehoode that well-sess iap people tell for the purpose of smoothing over Wines, the most foolish and crawl are those told to children who must eedure the short bat has sufferings of dental work. __,a Advice tea Teeq weft. Never disturb • men while reading his paper. Never mak • fat an for s.ythiv while pulping co his boots. Never speak to • man aril be W &ed something goad to est Never dermas .ervwnta at table. When you want anything wait until your husband has bad his breakfast and then help him tenderly it to hi. coat, sed while behind him, smoothing his collar the right way, rah for it. When he looks injured and philtres, ex- aminer his plate ; there is sure to be a vacancy. 11 he comes to breakfast as the eve d sobs, ink not the reason, for be will anwer that ha had bet one towel. 11 be Ilea ea the sola atter diasr sad shaking the house with his snores, secure & :m not of sleepier for be is manly sleep - mg with his eyes abut. 1f he rade he is "going to the club for an boar dear bid him adieu for tree *visaing. If he loess his handkerchiefs everywhere but at home let him have Meows way about it that eke wasbwoman IS dishonest without your keowisg it if you want him to do anything sever tell kiwi that it is good for him for he will not be tied to • wosaa•s apron strings. Maes's Mora busts. There is no gospel in a kick. Washing • pig will not take from him the lore of mud. Law wears true shoes and never as:.. where it steps. It is easier to field • Judge In the thane than it is • Denied. There is more power is gentleness than there u in dynamic. Two great foes of tM church --the golden calf and the leathery oyster. As soon as Esau smelled the soup he stopped caring for his birtkright. Nothiag will do more to ,,tut wrinkles is your fats time worrying about things you met help. 15 would demoralise heaven for the .nese to go is the company that mate a le ch members consider good. 1;od hu never hese able to make mach um of people who have no business of their own to attend to. No matter whether he has been t-' college or sot, the man wbo can keep sweet when thugs go wrong is • sum of power. It will mot comet for much to refrain tam baggy riding on Sunday if we spend .11 the rest of the week in throwing atones at peo- ple we don't like. Mees, deeti Marry. Lucy Soots, la her little book, Boys, ad Other Boys, says, '• :t boy of fifteen Docs Dame to • school where be wee an entire "tramper. Noticiag he was slow in making aalnaintancee, I asked him why he was not more social He replied, with • smile, '1 shall be, as soon M the right boys dew themselves mote friendly.' Aad so be waited several weeks, (tomi.g in and going out in his own gees, modest way, until the beat students, wbn had bald aloof at first, weloomed-him as one of themeelvea Had he grown weary in his solitary walk., and encouraged the mischief loving, free -and easy class, who were rawly to gore • 'hail fellow,' to anybody and everybody, he seed sot have waited three days for comrades." Boys, doe's be in • hurry. Wait ! Don't take the ere: cigar or cigarette, or she social /km to pleass any other boy. Wait Suppose you ray you are '• tim4, to your met'ter'a apron strings," this anchorage has seed to the world some of its beet awns When others want you to go into bed company, and u' " You dopiest." hare courage to ray " No ; I don't tare." Wait aalhe other boy did, you'll get the right kind of eampaiemu is due the. (. C. Recmasns & Co. t;entleens..—For years 1 bane hese troubled with scrofulous sores apse my hoe. 1 have spent hundreds of dollars trying to effect • cure without any result. 1 am happy to ray one Bottle of MINARD'a LINiMKNT entirely cured me •ad I ese heartily recommend it te an as the hese tasdicios is the world. Roaaatra 3iclxoma. Rayfield, Obi. They Aro oriole$, " You can't 'effaced* a s`eesssker," ob- served •a exchange editor, "WNW he can always breathe him last, " "if he does," re torted the financial editor, "woe's it bring him to his waxed end r ■Heed's Yalsesmd M OMeae»lbes. r.Itb/ul te Me east. The piano salesman was on his deathbed. " 1 wish," he gasped, " that 1 oeuld take see of eur owe pianos with nee, for i stall sever coeaeet to play ea an taistrement of ay other make.' "Tl.. bay Mrd. see.- •• A assume ter a yeller ease to rims," read the advertisement, and the youth who trewned it (pend that the job was that of • milhmaa's riskiest, and be had to report for ditty at 3 A r. MinaeisLballieseetAwMme. Moss. Art sed +este.. Mew. Mies Riegle (•t the rwAaerantl --I 40 on love Recoiled ohne' By the easy, C. •:.1. 11mrry what makes these pretty etrrrM• albewe Mi Csumia Harr$ , • le. bee traveled) - They are pakaed. 1 d... es) , ' .elle tmseild tawtcr. Rare acether cep sk a 'nee • 1 ba.hris end other atsaenninrle bd■.aes ere bast ee ..w.l.d bthea &leek =tire with Aye's; is Mee al tkM oe mese nay prevent e rnes I esporilla be the hint sa-filislisor-reend smaline a eriwaw 1!!W werldessewaed Map steads M w headd .11 Lssdry aid Mou■eb.Y My, kor for gabby amid salad d Wes V.sd aesesdiy to enie•sa blase snip with W the oldbobtoed drwdpm, of war day. Try le; los won't be AI•appddeL SOPLebMT MOAT ham bees le w Is Modeler Castle for lbw year s yearn aid Ib masetaesur rs hame been spodolly apprised ao*11aA0BBa TO Tlir QIIuMa AMA 11 e14 Midi • Me lure tine w Mid. •'1 hear you are engaged to Billy Belly - boy," said the first girl. "Yes," replied the other, sweetly. "Well, I can heartily eye- eratulate vou; I know Billy makes se ex- cellent Bance." bboeseest •es to tae rosea. stria,—About two years •ere I took rheu- matism is the knees, which became so bad that I could hardly go op or down stain without help. All modicums failed until I was i.duoed to try B. B. B. By the time I had taken the mewed bottle I was greatly relieved, ed amid the Baa completely bottl Amos -tc.Txllri.barg, Osam, or t STARTLING ! The enormous wad* e[ hid 4"^h might be saved IF PEOPLE WOULO THINK when they are buying Stoves to go to dealers who handle none but the best, and guarantee them perfect. SAUNDERS & CO. have had the beat Stoves for years. SEE THE NEW STOVES FOR THIS SEASON. DOUBLEEATERS FOR CAL : THE SOUVENIR, THE ART COUNTESS, THE OXFORD. COOKING RANGES FOR COAL: THE XITCHEN WITCH, THE DUCHESS OF OXFORD, - THE HAPPY THOUGHT. A full stock of Coal and Wood Cook- ing and Heating Stoves. TIIE1R HAIB-MAIIE RE -DIPPED TIIWARE is telling its own story in increased sales. WEST STI RM �. pusses •tiBn••a A Bt Your Temper —Circ COAL ANO W000 YLaRD. Special attention given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD, SOFT 1 81ACKSMITH COAL. (:sal welshed on either marten or my Soaks. Get by Prices before softs elsewhere. ITS Vs CAUL. Telepba.e C..srett... JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. 1111-17. LOO EEERE I Now is the time to hty in your Winter's As well as your pocket suffers If you persist in buying inferior matches, half of which won't light, and those that do smell abominably. The sweetest, best and cheapest in the market are E. B. EDDY'S TELEGRAPII MAPCHES. THEY HAVE MANY IMITATORS BUT NO EQUAL. THE E. B. EDDY CO., HULL, CANADA ALSUMMER Tie tient tarra.les Rent Cell Is 11M Market. Las, 510•T meld tlsst..i . -M SS Met tirade or raft Cool 4 M best MI.eksesltk'sCol 3 be As I am arranyiny for • couple of cargoes et HARD WOOD LOOK OCT FOR PRICER /WAR Cecil weighed at the market. W. LEE. ?t eeab.:e Coeeerllas. 111 -ft HAV YOU BACK -AC H E 00005 KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Backaeh• the oceans the hind- ail the nays are 1n' "Dela, le troika* Dedd'o kidney Pills rive lee kids*, prompt relief • tresole• remelt 16 per eerI. la Bad Sloe{ of di is,(icer d rat carvebyDam In, and disordered kid- the most dent - gores, O all, rgkt a• well Bright, try N have a Diabetes and healthy eltfr Oro " without sorer- 'The a b too e e a• good diseases esaaot &staled shat the e r l o t 5511.,. kldaepe are O.dd'a Kidney Wow* they ars Pil:a aro need. tell by al &Weft or, rj r. N. males memo apasioalas x+ey PirrATS C'Yldt,. f.aaf SIMS Ft: Cohal.M•f 0 ...iw.w ewes an Su.1,o.s In on. U. r. fries caw at r..t,'d u 54 WlIsntN I r/ Alum rlir oft ,w Is N•arNlt• lb* l'. • P+trt 1 Of - PI • ,se ..leak. rat. ate to Me. alma \aa tti..w -e...vi• fI I..1s JAW t\/JV. Mena INIU IL Q D/kAAWiWC,, tMWs o ssi- sveNta lea/1Qs. Nee as w re/ . rose' ►we, the It riser N.... MUM Gin 4 ------ own tests. erwetta M O•SRtiwsp„ 0ssesM LJ. etr,w.thkgfi .. D.0 11 ~ Near COODS The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times pnces at T6c Too Cash S1'o P. ODEA, Manager. WHY Does ()EO. BARRY, the Ooderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertakes supplies! And how is it that he can sell so cheap BECAUSE He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : " Small Profit and Quick Re turns." He also maker a specialty of picture framing. (live him a call before purchas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2357.7 OODERIOH Steam Boiler Works. I111TABLt8HR1) IBM.► A. S. CH RY STAL, atecorsoor fo Christer & nasi,; Manufacturers of all kind. of Statio* ary Marine, Upright k Tubular Salt Pans, Stroke Stacks, Sher trod Works, etc., etc. Also dealers i■ Upright orad_ rale 8ilae c•lvm Bailaea. Antetnatte t.1�� E -1"..,,•e• a psolelty. An does of pi • clp•a1t/MR etae».0 en had. Lslm-terOWne.t o. Mort obis*. Repabismsg pre eusemdrA to. Matt, P. O. 'fits ' eh. ani. Wsrw-Oppe.lta G. T. "bit. OSA.rteb. MoIt=4D'S SYST REOVATOR • .Tmtss ?ease aalseneus. Patronise fpcificknd Antidote for True l�impoverished blood, q�v•.piesenees, pn. te Competition. seirt, liver oo.t.{pp,`1leniint, ralgi•, leen d Tru CAn aur Paorno n w• may, bn..w, a, eem'emptun°, pall ' Mee... jaundice, kidney ..d armory vimiesp.kbe• orris, wthle fair swssok remer Vitale daeen teen•!•irr p. .� ilea t'eeral dsMih It is ma ~► se 1/"."1"11111. lmMalee „Atm. `'t/ �.m„ "'e LIS �1'OQT. $aouiv, ONTARIO 1 fey .N all believes In pen lei wtoort, tear arses. Casey �rlAe ie►� Nall I • W ti~ J. M. MCLEOD, Promises lad lllammerrttu lel `.err tewisellefeak aes wlionsovares m�Iliai sip ,.